I have a BroadcastReceiver with an intent-filter on android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE, looking for the phone to go idle once an incoming call ends. However, on that receiver, when I query the Android's CallLog provider for the last incoming call, I am not getting it because, apparently, the CallLog has not yet been updated with that last incoming call that just ended. Is there anyway for my receiver to query an updated CallLog without having to use Thread.sleep() or something similar? A similar question have been asked on StackOverflow, but I feel that there must be a better solution than putting threads to sleep.
So far, no one seems to know how to achieve this on other forums... Does anyone here knows a better way? For example, does the Android's CallLog provider sends any event (intent) when it gets updated, so that I could listen?
Hi all, just curious if there is a reg hack or software out there that can consolidate all the calls recieved, missed, or dialed out from a WM5 pocket pc phone? In other words, is there a way to group all the calls from a specific phone number whether I dialed it, it came in, or missed it in order to keep the call history in some order?
Just curious...
Menu > Filter > By Caller
in the Call History screen, should do it.
apples and pies.
as subject states, I am looking for a program that will popup a notes box when i press hangup on my phone(o2 xda2)
Ideally it would allow me to make a timesheet for time on the phone.
I cannot find any software that comes even close to this sort of functionality.
I have looked at TimeTTracker for quickbooks, but am having troubles getting it talking to quickbooks. TimeTtracker is sort of what I am looking for but still has no phone call time billing.
Many Thanks,
I have only a few of my phone calls that i want to specifically log. For these i just dial from Pocket Informant - it automatically creates a journal. Contains all relevant information. However, this does not cover incoming calls.
I got a real SIP phone and a DID for incoming calls from one of those places giving out free DIDs.
Using Google Voice to forward to the DID number, I can now accept incoming calls and trigger outgoing calls from the website (they ring first my phone, then the destination).
I would love it if there was a way to trigger a callback from the SIP phone (even if it is to a fixed number, since I could use my skype dial in number).
Any help what the best way would be to achieve this?
There is so much conflicting info and I admit that I know nothing about PBXs or anything (so some of the guides also make little sense to me).
Could definitely run some software on my (windows) server or on my dd-wrt router.
Thank you in advance.
Hi all, i'm new to this forum, but i'm starting out with a big question.
I'm having a discussion with a support engineer and i would like to counter some of his arguments with some insights from people that have actually made some android apps.
so the situation:
SIP phone app provided by PBX developer
you take a call on your phone, precense on the app stays "available" because the app is on standby/sleep/doze
you then receive a second call, this time on the SIP app, you can't answer it and can't park it cause you are already in a normal phonecall.
What we/our client wants:
you take a call on your phone, the precense on the SIP app changes to "in a call" or "busy" so that no calls can be made to his SIP app
This has been realised by some SIP apps but these are not compatible with the PBX installed
What support said:
This is not possible, because the app is in sleep and uses push to take the calls.
Is this really that impossible? i know you can get the call state of your phone but i have no idea you can actually push this to an app that is on standby/sleep/doze.
HI all,
My gf's phone behaves in a really strange way...
During an audio call using common communicators, say skype, whatsapp, messenger, if a new incoming gsm/lte connection is coming, then it automatically takes priority over communicator call. Communicator call is put on hold.
What is most annoying, is that you are not able to inform the person on other side of the line that there is a new incoming connection - no, the second incoming connection is appearing on screen, current connection is put on hold. To clarify, user can chose whether to accept or cancel new incoming call, but the 'communicator' call is already on hold;(
I find this most annoying coming from iphone environment, where I have full control on all live and incoming connections and where no connection is prioritised. When im on a whatsapp audio call and a regular gsm connection is coming, I can let other person know that I have incoming connection and decide to answer, cancel or put current call on call. I find this rather normal behaviour. Unfortunately this is not the case on my gf's phone which drives me nuts
Please let me know if this is case of specific ROM, or android os in general? I hope you could guide me toward an easy solution, hopefully not requiring reinstalling new rom. Many thanks!
Phone is running MIUI Global, Android 8.0.0.