I've recently discovered that very large amounts of data are being transferred from my Nexus S which is pushing me over my data limit of 750mb. I downloaded 3G watchdog and monitored traffic for a while and noticed that every hour or so data use goes wild running into the tens of mb over a very short period of time.
I'm currently running MIUI-109020 and have a fairly standard range of apps installed. I've tried killing all of the apps that might possibly transfer data but this makes no difference. So, at the moment I've turned off mobile data before it bankrupts me but obviously I'd like to have it back on again.
Anyone, anywhere have any thoughts or pointers as to what might be going on or how I could solve it?
BTW I'm in the UK on Vodaphone's network.
David McNorton
davidmcnorton said:
I've recently discovered that very large amounts of data are being transferred from my Nexus S which is pushing me over my data limit of 750mb. I downloaded 3G watchdog and monitored traffic for a while and noticed that every hour or so data use goes wild running into the tens of mb over a very short period of time.
I'm currently running MIUI-109020 and have a fairly standard range of apps installed. I've tried killing all of the apps that might possibly transfer data but this makes no difference. So, at the moment I've turned off mobile data before it bankrupts me but obviously I'd like to have it back on again.
Anyone, anywhere have any thoughts or pointers as to what might be going on or how I could solve it?
BTW I'm in the UK on Vodaphone's network.
David McNorton
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That much data? Email, gmail, facebook sync.
Install Droidwall and prevent some apps from the network.
I would also like to see what exactly Android is doing all the time...
MIUI has a built in Monitor app. Use that to see which app is using up your data.
You may also want to opt-out of MIUI stats. I'm not sure of how much data it sends, but it will cut down on some of your data usage.
Droidwall is a great suggestion as well. Prevent some apps from connecting on 3G but allow them on wifi. If you want some apps to connect on 3G, check your sync settings.
Sent from my Evo + MIUI using Tapatalk!
Thanks for your replies. I've now installed droidwall and that looks like it could help. I've also purchased the pro version of 3G Watchdog (hadn't realised MIUI had a monitor app) and that's showing me what how much data my apps are using.
I phoned Vodaphone and they increased my data plan to 1GB which gives me a little leeway while I try to work this out. So I'll test it again tomorrow and see if I can work out what's going on.
David McNorton
Is your Gallery app syncing pictures to Picassa? It's the only thing i can think of that would explain that much data in a short period of time.
Problem solved. Google+ was the culprit. By default the app had Instant Upload of all photo's and video's set to on. That has cost me about £50 since installing the app in late September when it first came out. Thank's Google
Thanks for all your tips. At least now I have a better handle on data monitoring and firewall protection.
David McNorton
Wow, never thought Google Plus would use that much, even though it syncs a ton. Good think I have unlimited, may want to look into it yourself.
Sent from my DROID3 using XDA App
Hi all,
I am having an issue with my Nexus 5 using huge amounts of my mobile data (T-Mobile) when connected to wifi even when I'm not using it. What's crazy is that this keeps happening almost exclusively between 2-6am when I'm not awake. It also happens to an even further extent when I'm connected to wifi at work and not using my phone either. Heres a breakdown:
11/12 5:48 AM - 27.57 MB
11/13 3:33 AM - 12.42 MB
11/14 5:15 AM - 14.21 MB
11/12 2:53 PM - 49.57 MB
11/13 2:39 PM - 27.97 MB
I called T-Mobile and they said that it shows that I definitely used my data during those times. I have almost nothing running in the background that uses any data and have turned off my GPS to see if that will help.
Anyone else having the same problems or have any advice?
Only thing that comes to mind is that your wifi connection is being dropped for some reason, and your phone switches to mobile data instead.
About why data is being used at that time, it is very likely that there are some apps that are using background data - you may have disabled this for a bunch of apps, but may have missed some.
Check data usage under settings to see if you can identify the culprit (you can use the sliders to narrow down - though it doesn't seem to let you narrow down to a specific timeframe)
jj14 said:
Only thing that comes to mind is that your wifi connection is being dropped for some reason, and your phone switches to mobile data instead.
