Apktool recompiling error - General Questions and Answers

Hi all guys. Hope someone can help me, cause I really don't know what to do. I read around but I didn't find anything that could solve my problem.
I want to modify SecSettings.apk from N8000 to edit a smali file. I follow these steps :
-Install framework-res.apk
-Install twframework-res.apk
-Decompile SecSettings.apk
-Modify .smali file
-Recompile. Here I get errors.
This is the log :
D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool>apktool if framework-res.apk
I: Framework installed to: C:\Users\Andrea\apktool\framework\1.apk
D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool>apktool if twframework-res.apk
I: Framework installed to: C:\Users\Andrea\apktool\framework\2.apk
D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool>apktool d SecSettings.apk
I: Using Apktool 2.0.0-Beta7 on SecSettings.apk
I: Loading resource table...
W: Skipping "android" package group
I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources...
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\Andrea\apktool\framework\1.apk
I: Regular manifest package...
I: Decoding file-resources...
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\Andrea\apktool\framework\2.apk
Cleaning up unclosed ZipFile for archive C:\Users\Andrea\apktool\framework\2.apk
I: Decoding values */* XMLs...
I: Loading resource table...
Cleaning up unclosed ZipFile for archive C:\Users\Andrea\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Skipping "android" package group
I: Baksmaling...
I: Copying assets and libs...
I: Copying unknown files/dir...
I: Copying original files...
D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool>apktool b -f -d SecSettings
I: Using Apktool 2.0.0-Beta7 on SecSettings
I: Smaling...
I: Building resources...
D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings \res\xml\assistant.xml:3: erro
r: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'resource' with valu
e '@drawable/assistant_menu_icon_messages_search').
aapt: warning: string 'accessibility_screen_magnification_summary' has no defaul
t translation in D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings \res; found:
az_AZ et_EE hy_AM ka_GE
aapt: warning: string 'answering_end_call_title_prev' has no default translation
in D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings \res; found: ar az bg ca c
s da de el en_PH en_US es_ES es_US et eu fa fi fr fr_CA ga gl hr hu hy in is it
ja ka kk ko lt lv mk ms nb nl pl pt_BR pt_PT ro ru sk sl sr sv th tl tr uk ur uz
vi zh_CN zh_TW
aapt: warning: string 'category_printers' has no default translation in D:\DEVEL
OPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res; found: az_AZ
aapt: warning: string 'cell_broadcast_settings_summary' has no default translati
on in D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings \res; found: az_AZ
aapt: warning: string 'downloadable_dialog_popup_text_wifi' has no default trans
lation in D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings \res; found: ar az b
g ca cs da de el en_PH en_US es_ES es_US et eu fa fi fr fr_CA ga gl hr hu hy in
is it ja ka kk ko lt lv mk ms nb nl pl pt_BR pt_PT ro ru sk sl sr sv th tl tr uk
ur uz vi zh_CN zh_TW
aapt: warning: string 'experimental_webview' has no default translation in D:\DE
VELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res; found: az_AZ et_EE hy_AM ka_G
aapt: warning: string 'experimental_webview_summary' has no default translation
in D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings \res; found: az_AZ et_EE hy
_AM ka_GE
aapt: warning: string 'location_category_app_settings' has no default translatio
n in D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings \res; found: az_AZ
aapt: warning: string 'nfc_payment_ask' has no default translation in D:\DEVELOP
ING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res; found: az_AZ
aapt: warning: string 'print_add_printer' has no default translation in D:\DEVEL
OPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res; found: ar az bg ca cs da de el e
n_PH en_US es_ES es_US et eu fa fi fr fr_CA ga gl hr hu hy in is it ja ka kk ko
lt lv mk ms nb nl pl pt_BR pt_PT ro ru sk sl sr sv th tl tr uk ur uz vi zh_CN zh
aapt: warning: string 'screen_rate' has no default translation in D:\DEVELOPING\
one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res; found: ar az bg ca cs da de el en_PH e
n_US es_ES es_US et eu fa fi fr fr_CA ga gl hr hu hy in is it ja ka kk ko lt lv
mk ms nb nl pl pt_BR pt_PT ro ru sk sl sr sv th tl tr uk ur uz vi zh_CN zh_TW
aapt: warning: string 'screen_size_downscale_1' has no default translation in D:
\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\r es; found: ar az bg ca cs da d
e el en_PH en_US es_ES es_US et eu fa fi fr fr_CA ga gl hr hu hy in is it ja ka
kk ko lt lv mk ms nb nl pl pt_BR pt_PT ro ru sk sl sr sv th tl tr uk ur uz vi zh
_CN zh_TW
aapt: warning: string 'screen_size_downscale_2' has no default translation in D:
\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\r es; found: ar az bg ca cs da d
e el en_PH en_US es_ES es_US et eu fa fi fr fr_CA ga gl hr hu hy in is it ja ka
kk ko lt lv mk ms nb nl pl pt_BR pt_PT ro ru sk sl sr sv th tl tr uk ur uz vi zh
_CN zh_TW
aapt: warning: string 'screen_size_downscale_3' has no default translation in D:
\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\r es; found: ar az bg ca cs da d
e el en_PH en_US es_ES es_US et eu fa fi fr fr_CA ga gl hr hu hy in is it ja ka
kk ko lt lv mk ms nb nl pl pt_BR pt_PT ro ru sk sl sr sv th tl tr uk ur uz vi zh
_CN zh_TW
aapt: warning: string 'wifi_display_disconnect_text' has no default translation
in D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings \res; found: az_AZ et_EE hy
_AM ka_GE
aapt: warning: string 'wifi_display_disconnect_title' has no default translation
in D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings \res; found: az_AZ et_EE h
y_AM ka_GE
aapt: warning: string 'wifi_display_paired_devices' has no default translation i
n D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings \res; found: az_AZ et_EE hy_
AM ka_GE
aapt: warning: string 'wifi_display_search_for_devices' has no default translati
on in D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings \res; found: az_AZ et_EE
hy_AM ka_GE
aapt: warning: string 'wifi_display_searching_for_devices' has no default transl
ation in D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings \res; found: az_AZ et
_EE hy_AM ka_GE
aapt: warning: string 'wifi_display_settings_empty_list_wifi_display_dis abled' h
as no default translation in D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings \
res; found: az_AZ et_EE hy_AM ka_GE
aapt: warning: string 'wifi_display_settings_empty_list_wifi_display_off ' has no
default translation in D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings \res;
found: az_AZ et_EE hy_AM ka_GE
aapt: warning: string 'wifi_display_status_available' has no default translation
in D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings \res; found: az_AZ et_EE h
y_AM ka_GE
aapt: warning: string 'wimax_settings_summary' has no default translation in D:\
DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\re s; found: az_AZ
Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.AndrolibException: brut.androlib.Androl
ibException: brut.common.BrutException: could not exec command: [C:\Users\Andrea
\AppData\Local\Temp\brut_util_Jar_1856909593108704 239.tmp, p, --debug-mode, --fo
rced-package-id, 1, --min-sdk-version, 19, --target-sdk-version, 19, --version-c
ode, 19, --version-name, 4.4.2-N8000XXUDND5, -F, C:\Users\Andrea\AppData\Local\T
emp\APKTOOL7971105794680974515.tmp, -0, arsc, -I, C:\Users\Andrea\apktool\framew
ork\1.apk, -I, C:\Users\Andrea\apktool\framework\2.apk, -S, D:\DEVELOPING\one_cl
ick_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res, -M, D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\S
at brut.androlib.Androlib.buildResourcesFull(Androlib .java:434)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.buildResources(Androlib.jav a:362)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.build(Androlib.java:285)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.build(Androlib.java:258)
at brut.apktool.Main.cmdBuild(Main.java:233)
at brut.apktool.Main.main(Main.java:88)
Caused by: brut.androlib.AndrolibException: brut.common.BrutException: could not
exec command: [C:\Users\Andrea\AppData\Local\Temp\brut_util_Jar_1 85690959310870
4239.tmp, p, --debug-mode, --forced-package-id, 1, --min-sdk-version, 19, --targ
et-sdk-version, 19, --version-code, 19, --version-name, 4.4.2-N8000XXUDND5, -F,
C:\Users\Andrea\AppData\Local\Temp\APKTOOL79711057 94680974515.tmp, -0, arsc, -I,
C:\Users\Andrea\apktool\framework\1.apk, -I, C:\Users\Andrea\apktool\framework\
2.apk, -S, D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings \res, -M, D:\DEVELO
PING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\AndroidM anifest.xml]
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.aaptPackage(An drolibResources.jav
at brut.androlib.Androlib.buildResourcesFull(Androlib .java:415)
... 5 more
Caused by: brut.common.BrutException: could not exec command: [C:\Users\Andrea\A
ppData\Local\Temp\brut_util_Jar_185690959310870423 9.tmp, p, --debug-mode, --forc
ed-package-id, 1, --min-sdk-version, 19, --target-sdk-version, 19, --version-cod
e, 19, --version-name, 4.4.2-N8000XXUDND5, -F, C:\Users\Andrea\AppData\Local\Tem
p\APKTOOL7971105794680974515.tmp, -0, arsc, -I, C:\Users\Andrea\apktool\framewor
k\1.apk, -I, C:\Users\Andrea\apktool\framework\2.apk, -S, D:\DEVELOPING\one_clic
k_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res, -M, D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\Sec
at brut.util.OS.exec(OS.java:89)
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.aaptPackage(An drolibResources.jav
... 6 more
Can someone help me please?
Sorry if I asked in the wrong section

