[Q]Children logger for android needed - General Questions and Answers

Hello XDA community,
as title says im looking for an app that could register text from whatsapp, oovoo, skype and facebook. I tried Children tracker which i found here on xda but it seems outdated and doesnt work.
Now ofc you will ask why do you need that... thats for spying and such.
Well long story me and my lil brothers and sister werent raised with a dad and since im oldest one i have to take care of the others. Last week i noticed my lil sis of age 10 cyber chatting with someone random and that person was asking all kind of adult stuff which she didnt agree to but still she kept it a secret till i found out myself since i have parental control on their pc. Now she has a tablet and a acer phone and im looking for a similar program. I gave her advise last time when it ocurred that such people are bad and could kidnap her and such. But to be 100% sure i wanna monitor their phone and tablet also.
So if anyone can point me in a direction for a free app or atleast free for xx days so i can test it and then buy i would really appreciate it.


[Q] The real question about Google +

At least for me. Let me state that plz try to give honest replyes here. This is not a thread for saying who's better or not. With this said, i been wondering a question about this new service. And i really hope you can understand my ramblings and honest question what you and others think.
First of, i have not tryed Google +. That might be because im currently in the Microsoft swamp and all happy about there services.
But a question thats been nagging me is how well Google + will do in the end. I belive that Google made great on pushing there services out. All that they set there minds to have been big success.
But from what i now understand, Google is trying to create a new Facebook alternative, and while i can see those happy with what Google offers, and happy Android userd, is this really enough to compete with Facebook?
My thought are being this.
Facebook been around for years now and even the most sceptical about there service, has finally given up there muterings and joined the community. I read about a lot of people getting angry about how many users they acctully have, but i think it's safe to say there are MANY right? And now that mothers, fathers, friends, old friends etc have found each other. How likely is there that all just pick there bags and change service. While not saying people won't, the vast majority is not. Or do you belive me to be wrong?
Heres a idea why i am asking this question, and also a good example to give you a picture of what i mean.
Remember ICQ, AIM, Mirc and all these services? I was a die hard user of ICQ and AIM. But after using this services for a while, i realized something important. I had few friends on my list that i actully socialised with in real life. And i had no family etc. So i asked around, and it turned out most regular people, not geeks, just regular folks that wanted a chatt service had from the start allready signed up for MS service then named just Messenger.
So i loggd on this messenger that i always disliked back then, and wosh!! My friend list got healthy and correct. I then installed clients of various brands (cant remember there name atm) and could now use all 3 of my favorite services in one.
As time passed by, live messenger arrived and all services inproved, to a degree i started questioning why i should keep AIM or ICQ. All my really good friends used Live Messenger, and as it turned out when i asked my ICQ friends etc, they had a account in Live to. I asked them to add me, and now i had all in one place. So i took my bags and left the others and have never looked back since.
So, i hope you now understand where im getting at. There is of cause a lot diffrent market now then it was back then. But i still wonder. Can a new service really out shine the allready established Facebook? Remember, in the end, people you talk to, or share stuff may not like the idea of a new service. There comfy with what they got now and might feel its just extra work that in the end woun't use.
History for me seems to be repeating it self again also in the chatt softwares. New ones have come, but how well will they do in the end? Now i realize market for example in USA will differ from my experience here in Sweden. After all you guys have Blackberry and other services being pushed that will never se the day of any use over here. But are there really such a big market that Live Services arent used on a large scale.
Now i shared my question, i hope you get my point, and also really arent comparing whos the best. All im thinking of is the well established services that i know of.
And belive me, i want to hear what you think on this thoughts. Will google be able to outlive, take over Facebook? I am really poundering these thoughts.
Also sorry for bad spelling etc since English is not native, and i typed it all from my phone
Only time will tell.
I completely understand your point. Why should they use another service when all of their friends are already on Facebook?
I personally believe people will move on just because its new. No social site stays number one. MySpace got old, Facebook is getting old, Google+ will get old, then on to the next one.
You will also have people who will say "Google+ is free, facebook is going to be a paid service soon" to justify the reasoning behind trying it.
Thnx for reply, a good point i havent thought of. And i bwlive you, almost :-D
A good service is always a good service. Thats why i belive ao many come up emty handed in the end vs Live. And get enough people abord, its gona be one though nut to crack.
But in that perspective, is Facebook good enough to keep its users? While i agree, only time will tell, and also Google to have almost unlimited time, a large base is a large bas.
Thnx for the ideas Vetvito, it gives a nice perspective. Keep em coming folks, educate me, cus i think its a inttressting topic, and its easy to want to know what you all think when Androis fans and fan site is allready giving praise. And while we all have to accept change, have these people now rapping down on Facebook give this a thought? Im not saying there wrong, but maybe a bit over the top poaetive, maybe because its Google? So many loves that company nowadays.
Heyallo said:
You will also have people who will say "Google+ is free, facebook is going to be a paid service soon" to justify the reasoning behind trying it.
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Aha, another valid point. And if it's thrue, i give Google + a automatic win. Do you say this because its a fact, or just that Google fanatics will talk that way?