About why data is being used at that time, it is very likely that there are some apps that are using background data - you may have disabled this for a bunch of apps, but may have missed some.
Check data usage under settings to see if you can identify the culprit (you can use the sliders to narrow down - though it doesn't seem to let you narrow down to a specific timeframe)
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Where can setup this prioritization? For example if I want the phone to use mobile data and override Wifi?
megakony said:
Where can setup this prioritization? For example if I want the phone to use mobile data and override Wifi?
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I may be mistaken, but I don't think you can do that on stock ROM at least. If WiFi is available, it will always try to use WiFi
For whatever reason, if you want to use Mobile data, you will need to turn WiFi off.
If you always want to use mobile data for a given app or want to use mobile data in a specific time range, you could use tasker app to set up a profile to disable WiFi when that app is launched (or in that time range)
jj14 said:
Only thing that comes to mind is that your wifi connection is being dropped for some reason, and your phone switches to mobile data instead.
About why data is being used at that time, it is very likely that there are some apps that are using background data - you may have disabled this for a bunch of apps, but may have missed some.
Check data usage under settings to see if you can identify the culprit (you can use the sliders to narrow down - though it doesn't seem to let you narrow down to a specific timeframe)
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Thanks. I did check last night to see what apps were using the most data and it was by far feedly but I'm not sure why that would be using data when I'm not awake. Does anyone else have that problem with feedly? Isn't it also strange that it keeps happening at roughly the same times every day?
Also wanted to add that I came from a Galaxy S2 running Cyanogen and never had this issue.
jj14 said:
I may be mistaken, but I don't think you can do that on stock ROM at least. If WiFi is available, it will always try to use WiFi
For whatever reason, if you want to use Mobile data, you will need to turn WiFi off.
If you always want to use mobile data for a given app or want to use mobile data in a specific time range, you could use tasker app to set up a profile to disable WiFi when that app is launched (or in that time range)
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I just checked my gf's Galaxy there when you go to WIFI and access Advanced and there you can set Wifi Sleep policy.
The options I got are "When screen turns off", "Never when plugged in" and "Never"...not really the options I'd imagine for this =)
danotoriusodo said:
Thanks. I did check last night to see what apps were using the most data and it was by far feedly but I'm not sure why that would be using data when I'm not awake. Does anyone else have that problem with feedly? Isn't it also strange that it keeps happening at roughly the same times every day?
Also wanted to add that I came from a Galaxy S2 running Cyanogen and never had this issue.
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Did you check settings on your feedly? It sounds like it does a daily sync which some RSS readers I'd imagine would do.
I don't have feedly on my phone, but if it has some decent settings it should have one to sync only via wifi or similar.
xShadoWxDrifTx said:
Did you check settings on your feedly? It sounds like it does a daily sync which some RSS readers I'd imagine would do.
I don't have feedly on my phone, but if it has some decent settings it should have one to sync only via wifi or similar.
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Yea I checked the feedly settings section and there isn't anything related to sync. The app actually only refreshes when it's opened. For now I went into the "data usage" section on my phone and selected "Restrict background data" for the app. Hopefully that works.
danotoriusodo said:
Yea I checked the feedly settings section and there isn't anything related to sync. The app actually only refreshes when it's opened. For now I went into the "data usage" section on my phone and selected "Restrict background data" for the app. Hopefully that works.
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It actually gets even crazier. Last night before I went to bed I turned off my mobile data by going to setting>data usage and it still shows at 5:19 AM that I used 43 MB of data. I mean the only explanation I could think of is I'm sleep walking and using my phone lol. I called T-Mobile and it definitely shows on their end I did use the data at that time. They also couldn't help me because they don't have the phone yet. Can't believe that no one else is having this problem. Guess I have to contact Google which should be really useful smh.
I'm having pretty high background data usage, mainly from Android OS and Google Play services. Last month Android OS used 420mb and "Google Play services" used 254mb. Both of those were 100% BACKGROUND data. My monthly limit is 600mb, and I'd rather not pay overage charges again... (everything else for data only came to 300mb combined!)
