[Q] How to change vibration strength? - ONE Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

With the official flipcover for the OPO, I can BARELY feel a vibration, if at all. I know there is no way to change this in Settings. There are many apps that deal with vibration, but before I start digging through 50+ apps, has anyone found one that works on the OPO to increase the vibration strength? I have no need for "vibration patterns" and these other features that the apps advertise.

For the nexus lines, it was within the kernel on to u can change the vibration strength. Don't see the feature just yet but it'll be soon to come possibly. On the nexus 5, the stock vibration was 60-70 (I forget exact value) and Max was 100.
Sent from my One using Tapatalk

If you have root try using an app like Franco kernel app to Modify the strength of the vibration. I don't think you need to be running a custom kernel. Worth a shot.

farangutan said:
If you have root try using an app like Franco kernel app to Modify the strength of the vibration. I don't think you need to be running a custom kernel. Worth a shot.
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I forgot to mention that I cannot not root the device per my employer's restrictions.

farangutan said:
If you have root try using an app like Franco kernel app to Modify the strength of the vibration. I don't think you need to be running a custom kernel. Worth a shot.
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FKU doesn't have the option to change vibration strength yet.
I forgot to mention that I cannot not root the device per my employer's restrictions.
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Root your phone, change it, unroot.

This is a screen shot of my fku app in kernel settings.
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farangutan said:
This is a screen shot of my fku app in kernel settings.
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Hmm that's very strange. Mines is,
Sent from my One using Tapatalk

Ok I see. Maybe that setting is removed on the one? My screenshot is from my nexus 5...

farangutan said:
Ok I see. Maybe that setting is removed on the one? My screenshot is from my nexus 5...
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Yeah the screenshot I took is on the OnePlus One. I know the Nexus 5 had it thats why I said it used to have it. It'll probably be available in the next update or so, hopefully.

The file to change vibration intensity is sys/devices/virtual/timed_output/vibrator/vtg_level but it gets reset when you change value. So I'm fixing it
EDIT: Fixed. Going to release it in my kernel

KINGbabasula said:
The file to change vibration intensity is sys/devices/virtual/timed_output/vibrator/vtg_level but it gets reset when you change value. So I'm fixing it
EDIT: Fixed. Going to release it in my kernel
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Where is your kernel? Not yet posted?
Sent from my One using Tapatalk

zephiK said:
Where is your kernel? Not yet posted?
Sent from my One using Tapatalk
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Yes, still have to finish before posting it

KINGbabasula said:
Yes, still have to finish before posting it
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Ahh, looking forward to having more kernel choices. Apparently there has been a bunch of cm commits that makes every kernel other than stock kernel boot with Mahdi. Would be nice if your kernel booted with the rom.
Sent from my One using Tapatalk

Hello, I have flashed the Franco Kernal to my One, but I don't know what's changed. Complete noob when it comes to these things. I don't have a new application, and when I install the free app from the play store I'm still told that my device is unsupported. Help?

sleepyhead414 said:
Hello, I have flashed the Franco Kernal to my One, but I don't know what's changed. Complete noob when it comes to these things. I don't have a new application, and when I install the free app from the play store I'm still told that my device is unsupported. Help?
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FKU Free isn't compatible with the OPO. Get FKU Paid.

sleepyhead414 said:
Hello, I have flashed the Franco Kernal to my One, but I don't know what's changed. Complete noob when it comes to these things. I don't have a new application, and when I install the free app from the play store I'm still told that my device is unsupported. Help?
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Whats the motivation to flash something in to your device without knowing atleast what is the file? Why you play with such an expensive toy? You might google first for info before doing that kind of things.
A kernel is a piece of software not an app
Sent from the One+

acuicultor said:
Whats the motivation to flash something in to your device without knowing atleast what is the file? Why you play with such an expensive toy? You might google first for info before doing that kind of things.
A kernel is a piece of software not an app
Sent from the One+
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I'm reckless and I know enough about it to right whatever I do to it. Kernels however are new to me and I'm not used to flashing a zip and nothing happening. Also, the One isn't expensive, else I wouldn't have it. After more effort, I still cannot get the bloody haptic feedback I had on my nexus. Thanks for responding anyway.

