VZW ROMs/root/recovery work on metroPCS S3? - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S III

Hey, I apologize if this isnt the forum for this, but I'm looking for a way to get my friend's metro PCS S3 rooted recovered and rom'd. Now, there doesn't seem to be a wealth of information on it, but I figured that the vzw and metro variants are pretty similar as they're both CDMA, and found some guy on a forum *somewhere* saying you could flash over roms and get everything to work, but he didn't really elaborate on that any. I'm pretty lost here, I don't even know if the metro PCS s3 bootloader is locked or not, but any information would be helpful.

youwonder said:
Hey, I apologize if this isnt the forum for this, but I'm looking for a way to get my friend's metro PCS S3 rooted recovered and rom'd. Now, there doesn't seem to be a wealth of information on it, but I figured that the vzw and metro variants are pretty similar as they're both CDMA, and found some guy on a forum *somewhere* saying you could flash over roms and get everything to work, but he didn't really elaborate on that any. I'm pretty lost here, I don't even know if the metro PCS s3 bootloader is locked or not, but any information would be helpful.
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Starting off the MetroPCS Galaxy S3 has a unlocked bootloader. To root the device you can use the US Cellular version of CF-AUTO Root http://download.chainfire.eu/230/CF-Root/CF-Auto-Root/CF-Auto-Root-d2usc-d2usc-schr530u.zip. You can get CWMR for your device here http://download2.clockworkmod.com/recoveries/recovery-clockwork- or if you prefer the touch version of CWMR http://download2.clockworkmod.com/recoveries/recovery-clockwork-touch- As far using VZW ROMs I have also seen people use them and they usually work fine except for data and sms/mms problems however some APN tweaking should solve these problems.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium

shimp208 said:
Starting off the MetroPCS Galaxy S3 has a unlocked bootloader. To root the device you can use the US Cellular version of CF-AUTO Root http://download.chainfire.eu/230/CF-Root/CF-Auto-Root/CF-Auto-Root-d2usc-d2usc-schr530u.zip. You can get CWMR for your device here http://download2.clockworkmod.com/recoveries/recovery-clockwork- or if you prefer the touch version of CWMR http://download2.clockworkmod.com/recoveries/recovery-clockwork-touch- As far using VZW ROMs I have also seen people use them and they usually work fine except for data and sms/mms problems however some APN tweaking should solve these problems.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium
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Thanks for the help
>however some APN tweaking should solve these problems.
any further info on this?

youwonder said:
Thanks for the help
>however some APN tweaking should solve these problems.
any further info on this?
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If you go under settings>more settings> wireless and networks>mobile networks>acess point names or similar you should be able to edit the APN settings which provide the information you need to send and receive data and sms/mms. For a good ROM I would recommend taking a look at CM 10 or CM 10.1 nightly builds from here.


