Untangle Block from link posted by developer - General Topics

I recently purchased an Ainol Novo 8, and decided to do a search and see what ROM's are out there for the device. Google came with the below thread at the top of the list. When I clicked on the link provided by the dev, apparently which goes to his website, containing his ROM for the device. My Untangle server blocked the website with a Malicious Content Warning. See the attached screenshot of the warning, below is the link to the thread and a link to Untangle in case you are not familiar with it. I have used Untangle for many years, and have never had a false positive, it is open source and a commercial application, they are very diligent in their work.
This is disconcerting, if this developer is attempting to install malicious code into browser's that visit his website, what is he putting in his rom's? I certainly hope it is a false positive, Administrators can certainly contact Untangle directly and get their opinion. I think for right now, I will stay away from this website and it's developers, until I am fully assured that no malicious intent is intended.


Suggestion: Dangerous programs sticky thread.

This is a suggestion / request to the mods as well as an invitation to all site members to contribute any info they have on this.
At the moment there are no real viruses for windows mobile devices, only a few proofs of concept.
But I have encountered a few examples of supposedly normal commercial software that I really wouldn't want installed on my phone.
Example 1:
A while back a small company (who's name I no longer remember) sent a letter to all its customers threatening that the anti-piracy protection on their software will damage your bootloader if a cracked version of one of their apps is discovered on your phone.
Example 2:
It was reported a while back that Agile Messenger sent user names and passwords for all messenger services unencrypted through the net potentially giving anyone access to your accounts.
Example 3:
While reading the EULA for Opera Mini I discovered it sends users phone number and all their browsing data (cookies, history, cache) to the Opera ASA server basically spying on your internet activities.
Unfortunately all the threads dealing with these otherwise nice and useful apps have now moved deep in to site history so any new users or just someone who haven't been on the site for a while is likely to miss them.
My proposal is this:
Create a sticky locked thread, I think the general section would be most appropriate, so anyone visiting the site would be able to see the list of programs he might want to avoid.
Why lock the thread?
As I understand it moderators can still edit locked threads any time they want so there are two reasons to keep it locked from the general public:
1) To keep the list clear and easily readable.
I am sure many people will want to comment on the software even if it is just to say "how dare they do this?", but any comments / questions would be better off in separate threads.
2) To be fair to the software creators.
I think that anyone making a claim against a software should provide some minimum proof. Like the email quoted in example one, comm log dump or screen shots. At the very list confirmation from other users.
This site has a lot of impact on the mobile community and it would be a shame if a wrongfully accused software would suffer due to being publicized as damaging here.

Job Posting Share: Android Developer

I found this listing while applying for a position in the consulting and finance industries and it looked like something one of the Devs here might be interested in.
I don't know if I'm allowed to do this, so if a MOD could set me a pm if not, I'll happily remove this posting so you don't have to.
ANDROID DEVELOPER needed for the development of interfaces with Web Services using Android API. The term of the project will be long term if the candidate performs well.
The rest of the posting can be found in the zip file below. There is a pdf of the posting at the University of Rochester Career search site, as well as the posting's original listing at Dice.com, which I find easier to read.

