[Q] Swipe up from home for Google Now location? - Nexus 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Does anyone know where the swipe up from home for google now function is located? I don't think it is in the Google Search apk, or the System UI apk. I'm trying to find it and try to port it to non-AOSP ROMs. If I can find the xml for it, I would be able to locate it easier.


Set custom keyboard shortcuts on external keyboard?

I just bought a Logitech bluetooth keyboard for my xoom, and it's fabilous (im using it right now actually). The android specific keys are an awesome added feature. However, I cannot go to my recent apps, or use common shortcuts like ctrl+R for refresh on chrome. Is there any way to make it so there are shortcuts on an external keyboard? any help is appreciated. thanks!
Bumping because I'd like to do the same thing with my Motorola bluetooth keyboard.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
Hi Guys,
On the off chance you haven't already found a solution...here goes!
First of all you need a little app called AnyCut, which unfortunately is not available on the Play Store, and I can't post a link, because I'm new. Sorry. A quick G search will get you the .apk
Install the .apk onto your device. On 4.2.1, at least (my Xoom) trying to run AnyCut from the app drawer does not work. However go to the widgets drawer and select AnyCut from there, and create a shortcut to "Quick Launch". There may be 2 instances of quick launch, if so select the first one.
**I tried for hours to find how to get to quick launch without anycut. Couldn't do it...maybe in the future!***
Now use the widget to access quick launch, and assign your new keyboard shortcuts.
I used it to edit/repair the shortcuts on the top row of my motorola bt keyboard for my xoom. And to change the browser shortcut, to a chrome one.
Hope this helps you!

App to be deleted??

Hi can I ask? I want to make custom ROM from stock ICS for Xperia Tipo.. what app is safe to delete and what doesnt?? I hope anyone can help me with this.. I already search on google but I found nothing relate to this..
well there are some apps which can not be deleted at all
like google partner setup, systemui(status bar) and others
some apps like software update are not needed and are safe to remove
some other apps like phone app, messaging contacts and launcher etc can be replaced by an alternative app
like launcher can be replaced by a good launcher from play store
if you come across an apk you are not sure about, just google for its function
if it is not vital, then remove/replace it
is there any answer like list of it?

TF701 stock apps

Im am making an app package for the tf700 with the tf701 apps, could someone please tell me the correct libs for the following stock apps from the tf701?
kansasboy001 said:
Im am making an app package for the tf700 with the tf701 apps, could someone please tell me the correct libs for the following stock apps from the tf701?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You can try but I couldn't get them to work although I didn't look into it that much, you'll have to decompile some of them as the smali code inside seems to expect a different DPI to what we have so you may need to alter the res folders. As far as libs I have never seen any documentation so you'll have to guess. Also note AOlink is the miracast software. AFAIK the TF700 doesn't support it hardware wise but good luck
I have not been able to get browser or email working. Task Manager and Supernote show up in system/app but does not show in the launcher or in setttings, how can I fix this. Also where is the location of the defualt contacts app in android? So far I have gotten calculator, calendar, my dictionary, photo story, weather, tasks,clock, and gallery to install.
kansasboy001 said:
I have not been able to get browser or email working. Task Manager and Supernote show up in system/app but does not show in the launcher or in setttings, how can I fix this. Also where is the location of the defualt contacts app in android? So far I have gotten calculator, calendar, my dictionary, photo story, weather, tasks,clock, and gallery to install.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Have you decompiled them and looked in the android.manifest.XML file? You can't just stick APKs in system/app and expect them to work. They will be reliant on framework files your ROM doesn't have. You'll have to use apktool to decompile them first and then try to make them compatible with your framework as well as signing them. Look up and do lots of reading about apktool
Where is the contacts apk located?
kansasboy001 said:
Where is the contacts apk located?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
contacts.apk ...... you are welcome

All the latest Google Apps

Try all the latest Google Apps and you will tempt to remove samsung apps
I tried all including camera
Except dialer.. Try to find a way for dialer to work
apparently you can get dialer to work through an action shortcut or whatever that is, however you cant replace the sammy dialer

Buttons search stop ???

hi to all
a question about the buttons on DROID MAXX.
when i press long all the buttons and move it to the center ,it pops up the search from Google i guess.
there is any way to disable this?
thank u
Root method: If you are ok with disabling Google Now, and you are rooted, you can remove the Velvet.apk file (or add .bak after the name) from /system/app.
Non-Root method: You could also disable the Google app from Applications under settings. This will also disable the homescreen searchbar and all Google Now features.

