Immersive mode on stock - Nexus 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So.... The title says it all. Is there, or is someone thinking about doing a mod to get Immersive mode, for example purity room style on stock?
It's the one thing that makes me go out of stock, but the thing is, stock behaves excellently both in performances and in battery (not having almost any wakelocks for example, something I'm having out of stock).
It'd be great to have an immersive mode integrated in stock.
Swiftkey'd from my Nexus 5


[Q] Good Lord What Kind of Crazy is This? Cam/Apps/Widgets are nuts!

Now to live up to the thread title.
Non-rooted / all stock / ART.
So here's how my day started: Battery stats seemed odd - Lightflow was accounting for the greatest drain (~30%) an hour or two off the charger. I didn't take notes at this point but the charge was below 90% from a full start.
And then... Camera started crashing on HDR+ shots. It would just hang on "Processing HRD+" after the cam "stopped working" Other modes seemed okay, just HDR+ and specifically the post-shot processing. So I rebooted and ended up with the Fastboot screen! (This may be freakishly weird, but also a good chance that my new Ultra Hybrid case is making volume rocker WAY too sensitive). On reboot same problem so rebooted to Safe Mode & HDR+ was working. Reboot out of Safe Mode and again Fastboot! (again maybe blame the case)
BUT! Out of Safe Mode and I still appear to be in Safe Mode! Almost all of my widgets are gone (Dashclock, Eye in the Sky, clock, Shazam but strangely not Soundhoud) and some apps are off the home screen. Wallpaper has reverted to N5 original! Basically it looks like Safe Mode but without the watermark. But since this isn't really Safe Mode the cam is still crashing on HDR+
The only app I've added recently is Muzei (really nice btw.) which, it turns out did have an issue with ART -- but that's been fixed in a update! And no matter how buggy it might have been I can't see it being the villain in this particular story.
And later in the day battery drain was wacky - After a top-up to full it took 3 hours to hit 35% with only 90 min SOT. No heavy demand apps running & none showing battery stats.
I assume I'll have to do a reset but would feel a lot better about this if I had some idea of just the heck is going on so I can avoid it happening EVER again!

Z3 Stamina Mode: unusable?

Here's the thing, since I sold my z2 I've been browsing around different manufacturers, but that's not too relevant, just wanting to say I have experience with Sony and stamina mode since I've owned:
Z, Z Ultra, Z2 (some others not from sony) and now Z3.
The thing is that either Stamina is now unusable when compared to what I remember on previous owned Sony phones, or there's something I'm setting up wrong...
First I know that after enabling Stamina, you can add exceptions, basically applications that will still receive notifications while Stamina mode is ON.
On my past Sony phones, this meant instant notifications, as it was expected, I guess, and I was happy with it, as I need to have gmail, calendar and some messaging app always connected.
Now onto Z3.
I see that just turning on Stamina won't let me add exceptions, and that requires extended standby to be ON too.
Ok, I turn it on and it says that it will turn off mobile data and wi-fi, and I'm like wtf how will I get notifications then? Anyway I turn it ON set my usual apps in exceptions list...and this is where the "fun" begins.
It seems like the exceptions list I set simply does not matter as I will not get any notifications if the screen is off. And I mean NO notification whatsoever. If I turn the screen on, they all appear.
So this is not like I am expecting for Stamina mode to work...does Sony really ruined this piece of software like it seems?
How is it that on my other Sony phones Stamina worked as expected: very low standby drain with notifications actually always incoming (only from apps in exceptions)? Vs this thing now, which is basically useless if you want to have some notifications still, with it turned on.
Disable the "data/Wi-Fi off when screen off" toggle, maybe?
Licaon_Kter said:
Disable the "data/Wi-Fi off when screen off" toggle, maybe?
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You cannot have Stamina Mode enabled without turning ON the Extended Standy mode too...which turns off the mobile/wi-fi data. Smart isn't it?
EDIT: To add to the issue, if I enable and then disable the stamina mode, it aparently stops notifications permanently for some apps...what the actual F?
I have it:
*Stamina on
*Active 100%
*Extended off
*Performance limit on
*Watch mode disabled (since extended in disabled)
Why can't you do it?