Paid APK Hacking... specifically Escort Live

Hi Everyone, long time reader, modder, flasher, 0 time poster:.
I just wanted to get a gauge on the community's attitude towards hacking a paid application. Not for the intent of making it free, but for the intent of making it work!
You see, There's an app out there called "Escort Live!". Don't get me wrong, it's a great app as it integrates with your radar detector and laser jammers while driving... but it's rife with issues that the company just hasn't been able to address... see the following forum for more information on that:
I can't outside link yet due to the post count, but you can find all of the issues on escort live! for android's forums. I'm sure you can google them.
So... I made a post to try and help the community out by decompiling the 2.04apk hosted on their site... not even their latest version... with Virtuous 10 Studios, and Informed the community of the Sloppy Dev work, and that I would try to fix the issues with our specific phones (Motorola based).
2 days after that post was made...
I get permanently banned. no reason given.
They then pulled the old .apk's off of their site, so I've conveniently uploaded it to mega upload so everyone can see the crappy dev work for themselves... again... can't post links yet, but if someone with a post count pms me I'll send it to them.
I don't have enough of a post count to make a dev project out of this yet either, but as soon as I do then I'll post the progress on of the project on github.
If anyone would like to join in the effort to give PAYING CUSTOMERS a functioning apk to use with their phones... volunteers are more than welcome, especially those with java / xml experience.
I have a wordpress site that I can't link here, but it's my first name Philip Last Name Cabibi at wordpress if you're interested in tracking the issue with the full links.
market link
From a technical standpoint the app is free (with premium subscription options) and I can only assume there's some sort of verification process for that subscription so as long as that's kept in I would think this is certainly acceptable though I'm not sure what your post actually said
did find this though (basically just talks about it and then links here and the blog) relevant post on his blog is here
@ University of Pi...
You are correct... It's a free app; however, in order to all the app to connect with your escort compatible radar detector, one must purchase a separate cord, and pay for a yearly subscription of about 79.95.
Full disclosure: the management at escort has been nothing but professional, and have extended the subscription of the beta testers for another year as a result of all the bugs.
The problem though is the lack of updates. Alot of us have invested alot of money into the app. Cost of Radar detector, Cost of the special chord, plus the cost of the subscription. New users, unfortunately, don't get the benifit of the extended subscription.
The point is... is that users of certain phones, paid for a product, and the product isn't functioning correctly. The reasons for this are the sub-standard programming of the devs. No notation on the methods in the smali files, poorly designed xml arrays, cryptic variable definitions, etc.
Personally, I feel as if the management have no control over the fixing of the problems, and are handcuffed, because the initial developer purposefully made the program extremely difficult for a new developer to come in and fix the issues, as a result of the poor structure of the program itself.
Anyway, glad to see you found those links... Thank you... didn't know that another thread was made requesting information about what happened to the original thread (they are correct, I in no way posted the entire source code of the program on their site) What I did was point out the flaws, and logcat results that tell a completely different story regarding the root issues effecting motorola devices than what the devs have told management, and as a result, what management has in turn relayed to the users.
Unfortunately, I can't follow up in the forum as I am permanently banned, but I, and many others, really just want the program to work correctly. It's an excellent concept and it's a shame that Escort is resorting to these types of tactics in an attempt to prevent the open source community from improving their product.
I'm sure even with the improvements, a subscription fee would still be required; however, the original concept of the OP was to convey the fact that it's possible for the open source community to bypass the "premium features".
I don't condone this; however, it's a difficult pill to swallow when faced between choosing the ethical choice.... paying the yearly subscription for a poorly functioning app... or sideloading a fully functioning app created by an open source community because the official developers aren't making any progress.
Would any other senior devs on this site wish to chime in on this?
You should have never been banned from there...but hey...no good deed goes unpunished right?
I've had EL for quite some time and it's irritating to no end to see how flawed it is. It's a shame that they won't welcome help and instead act that way toward people trying to do something good for them.
Hacking and posting an app that uses paid services is considered warez and will not allowed to be posted here nor will any help be given in doing so.

Redistributing a GPLv3 software

Hi guys,
Feel free to redirect me to the right forum.
I downloaded an Android game on Google Play the other day and visited the author's site. His source code was made available as open source and under GPLv3 license.
So I decided to take the code, make the game easier and redistribute it on Google Play.
One week after, Google Play shuts down my app with this as the reason:
"Violation of the intellectual property and impersonation or deceptive behavior provisions of the Content Policy. Please refer to the IP infringement and impersonation policy help article for more information."
I'm not sure I understand GPLv3 properly. I would like to know what I did wrong. I thought I was free to modify the code and redistribute it. All I can think of is, maybe, it's because I I had not posted yet my source code, but I was ready to give it to whomever asks for it. I was thinking maybe I forgot to modify the "About" box and mentionned in that box that I modified the code. I am still am very confused about this and any help would be greatly appreciated.

hihonor community removed?

I've noticed that the HiHonor community has been removed ( https://community.hihonor.com/ ). All messages have been deleted. Has anyone received a message/notification regarding its removal?
Links in HiCare app also lead to the same non-existing community, indicating that this has not been so carefully planned.
A new(?) thing called "Honor Club" is now linked on the website under "Community", but there is no associated forum. Tbh, the forum itself didn't add much of a value anyway, however I don't know if this is a sign of bigger changes in general..