Here are the settings I've tried:
Google Play services: (254mb)
I turned Off notifications, and I set "Auto-update apps" to "Do not auto-update apps". Why is it still using so much background data?
Android OS (420mb)
Auto-sync is OFF for App Data, Chrome, Drive, Google Photos, Google Plus, etc.
Auto-sync is ON for Calendar, Contacts, Gmail, and Keep (I'd like this stuff to stay synced, but it is SERIOUSLY using that much data? I had this stuff syncing on my iPhone and it only used 30-40mb of data/month...)
Google Plus Auto Backup is turned off.
I even turned off Google Now.
I just realized my Location mode was on High Accuracy... could that be the culprit? Should it be on Device Only?
jarros said:
I'm having pretty high background data usage, mainly from Android OS and Google Play services. Last month Android OS used 420mb and "Google Play services" used 254mb. Both of those were 100% BACKGROUND data. My monthly limit is 600mb, and I'd rather not pay overage charges again... (everything else for data only came to 300mb combined!)
Here are the settings I've tried:
Google Play services: (254mb)
I turned Off notifications, and I set "Auto-update apps" to "Do not auto-update apps". Why is it still using so much background data?
Android OS (420mb)
Auto-sync is OFF for App Data, Chrome, Drive, Google Photos, Google Plus, etc.
Auto-sync is ON for Calendar, Contacts, Gmail, and Keep (I'd like this stuff to stay synced, but it is SERIOUSLY using that much data? I had this stuff syncing on my iPhone and it only used 30-40mb of data/month...)
Google Plus Auto Backup is turned off.
I even turned off Google Now.
I just realized my Location mode was on High Accuracy... could that be the culprit? Should it be on Device Only?
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jeeze some people here burn through 600mb in a day. 600mb is not a lot. Yes turn your location mode to device only and do not agree to anonymous data collection, this will also save you battery. If you don't use calendar a lot turn that sync off (every little bit helps). Make sure you are not streaming your music either but I guess you would have reported it if you were...
mistahseller said:
jeeze some people here burn through 600mb in a day. 600mb is not a lot. Yes turn your location mode to device only and do not agree to anonymous data collection, this will also save you battery. If you don't use calendar a lot turn that sync off (every little bit helps). Make sure you are not streaming your music either but I guess you would have reported it if you were...
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Not everyone has unlimited 3g/4g data usage , especialy outside the US.
gee2012 said:
Not everyone has unlimited 3g/4g data usage , especialy outside the US.
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no, and thats understandable. but that amount of background data being used isnt much(i know it is to the op based on his data plan). unfortunately having and using a smart phone will result in background data being used unless everything is disabled or the data connection is being turned off when not in used. if i was in this situation, id keep my data connection off at all times unless i was using it. especially with google play services being the way that google is updating much of phone now-a-days, its hard to keep background data much lower.
simms22 said:
no, and thats understandable. but that amount of background data being used isnt much(i know it is to the op based on his data plan). unfortunately having and using a smart phone will result in background data being used unless everything is disabled or the data connection is being turned off when not in used. if i was in this situation, id keep my data connection off at all times unless i was using it. especially with google play services being the way that google is updating much of phone now-a-days, its hard to keep background data much lower.
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You're right, I guess it is all relative, so having 2/3 of my data usage as background data seems unnecessary. I was using an old iPhone 3G before this, and my monthly data usage was only ~150mb/month. All I really use it for is emails, syncing contacts and calendars, Hangouts, and browsing mobile sites (text-heavy stuff, news articles). I'm not downloading movies or streaming music, or using a lot of apps that chew up data unless I'm on a WiFi network.
So it seems pretty extreme and tedious to have to go and switch on/off my data connection all the time (especially if I want to keep push notifications for email and hangouts). I thought I had gone digging through plenty of menus to turn off these notifications and auto updates.
