I just noticed this morning that my stock power adapter/wall wart/whatever you want to call it 'buzzes' while plugged in. It doesn't appear to affect charging, but I was curious if anyone else has experienced this. I'm in the US so it's obviously a 120V adapter.
Thanks all.
So my charger just quits... but not before I hear a little zzzt, zzzt. After that sound coming from the charger box the Xoom no longer charges. Anyone else having the same problem? Oh, and after some time it seems to come around. Totally weird and frustrating.
Your charger is obviously faulty, you might want to return it to motorola.
im suffering charging problems too, although I havnt noticed any funny noises.... but that's not to say they are not there.
Ill plug my xoom in to charge at night, and i see the little charging indicator in the battery display. I go to sleep thinking all is well, but when I wake up it has stopped charging at some random point before being full.
Usually when I do plug it in at night, it does start charging right away, I have to switch off the charger first, then back on and it works.
Is this normal for xoom users, or is my charger also faulty? Its very frustrating
Seems I probably have an issue with the charging cable for the tablet. Cannot get the dock or tablet to show any signs of charging. Unfortunately, none of the stores in my area report having a replacement cable.
Does anyone know another ASUS or non-ASUS device that uses the same end? If I can't find something else then no tablet until I can get a new one off the net which really sucks.
I was able to get the wall charger to at least light up the dock LED and act like it is charging. However, no matter what I do can't get the tablet to turn on. Doesn't matter if it is docked and charging that way or charging straight.
Any suggestions?
Hi all,
Sorry in advance if I'm asking for something that has been answered before.
I have seen lots of threads that talked about the Asus Transformer tf101 and tf101G that doesn't charge correctly.
My TF101G stopped charging after it was fully drained after the kids played some games on it. When I plugged it in to charge the TF screen came on with a big battery indicator which showed a empty battery with red at the bottom. Then it just goes off. When trying to switch on again it just briefly flashes this battery and goes off again.
I left the TF to "charge" overnight and this morning after about 6 hours of charging it had +-14% battery life.
So it appears that the charger still trickle charges the TF when it completely off, but doesn't want to charge when it powered on.
Also, the TF recognizes the cable when it gets plugged in. If off and with some power in the battery the TF starts to boot up, but no charge indicator is showed when booted and battery drains as per normal.
Could it be that this is a software issue? I would guess not, but then again I ask myself if the charger or USB cable was broken then it wouldn't trickle charge. right?
Anyone came across this yet?
I know that some people suggested the freezer trick, but I don't want to do that before I checked on this with the community members here.
Many thanks in advance for your assistance and sorry again if I missed a similar thread.
Hhunted said:
... but then again I ask myself if the charger or USB cable was broken then it wouldn't trickle charge. right?
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It could. The charger cable got 2 red wires thats connected to the same point on the TF.
One of the wires is your normal +5v USB power, while the other is connected to a USB3 pin to tell the charger to spit out 15V instead of 5V.
If that particular cable is broken, the charger will only send 5V.
The odds that that small wire is broken though, is... well, very slim.
So I just noticed that the wall charger that came with my Nexus 5 makes a quiet buzzing noise when plugged into the wall socket... It does it even when the phone is not plugged into the charger. Does anyone else have this issue??
I find I hear it most clearly when the phone isn't plugged in. But yes, I believe this is normal. Mine does it as well.
mine does the same thing. sadly though that is a sign of non top of the line caps.
I have recently had my phone charging port replaced at a store and when I plugged it in i heard a bit of a crackle and a popping sound. It was fine for a while but soon the phone started being powered, but rarely charged. The port seemed to work fine but just no charging? What's weird is the battery keeps charge as long as it's plugged in, it just won't take any more power in? Battery replacement? Or could this be the circuit board damage? Maybe even Battery and port replacement?
Thanks for any help in advance
Does the speaker work properly? Data transfers to and from home phone work? If not, could be a defective USB flex cable.