Mikyno said:
Hi all guys. Hope someone can help me, cause I really don't know what to do. I read around but I didn't find anything that could solve my problem.
I want to modify SecSettings.apk from N8000 to edit a smali file. I follow these steps :
-Install framework-res.apk
-Install twframework-res.apk
-Decompile SecSettings.apk
-Modify .smali file
-Recompile. Here I get errors.
This is the log :
D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool>apktool if framework-res.apk
I: Framework installed to: C:\Users\Andrea\apktool\framework\1.apk
D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool>apktool if twframework-res.apk
I: Framework installed to: C:\Users\Andrea\apktool\framework\2.apk
D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool>apktool d SecSettings.apk
I: Using Apktool 2.0.0-Beta7 on SecSettings.apk
I: Loading resource table...
W: Skipping "android" package group
I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources...
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\Andrea\apktool\framework\1.apk
I: Regular manifest package...
I: Decoding file-resources...
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\Andrea\apktool\framework\2.apk
Cleaning up unclosed ZipFile for archive C:\Users\Andrea\apktool\framework\2.apk
I: Decoding values */* XMLs...
I: Loading resource table...
Cleaning up unclosed ZipFile for archive C:\Users\Andrea\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Skipping "android" package group
I: Baksmaling...
I: Copying assets and libs...
I: Copying unknown files/dir...
I: Copying original files...
D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool>apktool b -f -d SecSettings
I: Using Apktool 2.0.0-Beta7 on SecSettings
I: Smaling...
I: Building resources...
D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res\xml\assistant.xml:3: erro
r: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'resource' with valu
e '@drawable/assistant_menu_icon_messages_search').
aapt: warning: string 'accessibility_screen_magnification_summary' has no defaul
t translation in D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res; found:
az_AZ et_EE hy_AM ka_GE
aapt: warning: string 'answering_end_call_title_prev' has no default translation
in D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res; found: ar az bg ca c
s da de el en_PH en_US es_ES es_US et eu fa fi fr fr_CA ga gl hr hu hy in is it
ja ka kk ko lt lv mk ms nb nl pl pt_BR pt_PT ro ru sk sl sr sv th tl tr uk ur uz
vi zh_CN zh_TW
aapt: warning: string 'category_printers' has no default translation in D:\DEVEL
OPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res; found: az_AZ
aapt: warning: string 'cell_broadcast_settings_summary' has no default translati
on in D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res; found: az_AZ
aapt: warning: string 'downloadable_dialog_popup_text_wifi' has no default trans
lation in D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res; found: ar az b
g ca cs da de el en_PH en_US es_ES es_US et eu fa fi fr fr_CA ga gl hr hu hy in
is it ja ka kk ko lt lv mk ms nb nl pl pt_BR pt_PT ro ru sk sl sr sv th tl tr uk
ur uz vi zh_CN zh_TW
aapt: warning: string 'experimental_webview' has no default translation in D:\DE
VELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res; found: az_AZ et_EE hy_AM ka_G
aapt: warning: string 'experimental_webview_summary' has no default translation
in D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res; found: az_AZ et_EE hy
_AM ka_GE
aapt: warning: string 'location_category_app_settings' has no default translatio
n in D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res; found: az_AZ
aapt: warning: string 'nfc_payment_ask' has no default translation in D:\DEVELOP
ING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res; found: az_AZ
aapt: warning: string 'print_add_printer' has no default translation in D:\DEVEL
OPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res; found: ar az bg ca cs da de el e
n_PH en_US es_ES es_US et eu fa fi fr fr_CA ga gl hr hu hy in is it ja ka kk ko
lt lv mk ms nb nl pl pt_BR pt_PT ro ru sk sl sr sv th tl tr uk ur uz vi zh_CN zh
aapt: warning: string 'screen_rate' has no default translation in D:\DEVELOPING\
one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res; found: ar az bg ca cs da de el en_PH e
n_US es_ES es_US et eu fa fi fr fr_CA ga gl hr hu hy in is it ja ka kk ko lt lv
mk ms nb nl pl pt_BR pt_PT ro ru sk sl sr sv th tl tr uk ur uz vi zh_CN zh_TW
aapt: warning: string 'screen_size_downscale_1' has no default translation in D:
\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res; found: ar az bg ca cs da d
e el en_PH en_US es_ES es_US et eu fa fi fr fr_CA ga gl hr hu hy in is it ja ka
kk ko lt lv mk ms nb nl pl pt_BR pt_PT ro ru sk sl sr sv th tl tr uk ur uz vi zh
_CN zh_TW
aapt: warning: string 'screen_size_downscale_2' has no default translation in D:
\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res; found: ar az bg ca cs da d
e el en_PH en_US es_ES es_US et eu fa fi fr fr_CA ga gl hr hu hy in is it ja ka
kk ko lt lv mk ms nb nl pl pt_BR pt_PT ro ru sk sl sr sv th tl tr uk ur uz vi zh
_CN zh_TW
aapt: warning: string 'screen_size_downscale_3' has no default translation in D:
\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res; found: ar az bg ca cs da d
e el en_PH en_US es_ES es_US et eu fa fi fr fr_CA ga gl hr hu hy in is it ja ka
kk ko lt lv mk ms nb nl pl pt_BR pt_PT ro ru sk sl sr sv th tl tr uk ur uz vi zh
_CN zh_TW
aapt: warning: string 'wifi_display_disconnect_text' has no default translation
in D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res; found: az_AZ et_EE hy
_AM ka_GE
aapt: warning: string 'wifi_display_disconnect_title' has no default translation
in D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res; found: az_AZ et_EE h
y_AM ka_GE
aapt: warning: string 'wifi_display_paired_devices' has no default translation i
n D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res; found: az_AZ et_EE hy_
AM ka_GE
aapt: warning: string 'wifi_display_search_for_devices' has no default translati
on in D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res; found: az_AZ et_EE
hy_AM ka_GE
aapt: warning: string 'wifi_display_searching_for_devices' has no default transl
ation in D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res; found: az_AZ et
_EE hy_AM ka_GE
aapt: warning: string 'wifi_display_settings_empty_list_wifi_display_disabled' h
as no default translation in D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\
res; found: az_AZ et_EE hy_AM ka_GE
aapt: warning: string 'wifi_display_settings_empty_list_wifi_display_off' has no
default translation in D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res;
found: az_AZ et_EE hy_AM ka_GE
aapt: warning: string 'wifi_display_status_available' has no default translation
in D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res; found: az_AZ et_EE h
y_AM ka_GE
aapt: warning: string 'wimax_settings_summary' has no default translation in D:\
DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res; found: az_AZ
Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.AndrolibException: brut.androlib.Androl
ibException: brut.common.BrutException: could not exec command: [C:\Users\Andrea
\AppData\Local\Temp\brut_util_Jar_1856909593108704239.tmp, p, --debug-mode, --fo
rced-package-id, 1, --min-sdk-version, 19, --target-sdk-version, 19, --version-c
ode, 19, --version-name, 4.4.2-N8000XXUDND5, -F, C:\Users\Andrea\AppData\Local\T
emp\APKTOOL7971105794680974515.tmp, -0, arsc, -I, C:\Users\Andrea\apktool\framew
ork\1.apk, -I, C:\Users\Andrea\apktool\framework\2.apk, -S, D:\DEVELOPING\one_cl
ick_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res, -M, D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\S
at brut.androlib.Androlib.buildResourcesFull(Androlib.java:434)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.buildResources(Androlib.java:362)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.build(Androlib.java:285)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.build(Androlib.java:258)
at brut.apktool.Main.cmdBuild(Main.java:233)
at brut.apktool.Main.main(Main.java:88)
Caused by: brut.androlib.AndrolibException: brut.common.BrutException: could not
exec command: [C:\Users\Andrea\AppData\Local\Temp\brut_util_Jar_185690959310870
4239.tmp, p, --debug-mode, --forced-package-id, 1, --min-sdk-version, 19, --targ
et-sdk-version, 19, --version-code, 19, --version-name, 4.4.2-N8000XXUDND5, -F,
C:\Users\Andrea\AppData\Local\Temp\APKTOOL7971105794680974515.tmp, -0, arsc, -I,
C:\Users\Andrea\apktool\framework\1.apk, -I, C:\Users\Andrea\apktool\framework\
2.apk, -S, D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res, -M, D:\DEVELO
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.aaptPackage(AndrolibResources.jav
at brut.androlib.Androlib.buildResourcesFull(Androlib.java:415)
... 5 more
Caused by: brut.common.BrutException: could not exec command: [C:\Users\Andrea\A
ppData\Local\Temp\brut_util_Jar_1856909593108704239.tmp, p, --debug-mode, --forc
ed-package-id, 1, --min-sdk-version, 19, --target-sdk-version, 19, --version-cod
e, 19, --version-name, 4.4.2-N8000XXUDND5, -F, C:\Users\Andrea\AppData\Local\Tem
p\APKTOOL7971105794680974515.tmp, -0, arsc, -I, C:\Users\Andrea\apktool\framewor
k\1.apk, -I, C:\Users\Andrea\apktool\framework\2.apk, -S, D:\DEVELOPING\one_clic
k_signer\apktool\SecSettings\res, -M, D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\Sec
at brut.util.OS.exec(OS.java:89)
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.aaptPackage(AndrolibResources.jav
... 6 more
Can someone help me please?
Sorry if I asked in the wrong section
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Fix this
D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings \res\xml\assistant.xml:3: erro
r: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'resource' with valu
e '@drawable/assistant_menu_icon_messages_search').

