Snapchat costs? - Other Tools & General Discussion

I've heard that Snapchat and Instagrams pays millions of dollars in servers. Is that really true? So a person who starts a social app, really needs a lot of money to keep all data or are there any other ways?

Patrick46 said:
I don't know what exactly you mean in your question, but if you asked about how much does it cost to develop an app like Snapchat, I could recommend reading this article -
The full calculations you can find in the article.
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the data could be sold so what is spent on server is nothing compared to what they get at the end of the day

A general rule of thumb for Snapchat Sponsored Lenses costs is this: $450,000 per day Sunday through Thursday, $500,000 for Fridays and Saturdays, and $700,000 plus for holidays or special events (like the Super Bowl).


Beware Everybody!

I was going through different sections of xda-developers, when I saw Trash section. I found that some looter has offered low priced PDAs. Actually this looks to be fraud. These looters have different ways to trap innocent people. Actually mainly involved are Nigerians but they have world wide Racket.
1) That you have won 500,000 dollars at Random. Your e-mail has won that huge money. They will give fake website where you will see that actually you won the money. And then they will ask you to pay 500/= dollars as Govt fee. Once you pay that money, then you are trapped.There will be an endless amount of fees and you will newer get your so called win.
2) That some very important person has died. He has no one in this world. Some 20 million dollars are deposited in his account. We have finished all legal procedures. If you agree,We will share this money by transferring to your account. You are asked to give your account details and bank fax no. They will take all of your money from your account by this way.
3) They will advertise by selling equipments like this by unbelievably low prices like they have given. They will take your money and you will newer receive your order.
One of my friend suffered. Thats why on humanitarian ground I want that everybody should be aware of that.
For more information please refer to the following addresses:
If you can add something, You are most welcome.
Well, that kinda why it's called the "trash" section, don't you think?
FloatingFatMan said:
Well, that kinda why it's called the "trash" section, don't you think?
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Well, In my opinion it should not be even put in the trash. Somebody may still be slipped by seeing that.
mirchichamu said:
I was going through different sections of xda-developers, when I saw Trash section. I found that some looter has offered low priced PDAs. Actually this looks to be fraud. These looters have different ways to trap innocent people. Actually mainly involved are Nigerians but they have world wide Racket.
1) That you have won 500,000 dollars at Random. Your e-mail has won that huge money. They will give fake website where you will see that actually you won the money. And then they will ask you to pay 500/= dollars as Govt fee. Once you pay that money, then you are trapped.There will be an endless amount of fees and you will newer get your so called win.
2) That some very important person has died. He has no one in this world. Some 20 million dollars are deposited in his account. We have finished all legal procedures. If you agree,We will share this money by transferring to your account. You are asked to give your account details and bank fax no. They will take all of your money from your account by this way.
3) They will advertise by selling equipments like this by unbelievably low prices like they have given. They will take your money and you will newer receive your order.
One of my friend suffered. Thats why on humanitarian ground I want that everybody should be aware of that.
For more information please refer to the following addresses:
If you can add something, You are most welcome.
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In general, we mods move scams / spams in there (if not downright delete them - I do the latter when on a mobile device to conserve bandwidth / save time).
That is, Trash is ONLY for scammers / spams.
I'll tell the other mods about putting a warning message in there.
Thanks for your reply Mr.Menneisyys
I think such scams should not be even put in trash. As I mentioned somebody may still be slipped by that. It should be deleted right away.

