Hey, last week i downgraded my Hboot to 2.15 from 2.16. I just noticed that I don't have GPS signal. I was on CandyKat Rom, i tried VenomS and CM all of them had no GPS signal.
Could that be the downgrade?
Sent from my HTC One S using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
have you tried flashing another radio?
Its maybe the radio. Try 1.20 or 1.35
Reflash Redio And It Should Be Fix Your Problem.
Here new RUU for ACE Cingular US
nice going check this radio thanks
extracted and uploaded radio:
MD5: 99f4994c7b8b193336cad0dc5ffd19b4
What's new in this
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
I would like to know the benefits of this new radio =)
I wonder if this new radio will magically enable 850/1900Mhz WCDMA...
I am sure this is pure wishful thinking...
Installed it.
Seem to be getting faster mobile data speeds (Vodafone UK), not sure if this is related though.
Any battery improvements???
:No-Frost: said:
Any battery improvements???
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thats the million dollar question
good radio at 1st it was very dodgy but after reboot getting higher mobile download speeds,gps locks 10 secs and under,bluetooth fine and wifi snaps on quite quickly overall defo thumbs up going use this one. can't really comment on battery drain as only had it on for last hour.
Well let's give it a try then =)...
Anyone using this on CM7? Thanks
Sent from my CM7 Desire HD
Anyone who installed this Radio lost root and are you able to revert back to older radio?
mariosraptor said:
Anyone using this on CM7? Thanks
Sent from my CM7 Desire HD
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i using CM7 Nightly with this radio goes well
neo.25 said:
i using CM7 Nightly with this radio goes well
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what happens if you just flash radio.img through adb do you loose root/s-off?
As long as you have RADIO S-Off you do not lose anything...if you have Radio S-On you are screwd and stuck with the radio you flashed it to...
ENG S-Off by itself does not help...
braby said:
As long as you have RADIO S-Off you do not lose anything...if you have Radio S-On you are screwd and stuck with the radio you flashed it to...
ENG S-Off by itself does not help...
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i know that but when i flashed the 1.72 radio i only had eng s off i did not loose root, will only push this until there is a confirmed way of flashing without loosing root.
Thank you!
will try to see any change...
How do I know if I have Radio S-Off, I'm in the bootloader and at least I have ENG S-OFF
Not sure if Radio is ON or OFF but I think is OFF
ive only got eng s-off and have flash this radio.......an still have eng s-off
I've tried many ROM's, unofficial and official.
Flashed 1.82 Radio, 1.85 Radio and 2.09 Radio
is my WiFi broken??
or am i just doing something wrong?
Try flashing ruu. If that doesn't fix it I'm afraid you have a busted wifi antenna.
Sent from my HTC One XL using xda app-developers app
brandon2814 said:
I've tried many ROM's, unofficial and official.
Flashed 1.82 Radio, 1.85 Radio and 2.09 Radio
is my WiFi broken??
or am i just doing something wrong?
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It's not unheard of for radios to die. My first iPhone lost all GPS (right after the warranty ran out), and the genius bar guy just told me the chip was probably dead.
Am I the only one having the WiFi issue on Hboot 1.14? How do I fix it?
Also on hboot 1.14 and can only use CM roms with wifi.
Wifi issues have been identified on some ROMs and some hboots. But it really matters what sort of wifi partitions have had flashed from RUUs, OTAs, or what had originally come with your phone.
You can solve all wifi issues by downgrading your bootloader and then flashing the most recent wifi partitions. Either that or wait for JB OTA for your phone, or find a more recent RUU, or try a different ROM.
Stupid question but if I s-off will my wifi work on sense based roms?
naimsiddiq said:
Also on hboot 1.14 and can only use CM roms with wifi.
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Um...that's not true...you can use any ROM you wish on HBOOT 1.14...not just Cyanogenmod ROMs...not sure where you heard that...I'm currently running a 4.1.1 Sense ROM, and WiFi works perfectly, I am S-OFF, 1.14 HBOOT.
