[Q] Unlocked Telus One S Constantly Disconnects on MTS network - HTC One S

I bought my One S from Telus through a friend who's a Telus customer this past June and used an unlock code bought online to use it with my carrier (MTS). After setting it up with the MTS APN settings it worked perfectly for several months. Then around 2 or so months ago, I got an OTA update to 4.0.3 and as soon as I got the update, the phone started regularly dropping the connection to the network. Signal strength wasn't an issue, it would just cut out completely, giving the message about emergency service only. Some days it wouldn't be too bad and would just cut out momentarily and sometimes it would drop for a good time or drop so repeatedly as to make the phone unable to even dial out. It would sometimes even vary in severity throughout the day. I haven't rooted or unlocked the phone in any way except for a carrier unlock code.
As I was very busy with school, I gritted my teeth and beared it but it seemed to get progressively worse to the point where I finally sat down to seriously look into, and got on the phone with MTS tech support, HTC tech support, as well as trying to talk to MTS sales reps at their store locations. MTS is clueless on what to do (or just refuses to help) because they don't sell the One S. I talked to HTC three times and their only solution was to see what happens with sim cards from different phones and they also noted that the stock software, as well as updates, are tied to the carrier and could be causing problems.
MTS also talked me into buying a new sim card and seeing if that fixes the issue, where it actually made things worse somehow and now the phone often cannot get a connection at all or drops it and doesnt pick it back up (on the settings screen, "mobile data" gets stuck at "turning on" but even voice doesn't work). I've tried getting other people's sims to try in my phone but they all seem to have ones of different sizes. All I've been able to try is a Rogers sim (which I only could test for a short time, but seemed to stay connected and stable for that time) and a Telus sim (which wouldn't work at all, strangely enough. Though one person I talked to at HTC said that by unlocking my phone its possible I received the OTA update from a different carrier such as Rogers).
I'm not sure what to do here as I've tried messing with many settings and searching for solutions without finding one that works. One of the HTC reps I talked to said that I could either send it in (and lose the phone for 2-3 weeks without a guarantee this wouldn't happen again) or while they can't recommend it, I could try rooting the phone and downgrading the software to what it was before. A guy I talked to at a local cell repair shop listened to my problem for about a minute and a half and then said rooting would fix it.
If anyone has any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate hearing them. I'd like to get some more input before I void the warranty by trying to root it and replace the software with some in case that doesn't fix it and I have to send it into HTC for a big fee.


[Q] HTC G1 unlocked no reception

I got a used G1 almost a year ago, unlocked it so I could use it with AT&T and it had been working without any trouble until this past Sunday. I was running 1.6 for the longest time and never got around rooting it or installing mods. Suddenly, after I was on the phone for 2 hours, the G1 stopped receiving service. It was normal for the phone to drop service for a moment because of where I live, but after a couple seconds I usually get service again. I didn't.
I swapped out my SIM to an older phone and I was able to get service. So I figure it probably isn't a SIM card problem.
So I put the SIM back into the G1, browsed through the phone to see what was wrong and suddenly found that I had an "update all" button for the market. That's a feature only in 2.2, not in 1.6. I checked online to see if there were any updates to 1.6, but didn't find anything. I had no service, but a feature not in 1.6 on my phone.
After several hours of having no service, I decided to root my phone and install Cyanogen Mod 6. I thought maybe updating the phone might fix the problem. Hours later, I got CM6 up and running and used my brother's SIM to activate my Google account. It just so happened that when I was activating the phone, I had a small window of reception. After that, no service.
Monday I went to the AT&T store to see if they could help and my phone suddenly worked inside the store. I left it there for 15-30 minutes and service didn't drop, so I thought it was fixed. I left and just as I got home, my phone stopped working. So I drove back to the AT&T store to get a new SIM. Sad part is, my phone has service in the store. Again. I just don't get service anywhere else.
I got the new SIM, but I still didn't get service. My brother suggested that the antenna cable might be loose. So yesterday I went to pick up a screwdriver set that had the right size torx bits so I could open up the phone. The cables looked fine, but I pulled them out and plugged them back in. That didn't fix the problem. I still didn't have service.
Late last night, at the CS club at school, a guy with a G1 on T-Mobile put his SIM into my phone to see if it would work. After 5 minutes, my phone was able to connect. So I swapped my SIM back in, but no service. My G1 can see the networks. Right now, I can see AT&T under "Available Networks", but every time I try to connect, it says, "Unable to connect to this network at this time. Please try again later."
I'm using a spare phone right now, but I'd really love to have my G1 working again. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Same Problem
If it makes you feel any better.. 7 months later and I have the same issue. Been scouring the internet and XDA for hours without any resolution. Maybe AT&T is dumping IMEI #'s for devices not in their lineup? Older AT&T Sims seem to work though which is strange. Maybe this bump will get us some kind of response.