Anything else I should be looking for?
jarros said:
You're right, I guess it is all relative, so having 2/3 of my data usage as background data seems unnecessary. I was using an old iPhone 3G before this, and my monthly data usage was only ~150mb/month. All I really use it for is emails, syncing contacts and calendars, Hangouts, and browsing mobile sites (text-heavy stuff, news articles). I'm not downloading movies or streaming music, or using a lot of apps that chew up data unless I'm on a WiFi network.
So it seems pretty extreme and tedious to have to go and switch on/off my data connection all the time (especially if I want to keep push notifications for email and hangouts). I thought I had gone digging through plenty of menus to turn off these notifications and auto updates.
Anything else I should be looking for?
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if you go to the phones main settings, data usage, if you press on an item it brings up a screen where you can restrict background data usage for that item. for example..
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
simms22 said:
if you go to the phones main settings, data usage, if you press on an item it brings up a screen where you can restrict background data usage for that item. for example..
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Thanks for the reply. That screen is helpful. Unfortunately, most (or nearly all) of my background data usage is coming from "Android OS", which doesn't let you turn off background data. (also, I'm guessing this turns off background data such as Push notifications for Gmail and Hangouts? I'd like to keep those - and only those, as far as I'm concerned).
I could also disable background data globally (under Data Usage, tapping Settings, and turning on "Restrict Background Data"), but again that would turn off my push notifications (and auto sync) for Gmail, Hangouts, contacts, calendar, and keep, which I would like to leave on.
Does anyone know how I can make a whitelist for programs that are still allowed to use background data? If I could turn off background data EXCEPT for syncing the basic things I mentioned above, that would be ideal.
Kinda frustrating that Android seems to chew up so much data by default. I'm not even a heavy user. With mobile plans the way they are here in Canada, I'd need to be spending at least $70 a month to keep up with this kind of data usage. No thanks.
yea, just noticed that android os cant be restricted from background data use.. but goigle play services can be denied at least.
jarros said:
Kinda frustrating that Android seems to chew up so much data by default. I'm not even a heavy user. With mobile plans the way they are here in Canada, I'd need to be spending at least $70 a month to keep up with this kind of data usage. No thanks.
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I don't know what ROM you are on but my suggestion would be to use quick tile for mobile data and turn it off when you don't need it or only turn it on periodically to check email and such.
mistahseller said:
I don't know what ROM you are on but my suggestion would be to use quick tile for mobile data and turn it off when you don't need it or only turn it on periodically to check email and such.
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I'm using the stock ROM currently (4.4.2). How do I add quick tiles? I did a search and only found settings for 4.2. Do I need to root it, or install another ROM?
jarros said:
I'm using the stock ROM currently (4.4.2). How do I add quick tiles? I did a search and only found settings for 4.2. Do I need to root it, or install another ROM?
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Umm there's no quicktiles for stock for mobile data. You could download power toggles. Most custom Roms have it. Otherwise you'll have to hit the mobile data sign and turn it off that way in settings.
Sent from The Deathstar
Restrict apps using mobile data
jarros said:
Thanks for the reply. That screen is helpful. Unfortunately, most (or nearly all) of my background data usage is coming from "Android OS", which doesn't let you turn off background data. (also, I'm guessing this turns off background data such as Push notifications for Gmail and Hangouts? I'd like to keep those - and only those, as far as I'm concerned).
I could also disable background data globally (under Data Usage, tapping Settings, and turning on "Restrict Background Data"), but again that would turn off my push notifications (and auto sync) for Gmail, Hangouts, contacts, calendar, and keep, which I would like to leave on.
Does anyone know how I can make a whitelist for programs that are still allowed to use background data? If I could turn off background data EXCEPT for syncing the basic things I mentioned above, that would be ideal.
Kinda frustrating that Android seems to chew up so much data by default. I'm not even a heavy user. With mobile plans the way they are here in Canada, I'd need to be spending at least $70 a month to keep up with this kind of data usage. No thanks.
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When I have limited mobile data left, I use the app called "Android Firewall" which can restrict selected apps from using mobile data. However, sometimes it does not work perfectly on those unrestricted apps. You can try and see whether that works for you. Hope it helps.
simms22 said:
if you go to the phones main settings, data usage, if you press on an item it brings up a screen where you can restrict background data usage for that item. for example..
