Touchscreen issue (bad grounding) - Xiaomi Mi 4C

When I put the device on to any insulating surface such as pillow/bed/couch/table I cannot normally operate it. Touch is being interrupted very frequently. This means in practice that I unintentionally press links while sliding through web pages, it is impossible to organize icons (since icon is dropped quickly), pinch-zoom is difficult, unlocking the device is hard, when text-typing it often doubles the letters etc.
Problems goes away as soon as I plug the charger, or take the device in my hand. This looks to me like a grounding issue, which was annoyingly present in some of OnePlus One and Nexus 7 devices in the past. Desperate users were hoping for a software update to solve the issue but it never came out.
Is anyone else experiencing similar problems with Mi 4c? I also tried flashing different MIUI versions, nothing helped.
Here is a video demonstrating the issue (you can enter hardware test menu by calling *#*#64663#*#* and try it by yourself):

I tested, mine is ok

I never really use my phone that way but out of curiosity, I tested it. Can confirm, issue is there. Touch screen goes crazy when scrolling facebook posts, chrome browser, possibly anywhere until I lift the phone up.
Just noticed that I needed to tap and scroll up/down harder than I used to otherwise I would miss it and the scroll would stop halfway through and will tap on whatever it is on the screen when it stopped.
Basically when I don't tap hard enough when doing the scrolling gesture, that's the time that the touchscreen goes crazy

works proper at my mi4c

I had the exact same problem. It is a defective screen. The problem started appear for me after 3 days of use, so I returned it to the store for an immediate exchange. I am not sure if you are in China or not, but if you are, you can just walk into the store and get a new one on the spot.

for me works perfect

Works ok on mine

Works fine here...

I can't even get the touch test started, running cm12.1, dailing *#*#*2664#*#*does nothing, as well as no other I've tried tested

Stenudd said:
I can't even get the touch test started, running cm12.1, dailing *#*#*2664#*#*does nothing, as well as no other I've tried tested
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Try it with some app. For a single-touch this one is just fine:
It draws a continous line and if you lift a finger (or if you have faulty screen) the line disappears.
To test a multitouch function you can play with:

andrazek said:
Try it with some app. For a single-touch this one is just fine:
It draws a continous line and if you lift a finger (or if you have faulty screen) the line disappears.
To test a multitouch function you can play with:
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Thank you, I'll try those.
---------- Post added at 09:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:20 AM ----------
Mine is working as expected as well

found solution(the grounding problem is still a thing but this makes it less of an ass)
1) root the phone or just use the developer rom from xiaomi
2)then install Pimp my Rom from google play and grand root
3)go to tweaks-> touch-screen & display-> multi touch amount
and put it on 5.

Yes. As a proud owner of one (unfortunately defunct cause I dropped) nexus 7 2013 I can confirm that the behavior is the same... Definitely a grounding problem.
When you leave the phone on a pillow or couch without holding it,bthe screen response is erratic. When you hold it or attach charger.. No problem.
Still beautiful device (the 4c), especially for the price. Snappy.
And smiu is very good made. (not a fan of miui roms...)

This happens only on 16gb version? What about using a plastic case? Does it solve the issue?

Ydraulikos said:
This happens only on 16gb version? What about using a plastic case? Does it solve the issue?
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I have the 32/3. Same behavior. Not tried wit a case..

i have also found another touchscreen problem, multitouch on sides doesn't work, here the video