Another thing Google+ is integrated with Gmail. It doesn't require another sign up. I'm pretty sure they're going to bundle it with Android, and that should push Google+ forward.
vetvito said:
Another thing Google+ is integrated with Gmail. It doesn't require another sign up. I'm pretty sure they're going to bundle it with Android, and that should push Google+ forward.
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Yes thats thrue. Gmail is a big hit, so intergration would win them a lot of customers.
Is Gmail the service that will make Google + big then?
Nakazul said:
Yes thats thrue. Gmail is a big hit, so intergration would win them a lot of customers.
Is Gmail the service that will make Google + big then?
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Personally I got pretty annoyed when they automaticly added Buzz to my gmail accounts.
I have no doubt Google+ will get they're fair marketshare, but I don't see that happening untill they open it fully up to the general public and keep it less bloated/spammy like facebook has become.
Hi There!
I think you have a really valid point by saying the history is repeating itself. Let me give you one personal example...
A few years ago here in Guatemala there was this really big time fever for the "Hi5" webpage... EVERYBODY had an account on it, then just a few friends receive an invitation to join Facebook and it started to grow slowly but steady...
Bear in mind here in Guatemala we are not always up to date with technology and stuffs but in a matter of 6~8 months the Facebook took at least 90% of the HI5 users.. Nowadays i can tell you only a really tiny portion of people still visits their Hi5 profiles.
So all this Google+ buzz is also being herd in Guatemala and a few of my friends already are joining the network, why? Because Facebook is getting bored and it's becoming a site that people look into to see what you can get and gosip all the way, the reason why FB is still strong here is because two of the 3 cell phone companies have some "Media" plans in which for a really amount you can have "free" and "Unlimited" visist to FB, Messenger, GTalk, Yahoo Messenger etc... So i think if those companies include Google+ or switch from FB to Google+ into their Media Plans it will have the same destiny as facebook had against Hi5..
Well those are just my thoughts and my 2 cents in this matter, and of course only time will tell what's going to happen
Nice to hear your thoughts all. Sounds so far that your theory is the same as i have on Mobile OS's. iPhone came, in the end a big hit. Android came and it seems like a bigger hit. Now Windows Phone soon will be knocking on the door. New OS's that innovate on a large scale tend to be the next player.
A thought about Facebook getting boring for people sharing there everyday life. Isnt that what its all about? Am i missing something here? I can see the point of all these games and stuff, it annoys me real bad. But people seems to love it. All my friends play games on Facebook. Me loving "real" games would rather die then touch thouse =P
Another question rises if Google + will take over. Can they really? I as a Microsoft user, and fan like to have axess to social media also. But since Google systematicly seems to try to block us out from there service, with Gmail being the only one standing out that works great on my Windows Phone (Weee a MS lover using competitors services! =P ) were still blocked by Google on, for instance, youtube.
What will we do then, where will we go?
Nakazul said:
At least for me. Let me state that plz try to give honest replyes here. This is not a thread for saying who's better or not. With this said, i been wondering a question about this new service. And i really hope you can understand my ramblings and honest question what you and others think.
First of, i have not tryed Google +. That might be because im currently in the Microsoft swamp and all happy about there services.
But a question thats been nagging me is how well Google + will do in the end. I belive that Google made great on pushing there services out. All that they set there minds to have been big success.
But from what i now understand, Google is trying to create a new Facebook alternative, and while i can see those happy with what Google offers, and happy Android userd, is this really enough to compete with Facebook?
My thought are being this.
Facebook been around for years now and even the most sceptical about there service, has finally given up there muterings and joined the community. I read about a lot of people getting angry about how many users they acctully have, but i think it's safe to say there are MANY right? And now that mothers, fathers, friends, old friends etc have found each other. How likely is there that all just pick there bags and change service. While not saying people won't, the vast majority is not. Or do you belive me to be wrong?
Heres a idea why i am asking this question, and also a good example to give you a picture of what i mean.
Remember ICQ, AIM, Mirc and all these services? I was a die hard user of ICQ and AIM. But after using this services for a while, i realized something important. I had few friends on my list that i actully socialised with in real life. And i had no family etc. So i asked around, and it turned out most regular people, not geeks, just regular folks that wanted a chatt service had from the start allready signed up for MS service then named just Messenger.
So i loggd on this messenger that i always disliked back then, and wosh!! My friend list got healthy and correct. I then installed clients of various brands (cant remember there name atm) and could now use all 3 of my favorite services in one.
As time passed by, live messenger arrived and all services inproved, to a degree i started questioning why i should keep AIM or ICQ. All my really good friends used Live Messenger, and as it turned out when i asked my ICQ friends etc, they had a account in Live to. I asked them to add me, and now i had all in one place. So i took my bags and left the others and have never looked back since.
So, i hope you now understand where im getting at. There is of cause a lot diffrent market now then it was back then. But i still wonder. Can a new service really out shine the allready established Facebook? Remember, in the end, people you talk to, or share stuff may not like the idea of a new service. There comfy with what they got now and might feel its just extra work that in the end woun't use.