hi guys, any news about this issue?

gygabyte017 said:
hi guys, any news about this issue?
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There is no issue. Change the vibration strength using a app or do it manually.
Also you bumping a thread that was one month+ old is unnecessary.

zephiK said:
There is no issue. Change the vibration strength using a app or do it manually.
Also you bumping a thread that was one month+ old is unnecessary.
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Thanks for you answer, sorry perhaps I'm missing something.
I've read several threads about people complaining not feeling the vibration in their pocket. Since I can't feel it too, I looked for a solution, but I've found none. Things I've found are:
- set vibrator intensity from settings in CM => it is already at 100%
- set "stock" kernel vibration intensity => it is already = 31 (the maximum)
- change kernel => I tried franco kernel with intensity = 31, but I've felt no difference
Am I missing something?
I can open a new thread if you say it is appropriate.
Thanks again


[ROM][FINAL] CM7 7.2 rc1 - g60 style-final *3G fix [7.11.12]

Updated ROM with 3G fix the speeds are amazing!
g60 style r0.4 Screen Shots
g60 style r0.10 Screen Shots running Cynocream with Zeam Launcher
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SiL3nTKiLL said:
def gonna downloading tonight. expect a donation if its great!
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So far everyone at Android Forums is raving on it
g60madman said:
So far everyone at Android Forums is raving on it
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Yep...been on it for the last few days and I'm digging it so far!
Full wipe, when coming from wyzor build?
Sent from my Triumph using xda premium
turboeddie said:
Full wipe, when coming from wyzor build?
Sent from my Triumph using xda premium
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You shouldn't have to unless you run into issues.
So i am just wondering why is it that the custom roms cant deep sleep while Wifi or BT are enabled. I've searched and read around and havent seen why. Also great looking rom, i'm about to flash it.
I don't speak Chinese
Sent from my Triumph using Tapatalk 2
redone430 said:
I don't speak Chinese
Sent from my Triumph using Tapatalk 2
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I don't either. Just scroll through the first section on the 360 launcher. It's about 95% English. If you look on XDA the developer also has converted a few of the add-on apps to English as well.
johnwayne007 said:
So i am just wondering why is it that the custom roms cant deep sleep while Wifi or BT are enabled. I've searched and read around and havent seen why. Also great looking rom, i'm about to flash it.
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Not sure on that one.
g60madman said:
I don't either. Just scroll through the first section on the 360 launcher. It's about 95% English. If you look on XDA the developer also has converted a few of the add-on apps to English as well.
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redone430 said:
Sent from my Triumph using Tapatalk 2
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Did you uploaded an update? By the way is there a way to disable memory dump on the script? The phone crashes & does memory dump for he's even though I have it disable on cm setting
Sent from my Triumph using xda premium
turboeddie said:
Did you uploaded an update? By the way is there a way to disable memory dump on the script? The phone crashes & does memory dump for he's even though I have it disable on cm setting
Sent from my Triumph using xda premium
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Yeah I updated to r0.6 it's online to download. What script are you talking about for memory dump?
g60madman said:
Yeah I updated to r0.6 it's online to download. What script are you talking about for memory dump?
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I mean in general.....since the phone does the mem dump by it self
Sent from my Triumph using xda premium
Just finished flashing this rom. Its awesome so far! I have missed having a triumph. Last one fell about 20 feet and borked. just got my new one today!
Edit: been using this rom for 3 hours and 5 minutes. This is amazing. Great work!
Edit 2: so what's the highest this can OC?
MrPandroid said:
Just finished flashing this rom. Its awesome so far! I have missed having a triumph. Last one fell about 20 feet and borked. just got my new one today!
Edit: been using this rom for 3 hours and 5 minutes. This is amazing. Great work!
Edit 2: so what's the highest this can OC?
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Mine is set to 1516 oc & 61 uc
Sent from my Triumph using xda premium
i've been on the tickerguy rom for months now. is there a lot of differences/advantages between this and his? i'm very glad someone else is taking the reigns on development of cm on this phone though. i'm sure i will be updating, just curious of differences
Keezie said:
i've been on the tickerguy rom for months now. is there a lot of differences/advantages between this and his? i'm very glad someone else is taking the reigns on development of cm on this phone though. i'm sure i will be updating, just curious of differences
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Major differences. The code is now updated to the current release of CM7 7.2 RC1 also I have removed all the major apps (File Manger, ADW Launcher, File Explorer, etc. as these can all be download from the Play Store). I have added in themes for ICS, Miui and also added 30 new wallpapers based on ICS and Miui. Major bugs that have been resolved is Proximity sensor when you are on calls, Camera, and the worse sound levels that drop off when notifications come in. In the new ROM there is also new video drivers so you will be going from about 13.2FPS to 23.7FPS that was done by Whyzor.
Is there a way to change the background of the drop down notification?
Sent from my Triumph using xda premium

