[Q] Nexus 5 Mobile Data When on Wifi - Nexus 5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi all,
I am having an issue with my Nexus 5 using huge amounts of my mobile data (T-Mobile) when connected to wifi even when I'm not using it. What's crazy is that this keeps happening almost exclusively between 2-6am when I'm not awake. It also happens to an even further extent when I'm connected to wifi at work and not using my phone either. Heres a breakdown:
11/12 5:48 AM - 27.57 MB
11/13 3:33 AM - 12.42 MB
11/14 5:15 AM - 14.21 MB
11/12 2:53 PM - 49.57 MB
11/13 2:39 PM - 27.97 MB
I called T-Mobile and they said that it shows that I definitely used my data during those times. I have almost nothing running in the background that uses any data and have turned off my GPS to see if that will help.
Anyone else having the same problems or have any advice?

Only thing that comes to mind is that your wifi connection is being dropped for some reason, and your phone switches to mobile data instead.
About why data is being used at that time, it is very likely that there are some apps that are using background data - you may have disabled this for a bunch of apps, but may have missed some.
Check data usage under settings to see if you can identify the culprit (you can use the sliders to narrow down - though it doesn't seem to let you narrow down to a specific timeframe)

jj14 said:
Only thing that comes to mind is that your wifi connection is being dropped for some reason, and your phone switches to mobile data instead.
About why data is being used at that time, it is very likely that there are some apps that are using background data - you may have disabled this for a bunch of apps, but may have missed some.
Check data usage under settings to see if you can identify the culprit (you can use the sliders to narrow down - though it doesn't seem to let you narrow down to a specific timeframe)
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Where can setup this prioritization? For example if I want the phone to use mobile data and override Wifi?

megakony said:
Where can setup this prioritization? For example if I want the phone to use mobile data and override Wifi?
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I may be mistaken, but I don't think you can do that on stock ROM at least. If WiFi is available, it will always try to use WiFi
For whatever reason, if you want to use Mobile data, you will need to turn WiFi off.
If you always want to use mobile data for a given app or want to use mobile data in a specific time range, you could use tasker app to set up a profile to disable WiFi when that app is launched (or in that time range)

jj14 said:
Only thing that comes to mind is that your wifi connection is being dropped for some reason, and your phone switches to mobile data instead.
About why data is being used at that time, it is very likely that there are some apps that are using background data - you may have disabled this for a bunch of apps, but may have missed some.
Check data usage under settings to see if you can identify the culprit (you can use the sliders to narrow down - though it doesn't seem to let you narrow down to a specific timeframe)
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Thanks. I did check last night to see what apps were using the most data and it was by far feedly but I'm not sure why that would be using data when I'm not awake. Does anyone else have that problem with feedly? Isn't it also strange that it keeps happening at roughly the same times every day?
Also wanted to add that I came from a Galaxy S2 running Cyanogen and never had this issue.

jj14 said:
I may be mistaken, but I don't think you can do that on stock ROM at least. If WiFi is available, it will always try to use WiFi
For whatever reason, if you want to use Mobile data, you will need to turn WiFi off.
If you always want to use mobile data for a given app or want to use mobile data in a specific time range, you could use tasker app to set up a profile to disable WiFi when that app is launched (or in that time range)
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I just checked my gf's Galaxy Young...in there when you go to WIFI and access Advanced and there you can set Wifi Sleep policy.
The options I got are "When screen turns off", "Never when plugged in" and "Never"...not really the options I'd imagine for this =)

danotoriusodo said:
Thanks. I did check last night to see what apps were using the most data and it was by far feedly but I'm not sure why that would be using data when I'm not awake. Does anyone else have that problem with feedly? Isn't it also strange that it keeps happening at roughly the same times every day?
Also wanted to add that I came from a Galaxy S2 running Cyanogen and never had this issue.
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Did you check settings on your feedly? It sounds like it does a daily sync which some RSS readers I'd imagine would do.
I don't have feedly on my phone, but if it has some decent settings it should have one to sync only via wifi or similar.

xShadoWxDrifTx said:
Did you check settings on your feedly? It sounds like it does a daily sync which some RSS readers I'd imagine would do.
I don't have feedly on my phone, but if it has some decent settings it should have one to sync only via wifi or similar.
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Yea I checked the feedly settings section and there isn't anything related to sync. The app actually only refreshes when it's opened. For now I went into the "data usage" section on my phone and selected "Restrict background data" for the app. Hopefully that works.

danotoriusodo said:
Yea I checked the feedly settings section and there isn't anything related to sync. The app actually only refreshes when it's opened. For now I went into the "data usage" section on my phone and selected "Restrict background data" for the app. Hopefully that works.
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It actually gets even crazier. Last night before I went to bed I turned off my mobile data by going to setting>data usage and it still shows at 5:19 AM that I used 43 MB of data. I mean the only explanation I could think of is I'm sleep walking and using my phone lol. I called T-Mobile and it definitely shows on their end I did use the data at that time. They also couldn't help me because they don't have the phone yet. Can't believe that no one else is having this problem. Guess I have to contact Google which should be really useful smh.