History for me seems to be repeating it self again also in the chatt softwares. New ones have come, but how well will they do in the end? Now i realize market for example in USA will differ from my experience here in Sweden. After all you guys have Blackberry and other services being pushed that will never se the day of any use over here. But are there really such a big market that Live Services arent used on a large scale.
Now i shared my question, i hope you get my point, and also really arent comparing whos the best. All im thinking of is the well established services that i know of.
And belive me, i want to hear what you think on this thoughts. Will google be able to outlive, take over Facebook? I am really poundering these thoughts.
Also sorry for bad spelling etc since English is not native, and i typed it all from my phone
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There a few different reasons as to why I'm switching. First of all, Facebook seems to be buggier and buggier every day (even on multiple computers) and they continue to come out with more features (video chatting). They should STOP, fix the bugs, and then continue with growing. And as someone else has said, no social networking site will stay #1. Facebook is old now, it's been overused and now it's time for something else. With my experience thus far with Google+, I can say that is works very smoothly online and on my phone, way better than Facebook does. How it will act after it goes public is another story though.
Well i believe that Google+ has a chance to a certain group of people.
I see google as a mixture of Twitter & Facebook. But in a simple skin.
It has the following like system with it's circles but has the structure as a facebook.
Unlike facebook it doesn't come with games,poke,other junk (YET)
So i believe what will happen is the following. People on facebook will be either kids for the games or just visitors to check up on gossip.
Then on Google+ you'll get the more serious groups which would consist out of communities like these, companies.
I personally use it already to group together my company contacts in case of system failure IT based. With a simple click i can huddle with everyone in that circle from all companies searching for a solution. And it being perfectly integrated with your phone gives it a +. Not that FB or Twitter arn't perfectly integrated but to some degree the app is perfect crystal clear. Probably also due to it's simple form.
So to sum it up the reason i believe Google+ has a chance is cause of their Simplicity without all the gadgets (yet).
A tentative overview
Well...... i say this having played with google plus for about a week now i strongly believe the platform that is still in beta will *EVOLVE* simply because google is trying to truly dominate the social market. The fact that google is (no tthat facebook is not) a truly innovative company, and are willing to actually incorporate a number of changes to suit the end user, simply because in the end google is for self, and we the end user are what power the 'self' or entity that is google.
Lets start with the beta structure; first the way the modem of communication is far more elaborate than FB. Their already starting out adding video chat (which puts them to head with skype) where you can create 'huddle' so u can interact with multiple user at the same time. In addition you can 'invite' people who are not even g+ users to the conversation whether they have a web/front facing camera or not, in addition you can still communicate with voice option. There will be bugs to work out with vocal overlap issues of course but we are still in beta, which is one of the reasons why it's still not too google (;p) scale as of yet. I would say the whole chat situation will cause a stir in it self since it's intergrating so much of jump. Although it's not new the way they are coupling all of them together is innovative in it self.
Then of course you have circles (FB has list) in which the time consumption of ordering is by far reduced. The good thing about those is you can truly control the end user feed, meaning you control which of your circles see what you are posting at all times. So if you do not want your family seeing your weekend hobbies, you 'do' have that ability (i for one will add family members to profile now). Also stream segmentation, we all have different groups we're more privy to touch bases with, with G+ you have that option as well by isolating the streams that are displayed (in lue of FB's 'scroll down a list of b.s looking for what you wanna see or gong to each page individually) which instantly sky rockets manageability of your page.
Seriously i can keep on going and break it all down even further but that would be far too time consuming this late at night. But all in all G+ will spurn FB to make several radical changes or be ripped to shreds by the ever growing jaws of google. G's youth makes it appealing and their teams are young so they can relate to us more than most, not that FB and MSFT but their not supplying the product that we desire as the big G is. Android platform justifying that claim, although windows is reinventing them selves and apples in the midst of a make over as well, we can just say..... Daddy Googles keeping them on their toes.
Thats just a piece of my mind being a junior member but my thoughts are my thoughts. Please let me know what you think!!!

Ideas for a 12 year old girl?

I have a 12 year old sister and she's not really "normal"
She's a bit slow in social terms and not much of a fast learner. Her father bought her a laptop for Christmas and I was really wanting to get her every Friday and just show her some tricks and tips and help her with her homework. Would be nice to influence her in some way because I believe she really needs it.
But I'm not much of a teacher when it comes to technology. I can do just about anything technically but I can't really explain even how to stop "Do you want this to be your default browser" popups to people who aren't so tech savvy.
What should I do? I've already showed her a YouTube series to watch for "Beginning with Windows 7" or something but she still doesn't really understand. I got it to where she can text me through Gmail but I still have to go up there a few times and click on my name because she doesn't understand how to open the chat window back up.
Any ideas? She doesn't really have a good computer. I couldn't even get those cheap "iSpy" games at Walmart to run stable. I plan to show her how to use Google and Wikipedia for school but what's something fun for a 12 year old girl? Besides Facebook. I doubt her Father would allow that.