Explanation for the Delays from Engadget
Apparently a few sources that "are familiar with these things" have said the reason for the delays (the reason the release date has been pushed back) is because horrible battery issues and signal problems. Most likely interconnected (much like the Evo at launch). Apparently (it's in the article) people that are using the internet connection at all are draining their batteries from full to dead in only 2-3 hours.
The update says the release date has actually been pushed back 6 times already because of this issue. That means the phone probably would have launched in late December or January if it were working the way it was intended.
Lies, the phone is shipped out already. There is no delay
Just was originally going to be released in march
Sent from my Incredible using XDA Premium App
I've mentioned before that it was a huge battery hog, but it's nothing that was described by those sources "in the know." It went gold in early January.
superchilpil said:
Lies, the phone is shipped out already. There is no delay
Just was originally going to be released in march
Sent from my Incredible using XDA Premium App
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Yeah you sure? I have $20 that your source is just as reliable and workign on conjecture just like everyone else out there right now.
newalker91 said:
The phones are locked in a cage under the counter at my local Best Buy. I watched the manager open the cage to count how many were set aside for preorders so he could tell me how many are up for sale as soon as the ball drops.
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The local Best Buy manager let me look at a box, although I was not allowed to open it and play wth the phone. He said he has no idea when he can sell them, but he has them. A couple of dozen is what I saw.
I saw them Monday or Tuesday. So they could have gone on sale this week it seems.
That said, Engadget mentioned a new firmware may be coming, as a day 1 patch or what? Would the sales people have to do the update before letting customers walk out with it? Supposedly to fix a radio/battery issue.
Its always "People familiar with the matter" how about those people grow a pair and come out on the record, simple because its easier to spread rumor than go on record without proof.
RaptorMD said:
Its always "People familiar with the matter" how about those people grow a pair and come out on the record, simple because its easier to spread rumor than go on record without proof.
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Can't speak for everyone, but that's not happening when you are under an NDA. The companies actually strategically leak out info themselves, so why the **** am I signing this again? Regardless, I've witnessed people getting into serious trouble with their jobs, just so they could be another internet sensation. This is why I'm amazed when BMX, and other "insiders" are publicly known for it, yet still have their jobs.
popular nobody said:
Can't speak for everyone, but that's not happening when you are under an NDA. The companies actually strategically leak out info themselves, so why the **** am I signing this again? Regardless, I've witnessed people getting into serious trouble with their jobs, just so they could be another internet sensation. This is why I'm amazed when BMX, and other "insiders" are publicly known for it, yet still have their jobs.
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I guess you haven't heard of astroturfing? Just because they claim to be insiders and "leaks" doesn't mean the company doesn't secretly condone or support it. What better way to get easy publicity than to have an employee claim to be acting on their own releasing rumors or "inside information" instead of a stuffy corporate press release.
andydumi said:
The local Best Buy manager let me look at a box, although I was not allowed to open it and play wth the phone. He said he has no idea when he can sell them, but he has them. A couple of dozen is what I saw.
I saw them Monday or Tuesday. So they could have gone on sale this week it seems.
That said, Engadget mentioned a new firmware may be coming, as a day 1 patch or what? Would the sales people have to do the update before letting customers walk out with it? Supposedly to fix a radio/battery issue.
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So, I work at a BB. Neither my store nor any other of the 15 or so stores in our district has these things in stock yet. This isn't the first I've seen of people saying that stores are sitting on them, but knowing for a fact that a good chunk of stores really DON'T have them has me wondering about the legitimacy of people claiming to have seen them...
AMDman18 said:
So, I work at a BB. Neither my store nor any other of the 15 or so stores in our district has these things in stock yet. This isn't the first I've seen of people saying that stores are sitting on them, but knowing for a fact that a good chunk of stores really DON'T have them has me wondering about the legitimacy of people claiming to have seen them...
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One fellow employee to another, same thing here. System says 0 for all the districts in my area which includes most of the east coast.
can i have a job at BB? please? i know stuff
newalker91 said:
You don't want to work there. They pay you about $0.25/hour over minimum wage with no commission or bonuses, then expect you to meet metrics similar to a commission sales job with no incentive. There's a reason why only morons work for BB.
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dude my cousin is pretty smart,, works at bb and another job while he goes to school so thats pretty ****ty to say about people
