Official kit kat possibly coming to our device soon - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S 4 General

This article speaks for itself.. Although as we all know. .The time frame could be iffy.
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link is not working for me.

I know not working for me too grabbed it from currents..I'll try to post it again.
Link updated to actual source website.
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thats the international version not u.s. variant version tho

xuanphucn said:
thats the international version not u.s. variant version tho
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Yes but when one gets updated it's a good sign that the rest will too
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People this has been confirmed as a FAKE on many sites.
Look at the models numbers of you think samsung doesn't know its models
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Who'll be loaded with TW crap anyway.
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crzygrmn said:
People this has been confirmed as a FAKE on many sites.
Look at the models numbers of you think samsung doesn't know its models
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Where was it confirmed fake and what model numbers are wrong.. I'd like to check for myself
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crzygrmn said:
People this has been confirmed as a FAKE on many sites.
Look at the models numbers of you think samsung doesn't know its models
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Yeah most likely. . I doubt that much will change with the TW UX. Being able to slide through screens in the phone app and In settings would be nice.. but I have a feeling that Samsung won't implement that.. (shaking fist)
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Then there's this.
Unless I'm reading this wrong, Samsung released the kitkat source coding for the Google Play S4.
Exciting news, unless you're just looking forward to 4.4 TW.
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josh84 said:
Then there's this.
Unless I'm reading this wrong, Samsung released the kitkat source coding for the Google Play S4.
Exciting news, unless you're just looking forward to 4.4 TW.
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I doubt that the new TW will look much different than it does now. And I'm sure that when official 4.4 makes its way to our device it'll be ruined in some way by Samsung. There are a lot of things I like about TW but pure AOSP KitKat is going to win every time
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josh84 said:
Then there's this.
Unless I'm reading this wrong, Samsung released the kitkat source coding for the Google Play S4.
Exciting news, unless you're just looking forward to 4.4 TW.
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Or just use CM and have a "play edition" S4.
rymanh said:
Yes but when one gets updated it's a good sign that the rest will too
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Think so? That doesn't mean anything. International always gets first. Its up to whenever att gets done raping it. So don't get excited.
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joe3681 said:
Or just use CM and have a "play edition" S4.
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There's still some things broken in CM 10.2 and the other 4.4 ROMs that are being worked on, which is why I still use 4.3 at the moment. Source coding should make it easy to fix those issues, and fully functional ROMs should come from it.
But I could be wrong, that's just my experience from other phones and other android versions. And what Samsung released today may not even be the same kind of source coding that I'm thinking of.
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Do you think the S4 GPE update will work on the us versions of the S4, or are we going to have to wait until mid 2014...
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kylebenton said:
Do you think the S4 GPE update will work on the us versions of the S4, or are we going to have to wait until mid 2014...
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When the 4.4 GPE update hits, it'll be easily converted to work on all carrier S4's based off the Snapdragon 600. The international version, however, is a completely different story.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

The phones not even 1 year old of course it will get 4.4. I mean the s3 jusy got 4.3. You really think the s4 is eol

Awesome, can't wait!

It's here
4.4 OTA is here!

Furies said:
4.4 OTA is here!
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No, that OTA is for the Google Play Edition S4. Not the i337 or any other i337X phone.
But if you have a recovery installed on your i337X, then you can install a ported version of this OTA.
I doubt i337X will see KitKat OTA official for 3-4 more months.

CZ Eddie said:
No, that OTA is for the Google Play Edition S4. Not the i337 or any other i337X phone.
But if you have a recovery installed on your i337X, then you can install a ported version of this OTA.
I doubt i337X will see KitKat OTA official for 3-4 more months.
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Yes, the reason why I posted this was for your mentioned reason, custom recovery installs. I wasn't referring to any 4.4 based TW OTAs from the carriers.


AT&T gets official Jelly Bean!