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Drtro said:
I have a 12 year old sister and she's not really "normal"
She's a bit slow in social terms and not much of a fast learner. Her father bought her a laptop for Christmas and I was really wanting to get her every Friday and just show her some tricks and tips and help her with her homework. Would be nice to influence her in some way because I believe she really needs it.
But I'm not much of a teacher when it comes to technology. I can do just about anything technically but I can't really explain even how to stop "Do you want this to be your default browser" popups to people who aren't so tech savvy.
What should I do? I've already showed her a YouTube series to watch for "Beginning with Windows 7" or something but she still doesn't really understand. I got it to where she can text me through Gmail but I still have to go up there a few times and click on my name because she doesn't understand how to open the chat window back up.
Any ideas? She doesn't really have a good computer. I couldn't even get those cheap "iSpy" games at Walmart to run stable. I plan to show her how to use Google and Wikipedia for school but what's something fun for a 12 year old girl? Besides Facebook. I doubt her Father would allow that.
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Is she really your sister? In the OP you say she's your sister yet when you refer to what should be your father you always say "her father" what gives?
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avocco said:
Is she really your sister? In the OP you say she's your sister yet when you refer to what should be your father you always say "her father" what gives?
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Different Father, same Mother. But we lived together when I was younger. So she's basically my Sister.
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Drtro said:
Different Father, same Mother. But we lived together when I was younger. So she's basically my Sister.
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Apologies for jumping the gun there mate. I have a very young daughter myself and the recent headlines with the kidnappings of those 3 girls didn't help either, its enough to make anyone edgy.
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avocco said:
Apologies for jumping the gun there mate. I have a very young daughter myself and the recent headlines with the kidnappings of those 3 girls didn't help either, its enough to make anyone edgy.
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Really? I never watch the news anymore. They dramatize serious subjects and it just ticks me off.
But yeah, I figured I could spend more time with her. She really has no one to really teach her anything, no offense to our parents. But she's getting to the age where I think she should consider taking things like education more seriously. I dropped out and getting into college was hell. My older Brother graduated but is nothing but a labor slave. Her Father and our Mother has their issues as well so she really has no role model. I think I should be more involved so if she does want to do something with her life, she doesn't have to go down the hard path like I have.
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Maybe those websites like addictinggames.com or onemorelevel.com.. maybe find a blog or forum related to something shes interested in?
Don't know why the thread posted here by the way. I meant to post in XDA General
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Drtro said:
I have a 12 year old sister and she's not really "normal"
She's a bit slow in social terms and not much of a fast learner. Her father bought her a laptop for Christmas and I was really wanting to get her every Friday and just show her some tricks and tips and help her with her homework. Would be nice to influence her in some way because I believe she really needs it.
But I'm not much of a teacher when it comes to technology. I can do just about anything technically but I can't really explain even how to stop "Do you want this to be your default browser" popups to people who aren't so tech savvy.
What should I do? I've already showed her a YouTube series to watch for "Beginning with Windows 7" or something but she still doesn't really understand. I got it to where she can text me through Gmail but I still have to go up there a few times and click on my name because she doesn't understand how to open the chat window back up.
Any ideas? She doesn't really have a good computer. I couldn't even get those cheap "iSpy" games at Walmart to run stable. I plan to show her how to use Google and Wikipedia for school but what's something fun for a 12 year old girl? Besides Facebook. I doubt her Father would allow that.
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The minimum age for Facebook is 13 I thought so it may not be appropriate for her. And if by not "normal" you mean she's developmentally disabled her actual age she acts might even be younger than 12 and she would be vulnerable to predators on Facebook and other social media sites so be careful there. Opening her up to the world of the internet might not be a good call if you don't have appropriate parental guards in place on the pc she's using. Predators look for kids just like your sister, the most vulnerable are the easiest prey. I would at the least only let her on-line supervised by an adult and make sure she can't get on-line by herself.
And you can only teach her as much as you know. So the best bet is to learn more yourself and then you will be a better teacher. I have grown adults at work who have used pc's for at least the last 18 years and they still ask me do the simplest of tasks for them so she may never figure it all out. Turning it on and playing a game may be all she can do, hell that's all my boss can do.
kzoodroid said:
The minimum age for Facebook is 13 I thought so it may not be appropriate for her. And if by not "normal" you mean she's developmentally disabled her actual age she acts might even be younger than 12 and she would be vulnerable to predators on Facebook and other social media sites so be careful there. Opening her up to the world of the internet might not be a good call if you don't have appropriate parental guards in place on the pc she's using. Predators look for kids just like your sister, the most vulnerable are the easiest prey. I would at the least only let her on-line supervised by an adult and make sure she can't get on-line by herself.
And you can only teach her as much as you know. So the best bet is to learn more yourself and then you will be a better teacher. I have grown adults at work who have used pc's for at least the last 18 years and they still ask me do the simplest of tasks for them so she may never figure it all out. Turning it on and playing a game may be all she can do, hell that's all my boss can do.
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I already did those steps before he gave it to her.
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Does she have any interest in programming by some chance? Or the general concept of it (being able to tell computers what to do)?