A couple fixes for some of our problems

Lets face it. All devices have bugs upon release that the normal person won't care about nor think of it as a bug. This device has it's share but as a reminder. There is no software bug that can't be fixed. By the way, make sure you don't skip the initial setup and if you did just wipe and restore.
1) Some are having a problem when using WiFi. There 4G or 3G data is not turning off and instead of your device using WiFi to exchange data it is using your 4G or 3G data. If you turn WiFi on and don't see a 4G/3G icon in the notification area then your device is working properly in this department.
The Fix: There is three "My Account" apps on our devices and there causing a conflict when 2 or more is running at the same time. To fix this you need to delete all of them (I used Root Explorer). If you use "My Account" you can download the current version from the market. Next, freeze or delete WiFi calling and the T-Mobile app pack. After you have deleted everything you have to reboot your device. Note: While deleting or freezing some of these, you might get some looping force closes. Just simply remove your battery to reboot the device and once it reboots the force closing will be gone.
2) Some are having a problem when moving from cell tower to cell tower. If you are losing a data signal every once in a while but the 4G/3G icon is still showing in the notification area, you need to do the fallowing.
The Fix: Go into your Mobile Network settings and make sure your device is setup to automatically use GSM/WCDMA. Then click on search for networks and at this point you will see T-Mobile UMTS, T-Mobile GSM and ATT GSW. After they appear click on select automatically. While your at it go ahead and click on data roaming since T-Mobile has contracts with other providers so your able to roam on there towers. Don't worry, you won't be charged for roaming since T-Mobile only charges for international roaming. After all this do a reboot.
Some of you think that there is a problem with your battery if your device is showing your "cell standby" above 30%. This is not a problem. Every time you charge your G2X it will reset usage percentages as you know. Well if you emediatly start using your phone and don't put it down for 2 hours than I promise you that your display will be at the top of the list. Obviously if your device stays off for a little bit and upon waking it you look at your battery statistics your going to see Cell standby and Phone idle at the top since the display was off. If your wandering why Cell Standby is using more juice than WiFi it's because when you turn your display off it automatically sleeps your WiFi.
The percentages in your batter statistics need to add up to 100%-105% and something is going to use more than the rest depending on what your doing with your device after removing it from charge. Ask yourself this. If my G2X is in my pocket for 1 hour after removing it from it's charger. What would I like to see using most of my battery? I can tell you right now. Certainly not your display since it's been off the entire time.
There's only one MyAccount app on the phone. I looked myself in the System/app folder. If you see multiple MyAccounts in a task manager it is just another instance of the same application.
Also there's NOTHING wrong with Wifi Calling or My Account. I have both on and use them extensively. My phone has gone now 26hrs without a reboot or hitch of heavy usage. Wifi works, 3G/4G works perfectly. I don't have any issues right now...until the next reboot
Want to give people another perspective since you don't have to give up MyAccount or Wifi caling to have a usable phone.
jrwingate6 said:
Ask yourself this. If my G2X is in my pocket for 1 hour after removing it from it's charger. What would I like to see using most of my battery? I can tell you right now. Certainly not your display since it's been off the entire time.
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Cell standby of course
mobilehavoc said:
There's only one MyAccount app on the phone. I looked myself in the System/app folder. If you see multiple MyAccounts in a task manager it is just another instance of the same application.
Also there's NOTHING wrong with Wifi Calling or My Account. I have both on and use them extensively. My phone has gone now 26hrs without a reboot or hitch of heavy usage. Wifi works, 3G/4G works perfectly. I don't have any issues right now...until the next reboot
Want to give people another perspective since you don't have to give up MyAccount or Wifi caling to have a usable phone.
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Thats WHY you don't have any problems. Because you only have 1 "MyAccount" application. Those of us that had 2 or 3 have the problems. By the way I had 3 and no they weren't showing in task manager. They were all deleted using Root Explorer.
Where did you see them? They were all in system/app??!?
Odd how they could all exist together - were they named differently?
mobilehavoc said:
Where did you see them? They were all in system/app??!?
Odd how they could all exist together - were they named differently?
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Yes, different version numbers and branding included in the apks. I had 2, version 1 and version 5.x.
OP, for some reason when I try Search Networks I get: "Error while searching for networks." Any ideas?
mobilehavoc said:
Where did you see them? They were all in system/app??!?
Odd how they could all exist together - were they named differently?
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They all existed in the system folder. It seemed like instead of the new versions updating the existing app, they were just creating new files. Your right, it is odd but I can see how that would create a problem.
rfm2113 said:
OP, for some reason when I try Search Networks I get: "Error while searching for networks." Any ideas?
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I got the same thing. I had to enable wifi, then shut off wifi calling. Then it worked.
OP, for some reason when I try Search Networks I get: "Error while searching for networks." Any ideas?
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I got the same thing. I had to enable wifi, then shut off wifi calling. Then it worked.
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Worked perfectly, thanks!
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App

