Im trying to teach myself kernel development and how to use Git/Github. I've gotten a few of the basics down, but when I try and cherry-pick some commits it adds some lines to files that break the whole thing eg "<<<<<< HEAD".
For example, in 'Makefile':
<<<<<<< HEAD
<<<<<<< HEAD
<<<<<<< HEAD
<<<<<<< HEAD
<<<<<<< HEAD
<<<<<<< HEAD
<<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>>> e3f92e4... 3.4.62
>>>>>>> 53ee252... Linux 3.4.63
>>>>>>> 6516ea4... Linux 3.4.64
>>>>>>> e6d5004... 3.4.65
>>>>>>> 53e478a... 3.4.66
>>>>>>> 8121072... 3.4.67
>>>>>>> 132920f... 3.4.0 - 3.4.61
NAME = Saber-toothed Squirrel
What am I doing wrong & how do I stop git from doing this? Any help is much appreciated
Hi, i am interested in uni deep. can someone tell me, which code and which programs are loaded after reset? I mean what uni do from reset to start wm6. Many thanks for any advice
want info ?
uni boot registry
"SYSTEM/DevMgrApiSetReady"="Device Manager APIs ready"
"SYSTEM/PowerManagerReady"="Power Manager APIs ready"
"{A32942B7-920C-486b-B0E6-92A702A99B35}"="Generic power-manageable devices"
"{8DD679CE-8AB4-43c8-A14A-EA4963FAA715}"="Power-manageable block devices"
"{98C5250D-C29A-4985-AE5F-AFE5367E5006}"="Power-manageable NDIS miniports"
"{EB91C7C9-8BF6-4a2d-9AB8-69724EED97D1}"="Power-manageable display"
"Default"=dword:0 ; D0
"Default"=dword:3 ; D3
"Flags"=dword:200000 ; POWER_STATE_SUSPEND
"Default"=dword:4 ; D4
"Flags"=dword:800000 ; POWER_STATE_RESET
"Default"=dword:4 ; D4
"Flags"=dword:800000 ; POWER_STATE_RESET
"Default"=dword:4 ; D4
"Default"=dword:2 ; D2
"Flags"=dword:1000000 ; POWER_STATE_USERIDLE
"bkl1:"=dword:4 ; backlight off
"Default"=dword:4 ; D4 ; display off
"Default"=dword:0 ; D0
"Flags"=dword:10010000 ; POWER_STATE_ON | POWER_STATE_PASSWORD
"bkl1:"=dword:4 ; backlight off
"Default"=dword:0 ; D0
"Flags"=dword:100000 ; POWER_STATE_IDLE
"bkl1:"=dword:4 ; backlight off
"Default"=dword:4 ; D4
"Default"=dword:0 ; D0
"wav1:"=dword:4 ; sound disabled
"bkl1:"=dword:4 ; backlight off
"Default"=dword:4 ; D4
"Default"=dword:2 ; D2
"Flags"=dword:10000000 ; POWER_STATE_PASSWORD
"bkl1:"=dword:4 ; backlight off
"Default"=dword:4 ; D4
"SystemPriority256"=dword:F8 ; 248 - THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL
"TimeoutMs"=dword:64 ; in milli seconds
"ACSuspendTimeout"=dword:0 ; timeout disabled on AC power
"ACResumingSuspendTimeout"=dword:F ; 15 seconds
"BattSuspendTimeout"=dword:B4 ; 3 minutes (180 seconds) on battery
"BattResumingSuspendTimeout"=dword:F ; 15 seconds
"SYSTEM/GweApiSetReady"="Event triggered after GWES registers its API sets"
"SystemHive"="Documents and Settings\\system.hv"
"ProfileDir"="Documents and Settings"
"DefaultDBVol"="Documents and Settings\\default.vol"
"FriendlyName"="FAT FileSystem"
"FriendlyName"="Image-Update Filesystem"
"Folder"="Mounted Volume"
"Folder"="Flash Disk"
"Name"="FLASH Disk Block Device"
"Name"="IDE CDROM/DVD Drive"
"Folder"="CDROM Drive"
part 2
"DirsToExclude"=multi_sz: "\\mxip_initdb.vol",
"\\Documents and Settings\\default\\user.hv",
"\\Documents and Settings\\system.hv",
"\\Windows\\Profiles\\guest\\Temporary Internet Files\\",
"MountFlags"=dword:1 ; hides the release directory from enumeration
"SYSTEM/NLedAPIsReady"="Notification LED APIs"
"Name"="DiskOnChip M-Systems"
"DataCacheSize"=dword:00000080 ;128 sectors(128*512=64KB)
"Index" = dword:3
"Order" = dword:0
"Ioctl" = dword:4
"Use8Bit" = dword:1
"WindowBase" = dword:00000000
"AutoDPDMode" = dword:1
"DataCacheSize"=dword:00000080 ;128 sectors(128*512=64KB)
"Index" = dword:2
"Dll" = "TrueFFS_G3.dll"
"Prefix" = "DSK"
"Order" = dword:1
"Ioctl" = dword:4
"Use8Bit" = dword:1
"WindowBase" = dword:00000000
"AutoDPDMode" = dword:1
"order"=dword:1 ; must be loaded before other filters
init section
Thanks, but i mean one file which or code which is first to load system that on pc. I think that must be similar like pc but i dont know. There must be some code to init system. If someone know which or where the code is, please post
Read MSDN. Win CE 5.0 boot process is described there.