Licaon_Kter said:
I have it:
*Stamina on
*Active 100%
*Extended off
*Performance limit on
*Watch mode disabled (since extended in disabled)
Why can't you do it?
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Because my phone apparently won't let me.
I CANNOT, repeat, CANNOT let stamina ON without enabling extended standby. It's that simple...this thing sucks
D6603? 5.1.1 ? At least firmwarea .232? Maybe even .264?
Here's a "proof" from .200/.232/.264 at least:
Licaon_Kter said:
D6603? 5.1.1 ? At least firmwarea .232? Maybe even .264?
Here's a "proof" from .200/.232/.264 at least:
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Just updated with the stagefright fix build, I see what you set up there, but what is the meaning of stamina mode like that? That is just a performance reducing feature, not Stamina, it I set it up like that.
Just to add to the injury, to some apps that were in the exceptions that did not receive notifications in stamina mode (or extended mode whatevs) I had to clead cache/data for them, to actually receive notifications again AFTER disabling extended batt mode.
I cannot fathom how wrong this thing is, they basically ruined a perfectly working feature of the phone, that I actually liked/used.
Not sure how you want it to turn off the internet when screen off (as the text says it will) yet allow them to work and have notifications on time? Maybe have some at an interval ( as the other switch says) ?
Just because it did it in the old phones does not mean anything.
Oh, do you use any firewall? It needs to be whitelisted too.
In the mean time how much does a full charge hold you anyway? 2 days? Less?
Licaon_Kter said:
Not sure how you want it to turn off the internet when screen off (as the text says it will) yet allow them to work and have notifications on time? Maybe have some at an interval ( as the other switch says) ?
Just because it did it in the old phones does not mean anything.
Oh, do you use any firewall? It needs to be whitelisted too.
In the mean time how much does a full charge hold you anyway? 2 days? Less?
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If it was possible then? Why not anymore? Software regresses on Xperias now? Damn wrong if that's true.
I also thought there must be an interval at which notifications are being checked for whitelisted apps, but If I receive a message on whatsapp at let's say 3 o'clock it will not notify me even after 2 hours. (this happened)
Tried factory reset, firmware update, all that I could, but no go.
No firewall also, clean connection. A full charge gets me trough two days mostly, one and a half if I go insane wiht picture taking and gaming. All in all pretty good battery life, but not that amazing compared to the old Z2.
I think I need to get rid by this OCD of having features that actually work, by flashin the marshmallow concept build, at least that one doesn't have Stamina mode!
Saikyo_San said:
A full charge gets me trough two days mostly, one and a half if I go insane wiht picture taking and gaming.
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That's ok.
Compare Z2 vs Z3, not sure who promised you "better" battery life on the Z3 but they lied.

Issues after Marshmallow last August release

Hi all,
I live in Italy and since I bought Xperia Z3 with Lollipop 5.1.1, I kept receiving message for an update to Android 6 Marshmallow.
I finally decided to give it a try. What I got was nothing too new or exciting, one camera option less (cannot shoot anymore 20 Mp pictures in 16:9, only 4:3 now) and a horrible STAMINA mode.
Now, with Lollipop as standard, Stamina was good.
On Marshmallow, it is visibly different. When Stamina is on, the animations in the various menus, like, say, Notification closing, Applications closing, PIN code insert, lose their typical smoothness. Something that is very frustrating, because it looks like you are shooting with a point and fire game. Everything becomes so fast and not as smooth as without Stamina on. Has everyone experienced the same issue? I could record in a clip the clear differences between the behaviour of Android 6 with Stamina on or off to be more clear.
The stamina mode in Marshmallow is merely a renamed low battery mode from stock Android, there is no actual Stamina mode.
Performance is reduced and animations disabled in low battery mode (aka "Stamina mode").
I'll probably stick with Concept Software.
So there is no way I can activate Stamina and get normal animations like every Android flagship phone has?
At very least, I could stick with DOZE, instead of Stamina, if that works in reducing battery consumption, but I guess I can't remove Stamina with the last Sony update.
I feel like a sort of urgency in turning back to Lollipop 5.1.1 and Stamina. It worked pretty well, but I am kinda of afraid of Flashtool and finding the right .ftf file.

