Sgh-i497 roms - Galaxy Tab 2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Would someone be able to list some roms for the sgh-i497?
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That sucks
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Corbanski said:
That sucks
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I know, some have tried the other roms for the other variants. but only wound up messing up their own tab. And the restore tab is for AT&T international version and even though it does work, it isn't all in English. The closest one is for Tmobile, but TMO doesn't have LTE, so you could kiss it goodbye. Probably why not many have tried it. It's a shame that the Dev's don't want to own one, I have dumped my rom also did a CWM backup of my tab. But since there is no one to work on getting us a JB rom, we have to wait for the update from AT&T, if they ever do it.

I'm sure at&t won't release anything soon
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Corbanski said:
I'm sure at&t won't release anything soon
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Regrettably I have to agree with you. Either way, this GT2 is 100% better than the Jetstream....

any roms yet for sgh-i497
Quick question..I have searched high and low for custom roms for my sgh-i497. Are we still waiting?
Thanks for the replies

Oditius said:
Regrettably I have to agree with you. Either way, this GT2 is 100% better than the Jetstream....
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I would rather have my jetstream back.
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Corbanski said:
I'm sure at&t won't release anything soon
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Still nothing out there? I was just gifted a SGH-i497

MaterialDefender said:
Still nothing out there? I was just gifted a SGH-i497
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I would also like to know this answer... I'm just starting my research on Rooting and installing a Custom ROM on my device.
I've found a few other sites that give you ROM's.... Not sure if this is an Original ROM or not.
But I didn't know anything about what they were talking about in the above replies...I hope there are some ROM's as this Tab is constantly Freezing and slowing down... I hardly have anything on it and constantly keep clearing the Cache in the Recover Boot area... I was hoping a Root with a custom ROM would help me out.....

Anything new?
Figure this is so old that if nobody has done one by now, it never going to happen.

I don't think there's a custom rom for your device...


Congratulations Skyrocketeer's!

I'd like to congratulate our American counterparts for officially receiving ICS! Have fun!
Sent from my Rogers SGH-I727R using my XDA Premium app
denenatse said:
I'd like to congratulate our American counterparts for officially receiving ICS! Have fun!
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better late than never, but cant wait for jb port
soon enough, I've bean looking around, not to many good ones yet
Sent from my Rogers SGH-I727R using my XDA Premium app
i717 also got ICS today too.
Good for them, ics all around! I remember waiting for 2.1 on my X10
Sent from my Rogers SGH-I727R using my XDA Premium app
BaconStep said:
i717 also got ICS today too.
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Galaxy note
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moneyover said:
Galaxy note
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denenatse said:
soon enough, I've bean looking around, not to many good ones yet
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I see what you did there. :laugh:
t.j. Bender said:
i see what you did there. :laugh:
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hes hinting at jellybean everybody go make threads nao
denenatse said:
soon enough, I've bean looking around, not to many good ones yet
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beans are not ripe enough yet
I shall take what I need! *takes UCLF6 modem drivers* :good:
vincom said:
beans are not ripe enough yet
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True. We'll wait till we see a Samsung mobile version, even know the tablet and phone supposed to be utilizing the same software configuration, we'll see a better product once the SIII or similar receives it.
Sent from my Rogers SGH-I727R using my XDA Premium app
ok so does anyone have any official opinions on the official ics, I would only assume that the leaks and modded roms are still significantly better
I like it, but the only thing that bothered me was the stock Swype was popping up and down as i typed. It really isn't that different from the non stock ones, it has a reboot function, expandable status bar,(not everything that i wanted) and it is smooth. No real need to try others, just root and delete and add what you want. And freeze Swype, and install the new beta.
Sent from my Rogers SGH-I727R using my XDA Premium app


Thinking about picking up the sgs3 tom but I was just wondering what the difference between the original dev thread and the other thread. Also what does d2vzw mean. Sorry if someone already asked this ? But I couldnt find it.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda app-developers app
Icedapimp81 said:
Thinking about picking up the sgs3 tom but I was just wondering what the difference between the original dev thread and the other thread. Also what does d2vzw mean. Sorry if someone already asked this ? But I couldnt find it.
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D2vzw is the 'name' given to our variant if the s3 to identify it to apps.
Dunno what you mean by your other question.
O ok I was just thinking maybe Verizon put a updated version out cause of the bootloader getting figured out or something. So If I buy a new one I won't be limited on flashing anything right?
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Icedapimp81 said:
O ok I was just thinking maybe Verizon put a updated version out cause of the bootloader getting figured out or something. So If I buy a new one I won't be limited on flashing anything right?
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Nope, even if it comes with the update on it you can flash the same stuff thru Odin.
Sweet good bye rezound. Hello simple Odin flashing
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda app-developers app
Icedapimp81 said:
Sweet good bye rezound. Hello simple Odin flashing
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Welcome to the club:good:
Icedapimp81 said:
Thinking about picking up the sgs3 tom but I was just wondering what the difference between the original dev thread and the other thread. Also what does d2vzw mean. Sorry if someone already asked this ? But I couldnt find it.
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From my understanding (and it's very likely that I'm wrong) the idea between the 2 different dev forums is that the regular development forums is for TouchWiz (in this case) based roms and the original development is for aosp roms. However there are aosp roms in the regular forums so you got me!
Relentless D said:
From my understanding (and it's very likely that I'm wrong) the idea between the 2 different dev forums is that the regular development forums is for TouchWiz (in this case) based roms and the original development is for aosp roms. However there are aosp roms in the regular forums so you got me!
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I think it's more like OG Android Development are those built from source vs. those that are built off of a base which would be the Android Development section.
The difference in the forum is pretty much official vs unofficial. I.e. original would have the actual CM/AOSP/AOKP/MIUI roms and the other forum would have unoffical roms based on those.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
Thanks guys for clearing that up. Looking at this forum I've realized y I missed my fascinate so much. Everything is so much easier than HTC rezound right now. Plus so much More development going on right now. I'm excited lol
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda app-developers app

