[Q] Kitkat on I497 - Galaxy Tab 2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello guys,
I just rootet my Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 running 4.1.2 Android from AT&T model i497.
Reading through many threads here I could not find a ROM to upgrade this to Kitkat 4.4.2. Is there an upgrade?
I should also point out that I would be totally OK using any ROM as this Tablet will not use any phone line from AT&T going forward. It will be mounted on the wall for Home Automation with just Wifi. So killing the AT&T crap software and giving me simple KitKat would be totally ok.
Any help guys here?
Thanks in advance.

No luck
Pseudomizer said:
Hello guys,
I just rootet my Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 running 4.1.2 Android from AT&T model i497.
Reading through many threads here I could not find a ROM to upgrade this to Kitkat 4.4.2. Is there an upgrade?
I should also point out that I would be totally OK using any ROM as this Tablet will not use any phone line from AT&T going forward. It will be mounted on the wall for Home Automation with just Wifi. So killing the AT&T crap software and giving me simple KitKat would be totally ok.
Any help guys here?
Thanks in advance.
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Doesn't look like anybody is working on this.
Let me phrase the question then differently. The I497 is from AT&T. The same or similar hardware is also provided by other phone companies or even better there are same or similar hardware versions out there without the mobile SIM card option going with simply WiFi.
Does anybody know which KitKat ROM I can install on my I497 to get it from Jellybean to KitKat even if that means I will have a Vanilla KitKat and also might loose my SIM card option? I just need WiFi on that tablet and that's it.
I am open for suggestions guys. Thanks.

I'm also wondering as well
Sent from my LG-D800 using Tapatalk

Any answers yet?


[Q] Rooting Questions for a Galaxy Note Tablet

I am brand new to Android. I just bought a Galaxy Note Tablet 10.1 but it's the GT-N8010 model. I would prefer to have the US version GT-N8013 because it seems that there are a few apps / functions are not available in N8010 model.
I've seen several threads about flashing for phones but not for the Note Tablet 10.1. And I can't find anything about how to actually get started from the very beginning. I've always had Apple products so even the terms flashing and rooting are new to me. I need bare bones basic instructions on how to root my note tablet. I bought the ODIN app and it won't let me use it until I rooted and that I needed to be a superuser? I'm so confused... /:
Can someone please help me? What apps do I need and what's the actual process? I appreciate any help anyone could give me.
I used this thread that's sticked in the note Q&A to root my tablet. I actually did it yesterday after getting the german jb 4.1.2. I wanted to use the multiwindow app, so I had to root. I am new to this as well, but that thread got me through the process flawlessly. =) I used the pc version of Odin to do mine though.
Toadie08 said:
I am brand new to Android. I just bought a Galaxy Note Tablet 10.1 but it's the GT-N8010 model. I would prefer to have the US version GT-N8013 because it seems that there are a few apps / functions are not available in N8010 model.
I've seen several threads about flashing for phones but not for the Note Tablet 10.1. And I can't find anything about how to actually get started from the very beginning. I've always had Apple products so even the terms flashing and rooting are new to me. I need bare bones basic instructions on how to root my note tablet. I bought the ODIN app and it won't let me use it until I rooted and that I needed to be a superuser? I'm so confused... /:
Can someone please help me? What apps do I need and what's the actual process? I appreciate any help anyone could give me.
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gophy said:
I used this thread that's sticked in the note Q&A to root my tablet. I actually did it yesterday after getting the german jb 4.1.2. I wanted to use the multiwindow app, so I had to root. I am new to this as well, but that thread got me through the process flawlessly. =) I used the pc version of Odin to do mine though.
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Sweet! Thanks. I'm now rooted! On to the next step!