zelendel said:
Fix this
D:\DEVELOPING\one_click_signer\apktool\SecSettings \res\xml\assistant.xml:3: erro
r: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'resource' with valu
e '@drawable/assistant_menu_icon_messages_search').
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
First thanks for the help. I did not touch this file. I only removed some removepreference method strings from a SpenSettingMenu.smali.
What do you mean with fix ? What should I do? Sorry if it's a dumb question but i am trying to learn as I am a noob

Mikyno said:
First thanks for the help. I did not touch this file. I only removed some removepreference method strings from a SpenSettingMenu.smali.
What do you mean with fix ? What should I do? Sorry if it's a dumb question but i am trying to learn as I am a noob
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You picked one hell of a rom to begin with lol
Go here @drawable/assistant_menu_icon_messages_search and see if it is there and if not then you may need to add it.

zelendel said:
You picked one hell of a rom to begin with lol
Go here @drawable/assistant_menu_icon_messages_search and see if it is there and if not then you may need to add it.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I know lol. But I want to do something for N8000 community where devs are not very active
Anyway didn't find the file.. What to do now? If I decompile the apk, the file I need is not extracted

Mikyno said:
I know lol. But I want to do something for N8000 community where devs are not very active
Anyway didn't find the file.. What to do now? If I decompile the apk, the file I need is not extracted
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
you didnt find the xml or the entry? remember there are a few drawables. For this I would look in values/drawables.xml for the entry

zelendel said:
you didnt find the xml or the entry? remember there are a few drawables. For this I would look in values/drawables.xml for the entry
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I didn't find in drawable the file assistant_menu_icon_messages_search. I only found that assistant.xml request it.
EDIT : tried to compile it taking another spi file and renaming in assistant_menu_icon_messages_search. It compile only with warnings.. So.. where should i get this file :S?

Mikyno said:
I didn't find in drawable the file assistant_menu_icon_messages_search. I only found that assistant.xml request it.
EDIT : tried to compile it taking another spi file and renaming in assistant_menu_icon_messages_search. It compile only with warnings.. So.. where should i get this file :S?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Spi file?
Bat cave One

zelendel said:
Spi file?
Bat cave One
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes.. I found that assistant_menu_icon_messages_search and assistan_menu_blabla are spi files.. :S
See the attachment

Mikyno said:
Yes.. I found that assistant_menu_icon_messages_search and assistan_menu_blabla are spi files.. :S
See the attachment
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ok I have no idea what that type of file is for. Might want to ask in your device forums.
Bat cave One

zelendel said:
Ok I have no idea what that type of file is for. Might want to ask in your device forums.
Bat cave One
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Seems that this is only an icon...

Mikyno said:
Seems that this is only an icon...
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Ok that seems to be a special icon file. Not sure if apktool can decompile it might check in the apktool thread. It could be corrupting it when you decompile it

zelendel said:
Ok that seems to be a special icon file. Not sure if apktool can decompile it might check in the apktool thread. It could be corrupting it when you decompile it
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Problem not solved cause I renamed a spi to the file I need but I didn't manage to unlock air command feature in the new settings menu