[Q] Excessive data usage problem

I've recently discovered that very large amounts of data are being transferred from my Nexus S which is pushing me over my data limit of 750mb. I downloaded 3G watchdog and monitored traffic for a while and noticed that every hour or so data use goes wild running into the tens of mb over a very short period of time.
I'm currently running MIUI-109020 and have a fairly standard range of apps installed. I've tried killing all of the apps that might possibly transfer data but this makes no difference. So, at the moment I've turned off mobile data before it bankrupts me but obviously I'd like to have it back on again.
Anyone, anywhere have any thoughts or pointers as to what might be going on or how I could solve it?
BTW I'm in the UK on Vodaphone's network.
David McNorton
davidmcnorton said:
I've recently discovered that very large amounts of data are being transferred from my Nexus S which is pushing me over my data limit of 750mb. I downloaded 3G watchdog and monitored traffic for a while and noticed that every hour or so data use goes wild running into the tens of mb over a very short period of time.
I'm currently running MIUI-109020 and have a fairly standard range of apps installed. I've tried killing all of the apps that might possibly transfer data but this makes no difference. So, at the moment I've turned off mobile data before it bankrupts me but obviously I'd like to have it back on again.
Anyone, anywhere have any thoughts or pointers as to what might be going on or how I could solve it?
BTW I'm in the UK on Vodaphone's network.
David McNorton
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That much data? Email, gmail, facebook sync.
Install Droidwall and prevent some apps from the network.
I would also like to see what exactly Android is doing all the time...
MIUI has a built in Monitor app. Use that to see which app is using up your data.
You may also want to opt-out of MIUI stats. I'm not sure of how much data it sends, but it will cut down on some of your data usage.
Droidwall is a great suggestion as well. Prevent some apps from connecting on 3G but allow them on wifi. If you want some apps to connect on 3G, check your sync settings.
Sent from my Evo + MIUI using Tapatalk!
Thanks for your replies. I've now installed droidwall and that looks like it could help. I've also purchased the pro version of 3G Watchdog (hadn't realised MIUI had a monitor app) and that's showing me what how much data my apps are using.
I phoned Vodaphone and they increased my data plan to 1GB which gives me a little leeway while I try to work this out. So I'll test it again tomorrow and see if I can work out what's going on.
David McNorton
Is your Gallery app syncing pictures to Picassa? It's the only thing i can think of that would explain that much data in a short period of time.
Problem solved. Google+ was the culprit. By default the app had Instant Upload of all photo's and video's set to on. That has cost me about £50 since installing the app in late September when it first came out. Thank's Google
Thanks for all your tips. At least now I have a better handle on data monitoring and firewall protection.
David McNorton
Wow, never thought Google Plus would use that much, even though it syncs a ton. Good think I have unlimited, may want to look into it yourself.
Sent from my DROID3 using XDA App

Skyrocket: no free internet access on WIFI??