[Q] touch screen malfunction

I'm not sure when exactly this issue started on my phone, but I updated my touch pro with the chevron updater and have quite a lot of apps installed.
after several seconds workling with the phone, the touch screen stops working while the phone acts perfectly normal. I can use the keyboard and tilt the phone but I cannot use the touch screen anymore.
By turning the phone off and on it works again.
has anyone experienced a behavior like this?
I noticed my touchscreen becoming unresponsive when loading particular websites. Even had it freeze once (only time it ever froze on me)
What were you doing when it does this? Do you have the multitasking reg edit on?
exilkubaner said:
I'm not sure when exactly this issue started on my phone, but I updated my touch pro with the chevron updater and have quite a lot of apps installed.
after several seconds workling with the phone, the touch screen stops working while the phone acts perfectly normal. I can use the keyboard and tilt the phone but I cannot use the touch screen anymore.
By turning the phone off and on it works again.
has anyone experienced a behavior like this?
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I know this is an old thread but this is the only reference to the exact same problem that I'm having. I'm having difficulty putting this down to hardware as the screen becomes responsive again when locking and unlocking which might point to software.
It could be a hardware issue that is resolved by locking then unlocking the phone but I don't know enough about the construction of it to have an opinion.
The advice I've had from htc is to wipe the 'phone and start again but I don't expect that to solve it (especially as their call handling system refers to Window Mobile 7 - the second large commercial organisation I've seen that on in recent weeks without looking too hard!).
Has anyone else seen this since the original post or @exilkubaner was a solution found to your problem?
I have exactly the same problem. I hard reset my HTC 7 Pro, but no success, my screen doesn't respond until i lock/unlock the device.
So, any one have resolved this issue since the first post ?
Had the same issue, but I didn't have any roms installed.
Brought it in to Sprint and they found that I had a fried ribbon connecting the screen to the phone. Replaced under warranty.
It happened again, I determined that it was caused by my click in belt clip/holster. When I pull the phone out, it pulls the screen away from the keyboard a bit.
^Wow. Nice find. I'll have to be careful with mine now as I could easily run in to the same problem pulling it out like that.

[Q] Touchscreen lateral movements delay (sensitvity Issue ?)

Hello, I have an issue with the touchscreen of my nvidia shield tablet.
I bought the tablet only one week ago and I'm on the Stock lollipop version 5.0.1 (2.2), but I had the same issue with the KitKat version.
When I hold my finger on the screen and I change direction, the shield take a long time (about 1 second) before validate this change of direction.
This issue make all my games unplayable in touch mode. (If I use a controller, this problem doesn't exist)
I wanted to post a video to show the problem but I can't because I'm a new user. (I can pm the link if necesserary)
On this video I activated, in the developer mode, the trace of the movement to see that the lines moves very late after my finger. (I'm doing the same test with LG G Pad to compare and see that it respond perfectly)
In the Real Racing Game: I move my finger with very little fast movements and the wheels doesn't move at all.
I tried the calibration tool in lollipop but the problem persists.
I tried also a Custom Rom ([ROM][4.4.2][wx_na_do] AOSP for Nvidia Shield Tablet LTE US)
My questions:
- Does every Nvidia Tablet Shield have this problem or is it only mine?
- Is there a way to configure the pressure and move sensitivity (from the config file /system/usr/idc/touch.idc)
I would like to know if someone has the same issue to know if I have to send back my tablet in warranty.