[UTIL]International MUI for Localizations

I would like to share with this forum HTC original MUI files.
I hope that some one else would like to share other MUI files.
"Enable"="1" (REG_DWORD)
"SysLang"="1040" (0410 REG_DWORD for Italian as decimal value)
"SysLang"="1033" (0409 REG_DWORD for English as decimal value)
"SysLang"="1049" (0419 REG_DWORD for Russian as decimal value)
"ClientLCID"="1040" (0410 REG_DWORD for Italian as decimal value)
"SystemLCID"="1040" (0410 REG_DWORD for Italian as decimal value)
"DefaultLCID"="1040" (0410 REG_DWORD for Italian as decimal value)
"LCID"="1040" (0410 REG_DWORD for Italian as decimal value)
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\MUI] (This key if changed frozen Elf you have to HR)
"CurLang"="1040" (0410 REG_DWORD for Italian as decimal value)
Updated: Reg file for HTC Action Screen 0410 to translate all tabs. Registry is pointing to SD card (\Scheda di memoria\Programmi\HTC\Action Screen\).
Updated: All localizations MUI for Italian, Russian, German, French
Updated: See Noonski post #19 on this tread for HTC Original Cube in your language http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=2010599&postcount=19
Updated: Add MUI for Spanish, Portuguese
Updated: See post #5 for help HTML files http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=1995322&postcount=5
Updated: New REG Key to personalize. The value if is decimal must be decimal, if you find in your registry 1033 for WWE ROM you must write 1040 as decimal for italian languages (MUI 0409 -> 0410).
Updated : Add MUI for Dutch (Thanks to Noonski) http://rapidshare.com/files/99313020/Dutch_MUI.0413.zip
Updated: Add MUI for Danish
that is a great idea. I would love to have Romanian MUI
might sound dumb , but what is MUI
nik_for_you said:
might sound dumb , but what is MUI
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MUI files give you the ability to translate in your language (french, german, italian, etc.) a program like HTC Home or HTC Album or HTC ActionScreen etc.
You need just to copy the MUI files in your Windows directory of your PDA.
To know the language of the MUI you have to see the numper of the MUI :
0401 Arabic ARA.MUI
0402 Bulgarian BG.MUI
041a Croatian HR.MUI
0405 Czech CS.MUI
0406 Danish da.MUI
0413 Dutch (Standard) NL.MUI
0425 Estonian ET.MUI
040b Finnish FI.MUI
040c French (Standard) FR.MUI
0407 German GER.MUI
0408 Greek EL.MUI
040d Hebrew HEB.MUI
040e Hungarian hu.MUI
0410 Italian IT.MUI
0411 Japanese JPN.MUI
0412 Korean KOR.MUI
0426 Latvian LV.MUI
0427 Lithuanian LT.MUI
0414 Norwegian no.MUI
0415 Polish pl.MUI
0416 Portuguese (Brazil) Br.MUI
0816 Portuguese (Standard) PT.MUI
0418 Romanian RO.MUI
0419 Russian RU.MUI
0804 Simplified Chinese CHS.MUI
0c0a Spanish (Modern Sort) ES.MUI
041b Slovak SK.MUI
0424 Slovenian SL.MUI
041d Swedish SV.MUI
041e Thai TH.MUI
0404 Traditional Chinese CHH.MUI
041f Turkish TR.MUI
Updated: Help HTML files
Cesare66 said:
I would like to share with this forum my translated MUI files (italian - 0410).
I hope that some one else would like to share other MUI files.
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Click to collapse
scusami ma ho copiato i file nella cartella di wondows come hai scritto, dopo averli decompressi. Come faccio ora a selezionare la lingua italiana. Utilizzo la BlueRom WM6.1
How can I select italian language after I had put the files in windows directory? I use BlueRom WM6.1
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Are you interested in keeping this thread updated and strictly MUI?
I know i'll be uploading some dutch files.
I can help out with some german ones...
venom5285 said:
scusami ma ho copiato i file nella cartella di wondows come hai scritto, dopo averli decompressi. Come faccio ora a selezionare la lingua italiana. Utilizzo la BlueRom WM6.1
How can I select italian language after I had put the files in windows directory? I use BlueRom WM6.1
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Non puoi selezionare una lingua se la ROM è in inglese rimane in inglese puoi provare a prendere le MUI in italiano, rinominarle e copiare su quelle inglesi es.: HTCAlbum.exe.0410.mui -> HTCAlbum.exe.0409.mui poi copiala in windows.
You can't select the language of you ROM from a menu. If your ROM is in english you can tray to rename your italian MUI and than copy it in your Windows folder es.: HTCAlbum.exe.0410.mui -> HTCAlbum.exe.0409.mui now you can copy the file in your windows folder.
Added Your HTCHome MUI's to seperate HTC Home Package for Cooking.
Noonski said:
Are you interested in keeping this thread updated and strictly MUI?
I know i'll be uploading some dutch files.
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First of all I have seen all your works in this forum and I want to say "Noonski you are great !!!".
You are welcome if you want to share your MUI files in this tread, I'll update my first post.