Just read reports of official Jelly Bean update for at&T galaxy s3. I guess Verizon will be last again, but I expected that. Just another slap in the face from Verizon.
Thank god for xda and all the awesome devs that keep us on the latest android.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
Don't feel bad, I have US Cellular. We'll be far behind you guys. Our GS2 is still on Gingerbread
Updated last night via Kies.
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jank0023 said:
Read this already on engadget, my question is what is the build version, is it the same as the leaked K1 or something different.
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Yea each carrier GSIII got JB 4.1.1. Which means 4.1.2 or even 4.2 is a long way off if it even comes.
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boothcr79 said:
Updated last night via Kies.
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Thanks, so new version is K3...will wait for the chefs to get us a version.
I'm pissed because Verizon Motorola maxx HD got jellybean and gs3 came out first and were still waiting
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cell128 said:
I'm pissed because Verizon Motorola maxx HD got jellybean and gs3 came out first and were still waiting
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Sadly, I think Verizon would like you to upgrade for a small fee.
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cell128 said:
I'm pissed because Verizon Motorola maxx HD got jellybean and gs3 came out first and were still waiting
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We just got it dude...its not that far after maxx HD.
SlimSnoopOS said:
Yea each carrier GSIII got JB 4.1.1. Which means 4.1.2 or even 4.2 is a long way off if it even comes.
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I'm in agreement with the view above as well.
I updated to 4.1.1 last night on my i747 all the way in Jamaica.
Don't be upset guys. Verizon is just bloating it up for us first then they'll get it out to us.
blestsol said:
Don't be upset guys. Verizon is just bloating it up for us first then they'll get it out to us.
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YAY i'm so excited they are junking it up!
Same kernel dif radio no dif than what I'm already running from scott
s3 driving an S4
I moved from Sprint to Verizon. I think i made a mistake...
As expected. Verizon are always last with OTA updates.
WildBidoof said:
I moved from Sprint to Verizon. I think i made a mistake...
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You out ya mind lol.
blestsol said:
Don't be upset guys. Verizon is just bloating it up for us first then they'll get it out to us.
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And trying to remove features.
WildBidoof said:
I moved from Sprint to Verizon. I think i made a mistake...
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You must be spending money like this guy does!
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I switched from sprint to vzw too. I hold no regrets, better reception and lte>Obvrr it hasnt come out in Miami.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium
Hey, keep your hope up, Verizon may go straight to 4.2 instead of just 4.1

Sgh-i497 roms

Would someone be able to list some roms for the sgh-i497?
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That sucks
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Corbanski said:
That sucks
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I know, some have tried the other roms for the other variants. but only wound up messing up their own tab. And the restore tab is for AT&T international version and even though it does work, it isn't all in English. The closest one is for Tmobile, but TMO doesn't have LTE, so you could kiss it goodbye. Probably why not many have tried it. It's a shame that the Dev's don't want to own one, I have dumped my rom also did a CWM backup of my tab. But since there is no one to work on getting us a JB rom, we have to wait for the update from AT&T, if they ever do it.
I'm sure at&t won't release anything soon
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Corbanski said:
I'm sure at&t won't release anything soon
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Regrettably I have to agree with you. Either way, this GT2 is 100% better than the Jetstream....
any roms yet for sgh-i497
Quick question..I have searched high and low for custom roms for my sgh-i497. Are we still waiting?
Thanks for the replies
Oditius said:
Regrettably I have to agree with you. Either way, this GT2 is 100% better than the Jetstream....
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I would rather have my jetstream back.
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Corbanski said:
I'm sure at&t won't release anything soon
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Still nothing out there? I was just gifted a SGH-i497
MaterialDefender said:
Still nothing out there? I was just gifted a SGH-i497
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I would also like to know this answer... I'm just starting my research on Rooting and installing a Custom ROM on my device.
I've found a few other sites that give you ROM's.... Not sure if this is an Original ROM or not.
But I didn't know anything about what they were talking about in the above replies...I hope there are some ROM's as this Tab is constantly Freezing and slowing down... I hardly have anything on it and constantly keep clearing the Cache in the Recover Boot area... I was hoping a Root with a custom ROM would help me out.....
Anything new?
Figure this is so old that if nobody has done one by now, it never going to happen.
I don't think there's a custom rom for your device...