(sorry I posted it in the wrong place so now re-posting it here)
Hi -
I just got this white Skyrocket phone with 200MB data plan.
I heard that when connected to 4G, the phone uses data allowance from the data package, whereas if connected to WIFI (like at home), the data usage doesn't come off my AT&T data allowance.
So I want to disconnect from 4G and connect to my WIFI when I am at home.
At the store, the just told me to make sure that WIFI is showing as on on the top bar (or when you swipe that bar down). They said if WIFI is showing on, it means that the phone is using WIFI connection.
However, I see that at the same time when WIFI is showing on, the "4G" icon is also showing on and looking active! So- they are both looking active! That's why I wonder which connection is my Skyrocket actually using?
It looks like the data I use on WIFI also comes out of my data plan because the data packet is on.
So I had an idea, went to settings-wireless-mobile networks and unchecked "Use Data Packet".
When the above was unchecked, 4G icon disappeared and I could see only WIFI icon on the top bar, which would be good - however, the problem is that now I cannot connect to internet. (I turned the phone on and off- no change)
Does it mean that there is no way on Skyrocket to bypass AT&T data allowance and whether I use 4G or my own WIFI, there is no free internet access on this phone?
Or is there something else I can do to make sure I am connected just to my WIFI and data is free?
I would appreciate your help.
Thank you
It just shows both icon to double check get speedtest and do one. You can see in results if you get wifi or 4g LTE.
justcalled said:
(sorry I posted it in the wrong place so now re-posting it here)
Hi -
I just got this white Skyrocket phone with 200MB data plan.
I heard that when connected to 4G, the phone uses data allowance from the data package, whereas if connected to WIFI (like at home), the data usage doesn't come off my AT&T data allowance.
So I want to disconnect from 4G and connect to my WIFI when I am at home.
At the store, the just told me to make sure that WIFI is showing as on on the top bar (or when you swipe that bar down). They said if WIFI is showing on, it means that the phone is using WIFI connection.
However, I see that at the same time when WIFI is showing on, the "4G" icon is also showing on and looking active! So- they are both looking active! That's why I wonder which connection is my Skyrocket actually using?
It looks like the data I use on WIFI also comes out of my data plan because the data packet is on.
So I had an idea, went to settings-wireless-mobile networks and unchecked "Use Data Packet".
When the above was unchecked, 4G icon disappeared and I could see only WIFI icon on the top bar, which would be good - however, the problem is that now I cannot connect to internet. (I turned the phone on and off- no change)
Does it mean that there is no way on Skyrocket to bypass AT&T data allowance and whether I use 4G or my own WIFI, there is no free internet access on this phone?
Or is there something else I can do to make sure I am connected just to my WIFI and data is free?
I would appreciate your help.
Thank you
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They both should not show up at once unless something that needs access to att data like voicemail is checking for messages. Sounds more like either you are not connecting to your wireless router correctly or the wifi antenna is messed up on your phone.
Well sometimes for me it shows both icons in status bar. All i do is turn off wifi and turn back and the 4G LTE icon disappears.
draztikrhymez said:
They both should not show up at once unless something that needs access to att data like voicemail is checking for messages. Sounds more like either you are not connecting to your wireless router correctly or the wifi antenna is messed up on your phone.
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appdroid said:
Well sometimes for me it shows both icons in status bar. All i do is turn off wifi and turn back and the 4G LTE icon disappears.
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Yea same for me but that means something is not allowing the phone to connect to wifi hence having to turn the wifi radio off n on.
Normally it shouldn't do that. Plus if op restarted the phone entirely and still no connection something is just not establishing the connection correctly
Well not exactly because i did speed test and i got my connection as wireless connection so for me it was fine with both icon.
draztikrhymez said:
Yea same for me but that means something is not allowing the phone to connect to wifi hence having to turn the wifi radio off n on.
Normally it shouldn't do that. Plus if op restarted the phone entirely and still no connection something is just not establishing the connection correctly
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Some functions require the data connection (mms, some syncing etc) and will trigger your data connection even when on wifi
If truly concerned use tasker or juice defender to disable cell data while wifi is on. Or manually turn it off
Or as someone else mentioned...you wifi is not maintaining connection
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using XDA App
Not sure if this will help but there are many apps in the market to help with connection issues. I have two widgets that tells me which one im using and how strong they are just do a search for mobile traffic or cell /wifi. Hope that helps.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
I think a lot of people are ignoring the op said no data is working at all when trying wifi.