I think is very usefull for all to have a place where we can download updated MUI files to translate new application, if I have a dutch ROM I think is nice to have all software in dutch language. In this way when we make a cab we can do a multilanguage cab.
pkoper said:
I can help out with some german ones...
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If you share your german ones I can update my first post also with your MUI german files. Thank's for your help.
Cesare66 said:
I would like to share with this forum my translated MUI files (italian - 0410).
I hope that some one else would like to share other MUI files.
Updated: HTC Action Screen 0410 with reg file to translate all tabs and to have all files in \Scheda di memoria\Programmi\HTC\Action Screen\
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The action screen Registry is pointing to SD card.
Just so people know that they need to change this if they want this in Main Memory.
All localisation MUI for Italian, Russian, German, French see first post.
Downloading as we Speak...
I'll add them to MONSTER......
Cesare66 said:
I would like to share with this forum my translated MUI files.
I hope that some one else would like to share other MUI files.
"Enable"="1" (REG_DWORD)
"SysLang"="1040" (REG_DWORD for Italian)
Updated: Reg file for HTC Action Screen 0410 to translate all tabs. Registry is pointing to SD card (\Scheda di memoria\Programmi\HTC\Action Screen\).
Updated: All localizations MUI for Italian, Russian, German, French
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Click to collapse
Hi everyone,
You rocks!!
Can someone tell me how i install the mui french package plz?
I mean i know i need to put all the files in \windows directory but there is also a .cab file in the french package. What shoul i do with it? And for the registry key what is the REG_WORD for Syslang if i want it French?
Thanks a lot in advance.
040c French (Standard) FR.MUI
As for the cab...
Noonski said:
040c French (Standard) FR.MUI
As for the cab...
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Hehe ok i got it for the cab
Thx a lot
Oke i'm uploading Itlalian Package for Cube.
Was missing.
So if this can be downloaded then translated correctly.
And also check itiflashfiles.txt, as i don't have the name for the italian StartUp Folder.
For german Cube Package only initflashfiles need to be checked.
I didn't put all registry values into RGU as these are both in Hives and OEMAPPS rgu which don't need translation anyway.
French Cube was also missing mxip_Biotouch_040c.provxml
And need the initflashfiles.txt check up.
French Cube was also missing mxip_Biotouch_0419.provxml
And need the initflashfiles.txt check up.
"Enable"="1" (REG_DWORD)
"SysLang"="1040" (REG_DWORD for Italian)
Shouldn't that be
"Enable"="1" (REG_DWORD)
"SysLang"="0410" (REG_DWORD for Italian)
Also Added Dutch Cube TNX to Bram Smulders off course.
And can i get translations for the below if possible
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\MultiMedia"):-File("Audio Manager.lnk","\Windows\Audio Manager.lnk")
Me Go Sleep now.
Great work!!!!
The file mxip_Biotouch_0410.provxml is not present in the original ROM anyway this is the content of the file. It's the same content of the english one.
<!-- Italian localization -->
<characteristic type="Registry">
<characteristic type="HKLM\SOFTWARE\HTC\Biotouch\Biotouch">
<parm name="Path1" value="\Windows\A0.brn" datatype="string"/>
<parm name="Path2" value="\Windows\A1.brn" datatype="string"/>
<parm name="Path3" value="\Windows\A3.brn" datatype="string"/>
<parm name="Path4" value="\Windows\A5.brn" datatype="string"/>
<parm name="Path5" value="\Windows\B0.brn" datatype="string"/>
<parm name="Path6" value="\Windows\B1.brn" datatype="string"/>
<parm name="Path7" value="\Windows\B3.brn" datatype="string"/>
<parm name="Path8" value="\Windows\B5.brn" datatype="string"/>
<parm name="Path9" value="\Windows\C0.brn" datatype="string"/>
<parm name="Path10" value="\Windows\C1.brn" datatype="string"/>
<parm name="Path11" value="\Windows\C3.brn" datatype="string"/>
<parm name="Path12" value="\Windows\C5.brn" datatype="string"/>
<parm name="Path13" value="\Windows\A01.brn" datatype="string"/>
<parm name="Path14" value="\Windows\A02.brn" datatype="string"/>
<parm name="Path15" value="\Windows\B01.brn" datatype="string"/>
<parm name="Path16" value="\Windows\B02.brn" datatype="string"/>
<parm name="Path17" value="\Windows\C01.brn" datatype="string"/>
<parm name="Path18" value="\Windows\C02.brn" datatype="string"/>
The italian startup folder is: \Windows\Esecuzione automatica
The italian start folder is: \Windows\Start Menu\Programmi
The italian programs folder is: \Programmi
The italian SD card is: \Scheda di memoria
Also for me is correct 0410 but it's very strange in the elf registry I have found this value: "SysLang"="1040". I'll try to change the value to 0410.

