Program to popup notes when calls finished - General Topics

as subject states, I am looking for a program that will popup a notes box when i press hangup on my phone(o2 xda2)
Ideally it would allow me to make a timesheet for time on the phone.
I cannot find any software that comes even close to this sort of functionality.
I have looked at TimeTTracker for quickbooks, but am having troubles getting it talking to quickbooks. TimeTtracker is sort of what I am looking for but still has no phone call time billing.
Many Thanks,

I have only a few of my phone calls that i want to specifically log. For these i just dial from Pocket Informant - it automatically creates a journal. Contains all relevant information. However, this does not cover incoming calls.


Q: Is there call answering machine software? A: Nope.

Many would really welcome a local answering machine on their Pocket PC’s to, for example, avoid the (often costly) need to call in remote voicemail boxes and/or to keep / archive the recordings of their, say, girlfriend.
Unfortunately, I have bad news for all these people: there is NO way one can implement such software on the current (mostly HTC-manufactured) crop of Pocket PC Phone Edition devices because of the hardware limitations I’ve explained in my article on recording conversations. That is, it’s pretty futile to look for any answering machine software for your Pocket PC phone – unless you have the GIGABYTE G-Smart (see below).
Note that
there are SMS notifiers (Aali Alikoski’s free SMS Notifier and BOO! Interactive’s commercial SMS Answering Machine) but they only answer with an SMS message and aren’t able to directly record the speech (the message) of the caller
other smart phone platforms (see for example Smart Answer on the Nokia S60 platform) do have call recorders. They, however, have hardware that does allow recording calls. (HTC, hear this?! It has been stated many times and we’ll tell you many MORE times that you SHOULD produce phone models that are able to record phone calls because that feature would also make it possible to use the phone as an answering machine!)
there is only one Pocket PC Phone Edition model, GIGABYTE’s excellent G-Smart, which contains built-in software to do this. The software, however, can NOT be “hacked” to other devices – this GIGABYTE PDA has special hardware that, unlike HTC models, does allow for recording the voice of the other party (incidentally, this is why it also contains a call recorder software, not just a call answering machine.)
Some related threads:
Answering machine
You can also try entering the words "Answering machine" here, making sure you also select the “Search for all terms” radio button.
The Answerphone is great on the g-Smart... but not perfect....
To get it working better you need to get rid of your service providers answering service, otherwise that one will occasionally take the call, as the time that you set the answerphone on the g-Smart, isn't always accurate. I.E. set it to a 20 sec delay, and because of the lag for the phone to ring, the lag for the software to activate etc etc.... the SP answering service grabs it first...
Once you've disabled the SP service, it's great... when you have signal... otherwise you'll miss everything, won't get any indicators and all the caller gets is the DO-DO-DO-DO-DO of the engaged/not available.
Upside though... cheaper... messages available locally... and you can screen the calls...

Windows Mobile architecture on PDA phones?

Has Microsoft (or anyone else, for that matter) ever published a book, whitepaper, or anything else that actually explains how the various components of WM5/6 actually "work" in a real PDA phone?
I've seen various scattered documents at MSDN that tell how to write applications for phones running WM5/6, but I've never been able to find anything that coherently explains how a PDA phone running WM5/6 actually HANDLES incoming/outgoing phone calls -- the apps and DLLs involved, points where you can wedge your own handlers into the event chain, etc.
I guess what I'm really looking for right now is some guidance about where to even LOOK for that info... the official library/object name(s), the proper phrases to google for, etc. I have a hunch that what I'm looking for is NOT in the MSDN documentation tree for WM6 Professional PDA Phones, and is hidden somewhere else in the hierarchy... but finding anything at MSDN feels like searching for a needle in a haystack unless you already know exactly what you're looking for and what it's officially called ;-)
For what it's worth, I want to write my own replacement handler(s) for voicemail notifications. I can't stand the way WM6 stupidly makes me swat away the notification that I have voicemail, and decline to listen to it, then swat away a second notification that I have a missed call before FINALLY letting me know whose call I missed (and by extension, who left the voicemail message). I want to write a handler that shows something like:
Missed Calls:
Joe Smith @ 3 minutes ago (italics = left voicemail)
Jenna Ho @ 2:27am
Matt Johnson @ yesterday 11:52pm
Matt Johnson @ yesterday 10:23PM
on the screen instead.
Also, I use my cell phone as my "real" phone, and have an AT&T cordless phone that pairs with it via bluetooth. Unfortunately, it doesn't notify me of voicemail or received SMS messages, and I can easily go for HOURS without noticing (say, if I'm outside when someone calls, and they leave a voicemail message... until I physically happen to wake up the phone and look at the display, I'll never even know someone called). So... I want to build a circuit using a BlueSMIRF bluetooth-uart module and a microcontroller that toggles an input on my home automation/burglar alarm system (triggering a voice announcement over the loudspeakers), and have my handler app on the phone connect to it and trigger that notification every few minutes until I notice. I also wouldn't mind being able to make the phone go crazy vibrating in response to a received sms/voicemail message, so if I'm somewhere like a noisy nightclub wearing loose jeans and don't notice, it will keep vibrating and making noise until I do.