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I'm suffering the same problem but not every time. It happened to my phone the first weeks of the last month, disappears and, again this week. Although your solution can work it is not, at least for me, for long time because restricting data of Google Plays Services also affects syncing of Gmail, Google+, Hangouts,… (I never receive any notification of those programs on 3G) and Whatsapps starts to have delays????
I tried to deactivate some syncing (calendar, lastly, shows a lot of problems) and seems to work for a while. Let’s see.
Could it be related with Google collecting data for the new updates? As, looking around, seems to be usual on Nexus devices
It is too early to be sure but I think I have found the solution as everything is working without problems and Google services uses, in 24 hours, less than one mega. I will say in some days but it's related with Google Analytics.
update, please
j2002 said:
It is too early to be sure but I think I have found the solution as everything is working without problems and Google services uses, in 24 hours, less than one mega. I will say in some days but it's related with Google Analytics.
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Hi! So what happened, here? Was it fixed?!
carlitosoe said:
Hi! So what happened, here? Was it fixed?!
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Yes it did. At least, since I have it deactivated, it never happened again.
I deactivated it using Disable Service (find it at Google Play)
And also, I tried the same solution on my wife`s phone because battery flies due to Google services and seems to work.
j2002 said:
Yes it did. At least, since I have it deactivated, it never happened again.
I deactivated it using Disable Service (find it at Google Play)
And also, I tried the same solution on my wife`s phone because battery flies due to Google services and seems to work.
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Thanks for answering, it's awesome that it worked. But are your applications working normal? do you get push notifications from apps using Google Cloud Messaging?
carlitosoe said:
Thanks for answering, it's awesome that it worked. But are your applications working normal? do you get push notifications from apps using Google Cloud Messaging?
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Nothing abnormal at all.
i have a strange issue (i'm aware of problems that were having Nexus 4 and Nexus 5 users, but i don't know if it's the same) when i'm not connected to any WiFi router and i have access to internet via my provider.
Whenever i check the Quick Settings Panel in the Notification drawer the signal bars are orange and not white as they should have been, no matter if i'm in area with good signal perception (4G selection on the phone), or bad (2G/3G selection on the phone).
The result is that i have access to internet, i can surf via a web browser, use Facebook, read articles/forums in Tapatalk and so on, but i get no notifications for almost every app that notifies you (Gmail, apps that notifies you for live scores for favorite teams such as FotMob, pm in Facebook or notifications for replies/mentions on G+).
When i connect to WiFi router, then i get a barrage of notifications that i've missed the time i was on data plan.
Unfortunatelly, i have no friends that have a micro-SIM and have a data plan enabled, or those who have data plan enabled they have a Mini-SIM (for devices such as Galaxy S3 mini), and i can't try one in order to see if the problem exists with their SIMs.
Do you have in mind what should the problem be?
This looks like a Google services issue.
Try applying a theme and see if it persists. I remember seeing what you are describing at some point
samflorin said:
This looks like a Google services issue.
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Yes, i know from the Nexus 4 and Nexus 5 threads that the orange icon bars means that you have no connection to Google servers.
But i can't understand why only me among my friends with the same Operator, meet such an issue!
markbencze said:
Try applying a theme and see if it persists. I remember seeing what you are describing at some point
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To be honest i'm already using an Android L - CM11/PA Theme and as soon as i read your post i was hoping that this is causing the problem, but i applied the stock one, did a reboot, and the icons are still orange.
Thanks both of you for your replies.
tsiftsism said:
i have a strange issue (i'm aware of problems that were having Nexus 4 and Nexus 5 users, but i don't know if it's the same) when i'm not connected to any WiFi router and i have access to internet via my provider.
Whenever i check the Quick Settings Panel in the Notification drawer the signal bars are orange and not white as they should have been, no matter if i'm in area with good signal perception (4G selection on the phone), or bad (2G/3G selection on the phone).