[Q] samsung galaxy sII virgin mobile wrong kernal! heI i

so i recently read a thread on howardforums on now to root virgin mobile's samsung galaxy sII. i just got one for christmas and wanted to try it out. apparently i used the wrong kernal when flashing it over to my phone using odin as they specified. so when it was done i attempted to turn the phone on and all i got was the samsung galaxy sII logo and a yellow triangle. i have tried every way i know possible to get this off of my phone. i even went as far as to research repairing this problem using the siyah kernal. i can longer start my phone i can however get into download mode and recovery mode. i have tried to do a factory reset over ten times but it doesnt work. the only other thing i can think of is to flash the original stock firmware over to the phone and hope for the best. does anyone A: know where i could get the original firmware for the phone or B: have any better suggestions on how to fix this issue. i would greatly appreciate is as it was a gift from my mom and i dont have insurance on the line and even if i did. they wouldnt take it back because they would find out that i rooted it. and i cannot afford to go out and buy a new one any time soon. once again any help is much appreciated please get back to me ASAP!! i've learned my lesson and if i can get back to factory settings i am not going to root this phone ever again!!!
Yes, wiping and flashing the stock ROM is what you need to do.
To find it, try going to your device's forum (and/or searching) - and make sure it's for the correct carrier.
Mistakes happen, it's okay. If you'd still like root access, just go slowly and re-read everything a couple of times before putting it to practice.
Edit : Also, take a look into how to make back-ups of your phone - that way you can try things and not have to worry about losing everything and having to start over.
wick3dxero said:
so i recently read a thread on howardforums on now to root virgin mobile's samsung galaxy sII. i just got one for christmas and wanted to try it out. apparently i used the wrong kernal when flashing it over to my phone using odin as they specified. so when it was done i attempted to turn the phone on and all i got was the samsung galaxy sII logo and a yellow triangle. i have tried every way i know possible to get this off of my phone. i even went as far as to research repairing this problem using the siyah kernal. i can longer start my phone i can however get into download mode and recovery mode. i have tried to do a factory reset over ten times but it doesnt work. the only other thing i can think of is to flash the original stock firmware over to the phone and hope for the best. does anyone A: know where i could get the original firmware for the phone or B: have any better suggestions on how to fix this issue. i would greatly appreciate is as it was a gift from my mom and i dont have insurance on the line and even if i did. they wouldnt take it back because they would find out that i rooted it. and i cannot afford to go out and buy a new one any time soon. once again any help is much appreciated please get back to me ASAP!! i've learned my lesson and if i can get back to factory settings i am not going to root this phone ever again!!!
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Double check your model number. It will be printed on the label underneath the battery. I believe the Virgin Mobile Galaxy SII is the SPH-D710 (aka the Epic 4g Touch), NOT the GT-i9100. This is the forum for the i9100. If your model number reads as SPH-D710, then you're looking in the wrong forum. The i9100 doesn't even work on the same network as the Epic 4g Touch. Firmwares and kernels for the i9100 won't work on the Epic 4g Touch.
Epic 4g Touch forum: http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1281
ctomgee said:
Double check your model number. It will be printed on the label underneath the battery. I believe the Virgin Mobile Galaxy SII is the SPH-D710 (aka the Epic 4g Touch), NOT the GT-i9100. This is the forum for the i9100. If your model number reads as SPH-D710, then you're looking in the wrong forum. The i9100 doesn't even work on the same network as the Epic 4g Touch. Firmwares and kernels for the i9100 won't work on the Epic 4g Touch.
