[Q] 3g dongle support for ShieldKernel/my android 4.2 - Xoom Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

is there or could there be support dot 3g dongles on wingray, i've already searched with no luck, but if there is a post for this already please redirect me


about GPS

hello all experts!
I just want to ask,can my d2 connnect with my netbook via bluetooth and use the GPS function in my netbook
With GPS2Blue you can use your GPS from the D2 in your netbook.
Please search google because i'm not allowed to post outside links.
thanks for your reply

3G unresitctor

Hi all
I need to fake my 3g as wireless
After a deep search in google I've found that there is no such application for android while iPhone users can use My3G, 3G Unrestrictor etc...
So, first of all, if anyone knows such application I will be glad to get a link.
And here I would to discuss the way how to implement such application.
I thought about something like to create a virtual wifi nic and to redirect all traffic to the 3G one. The other way can be to change the 3G nic's type from MOBILE to WIFI.
Any ideas?

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folio 100
I,ve tried to contact the right page for my problem but its impossible to do it because i am just new.
I just bougt me a toshiba folio, update it with 1,3 still had some lag probs and others things and than i saw there was a new updat (honey)3.0 installed it and works fine. the onley ting i cqnt do is connecting wireless. i have connection but when i want to browse internet i have to register with google account witch i have frome previous version. now it says can not establish connection to the server? wat iha have ! also i have to install flash. please help me? know i have a ****ed up tablet and i saw wat you people can do with your magic! please please please help me

[Q] Hacked Native WiFi Hotspot (Verizon Sense 1.0)

I'm looking to implement a hacked version of Verizon's WiFi Hotspot into my rom (For the HTC Incredible). Could someone point me to one or help me as to creating my own? Thanks.

[q] hd voice

Hi, yesterday i saw that cosmote, the main carrier in greece, added HD VOICE in their networks, since this summer, so i did some research, and i havent found our pico in the support list. even older phones have support, but no sign of our pico. does anybody here know for sure if our device supports this amr-wb thingy? thanks