[CM9]06132012-1948[SkankWich] Been a long time...

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This is a self-compiled kang of CM9 with cherry picks from CyanogenMod’s Gerrit Instance, most comparable to a CM nightly build. You need not apply if you’re not comfortable with testing out new and possibly broken features. All credit goes to cyanogen, #teamdouche and the coders who submit to Gerrit. Thank you to @RyanMacG for providing Euroskank hosting.
Latest Skankwich build: http://fitsnugly.euroskank.com/skankwich/?id=p999
Latest Gapps (mirrored from goo.im): http://fitsnugly.euroskank.com/skankwich/?id=gapps
Latest merges to CM source code: http://review.cyanogenmod.com/#q,sta...branch:ics,n,z
Cherry picks and other modifications
If cherry picks disappear, it's because they were merged, abandoned or conflict with the current source or other cherry picks.
Available on ROM Manager! .....................................
Euroskank Skankwich RSS Feedl
Gonna give this a shot, love your cm7.
Edit: OK been running this last night and today, only a couple things to report. Using it stock kernel etc I didn't change anything. Wifi calling FC constantly, had to freeze it to shut it up. Wifi ap froze the phone, had to battery pull. Getting a lot of keyboard lag. Rom ran great when it first installed, but now the keyboard lag won't go away even after reboot. Having a hard time getting google sync on 4g, sometimes does sometimes doesn't, wifi is working fine.
Overall very nice rom especially considering no tweaks really done, runs very well.
Sent from my LG-P999 using Tapatalk 2
pio_masaki said:
Gonna give this a shot, love your cm7.
Sent from my LG-P999 using Tapatalk 2
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I used it as a daily driver prior to getting the gnex...it's worth it I think
trying out the new build now! last one i had problems getting a cell signal
by the way, the last number for the file name is the build number? there are two (-1935 and -1945), downloading -1945, im assuming that would be the one to get?
dodgefan67 said:
trying out the new build now! last one i had problems getting a cell signal
by the way, the last number for the file name is the build number? there are two (-1935 and -1945), downloading -1945, im assuming that would be the one to get?
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Yeah...I'm a douchebag! LOL! I didn't have my tweet script set up right so it didn't tweet...only reason there's 2!
djn541 said:
Yeah...I'm a douchebag! LOL! I didn't have my tweet script set up right so it didn't tweet...only reason there's 2!
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no worries, i see you have the right version in the thread title so that should have been a clue LOL
dodgefan67 said:
no worries, i see you have the right version in the thread title so that should have been a clue LOL
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haha! don't ever trust my dumbass!!! LOL
djn541 said:
haha! don't ever trust my dumbass!!! LOL
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i'll keep that in mind
by the way, what kernel is this using? stock CM9 doesn't support mass usb storage right?
dodgefan67 said:
i'll keep that in mind
by the way, what kernel is this using? stock CM9 doesn't support mass usb storage right?
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It's the stock...I don't put anything else in my builds...that's up to the user to decide...
djn541 said:
It's the stock...I don't put anything else in my builds...that's up to the user to decide...
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just installed and wifi calling FCs and if i try to turn on wifi hotspot the whole phone locks up, gotta pull the battery. gonna try a harsh kernel
Can you try making it work with the new BB [March 2012]? Thanks
cricketAC said:
Can you try making it work with the new BB [March 2012]? Thanks
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I would if I had that kind of skill...I don't think that's going to happen until arcee gets some free time...
even with the harsh kernel wifi calling still closes, cleared data, reinstalled the app, same thing, otherwise it works pretty good.
Is this ROM getting more updates?
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
If you take a look at CM's site, you'll see that their development hasn't advanced any, as far as what's been released, since May 11th. So, I'm sure that once CM releases an update, Euroskank will update based off new source code.
Bulletblitz27 said:
Is this ROM getting more updates?
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
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just downloaded this and it has todays date in the zip file name...
cainG2x said:
just downloaded this and it has todays date in the zip file name...
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The one from today is just for testing purposes. I haven't done any cherry picks for it...
djn541 said:
The one from today is just for testing purposes. I haven't done any cherry picks for it...
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Cool. I still played with and it seems fine. Just a few minor issues like with the data icon not changing, and the apps taking long to open up.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
Bulletblitz27 said:
Cool. I still played with and it seems fine. Just a few minor issues like with the data icon not changing, and the apps taking long to open up.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
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Does audio work for you? My media apps seem unable to play sound.
Sent from my LG-P999 using Tapatalk 2
JeremyNT said:
Does audio work for you? My media apps seem unable to play sound.
Sent from my LG-P999 using Tapatalk 2
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Same issue here.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium

[Rom][AOKP][Milestone 6 Enhanced][4.04}

This rom is Cm9 Aokp based with some enhancements. I have added a few programs and some tweaks. I get incredible battery life and great performance. Any problems would be the same as Aokp Milestone 6. Everything that I have tested has worked great. I have been using this for about 4 days now. Each day after about 16 hours I still have better than 50 percent battery left. Of course depending on use this could vary.
Here is the extra that I have included.
-Apex Launcher
-HD Wallpapers
-Rom Toolbox Lite
-V6 Supercharger Services.jar file is included but you need to run the script goto this link to run
-Nyan 5 Kernel
Settings used for extra battery life
Menu->System Settings->Rom Control->Battery->Battery Icon Sytle->CircleMOD
For Circle Mod Battery
Menu->System SettingsSound->Vibrate on touch turn off
Menu->System Settings->Display->Sleep set to 30 seconds also uncheck Pulse notification and pulse low battery light
Menu->System Settings->Language & Input beside Android keyboard click on the settings uncheck vibrate on keypress
Menu->System SettingsWi-Fi->Menu Button->Advanced->Keep Wi-Fi on during Sleep->set to only when plugged in
Thanks to Aokp and CM for a great rom. Thanks to Marcusant for his kernel. And thanks to Zeppelinrox for his work on the V6 Supercharger.
How to install
From clockworkmod wipe cache dalvik and factory reset 3 times each. Install the rom and right after install google apps. Reboot and enjoy.
Google Apps
The new kernel installs TWRP over clockwork mod. Here is a link to reinstall Clockwork mod. With inject TWRp off flash this and reboot.
Might need this space
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Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Thread cleaned
Paid app removed
Just a quick question. Can you use any modem with this?
The reason I ask is bc the fc09 modem performs very poorly and causes my battery to die way before the day is over. There was talk of a magical end all modem in another thread, however the name of it is escaping me currently. I believe it was from the nexus or something.
mrhocuspocus said:
Just a quick question. Can you use any modem with this?
The reason I ask is bc the fc09 modem performs very poorly and causes my battery to die way before the day is over. There was talk of a magical end all modem in another thread, however the name of it is escaping me currently. I believe it was from the nexus or something.
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The nexus modems will not work with this rom... you will need an epic modem... if fc09 doesn't perform well try ec05 or even fc19....
And here is a great resource for Google Applications.
Thanks for the share.. works great.
mrhocuspocus said:
Just a quick question. Can you use any modem with this?
The reason I ask is bc the fc09 modem performs very poorly and causes my battery to die way before the day is over. There was talk of a magical end all modem in another thread, however the name of it is escaping me currently. I believe it was from the nexus or something.
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I have had better luck running ei22 . Every phone seems to have one or another that works better.
darkierawr said:
And here is a great resource for Google Applications.
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Thank you for adding another mirror also another good reference for gapps.
mrhocuspocus said:
Just a quick question. Can you use any modem with this?
The reason I ask is bc the fc09 modem performs very poorly and causes my battery to die way before the day is over. There was talk of a magical end all modem in another thread, however the name of it is escaping me currently. I believe it was from the nexus or something.