Epic 4g Touch forum: http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1281
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You're right mine is the SPH-D710. thank you. i went to samsung mobile and put the sprint firmware for the SPH-D710 on my phone. but now my issue is that when i turn the phone on it loads up the sprint logo instead of the virgin one and it now has all the stock sprint apps instead of virgin ones. andddd. the most annoyhign of them all. i cannot get MMS messages to download no matter what i do. i've tried searching online for what to do i have found this Menu>settings>wireless and networks>more...>mobile networks> press menu> press ADD apn...etc etc. the issue for me is i get to mobile networks and hit menu and it does absolutely nothing at all. i have downloaded numerous apps like chomp sms. go sms pro. hancent sms. nothing helps. though this sprint firmware is fine for now. i'd love to know where to get the stock virgin firmware Samsung Mobile doesnt seem to have it. if anyone knows where to get it i'd appreciate the help i know i am posting in the wrong forum. i'm pretty much a noob at this. and now that its got sprint firmware on it i dont know if i can take it to a sprint store to have them fix it especially since my phone does say that it has been rooted in the past when i go into download mode. but however it does say i am running stock at the current moment....someone please help!! ((
wick3dxero said:
You're right mine is the SPH-D710. thank you. i went to samsung mobile and put the sprint firmware for the SPH-D710 on my phone. but now my issue is that when i turn the phone on it loads up the sprint logo instead of the virgin one and it now has all the stock sprint apps instead of virgin ones. andddd. the most annoyhign of them all. i cannot get MMS messages to download no matter what i do. i've tried searching online for what to do i have found this Menu>settings>wireless and networks>more...>mobile networks> press menu> press ADD apn...etc etc. the issue for me is i get to mobile networks and hit menu and it does absolutely nothing at all. i have downloaded numerous apps like chomp sms. go sms pro. hancent sms. nothing helps. though this sprint firmware is fine for now. i'd love to know where to get the stock virgin firmware Samsung Mobile doesnt seem to have it. if anyone knows where to get it i'd appreciate the help i know i am posting in the wrong forum. i'm pretty much a noob at this. and now that its got sprint firmware on it i dont know if i can take it to a sprint store to have them fix it especially since my phone does say that it has been rooted in the past when i go into download mode. but however it does say i am running stock at the current moment....someone please help!! ((
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Dude. Why don't you ask in the Epic 4g Touch forum? Users of that device would be more likely to know where to find what you're looking for.
i did that already bro
wick3dxero said:
i did that already bro
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It's a start. Now just stop opening multiple threads for the same issue.
ctomgee said:
Dude. Why don't you ask in the Epic 4g Touch forum? Users of that device would be more likely to know where to find what you're looking for.
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ya know not for nothing i came onto this forum for help and u told me to post the question in the right forum so i did. so i have no idea why you're getting upset about 2 open threads on the same subject when it was done via your suggestion....
wick3dxero said:
ya know not for nothing i came onto this forum for help and u told me to post the question in the right forum so i did. so i have no idea why you're getting upset about 2 open threads on the same subject when it was done via your suggestion....
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You opened two threads. One in the Epic 4g Touch General section, and one in the Epic 4g Touch Q&A section. Forum rules state to only post once for a particular issue.