newalker91 said:
He wouldn't have to work two jobs if he didn't pick minimum wage employment. Either way there are always exceptions to everything. There are intelligent people working at Walmart as well, but put that in the spectrum of all the employees. If someone wants a real career in electronics, then they need to seek out a management position or get into an actual company for a rep position.
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there isnt alot of well payin jobs where he is at right now ,, so he took up two jobs to make up the difference ,, til he is done
newalker91 said:
You don't want to work there. They pay you about $0.25/hour over minimum wage with no commission or bonuses, then expect you to meet metrics similar to a commission sales job with no incentive. There's a reason why only morons work for BB.
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Ermm, when I worked at Best Buy Mobile I got $11/hour plus bonuses (BBM department gets monthly bonuses). My monthly average worked out to about $12.50-14.00 an hour. Considering all the benefits (discounts from manufacturers and $20/month cell phone plans) it's not a bad racket.
Your last sentence makes you seem unnecessarily bitter.
exactly where i knew it was going
best buy (as alluded to above) is good for one thing; going to see the product in person (if they carry the actual matching model, and not an exclusive model) then go to buy it on the internets.
i have held seminars (as a walk-in customer) with their PC and HT departments explaining technologies (the manager just gathers everyone around so he didnt have to be held accountable for not remembering what HDMI stood for, or the contrast between an analog and digital signal, or actually didnt have the sophistication to do so).
yes there are always outliers, but majority reigns @ bb "here is an average boy, see this line just under that, that is your boy, mrs. gump"
if there were no evil in this world, would we want any good?
newalker91 said:
You don't want to work there. They pay you about $0.25/hour over minimum wage with no commission or bonuses, then expect you to meet metrics similar to a commission sales job with no incentive. There's a reason why only morons work for BB.
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Couldn't be any further from the truth.
There's a difference between someone getting paid .25 over minimum and someone who knows how to negotiate pay.
I was hired by Best Buy in September 2007 at a starting pay of $10.25 an hour. That was $2.25 above minimum wage that year in California. Maybe you missed the 2 in your figure? After my 90 day evaluation, I was making $11.00. Basically, I outsold everyone on the sales floor, sold PSP's (they're called Black Tie Protection now), counter service, on-site service, accessories and built relationships with local shoppers. When they offered me a 25 cent raise at my 90 day, I said "I want $11 or I walk..." they didn't want to make up the numbers they'd lose from me.
By the time I quit in February 2009, I was making $12.00 an hour. If I stayed, I would've been promoted to a senior and been above $15-18 an hour at least.
I'm also a UCSD undergraduate studying Chemical Engineering in my sophomore/junior year. I wasn't the highest paying lower level employee I knew either. My friend is a comp sci major working at Best Buy and his starting wage was $2.50 higher per hour than some of the seniors in his department. They don't know about it.
Managers want the ignorant employees to think wages are equal and everyone gets paid garbage. The truth is, NBA isn't the only place some people make more money than their coworkers.
SO let's not jump to conclusions about what type of people work at Best Buy. I agree with people who dislike BB's practices, but let's not insult the employees.
newalker91 said:
You don't want to work there. They pay you about $0.25/hour over minimum wage with no commission or bonuses, then expect you to meet metrics similar to a commission sales job with no incentive. There's a reason why only morons work for BB.
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This forum would be a much better place if there wasn't people like this that think they are smarter than everyone else and like to put people down for absolutely no reason.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
Whoever that guy is saying people at bestbuy make minimum wage is a moron, I work for mobile myself and make in the teens for hourly rate, aswell as being bonus eligible, its not a bad setup for a fulltime college student
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
I worked for best buy ( once upon a very dark time ).... and it is correct that they do lie to their employees about pay... it didn't used to be this way.. back in '05 -'06 best buy was an ok place to work... morals were high... and they had competition ( circuit city, comp usa ).. and they paid their employed well.
For example I was a DCI ( geek squad sup ) making $22hr.
But once circut closed and they had no more major competition ( I wont state frys ele as a competition bcuz they are not national ) they changed their policies... downsized their staff and everyone took a pay cut or got laid off.
So now bby thinks they are untouchable ( which they allmost are ) and can get away with low pay beacuse the economy sucks and people are willing to do anything to get by.
And yes.... not everyone who works for best buy is an idiot... just most of them.
Now.... im an I.T. admin / web developer making 3x what I did at bby...
So the moral of the story is... if you want to get ahead in life... don't work retail.... get a degree and use it!
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App


