[Q] S3 Won't turn on after I upgraded to new phone - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S III

I'm having a very weird issue with my SIII.
I recently got an LG G3 and transferred my the SIM from my GS3 to that new phone (in order to keep unlimited data). The S3 should still start without a SIM, however, I am getting no response. When I plug in the phone, the charging light comes on briefly then goes out (sometimes it stays on). I can not power it on, boot into recovery or download mode. I have tried multiple batteries. I have left the phone unplugged. I have charged both batteries with external chargers. Is the phone dead? Did my power button crap out? Was the timing with my new phone activation just a coincidence? Or is something else going on here?
I would rather not put my old SIM card back in to troubleshoot for fear of doing anything to lose my unlimited data after a shady upgrade transfer to my new phone outside of Verizon's rules.
Any ideas on what could possibly be going on would be helpful.


[Q] Verizon SGSIII Died, Would activating a new phone prevent data recovery??

Hi my SGS III apparently had a sudden death issue. The phone turned off out of nowhere and has not turned on. I have tried another charged battery to see if the battery was the issue but it did not work. I also notice that when I attempt to charge the phone it doesn't respond in any way (lights, vibration, led, or screen). However my phone does begin to heat up within about a minute of me connecting the charger.
Some one mentioned that my charging habits caused this. I leave the phone charging all night while I sleep. I did not know if this caused it, but someone told me its a bad habit to have.
Anyways my real question is: If I activate a new phone on verizon can I still at some future point turn on my phone (if I get it repaired) and recover my data from it? In other words if data recovery was a possibility, would me activating a new phone with the same number as this phone prevent me from recovering data from my phone (pictures, documents)?
I am not sure how phone activation affects a phone. Also sorry as English is not my first language.
universem2 said:
Hi my SGS III apparently had a sudden death issue. The phone turned off out of nowhere and has not turned on. I have tried another charged battery to see if the battery was the issue but it did not work. I also notice that when I attempt to charge the phone it doesn't respond in any way (lights, vibration, led, or screen). However my phone does begin to heat up within about a minute of me connecting the charger.
Some one mentioned that my charging habits caused this. I leave the phone charging all night while I sleep. I did not know if this caused it, but someone told me its a bad habit to have.
Anyways my real question is: If I activate a new phone on verizon can I still at some future point turn on my phone (if I get it repaired) and recover my data from it? In other words if data recovery was a possibility, would me activating a new phone with the same number as this phone prevent me from recovering data from my phone (pictures, documents)?
I am not sure how phone activation affects a phone. Also sorry as English is not my first language.
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No, this would not cause any issues with data recovery.

[Q] Samsung Galaxy Froze- Data Recovery?

I have a problem with my Galaxy SIII. It is from Virgin Mobile..
I uploaded a new software update- I tried avoiding this bc the last time I did, my phones battery was horrible and GPS did not work for a better part of a week. However, the upload message would not stop after two weeks, and it would drop my calls when it was giving me the notice/and or trying, it would also knock me off internet. So I did. However, my battery started to go to crap, at 20% it would shut the phone off, later for me to come home, plug it into a charger to be at 30% not 20%. I found that odd. However, it requested again without remorse, almost 30% calls were interrpted and I thought maybe this "Update again" might fix the problems. Nope, my suspicions became true. I seen my phone with the little droid guy and it uploading. However, when I got back to the phone, it was stuck on a Samsung screen. I can power the device on and off, it will go through the motions if you will, but soon as it hits the Samsung title cannot boot past it. To note when doing the " Software Update"- I had my phone on a charger. So cannot boot past Samsung screen and it freezes there.
I can go into Safe Mode if I use the buttons manually. However, I cannot restart the phone in safe mode. A Samsung guy mentioned that there might be a way to manually type commands in safe mode- the ownly thing my phone might be still good for- using a software that would recognize the device and save info onto an SD card before flashing. He found this out by typing a google search, I tried and cannot find it. He stated the data is probably still ok without a flash. However, how did I get data out of this before a flash lol? Any ideas?

How do I recharge the M8 for Windows?