Galaxy Nexus LTE Won't Hold LTE Signal

I'm posting here on behalf of a friend because I've tried everything I think I can do to help, but to no avail. I'll try to make this quick.
My friend bought a Galaxy Nexus LTE in December and it worked great for a few weeks, until the vibrator in the phone broke - he took it to a VZW store and they replaced it for him.
Upon receiving the replacement phone, he was having trouble with LTE staying connected. It would continuously drop and instead of falling back to 3G, it says he has no signal - signal indicator in settings displays a red bar (i.e. no coverage).
He took it back to VZW and they tried his SIM card in an employees phone - same issue happened to that phone. They then tried his SIM in a new phone off the shelf, same thing happened again.
Verizon is saying it's an issue with something at the account level, but I've encouraged him to go in and complain until they give him another replacement, just in case. However, it's very odd that his SIM card in three different GNex devices produces the same issue, even though his first one worked great. They have said that a future software update would fix this.
The other day I installed the leaked 4.0.4 update on his phone to see if the new radios would work, but the same issue kept happening. So I reverted him back to 4.0.2 so he could take his phone back to Verizon and beg for another replacement. Unfortunately I forgot to re-lock his phone so I still have to do that before he takes it in.
Has anyone ever heard of this before? It seems so odd that his SIM card would do this, but I still think that Verizon owes him another replacement device since he has a phone that isn't working like it should. He's getting a big discount on his family plan but he'd prefer to have LTE on his new phone.
I would love your thoughts - this just doesn't make sense to us. Any suggestions other than replacing the phone again? It sounds like VZW doesn't want to do that for him so it might be easier to fix it another way.
Can't speak for Verizon itself, but I have been through several SIM cards now on Telstra. Same issue, all of a sudden they are unable to pick up signal at all. Seems the pre-paid cards are more susceptible.
I'd ask for a replacement SIM, as opposed to a replacement phone as it's been proved the issue exists on multiple handsets already. If a new SIM doesn't alleviate the issue, the VZW rep may be right in that it is at the account level.
Good luck!

HTC Warranty

Has anyone had experience with HTC warranty?
I live in Vancouver, Canada, and my newly bought HTC off Craigslist is malfunctioning.. I can't get a stable connection through cellular radio. It always drops, and cuts in/out.
Usually I get a "restricted access changed" error, or a "disconnected because the radio was turned off." This happens regardless of what network mode I use or APN I set.
I should've checked it prior to purchasing, but the guy I bought it off gave me the receipt, so I assumed nothing was wrong, and I was in a hurry to get onto campus.
My only real concern now lies in the fact that my bootloader says relocked. But hopefully since this is a hardware problem, it will be fine. That or I can find someone through Wireless Wave to help me exchange it.. even though it's past the two weeks.