Yes both icons will show sometimes because like mentioned mms, voicemail, etc requires it.
If the phone has no data period even after reboots then wifi is not connecting
Download "My data manager" from the market. It will show you your data useage, both wifi and data. Use that and check to see if you really are using your wifi or if its still using data.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using XDA App
Thank you for all your replies, each one taught me something about this new phone and I downloaded a few of the apps that you mentioned.
So all day I was being very careful about the internet, tracking my 4G/WiFi usage all day and then in the evening my kid pressed on a game icon and some kind of car game downloaded =adding over 70MB to my data transfer right away!! (and my monthly budget is 200MB)
It took a couple of seconds - he actually just pressed on the icon and then pressed home when he saw a car because he decided he doesn't want to play it. But it downloaded anyway! I am so mad!
I think it is unethical and very sneaky of AT&T to place all those unnecessary apps on the phone - especially if they turn out to be so costly.
So the only way to delete all those stupid apps is to root the phone? I am not a programmer and I am so afraid that I am going to mess it up
Don't need to root in order to uninstall apps just go to setting>application>manage application>Downloaded apps> and uninstall them. This is all the bloatware that you don't need so go through carefully and uninstall what you don't need. It will help you increase battery life.
justcalled said:
Thank you for all your replies, each one taught me something about this new phone and I downloaded a few of the apps that you mentioned.
So all day I was being very careful about the internet, tracking my 4G/WiFi usage all day and then in the evening my kid pressed on a game icon and some kind of car game downloaded =adding over 70MB to my data transfer right away!! (and my monthly budget is 200MB)
It took a couple of seconds - he actually just pressed on the icon and then pressed home when he saw a car because he decided he doesn't want to play it. But it downloaded anyway! I am so mad!
I think it is unethical and very sneaky of AT&T to place all those unnecessary apps on the phone - especially if they turn out to be so costly.
So the only way to delete all those stupid apps is to root the phone? I am not a programmer and I am so afraid that I am going to mess it up
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Yes, I noticed that I can remove what I have installed. However, I wanted to get rid of pre-installed apps and their icons. I have not found a way to remove those.
Yes root and Rom toolbox app will help you with that.
justcalled said:
Yes, I noticed that I can remove what I have installed. However, I wanted to get rid of pre-installed apps and their icons. I have not found a way to remove those.
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And if you call Att and tell them that it wasn't authorized they'll credit your account
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
Your wifi is turned on but you aren't connected to your Hoke network...go to settings>wireless and networks>wifi settings>then pick whichever network is yours and put in a password if it requires one
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
nthknd ,
I was hoping for that, but when I called AT&T, they didn't want to credit my account, just the opposite, they made me up my data plan to 2G. They said in the beginning people tend to use data more as they explore the new phone - in a few months, once I figure out my monthly usage, I can change my plan and go back to 200MB or whatever.
They also tried to fix my issues with internet (when only WiFi was showing -no 4G- the phone would not connect to internet). So they fixed it and now I have internet access when only WiFi is showing on the top bar.
On the other hand, now 4G completely disappeared! I haven't seen it all day..
Either AT&T is having technical difficulties or I got disconnected from 4G!
Sorry my advise didn't work but they should credit you since your phone malfunction,guess it depends on who you get guess it's a crap shoot.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
appdroid said:
Well sometimes for me it shows both icons in status bar. All i do is turn off wifi and turn back and the 4G LTE icon disappears.
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Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727
They can't make you!
justcalled said:
nthknd ,
I was hoping for that, but when I called AT&T, they didn't want to credit my account, just the opposite, they made me up my data plan to 2G. They said in the beginning people tend to use data more as they explore the new phone - in a few months, once I figure out my monthly usage, I can change my plan and go back to 200MB or whatever.
They also tried to fix my issues with internet (when only WiFi was showing -no 4G- the phone would not connect to internet). So they fixed it and now I have internet access when only WiFi is showing on the top bar.
On the other hand, now 4G completely disappeared! I haven't seen it all day..
Either AT&T is having technical difficulties or I got disconnected from 4G!
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They can't make you upgrade your data. The guy you talked to is just trying to rip you off so he gets commission for upgrading you to a "better" data plan. It's your account and you can pick what you want for it. If you want 200 MB then call and switch it back and say the last rep said you had to and made you do it.