I am trying to simply recharge my HTC One M8 for Windows and for the life of me no combination of power and volume keys works. Currently, I'm stuck in "cog reboot hell"...it's those two little spinning cogs like when your phone updates; the phone reboots and we're back to the spinning cogs. Maybe it's me, but this just seems like the most ridiculous problem to have; the phone dies, plug the phone into the wall and that's it, but noooooooo; it can't be that simple. I had this problem recently and followed the instructions, I also removed my SD card, and got the darn thing started; today, not even it worked. I've read the instructions from Verizon to XDA, what am I missing here? You can't plug the phone into the wall and it stay off long enough to charge? It has to restart and be "on" to charge? Thanks!
Recover your phone - obviously it´s stuck. https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/mobile/support/faq/?action=singleTopic&topic=FA142987
Thanks, I did that but it took a "wall" charger to restart the device to the point I could turn the display off and charge it the rest of the way. If I allow the phone to die it's the only way to get it back. It remains a ridiculous problem to have and I fail to understand why the device cannot be charged from being off outright. My M7 had this same issue but to a lesser degree; the battery has excellent life, you simply can't allow it to die outright.

Need Help with Constant Restarts

I have seen this problem online with the Edge, but no solutions other than changing the device out. Hoping someone can tell me whats going on here.
I bought this phone from Sprint on 10/7/16 and didn't have any issues until 11/7/16 (1 day out of the time for me to add insurance to get it replaced).
On to the issue. It restarts every 2 min, if I allow the screen to turn off. If plugged in and charging, it just shuts down and freezes. Have to do a soft reset to get it up and running. I have no to date done 4 factory resets, and didn't install any new apps and pulled out my Micro SD card as well. All the pre-installed apps are up to date, as well as my firmware, profile, hell even my prl is up to date. Still happening.
I have been able to stop it by turning in the "Always on Display" that shows the date, time and battery percentage. It seems to have stopped the problem, but lets face it, that's not a fix. Its a bandaid over a leaky pipe.
Anyone have any suggestions? I have called Samsung and they said I can send it in, but I don't have a backup device at the moment. I sold my Note 3 when I bought this phone. I know I can get a loaner phone from Sprint, but I don't want to pay for it.
Thanks in advance.
PS - Non rooted phone.

Question Phone died a death over night, please help with files recovery!

Hi, My s21+ was fine last night, but when i removed it from my wireless charger this morning the screen is completely black and un-responsive. The ringtone was sounding when someone called me earlier but following troubleshooting from samsung its no longer responsive at all - its no as if the phone isnt even turning on anymore.
I am eager to get the data from the handset, and am willing to take whatever steps neccessary to recover as much a I can. I have tried samsung smart switch PC but the phone is not recognised. I also looked (briefly) into wondershare mobiletrans, but that requires me to activate USB Debugging, which is impossible with a non responsive handset.
What are the best steps for me to take? I am not bothered if the handset works or not, i just want my SMS and Gallery saving if at all possible? There are some SMS's on there from my mum before she passed away that are quite sentimental to me.
All advice gratefully received.
Thanks in advance.
If you can't access the boot menu, there's nothing you can do without repairing the hardware failure first*. If it's the mobo only a data recovery specialist will be able to retrieve it.
If it's a battery failure, replacing the battery should put you in the pink again. Li's can fail completely with no warning but usually it's the degraded ones that fail ie less than 80% of original capacity. Any battery swelling is a failure.
This exactly one the reasons I always use a SD card as a data drive and back that up redundantly. With no data drive regular backup of critical data is mandatory. Phones with no expandable storage put you at a disadvantage in more ways than one. Regardless without redundant backup data lose becomes a question of not if it will happen only when it will happen.
*Try this to fix the black screen of death.
The phone is basically faulty right out of the factory: your screen has a bit that's either torn or disconnected from where it should be. I'd wager if you charged your phone suddenly it went dark its the black screen of death. In my case the screen was off but touch still worked. Left the phone alone for half a year, picked it up and suddenly it worked again. Brainless Samsung.
You should be able to recover your data probably easily. What happens when you connect the phone via USB to the PC? Or when you just charge it? Can you try charging it for a while, booting it up and then if you remember to, unlock it blindly (treat the screen as if it wasn't off)