Could try learning some Java/Android coding (for Android coding, probably want to learn some Java first). Seeing example code you written actually run might be pretty cool
What about voice recognition software like Dragon? It could be fun for her and also help her with technology?
d4c said:
What about voice recognition software like Dragon? It could be fun for her and also help her with technology?
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Was actually thinking of that but I haven't really read anything about it besides commercials ? Does it "it just works" or is it complicated?
I think I could show her a few things. But I really don't know what she likes. She has like a billion pets but that doesn't really relate to teaching her how to use a computer.
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I have no idea if it is complex or not, try their website... good luck with helping your sister.
12 year old boy.
Actually,I just remembered that Dragon comes with the new Swype keyboard on play store. You can get a free trial, if you like them buy the app and see if it's worth getting the desktop version?
d4c said:
Actually,I just remembered that Dragon comes with the new Swype keyboard on play store. You can get a free trial, if you like them buy the app and see if it's worth getting the desktop version?
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Excuse me.. This is Nexus 4 general thread. Here you cant discuss or ask for help regarding grooming your siblings.
This thread is meant for general talk on NEXUS 4 and related to it.
I am not being rude but just clearing things. Sorry if u gt hurt.
Your right this is meant for the nexus 4, but as the op said he thought he was posting in xda general. I will ask a mod to move this to the appropriate forum.
Drtro said:
Don't know why the thread posted here by the way. I meant to post in XDA General
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I've moved this thread to the General Discussion area... If you have somewhere else in mind, simply press the report button in the OP and list where you would like it to be.
I meant to post in XDA General but since I have this app to default to my favorites and Nexus 4 General is all that's there, I reckon it bounced me back here when creating a topic.
I apologize, but yes this is intended for XDA General.
I was shopping around last night and this morning and I'm thinking of getting her a used iPod from GameStop to play games with and stuff. Really the issue is that she's growing up and everybody still babies her like her 10 year old sister. I think the laptop is the only thing she's really proud of as her room is piled with dolls and Barbie's. The iPod is only $80 and maybe a $20 iTunes gift card. I don't know what music she likes. She doesn't even know who Justin Bieber or One Direction is.
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Drtro said:
I meant to post in XDA General but since I have this app to default to my favorites and Nexus 4 General is all that's there, I reckon it bounced me back here when creating a topic.
I apologize, but yes this is intended for XDA General.
I was shopping around last night and this morning and I'm thinking of getting her a used iPod from GameStop to play games with and stuff. Really the issue is that she's growing up and everybody still babies her like her 10 year old sister. I think the laptop is the only thing she's really proud of as her room is piled with dolls and Barbie's. The iPod is only $80 and maybe a $20 iTunes gift card. I don't know what music she likes. She doesn't even know who Justin Bieber or One Direction is.
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Sounds like a plan bro, I'm sure she will appreciate it.


so this is just a general message to all android users. something everyone SHOULD know about but most (non-tech) smartphone users fall short and victim to... the reason im posting this is because the wifes phone has been acting wierd lately, by wierd i mean apps have been opening up by themselves, internet browsers opened to websites that she would never go to, wallpapers keep getting changed, phone randomly being turned off, all of this happening most of the time while shes at work. now just so we know her wasnt rooted till two days ago which i did to see if maybe there was just something wrong with the stock crap that she had. turns out this wasnt the case. so i decided to post this just to make people more aware and hopefully prevent this from happening to anyone else.
what you can do to prevent this invasion
first and foremost PUT A PASSWORD ON YOUR PHONE!!! even if you have nothing to hide this will help from major things like bank accounts and passwords from emails getting stolen!
make the password hard to guess by this i dont mean use your kids names or birthdays but something no one would ever guess and use a combination of numbers and letters and never use the same password twice!
change your password atleast once a week! this will help to keep potential hackers guessing and make it harder for them to figure it out and hey if they figure it out this week they may not next week.
try to stay off of unsecured wifi networks, most routers these days have a firewall built in and if the network is protected by a password this will make it that much harder for a hacker to get into your files!
make sure you have your bluetooth set up so that other devices can only see you if they are paired or just keep it turned off when its not being used! same goes for NFC, Smart Beam, Bump, things of that nature...
dont let browsers like firefox, google chrome, e.g. save password this will also help to prevent the hacker from getting access to your email's and bank accounts! also a good idea to make sure you sign out of apps when you close them instead of leaving them open.
i hope this helps anyone else who may have had or has a problem with this from it ever happening again!
Common sense, that's all you need.
Changing your password once a week is a bit drastic in my opinion.
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Just don't install wonky apps and dont connect to public networks. As simple as that.
Does setting a password really block remote access to your phone? I thought it only blocked a user from operating the device. I think you have to set up full encryption to protect yourself from invasions. Also. Google offers 2 step verification from the play store, which makes your accounts more secure.
So how did someone get remote access to the device? Maybe if you told us the cause and how it happened it would help the rest of us to not get caught in that situation.
if this is happening mainly at work is it possible she's using there wifi and if she is how do you know a fellow employee is not hacking in to her phone.
phatmanxxl said:
So how did someone get remote access to the device? Maybe if you told us the cause and how it happened it would help the rest of us to not get caught in that situation.