[APP][TEQTIC][4.1+] LeanDroid - ? Most advanced battery saver

Introducing LeanDroid:
LeanDroid is a lightweight and incredibly powerful battery saver. It automatically manages the power-hungry radios on your device while the screen is off to significantly lengthen battery life.
Get the most out of your device with the most advanced and efficient battery saver! The no-frills battery saver that actually works!
-Automatically disables Wi-Fi
-Automatically disables cellular data (root only on Lollipop+)
-Automatically disables cellular radio (root only on Lollipop+)
-Automatically disables Bluetooth
-Automatically disables network location (KitKat+, root only on Lollipop+)
-Automatically disables GPS location (KitKat+, root only on Lollipop+)
-Automatically switches cellular network mode (Lollipop+ and with root)
-Periodically restores connections for sync
-Schedule when LD should be active with the time exception
-Set exceptions for when certain apps are running
-Set exceptions by Wi-Fi name
-Set exceptions by Bluetooth device
-Set exceptions by data transfer speed
-Many more options
-No ads
It can disable WiFi, Cellular Data (2G, 3G, LTE)*, Cellular radio*, Bluetooth, and Location* (networks and GPS) after a certain time with the screen off to conserve battery power and lower data usage. Connections are restored when the screen is turned back on or unlocked, as well as periodically, to allow for notifications to come in. LD will only re-enable connections that it disabled, not all of the selected connections. There are many additional options to set to your preference.
If you have an issue, please email [email protected], or use the contact menu option from the app before leaving a negative review!
Some options explained:
Disable Wi-Fi/Data/Network mode except if active - Connections are only disabled if there is negligible data transfer while the screen is off. Some music services don't "stream" but instead download entire songs at once, and they might do this while the screen is still on. Please set the disable time interval to at least the length of your average song so LD can catch data activity while the screen is off or use the except if "Except if apps running" option.
Disable Wi-Fi except if browser has web login - WiFi is not disabled if it requires a browser login (common for public hotspots or guest networks), so that you do not have to re-enter the password when it is re-enabled.
Disable Wi-Fi except if requires browser login - WiFi is not disabled if it requires a browser login (common for public hotspots or guest networks), so that you do not have to re-enter the password when it is re-enabled.
Disable except if apps running - No connections are disabled if one of the selected apps is found to be running in the foreground or has foreground services. There is a sub-option to also detect background services of the apps.
Restore Data after waiting xx seconds for Wi-Fi to connect - Wait for WiFi to connect before re-enabling cellular data. This prevents data from re-connecting for just a couple of seconds.
Tasker intents
* Note:
-Not all options are available on all devices.
-If you are on Android 4.4.1 - 4.4.2, a persistent notification is required due to a bug in KitKat where services cannot restart themselves once killed by the system. If you would like to hide the notification, find LeanDroid in Settings -> Apps, and un-check "show notifications".
Follow us on twitter: @teqTic
To join the Beta tester group:
1) Opt-in here: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.teqtic.leandata
2) You will then receive the beta updates directly through the Play store.
Please keep in mind these beta versions will often have bugs!
Im gonna try this, have used smart radio function but felt it was draining battery a lot. Will keep you posted after trying this
phanitej said:
Im gonna try this, have used smart radio function but felt it was draining battery a lot. Will keep you posted after trying this
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Thank you sir. Please let me know how well it works for you.
Flyview said:
Thank you sir. Please let me know how well it works for you.
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Nice work. It works as it is supposed to. Is there any way i can check using terminal(or anything else) how long the radios are turned off or on?
phanitej said:
Nice work. It works as it is supposed to. Is there any way i can check using terminal(or anything else) how long the radios are turned off or on?
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You mean so that you can tell how long they were turned off for? Good question, there's gotta be some app that can pull up those statistics. For WiFi, you can check your battery usage chart.
Thanks for the feedback, rate it on Google Play if you get a chance. Bugs, suggestions and feature requests are welcome!
Flyview said:
You mean so that you can tell how long they were turned off for? Good question, there's gotta be some app that can pull up those statistics. For WiFi, you can check your battery usage chart.
Thanks for the feedback, rate it on Google Play if you get a chance. Bugs, suggestions and feature requests are welcome!
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1. When im playing few multiplayer games like Heroes of Order and Chaos etc, i usually tend to leave my phone aside for one or two min, so with my current setup where the radios are turned off after one min, the internet might get disconnected hence me loosing the game. So if there is a feature which can check if there is data transfer then dont turn off the radios. Same goes with me downloading some files and the radios might turn off causing the download to fail. - I guess it is answered in the description, my mistake
2. Where it says turn on radios to sync/receive after a specific time period, is thee way to only switch on the 2g network to save more juice?
1. When the radios are turned on after the specific time period to sync, do all the radios get turned on?
2. Does it already check if there is data transfer and then turn off the radios ?
Edit: Rated the app on Play Store
phanitej said:
1. When im playing few multiplayer games like Heroes of Order and Chaos etc, i usually tend to leave my phone aside for one or two min, so with my current setup where the radios are turned off after one min, the internet might get disconnected hence me loosing the game. So if there is a feature which can check if there is data transfer then dont turn off the radios. Same goes with me downloading some files and the radios might turn off causing the download to fail.
2. Where it says turn on radios to sync/receive after a specific time period, is thee way to only switch on the 2g network to save more juice?
1. When the radios are turned on after the specific time period to sync, do all the radios get turned on?
2. Does it already check if there is data transfer and then turn off the radios ?
Edit: Rated the app on Play Store
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Suggestion responses:
1. While the screen is on, the connections are never turned off. The time "after" is time after screen off (explained in help dialog or on Play Store).
