Hi All,
I have a need to use my Kaiser as a modem for dial-up over the cellular line (not HSDPA but old style analogue connection). According to the person I spoke to as HTC this has been disabled, as the drivers don't support it, however I have found in some posts here that an older radio people were able to use this feature.
The question I have is does any of the home brew ROMS/Radio's support this feature?
I am currently running HTC original ROM 6.1 and radio
I'm new here and would appreciate any help.
Hi guys,
As far as I know with ICS control you can turn your PDA into a walking palmtop. Meaning it gets the internet connection by GSM and shares it by wifi. This feature would really make my life easier but I cannot get ICS control to work. The controls are very complicated and the official thread is like mile long with tons of stuff I don't really understand. Can anyone please give me some piece of advice on how to make it work this way?
I've already tried similar program: wmwifirouter , but I couldn't get it to work either.
- HTC prophet
- Samsung Omnia (yeah, I know it's HTC forum )
Can anyone help me on bluetooth keyboard configuration for HD DESIRE?
Even with the software it just JP Blue Keyboard connects but does not type.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
What rom are you using? Afaik sense breaks hid support. Try an aosp rom if your using a sense rom.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
I'm using the original ROM. I would not change.
It has no application to help you set up?
It won't work full stop with an original sense rom. It just doesn't support bluetooth HID but an aosp based rom does.
BlueInput from Teksoft
Hi marcionavarro,
Did you try the BlueInput app? It's a driver app for many bluetooth devices. I've tried it with the SU-8W and Nexus S. Works flawlessly.
Just tried BlueInput 1.8 but still no joy with my Think Outside/iGo BT keyboard. I've been trying this since Christmas.
The fundamental problem is with HTC having installed an incomplete Bluetooth stack (see BlueInput for Android manual on Teksoft website - sorry not allowed to post hyperlink). To be fair Teksoft seem to be aware of the problem and seem to be trying to fix it. The HTC Desire is such a popular phone it should be able to connect with a BT keyboard without flashing the ROM. Let's hope BlueInput 1.9 due this month will work!
By now I hope to no avail. I can not configure my Bluetooth keyboard.
I renew my request for any friend help me.
As I tried to explain in my post on 18th Feb, the problem is with the HTC version of Android OS which doesn't support the HID profile used by a lot of Bluetooth keyboards. I've been trying to find a solution since I got my HTC Desire. The only possibility (without flashing ROMs) at present AFAIK is to get a BT keyboard which uses the SPP profile which the HTC Sense ROM does support. The Freedom Pro keyboard is switchable between HID and SPP and has Android drivers available. The technical support at Freedom Pro say that they believe their keyboards do work with the HTC Desire. I'm reluctant to buy a new keyboard so I'm still hoping that BlueInput can sort out a solution for HID keyboards. I don't think HTC are going to do anything about their firmware but maybe an upgrade of their version of Android will fix this?
By now I hope to no avail. I can not configure my Bluetooth keyboard.
I renew my request for any friend help me.
I've tried everything. Blueinput, JP BlueKeyboard and nothing. Does anyone have any idea. My keyboard is the SU-8W Nokia.
The definition of madness is trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
Why don't you absorb the comments of the more knowledgable people who have provided reasons why this is not working and also a solution to get this working.
It is not difficult to change the ROM on your Desire given recent tools available. Although this will mean searching or looking at the sticky threads.
Not only that but you will find greater functionality from your Desire even if you didn't want this, it may prove useful in the future.
Greetings friends,
I currently have a Sprint branded HTC Touch Pro 2 on Boost Mobile CDMA. I have everything working, but I can't seem to get the Tom_Codon Mobile Wifi app to work.
I installed the app, located it, set my connection name and WEP. I used my son's PSP to test the connection and it is not recognized.
What can I do to fix this?
I am preparing to get an android tablet or the Blackberry Playbook. I want to have this working in advance so I won't run into any issues later.
Thanks in advance for your help...
I'm assuming you've already figured this out but if you haven't well here are the facts. Our old TP2 WinMobile can only do WEP. Since WEP is easily defeated it is not support in current new tech. Therefore tablets with Android OSes only support WPA. There are two ways to overcome. 1. Root your Tablet and make the modifications necessay. You can search here to find the answer. Or install an Android OS on your TP2. Again, in Android WPA is supported so it can be enabled to become a WPA Router. This way you won't have to root your tablet if you don't want to. What! I'm kidding! Of course we want to ROOT! LOL
the sony PSP wont work with the TP2. i have been trying for years with no luck
There's a thread in the development board for the umts_everest ICS build with a mod to enable SMS/mms for the Xoom. My question is whether this can be a reality for the Verizon 4G/LTE device.
Any info would be appreciated. I'm not a developer and really would have no idea where to start looking for a solution besides here. Unfortunately I'm locked into a blackberry for work and can't use a sync app to acomplish this.