Official AT&T kernel source released

Android police announced Samsung has released the official kernel for AT&T version of the S4.
Wait does this mean what I think it means!?!?!
Sent from my SGH-I337 using xda premium
Seriously, just checked myself, I also need to check my pants...
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Thermalwolf said:
Seriously, just checked myself, I also need to check my pants...
Sent from my SGH-I337 using xda premium
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This is HUGE. You guys have no idea what we can do now lol
Like what?
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kcb2627 said:
Like what?
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For starters I believe we should be able to get things like IR support and all the little extra features that usually only TW based roms could offer.
It might also help Dan or some other dev to completely unlock the bootloader.
Thermalwolf said:
For starters I believe we should be able to get things like IR support and all the little extra features that usually only TW based roms could offer.
It might also help Dan or some other dev to completely unlock the bootloader.
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Well since the source is released I believe devs can truly fix the weird screen issues we have (smearing and all)
And it might help with a bootloader unlock
also pure samsung kernels which should have better stability and speed
So could devs use the TW camera app with other Roms?
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stigmatix said:
So could devs use the TW camera app with other Roms?
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No because that requires the touchwiz framework.
We might see some hybrid Touchwiz/CM 10.1 Roms...
jetlitheone said:
Well since the source is released I believe devs can truly fix the weird screen issues we have (smearing and all)
And it might help with a bootloader unlock
also pure samsung kernels which should have better stability and speed
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Dont get your hopes up in regards to bootlader unlock, that requires the signature keys, which has nothing to do with the kernels.
djkinetic said:
Dont get your hopes up in regards to bootlader unlock, that requires the signature keys, which has nothing to do with the kernels.
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True true but it might help Dan understand more about the device and possibly work around it. Yea odds are it won't help but its always nice to be hopeful now that AT&T is officially about to shut down loki
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Thermalwolf said:
True true but it might help Dan understand more about the device and possibly work around it. Yea odds are it won't help but its always nice to be hopeful now that AT&T is officially about to shut down loki
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Pretty sure Loki will only be patched if you choose to perform a ota update from just don't update via ota... im waiting for the aosp image to drop from Google personally =)
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djkinetic said:
Pretty sure Loki will only be patched if you choose to perform a ota update from just don't update via ota... im waiting for the aosp image to drop from Google personally =)
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Me too, hopefully they incorporate some sensors ... doubt it
Woooooooooooot! Party time!!!
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djkinetic said:
Pretty sure Loki will only be patched if you choose to perform a ota update from just don't update via ota... im waiting for the aosp image to drop from Google personally =)
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Sorry I said that wrong, I know we are absolutely fine, but a massive amount of people are about to be locked out.
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hmm does warranty repair flash new updates when they fix your device?
also, means launch era GS4's should command a nice premium very soon.
Keys have been "leaked" for popular phones before
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orlandoxpolice said:
Keys have been "leaked" for popular phones before
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Yep only a matter of time I say
Slade8525 said:
hmm does warranty repair flash new updates when they fix your device?
also, means launch era GS4's should command a nice premium very soon.
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Depends. If you send it to AT&T you bet they will patch for security. If you're using third party insurance I would just request they don't or at least ask if they do so you can plan for it or something, not that that would help :/
While it won't initially, you can bet people will be greedy and make you pay extra for day one models that are not patched but in reality it should only be like a 50$ premium at most. There are plenty of smart phones out there that are about just as good as the S4 that are unlocked, also holiday season will bring about plenty of competing phones and friendlier bootloaders.
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Android 4.3 coming to the galaxy s3 and s4 in October

