Skyrocket: no free internet access on WIFI?? - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket SGH-I727

(sorry I posted it in the wrong place so now re-posting it here)
Hi -
I just got this white Skyrocket phone with 200MB data plan.
I heard that when connected to 4G, the phone uses data allowance from the data package, whereas if connected to WIFI (like at home), the data usage doesn't come off my AT&T data allowance.
So I want to disconnect from 4G and connect to my WIFI when I am at home.
At the store, the just told me to make sure that WIFI is showing as on on the top bar (or when you swipe that bar down). They said if WIFI is showing on, it means that the phone is using WIFI connection.
However, I see that at the same time when WIFI is showing on, the "4G" icon is also showing on and looking active! So- they are both looking active! That's why I wonder which connection is my Skyrocket actually using?
It looks like the data I use on WIFI also comes out of my data plan because the data packet is on.
So I had an idea, went to settings-wireless-mobile networks and unchecked "Use Data Packet".
When the above was unchecked, 4G icon disappeared and I could see only WIFI icon on the top bar, which would be good - however, the problem is that now I cannot connect to internet. (I turned the phone on and off- no change)
Does it mean that there is no way on Skyrocket to bypass AT&T data allowance and whether I use 4G or my own WIFI, there is no free internet access on this phone?
Or is there something else I can do to make sure I am connected just to my WIFI and data is free?
I would appreciate your help.
Thank you

It just shows both icon to double check get speedtest and do one. You can see in results if you get wifi or 4g LTE.
justcalled said:
(sorry I posted it in the wrong place so now re-posting it here)
Hi -
I just got this white Skyrocket phone with 200MB data plan.
I heard that when connected to 4G, the phone uses data allowance from the data package, whereas if connected to WIFI (like at home), the data usage doesn't come off my AT&T data allowance.
So I want to disconnect from 4G and connect to my WIFI when I am at home.
At the store, the just told me to make sure that WIFI is showing as on on the top bar (or when you swipe that bar down). They said if WIFI is showing on, it means that the phone is using WIFI connection.
However, I see that at the same time when WIFI is showing on, the "4G" icon is also showing on and looking active! So- they are both looking active! That's why I wonder which connection is my Skyrocket actually using?
It looks like the data I use on WIFI also comes out of my data plan because the data packet is on.
So I had an idea, went to settings-wireless-mobile networks and unchecked "Use Data Packet".
When the above was unchecked, 4G icon disappeared and I could see only WIFI icon on the top bar, which would be good - however, the problem is that now I cannot connect to internet. (I turned the phone on and off- no change)
Does it mean that there is no way on Skyrocket to bypass AT&T data allowance and whether I use 4G or my own WIFI, there is no free internet access on this phone?
Or is there something else I can do to make sure I am connected just to my WIFI and data is free?
I would appreciate your help.
Thank you
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They both should not show up at once unless something that needs access to att data like voicemail is checking for messages. Sounds more like either you are not connecting to your wireless router correctly or the wifi antenna is messed up on your phone.

Well sometimes for me it shows both icons in status bar. All i do is turn off wifi and turn back and the 4G LTE icon disappears.
draztikrhymez said:
They both should not show up at once unless something that needs access to att data like voicemail is checking for messages. Sounds more like either you are not connecting to your wireless router correctly or the wifi antenna is messed up on your phone.
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appdroid said:
Well sometimes for me it shows both icons in status bar. All i do is turn off wifi and turn back and the 4G LTE icon disappears.
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Yea same for me but that means something is not allowing the phone to connect to wifi hence having to turn the wifi radio off n on.
Normally it shouldn't do that. Plus if op restarted the phone entirely and still no connection something is just not establishing the connection correctly

Well not exactly because i did speed test and i got my connection as wireless connection so for me it was fine with both icon.
draztikrhymez said:
Yea same for me but that means something is not allowing the phone to connect to wifi hence having to turn the wifi radio off n on.
Normally it shouldn't do that. Plus if op restarted the phone entirely and still no connection something is just not establishing the connection correctly
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Some functions require the data connection (mms, some syncing etc) and will trigger your data connection even when on wifi
If truly concerned use tasker or juice defender to disable cell data while wifi is on. Or manually turn it off
Or as someone else wifi is not maintaining connection
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using XDA App

Not sure if this will help but there are many apps in the market to help with connection issues. I have two widgets that tells me which one im using and how strong they are just do a search for mobile traffic or cell /wifi. Hope that helps.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium

I think a lot of people are ignoring the op said no data is working at all when trying wifi.
Yes both icons will show sometimes because like mentioned mms, voicemail, etc requires it.
If the phone has no data period even after reboots then wifi is not connecting

Download "My data manager" from the market. It will show you your data useage, both wifi and data. Use that and check to see if you really are using your wifi or if its still using data.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using XDA App

Thank you for all your replies, each one taught me something about this new phone and I downloaded a few of the apps that you mentioned.
So all day I was being very careful about the internet, tracking my 4G/WiFi usage all day and then in the evening my kid pressed on a game icon and some kind of car game downloaded =adding over 70MB to my data transfer right away!! (and my monthly budget is 200MB)
It took a couple of seconds - he actually just pressed on the icon and then pressed home when he saw a car because he decided he doesn't want to play it. But it downloaded anyway! I am so mad!
I think it is unethical and very sneaky of AT&T to place all those unnecessary apps on the phone - especially if they turn out to be so costly.
So the only way to delete all those stupid apps is to root the phone? I am not a programmer and I am so afraid that I am going to mess it up

Don't need to root in order to uninstall apps just go to setting>application>manage application>Downloaded apps> and uninstall them. This is all the bloatware that you don't need so go through carefully and uninstall what you don't need. It will help you increase battery life.
justcalled said:
Thank you for all your replies, each one taught me something about this new phone and I downloaded a few of the apps that you mentioned.
So all day I was being very careful about the internet, tracking my 4G/WiFi usage all day and then in the evening my kid pressed on a game icon and some kind of car game downloaded =adding over 70MB to my data transfer right away!! (and my monthly budget is 200MB)
It took a couple of seconds - he actually just pressed on the icon and then pressed home when he saw a car because he decided he doesn't want to play it. But it downloaded anyway! I am so mad!
I think it is unethical and very sneaky of AT&T to place all those unnecessary apps on the phone - especially if they turn out to be so costly.
So the only way to delete all those stupid apps is to root the phone? I am not a programmer and I am so afraid that I am going to mess it up
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Yes, I noticed that I can remove what I have installed. However, I wanted to get rid of pre-installed apps and their icons. I have not found a way to remove those.

Yes root and Rom toolbox app will help you with that.
justcalled said:
Yes, I noticed that I can remove what I have installed. However, I wanted to get rid of pre-installed apps and their icons. I have not found a way to remove those.
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And if you call Att and tell them that it wasn't authorized they'll credit your account
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium

Your wifi is turned on but you aren't connected to your Hoke network...go to settings>wireless and networks>wifi settings>then pick whichever network is yours and put in a password if it requires one
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium

nthknd ,
I was hoping for that, but when I called AT&T, they didn't want to credit my account, just the opposite, they made me up my data plan to 2G. They said in the beginning people tend to use data more as they explore the new phone - in a few months, once I figure out my monthly usage, I can change my plan and go back to 200MB or whatever.
They also tried to fix my issues with internet (when only WiFi was showing -no 4G- the phone would not connect to internet). So they fixed it and now I have internet access when only WiFi is showing on the top bar.
On the other hand, now 4G completely disappeared! I haven't seen it all day..
Either AT&T is having technical difficulties or I got disconnected from 4G!

Sorry my advise didn't work but they should credit you since your phone malfunction,guess it depends on who you get guess it's a crap shoot.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium

appdroid said:
Well sometimes for me it shows both icons in status bar. All i do is turn off wifi and turn back and the 4G LTE icon disappears.
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Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727

They can't make you!
justcalled said:
nthknd ,
I was hoping for that, but when I called AT&T, they didn't want to credit my account, just the opposite, they made me up my data plan to 2G. They said in the beginning people tend to use data more as they explore the new phone - in a few months, once I figure out my monthly usage, I can change my plan and go back to 200MB or whatever.
They also tried to fix my issues with internet (when only WiFi was showing -no 4G- the phone would not connect to internet). So they fixed it and now I have internet access when only WiFi is showing on the top bar.
On the other hand, now 4G completely disappeared! I haven't seen it all day..
Either AT&T is having technical difficulties or I got disconnected from 4G!
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They can't make you upgrade your data. The guy you talked to is just trying to rip you off so he gets commission for upgrading you to a "better" data plan. It's your account and you can pick what you want for it. If you want 200 MB then call and switch it back and say the last rep said you had to and made you do it.