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Are you in any locations with no signal for any extended period of time. That will cause your phone to work double time to get signal. If you are switch to airplane mode while you have no signal you can save your battery. Also if you have leave your wi-fi radio toggle on all day.
john9 said:
Thanks for the share.. works great.
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Hey I am glad to hear that you like it. The real work goes to Aokp and Marcusant for the efforts. I just put it all together.
I can add apps to a ROM zip too.
Sent from my AOSP Android 4.1.1 Galaxy Nexus
This will probably come off as a me being a **** or unappreciative. Lol
There isn't anything really unique to distinguish this ROM from the source. It's just AOKP with a few apps, wallpapers and the services.jar file for V6 (which is in the OP for AOKP).
Most ROM derivatives vary by tweaks, theme, partition map type, file system type, included apps and kernel. This really seems like someone's modded AOKP zip to save time.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
bigtex06 said:
Hey I am glad to hear that you like it. The real work goes to Aokp and Marcusant for the efforts. I just put it all together.
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What did I do?
Credits go to Alias and the epiccm team
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
So the themes crash system ui or is there a fix I'm missing
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda app-developers app
I'm running motoblur CM10/AOKP theme just fine no crashes
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda app-developers app
nikon120 said:
This will probably come off as a me being a **** or unappreciative. Lol
There isn't anything really unique to distinguish this ROM from the source. It's just AOKP with a few apps, wallpapers and the services.jar file for V6 (which is in the OP for AOKP).
Most ROM derivatives vary by tweaks, theme, partition map type, file system type, included apps and kernel. This really seems like someone's modded AOKP zip to save time.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
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Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda app-developers app
nikon120 said:
This will probably come off as a me being a **** or unappreciative. Lol
There isn't anything really unique to distinguish this ROM from the source. It's just AOKP with a few apps, wallpapers and the services.jar file for V6 (which is in the OP for AOKP).
Most ROM derivatives vary by tweaks, theme, partition map type, file system type, included apps and kernel. This really seems like someone's modded AOKP zip to save time.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
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+1. And who deleted my similar (negative) comment? I posted it before the thread was closed and now it's not there. If anyone including the OP author don't wanna hear negative comments from me just hand me a GSM GNex. Then I'll be happy with whatever you do with E4G.
AndyYan said:
+1. And who deleted my similar (negative) comment? I posted it before the thread was closed and now it's not there. If anyone including the OP author don't wanna hear negative comments from me just hand me a GSM GNex. Then I'll be happy with whatever you do with E4G.
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Problem? I reopened the thread and cleaned it for a fresh start.
FYI negative comments are non-constructive. You want to help and be part of this community then post something to help the OP...constructive critism. Negative comments come off as you have a sense of entitlement around here, which a lot of your posts do.
Got a problem with me deleting your post? Go to the Moderator committee.
Not-so-Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
Sent from my PantechP4100 using xda premium