SIM card swapping

Luckily this is a curiousity question as the urgency worked itself out.
I have my Doubleshot connected to the Rogers network here in Canada, and I've tried other SIM cards before (i.e. T-Mobile) without issue. But this one had the representatives (and tier two support) stumped.
I walked into an Eastlink store (competing communications company although their roaming is done through Rogers frequencies) with a promotional flyer. We got talking about switching, and they offered to do a test to see if the phone is compatible. So I thought, hey, why not? So they popped an Eastlink SIM in my phone, turned it back on, picked up the network no problem. Well and good.
The problem occurs when she put my Rogers SIM back in. Boot the phone up and the network wasn't recognizing. No service. We went to Settings > Mobile Networks > Network Operators. The searching took forever then threw up and error. No networks to choose from.
The interesting part is that the Rogers APN's were present. I thought maybe the SIM card went bad. Luckily the Rogers store was across the street so we popped that into a feature phone, no issues. I then thought there was some weird (new) setting preventing it from connecting. So I booted into recovery and restored a backup from three days ago. No luck.
The problem ended up fixing itself, about an hour later, while waiting for the bus (after having given up). I made a few test calls to be sure. Since it's working now, it's merely a curiousity, but the issue stands: what would have caused this and is there any way to restore service faster? Using Tbaldens CM 10.1 if that helps.
Thanks for your thoughts.
Still very interesting. I find now that every time I reboot the phone, it takes a few minutes for service to be established. Long enough for Auto Pilot Mode (one of the apps I use in case I'm in the depths of big buildings) to be engaged. I may have to quarantine that app for a little while. Or just not reboot the phone.
My Rogers SIM is an older card. It would have been pressed in 2007 or 2008 (which is also why the fastest internet I can get on it is EDGE). It may be time I shell out the $10 for a replacement. For whatever reason, that just may fix this newly attained lag on connecting.
joel.maxuel said:
Still very interesting. I find now that every time I reboot the phone, it takes a few minutes for service to be established. Long enough for Auto Pilot Mode (one of the apps I use in case I'm in the depths of big buildings) to be engaged. I may have to quarantine that app for a little while. Or just not reboot the phone.
My Rogers SIM is an older card. It would have been pressed in 2007 or 2008 (which is also why the fastest internet I can get on it is EDGE). It may be time I shell out the $10 for a replacement. For whatever reason, that just may fix this newly attained lag on connecting.
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Click to collapse
Just activated a new Rogers (LTE) SIM card. Booted up the phone, and service was recognized by the time I entered my login PIN. So everything looks good (as it looks like my old SIM was starting to die). I'm still stuck with EDGE, but that is due to the phone being a non-Rogers phone. No big deal there.

Weird signal problems GSM HTC One m7 on Simple Mobile (T-Mobile)

This http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItemVersion&item=121805828785&view=all&tid=1659658376002 is the M7 I bought. My older phone is also an M7 but GP edition, has no problems with the same SIM and I get consistent H data signal. Now on that new phone, when i first got it, it would not hold signal at all. One moment I would have 4G with full bars, the next not only does the data drops but entire signal goes out and the phone becomes useless.
I went through android ROMs, Cyanogen mod, Viper, couple others. Always made sure I had the right version of ROM and firmware. This problem still persisted.
Now, after doing FULL wipe, system and everything. I once again installed Viper rom, latest version for m7 which is 5.0.2 I think. I also installed latest firmware that was released for 5.0.2 and now something else broke. No matter what settings or APN (tmobile OR simple mobile) I use I ONLY get Edge data signal. Not only that, but it shows that my signal is full, yet for some reason I can't make and probably cant receive calls either, 1-2 seconds go by I hear a beep and the call drops without ever reaching the normal consistent beeeeep beeeeeep when you wait for the person to pick up, but texting still works.
I contacted the seller and he assured me that the phone is brand new and asked me if I could take it to a repair shop and he would pay for the costs, I thought it was a bad idea for multiple obvious reasons. 2nd contact with the seller, he asked me if they could refund $20 and I could keep it, I said no. Last contact, he says that he could refund me $50 and I could keep it, but if I disagree he gave me return address, I guess he expects me to pay shipping.
I guess they would have to resell the phone as used if I return it, that's why they want to go as far as giving me $50 to keep it, that way I guess they still in profit. But that just makes me doubt even more, is the phone really not defective and I ****ed something up with flashing ROMs/Radios/Software? But how could I if I matched my roms and firmware with my phone's model (stuff like m7_ul and the 111111111 id). Seller listed this phone as GSM with bands that T-Mobile supports, so why do I have so many issues with it? Should I not waste anymore HOURS looking around forums and flashing **** and just send it back and get it over with?