Verizon Galaxy Note 10.1 SCH-i925

Does anyone know how I can root this device? It is locked to Verizon, but if the custom roms work on it, and standard rooting works with it, then all is well.
I received this as a bogus ebay purchase. I bid on a N8000, but received this SCH-i925.. For the most part, I just want root, and am not overly concerned about custom roms... I just don't know what the differences with this model is from any of the N80** models are..
Thanks for the info guys!
Well, the ExynosAbuse exploit worked for root, now I need to figure out how to add the Bell APN info to it.. anyone know how to enable the option to add APN info to the SCH-i925? Or if I can use the N8000 recoveries and ROMs out there?
Cyric78 said:
Well, the ExynosAbuse exploit worked for root, now I need to figure out how to add the Bell APN info to it.. anyone know how to enable the option to add APN info to the SCH-i925? Or if I can use the N8000 recoveries and ROMs out there?
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The Verizon tablet is LTE, the 8000 is 3G so you'll probably brick your tablet if you use anything but a ROM for an LTE tablet. I'm surprised that the Exynos Abuse exploit worked since Samsung supposedly included it's patch in the version of Jellybean shipping in the Verizon LTE tablet.
Where did you get your verizon note verizon keeps telling me they are not out yet
Sent from my GT-N8013 using xda app-developers app
Damn man I have been looking for this tablet.
I'll very happily buy this off you and give you my N8000....I've been trying to get my hands on the LTE version...
You should have said something over a week ago. I am in the process of fighting with the eBay seller I got it from. He is trying to rip me off for the tablet.
Sent from my GT-P7500 using Tapatalk 2
How much did you pay for it? can you give me the link on ebay where you bought it from? I have been looking all over waiting anxiously to get my hands on that verizon note 10.1. You already sent it back to him or is it still with you?
Are you kidding me? I'm possibly down what I paid for the tablet, and you want a link to it? Send me $700, and I'll point you in his direction.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
Cyric78 said:
Are you kidding me? I'm possibly down what I paid for the tablet, and you want a link to it? Send me $700, and I'll point you in his direction.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
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Post it on ebay or something and I'll buy it for $700.
I am waiting on this also. let us know
drozek said:
I am waiting on this also. let us know
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The note 10.1 LTE cannot be used with another carrier in the US. Verizon won't unlock it. They say it is already unlocked so that you won't bother them anymore.
Satan's LTE Note 10.1
Cyric78 said:
Well, the ExynosAbuse exploit worked for root, now I need to figure out how to add the Bell APN info to it.. anyone know how to enable the option to add APN info to the SCH-i925? Or if I can use the N8000 recoveries and ROMs out there?
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This is classic Verizon Crap, hereinafter referred to as "Satan". I don't know what deal Samsung's GT-N8020 made with the devil in the US but it is clearly only being served as a SCH-I925. I will be watching , listening and offering what ever I can to help restore order to my newly purchased Note 10.1.
Please see solution for VZW Note II for your APN fix http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2044449
No custom Roms until someone unlocks the boot loader! Watching this post for progress http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=39116676
Watch http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2252630
For Adam Outler and teams SCH-I925 unlock progress
Sent from my GT-N8020 using XDA Premium HD app
waston2013 said:
Watch http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2252630
For Adam Outler and teams SCH-I925 unlock progress
Sent from my GT-N8020 using XDA Premium HD app
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This work, and I am using att(ipad sim) on it. After I edit apns-config.xml i got att h+ to work. I was wondering if any1 can shine me some light on how to enable phone.apk on this sch-i925. Then this tab can re place my phone/notebooks for school.
Thanks in advance.
Soft unbrick Verizon I925
Hello guys...
First of all, let me say a big thanks for all that hard working on finding a way to unlock
It seems I have soft bricked verizon's I925 tablet while trying to add those apn's and make it work outside the US. I used CAUSAL to get it root and then I used the apn editor which made the damage.
Since there is no bootloader hack yet, I wonder if there is any way I can restore it back and have it working in any way.
I have tried via odin's utility and stock roms for N8010, but I get a fail. Does anyone has the stock verizon's rom?
I will greatly appreciate any kind of help.
Thank you in advance,
UPDATE: Soft unbrick Verizon I925
Guys here is a small update on my case.
Good News: The soft bricked I925 is once again working with certain limitations. I had mariosraptor (post credits to him) install a clean non verizon N8020 version on it.
Bad News: Despite the fact that sim card gets recognized, it does not gets activated. Another possible problem "haven't yet figured out" is GPS.
Things to clear out...
I really don't know if I had the bootloader changed while trying to recover it at the beginning. In Odin's download mode, the model refers as GT-N8010 and not as SCH-I925. Members can validate thought...
Request for stock wallpaper of Note 10.1 LTE
Hello guys. I apologize if I make a mistake in posting this request here, but would someone be kind enough to post the stock home screen wallpaper that comes with the Note 10.1 LTE? Thanks a lot.
imor said:
Guys here is a small update on my case.
Good News: The soft bricked I925 is once again working with certain limitations. I had mariosraptor (post credits to him) install a clean non verizon N8020 version on it.
Bad News: Despite the fact that sim card gets recognized, it does not gets activated. Another possible problem "haven't yet figured out" is GPS.
Things to clear out...
I really don't know if I had the bootloader changed while trying to recover it at the beginning. In Odin's download mode, the model refers as GT-N8010 and not as SCH-I925. Members can validate thought...
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imor, I seem to be having the same issue, as I have also bricked my tablet. I originally rooted about two months ago using casual, and the OTA update screwed it up today. I am pretty new to this and not sure what needs to be done. I can only get my tablet to ODIN mode, and able to connect it to ODIN on my computer, but I have no idea what I am supposed to flash to the device. Any help is extremely appreciated.
So I am willing to help out and make a stock recovery and see if you restore it on your Verizon see if all your problems go away I will do this later tonight
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

