I am calling on experienced users to help me transform my ideas into reality. - Other Tools & General Discussion

I need help from experienced users to create my custom UI to Android (not a custom ROM). I really wanted his help and skills to create and launch my own custom Android UI.
I intend to release it on Google Play and create an official website, I also need help to develop a messenger app based on other messenger app from open-source.
I need developers, UI designers, testers & advertisers.
I have experience with Visual C#, VB, but now I'm learning to deal with Android dev tools.
If you are interested, please contact me.


[Q] Adobe AIR or Mono-Droid? Anyone care to share some opinions on either?

Greetings folks,
I am a graphic artist/ui developer for a software company that is really wanting
to move into the mobile space for its visualization application that my team has built.
We are currently C#/Silverlight developers on the front-end; however, being a graphic artist I am very familiar with Flash CS5.
Our first app out of the gate will be an Android app. So my question is about "best" options ("best" being subjective of course) environment to work with.
We have looked at Mono-Droid, and currently that is the front-runner... but my question is more about using Adobe AIR for Android app development... I would like to use AIR - just from a personal experience perspective.
Anyone with any experience with either method have any opinions to share?
(Sorry for the lengthy post)
Anyone have any experience with MonoDroid specifically that they can share some tips about....

[Q] Looking for Windows Mobile (6.5) developers

We are looking for experienced (or just really motivated!) Windows Mobile developers to participate in several projects where we develop custom made software for our clients. Keywords: the Netherlands, multiple projects, Resco GUI toolkit, .Net Compact Framework, SCRUM/Agile development
Motivation and teamplaying skills are most important to us, we're looking for developers who would like to join our company permanently or can help us on a project base. Interested? Send me a PM or ask me anything in this thread.

Android Storyboard equivalent

Hi Everybody.
I saw some videos with storyboard in iOS development. I take interest into this project. I'm going to design and try to implement a such similar thing as long term just for fun project. Not sure yet, but I hope it will be alive and I will still want to do it. I understand this project is not small so I am looking for co-developers to work on it together. I am experienced Android developer and have experience developing desktop apps. Honestly I am familiar with OSX development, but I think I have very poor experience with it. I am looking forward and develop prototype native application for OSX and later, may be, for Windows.
Just as note, I want it to be as big live parser and designer, so it will use real source code of android project and does not require any additional libraries or frameworks to be integrated into Android project.
If you are not familiar with storyboard in iOS, please just look at screenshot and you will understand why android designer sucks.
Thank you and let me know if you are interested in this.
p.s. I hope I've chosen right thread to post a such topic.

[Request] Application Idea Request

I am a student of an IT Collage and its my final semester of bachelors and so i need to develop a project for which i selected Android
as i was pretty exited to work on it, now i need some good and unique ideas to develop app and base my project upon!
I have an interesting idea which is :
USB/Wifi/Bluetooth Keyboard
Simply using your android phone as a keyboard
but i am not sure if its actually possible and how do i send keystrokes to PC
Any developers can shed light on it?
it will be greatly appreciated
And other users i really need ideas for my project so please help me on it!:fingers-crossed:

Help On Android Development! [Please read the request first!]

I would love to create my own custom rom for Android devices but I don't know any good guides or courses online! I don't want to learn about Android Application Development.
I want to learn about:
+The Android framework
+The hardware abstraction layer
+Binder inter-process communication
+How to set up the Android build environment
+How to bring up Android on an embedded target device
+Power management on Android
+And many more.
Thanks, if you guys have an Amazon link for a book that can explain these and can help me understand these, please link them. If you guys have an online course [that is free] or any online guide please tell me. Thanks! I got the programming languages done [Java and C++] but if there are other programming languages I have to conquer please tell me. Thanks!