ftoz said:
Thanks, but i mean one file which or code which is first to load system that on pc. I think that must be similar like pc but i dont know. There must be some code to init system. If someone know which or where the code is, please post
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I believe you mean NK.Exe (The kernel), please see the two links below on MSDN for more info.
Hi everyone!
I want to run my Waltop Graphic Tablet(VendorID=172f ProductID=0032 Version=0110) on my Android Tablet. It is not directly supported, so I generated a file with the name Vendor_172f_Model_0037_Version_0110.idc with the content:
# touch.deviceType = touchScreen | touchPad | pointer | default
touch.deviceType = pointer
# orientationAware
# touch.orientationAware = 0 or 1
touch.orientationAware = 1
# gestureMode
# Definition: touch.gestureMode = pointer | spots | default
touch.gestureMode = pointer
# Definition: device.internal = 0 | 1
device.internal = 0
This file I copied to /system/usr/idc
Sadly nothing happened. I found this stuff in an old thread here, where it worked. So if anyone knows about this kind of stuff you might want to tell me: Did I something wrong? And if not how do I check if android even uses the idc file when I plug in my Graphic Tablet
ok i have this question :
Study and execute the following program in CMAP:
{ // Find the Machine Epsilon: the smallest positive number E such that 1+E > 1
E = 1; N = 0;
print(^" N E ");
E = E/2; N = N+1;
print(^, "%3.0f", N, "%25.16e", E);
} while (1+E/2 != 1);
print(^^," 1+E/2 > 1 : ", 1+E/2 > 1, ^^," 1+E > 1 : ", 1+E > 1);
(a) The objective of the program.
(b) Two new versions of the same program: one with the while-loop, and
the other with the for-loop—Make sure they all produce identical output.
now i managed to do the (b) part of the program and had the following results:
print(" N E");
N = 0;
for( E = 1; E = E/2; 1+E/2 != 1)
{ N = N+1;
print(^, "%3.0f", N, "%25.16e", E);
if( 1+E/2 == 1 )
print(^^," 1+E/2 > 1 : ", 1+E/2 > 1, ^^," 1+E > 1 : ", 1+E > 1);
E = 1; N = 0;
print(^" N E ");
while (1+E/2 != 1)
E = E/2; N = N+1;
print(^, "%3.0f", N, "%25.16e", E);
print(^^," 1+E/2 > 1 : ", 1+E/2 > 1, ^^," 1+E > 1 : ", 1+E > 1);
k now what i want to know is, the part (a) of the question, as i didnt really understand what does this program do.. i mean what is its purpose, because after executing the program, this is what it showed me:
1 5.0000000000000000e-001
2 2.5000000000000000e-001
3 1.2500000000000000e-001
4 6.2500000000000000e-002
5 3.1250000000000000e-002
6 1.5625000000000000e-002
7 7.8125000000000000e-003
8 3.9062500000000000e-003
9 1.9531250000000000e-003
10 9.7656250000000000e-004
11 4.8828125000000000e-004
12 2.4414062500000000e-004
13 1.2207031250000000e-004
14 6.1035156250000000e-005
15 3.0517578125000000e-005
16 1.5258789062500000e-005
17 7.6293945312500000e-006
18 3.8146972656250000e-006
19 1.9073486328125000e-006
20 9.5367431640625000e-007
21 4.7683715820312500e-007
22 2.3841857910156250e-007
23 1.1920928955078125e-007
24 5.9604644775390625e-008
25 2.9802322387695313e-008
26 1.4901161193847656e-008
27 7.4505805969238281e-009
28 3.7252902984619141e-009
29 1.8626451492309570e-009
30 9.3132257461547852e-010
31 4.6566128730773926e-010
32 2.3283064365386963e-010
33 1.1641532182693481e-010
34 5.8207660913467407e-011
35 2.9103830456733704e-011
36 1.4551915228366852e-011
37 7.2759576141834259e-012
38 3.6379788070917130e-012
39 1.8189894035458565e-012
40 9.0949470177292824e-013
41 4.5474735088646412e-013
42 2.2737367544323206e-013
43 1.1368683772161603e-013
44 5.6843418860808015e-014
45 2.8421709430404007e-014
46 1.4210854715202004e-014
47 7.1054273576010019e-015
48 3.5527136788005009e-015
49 1.7763568394002505e-015
50 8.8817841970012523e-016
51 4.4408920985006262e-016
52 2.2204460492503131e-016
1+E/2 > 1 : 0
1+E > 1 : 1
so if anyone know its purpose plz do tell, thanks in advance...