simples tips and tricks to make this device awesome right now

with stuff we got :angel:
Here are mines, mostly based on personnal/subjective stuff, but I spent quite some time digging this out for me so let's share.
Whats the best custom ROM LOLOLOL ?
AICP might be
Provided you want those extra shiny custom things built over Lineage.
This is to my knowledge the only custom ROM here receiving OTA updates (correct me if I'm wrong). Nightly updates.
RR feels more polished, but no updates since second release and issues updating Magisk. (Well some had, other didn't, I know I did).
On a side note RR can go MicroG way using those scripts for more privacy and battery related interests
Haven't tried with AICP yet.
This is a subject on his own, so tell me if you're interested. Otherwise go OpenGapps ARM64/7.1 (I suggest Pico then you install everything else you might need from google on the playstore).
Mandatory custom Rom stuff
1- No Volte.
2- No Volte, at least for a long long time.
3- Stop asking.
4- No fingerprint back button. 3rd party app might do the trick, but everyone should use the mighty copied but never surpassed pie ... And never need anything else again to control their phone.
4- If you experience idle battery drain reported as usb related by good monitor apps like Better Battery Stats, just remember to plug and unplug AC after each reboot. Not too tedious.
5- Use this mehod to get LED notification back
-This got people confused: LED codes are to be entered in each Notification events, and it doens't matter if the main LED controller indicate it's grey, it wont be cause you're using the other one.
-Light Flow is acually awesome and doesn't drain any noticeable amount of juice contrary to what I red.
-If you want to get rid of the perma notif (works as well for LMT pie), don't use legacy version, just block the notification from android by longpressing on them. I will then work without trouble. Don't battery optimize it though.
6- Fast charge should works as expected, although not notified on lockscreen (but the timer will give you a hint).
7- "Battery life is not as good as it is on stock". I haven't made extensive tests being allergic to stock looks and lack of custom-ability, but I can tell you battery life on Aicp is STELLAR with a few tricks:
- battery optimize google play service. Oh yes ! It will works as usual.
Then choose carefully what apps absolutly needs to be left alone on that matter, they are few.
No need for greenify anything anymore unless you have some really "rogue" app (and in that case they should be disinstalled anyway).
- perma-run on data saving mode even in wifi (add your usual wifi at the bottom of the page).
You don't need anyone phoning home on your back anyway, only authorize the apps that absolutly can't do without internet.
Along those one are google contacts and agenda sync (not the apps themselves, another satellites ones). If you use google sync that is to say.
- Disable this 90% of your apps that don't need to run in background or at boot into the advanced mode of the privacy menu.
- Bonus round: manually sync everything including markets, disable all those apps that want to notify or check about things you don't care, get a nice black substratum theme like Flux, maybe make use of the suspend action function (incuded in Aicp and RR) that switch data and gps when screen is off.
Battery might even looks like it recharges itself now what a phone on that matter.
On the contrary speaking about where it falls short:
Sound sucks
Well, it's not that good, not Audiophile one bit. As a music addict I felt really bothered. Highly subjective matter, but after trying many many things I finally got my butt kicked trough my hear with this combination only: Ahrion Dolby + Ainur Audio
Procedure to install them both was a bit tricky:
-distinstalling Dolby with provided .zip
-installing Sauron (disinstall/install as OP says)
-disinstall Audiomod in Magisk
-re-install Dolby. Wich re-installs Audiomod.
Then sonic bliss !
More to come.
duck from space said:
With stuff we got :angel:
Here are mines, based on personnal/suggestive stuff, but I spent quite some time digging this out for me so let's share.
Whats the best custom ROM LOLOLOL ?
AICP might be
Provided you want those extra shiny custom things built over Lineage.
This is to my knowledge the only custom ROM here receiving OTA updates (correct if wrong I know you will). Nightly updates.
RR feels more polished, but no updates since second release and issues updating Magisk. (Well some had, other didn't, I know I did).
On a side note RR can go MicroG way using those scripts for more privacy and battery related interests
Haven't tried with AICP yet.