2) No, there is currently no option to do that. I wouldn't recommend it either. 2G/Edge is so slow it wouldn't even be able to connect and do anything in the brief time it has to sync.
Question responses:
1. Nope, only the connections that were turned off by the app. I will update the app description to make this more clear.
2. Yes I believe right now it is set to a threshold of about 2kB/s. If within the period that it checks, the data transfer is more than this, it will not disable WiFi/data.
Flyview said:
Suggestion responses:
1. While the screen is on, the connections are never turned off. The time "after" is time after screen off (explained in help dialog or on Play Store).
2) No, there is currently no option to do that. I wouldn't recommend it either. 2G/Edge is so slow it wouldn't even be able to connect and do anything in the brief time it has to sync.
Question responses:
1. Nope, only the connections that were turned off by the app. I will update the app description to make this more clear.
2. Yes I believe right now it is set to a threshold of about 2kB/s. If within the period that it checks, the data transfer is more than this, it will not disable WiFi/data.
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One request, can we have an option to not turn off the radios if connected to charger?
can you add an option for tethering?
phanitej said:
One request, can we have an option to not turn off the radios if connected to charger?
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Already does that.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
cottino said:
can you add an option for tethering?
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Explain? Most phones can already tether stock.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Flyview said:
Already does that.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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Thats strange, i noticed yesterday when my phone was connected to the charger it turned off radios. Maybe something to do with my new ROM that i flashed. Will check it today in the night. Thanks for your response
Yes, but LeandData stop traffic also if tethering is on. In this case every time you have to switch on 3g again and reconnect your notebook.
phanitej said:
Thats strange, i noticed yesterday when my phone was connected to the charger it turned off radios. Maybe something to do with my new ROM that i flashed. Will check it today in the night. Thanks for your response
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Yes, please check for me as this could potentially be a bug. What did it turn off? It should not turn anything off if the device is charging. Also, if you connect a charger after the app has already turned off connections, it should turn them back on. Please ensure you haven't left any other similar apps running. The WiFi turning off with the screen off could also be a system option.
If you do indeed find a problem please let me know what Android version you are running. You can also check the Logcat if you filter for LeanData. Tell me what you see around the time of the problem.
cottino said:
Yes, but LeandData stop traffic also if tethering is on. In this case every time you have to switch on 3g again and reconnect your notebook.
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I see. How are you tethering? USB or Bluetooth? If you are tethering through USB the device should be considered charging in which case it should not turn off the connections anyway. I will look into Bluetooth tethering.
Thanks for the feedback.
Flyview said:
Yes, please check for me as this could potentially be a bug. What did it turn off? It should not turn anything off if the device is charging. Also, if you connect a charger after the app has already turned off connections, it should turn them back on. Please ensure you haven't left any other similar apps running. The WiFi turning off with the screen off could also be a system option.
If you do indeed find a problem please let me know what Android version you are running. You can also check the Logcat if you filter for LeanData. Tell me what you see around the time of the problem.
I see. How are you tethering? USB or Bluetooth? If you are tethering through USB the device should be considered charging in which case it should not turn off the connections anyway. I will look into Bluetooth tethering.
Thanks for the feedback.
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I tethering through Wifi but with my settings the problem is network data:
Flyview said:
Yes, please check for me as this could potentially be a bug. What did it turn off? It should not turn anything off if the device is charging. Also, if you connect a charger after the app has already turned off connections, it should turn them back on. Please ensure you haven't left any other similar apps running. The WiFi turning off with the screen off could also be a system option.
If you do indeed find a problem please let me know what Android version you are running. You can also check the Logcat if you filter for LeanData. Tell me what you see around the time of the problem.
Thanks for the feedback.
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As expected, i cleaned up everything on my device and flashed a new build. Installed LeanData and used the same settings, all working fine. Radios get turned on when plugged into the charger. Thanks for your time, quick response and efforts
To be honest, i have used many similar apps and never got this almost perfect feeling for any app
Wish i could donate, but running on low budget due to my job. Will donate once things settle down at my end.
cottino said:
I tethering through Wifi but with my settings the problem is network data:
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I see! I forgot about WiFI tethering, derp. I will add in some logic to not disable connections if tethering as soon as I can. Keep your eyes peeled for an update. Thanks.
phanitej said:
As expected, i cleaned up everything on my device and flashed a new build. Installed LeanData and used the same settings, all working fine. Radios get turned on when plugged into the charger. Thanks for your time, quick response and efforts
To be honest, i have used many similar apps and never got this almost perfect feeling for any app
Wish i could donate, but running on low budget due to my job. Will donate once things settle down at my end.
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Awesome, keep an eye on it. Thanks for the kind words!
MIUI rom have a application to monitor intenet connect of all application. it's great and I cannot find other app can do like this on Playstore. Bcs many app ask permission connect network althought they are no need to run. But I guest they need permission connect network to sending some information silently.
Different from Sony Stamina mode?
I have an xperia device and i would like to know if this app is different from sony's stamina mode, which also switches off connections in idle mode.
GPS might also be a worthy addition!
Only the paid version of dsbatterysaver includes GPS. Right now, I have tasker turn it on and off with the screen when unplugged but that means no syncing of location using GPS.