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Unfortunatly I dont know the answer to this question as its her phone. I know she doesnt have any "remote access" apps installed.
biker4033 said:
if this is happening mainly at work is it possible she's using there wifi and if she is how do you know a fellow employee is not hacking in to her phone.
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no she has confermed that she doesnt use the wifi at work doesnt even have it in her connection list so no fellow employee is doing it even though I suspect this one guy that seems to sit up there all day just for the free wifi, even though wifi isnt the only way a hackwr can get into ur files its just easier.
sauprankul said:
Just don't install wonky apps and dont connect to public networks. As simple as that.
Does setting a password really block remote access to your phone? I thought it only blocked a user from operating the device. I think you have to set up full encryption to protect yourself from invasions. Also. Google offers 2 step verification from the play store, which makes your accounts more secure.
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setting a password doesnt block total access no but it would help to detur hackers and yes encryptions would prolly be better! Disnt even thing about that!!!
Da Kine said:
Common sense, that's all you need.
Changing your password once a week is a bit drastic in my opinion.
Exactly common sense... unfortunatly the world is filles with retards which was the main point of this post. Smartphones where made for "unfortunatly" stupid people... yes changing the password may be a bit drastic but maybe it would detur said hacker long enough to bore him with trying to figure it out and make him leave u alone... :/
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
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This message was sent from the a satellite in the sky.
Most of it is just common sense. Who leaves open connections unattended, anyway? Bloody hell, I turn 3G off when I'm not using it... (Mainly for battery life and the near border, but the fact stands.)
As for the passwords. Once a week is more than a bit paranoid, once every three months is a better aim.
And Don't use ridiculous sentimental passwords, such as your pets or family names and birth dates. A quick Facebook search and some logical thinking is all that's needed to figure out your password. You do not wish to know how many times I've had to do it for people who've forgotten theirs or when I needed access to a computer without the owner present. It's laughably easy, people are far too simple for their own good.
Another stupid thing I've seen people do: Leave their phone unattended in good faith or sheer negligence. Leaving your phone on your desk, or in your bag near your desk, when you go grab a new cup of tea, print something, speak with someone or visit the loo is just asking for someone else to mess with your phone. People can't be trusted. Nobody! Also, do not lend it to someone without supervision, Do Not Let It Out Of Your Sight!
I suspect that is also how your wife got her phone hacked; she probably left it in her bag or on her desk for a few minutes as she went to do something out of the line of sight.
I don't know if someone has stated this already but something that can also help out a lot and I know that a lot of people do it including myself on one or two occasions is staying legit. Meaning do not go online looking for an app for free to save yourself a dollar or so. Just pay for the app because it took time to develope and the creator deserves the donation, not to mention the apk could contain malware!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda premium
ShadowLea said:
Most of it is just common sense. Who leaves open connections unattended, anyway? Bloody hell, I turn 3G off when I'm not using it... (Mainly for battery life and the near border, but the fact stands.)
As for the passwords. Once a week is more than a bit paranoid, once every three months is a better aim.
And Don't use ridiculous sentimental passwords, such as your pets or family names and birth dates. A quick Facebook search and some logical thinking is all that's needed to figure out your password. You do not wish to know how many times I've had to do it for people who've forgotten theirs or when I needed access to a computer without the owner present. It's laughably easy, people are far too simple for their own good.
Another stupid thing I've seen people do: Leave their phone unattended in good faith or sheer negligence. Leaving your phone on your desk, or in your bag near your desk, when you go grab a new cup of tea, print something, speak with someone or visit the loo is just asking for someone else to mess with your phone. People can't be trusted. Nobody! Also, do not lend it to someone without supervision, Do Not Let It Out Of Your Sight!
I suspect that is also how your wife got her phone hacked; she probably left it in her bag or on her desk for a few minutes as she went to do something out of the line of sight.
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This was already stated.... you basicly reiterated
what I already said but made it sound smarter... and she works at a fast food joint so it stays in her pocket or in the locked car when charging...
XBearingArmsX said:
I don't know if someone has stated this already but something that can also help out a lot and I know that a lot of people do it including myself on one or two occasions is staying legit. Meaning do not go online looking for an app for free to save yourself a dollar or so. Just pay for the app because it took time to develope and the creator deserves the donation, not to mention the apk could contain malware!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda premium
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I must admit I am one of rhose people that downloads the .apk but not to one up google play or the dev but simply cus google doesnt give u but 15 mins to get a refund and lets face it thats no where near enough time to test an app to see if its something that will suit ones needs, so I download the apk file to see if its something that I would wanna keep and if it is then I go back whrn I have the extra cash to buy said apps...
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Rookie407 said:
I must admit I am one of rhose people that downloads the .apk but not to one up google play or the dev but simply cus google doesnt give u but 15 mins to get a refund and lets face it thats no where near enough time to test an app to see if its something that will suit ones needs, so I download the apk file to see if its something that I would wanna keep and if it is then I go back whrn I have the extra cash to buy said apps...