[CM12][5.1.1][Lollerpop][KANG] Grouper nightly kangs

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This is a self-compiled kang of CM12 with cherry picks from CyanogenMod’s Gerrit Instance, most comparable to a CM nightly build. You need not apply if you’re not comfortable with testing out new and possibly broken features. All credit goes to cyanogen, #teamdouche and the coders who submit to Gerrit. Thank you to @RyanMacG for providing Euroskank hosting.​
Latest Lollerpop build
Latest Gapps (mirrored from goo.im):
Latest merges to CM source code: http://review.cyanogenmod.org/#/q/status:merged,n,z
Cherry picks and other modifications
If cherry picks disappear, it's because they were merged, abandoned or conflict with the current source or other cherry picks.
Available via ROM Manager and Goo Manager! .....................................
Euroskank Skankwich RSS Feed​
#drool #cm #makelegs #grouper #sexy #hashtag
excellent.. downloading now....
sgt. meow said:
Do you mean CM10.1 or CM10.2? Anyways great. Will try soon.
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Haha....I fixed it. That was a bad copypasta job on my part. Thanks for pointing it out!
Do me a favor and edit your post so the OP isn't quoted/duplicated......just makes it look clunky. Thanks in advance.
I simply moved to this thread from HERE to start fresh with 10.2. We've been using this build for a while, now. It's solid. Flash away!!!
Awesome! Thanks @makelegs!
Enviado desde mi GT-I9300 usando Tapatalk 4
Anyone noticing that the Back key doesn't work in the latest (8-8) nightly? The navbar one and using LMT, neither one works. The 8-08 build on my toro is working fine though.
Edit: NM, it seems that it was somehow related to freezing the AOSP keyboard with TiBu, but not having set up Swiftkey yet. Once I set up Swiftkey, everything was back to normal. Odd.
Awesome, thanks for this buddy!
Sent from my Sexy Nexy 7 dressed in ClearJelly and Clear Apps!
waiting for todays build :angel:
Are you guys able to add a second user? Everything force closes when I try to.
Ownatik said:
Are you guys able to add a second user? Everything force closes when I try to.
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I'm pretty sure that's broken. It is on my other tablet, at least.
Some weird stuff i noticed. @makelegs
Ya...I haven't flashed it yet. That is probably the reorganize options commit. It's been updated about 27 times this morning alone. Expect more change in that respect, in the near term.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 4
PSA: The new GAPPS is now linked on Euroskank. For those still wondering which version to use, that's what I just flashed.
Sent from my TF300T using Tapatalk 4
Hi, I got a FC when I try to enter in "FN buttons" within Settings. I know Settings are in WIP but just wondering if it's a known problem.
yukkio said:
Hi, I got a FC when I try to enter in "FN buttons" within Settings. I know Settings are in WIP but just wondering if it's a known problem.
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I'm not sure I understand exactly what you're describing....but I would assume that any Settings related fc is likely the result of the reorganize commit which is more of a WIP than usual. I haven't personally found it too irritating, but I haven't had much time to play in settings on anything, lately.
If that pick is harshing anyone's gig, lemme know, and I can drop a single build without it for folks to use for setup purposes, because I'm not sure how long that cherry will take for them to dial it in, and of course I'm gonna keep picking it. That's what I do!
Just lemme know.
Sent from my TF300T using Tapatalk 4
For me it isn't a problem, I love to test every build, just wondering because if it wasn't a known bug, in the next build it can be fixed
makelegs said:
I'm not sure I understand exactly what you're describing....but I would assume that any Settings related fc is likely the result of the reorganize commit which is more of a WIP than usual. I haven't personally found it too irritating, but I haven't had much time to play in settings on anything, lately.
If that pick is harshing anyone's gig, lemme know, and I can drop a single build without it for folks to use for setup purposes, because I'm not sure how long that cherry will take for them to dial it in, and of course I'm gonna keep picking it. That's what I do!
Just lemme know.
Sent from my TF300T using Tapatalk 4
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No problem mate. Picks are alright as long as the rom boots,lol.
Anyway, can you tell me what blobs you are using? I built from Google's binaries and the rom doesn't boot
Sent from my Nexus 4
I already use this on my TF300T and I might try it on my N7 Good job!
TheDarkDefender said:
No problem mate. Picks are alright as long as the rom boots,lol.
Anyway, can you tell me what blobs you are using? I built from Google's binaries and the rom doesn't boot
Sent from my Nexus 4
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Don't forget the Nvidia props.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 4
makelegs said:
Don't forget the Nvidia props.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 4
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Ah damn it. I think i missed that. Could you link it please?
Sent from my Nexus 4

[WIP][MOD] Molitov² a SnapChat hack by me and my team.