Hey guys.
Can somebody give me a link to applanet. When I try it doesn't work.
Thanks in advance
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
its been offline for a while now....guess youll have to wait till they get a new server or something
search for blackmart a good alternative
longhorn24 said:
Hey guys.
Can somebody give me a link to applanet. When I try it doesn't work.
Thanks in advance
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
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scatman25 said:
search for blackmart a good alternative
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That's nice for testing apps without the market's refund time frame.
but paid apps should be paid for. especially when they're coming from private devs.
Have you thought about actually paying for your apps? Or is that too much to ask of you?
Yes, paying for apps with only a 15 minute return window is not enough. That's barely enough time to download the app on my sprint 3g connection. And leaves no time to try it. So rather than not buy apps for fear of wasting my money I will pirate the app to try it out for a day or 2. Then I will purchase it or if I don't like it I will uninstall.
If you don't like it, tough. Until Google increases the refund time that is how I will continue as will many thousands
NewZJ said:
Yes, paying for apps with only a 15 minute return window is not enough. That's barely enough time to download the app on my sprint 3g connection. And leaves no time to try it. So rather than not buy apps for fear of wasting my money I will pirate the app to try it out for a day or 2. Then I will purchase it or if I don't like it I will uninstall.
If you don't like it, tough. Until Google increases the refund time that is how I will continue as will many thousands
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Oh please, that's flipping wonderful for you that you don't think 15 minutes is enough. It doesn't change the fact you should be paying for them.
That's all pirates do, weakly justify their actions. If you want it for free, just admit it, don't sugarcoat it.
Everyone hides behind the veil of "oh, I just want to try it without limitations and then I'll buy it". I'd eat my socks if there was a way to prove that even 5% of all software pirates actually do that.
You are a sad person. Don't cast blanket judgement on everybody in a group for the actions of a few or many. We are people, we want value for our money and until there is a way to legally assure we will be satisfied with our purchase we will do what it takes to be satisfied.
NewZJ said:
You are a sad person. Don't cast blanket judgement on everybody in a group for the actions of a few or many. We are people, we want value for our money and until there is a way to legally assure we will be satisfied with our purchase we will do what it takes to be satisfied.
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You mean you'll side-step a system that was created in response to all the free-loading that was happening with the original refund timeline.
Blah blah blah, be as self-righteous and offended as you want, what you're doing is wrong and you know it. You wish it weren't so, and you're trying your hardest to justify it, but that just makes it more sad.
If you need more than 15 minutes to test an app, in my opinion, you should probably be buying it anyway. I mean, come on, the most expensive of apps are like $10? with the norm being 99 cents?
Get real.
I wont spend a penny on something I don't want, I know its not much money but I'm not a charity. And no 15 minute isn't enough time and even though I spend time in the app I don't feel I owe the publisher anything for that time if I feel I don't want it. If they don't release a free version there isn't a way to know.
Forgive me for trying to be frugal and make wise decisions with my money.
To fix the system there needs to be more free/trial versions. Or increase the refund time. Honestly I prefer there to be more trial versions
NewZJ said:
I wont spend a penny on something I don't want, I know its not much money but I'm not a charity. And no 15 minute isn't enough time and even though I spend time in the app I don't feel I owe the publisher anything for that time if I feel I don't want it. If they don't release a free version there isn't a way to know.
Forgive me for trying to be frugal and make wise decisions with my money.
To fix the system there needs to be more free/trial versions. Or increase the refund time. Honestly I prefer there to be more trial versions
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Again, it really doesn't matter what you feel you owe the publisher. It's a system that works by you giving them money for their work. That's that. Prices and commerce are not dictated by the opinions of the customers on what something is worth. If you don't think something is worth buying, you don't buy it. If you think it might be, you try it after buying and utilize the return policy. This is not rocket science, don't even try to spin some bull**** sob story of "trying to be frugal". You're being dishonest by sidestepping the already difficult environment for developers and supporting a site that undermines the concept of paying for apps. What a joke :/
Try and then return? Yes, sounds nice. Shame 15 minutes isn't enough time. Wasn't bad when it was an hour, they reduced it to deter pirating however pirates don't need but a minute and it hurt everybody else. There are toomany variables that can happen in 15 minutes that might prevent my ability to return it in time ie RL, calls, data issues, phone issues, etc etc. The system is not good. If it were better then I wouldn't need to pirate the apps.
NewZJ said:
Try and then return? Yes, sounds nice. Shame 15 minutes isn't enough time. Wasn't bad when it was an hour, they reduced it to deter pirating however pirates don't need but a minute and it hurt everybody else. There are toomany variables that can happen in 15 minutes that might prevent my ability to return it in time ie RL, calls, data issues, phone issues, etc etc. The system is not good. If it were better then I wouldn't need to pirate the apps.
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Banks don't give you loans and then excuse you from returning the money because your internet went down or your car died.
Just FYI. That's not how the world operates, and still doesn't justify the piracy. You want it for free, so just take it and keep quiet, anything more is just cowardice to me.
Your point is made, you turn a blind eye to the flaws in the system and blame the consumer. /applaud
Applanet = warez = thread closed