Thanks in advance for your time.
I've had this issue, but only while charging. More noticeably while charging using 3rd party chargers, though the nvidia charger does have some "lag" as well.
phuzznut said:
I've had this issue, but only while charging. More noticeably while charging using 3rd party chargers, though the nvidia charger does have some "lag" as well.
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Thanks you for your answer.
I have always this problem, I never tried when the tablet is charging.
In fact the touchscreen is relatively responsive when I touch and release quickly.
The problem is when I let the finger on the touchscreen and I change the direction slowly with small moves.
I re-up this post because I really need your help.
I sent back my tablet to the seller for my touchscreen issue.
But they don't undertsand and tell that there is no problem with the touchscreen.
They compared to another Nvidia shield and told me that the response is the same than mine.
I can't believe that all the Nvidia shield has the same response because for me all the games are unplayable.
So I would like to know if someone has the same feeling (delay) about the touchscreen when you slide and change laterally the direction with your finger to play games like racing or platform games.
Thanks in advance
Sorry if I open this again.
I've been going crazy with this issue too and have been looking around for a fix, too.
I tried applying different configurations to my /system/usr/idc/touch.idc file, without any noticeable differences.
The only setting that works for sure is 'touch.size.calibration': the possible values are "none | geometric | diameter | area | default". Whatever I set besides 'none' will make the touchscreen work like a touch pad (you scroll around and there's a little cursor moving, you tap and it taps on the cursor's location).
I'm not sure which setting (if any) can calibrate the touchscreen for small movements. The documentation is a little unclear (I only found this: ).
Does anyone know more about this configuration file? I believe it's a common issue for all the shield tablets, it would be great if we were able to fix this.
Please note that root is required to edit that file, of course. Plus, the /system partition needs to be writable (mount -o rw,remount /system).
Same issue on new k1
Same issue on K1
I purchased an new K1 today and am experiencing the same issue. After enabling "show touches" in developer options it is very clear that the display periodically becomes unresponsive. I have also tried to re-calibrate the display with the Sensor Calibration Utility with no change. This happens while NOT connected to a power supply. So, I'm not sure what else to try.
What have others done about this issue? Do you return the device to the reseller? Because as it is, I can't play most games and find a typical browsing experience annoying.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
After trying everything, including full wipe, different Rom etc, I have returned it to the reseller. I got another one and and am very happy with it. Turning screen off and back on gets the responsiveness back for a while. Good luck with swapping it for new one, reseller I dealt with made no issue of it.As I have restored tablet to factory settings,I have just shown a video of a tablet going all crazy to a guy at the counter, and he gave me a new one.
Acidicus said:
After trying everything, including full wipe, different Rom etc, I have returned it to the reseller. I got another one and and am very happy with it. Turning screen off and back on gets the responsiveness back for a while. Good luck with swapping it for new one, reseller I dealt with made no issue of it.As I have restored tablet to factory settings,I have just shown a video of a tablet going all crazy to a guy at the counter, and he gave me a new one.
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Thanks. I appreciate you sharing your experience on this. I got it from Amazon, so I hope they are cool with it.