Verizon Galaxy Note 10.1 SCH-i925

Does anyone know how I can root this device? It is locked to Verizon, but if the custom roms work on it, and standard rooting works with it, then all is well.
I received this as a bogus ebay purchase. I bid on a N8000, but received this SCH-i925.. For the most part, I just want root, and am not overly concerned about custom roms... I just don't know what the differences with this model is from any of the N80** models are..
Thanks for the info guys!
Well, the ExynosAbuse exploit worked for root, now I need to figure out how to add the Bell APN info to it.. anyone know how to enable the option to add APN info to the SCH-i925? Or if I can use the N8000 recoveries and ROMs out there?
Cyric78 said:
Well, the ExynosAbuse exploit worked for root, now I need to figure out how to add the Bell APN info to it.. anyone know how to enable the option to add APN info to the SCH-i925? Or if I can use the N8000 recoveries and ROMs out there?
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The Verizon tablet is LTE, the 8000 is 3G so you'll probably brick your tablet if you use anything but a ROM for an LTE tablet. I'm surprised that the Exynos Abuse exploit worked since Samsung supposedly included it's patch in the version of Jellybean shipping in the Verizon LTE tablet.
Where did you get your verizon note verizon keeps telling me they are not out yet
Sent from my GT-N8013 using xda app-developers app
Damn man I have been looking for this tablet.
I'll very happily buy this off you and give you my N8000....I've been trying to get my hands on the LTE version...
You should have said something over a week ago. I am in the process of fighting with the eBay seller I got it from. He is trying to rip me off for the tablet.
Sent from my GT-P7500 using Tapatalk 2
How much did you pay for it? can you give me the link on ebay where you bought it from? I have been looking all over waiting anxiously to get my hands on that verizon note 10.1. You already sent it back to him or is it still with you?
Are you kidding me? I'm possibly down what I paid for the tablet, and you want a link to it? Send me $700, and I'll point you in his direction.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
Cyric78 said:
Are you kidding me? I'm possibly down what I paid for the tablet, and you want a link to it? Send me $700, and I'll point you in his direction.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
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Post it on ebay or something and I'll buy it for $700.
I am waiting on this also. let us know
drozek said:
I am waiting on this also. let us know
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The note 10.1 LTE cannot be used with another carrier in the US. Verizon won't unlock it. They say it is already unlocked so that you won't bother them anymore.
Satan's LTE Note 10.1
Cyric78 said:
Well, the ExynosAbuse exploit worked for root, now I need to figure out how to add the Bell APN info to it.. anyone know how to enable the option to add APN info to the SCH-i925? Or if I can use the N8000 recoveries and ROMs out there?
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This is classic Verizon Crap, hereinafter referred to as "Satan". I don't know what deal Samsung's GT-N8020 made with the devil in the US but it is clearly only being served as a SCH-I925. I will be watching , listening and offering what ever I can to help restore order to my newly purchased Note 10.1.
Please see solution for VZW Note II for your APN fix http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2044449
No custom Roms until someone unlocks the boot loader! Watching this post for progress http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=39116676
Watch http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2252630
For Adam Outler and teams SCH-I925 unlock progress
Sent from my GT-N8020 using XDA Premium HD app
waston2013 said:
Watch http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2252630
For Adam Outler and teams SCH-I925 unlock progress
Sent from my GT-N8020 using XDA Premium HD app
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This work, and I am using att(ipad sim) on it. After I edit apns-config.xml i got att h+ to work. I was wondering if any1 can shine me some light on how to enable phone.apk on this sch-i925. Then this tab can re place my phone/notebooks for school.
Thanks in advance.
Soft unbrick Verizon I925
Hello guys...
First of all, let me say a big thanks for all that hard working on finding a way to unlock
It seems I have soft bricked verizon's I925 tablet while trying to add those apn's and make it work outside the US. I used CAUSAL to get it root and then I used the apn editor which made the damage.
Since there is no bootloader hack yet, I wonder if there is any way I can restore it back and have it working in any way.
I have tried via odin's utility and stock roms for N8010, but I get a fail. Does anyone has the stock verizon's rom?
I will greatly appreciate any kind of help.
Thank you in advance,
UPDATE: Soft unbrick Verizon I925
Guys here is a small update on my case.
Good News: The soft bricked I925 is once again working with certain limitations. I had mariosraptor (post credits to him) install a clean non verizon N8020 version on it.
Bad News: Despite the fact that sim card gets recognized, it does not gets activated. Another possible problem "haven't yet figured out" is GPS.
Things to clear out...
I really don't know if I had the bootloader changed while trying to recover it at the beginning. In Odin's download mode, the model refers as GT-N8010 and not as SCH-I925. Members can validate thought...
Request for stock wallpaper of Note 10.1 LTE
Hello guys. I apologize if I make a mistake in posting this request here, but would someone be kind enough to post the stock home screen wallpaper that comes with the Note 10.1 LTE? Thanks a lot.
imor said:
Guys here is a small update on my case.
Good News: The soft bricked I925 is once again working with certain limitations. I had mariosraptor (post credits to him) install a clean non verizon N8020 version on it.
Bad News: Despite the fact that sim card gets recognized, it does not gets activated. Another possible problem "haven't yet figured out" is GPS.
Things to clear out...
I really don't know if I had the bootloader changed while trying to recover it at the beginning. In Odin's download mode, the model refers as GT-N8010 and not as SCH-I925. Members can validate thought...
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imor, I seem to be having the same issue, as I have also bricked my tablet. I originally rooted about two months ago using casual, and the OTA update screwed it up today. I am pretty new to this and not sure what needs to be done. I can only get my tablet to ODIN mode, and able to connect it to ODIN on my computer, but I have no idea what I am supposed to flash to the device. Any help is extremely appreciated.
So I am willing to help out and make a stock recovery and see if you restore it on your Verizon see if all your problems go away I will do this later tonight
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Samsung galaxy s t959v 3g and 4g not work

