Beginners guide to ROM cooking - Samsung Galaxy Tab Plus

Hey guy. I want to get into ROM cooking. What are the step to start? The thing should learn? Since I have alot of time on my hand. I thought it would help me kill some time!


how to cook ROMs

Can someone please walk me through producing my own Rom? Am a programmer if that helps. Please. I wanna produce my own ROM for WM6. Please help. Thank you
visit the wiki
"how to cook" and "how to build" are two different things, since you a programmer, which one did you mean?
I my self can only cook, not build...
building ROM
I guess i wanna be able to build my own ROM. I guess i should start with cooking so i get an idea what its all about. What do you think?
Good idea, you can start with Laurentius26_v3 kitchen;
Just follow the instruction.. and see how it goes, ill be glad to help you through.
cheers buddy
Cheers you are a star. WIll get on that today

how does one start developing roms?

hey! here is my noobish question.
I want to learn how to port and compile roms, fix bugs, know, dev roms...
I'm not interested on themes, apks, I just want to make functional roms
I have a lot of free time and I learn quickly...I'm on xda all the day, every day, every I want to do something for the community...:highfive:
can someone help me? are there guides, tutorials, or is there a point to start from?
sorry for english mistakes and thank you for reading this.
start from here then good luck
thank you, this is the right section for me!! today I will partition my ssd and install ubuntu...then I will try something just for start...
other suggestions are welcome

Teacher needed

I want to start building a ROM with paranioandroid. I want to start with CM9 but the problem is that i dont have any idea on where to start. i want someone to teach/help me in building this ROM. I have time for it and i really want to do it. Someone who has skill porting, building, or has any idea on where to start on ROMs please help me. thanks a lot!
If you want to make a Paranoidandroid ROM you should get into source.building. You have to be running on linux, and further instructions can be found here:
That is for jellybaen, but it is almost the same

[Q] Custom rom

Hi guys!
I have been really interesting on creating a custom rom, and I don't know how to do it, I've read a lot of tutorials but I just can't do it.
I was hoping that you could give me a tutorial, or even open a thread to help who is trying to build a rom and doesn't know how to do it.
That would be extremelly good for ace plus, because we would get more developers to our phone, and who knows they could get really good at developing, that they could help devs to fix the bugs on their roms.
Best regards,
kaeOzZ said:
Hi guys!
I have been really interesting on creating a custom rom, and I don't know how to do it, I've read a lot of tutorials but I just can't do it.
I was hoping that you could give me a tutorial, or even open a thread to help who is trying to build a rom and doesn't know how to do it.
That would be extremelly good for ace plus, because we would get more developers to our phone, and who knows they could get really good at developing, that they could help devs to fix the bugs on their roms.
Best regards,
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Building a custom rom is not so easy like you think...
Sometimes it takes 3 months to build a rom...
And 1000 guides explain how to do this
danyznd123 said:
Building a custom rom is not so easy like you think...
Sometimes it takes 3 months to build a rom...
And 1000 guides explain how to do this
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3 months and 1000 guides to learn. what a shame, i wanna learn too.

[Q]ROM development tool etc.

First of, hello all!
As I am about to start learning how to make a custom ROM I want to get all the useful information before I start. I intend to develop for Xperia E. So I am asking you guys to post xda threads that helped you, tools that you use, useful advices and information that you think is very important before entering such a big field.
Thanks in advance, that536
that536 said:
First of, hello all!
As I am about to start learning how to make a custom ROM I want to get all the useful information before I start. I intend to develop for Xperia E. So I am asking you guys to post xda threads that helped you, tools that you use, useful advices and information that you think is very important before entering such a big field.
Thanks in advance, that536
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Click here For a guide that helped me get started. it s very good and understandable and very easy to follow
You need to properly debloat it.
Install a performance mod (pure performance is what i use in my rom but u could also install fly-on mod instead. they re both good
Look for mods all over the internet
Try to make ur idea unique
U ll get there. Dont be impatient. u ll learn this stuff in weeks . it s no that hard
Hi Amby, thanks for contributing and I hope more people will do the same. It would be cool if one day there would be a sticky with info for begginer/intermediate/advanced devs