Huawei premia 4g metro

Can some one guude to thecright path if theres any custom rom for this fone. Cant seem to find anything
Sent from my HUAWEI-M931 using xda app-developers app
xconpr said:
Can some one guude to thecright path if theres any custom rom for this fone. Cant seem to find anything
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Probably dosent have any roms some phones are like that not enough development.
Thanks this fone its a lil beast. Wish i knew how to mess wit them someone should look into it....
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xconpr said:
Thanks this fone its a lil beast. Wish i knew how to mess wit them someone should look into it....
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They just got it rooted at Android Forums, and Have V.2 of a streamllined rom up in the past 2 days. Nothing custom as of yet but hopefully it won't be long,:fingers-crossed:

JB Touchwiz ROM?

Is there any jellybean touchwiz ROM in the works for the blaze?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T769 using xda app-developers app
xPhrosty said:
Is there any jellybean touchwiz ROM in the works for the blaze?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T769 using xda app-developers app
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That would be epic.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T769 using Tapatalk 2
I think ktemp was supposed to update his tweaked ICS ROM
Veliion said:
I think ktemp was supposed to update his tweaked ICS ROM
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@dwitherell is the dev that has tweaked. It is ICS, but he has talked about updating it.
I just don't think there is a strong want for touchwiz. It would take a lot of work to get it going. I would suggest finding a blaze dev that would do it and get some donations together.
Yeah the chops needed to craft JB TW on the Blaze are well beyond me. I started updating and further tweaking the ICS-based rom I put together, but I'm not a real dev, just a smali-hack sort that focuses primarily on tinkering with carrier-pushed stock packages.
dwitherell said:
Yeah the chops needed to craft JB TW on the Blaze are well beyond me. I started updating and further tweaking the ICS-based rom I put together, but I'm not a real dev, just a smali-hack sort that focuses primarily on tinkering with carrier-pushed stock packages.
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Couldn't we do a port?
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13~BigBear~13 said:
Couldn't we do a port?
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Sure (that's what I was thinking), but it would likely need to be from a similar device (or at least much easier if so) - still out of my skillset though, and from my understanding they can be painful to pull off (disclaimer: never did one so I don't know - the exhilerate one doesn't count as I did next to nothing for it).
dwitherell said:
Sure (that's what I was thinking), but it would likely need to be from a similar device (or at least much easier if so) - still out of my skillset though, and from my understanding they can be painful to pull off (disclaimer: never did one so I don't know - the exhilerate one doesn't count as I did next to nothing for it).
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I would totally do it but I don't have a computer.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T769 using Tapatalk 2
Since we don't have JellyBean for the Blaze it wont be "stock" possible. Unless you're okay with a CM themed ROM that makes it look like Touchwiz..
I recall someone working on remics-jb for the blaze.. Forgot who though.. :/
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unicorndust98 said:
I recall someone working on remics-jb for the blaze.. Forgot who though.. :/
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For the Blaze 4g? That would be kickass
Probably a dropped project now though./:
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unicorndust98 said:
Probably a dropped project now though./:
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Dropped.. Sorry. lol been sooo busy
xWolf13 said:
Dropped.. Sorry. lol been sooo busy
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Completely scrapped? Or just temporarily abandoned? I may be able to pick up with a few guidelines..
Sent from my SGH-T769 using xda app-developers app
unicorndust98 said:
Completely scrapped? Or just temporarily abandoned? I may be able to pick up with a few guidelines..
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I have a non-booting one. Stuck with some errors (which I've forgotten what they were). If I can find it I might look into it. I haven't been on in awhile so if I my ask. Is there a 4.3 version of Remics-JB floating around?
Well for the blaze.. Not currently... If you're asking about a 4.3 version of Remics-JB, im not sure either, as since the only way i knew about it was cause of my galaxy player, which I traded for store credit.. But I'm sure with all our support, testing and whatnot.. Who's to say we can't get a booting remics-jb ROM? We've made it this far right?
Sent from my SGH-T769 using xda app-developers app
unicorndust98 said:
Well for the blaze.. Not currently... If you're asking about a 4.3 version of Remics-JB, im not sure either, as since the only way i knew about it was cause of my galaxy player, which I traded for store credit.. But I'm sure with all our support, testing and whatnot.. Who's to say we can't get a booting remics-jb ROM? We've made it this far right?
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There isn't a 4.3 of the Remics ROM. There is a 4.2.. Might give it a try soon..

Sch i535 ... tmobile

Guys I'm currently running cm... but I want to know if there's another ROM I can use... I know edge is the only internet connection as for now... but I want to know how many ROMs I can run on my device without bricking it... thanks
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
fdavila17 said:
Guys I'm currently running cm... but I want to know if there's another ROM I can use... I know edge is the only internet connection as for now... but I want to know how many ROMs I can run on my device without bricking it... thanks
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
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As many as you want as long as they are T-Mobile (T999) compatible/based. Roms don't brick devices. It is the kernels and modems from wrong device that will brick. International on any US device or vice versa will brick due to different binaries.
fdavila17 said:
Guys I'm currently running cm... but I want to know if there's another ROM I can use... I know edge is the only internet connection as for now... but I want to know how many ROMs I can run on my device without bricking it... thanks
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So do you think going in the T-Mobile forums and flash a ROM there will work?
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