[Q] Possible to use Android without any data plan at all?

I'm sorry if this has been asked already.
I'm very interested in getting a Samsung Vibrant. I wasn't a big fan of Android at first, but it's really growing on me. However, I have absolutely no interest in getting a data plan -- Everywhere I frequent has open wi-fi. If I got the phone, I know no carrier would let me leave the store without a data plan, so I'd just get one on eBay.
Is it possible to completely disable data, contact/email syncing, cloud connection, etc. and still use the full capabilities of an Android phone through wi-fi without screwing anything up? I've heard that if you don't have a data connection it's possible that your contacts will delete themselves when the phone tries to sync -- Is this true? Is there anything I should know about using Android without data, or are there any apps I should get to help with the whole process?
I have no data plan at all, G1 on T-Mobile. Vibrant shouldn't give you any problems, but if you're worried about contacts deleting (which has never happened to me), you can turn sync on and off, so just toggle it when you connect to wi-fi. Glad to see more interest in Android, hope you can make some contributions to the community.
Thanks for the info -- I didn't know you could actually toggle the syncing!
I hope I get more into Android, too. I'm a huge Windows Mobile person right now, but after looking at the Vibrant, I think I've been converted.
I also hope I can help in the community a bit, too -- I've been coming here for a long time, and I think you guys are amazing at what you do.
guitargler said:
I have no data plan at all, G1 on T-Mobile. Vibrant shouldn't give you any problems, but if you're worried about contacts deleting (which has never happened to me), you can turn sync on and off, so just toggle it when you connect to wi-fi. Glad to see more interest in Android, hope you can make some contributions to the community.
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I'm sorry, I've got one more thing to ask: So can you disable ALL data, except for the phone data (calls, texts, etc.)? I can actually still get apps and do pretty much everything data allows all through wi-fi without any issues?
You can do syncing/cloud connection over WiFi too.
Thee other say my wife forgot to pay her bill.they shut her phone off.. Connected phone to wifi in the house and was able to use google talk email market... No text or calls though
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
well i had a first gen my touch 3g, i unlocked it and put it on att. what i endened up doing was i set up a different apn and since the settings were wrong i couldnt get on the internet. i could be wrong, but i think thats what kept me from getting on the net with it. and then i realized i had a data plan on my contract so i put the correct info for the apn and got data.
U can delete all your APN Info so that your phone will not be able to connect via 3G or Edge only with WIFI ;-)
Have fun with this great os!
There is literally an option in the network settings to disable the "mobile network". This disables internet/3g data traffic but does not affect call/text (that is not considered "data").
Also, Android actually disables the mobile network connection when Wifi is active (at least on CDMA devices)
Awesome, this is exactly what I was looking for. I have no idea why I was told it wasn't worth using Android without data - This all sounds like just what I had planned to do. Thanks, everyone! :-D
deathsled said:
Also, Android actually disables the mobile network connection when Wifi is active (at least on CDMA devices)
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Relying on that alone won't work as soon as you get in the car with the phone...when it loses the wifi connection, it looks for a cell data connection again. You are right though, so long as it has a wifi connection, it doesn't look for 3G data at all.
People say it's no use having Android without data because there's literally TONS of awesome stuff you can do with data (Google Maps walking turn-by-turn, for example. And Zombie, Run!, which is the best game ever made). But if you're like me and are cheap/broke, or you just don't see yourself using data much, you'll be golden. But I think as you get into Android more and discover what you *could* be doing, you'll want to add data. I intend to put data on when I upgrade
i dn't have a data plan and when i attempt to use a data connection w/o wifi i get an msg from my provider (asking if i really want to and telling me how much it will cost). If your provider allows you access to their data network without you agreeing and then charges you that's pretty bull**** and i would definitely switch providers.