Disconnected Number app?

I apologize if this already exists, but I was unable to find anything on Google or the forums here.
I'm wondering if it's feasible to create an apk that will do the following:
Upon incoming call, check the number. If it exists in a database of user-added numbers, or is Unknown/Private (if this setting is selected), then the call is answered by the phone automatically (without playing a ringtone), the mic is shut off, and it plays back a recording of the "The number you have dialed is not in service". Set it to disconnect after 30 seconds or so, if the other end of the call doesn't end it themselves.
I believe this would be useful as a sort of black-listing program, and should anyone call that number while blacklisted, they would most likely remove the number from their list. I see this being beneficial for telemarketers, collections calls, Ex-boyfriends/ex-girlfriends, that stranger in the bar you gave your number out to after you had too much to drink, etc.
While I realize there are a number of call-blocking programs out there, I think the main selling point of this would be that it would stop the calls from coming from that source.
Sorry if a thread like this exists somewhere, or even an app, but I couldn't find anything. I've just been thinking about this a lot lately, and while I have some experience programming, I have yet to touch anything for the Android OS.
check the market for a callblock app, shold be what your looking for
Not exactly. The call blocking applications I've seen so far either send them directly to voicemail, or pick up the call and immediately hang up on them.
The primary difference I'm looking for is muting the microphone and playing back a message prior to hanging up the call.
Does this already exist? If not, is it possible to create? Again, I have no experience coding for Android, so I don't know what we can and cannot do, although I imagine it probably would be possible, preferably without root (so as to reach a wider audience).
i believe you can do this with google voice.
i think if you mark the number as spam or block it in google voice it plays that type of message.
The only problem with that, is it requires the use of the Google Voice number, right? Which does not help for those who already have the current number. See OP:
I see this being beneficial for telemarketers, collections calls, Ex-boyfriends/ex-girlfriends, that stranger in the bar you gave your number out to after you had too much to drink, etc.
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I apologize for this needing to be moved. My original question was actually whether or not it was possible, but this turned more into a "Try this app" thread.
PyRo_DuDe said:
The only problem with that, is it requires the use of the Google Voice number, right? Which does not help for those who already have the current number. See OP:
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i believe if you end up using google voice for voice mail (where you dont have to have a gv number) it does this also.

missed call notification app for windows mobile smartphone

OK, Any one has noticed that Windows Mobile 6.1 makes a threaded history for each contact / number in your call history?
Also i don't know why its sorting out contacts by name rather latest calls first.
When i was asleep, i got two missed calls. When i woke up, I couldn't even find those numbers who made the missed calls. How pathetic, I figured that out 30 minutes later after going through my entire call history of almost 150 numbers, which persons were calling me while i was asleep.
Is there any tweak that I can sort out calls as "Latest first" in my call history rather showing contacts in a descending order and make me play hide and seek for another hour?
I know this feature is in WM6.x for pocket pc

What is Best Auto Call Answering Machine S/w For Android ?