[Q] SGH 1497 (at&t 4g version) help updating

I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10 .1 inch AT&T 4G SGH 1497 I am unable to use several features because of the 4.1 .2 apk update but more importantly I was curious if anyone was successful in installing a 4.2 .2 to this version of the tab 2 and if anyone was able to get everything working solid? I am very interested in getting this rooted but I don't want to screw up the 4G capabilities and take it off the AT&T network if anyone has any tips links or maybe I missed it in the forums on how or if its possible I would be greatly appreciative. also if you know anything about the WiFi Bluetooth problem I have another post that is directly related to this? thanks for Reading
I had no issues rooting and installing twrp/cwm, but I hard bricked one trying to install AOKP. CyanogenMod gave me the dreaded error 7. From what I understand, this hardware is nothing like the other TAB 2's. It's not looking too good lately. Imight get impatient before long and do my own de-odex and mod the systemui as well as other things. MY tab 2 is just not my main device so I haven't put allot of effort into it as yet. Someone is going to need to soon or we'll all just upgrade to something else that is better supported by dev's. I wish us luck on this device. I have googled to high hell and haven't dug up anything. Couldnt even find an odin file for 4.1.2, so I captured that one while i could and put it up for d/l. Maybe that will help someone dev on 4.1.2 at least.
I'm glad I found this post. Can either of you provide a link to the file needed to root the AT&T 4G SGH 1497, I can't seem to find it anywhere. Thanks for any help.
note2rootbeer said:
I'm glad I found this post. Can either of you provide a link to the file needed to root the AT&T 4G SGH 1497, I can't seem to find it anywhere. Thanks for any help.
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I too am in this dilemma. I just purchased a Tab 2 and want to root to remove the AT&T bloatware. SGH-I497. I found this post:
But since I don't know when 4.1.2 was rolled out for the Tab 2, I don't know if this root method is valid. Help please.
SGH-I497, 16 GB AT&T running 4.1.2 build #J2054K.I497UCBMF2
One small mistake on my part... I have the wifi version. Changed my profile pic to Underdog (I'm such an idiot).
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using XDA Free mobile app

[Q] help sght-999l t mobile lte

i need help be cause i cant seem to find it any where i have samsung galaxy s3 t mobile lte on stock rooted jelly bean 4.3 modle sgh-t999l i ether need a custom rom that all functions work for this phone be cause i have gotten other roms to work but eather the camers dont work and dont have 4g or a bloatware list for this phone so i can remove it all my self be cause the battery life sucks and how to mod the sound in call because stock is to low
werro6 said:
i need help be cause i cant seem to find it any where i have samsung galaxy s3 t mobile lte on stock rooted jelly bean 4.3 modle sgh-t999l i ether need a custom rom that all functions work for this phone be cause i have gotten other roms to work but eather the camers dont work and dont have 4g or a bloatware list for this phone so i can remove it all my self be cause the battery life sucks and how to mod the sound in call because stock is to low
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refer to here and you might be able to fix your problem
Trozzul said:
refer to here and you might be able to fix your problem
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i have tryed to find one my self and cant thats why im asking i have been to that thread and i have forund roms that will flash but no 4g and some cam dont work i eathere need a custom rom that saves battery or a way to modify the stock one and change the incall sound level
Please help: Newbie with T-Mobiles Galaxy S3 SGH-T999L Newest build
Please forgive me if I've over looked any other post about this. I am definitely, a complete infant when it come to phones. I did manage to root a Motorola Atrix 2 (MB865) which I paid to have unlocked from AT&T. I never did anything to the phone other than root it; didn't know what to do after that. I did install Titanium Backup, Superuser, and froze some apps but that's it.
I now have a T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S3 Lte SGH-T999L with Android Version 4.3; Baseband Version: T999LUVUBNF4;
Build Number: JSS15J.T999LUVUBNF4.
I would love to root this phone, install mods, kernels,etc. but the main thing I'm worried about first is removing bloatware and apps that I don't use but I cant find anything recent that shows how to root, remove bloatware,etc.on a Galaxy S3 Lte with this newer Build Number.
Please, if there is anyone that can point me in the right direction, give me a step-by-step.....I don't know how to downgrade a phone to stock (whatever that means,maybe the way the phone came out of the box???) I want to learn badly and I know every phone is different but I can't afford to mess up the only two phones I have; especially the Galaxy S3 LTE. I would greatly appreciate ANY HELP just remember, I don't know much of anything at all. I can take and read directions...might have to read them more than once but what the hell.

[Completed] [Q] unrooting s5

Been a while since I've been on- posted a hardware fix years ago for a windows phone. Anyway can anybody point me to a stock uk rom for an s5 900f- just bought a CyanogenMod rooted phone and wondered if it is possible to return it to stoc, it must also auto update from samsung. thanks for any help
mgzt said:
Been a while since I've been on- posted a hardware fix years ago for a windows phone. Anyway can anybody point me to a stock uk rom for an s5 900f- just bought a CyanogenMod rooted phone and wondered if it is possible to return it to stoc, it must also auto update from samsung. thanks for any help
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You may find help here. s5/general
Proceed with caution, all the best !!