Is it me or is the touchscreen of the S6 very sensitive?

Does anyone noticing that the touchscreen on the S6 is very sensitive. The screen registers my touches even when my finger is not physically touching the glass. I like highly sensitive touchscreen but it can be annoying especially when I am scrolling webpages.
kojaraty said:
Does anyone noticing that the touchscreen on the S6 is very sensitive. The screen registers my touches even when my finger is not physically touching the glass. I like highly sensitive touchscreen but it can be annoying especially when I am scrolling webpages.
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I might be wrong, but I think since the S4 or Note 3, the phone has had the ability to detect when a finger was hovering over a particular spot. Though that is probably incorect because I only vaguely remember reading something about that 2 years ago when Samsung started introducing crazy features like scrolling based off of tilt and such.
Chocolina said:
I might be wrong, but I think since the S4 or Note 3, the phone has had the ability to detect when a finger was hovering over a particular spot. Though that is probably incorect because I only vaguely remember reading something about that 2 years ago when Samsung started introducing crazy features like scrolling based off of tilt and such.
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Yeah I remember this feature on previous Samsung phones, but there is nothing in the settings that indicates that there is such feature on the S6.
Screens don't even work with the note stylist.
I agree, it is SUPER sensitive. For me, this is a plus, because I tend to be too fast for most touch screens, and the extra sensitivity keeps the S6 on par with my quick hands. I actually love everything about this phone, and I am very picky.
ingenious247 said:
I agree, it is SUPER sensitive. For me, this is a plus, because I tend to be too fast for most touch screens, and the extra sensitivity keeps the S6 on par with my quick hands. I actually love everything about this phone, and I am very picky.
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But, does your device have accedental touches when swiping quickly a webpage or an app?
kojaraty said:
Yeah I remember this feature on previous Samsung phones, but there is nothing in the settings that indicates that there is such feature on the S6.
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I don't have mine till later today, but, on the S5, there are two settings that may be affecting the issue you are having. Can you still search the settings on the S6? Look for "Air View" (main culprit) and "Touch Sensitivity".
kojaraty said:
But, does your device have accedental touches when swiping quickly a webpage or an app?
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No, my device doesn't have accidental touches, but my fingers do. lol
The device can't make me accidentally do it, it's not a fault of the phone
natefish said:
I don't have mine till later today, but, on the S5, there are two settings that may be affecting the issue you are having. Can you still search the settings on the S6? Look for "Air View" (main culprit) and "Touch Sensitivity".
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Both of those seen to have been removed as user options.
Sent from my SM-G900T using AllianceR(●)m
I would like to see the touch response time of this device's screen measured. It's seems very responsive .
Yes it does and it's really annoying. To replicate the issue, scroll down a web slowly and then lift a very little like 0.5-1mm of your finger while you scroll it up. So scroll down and then lift a bit and scroll up without touching the screen. When you do this fast enough, the page will scroll up following your finger movement without touching the screen at all. Weird.
The Air View feature was removed on the S6, it was present on the S5 and Note variants. Same thing with the Screen Sensitivity toggle from the S5, Samsung just opted to make the screen more sensitive by default.
i have an S5 and S6 so I was able to compare.
I used the S5 for about a week and the touch screen was great
once I got the S6 I noticed i keep accidently hitting back/window button . upon tinkering and testing I realized the screen is super sensitive. If you take both the S5 and S6 (one in each hand) and lay them face down on your lap together, the S6 will hit buttons (and thus vibrate), the S5 wont
For touch screen problem try this:
-in dialer type *#2663#
-TSP firmware update (general)
You should see "PASS"
That have solve my touch screen problem...
i have the same problem when playing Clash of Clans because sometimes when i launch a spell the screen is so sensitive and it launches alone
kojaraty said:
Does anyone noticing that the touchscreen on the S6 is very sensitive. The screen registers my touches even when my finger is not physically touching the glass. I like highly sensitive touchscreen but it can be annoying especially when I am scrolling webpages.
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Have that as well on my 1st S6 Vodafone EU 32gb.
Returned it for other reasons and will receive new one next week....
My touch screen was not sensitive at all, very unresponsive
I can verify that this indeed works:
For touch screen problem try this:
-in dialer type *#2663#
-TSP firmware update (general)
You should see "PASS"
I tried a reset, a full system restore, I tried safe mode, I tired uninstalling all apps, I tried screen tests and can verify for me, that this above solution was the only thing that fixed my problem.
Screen is working wonderfully now
Fix doesn't work for me?
-JFK- said:
For touch screen problem try this:
-in dialer type *#2663#
-TSP firmware update (general)
You should see "PASS"
That have solve my touch screen problem...
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I tried this and got an error message that this feature is not available on my service. I'm on US Cellular, I don't know if that matters or not. I saw this fix posted on another site and it seemed to work for a few people who were having the same issues that I'm experiencing. I'm not very technically you actually dial/call this number sequence? How do I choose or command "TSP firmware update"? Thanks.
Some games are impossible to play because the screen is so sensitive it counts a touch as a swipe and some apps read as two touches. This happens consistently, not just here and there.
Jerameecarson said:
Some games are impossible to play because the screen is so sensitive it counts a touch as a swipe and some apps read as two touches. This happens consistently, not just here and there.
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Not sure if it's just the way I'm holding the phone, but I frequently find myself turning on a timer, only to realise that I've paused/cancelled it like 2 secs after. Great when you put something in the oven and forget lol.