A couple fixes for some of our problems

Lets face it. All devices have bugs upon release that the normal person won't care about nor think of it as a bug. This device has it's share but as a reminder. There is no software bug that can't be fixed. By the way, make sure you don't skip the initial setup and if you did just wipe and restore.
1) Some are having a problem when using WiFi. There 4G or 3G data is not turning off and instead of your device using WiFi to exchange data it is using your 4G or 3G data. If you turn WiFi on and don't see a 4G/3G icon in the notification area then your device is working properly in this department.
The Fix: There is three "My Account" apps on our devices and there causing a conflict when 2 or more is running at the same time. To fix this you need to delete all of them (I used Root Explorer). If you use "My Account" you can download the current version from the market. Next, freeze or delete WiFi calling and the T-Mobile app pack. After you have deleted everything you have to reboot your device. Note: While deleting or freezing some of these, you might get some looping force closes. Just simply remove your battery to reboot the device and once it reboots the force closing will be gone.
2) Some are having a problem when moving from cell tower to cell tower. If you are losing a data signal every once in a while but the 4G/3G icon is still showing in the notification area, you need to do the fallowing.
The Fix: Go into your Mobile Network settings and make sure your device is setup to automatically use GSM/WCDMA. Then click on search for networks and at this point you will see T-Mobile UMTS, T-Mobile GSM and ATT GSW. After they appear click on select automatically. While your at it go ahead and click on data roaming since T-Mobile has contracts with other providers so your able to roam on there towers. Don't worry, you won't be charged for roaming since T-Mobile only charges for international roaming. After all this do a reboot.
Some of you think that there is a problem with your battery if your device is showing your "cell standby" above 30%. This is not a problem. Every time you charge your G2X it will reset usage percentages as you know. Well if you emediatly start using your phone and don't put it down for 2 hours than I promise you that your display will be at the top of the list. Obviously if your device stays off for a little bit and upon waking it you look at your battery statistics your going to see Cell standby and Phone idle at the top since the display was off. If your wandering why Cell Standby is using more juice than WiFi it's because when you turn your display off it automatically sleeps your WiFi.
The percentages in your batter statistics need to add up to 100%-105% and something is going to use more than the rest depending on what your doing with your device after removing it from charge. Ask yourself this. If my G2X is in my pocket for 1 hour after removing it from it's charger. What would I like to see using most of my battery? I can tell you right now. Certainly not your display since it's been off the entire time.
There's only one MyAccount app on the phone. I looked myself in the System/app folder. If you see multiple MyAccounts in a task manager it is just another instance of the same application.
Also there's NOTHING wrong with Wifi Calling or My Account. I have both on and use them extensively. My phone has gone now 26hrs without a reboot or hitch of heavy usage. Wifi works, 3G/4G works perfectly. I don't have any issues right now...until the next reboot
Want to give people another perspective since you don't have to give up MyAccount or Wifi caling to have a usable phone.
jrwingate6 said:
Ask yourself this. If my G2X is in my pocket for 1 hour after removing it from it's charger. What would I like to see using most of my battery? I can tell you right now. Certainly not your display since it's been off the entire time.
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Cell standby of course
mobilehavoc said:
There's only one MyAccount app on the phone. I looked myself in the System/app folder. If you see multiple MyAccounts in a task manager it is just another instance of the same application.
Also there's NOTHING wrong with Wifi Calling or My Account. I have both on and use them extensively. My phone has gone now 26hrs without a reboot or hitch of heavy usage. Wifi works, 3G/4G works perfectly. I don't have any issues right now...until the next reboot
Want to give people another perspective since you don't have to give up MyAccount or Wifi caling to have a usable phone.
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Thats WHY you don't have any problems. Because you only have 1 "MyAccount" application. Those of us that had 2 or 3 have the problems. By the way I had 3 and no they weren't showing in task manager. They were all deleted using Root Explorer.
Where did you see them? They were all in system/app??!?
Odd how they could all exist together - were they named differently?
mobilehavoc said:
Where did you see them? They were all in system/app??!?
Odd how they could all exist together - were they named differently?
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Yes, different version numbers and branding included in the apks. I had 2, version 1 and version 5.x.
OP, for some reason when I try Search Networks I get: "Error while searching for networks." Any ideas?
mobilehavoc said:
Where did you see them? They were all in system/app??!?
Odd how they could all exist together - were they named differently?
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They all existed in the system folder. It seemed like instead of the new versions updating the existing app, they were just creating new files. Your right, it is odd but I can see how that would create a problem.
rfm2113 said:
OP, for some reason when I try Search Networks I get: "Error while searching for networks." Any ideas?
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I got the same thing. I had to enable wifi, then shut off wifi calling. Then it worked.
OP, for some reason when I try Search Networks I get: "Error while searching for networks." Any ideas?
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I got the same thing. I had to enable wifi, then shut off wifi calling. Then it worked.
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Worked perfectly, thanks!
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App

Stop internet except wifi ?