I have noticed a discrepancy which I am unable to understand and appreciate if someone can provide a clarification in case they have noticed the same issue. I tried to split (using unmkbootimg) boot.img (from Xiaomi Mi MAX update ROMs) and merged it back (using mkbootimg) and found that the newly made boot.img was smaller by 1354 bytes. Appreciate your reply if I am missing anything.
% ls -l boot.img ../boot.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 skanduru skanduru 12924234 Jan 1 2009 ../boot.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 skanduru skanduru 12922880 Jan 15 01:07 boot_new.img
% cat output.txt
# kernel written to 'kernel' (10172221 bytes)
# ramdisk written to 'ramdisk.cpio.gz' (2746601 bytes)
# To rebuild this boot image, you can use the command:
mkbootimg --base 0 --pagesize 2048 --kernel_offset 0x80008000 --ramdisk_offset 0x81000000 --second_offset 0x80f00000 --tags_offset 0x80000100 --cmdline
'console=ttyHSL0,115200,n8 androidboot.console=ttyHSL0 androidboot.hardware=qcom msm_rtb.filter=0x237 ehci-hcd.park=3 androidboot.bootdevice=7824900.sdhci
lpm_levels.sleep_disabled=1 earlyprintk ramoops_memreserve=4M' --kernel kernel --ramdisk ramdisk.cpio.gz -o boot_new.img
A bindiff of the two images shows that the original boot.img has some stuff (1354 bytes) appended at the bottom which makes the difference. The net result is the boot_new.img doesn't boot up. Just wondering if someone has seen this issue.
boot image to try
The link to boot.img image to try out mkbootimg issue. We can see that @C53000, the original boot.img has extra stuff (1374 bytes).
Image can be downloaded from (Couldn't update it in the previous query)
s000 DOT tinyupload DOT com/?file_id=42124441031490820660
skanduru said:
The link to boot.img image to try out mkbootimg issue. We can see that @C53000, the original boot.img has extra stuff (1374 bytes).
Image can be downloaded from (Couldn't update it in the previous query)
s000 DOT tinyupload DOT com/?file_id=42124441031490820660
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Could be an issue with Xiaomi image as it doesn't specify second_bootloader size, but appends it. Tried this change and it works. Not sure if it might be the case for potentially other manufacturer's boot.img. Posting it if it could be of some use.
--- a/mkbootimg/unmkbootimg.c
+++ b/mkbootimg/unmkbootimg.c
@@ -80,6 +80,30 @@ int usage(void)
return 1;
+int maybe_fix_second_image_size(boot_img_hdr *hdr, void *file_data)
+ int offset = ((hdr->kernel_size + hdr->ramdisk_size
+ + 2*hdr->page_size - 1) / hdr->page_size) * hdr->page_size;
+ char *second_image = ((char *)file_data + offset);
+ u_int16_t *s = (u_int16_t *) second_image;
+ int is_second_image_true = 0;
+ if (s[0]) {
+ /*
+ * Second_image does exist ! Calculate the size and fix the
+ * size in hdr.
+ */
+ int size = 0;
+ while (s[0]) {
+ size += 2;
+ s++;
+ }
+ hdr->second_size = size;
+ is_second_image_true = 1;
+ }
+ return is_second_image_true;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
void *file_data = 0;
@@ -160,7 +184,13 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- if(hdr->second_size != 0) {
+ /*
+ * Even though the second_size is 0, some vendors may place secondary
+ * image there, for ex. Xiaomi. In such a case do calculate the size
+ * based on termination with a null.
+ * XXX: Temp fix.
+ */
+ if(hdr->second_size != 0 || maybe_fix_second_image_size(hdr, file_data)) {
offset = ((hdr->kernel_size + hdr->ramdisk_size
+ 2*hdr->page_size - 1) / hdr->page_size) * hdr->page_size;
if (save_file(second_fn, &((char *)file_data)[offset],
Hi. I think I might have toasted my s7 while trying to flash the firmware. I had loaded a combination file that got it into some sort of diagnostic/developer mode but nothing I did would get it out of that mode. so I tried again and now when I try to get it into download mode (sound down, home and power) I get the following
[ RST_STAT = 0x1000000 ]
EVT 2.0
ASV TBL VER = 10. grade = C
ETC : Paaa005q
CHIP_ID = 07b5ce94b658
CHIP_ID = 0000000
MNGS:36'APOLLO:39'C G3D:39'C ISP:39'C
% 1 <5 P._ 'd h %! ? Ir : 0x8 '! f @ %! ?
% 1 <5 D ' ,_%!
any suggestions with this mess?