This is a subject on his own, so tell me if you're interested. Otherwise go OpenGapps ARM64/7.1 (I suggest Pico then you install everything else you might need from google on the playstore).
Mandatory custom Rom stuff
1- No Volte.
2- No Volte, at least for a long long time.
3- Stop asking.
4- No fingerprint back button. 3rd party app might do the trick, but everyone should use the mighty copied but never surpassed pie ... And never need anything else again to control their phone.
4- If you experience idle battery drain reported as usb related by good monitor apps like Better Battery Stats, just remember to plug and unplug AC after each reboot. Not to tedious.
5- Use this mehod to get LED notification back
-This got people confused: LED codes are to be entered in each Notification events, and it doens't matter if the main LED controller indicate it's grey, it wont be cause you're using the other one.
-Light Flow is acually awesome and doesn't drain any noticeable amount of juice contrary to what I red.
-If you want to get rid of the perma notif (works as well for LMT pie), don't use legacy version, just block the notification from android by longpressing on them. I will then work without trouble. Don't battery optimize it though.
6- Fast charge should works as expected, although not notified on lockscreen (but the timer will give you a hint).
7- "Battery life is not as good as it is on stock". I haven't made extensive tests being allergic to stock looks and lack of custom-ability, but I can tell you battery life on Aicp is STELLAR with a few tricks:
- battery optimize google play service. Oh yes ! It will works as usual.
Then choose carefully what apps absolutly needs to be left alone on that matter, they are few.
No need for greenify anything anymore unless you have some really "rogue" app (and in that case they should be disinstalled anyway).
- perma-run on data saving mode even in wifi (add your usual wifi at the bottom of the page).
You don't need anyone phoning home on your back anyway, only authorize the apps that absolutly can't do without internet.
Along those one are google contacts and agenda sync (not the apps themselves, another satellites ones). If you use google sync that is to say.
- Disable this 90% of your apps that don't need to run in background or at boot into the advanced mode of the privacy menu.
- Bonus round: manually sync everything including markets, disable all those apps that want to notify or check about things you don't care, get a nice black substratum theme like Flux, maybe make use of the suspend action function (incuded in Aicp and RR) that switch data and gps when screen is off.
Battery might even looks like it recharges itself now what a phone on that matter.
On the contrary speaking about where it falls short:
Sound sucks
Well, it's not that good, not Audiophile one bit. As a music addict I felt really bothered. Highly subjective matter, but after trying many many things I finally got my butt kicked trough my hear with this combination only: Ahrion Dolby + Ainur Audio
Procedure to install them both was a bit tricky:
-distinstalling Dolby with provided .zip
-installing Sauron (disinstall/install as OP says)
-disinstall Audiomod in Magisk
-re-install Dolby. Wich re-installs Audiomod.
More to come.
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Quick question what's micro g?
MicroG allows you to use Gapps without Playservices, thus gaining more control over your battery and privacy while having a still fully functionning phone.
Btw RR was updated 2 days back.
Thanks for all the detailed info.
On the subject of
Camera sucks
I'd very like to hear if someone has dug the most optimal app and settings for this phone.
I'm not really into photo and the few pic I've taken outside looks perfectly fine to my noob eyes.
But on a few occasion I like to storm photos on something and that's better be ok shots :good:
- perma-run on data saving mode even in wifi (add your usual wifi at the bottom of the page).
-You don't need anyone phoning home on your back anyway, only authorize the apps that absolutly can't do without internet.
-maybe make use of the suspend action function (incuded in Aicp and RR) that switch data and gps when screen is off.
Can't find suspended action
I'm not able to understand above mentioned things please explain a those if possible.
I'm in aicp latest build.
Sent from my Lenovo P2 using Tapatalk
Data save mode is an android feature found into the data consumption menu.
Suspend action is a custom rom feature found in the custom rom options of RR and AICP. RR has a tile for it, AICP doesn't.
This Custom Ron is great, way better than i expected.


Just installed the latest official Android Pie. Here is a list of things that I have noticed for the pass 24hrs. Oneplus 6 A6000 6GB/64GB.
Battery Life
There is no significant battery improvement or deterioration. Still getting approx. 4hrs30mins SOT with 60% WiFi, 40% Mobile Data most of the time.