A project I have been working for a month. Been learning smali for about a month. It's quite fun once you get the hang of it.
APK and source will be released soon.
Here is a video just showing it off. Any feedback is appreciated. (Well not mean mkay?)
What exactly does this do? Your hand blocks the screen in the entire video.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda app-developers app
papstar said:
What exactly does this do? Your hand blocks the screen in the entire video.
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Sorry if it was not clear. Basically it disables notification to the other person (screenshot,opened etc.) and makes the timer never run out.
Haha!!!! Maybe you should have used your other hand when doing the demo!
Sent from my Kit Kat i9505 using Tapatalk!
AMoosa said:
Haha!!!! Maybe you should have used your other hand when doing the demo!
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My idea for the demo would be touches enabled and having my phones screen on my PC. All the solutions I tried got only 5fps or did not work. If you know a good solution for this I will redo the demo.
Looks interesting, when you going to release an apk?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
Will this require root?
Sent from my LG-LS970 using xda app-developers app
spikedtea said:
Will this require root?
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d3xp2pc said:
Looks interesting, when you going to release an apk?
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Hopefully soon. Still thinking about it. Going to release source also. Need to write a quick build script first. (file paths mostly)
jtl999 said:
Hopefully soon. Still thinking about it. Going to release source also. Need to write a quick build script first. (file paths mostly)
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Finished work on build script. Going to to do some testing first.
Keepchat does the same thing
Sent from my LG-E980 using Tapatalk
ahrion said:
Keepchat does the same thing
Sent from my LG-E980 using Tapatalk
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Keepchat requires root permission due to the installation of XPOSED Firmware.
Interesting project, hopefully it works without any hiccups.
Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk
ahrion said:
Keepchat does the same thing
Sent from my LG-E980 using Tapatalk
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Keepchat is an xposed module, and xposed currently doesn't work on 4.4. So far I'm looking forward to this.
D.Chawk said:
Keepchat is an xposed module, and xposed currently doesn't work on 4.4. So far I'm looking forward to this.
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Thanks for your interest! Just need to test the build scripts across different directories to avoid hiccups. So far results are good and it appears it does not matter.
jtl999 said:
Thanks for your interest! Just need to test the build scripts across different directories to avoid hiccups. So far results are good and it appears it does not matter.
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Sounds awesome, hope to see an apk when you are ready.
Haven't forgot about this. Currently seeing how the crypto for stories and videos work. Once you think you got it all working it falls flat on your face .
jtl999 said:
Haven't forgot about this. Currently seeing how the crypto for stories and videos work. Once you think you got it all working it falls flat on your face .
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Slightly disappoint to hear that, yet I'll still be waiting to see what happens. Yet that being said, take your time, its better to have a quality application than something that has many issues ;3
Alright. Got variable dumping working over logcat (Fighting with permissions was the problem) Sadly I'm sick and switching to Telus Optik tomorrow.
jtl999 said:
Alright. Got variable dumping working over logcat (Fighting with permissions was the problem) Sadly I'm sick and switching to Telus Optik tomorrow.
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This just in. Stories use a initialization vector that's different per story.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
tb and jd are me opening two different stories.
y'all should just use keepchat and snapshare. best mods for snapchat.
MrMuzik said:
y'all should just use keepchat and snapshare. best mods for snapchat.
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Thanks for your interest. One of the reasons I am making this is I have friends who don't like xposed/root and a challenge to myself/learning experience.