This message was sent from the a satellite in the sky.
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This is probably where your malware came from. I'd suggest doing a factory reset and stop downloading pirated apps. If you want a refund after the 15 minute trial period just email Google or the developer, they are usually pretty good at giving refunds.
Sent from my SGH-I747M using xda app-developers app
gc84245 said:
This is probably where your malware came from. I'd suggest doing a factory reset and stop downloading pirated apps. If you want a refund after the 15 minute trial period just email Google or the developer, they are usually pretty good at giving refunds.
Sent from my SGH-I747M using xda app-developers app
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I know it wasnt the downloading of apps as my wife is one of those non-techy people ive been talking about... it could have however been from her dl'ing music from unreliable websites.
This message was sent from the a satellite in the sky.
If anything suspicious was happening to my phone I would immediately wipe/flash a new rom.
Banking apps are pretty risky too if they are easily logged into.
nmur said:
If anything suspicious was happening to my phone I would immediately wipe/flash a new rom.
Banking apps are pretty risky too if they are easily logged into.
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Sadly if you were hacked you would need to do alittle more then just wipe and reflash, u would need to delete all email accounts tied to said phone and apps used in the past + get a new number basicly start EVERYTHING new!
This message was sent from the a satellite in the sky.
If u happen to know the hackers ip address and or phone number you could always call your provider and have them block it also
This message was sent from the a satellite in the sky.
I could recommend to you wifi protector against hackers via wifi.. and also an antivirus for safety purpose
Wifi protector is available here in xda..
Sent from my A618 TV Duo using xda app-developers app
FROST_wyrm said:
I could recommend to you wifi protector against hackers via wifi.. and also an antivirus for safety purpose
Wifi protector is available here in xda..
Sent from my A618 TV Duo using xda app-developers app
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Didnt know there was an app like that ty for this post! And we have lookout so we are covered on the anti virus part...
This message was sent from the a satellite in the sky.
That app was actually an anti.wifikill and for other apps that will try to access your phone just like hacking your fb account and others.
Sent from my A618 TV Duo using xda app-developers app
nice tip..gona take ur advice
Talking about being hacked, I fell victim to this too a year ago and I was able to put a stop to it. But first I'll explain my ordeal. One night I started getting calls from friends very pissed off that I kept calling them at 1 and 2 in the morning and waking them up and hanging up the phone. I kept telling them I swear I never called you. This went on to the point I lost a few friends until I saw it happen right before me eyes. Bet I know what your thinking, Pocket dialing? NOPE. My phone was dialing on it's own while sitting on the table at night charging.
So here it is 1 AM in the morning and I notice the light on my LG Optimus's screen coming on. I walked over and took a look, and to my surprise!! The darn thing was opening up the dial pad, moving to callers on my list and calling each one. This freaked me out. I thought I had ghost in the house. haha.
I reported this to Virgin and yea right, not much help. They must of thought I was on drugs. I decided to research this and low and behold, others were having this same problem with all models of phones. So someone did something about this and written an App called, "Called Confirmed Code." Nice thing was every time my phone attempted to make a phone call on its own, a password box appears asking for the pin number. Wrong pin rejects the call and closes the dial-er.
So I installed in hopes to find out if this is a glitch in Froyo 2.2.1 or a hacker. It happened once again. Phone woke up on its own that night and I watched in horror as the password box came up and someone was attempting to guess the pin number. each time he failed, the dial-er closed. I knew now someone was in my phone.
Did more research and read that there are open ports used a remote OTA Virgin uses to update your software over the air was being exploited and allowing hackers to fool my phone into thinking I had updates and allowing software to install on the phone. I took my phone to my local police dept and have a detective look into it and sure enough, it was a piece of software that got into the phone through the OTA port. Another words, What I though was a legit security update was nothing more then a backdoor installed.
So, I made copies of the police reports and faxed everything to Virgin's headquarters and weeks later, said there is no proof such a thing can happen.
WHAT!! Weather or not this is possible guys, it happen to me and that's what pushed me to root and flash my phone. Never did update through the OTA again. That's o.k. because Virgin Mobile did away with OTA updates because why??? Exploits. They still wont admit it today. And it doesn't stop there. That's my story how I got hacked. Maybe your's is different.
Do you always turn your wifi on?
hackers can only hack you if you are connected
No harsh feelings please, smile ka din

[Completed] A more "compatible XDA"

Hey I am a young android enthusiast and just like many others, I love android very much. When I first heard android I was too happy with my Sanyo Incognito and I didn't care what my dad was talking about. Now many years later in, I am so overwhelmed with android.
Maybe too overwhelmed.
It has come to me that their are many cellular companies all competing for price and blah blah blah. Well this has come to the conclusion where many of us are 'throttled' by our services. This is a big problem.
If you don't have a really stubborn mind, you will get nowhere in this world and stuck all of the time. But that's not my issue.
My issue is that it is really so hard to find anything on the web for things I need, which would be simple necessities for anyone.