There is no significant speed boost or lag, the phone still behaves the same as Android Oreo. Transitions between apps is still snappy. Using the in-house navigation gesture, I don't like the pill type navigation buttons.
Heat Generation
No significant heating issue, the phone does not warm up while using Facebook/Instagram and gaming on Brawl Stars. I can't comment anything about playing PUBG with it. No heating issues when charging while using it. I don't use my phone under a hot sun, so no comment on that.
Charging Speed
No significant difference. Still manage to boost it from 20%-80% under 40mins.
As someone pointed out, I need to raise the brightness bar more to get the same amount of brightness to compared to Android Oreo. I do not use adaptive brightness.
The loudspeaker seems to have more treble now, and it is quite horrible, it has more hissing sound than before.
Recent App Layout
I hate it. I prefer the vertical layout (Yes you can revert it back to vertical layout by freezing the Oneplus Launcher, or something like that). Locking apps in the recent menu takes a bit more effort now.
Ringtone/Notification/Media Adjustment Layout
The new layout for adjusting the volumes is horrible. I always wind the ringtone volume as sometimes I am in a more quiet environment (No, the alert slider is not the way to go for me). So now in order to adjust the ringtone volume, i had to press the little wheelcog icon after pressing the volume rocker, bring up the volume settings, and then wind the ringtone volume, and it will playback the sound just before i could stop it, which is very annoying. I prefer the Oreo style volume adjustment. The playback is just plain annoying.
Alarm Clock App
The new alarm clock app is horrible. For every new alarm I set, it will require me to change to my favourite alarm sound (because now the default one is Spring, i prefer Alarm_Clock_5).
jeromejeremytay said:
Just installed the latest official Android Pie. Here is a list of things that I have noticed for the pass 24hrs. Oneplus 6 A6000 6GB/64GB.
Battery Life
There is no significant battery improvement or deterioration. Still getting approx. 4hrs30mins SOT with 60% WiFi, 40% Mobile Data most of the time.
There is no significant speed boost or lag, the phone still behaves the same as Android Oreo. Transitions between apps is still snappy. Using the in-house navigation gesture, I don't like the pill type navigation buttons.
Heat Generation
No significant heating issue, the phone does not warm up while using Facebook/Instagram and gaming on Brawl Stars. I can't comment anything about playing PUBG with it. No heating issues when charging while using it. I don't use my phone under a hot sun, so no comment on that.
Charging Speed
No significant difference. Still manage to boost it from 20%-80% under 40mins.
As someone pointed out, I need to raise the brightness bar more to get the same amount of brightness to compared to Android Oreo. I do not use adaptive brightness.
The loudspeaker seems to have more treble now, and it is quite horrible, it has more hissing sound than before.
Recent App Layout
I hate it. I prefer the vertical layout (Yes you can revert it back to vertical layout by freezing the Oneplus Launcher, or something like that). Locking apps in the recent menu takes a bit more effort now.
Ringtone/Notification/Media Adjustment Layout
The new layout for adjusting the volumes is horrible. I always wind the ringtone volume as sometimes I am in a more quiet environment (No, the alert slider is not the way to go for me). So now in order to adjust the ringtone volume, i had to press the little wheelcog icon after pressing the volume rocker, bring up the volume settings, and then wind the ringtone volume, and it will playback the sound just before i could stop it, which is very annoying. I prefer the Oreo style volume adjustment. The playback is just plain annoying.
Alarm Clock App
The new alarm clock app is horrible. For every new alarm I set, it will require me to change to my favourite alarm sound (because now the default one is Spring, i prefer Alarm_Clock_5).
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You forgot to mention good things.
Were there any good things?
I accidentally came here to know if it was even possible for vertical layout for recent apps.
Thanks buddy. +1
Here was my first experience coming from 5.1.8
after updating to android pie on oneplus 6 advanced settings is Missing...and also option to forbid internet access for apps is missing....dese two r very useful essential.. is it hidden r any ways to get it back?
No more advanced reboot menu.
No more xposed
The new nav bar is pretty good! Got used to it almost immediately.
Overall performance is at par with Android O.
Haven't found anything that's substantially new, other than the new UI which is a good welcome change after seeing the previous one for so many years (across all OP devices).