not work me the 3 g or 4 g in my phone, is originally from t-mobile and I have it with orange, any way to resolve this problem?
You need to provide more information about what the problem is. The more information, the easier it is to diagnose the problem.
What ROM/Kernel are you running? Are your APNs set correctly? Did you install something that might affect the radios?
Woody said:
You need to provide more information about what the problem is. The more information, the easier it is to diagnose the problem.
What ROM/Kernel are you running? Are your APNs set correctly? Did you install something that might affect the radios?
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the ROM is Cyanogenmod 9.1.0 Release 8 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1730954 APN is correctly, to unlock it, use the SGS4G AROMA Unlocker
delvi_65 said:
the ROM is Cyanogenmod 9.1.0 Release 8 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1730954 APN is correctly, to unlock it, use the SGS4G AROMA Unlocker
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I've used my tmobile sgs4g on orange, it works just fine, you just need to remember to call up t-mo and enable international roaming.

[Q] SGH 1497 (at&t 4g version) help updating

I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10 .1 inch AT&T 4G SGH 1497 I am unable to use several features because of the 4.1 .2 apk update but more importantly I was curious if anyone was successful in installing a 4.2 .2 to this version of the tab 2 and if anyone was able to get everything working solid? I am very interested in getting this rooted but I don't want to screw up the 4G capabilities and take it off the AT&T network if anyone has any tips links or maybe I missed it in the forums on how or if its possible I would be greatly appreciative. also if you know anything about the WiFi Bluetooth problem I have another post that is directly related to this? thanks for Reading
I had no issues rooting and installing twrp/cwm, but I hard bricked one trying to install AOKP. CyanogenMod gave me the dreaded error 7. From what I understand, this hardware is nothing like the other TAB 2's. It's not looking too good lately. Imight get impatient before long and do my own de-odex and mod the systemui as well as other things. MY tab 2 is just not my main device so I haven't put allot of effort into it as yet. Someone is going to need to soon or we'll all just upgrade to something else that is better supported by dev's. I wish us luck on this device. I have googled to high hell and haven't dug up anything. Couldnt even find an odin file for 4.1.2, so I captured that one while i could and put it up for d/l. Maybe that will help someone dev on 4.1.2 at least.
I'm glad I found this post. Can either of you provide a link to the file needed to root the AT&T 4G SGH 1497, I can't seem to find it anywhere. Thanks for any help.
note2rootbeer said:
I'm glad I found this post. Can either of you provide a link to the file needed to root the AT&T 4G SGH 1497, I can't seem to find it anywhere. Thanks for any help.
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I too am in this dilemma. I just purchased a Tab 2 and want to root to remove the AT&T bloatware. SGH-I497. I found this post:
But since I don't know when 4.1.2 was rolled out for the Tab 2, I don't know if this root method is valid. Help please.
SGH-I497, 16 GB AT&T running 4.1.2 build #J2054K.I497UCBMF2
One small mistake on my part... I have the wifi version. Changed my profile pic to Underdog (I'm such an idiot).
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using XDA Free mobile app

Straight Talk Galaxy S6 (SM-S907VL) Root/Recovery?