Touch screen sensitivity

Hello. I have an Nvidia Shield tablet k1 on lollipop 5.1.1. Everything is great about this tablet except the touch screen. It is really sensitive. Also, when I am scrolling, it "jumps" and goes faster than I actually scrolled. It scrolls faster than it should. I found this thread on xda. It helped a little with the being too sensitive issue, but scrolling is still really weird. This is my second device since the first one's micro sd card was defective. They both are like this. Is there anything I can do, or do I just have to deal with it?
I was opening a thread with this exact same issue. I'm not on stock though (using the latest CM12 nightly), so I don't seem to have the 'Sensor Calibration' option.
Also the touchscreen seems to register a touch even when the finger is not touching the screen.
On the other hand, if I scroll a very small distance (like 0.5 centimetres) the list I'm scrolling doesn't move at all. This doesn't happen on other devices such as my Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 and is very annoying in some cases (some games, or moving the cursor for keyboard input).
I'll try to record a video of this behaviour.
What can we do to fix this?
Update: found a video (not mine) showing the issue I'm talking about:
anyone else with this issue?
I also have this issue on/off sporadically on stock rom.
I'll be scrolling and itll jump back the opposite direction
Its like it looses track of the touch then catches it again.
It's irritating as my S5, Nexus 2012 have no problems scrolling smoothly.
I don't recall the original shield i tested in store to have this issue either.
Currently having amazon ship me a replacement to see if its just limited to the one I received. (QA issues)
Calibrating screen might fix the issues: go to About in settings and tap on model number until the calibration screen comes up. then hit calibrate. don't touch the screen then when it asks to reboot, reboot.
variance said:
Calibrating screen might fix the issues: go to About in settings and tap on model number until the calibration screen comes up. then hit calibrate. don't touch the screen then when it asks to reboot, reboot.
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Did it fix the issue I posted the video about? I'm on Cyanogenmod now so I don't have the option to calibrate the screen, but I would consider going back to stock if it fixed this issue...
Calibration doesnt help at all , same issue at brand new k1. Nvidia says thats normal functionality lol
Yeah, very normal for a gaming tablet which would require precision...
Not trying to take up for this thing but I haven't had the first touch screen issue with it . so maybe not all is affected?? I've tried to replicate the issue but just can't everywhere I touch and slide is smooth
You mean it doesn't "jump" like the OP said? I don't seem to have that issue either.
I'm more concerned about the touchscreen's precision, as shown in the video.

Oneplus 6 - Unresponsive Screen (Video Included)

I've had the phone since the day it came out. It took me a while to notice but the screen is definitely unresponsive at times. It is actually difficult to notice because, if you are like me and spend hours on your phone every day, if every so often if a touch doesn't register, your brain automatically make you repeat the gesture and you don't even think about it. And, it's OK if it happens like once a day. But with this phone, it's hundred times a day. I thought I was crazy so I recorded a video with my OP5.
See here:
OK so this is kind of a very bad occurrence. Usually, it's not always like that. Sometimes it works perfectly fine. I also wonder if this could be the reason why the double tap to wake is also inconsistent, when the screen is off.
Also, yes, I do have a screen protector, but I've had them on all my phones and never had an issue.
Looks like this is happening only with you, is this problem occurring only in specific apps? or globally..
The touch here works snappy and very responsive. Maybe a faulty device? report to service center, I guess.
I also noted unresponsive screen once in a while while trying to click some hyperlinks or items with small clickable icons. But it's not anywhere close to what your video showed. Best and fair thing to do would be: Fresh flash the stock rom, don't install any additional apps then see if the problem persists. If it does, time to call customer service for a replacement unit. Good luck!
I've had similiar issues with my Essential PH-1, turns out it was a defect in the digitizer and I was RMA'd on it.
Nope working great here.
Do I get a new phone if I rma it? Or refurbished?
No I get this sometimes as well. Not nearly as bad as shown in your video, but sometimes it just doesn't register the touch properly and you have to touch it harder for it to register. Or when scrolling it only registers the scrolling partially
i have same problem in the same position
It happens to me sometimes when I tap the screen (for example tapping on a contact in whatsapp) that the screen doensn't respond good. When I tap a few times more and with a little more pressure it's going well. (I didn't test without the factory applyed screen protector)
Do people who have this problem use gestures? For me, the problem also occurs (no reaction when I tap the hyperlink or a small icon) but I noticed that it only occurs when the gestures are on. Maybe there is a problem.