Like searching on how to build a android game on android; on an android, searching Google for what is the best most fastest customizable phone ever, and then looking for a budget version, searching Google on how to root a phone and then getting bumbuzzled by ads and wrong videos, and by people trying to make their living off of youtube by paying them to make there video come first and all of that.
Well I am tired of this, and I am pretty sure everyone else trying to do the same thing is tired of it (probably more tired than me, and have a much bigger headache than me)
This has slowly happened here at XDA I believe and here's why. If I look up "top phones" right now in the search bar, the first result I get will not be about that. If I look up "best customizable phone" the same thing will happen, and this will happen if I try to search up a lot of other things as well.
If that problem can be fixed and I can look up anything without going to the second page that will be amazing for all of us.
A quick note:
I am not a stubborn person, actually I am open to anything really. I am pretty sure the developer:regular android user ratio is pretty far off.
Sooooo, why not when I get on XDA their is an tutorial that is so epicly easy to understand( you'd have to be stubborn or insane) not to understand it, that bassically greets you to XDA and starts you off on the journey to learn the way of developing! Yess, I mean a tutorial that anyone can see when get on XDA and read it and reread whenever, and because its so easy and always their, anyone can become a developer by following the procedures! I believe that will get the weight off of all of you pioneer developers. :good:
Make XDA the easiest thing on the planet, then I will be able to log on to Google one day and be to a website where a bunch of people are able to help me make a game and device all for free. And what do we do after that? wow there would be nothing else to do. :laugh: :cyclops:
Who knew "CUSTOMIZABLE" is NOT a word in the dictionary!!! OMG, I am so going to add that word to the dictionary!!! !!!
customizable : able to customize,
"John rooted is Verizon Phablet somehow, now he got unlimited hotspot for no extra monthly cost. Did I mention that his phablet was fully customizable? Like I mean he could swipe the apps he uses the most on his app drawer!!! THATS AMAZING!
Don Swavey said:
Hey I am a young android enthusiast and just like many others, I love android very much. When I first heard android I was too happy with my Sanyo Incognito and I didn't care what my dad was talking about. Now many years later in, I am so overwhelmed with android.
Maybe too overwhelmed.
It has come to me that their are many cellular companies all competing for price and blah blah blah. Well this has come to the conclusion where many of us are 'throttled' by our services. This is a big problem.
If you don't have a really stubborn mind, you will get nowhere in this world and stuck all of the time. But that's not my issue.
My issue is that it is really so hard to find anything on the web for things I need, which would be simple necessities for anyone.
Like searching on how to build a android game on android; on an android, searching Google for what is the best most fastest customizable phone ever, and then looking for a budget version, searching Google on how to root a phone and then getting bumbuzzled by ads and wrong videos, and by people trying to make their living off of youtube by paying them to make there video come first and all of that.
Well I am tired of this, and I am pretty sure everyone else trying to do the same thing is tired of it (probably more tired than me, and have a much bigger headache than me)
This has slowly happened here at XDA I believe and here's why. If I look up "top phones" right now in the search bar, the first result I get will not be about that. If I look up "best customizable phone" the same thing will happen, and this will happen if I try to search up a lot of other things as well.
If that problem can be fixed and I can look up anything without going to the second page that will be amazing for all of us.
A quick note:
I am not a stubborn person, actually I am open to anything really. I am pretty sure the developer:regular android user ratio is pretty far off.
Sooooo, why not when I get on XDA their is an tutorial that is so epicly easy to understand( you'd have to be stubborn or insane) not to understand it, that bassically greets you to XDA and starts you off on the journey to learn the way of developing! Yess, I mean a tutorial that anyone can see when get on XDA and read it and reread whenever, and because its so easy and always their, anyone can become a developer by following the procedures! I believe that will get the weight off of all of you pioneer developers. :good:
Make XDA the easiest thing on the planet, then I will be able to log on to Google one day and be to a website where a bunch of people are able to help me make a game and device all for free. And what do we do after that? wow there would be nothing else to do. :laugh: :cyclops:
Who knew "CUSTOMIZABLE" is NOT a word in the dictionary!!! OMG, I am so going to add that word to the dictionary!!! !!!
customizable : able to customize,
"John rooted is Verizon Phablet somehow, now he got unlimited hotspot for no extra monthly cost. Did I mention that his phablet was fully customizable? Like I mean he could swipe the apps he uses the most on his app drawer!!! THATS AMAZING!
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The purpose of XDA Assist is for newbies to find their way around XDA. Please post your question in Android Q&A,Help and Troubleshooting.

Looking for free real Canadian phone number apps? that allow calls to/from CA and US

Hello I hope this isn't in the wrong section. I have looked for hours for apps like this. And so far most of the apps for this either make you earn credits/minutes with ads, or have some dropped calls mentioned in reviews. and one good one seemed to not use wifi.
so far the best I have found is Textnow.
My friend wants to know, and actually he wanted an app like that, that you don't have to register or login at all with, and has 4.8 stars and no terms of service and so ... it's impossible ya? so I'll take what I can get thank you.

