Text-entry on smartwatches - Wear OS General

Dear xda-fellows,
since I ordered my Moto360 back in October, I am fascinated by the device. Today, it has become my trustworthy companion. Soon, however, I started asking myself: isn't there a better method of entering text than speech recognition?
That's why I am now writing my Bachelor's thesis on the topic of efficient text-entry on smartwatches. For that, I kindly ask for your help. I have created a short survey regarding the usage of smartphones and smartwatches and I would like to ask you for ten minutes of your time to take it. Since it is still difficult to find smartwatch owners, your answers will be especially helpful!
Link to the survey: http://goo.gl/forms/gSFkNNum3Q
Please feel free to share and distribute the link!
Thank you very much and kind regards,
PS: I know that posts regarding surveys are often unwelcome. However I think text entry is an interesting issue for many Android Wear users and as stated above, it is still difficult to find smartwatch owners. So I hope I can find help here despite the annoying nature of surveys


Forum responses (None or too complicated)

Hello everybody on XDA developers,
I found a lot of useful information on this site, don't get me wrong BUT.
More and more I'm getting under the impression that new topics often get no or little replay because the user is either a newbie or he asked a question which has been asked before. Now, I'm no newbie although I'm not an expert either. I asked several questions and the responses are poor.
There is so much information (most of the time too complicated for non computer specialists) that it is often easier to launch a new topic. However, if one doesn't talk or know about, changing .nbf files, writing Batch files replacing HimaUpgradeUT.exe files and only God knows what else, you get little or no response.
The day somebody asks me, in some aviation forum, about the pressure changes in a JET engine which is going from SUBSONIC to SUPERSONIC flight or the aerodynamic effects on a helicopter rotor which is going into autorotation or other pilot related stuff, will get an answer adapted to his knowledge so he will understand what I'm saying. What else is the use of a forum?
Maybe XDA-developers should add a forum for the "less gifted" in the Forum index.
Anyway, Happy New Year to all of you.
well maybe if the problem is that the specialists have little patience or problems transfering their knowlage into something mear humans can understand the new forum would just have a pile of unanswered threads
i think the problem you address are really 2 problems
general pocketpc questions mainly i think from people who are used to cellphones and cant call themselfs superusers on normal pc's they need it explained in a cellphone kinda way. these are questions like
how do i make IE stop displaying pictures and stuff like that
people who dont really know that much about complex stuff like changing their rom and manualy intering all the grps settings, in the new rom
and adding things to their extented rom and such
these people often would mostly benefit from a guide with pictures and possible a list of the most used cellphone company settings
I'm not sure I understand your first point, but I do agree on your second one.
Now we only need someone with lots of time and motivation to make such guidelines with step by step instructions and pictures...

WM-gurus vs XDA-DEV.. post your comment

WM-Gurus.com was opened with a view to providing a File sharing community that will work alongside xda-dev and has no-way tried to compete.
There is a heated discussion going on over at:
We welcome your comments and input
WM-Gurus (TheBossMan)
Mission Impossible: Activation!
Some time ago, I posted all of the information requested by the rules in an attempt to get activated in WM-GURUS. As with many, many others, nothing happened. I didn't get any votes. Hmmm. Why is that?
My job is working every day with these devices. I evaluate them, update them, make recommendations, spend many hour sifting through posts, etc. I'm not a genius, so I don't have a lot to post on the forums. I also don't ask dumb questions. Unfortunately, that make me unlikely to win the votes required for activation.
While I understand your attempt to control access to your site, a popularity contest excludes a large number of people that would greatly benefit from your efforts. Pity.
Therefore, I will continue to spend a lot of quality time with xda-developers and wait to see if something changes on the other side. Both are valuable, but only if you can use them.
Regards to all,

hello from your new forum mod

Hi Folks
Thought I’d post a quick message to introduce myself
I’m Chris - your new Forum Moderator
I’m here keep an eye on things and help where I can. We all benefit when the forum runs smoothly and everyone helps each other.
Potted history of me:
Married with 5 Kids – first grandchild on the way (it keeps me busy!!)
I’ve been a member on XDA since 2007. I’ve learned, asked questions (yes, some in the wrong place), and I’ve developed for phones too.
As I’ve seen both sides. I know what it’s like to want help, and what it’s like to post your work and get flamed
Everyone makes mistakes and everyone deserves help so I tend to take the soft view over issues and try to help. Everyone needs to follow the rules though
I don’t tend to post a lot as I’m a fan of listening first, talking second.
Even though i'll try to keep an eye open i cant spot every issue without help
If you’ve any questions or any issues, drop me a message, (email, Skype etc) . I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. (Please consider things like time zones, work, sleep, Wife & Kids) it’s not always possible to reply immediately.
devs, i'll aim to drop you folks a pm in the next few days
please feel free to say ‘Hi’ chatting is part of the community
Look forward to getting to know you

Can someone please recommend another good forum?