---------- Post added at 11:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:39 AM ----------
YouTube doesn't hide the notch anymore in landscape orientation after you pinch to zoom the video? Also don't see YouTube on full screen display mode apps list.. Ugh now I have to see thr YouTube videos with a notch!!
rezapatel said:
YouTube doesn't hide the notch anymore in landscape orientation after you pinch to zoom the video? Also don't see YouTube on full screen display mode apps list.. Ugh now I have to see thr YouTube videos with a notch!!
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Workaround here:
No advanced reboot, face unlock is a bit slower (despite the clean install), it seems there is a problem with some sounds in apps like twitter in silent and vibration mode, and i think that the new settings layout it's pretty confusing...
I noticed i can't install twrp i stuck on "fasboot boot twrp.img" i get a crhasdumb mode. I tried everything like msdownload full phone install with that. Nothin happens. Tried to install pie with via fastboot. Nothing, any helps? (With msdownloader oreo is still working the twrp boot command )
Battery is a little better....
Camera is the same ***** than before, or worse.....
Apart that everything seems to work,,,,
I like it. No issues on mine. Plays gfx intensive games good and less heat, better game mode options, and seems less lag for me
Anyone facing animation issue while disconnecting a call? I am facing it continuously
It was super smooth on oreo
I do like the new quick settings as someone who can't see small print or icons this is a very welcome change. Also like that I can have both battery icon and % on bar, don't know why just my preference to have both.
I don't like that the volume button only controls media over ringtone and no way to change it. I much prefer the old way of the volume settings. OP still has not separated the ringtone from the notification volume control, this point drives me insane.
I've shut off the adaptive brightness, I find it worthless and I don't need Google deciding what they think the brightness level should be for me. Not sure if it was OP or Google, but the initial brightness level was set entirely too low.
I knew it was coming, but still a little miffed that OP didn't put some code back in bringing them back. I hate, absolutely hate that Google took away the different profiles for battery and location. In essence you either turn it on or off for both. I liked the different profile settings on both of these, I don't need nor want everything in location set to High (which is what it is), I want my battery saving setting back. Same goes with the battery, I would like to be able to shut off that adaptive battery and choose my settings like it used to be. I'm not a fan of how they changed the battery usage stats around either.
I'm still waiting on to see if I see any battery savings to this new way, but so far it seems to be more hype than actual real world performance.
The settings menu seems to be a bit disorganized for me with entirely too many submenu's within menus, so IMO it's a bit convoluted.
As for OP, still having issues of 3rd party dialers finding the call settings, they've yet to fix this.
I've installed Nova launcher since the tap off issue is now fixed in P and have all my features I missed so much from prior phones.
Camera quality has gone down
Sent from my ONEPLUS A6000 using Tapatalk
I found a pretty annoying bug regarding the pixel Pil nav bar. Details here:
The smoothness in the new App switcher is a little buggy. Could be smoother.
Everything else work es fine for me. Battery life seems the same.
Got somebody a issue with Threema? I only get messages when i open the app. I switched on the background processes for Google play Services and Threema and deactivates the battery optimisations but some settings you can toggle in Oreo are gone.
rachitshah said:
Anyone facing animation issue while disconnecting a call? I am facing it continuously
It was super smooth on oreo
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During call, it is very difficult to pull down the notification bar. I need to pull it really towards the center of the screen to keep it there, else it will just roll up again.
kneer said:
Camera quality has gone down
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I noticed this as well. The portrait mode seems to blur the wrong edges since P.
My Recent App Layout was horizontal at the first boot but since the reboot the phone it's in vertical. How Can i change it please ?
Envoyé de mon ONEPLUS A6003 en utilisant Tapatalk
jeromejeremytay said:
During call, it is very difficult to pull down the notification bar. I need to pull it really towards the center of the screen to keep it there, else it will just roll up again.
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Yes facing that issue too
Check this animation issue attached. Are you facing same?
I had a factory reset then too facing it
rachitshah said:
Yes facing that issue too
Check this animation issue attached. Are you facing same?
I had a factory reset then too facing it
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Failed to attached another image because of error
Attached now