10 Cent Apps On Market

A bunch of Android apps, including hits like Minecraft, Swiftkey and SoundCloud, are for the moment priced at 10 cents each. It’s not clear why these apps are so heavily discounted–it could be a glitch, or a yet-to-be-announced promotion–but you better act fast if you want to save some serious cash
Here’s the whole list, thanks to Android Central:
Great Little War Game
SketchBook Mobile
Paper Camera
Sound Hound
Asphalt 6
Fieldrunners HD
Endomondo Sports Tracker Pro
Color & Draw for Kids
Even if you don’t have your Android phone or tablet handy, you can make your purchases from the Android Market links above, and remotely download the apps to your device.
criticalmass24 said:
A bunch of Android apps, including hits like Minecraft, Swiftkey and SoundCloud, are for the moment priced at 10 cents each. It’s not clear why these apps are so heavily discounted–it could be a glitch, or a yet-to-be-announced promotion–but you better act fast if you want to save some serious cash
Here’s the whole list, thanks to Android Central:
Great Little War Game
SketchBook Mobile
Paper Camera
Sound Hound
Asphalt 6
Fieldrunners HD
Endomondo Sports Tracker Pro
Color & Draw for Kids
Even if you don’t have your Android phone or tablet handy, you can make your purchases from the Android Market links above, and remotely download the apps to your device.
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The Android market is terrible for processing payments. I tried and tried to buy a couple and it says they were purchased but won't install due to some error with the payment processing.
It's because of the ten billionth download.
Sent from my R800i using Tapatalk
MartyLK said:
The Android market is terrible for processing payments. I tried and tried to buy a couple and it says they were purchased but won't install due to some error with the payment processing.
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I had the same error but they downloaded eventually. As long as you get a purchase confirmation by email, you're good to go.
Bzow said:
I had the same error but they downloaded eventually. As long as you get a purchase confirmation by email, you're good to go.
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My CC was expired. Emails said to update it and I did. But even with the valid CC, payment was rejected. I went to look and make sure I had some money in my account, which I did. All of the efforts at trying to buy the apps some how messed up the system I suppose. Still can't buy them. I can buy from WP7 market or Apple market just fine, though.
Very nice of them. Hope they change the discounted apps these days as i would by some. Tomorrow i'm going to the bank to put some money on CC.
Thread moved. Would advise you to read forum rules and post in correct section.
Failure to comply with forum rules will result in an infraction and/or ban depending on severity of rule break.
When buying several of the apps on discount I ended up having 1 transaction go through, but the others declined.
It turns out my Bank blocks multiple transactions for the same amount within a 5 minute window. It's a security measure, though it's a bit excessive for values < $1 and even if transactions have different descriptions.
It's Google celebrating 10 billion downloads on Android Market. Check out their blog pot: That applications are available at discounted price only for today. During the next 9 days, there will be other apps at the same price, for one day only.
On my personal experience, my first two checkout were processed immediately, but the later two delayed for a while. I did some things in my office for about10 minutes and when I checked my phone it had downloaded both applications.
This is like steam sale, yay.
Yeeha, that's real great. So I have to watch the Steam sales + the Android sales!
OMG, I LOVES SALES And for 10 cents you do not even need to feel bad if you purchased something you do not even need
Anyone out there who found out when the apps will be changing each day, or which timezone it's based on?
---------- Post added at 03:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:59 PM ----------
Ok, here is a leaked info about the next apps:
Beautiful Widgets
Fruit Ninja
Reckless Racing
Star Chart
Read It Later Pro
Christmas HD
AirSync by doubleTwist
Flick Golf!
Two are missing by now, but the rest seems to be already available.
Have fun :-D
For several of10-cent apps I purchased, I have since then gotten cancellation emails. I wonder whether the problems stems from my credit card denying some of the charges.
Here an example. I had purchased this app yesterday afternoon, but I got the cancellation email this morning:
Hello ...,
Your order has been canceled and you have not been charged.
Reason: Other (describe below)
Comments: We could not complete your order in a timely fashion. Your order has been automatically canceled. Please retry your purchase.
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Why do I still show yesterdays apps?
Bought a lot of these myself
Let's hope they put up those Adobe apps that have been released these days.
Overcharged USD1 instead of USD 0.1
I bought Shiftkey X and i’m charged USD 1.0 + USD 0.1 but when I was going to buy this, it was showing as Rs. 5.15. I'm from India.
Can anyone please explain me this
Maybe it's a fee your bank is charging you for the internet transaction. If bought 5 apps and got charged PEN 1.68, which is approximately correct.
Guys this is a little off-topic but i'd like to ask you something. I haven't had any Android phone yet so i have none linked to my Gmail account. I will be getting my first Android phone soon (Galaxy Nexus) and i want to take advantage of this sale.
Is there any way to buy these apps without having a phone linked to your account? Can't i just buy them and they can stand in my apps list and i download them when i get the phone?
Thanks in advance.
oskay.demir said:
Guys this is a little off-topic but i'd like to ask you something. I haven't had any Android phone yet so i have none linked to my Gmail account. I will be getting my first Android phone soon (Galaxy Nexus) and i want to take advantage of this sale.
Is there any way to buy these apps without having a phone linked to your account? Can't i just buy them and they can stand in my apps list and i download them when i get the phone?
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No. But you could briefly add your Google account to someone else's Android device, get one free app just to make sure the Market go it, then delete the account from the device again. Thereafter you will be able to purchase all apps you want directly from using any web browser without a phone.
YEEES. Nice offer !
I would be embarrassed if I were google. I have a few apps showing purchased, but then when I click to install it indicates I have not paid/am not authorized.
I have also tried a few cards, and keep getting some purchases bouncing back with the below - any ideas?
Your order has been canceled and you have not been charged.
Reason: Other (describe below)
Comments: We could not complete your order in a timely fashion. Your order has been automatically canceled. Please retry your purchase.
Convenient timing given the sales are one day only. I bet it will conveniently work after it ends.