touch input EN -> PT

I have an Diamond 2 EN, and I would like to use touch input in pt, I have a friend that has it in PT does anyone knows what files do I have to modify/copy to put it to work in pt?
se encontras-te solução avisa.. tb gostava de ter.. bye

english or other languages rom with italian keyboard!

i have i italian version of htc touch pro...
i load i wm 6.5 rom...but the problem whit the keyboard...
english rom not have ( é è ò à ù simbols)
for write in italian language with qwert:
open whit a reg editor: i find it directly in the rom (PROVEN ROM 4.3 titanium)
and in the string "CurLang "
edit this string to change the value in 410 ( for english is 409).
i think that for other languages is only change the code.. but i don't know the codes..
sorry for my english but i'm a student!
0404 CHT Chinese Traditional 台灣
0405 CSY Czech Česká republika
0406 DAN Danish Danmark
0407 DEU German Deutschland
0408 ELL Greek Ellas
0409 USA English United States
040B FIN Finnish Finland
040C FRA French France
0410 ITA Italian Italia
0411 JPN Japanese 日本
0412 KOR Korean 한국
0413 NLD Dutch Nederland
0414 NOR Norwegian Bokmål
0415 PLK Polish Polska
0416 PTB Portuguese Brasil
0419 RUS Russian Россия
041D SVD Swedish Sverige
0804 CHS Chinese Simplified 中华人民共和国 (hi xbeta! )
0816 PTG Portugese Portugal
0c0a ESN Spanish España
Moved to the raphael section

[Q] HKLM\Mui\Languages

I managed to mess up some of the registry. Can someone please give me the exact values of the following language keys in HKLM\Mui\Languages:
0409 - US English
0809 - UK English
0407 - Germany (DE) - (German)
0409 - US English
040C - France (FR) (French)
0410 - Italy (IT) (Italian)
0809 - UK English
0C0A - Spain (ES) (Spanish)
I was talking about the actual values in the phone. I got some help from another xda memeber (KooTee) but still missing two values. Those show as invalid strings in the registry editor:
0407 Deutsch
0409 US English
0410 Italiano
0809 UK English
Any help with recreating those two invalid strings is much appreciated.
But in official table from Microsoft: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms776294.aspx that's it.
The invalid strings are for French and Spanish (Français & Español). Maybe the special characters are giving those invalid entries. I'll try to add them and see what happens.

