I'm scratching my head at this one.
I'm building form AOSP source here: https://github.com/UltimaAOSP
When you build for the i9300, and pause music or a video, you cannot resume as the stream seems to crash. It happens with streaming over the internet, or locally.
I use the same tree to build for the SGS4 jfltexx, which doesn't face this issue. So I can narrow it down to something smk4x12 or i9300 specific.
I have some audio files which are encoded as Flac on my sdcard. I have a custom ROM which allows me to play these with the standard Music Player app. However what this does not do is read the Flac Tags.
Has anyone found a solution to this. Thanks
I never could get my flac files to play without crashing the music player, but it seems to work on CM 5.0.5. Tags does not show on mine either though.
Are you on CM? Could it be a bug? He has an issue tracker on the google code page, so I guess you should try registering it there.
my tags seem to be loaded fine on CM rom
maddie said:
my tags seem to be loaded fine on CM rom
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Am interested to know which CM ROM you are on please?
I have discovered if there is a cover.jpg image in the folder for the tracks of a cd, the cover art will be picked up from this. However loading the cover art in to the tag of each .flac file, no image is displayed.
In either case, each track comes up with "Unknown artist".
For information, I am using Enomther's TheOfficial Nexus1 - [3/9/2010] - v1.7.1
Android Music Player (stock) vs UberMusic and Google Music. I'm not a huge fan of the stock music player on my Samsung GT-i9000. Tried out UberMusic and Google Music but they both add track numbers to the front of 40% of my song titles. This makes it pretty difficult to find specific songs (because I don't know track numbers anymore, if I rip a CD it doesn't even rip in the order of the CD). Since my android player displays the song titles correctly; I am thinking there is something I can do to fix it in one of these better music players.
Anyone have this issue? Suggestions? Any better music players?
GT i9000, Gingerbread 2.3.4 (JVQ build), Rooted
Hello Guys,
As all of you know that OPO comes with pre-installed Video Player. Which I am not a huge fan off. I was using Samsung Galaxy S3 in 2013 mid. I love there video player because of the ability to make playback audio in video player at virtual 7.1 which gives a boost to the audio and if you have 5.1 or 7.1 audio muxed in your video source it just make so much of difference in the listening experience. So, that feature I am searching in multiple video players till now. Like MX Player, MX Player Pro, VLC and some others. But found this feature on none of the app. So, is der any way to port that video player app from Samsung S5 or S4 for OPO?.
And my second question is how to make Poweramp as my default music player. Because whenever I plugin my headphone it just pop's up the Play music. So, any help on this.?
It wouldn't be possible to make Samsung video player to work on our phones. It is possible, but it takes a lot of work since the video player depends on the TouchWiz framework which is closed source. So that means, you'd have to make a TouchWiz rom which wouldn't be worth making since you're back porting closed source and a lot of functionality would be broken. It could be fixed throughout time but android L would be out by then.
Try disabling play music if you don't use it. Go into poweramp settings audio headset and enable pause and resume at the very top of the options.
Sent from my One using Tapatalk
Thanks for the reply. Let me try that out with poweramp
I am on a neverending quest to get Spotify to play my local files gapless.
I have some concert rips and some gapless albums that simply aren't on Spotify. Neither Google Play Music nor Spotify will play them gapless. Worse, GPM won't play ANYTHING gapless, from their library or not. I'm very serious about my music and this is a problem. i've been reading that GPM playing gapless depends on the phone itself, mostly Nexus can do it. I wondered if anybody here has a S7 and Google Play Music and would be willing to do a test for me?
1. Download not stream a gapless album (say, Madonna "Confessions Tour", Mike Oldfield "Tubular Bells 2003", etc.)
2. Play it on headphones
3. Are there gaps between songs? (Half a second or so, but still)
My Xperia Z5 Compact can't play GPM content gapless, it plays Spotify library content gapless, but not local files I sync.
Thank you very much to anyone who can be bothered to check that for me! I'm changing phones in a month and I would like to get one that won't make my musical OCD triggered every few minutes.
I was about to report something similar.
Actually, I have ripped Madonna's Confession Tour and transfered it locally on my phone.
Both GPM and Samsung Music refuse to play them gaplessly.
On the contrary, apps that use somekind of dedicated/internal decoding do play them gaplessly, for example Foobar.
I strongly believe there is something on the kernel or google's native decoders that gets lost in the chain of audio playback when it comes to gapless playback, like the implementation chain is breaking or there's simply no native gapless implementation.
This sucks, if you do a google search you'll see LOTS of people being frustrated with the issue, reporting it and google simply ignores them.
I am p*ssed off aswell, I find it very embarassing that at 2017 not every device can do native gapless out of the box atleast on formats that support it natively, a day that our phones do so many stuff that a decade ago we needed like 20 separate devices to do the same stuff yet something like this seems like it's either not important or too hard to do.
there's simply no native gapless implementation.
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This is correct
You can however make an app that plays gapless without
somekind of dedicated/internal decoding
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That app would internally use 2 players, when the first one finishes its song, the second one starts and when that one finishes, the first one starts again etc.
waterdaan said:
This is correct
You can however make an app that plays gapless without
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It is not entirely true though. There are devices that most of them run on CM based or pure AOSP that actually gapless works with the same combination of apps.
For example:
My old HTC EVO 3D has gapless playback on CM based roms with GPM.
My Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 has actual gapless on GPM but not on Samsung Music.
My dad's Nexus 5 needs to have enabled the equaliser for gapless to work.
There is somekind of chain from the audio file until the audio reaches your ears that one of the links break.
I'm just trying to figure out what.
@raytheblacksmith and @waterdaan or everybody else that may care, I can confirm that Nougat fixed the gapless playback issue!
All tracks I'm playing with Samsung Music are gapless now!
I installed the Tesla ROM (20170507-1743) on my Moto G3 about a month ago. Everything seems to work fine but I can't play videos that I record. I see a fixed image from the start of the video and hear the sound. I tried MX Player in addition to the built-in player. YouTube is also erratic. Some videos play ok (e.g., The Late Show with Colbert) but others start and within a few seconds, the picture freezes while the audio continues to play. Any ideas what might cause this? I like the ROM a lot otherwise.
Try using the squid kernel and see if it fixes your issue.
There's unofficial build if you want to try that out?
I took the path of least resistance and flashed LineageOS 14.1. Video recording and playback works.