How do you make money in your apps?

Hi! I'm Dylan, the xda intern :victory:
I'm doing some research on how devs monetize their apps. We're currently exploring ways to help you make more money from your apps and we'd like to find out about what you currently do. If you could please, please take this short survey, it would be much appreciated! We promise to keep everything confidential; in fact, the survey is anonymous.
Thanks again! :laugh:
by ad?
by ad?
I use Google AdMob
---------- Post added at 01:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:46 PM ----------
I made my first game using Adobe flash for web, and after that ported it to Android, using Adobe AIR.
AdMob, In-App purchases, paid versions of free apps.
I'm using admob banner ads right now, but with only ~2500 active downloads I'm not making a lot of cash. ~5€/Month.
I hope my next app(60% done) will become more succesfull
My first goal is to earn ~100€/Month, so I could see some money on my bank account every month.
app add is so annoying :angel:
Why not offer APIs for apps? Or post blogs about it.. and hmmm... don't forget donations
Paid app
Paid app? Currently earning 200$ a month for more than 6 months now.
Adope flash
I always use Adope flash for the web, It is easy to use and recommend you to try.
Thanks A lOT
Could you post the results of the survay?
mido2malik said:
Thanks A lOT
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Thank you so much for your thread.
If you decide to charge, settle on an appropriate price. For this, you'll need to consider the unique qualities of your app and its similarities to existing apps. If your app has a lot of competitors, you probably won't want to charge a lot for it or the customers will simply choose other apps over yours. On the other hand, if your app is very specialized and rather unique, it's likely that you'll be able to put a higher price on it.
APP Info
What app/apps are you pulling this kind of money in for? Please be specific(app names) I am currently looking at starting maybe my first app and wonder what types of apps are pulling in money. I love the idea of creating a paid app but most games are add profit only or in game purchases.
Kishant said:
Paid app? Currently earning 200$ a month for more than 6 months now.
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I'm using in-app purchases in a live wallpaper app, so users can buy more themes. Been doing around $2 per day on average, since it was released (around 1 month ago). Not running to the Ferrari dealer yet...
yes i agree
svdree said:
I'm using in-app purchases in a live wallpaper app, so users can buy more themes. Been doing around $2 per day on average, since it was released (around 1 month ago). Not running to the Ferrari dealer yet...
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yes i think the best way in android to make $ is to offer your app as free and have IAPs, or a premium full version(but that opens to pirated sideloads, heck ive seen mods of the IAPs in full sheesh)
gameloft and EA have moved to this model, Zynga made it very popular, just look at a hypothetical scenario
1 dude spends $900 on IAPs
10 dudes $50 max
50 $20-50
70 $5-20
the 870 rest less than $5 or play for free and grind through but you made a good RIO on just one user, Ive seen people spend a sh*tton of $$ on freetoplay games, look at the high earners on the play store, most are *free* but have IAPs.
Thanks A LOT...
I've got an Idea......
IAP vs ads
Generally speaking, an app who is considered a quality app, with heavy usage, should lean towards IAP. Doing In App Purchases the right way is a form of art. Many decisions to make and price level to test.
If your app has low usage level, it might be better to monetize it by putting ads. Again, choosing the right network and the right locations (and ad units) to put.... well, there's a lot of work to do, in terms of optimization.
Any developer should be willing to test any of his chosen solution for a while, review results and optimize.
adsense for mob. -_-