I've been an XDA user for a few years now, and for the most part I have found it to be a great source of help and information across a wide range of devices and platforms... up until recently.
I have always had a strong interest in mobile phones/devices. And when I got my first smart phone in 2008 my interest was piqued further. I am not a developer, and I don’t intend on becoming one. I am a user. I love customization, apps, games and everything about smart phones (started on Winows Mobile, and I now use Android).
The way I understand it… XDA was started as a developer’s site/forum… for developers. Over the years it began to evolve into a non-exclusive community. Anyone could ask for help on any range of smart phone topics – which I thought was great.
Lately it seems that XDA has been trying to get back to their roots… that is to say, they are trying to make the forums more developer exclusive. I can only say that is a bad thing from a selfish stand point. Of course if I were a developer I might take issue with my forums being flooded with non-developer related (and therefore… irrelevant) threads and posts. I am in no position to criticize the site managers about what type of site they wish to run and how they want to run it. But XDA is becoming useless to me. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find help on non-development related topics.
So… Can someone please recommend another (more user-orientated) site? I like to ask questions on a range of topics; some device specific, some about how to use apps, some game hints, some general android queries, app recommendations, etc. Is there a better forum for a user like me?
Thanks for any help.
I used to frequent http://www.teambamf.net/ when I had my HTC Thunderbolt, Yea, it was my first smart phone.
They do a lot with Samsung phones, you might want to take a look and see what they have to offer.
CharlesTheMan is willing to help anyone who asks, they're good guys.
If you can't find what you want there, just ask, they can tell you what you need to do and recommend where to go if they can't answer your questions.
It always pays to search for different alternatives, I work in an IT department as a programmer, systems network analyst and a webmaster.
Don't always use the same search engine, change up, use Bing or Dogpile or many others to find what you need.
I can spend hours researching for what I need, there is so much out there now you just need to learn "Where To Look", per say.
Good luck and remember, if you don't find what you are looking for, look somewhere else!!
Hi G,
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I almost always do a pretty extensive google search before coming hear to post. I rarely use bing or anyother search engine before coming here to ask... will certainly give it a go.
Thanks again.
I don't think there's another forum as great as XDA
but if you could be more specific or if you like MIUI rom, you can find everything about it here miuiandroid[dot]com
retslagoon said:
I don't think there's another forum as great as XDA
but if you could be more specific or if you like MIUI rom, you can find everything about it here miuiandroid[dot]com
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hi retslagoon,
I do not have any particular question at this time. But thanks for your reply.
One issue I have with 'being specific' (and I think I might find this hard to explain) is that I can spend quite a bit of time typing out a questing/post (and trying to be clear and specific), while wording correctly; only to have it be ignored - for whatever reason. So the entire exercise ends up being a waste of time.
I do not know why so many simple questions get ignored on these forums, there could be a range of reasons (either because people don't know the answers to them, or because people don't bother to read them; I also wonder if it is due to the fact that some of these unanswered questions are not at all development related and therefor are intentionally ignored to teach the poster a lesson about posting on a development forum).
Eitherway, XDA is not satisfying my search for help/advice and information.
Thanks again.
[email protected] said:
hi retslagoon,
I do not have any particular question at this time. But thanks for your reply.
One issue I have with 'being specific' (and I think I might find this hard to explain) is that I can spend quite a bit of time typing out a questing/post (and trying to be clear and specific), while wording correctly; only to have it be ignored - for whatever reason. So the entire exercise ends up being a waste of time.
I do not know why so many simple questions get ignored on these forums, there could be a range of reasons (either because people don't know the answers to them, or because people don't bother to read them; I also wonder if it is due to the fact that some of these unanswered questions are not at all development related and therefor are intentionally ignored to teach the poster a lesson about posting on a development forum).
Eitherway, XDA is not satisfying my search for help/advice and information.
Thanks again.
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My experience is that often threads are unnecessarily started: A quick Google-search before in most cases would have given the answer(s) requested. At least if the issue(s) is/are device independent. So you must not wonder a post istn't replied.

[INFO] Looking for smart help

Hi guys, first of all thank you for your contribution to this technology which is fastly gaining a strong role in our time mostly thanks to you and due to the strong innovative process that it has as a main difference from the let's say the last "wheel".
For this reason I am looking for some help, I have got some ideas wich I would like to develop, but are quite difficult at least for me ( I study management and I know just a bit of c++) that's why I am asking to you. If someone is interested in a smart idea, which could be an interesting technical challange let me know.
You can contact me here, by pm or by email.
Thank you so much for your contribution in general.
I'm sorry with the mod if I had post in the wrong section