Hello Everyone,
I have Star x18i Mobile with android installed on it, i did search alot of applications and used and really like most of them, now what is my issue i m not able to find any suitable auto call answer machine software,
There are many software of auto answering machine which send message to unknown number calls as soon any call come,,,,
What i want is i get alot of wrong calls each day, i dont know who is calling maybe friend or romour, and i not want to talk to them directly so i m looking for software to install into my mobile which do following main functions :
1. When unknown number call comes, my phone auto pick the call and play an audio file which i will select or built-in in software to that person and record the phone call as well, Audio i will use will be something like that ( Person you are calling is busy please record your msg person will get back to you ) when ever an unknown number call come i want to play sound and record so later i can listen who that person was calling me, if any known person then i will contact them otherwise will block them number....
That is the simple thing like software i want, Please tell me if anyone know any of that type software ? again please i not want sms reply software, i want to play sound to that person auto and record voice....
Hope someone will guide be better.
Thanks allot in Advance
rayice said:
Hello Everyone,
I have Star x18i Mobile with android installed on it, i did search alot of applications and used and really like most of them, now what is my issue i m not able to find any suitable auto call answer machine software,
There are many software of auto answering machine which send message to unknown number calls as soon any call come,,,,
What i want is i get alot of wrong calls each day, i dont know who is calling maybe friend or romour, and i not want to talk to them directly so i m looking for software to install into my mobile which do following main functions :
1. When unknown number call comes, my phone auto pick the call and play an audio file which i will select or built-in in software to that person and record the phone call as well, Audio i will use will be something like that ( Person you are calling is busy please record your msg person will get back to you ) when ever an unknown number call come i want to play sound and record so later i can listen who that person was calling me, if any known person then i will contact them otherwise will block them number....
That is the simple thing like software i want, Please tell me if anyone know any of that type software ? again please i not want sms reply software, i want to play sound to that person auto and record voice....
Hope someone will guide be better.
Thanks allot in Advance
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Is is truly unbelievable to me that in this day and age such an essential phone function could have been overlooked! I have been searching for days and days and found NOTHING or got stupid responses such as "use Google" (Online only, uses Data and for US Citizens only) or "use voicemail" (expensive cellular provider subscription add-on)... I mean, come on! When even the cheapest home phones can be gotten with built in answering machines, how come this essential feature is nowhere to be seen on android phones?
What's the deal, what's the technical hangup, what's the problem? Can anyone explain the REASON why there are NO call answering machine-like apps of any kind out there?
Old faithful said:
Is is truly unbelievable to me that in this day and age such an essential phone function could have been overlooked! I have been searching for days and days and found NOTHING or got stupid responses such as "use Google" (Online only, uses Data and for US Citizens only) or "use voicemail" (expensive cellular provider subscription add-on)... I mean, come on! When even the cheapest home phones can be gotten with built in answering machines, how come this essential feature is nowhere to be seen on android phones?
What's the deal, what's the technical hangup, what's the problem? Can anyone explain the REASON why there are NO call answering machine-like apps of any kind out there?
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Im looking for the same thing and can't find it too!
Here is my need. I have a business phone number and my personal cell phone number. All my customers should call me to my business number which I can set to auto-forward to my cell only at the time I want to. But some of my customers know my cell phone number and they keep having this bad habit of calling me on it instead of my business phone number.
I'm looking for a app that will be tracking in the background the caller id number of incoming calls, if the number is a on list of unwanted that I have set, it will auto-answer, play an audio file recorded by me (like: "Please dial 111-222-3333 to reach me, thanks you") and then hang-up.
I don't feel alone with the need of a solution like this. And there are apps that can auto-answer call according to the caller id and there are apps that can play audio in a call, I don't see why it could not be technically possible to combine both.
can't belive it, i was looking for the same and found several threads like this one, that's sad
let's hope sth comes up
Yeah, I used to have this function on my old fliphone from way back in 2002! Also, on my Windows Mobile phones after that...
Exactly. My nokia flip from ages ago (ran symbian OS) has an app on it called "Advanced Answering Machine" or "Advanced Call Manager" or something similar.
I could set it up so that it would direct calls to different greetings depending on the caller ID. An example of this is, I wont accept calls from "unknown" or "blocked" etc numbers. ACM/AAM would handle this perfectly. It would answer the phone, play the Telstra (thats a telco in australia) message "the number you have called is not available from this service." twice, then hang up. Later on I found out I was missing some important calls (the message confused some people such as the landlord who had a blocked number) so I changed it to "I do not accept calls from blocked numbers. To unblock your number, dial 1831 in front of your number. It wont cost you any more". This fixed the problem.
It was also programmed to answer calls after 30 seconds of ringing and play a standard greeting then take a message.
It was a very versatile program. I could (for example) divert certain calls to a party line if I didnt want calls from that particular number; however I didnt, as the diverted leg would cost me a fortune.
Its a shame on these advanced handsets today that such a simple, commonly available on landline phones, feature is not available. I can control televisions, fly remote controlled toys and vapourize components with a big bank of capacitors over bluetooth using my phone, yet it cant perform a simple answering machine function.
From what I hear the API that handles these functions is not directly accessable to developers; probably because "malware" could hook in and dial high priced premium calls and rack up huge bills all the while the phone owner not knowing until the monthly account comes in.
I did see one answerphone somewhere but it utilised the speaker so if it took a call (for example while your at the pub) the caller would not hear your greeting, or on the train everyone around you would hear your greeting and then the callers message, so not very practical. It would NOT work properly while the phone was on mute.
xperia phones come with buit-in answering machine feature. or use jail broken iphone and u have half a dozen apps which can do it.
unfortunately in android noway.. even if u r rooted.. no way