I am testing internet browsing on my Galaxy note
so far Wifi conexion is perfect
Thing is inside my house i will only use internet on Wifi not on phone
my Phonecompany charge me 3 euro a day no matter how long I surf web as long there is a conexion active like 1 minute websurfing, that is 90 euro a month
(yea i will change phone company soon)
Until then i need to know how to set the phone that when there is wifi it not use phone conexion
So I already tried press and hold volume and disabling data conexion
but this turn off both phone internet and wifi internet (this is useless except for the moments i just listens to music)
So How do i disable Phone internet but leave Wifi internet
for now the only solution is taking out the sim card but that is a pain everytime
Or does the phone Galaxy note does this automaticly use wifi first then if is no wifi then phone conexion?
You might be able to delete the APN settings. If your phone doesn't have the correct apn your service provider will not allow you to open a data session, only problem is if you want to use data you will have to put the apn back in
You can get widgets on market that will allow you to kill just the data connection and not the wifi one or you can simply edit the apn and change the user name so it can't connect or you could delete it.
Sent from my LG P920 using Tapatalk
mistermentality said:
You can get widgets on market that will allow you to kill just the data connection and not the wifi one
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That is exactly what I need
Please could you do me a favor and find the name of some of those widgets
preferable if they free but if is low cost is okey too.
Go to android market and look for any of the following free apps....
Network switcher widget
Data switch
All will do the job.
Sent from my LG P920 using Tapatalk
Thanks, Anyway If i go into Settings/wifi
there an option to turn off Mobile network
I turned it off, but i think it work same way as Click and hold on power and choose disable data packed
Thing is today it worked turn that off and wifi still on but yesterday it didnt...
but i will try does widgets

[Q] Nexus 5 Mobile Data When on Wifi

Hi all,
I am having an issue with my Nexus 5 using huge amounts of my mobile data (T-Mobile) when connected to wifi even when I'm not using it. What's crazy is that this keeps happening almost exclusively between 2-6am when I'm not awake. It also happens to an even further extent when I'm connected to wifi at work and not using my phone either. Heres a breakdown:
11/12 5:48 AM - 27.57 MB
11/13 3:33 AM - 12.42 MB
11/14 5:15 AM - 14.21 MB
11/12 2:53 PM - 49.57 MB
11/13 2:39 PM - 27.97 MB
I called T-Mobile and they said that it shows that I definitely used my data during those times. I have almost nothing running in the background that uses any data and have turned off my GPS to see if that will help.
Anyone else having the same problems or have any advice?
Only thing that comes to mind is that your wifi connection is being dropped for some reason, and your phone switches to mobile data instead.
About why data is being used at that time, it is very likely that there are some apps that are using background data - you may have disabled this for a bunch of apps, but may have missed some.
Check data usage under settings to see if you can identify the culprit (you can use the sliders to narrow down - though it doesn't seem to let you narrow down to a specific timeframe)
jj14 said:
Only thing that comes to mind is that your wifi connection is being dropped for some reason, and your phone switches to mobile data instead.
About why data is being used at that time, it is very likely that there are some apps that are using background data - you may have disabled this for a bunch of apps, but may have missed some.
Check data usage under settings to see if you can identify the culprit (you can use the sliders to narrow down - though it doesn't seem to let you narrow down to a specific timeframe)
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Where can setup this prioritization? For example if I want the phone to use mobile data and override Wifi?
megakony said:
Where can setup this prioritization? For example if I want the phone to use mobile data and override Wifi?
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I may be mistaken, but I don't think you can do that on stock ROM at least. If WiFi is available, it will always try to use WiFi
For whatever reason, if you want to use Mobile data, you will need to turn WiFi off.
If you always want to use mobile data for a given app or want to use mobile data in a specific time range, you could use tasker app to set up a profile to disable WiFi when that app is launched (or in that time range)
jj14 said:
Only thing that comes to mind is that your wifi connection is being dropped for some reason, and your phone switches to mobile data instead.
About why data is being used at that time, it is very likely that there are some apps that are using background data - you may have disabled this for a bunch of apps, but may have missed some.
Check data usage under settings to see if you can identify the culprit (you can use the sliders to narrow down - though it doesn't seem to let you narrow down to a specific timeframe)
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Thanks. I did check last night to see what apps were using the most data and it was by far feedly but I'm not sure why that would be using data when I'm not awake. Does anyone else have that problem with feedly? Isn't it also strange that it keeps happening at roughly the same times every day?
Also wanted to add that I came from a Galaxy S2 running Cyanogen and never had this issue.
jj14 said:
I may be mistaken, but I don't think you can do that on stock ROM at least. If WiFi is available, it will always try to use WiFi
For whatever reason, if you want to use Mobile data, you will need to turn WiFi off.
If you always want to use mobile data for a given app or want to use mobile data in a specific time range, you could use tasker app to set up a profile to disable WiFi when that app is launched (or in that time range)
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I just checked my gf's Galaxy there when you go to WIFI and access Advanced and there you can set Wifi Sleep policy.
The options I got are "When screen turns off", "Never when plugged in" and "Never"...not really the options I'd imagine for this =)
danotoriusodo said:
Thanks. I did check last night to see what apps were using the most data and it was by far feedly but I'm not sure why that would be using data when I'm not awake. Does anyone else have that problem with feedly? Isn't it also strange that it keeps happening at roughly the same times every day?
Also wanted to add that I came from a Galaxy S2 running Cyanogen and never had this issue.
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Did you check settings on your feedly? It sounds like it does a daily sync which some RSS readers I'd imagine would do.
I don't have feedly on my phone, but if it has some decent settings it should have one to sync only via wifi or similar.
xShadoWxDrifTx said:
Did you check settings on your feedly? It sounds like it does a daily sync which some RSS readers I'd imagine would do.
I don't have feedly on my phone, but if it has some decent settings it should have one to sync only via wifi or similar.
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Yea I checked the feedly settings section and there isn't anything related to sync. The app actually only refreshes when it's opened. For now I went into the "data usage" section on my phone and selected "Restrict background data" for the app. Hopefully that works.
danotoriusodo said:
Yea I checked the feedly settings section and there isn't anything related to sync. The app actually only refreshes when it's opened. For now I went into the "data usage" section on my phone and selected "Restrict background data" for the app. Hopefully that works.
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It actually gets even crazier. Last night before I went to bed I turned off my mobile data by going to setting>data usage and it still shows at 5:19 AM that I used 43 MB of data. I mean the only explanation I could think of is I'm sleep walking and using my phone lol. I called T-Mobile and it definitely shows on their end I did use the data at that time. They also couldn't help me because they don't have the phone yet. Can't believe that no one else is having this problem. Guess I have to contact Google which should be really useful smh.