The result is that i have access to internet, i can surf via a web browser, use Facebook, read articles/forums in Tapatalk and so on, but i get no notifications for almost every app that notifies you (Gmail, apps that notifies you for live scores for favorite teams such as FotMob, pm in Facebook or notifications for replies/mentions on G+).
When i connect to WiFi router, then i get a barrage of notifications that i've missed the time i was on data plan.
Unfortunatelly, i have no friends that have a micro-SIM and have a data plan enabled, or those who have data plan enabled they have a Mini-SIM (for devices such as Galaxy S3 mini), and i can't try one in order to see if the problem exists with their SIMs.
Do you have in mind what should the problem be?
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try clearing data for google play services thats what I usually do when I have issues getting notifications and it seems to work. remember to clear both clear cache and go into manage space and clear data in there as well
playya said:
try clearing data for google play services thats what I usually do when I have issues getting notifications and it seems to work. remember to clear both clear cache and go into manage space and clear data in there as well
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When you clear data inside Manage space, does that mean that all your accounts will be wiped out and you'll have to add them all over the beginning?
tsiftsism said:
When you clear data inside Manage space, does that mean that all your accounts will be wiped out and you'll have to add them all over the beginning?
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No... thats frameworks
Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
playya said:
try clearing data for google play services thats what I usually do when I have issues getting notifications and it seems to work. remember to clear both clear cache and go into manage space and clear data in there as well
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Didn't help either.
tsiftsism said:
Didn't help either.
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have you gone into your google account to see if anything is stuck? trying to update or can't
playya said:
have you gone into your google account to see if anything is stuck? trying to update or can't
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As soon as i am connected to WiFi router everything is ok.
When on data plan under my Google email there is a Sync error, which i think is right considering that the orange icon bars means that there is no connection to Google servers (that's what i've read in Nexus 4 and 5 threads).
tsiftsism said:
As soon as i am connected to WiFi router everything is ok.
When on data plan under my Google email there is a Sync error, which i think is right considering that the orange icon bars means that there is no connection to Google servers (that's what i've read in Nexus 4 and 5 threads).
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ok so I would try different APN's, check and uncheck data enabled option, check off data roaming option, tick and untick all options in Google that wont sync. I mean try it all if you have not already of course. I have had the orange before and thats all I did was check the main stuff and no issues. If you can make calls and stuff I am quite sure you are ok.
Try 2g only - try it all basically of course if you have not already
For a colleague the issue was operator related. When he was on LTE he had no connection to google servers. It eventually got fixed after a million calls to customer care. If it matters the operator was DU UAE.
I checked the amount of data I was using today and it was using crazy amounts. I have auto-sync disabled and restricted background data on for Google Services, although I think that only affects mobile data. This has been going on for over a week unnoticed.
So I saw that and restarted my phone hoping it will fix it but it didn't, So I checked my battery to see what app is using the most battery and it was Mediaserver which was using 43% (although I didn't have a battery problem until yesterday).
Here's screenshots:,
(Sorry the forum won't let me post outside links so imgur will have to be copied and pasted)
Anyone else ever seen this before? I'm thinking of just reformatting the phone if there are no solutions but would rather not.
bizarrejelly5 said:
I checked the amount of data I was using today and it was using crazy amounts. I have auto-sync disabled and restricted background data on for Google Services, although I think that only affects mobile data. This has been going on for over a week unnoticed.
So I saw that and restarted my phone hoping it will fix it but it didn't, So I checked my battery to see what app is using the most battery and it was Mediaserver which was using 43% (although I didn't have a battery problem until yesterday).
Here's screenshots:,
(Sorry the forum won't let me post outside links so imgur will have to be copied and pasted)
Anyone else ever seen this before? I'm thinking of just reformatting the phone if there are no solutions but would rather not.
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In my case, Its usually playstore that consumes the most insane data over wifi (auto updates). also location (GPS) services. you'll need to check those out.
As for your battery, consider using greenify to put a leash on rogue apps and processes.
consider reading these two articles to further help fix these two isses
* How to make an Android phone’s battery last longer
* How to solve the problem of heavy data consumption in iPhone, iPad and Android Smartphones / Tablets