Something are turning on data transfer

I am using latest .93 firmware and i have noticed strange thing: something are turning on data transfer and then disable it.
My data trasfer is turned off, after disabling i hide the notification "data trasmission in cellular is turned off" but after some time when phone is inactive the notification appears and seems that i got charged by using data.
The monitors doesn't show any info which app using data transfer.
Are You experienced this ?
Is there any way to check logs which application enabling data transfer / how to block it ?
Seems even if i block cellular data for any app the connection to network is made and few kilobytes pass through.
Do You have any ideas ?
jishek said:
I am using latest .93 firmware and i have noticed strange thing: something are turning on data transfer and then disable it.
My data trasfer is turned off, after disabling i hide the notification "data trasmission in cellular is turned off" but after some time when phone is inactive the notification appears and seems that i got charged by using data.
The monitors doesn't show any info which app using data transfer.
Are You experienced this ?
Is there any way to check logs which application enabling data transfer / how to block it ?
Seems even if i block cellular data for any app the connection to network is made and few kilobytes pass through.
Do You have any ideas ?
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I don't have that problem at all I'm on 33.2.A.2.93 myself, is the background data turned off for each and every app go to settings data usage and click on each and every app in the list for data+WiFi and set the slider at the bottom to the on position. The notification you get to say that data is disabled that looks like a small globe will come and go on its own anyway usually when you wake up the xa it's how it is it doesn't mean it has actually used any data it's to remind you it's off
Have you also turned the Bluetooth+WiFi always scanning for connections Inc when they are actually turned off. Go to settings location and tap the three dots top right turn both sliders to the off position.
This should stop any background data being used and won't effect the way any of the apps work
Sent from my Xperia XA using XDA Labs
jishek said:
I am using latest .93 firmware and i have noticed strange thing: something are turning on data transfer and then disable it.
My data trasfer is turned off, after disabling i hide the notification "data trasmission in cellular is turned off" but after some time when phone is inactive the notification appears and seems that i got charged by using data.
The monitors doesn't show any info which app using data transfer.
Are You experienced this ?
Is there any way to check logs which application enabling data transfer / how to block it ?
Seems even if i block cellular data for any app the connection to network is made and few kilobytes pass through.
Do You have any ideas ?
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+1 sometimes !
The bluetooth, wifi, cellular(agps) location helpers are OFF.
Trying for now not to disable all cellular data(the switch to block all traffic) because i am trying to indentify app that cause problem.
I get used to manually turn on and off cellular data and would like to keep that way with this phone.
'thing' that turn on data make me nuts.
"small globe notification" appeared once in last half day - t-mobile app says usage of 200kb but Data Usage Monitor does show nothing
I think that issue depend on signal strength.. Always when back from basement which is located underground i had that notification about mobile data.. Also in forest, when signal is gone or rly poor.
But had no idea which app is responsible for that. Also trying few times turn off notifications in random sys apps and nothing so far..
The beggining of the end...
The telegram app shows notifications too, strangw notifications, why? The app is not listed on the detailed ps list, is not running anything related to telegram, ate least the unrecognized service that poped up the notification.
This is new method they are using.
Is not online, but the notifications is poping up.
Called as Multidex odex(or dex from the app) and cached secondary-dexes provided by them when we last tine was online.
We ended and closed the app, but, the secondary dexes are in the Memory opened
Someday i was searching why my apps are all closed , but the ram is sluggy and filled?
This is why.
Preventing yourself agains these new kind of apks before installing.
This may contain virus.
This is destroying the cpu and the ram.
These secondary dexes processes are hidden, and unkillable (unless i root and forbid services)
Nothing is turning on the data.
The cached dexes are running in hidden background, showing the notifications that was not readed when was the app online.
This is a serious damage menace.
I disagree with this, after i discovered this, now, i am denying packages with Multidex inside.
Sent from SomeFon
---------- Post added at 10:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:59 PM ----------
I forgot to mention:
I am running a newsapp, with fully adblock in action.
They will search a "V".
They creates a temporary secondary-dex, when my installation id is on line reading their news, the cached dex is , for exampling: deleting my pictures, uploading something mine to their servers, deleting musics, corrupting files, etc.
due to the secondary dex is updated periodically... on cache, free for do what they want do on my device...
They found "V" Vengeance
Because i am Ad blocker
Only because this.
This is why the RootCloak was created.
To hide root and commands that some apps runs in hidden background
I tried search how to forbid this Multidexes apps.
But untill now, the solution is
Not install.
Check the package before installing and read the Manifest.xml about the multidex version.
If no multidex tag found, is safe apk.
Remember the Quadrooter.
They may creates a secondary-dex for destroy the gpu easyly.
Sent from SomeFon
Rafixxxx said:
I think that issue depend on signal strength.. Always when back from basement which is located underground i had that notification about mobile data.. Also in forest, when signal is gone or rly poor.
But had no idea which app is responsible for that. Also trying few times turn off notifications in random sys apps and nothing so far..
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Yes, you are right! I have checked that.
That notification reappears when i lost signal and get it back. Appears also when i turn on airplane mode and then switch it off.
So nothing actually switch on cellular data BUT ...
i found what cause the problem
it's localization
I have it enabled BUT helpers are switched OFF (wifi+cellular) and bluetooth but it still using AGPS.
When i use app that use localization - for example speedtest app (using wifi) then localization icon appears and a moment later two arrows (up/down) appear on gsm signal.
so the question is :
How can i disable AGPS ?? (settings -> localization -> three dots -> scanning -> both options are OFF)
Please someone check if You have same problem (turned agps off and using app with localization and celular data disabled you get two arrows on gsm signal)
EDIT: The mode of GPS is: only device. Note that evey switch off and on it defaults to best accuracy.
When i make sure it's only GPS (agps disabled) and helpers are off and run speedtest with localization it STILL using agps
The OS itself downloads data too, even on rooted.
100 per month going where ?
hp6830s said:
The OS itself downloads data too, even on rooted.
100 per month going where ?
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Yes but android OS doesn't use data traffic when data traffic is disabled.
AGPS does
Problem was resolved by SONY's support:
Selecting device only will not disable assisted start on the GPS. It only disables location by WiFi, mobile network and bluetooth.
What you can try is to go to Settings -> More -> Mobile networks -> Access Point Names. Here check the APN type on all your APNs. If you have "supl" on the APN-type, try to remove this. Then turn off mobile data or connect to WiFi and see if it still uses the mobile network.
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Apn type says - default, supl. But there is no way to change it.Its greyed.
I think the only way is to dissable 4g (when not using the phone or when wi fi is active) , and remain on H+, for me its free. And that way will not lose my 1 Gb quota.
hp6830s said:
Apn type says - default, supl. But there is no way to change it.Its greyed.
I think the only way is to dissable 4g (when not using the phone or when wi fi is active) , and remain on H+, for me its free. And that way will not lose my 1 Gb quota.
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I have exactly the same issue. When I clicked on the APN type, I got a free text box and I didn't know what to type in. In the end I deleted the APN. This obviously means that I can't use mobile data when I want to. This is very frustrating and seems like a bug. Please post if you find a solution...