[Q] Disable WI-FI to Cellular handover (wifi to data fallback)?

Hi there
As you know in lollipop this fall back to data feature exists if the wifi connection has no internet(officially called "WI-FI to Cellular handover").
Has anyone investigated how does the system check for internet connection on wifi? It must ping something on the outside world.
Whats more important is there a way to disable this feature so that the system behaves like in kitkat?
td32 said:
Hi there
As you know in lollipop this fall back to data feature exists if the wifi connection has no internet.
Has anyone investigated how does the system check for internet connection on wifi? It must ping something on the outside world.
Whats more important is there a way to disable this feature so that the system behaves like in kitkat?
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It pings Google's servers.
I don't understand why google hasn't offered a switch(on-off) for this. I can imagine some situations where this is quite bad. Imagine you have a small data plan and you use wifi to download stuff and suddenly wifi stops reaching the internet so the connection falls back to data and all your data plan is vanished in just a few minutes.
There must be a switch for disabling this feature.
td32 said:
I don't understand why google hasn't offered a switch(on-off) for this. I can imagine some situations where this is quite bad. Imagine you have a small data plan and you use wifi to download stuff and suddenly wifi stops reaching the internet so the connection falls back to data and all your data plan is vanished in just a few minutes.
There must be a switch for disabling this feature.
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Click to collapse
Just turn off data? lol
enable wifi-> remember to disable data
disable wifi-> remember to enable data
why do this shi" every time you switch to&back form wifi when you can set it ONCE for all, and let it work as it should!!
td32 said:
enable wifi-> remember to disable data
disable wifi-> remember to enable data
why do this shi" every time you switch to&back form wifi when you can set it ONCE for all, and let it work as it should!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I always did it since GB so no big deal to me I guess lol, could be annoying for others.
still annoying
It is some time later but I have a particularly annoying issue with this, nothing to do with data volumes. I used to really like the feature but recently I have had to use gconnect on an internal network to sign in, by the time I have signed on the network is on 4g and he request doesn't go through. Annoyingly now I need to disconnect mobile data in order to login to my companies wifi.
Just a little inconvenient. I dont suppose anyone has a better solution?