Hi, I recently damaged my S4 and decided to upgrade to the S6, so far I love the phone, got it new for $250
However since it's with straight talk in not one of the more common models and I can't really seem to find any information on it, I'm mostly hoping to find a way to root it, a custom recovery would be nice but I certainly don't need it
Has anyone had any experience with this device?
Or could someone maybe point me in the right direction?
Device: Galaxy S6 (Straight Talk)
Model: SM-S907VL
Baseband: S907VLUDU1APG8 (idk if that's important lol)
Android: 6.0.1
I appreciate any help that you guys might be able to give
I am looking for the same!
Would like to root and install CM.
Samsung S6 SM-907VL
I too got the "Black Friday" deal with this phone. It is Straight Talk and is a nice phone. I emailed a popular rooting developer and they have a list a mile long with phones their app will root. But it will not root this model. If someone finds an app that will root, please post.
Looking to root this model too. Could you flash a rom from one that uses the same board and chip set? Essentially turning it from a straight talk phone to Verizon , sprint, or at&t then proceed to root from there? Might be a noob question but I been wondering if it would work
Krussell9233 said:
Looking to root this model too. Could you flash a rom from one that uses the same board and chip set? Essentially turning it from a straight talk phone to Verizon , sprint, or at&t then proceed to root from there? Might be a noob question but I been wondering if it would work
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You can not do that. Unless you want to brick your phone. I am searching now, will let you know if I come up with anything!
You can not do that. Unless you want to brick your phone. I am searching now, will let you know if I come up with anything!
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Well hopefully we can hear back soon, I've still had pretty much no luck with this model, seems it's too little know for anything custom yet
Has anyone tried KingRoot?
I've tried Kingroot a few times now, the device is not supported unfortunately
Need root and 7.0 rom!
Seriously been looking for root since I got this phone. Is anyone even working on a root for it? Would the root for sm-s903vl work for the sm-s907vl or would it brick it? At this point I don't even care if I trip Knox. I just want ROOT!!
Fruitless searching for method to root sm-s907VL S6
Has anyone found anywhere that has information about rooting this model or atleast maybe the news that someone is working on it?! I have searched and searched and tried several different methods but nothing has worked yet. I really like this phone so far but I really gotta have my customization fix for it. Thank you to anyone who can give me some hope and of course if I find anything I'll post it here.
I don't suppose anyone has had any luck with this device?
I'm having trouble finding stock firmware as well, I was thinking I might try a couple methods for different models but that's a little foolish without a way back to stock...
As a side note, don't buy straight talk phones, nothing seems to exist for them xD
You can get the stock software at www.firmware.gem-flash.com... I've used their copy personally and had no problems..
Device: Galaxy S6 (Straight Talk)
Model: SM-S907VL
I have the same issue and have tried several root tools and none have worked yet. Maybe some devs will get it working for one of them soon.
I have tried everything. If there is somebody smart enough to root the galaxy s6 s907vludu through straightalk please let me know. I have been searching for months. If anybody can find something for this unrootable phone please let me know.
I have model s906l it's an early sts6 and Im currently running s907vl firmware. I think the s906l can be rooted but it's running Android 5.02. My point being if you really want root maybe you can flash the s906l firmware using oden. Update nope I was able to flash up but cant flash back down. Stuck on mm without root for now.
Thxfctr said:
I have model s906l it's an early sts6 and Im currently running s907vl firmware. I think the s906l can be rooted but it's running Android 5.02. My point being if you really want root maybe you can flash the s906l firmware using oden. Update nope I was able to flash up but cant flash back down. Stuck on mm without root for now.
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I don't think you can downgrade an OS. Bootloaders would normally not allow it.
I tried flashing the 5.0.2 SM-S906L rom on the SM-S907VL through Odin and it gives a secure boot check fail.
garwells said:
Has anyone found anywhere that has information about rooting this model or atleast maybe the news that someone is working on it?! I have searched and searched and tried several different methods but nothing has worked yet. I really like this phone so far but I really gotta have my customization fix for it. Thank you to anyone who can give me some hope and of course if I find anything I'll post it here.
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I am having the same issue, I have the S6 SM-S907VL as well, I am very pleased with the phone itself as well as the cell carriers service but not having any developers hacks & mods or stock firmware or rooting methods for it is really frustrating
Sparky56p said:
I don't suppose anyone has had any luck with this device?
I'm having trouble finding stock firmware as well, I was thinking I might try a couple methods for different models but that's a little foolish without a way back to stock...
As a side note, don't buy straight talk phones, nothing seems to exist for them xD
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I have the same model also I wish now that never seen it. I've had an LG Stylo 3, and Motorola phone all of which I could easily download a ROM from here and easily customize the phone. This phone has proven impossible.
---------- Post added at 12:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:08 AM ----------
nk24202 said:
I have the same model also I wish now that never seen it. I've had an LG Stylo 3, and Motorola phone all of which I could easily download a ROM from here and easily customize the phone. This phone has proven impossible.
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Any new updates on a possible root and custom rom for the SM-S907VL? Starting to look like we're out of luck :/