Sent from my HTC One S using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 07:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:58 AM ----------
Also, what ROM are you currently running...
Sent from my HTC One S using xda app-developers app
Is anyone has the same problem? I ve flashed the Rom several times and I have that problem.when I lock the phone
for a while the signal drops.is there an option no to do that or it is bug? Sorry for bad englishEnglish..thanks in advance
Edit:I flashed new radio 1.20 and problem solved.the last radio was 1.11
maximus hd no signal when locked
agrimis said:
Is anyone has the same problem? I ve flashed the Rom several times and I have that problem.when I lock the phone
for a while the signal drops.is there an option no to do that or it is bug? Sorry for bad englishEnglish..thanks in advance
Edit:I flashed new radio 1.20 and problem solved.the last radio was 1.11
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same issue with radio 1.13.
i want to flash new radio to 1.20 also but i don't know how to proceed.
i have maximus hd with hboot 2.15.
jeanfrancoist said:
same issue with radio 1.13.
i want to flash new radio to 1.20 also but i don't know how to proceed.
i have maximus hd with hboot 2.15.
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EDIT: I finally found the solution on Google and XDA developper forum... but thanx anyway.
I installed radio firmware 1.20 and things started to go well.
signal never drops after a while that the phone has been locked.
no more problem. this rom is pretty ! (maximusHD)
jeanfrancoist said:
EDIT: I finally found the solution on Google and XDA developper forum... but thanx anyway.
I installed radio firmware 1.20 and things started to go well.
signal never drops after a while that the phone has been locked.
no more problem. this rom is pretty ! (maximusHD)
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I am facing the same issue. Can you please help with that? Thanks in advance.
Somebody knows why
This happend or what is the problem
Thanks in advance
Sent from my HTC One XL using xda app-developers app
Do you really expect anyone to be able to help if that's the only information you're giving? Seriously, you haven't given any information whatsoever.
Sent from my Evita
Im on hboot 2.15
S off
Android 4.2.2
Sense 5
Kickdroid rom halloween edition
Beastmode kernel 3.5 reloaded
Sent from my HTC One XL using xda app-developers app
It looks like it's probably a hardware problem, but to test the theory you could run an RUU and see if the problem persists on the stock ROM. If so you have a faulty digitizer.
Sent from my Evita
I have the same problem on hboot 2.15 no matter what rom I use. Is it possible to downgrade?
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
Yaakov. M said:
I have the same problem on hboot 2.15 no matter what rom I use. Is it possible to downgrade?
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
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Please provide exact details on your situation, saying you have the same problem doesn't tell me anything. I also need your bootloader details, ROM details, kernel details, recovery details.
Sent from my Evita
hboot 2.15 (latest AT&T ruu)
S-off supercid ect...
Currently running cleanrom 7.0r2 but the problem persists on every rom I've tried since I took the ruu.
I didn't play with custom kernel.
I also tried cm but phone's touchscreen would randomly stop responding all together after sleep.
Tried both twrp and cwm
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
I need your bootloader details, the first five or six lines, from the very top. The latest at&t RUU comes with the 2.18 hboot, not the 2.15 hboot. I also need to know exactly which recovery versions you've been using. And you haven't described the problem you're having.
Sent from my Evita
*** unlocked **
Evita put ship s off rl
Cid 11111111
Hboot 2.18.0000
Radio 1.35a 32.45.27
Open dsp v33.
Emmc boot
December 3 2013 17:10:01:1768
I've tried twrp, twrp 2.7, and the latest cwm.
The problem on every rom is a line to which the touch screen is not responding (just below the middle of the display)
Specifically on cm m4 the screen would stop responding all together after waking
Edit : the problem started after I took the ruu
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
Ok, so you have the 2.18 hboot, that's why I asked for your bootloader details the first time around. You should run an RUU, maybe the 3.18, to see if it resolves your problem.
Sent from my Evita
Can I run the 3.18 ruu after running the 5.something one? And yes I remembered the hboot wrong.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
You can run any Evita RUU when you have s-off, whether it's a higher or lower version.
Sent from my Evita