[Request] Ask help for recompiling LegacyIncallUI.apk (Lollipop)

Hello all dear,
I have problem recompling LegacyIncallUI.apk (ver.: Note3 Lollipop NL8) with apktool 2.0.0 (RC3/RC4)
Here is the error log:
E:\AdvancedApkTool\3-Out\LegacyInCallUI.nl8.apk\res\values\arrays.xml:63: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at '^index_0' with value '@android:string/APKTOOL_DUMMY_06c2').
Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.AndrolibException: brut.androlib.AndrolibException: brut.common.BrutException: could not exec command: [C:\Users\Philippe\AppData\Local\Temp\brut_util_Jar_5740710932211160419.tmp, p, --forced-package-id, 127, --min-sdk-version, 21, --target-sdk-version, 21, --version-code, 21, --version-name, 5.0-N9005XXUGBNL8, -F, C:\Users\Philippe\AppData\Local\Temp\APKTOOL7206926664454227497.tmp, -0, arsc, -I, E:\AdvancedApkTool\1-BDFreak\Frameworks\1.apk, -S, E:\AdvancedApkTool\3-Out\LegacyInCallUI.nl8.apk\res, -M, E:\AdvancedApkTool\3-Out\LegacyInCallUI.nl8.apk\AndroidManifest.xml]
at brut.androlib.Androlib.buildResourcesFull(Androlib.java:442)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.buildResources(Androlib.java:379)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.build(Androlib.java:282)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.build(Androlib.java:255)
at brut.apktool.Main.cmdBuild(Main.java:225)
at brut.apktool.Main.main(Main.java:84)
Caused by: brut.androlib.AndrolibException: brut.common.BrutException: could not exec command: [C:\Users\Philippe\AppData\Local\Temp\brut_util_Jar_5740710932211160419.tmp, p, --forced-package-id, 127, --min-sdk-version, 21, --target-sdk-version, 21, --version-code, 21, --version-name, 5.0-N9005XXUGBNL8, -F, C:\Users\Philippe\AppData\Local\Temp\APKTOOL7206926664454227497.tmp, -0, arsc, -I, E:\AdvancedApkTool\1-BDFreak\Frameworks\1.apk, -S, E:\AdvancedApkTool\3-Out\LegacyInCallUI.nl8.apk\res, -M, E:\AdvancedApkTool\3-Out\LegacyInCallUI.nl8.apk\AndroidManifest.xml]
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.aaptPackage(AndrolibResources.java:504)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.buildResourcesFull(Androlib.java:428)
... 5 more
Caused by: brut.common.BrutException: could not exec command: [C:\Users\Philippe\AppData\Local\Temp\brut_util_Jar_5740710932211160419.tmp, p, --forced-package-id, 127, --min-sdk-version, 21, --target-sdk-version, 21, --version-code, 21, --version-name, 5.0-N9005XXUGBNL8, -F, C:\Users\Philippe\AppData\Local\Temp\APKTOOL7206926664454227497.tmp, -0, arsc, -I, E:\AdvancedApkTool\1-BDFreak\Frameworks\1.apk, -S, E:\AdvancedApkTool\3-Out\LegacyInCallUI.nl8.apk\res, -M, E:\AdvancedApkTool\3-Out\LegacyInCallUI.nl8.apk\AndroidManifest.xml]
at brut.util.OS.exec(OS.java:90)
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.aaptPackage(AndrolibResources.java:498)
... 6 more
These errors happend even when I recompile the original apk without any mod.
Please tell me what apktool should I use, or how can I recompile LegacyIncallUI.apk (Lollipop Note3).
Thanks in advance.
dongfangri said:
Hello all dear,
I have problem recompling LegacyIncallUI.apk (ver.: Note3 Lollipop NL8) with apktool 2.0.0 (RC3/RC4)
These errors happend even when I recompile the original apk without any mod.
Please tell me what apktool should I use, or how can I recompile LegacyIncallUI.apk (Lollipop Note3).
Thanks in advance.
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I think you need (Advanced+ApkTool+v4.1.0+By+BDFreak+Repackecd+By+Kmokhtar79.zip - ZIP archive, unpacked size 11,518,919 bytes)
Finally I got it by changing framework-res.apk.
dongfangri said:
Finally I got it by changing framework-res.apk.
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Did you get settings for auto call recording too?
zoya4u said:
Did you get settings for auto call recording too?
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No. I don't use this feature.
dongfangri said:
No. I don't use this feature.
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can u make it multi DPI?