No one posted this and it was in the news last week so I figured I would post it. Here's a link:
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Well that may be even later unless u have an international version or the google version
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galaxyjeff said:
No one posted this and it was in the news last week so I figured I would post it. Here's a link:
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No, it was posted a couple of times.
What I meant is aside frrom the version I listed tmibile nd att take longer to push ota because the
Have to add there bloat where the other versions dn mt hve bloat where therefore get there ota straight from samsung
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I'm sure once it's released to an international model, one of our Devs will be able to whip up a custom rom in no time.
Powered by Kangabean
deron37129 said:
What I meant is aside frrom the version I listed tmibile nd att take longer to push ota because the
Have to add there bloat where the other versions dn mt hve bloat where therefore get there ota straight from samsung
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They actually have to push it fast because the smartwatch doesn't run without it. It needs Bluetooth 4.0 which android 4.3 supports.
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That doesnt mean that the smart watch wont b pushed by carrierd untill there version of 4.3
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deron37129 said:
That doesnt mean that the smart watch wont b pushed by carrierd untill there version of 4.3
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Being my S4 is through ATT I don't look for the update anytime soon...
Vzw just started it's pre sale of the smart watch today. Att will not be far behind
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My brother is a Samsung rep going through Note 3 training and gear training today. Said S3 and S4 to be updated.
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I went into best buy to the Samsung experience center to have them flash mf3 cause I jacked mine up and the guy told me as soon as the note 3 is released they will have the ability to push the new 4.3 update to the s3 and s4 he said it'd b awhile before att gets it ota but to bring it in and he'll do it
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Rab2cab said:
I went into best buy to the Samsung experience center to have them flash mf3 cause I jacked mine up and the guy told me as soon as the note 3 is released they will have the ability to push the new 4.3 update to the s3 and s4 he said it'd b awhile before att gets it ota but to bring it in and he'll do it
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You better wait until someone (Devs) have a chance to take a look at it and see what the positives and negatives are.
Good call! I'm already running mf3 can't imagine I can get any worse lol
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I am curious to c what 4.3 brings to our phone
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Galaxy S4 4.3 official firmware

New updated latest firmware.
If anyone wants to test let me know
Sent from my GT-I9505 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Did you get this as an OTA?
Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk 4
dk206 said:
New updated latest firmware.
If anyone wants to test let me know
Sent from my GT-I9505 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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For cripes sake get this to Chainfire before wide distribution.
Sent from my GT-P6800 using xda app-developers app
WOW but i have I9500 "
How do I flash onto my I9505G? Oh wait... I don't have to. Whoops.
OK sorry, that was a bit trollish but I couldn't resist!
Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk 4
Is that 4.3 on Touchwiz!?!?
Sent from my SGH-M919 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
oldblue910 said:
How do I flash onto my I9505G? Oh wait... I don't have to. Whoops.
OK sorry, that was a bit trollish but I couldn't resist!
Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk 4
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Just jealous you don't have TW or Knox.
Sammie rules! Sammie rules!
Ooops getting late, time for my tablets.
Sent from Stock I9505 running 4.2.2
I want!!!! *-*
Sent from my GT-I9505 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
dk206 said:
New updated latest firmware.
If anyone wants to test let me know
Sent from my GT-I9505 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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i test it
pinsb said:
Just jealous you don't have TW or Knox.
Sammie rules! Sammie rules!
Ooops getting late, time for my tablets.
Sent from Stock I9505 running 4.2.2
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I actually went from a Nexus 4 to a Touchwiz I337/AT&T GS4 then sold that for a I9505G. I like Touchwiz and it definitely has stuff I wish Google would add to the stock interface. Alas, though, once you're used to stock Android, it's really hard to use anything else. In the end, the I9505G is the best of both worlds - stock Android on an awesome piece of hardware, plus SIM-unlocked and bootloader-unlockable.
Yeah, I lost a few cool features like air view, but the S-View cover still works with it and WatchOn can still use the IR blaster. Those are the most important things to me.
Sorry, didn't mean to hijack the thread. Carry on.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
Seems to be a fake...
Droid_Dustin said:
Seems to be a fake...
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Fake? Why would I waste time...
Sent from my GT-I9505 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
dk206 said:
Fake? Why would I waste time...
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can you post the file and i will give it ago thanks
dk206 said:
Fake? Why would I waste time...
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That's a slightly weird SELinux status.
Seriously though PM chainfire before giving it to anyone else.
Whereabouts in London? I'm in Docklands.
pinsb said:
That's a slightly weird SELinux status.
Seriously though PM chainfire before giving it to anyone else.
Whereabouts in London? I'm in Docklands.
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why before anyone else?
Sounds legitim
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joecool666 said:
why before anyone else?
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Because chainfire is working on the locked bootloader in 4.2.2 and I'm sure he'd like to compare the two.
After all you'd be quite pi**ed if you found you'd flashed it, it had problems and you couldn't go back wouldn't you?
pinsb said:
Because chainfire is working on the locked bootloader in 4.2.2 and I'm sure he'd like to compare the two.
After all you'd be quite pi**ed if you found you'd flashed it, it had problems and you couldn't go back wouldn't you?
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my device is ready to go let the flashing start/ i know the risks.
Send to CF and post )
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda premium

