[Q] deleted text recovery - Samsung Infuse 4G

My apology first off. I know this is a question most likely frequently ask, but time is of the essence.
I have been a follower of the resources on this site and believe it is my best resource for a honest answer.
Samsung Infuse, root. Zeus 5.2, Titanium backup etc... SMS/MMS service thru GOSMS-Pro. Now my problem
I seperated from a relationship with one seriously scorn woman. She has managed to get me criminally charged with telecommunications harassment (fyi, I am a Police Officer). Now, I dont deal with the forensics end but am a general "beat cop", taking calls and writing reports.
Said scorn woman, has printed off a series of texts where she "claims" she told me to never contact her again. These records are NOT certified thru her subscribing service. How she got the prosecutors office to file charges against me without a certified copy from her provider is beyond me. The "text messages" in question never took place and the charges are outside of the jurisdiction I work in.
I have researched, i feel in great detail, recovery etc. I know it can be done as I have personally sent phones off to our state (Ohio) Bureau of Criminal Identification and Information. The main forensics lab for the state.
Today, a motion was denied, to have both phones sent to BCI&I to be forensically examined. A continuance was granted and now I am on my own to attempt to recover these messages. Her provider is Sprint. Mine was Att. To avoid this person, I cancelled my service with Att and went with another provider and new phone.
Now sitting idle is my Infuse 4g, hopefully, with this data preserved somewhere in backup, on the sd card etc. Att claims that they only have on record the receipt of incoming/outgoing calls, text etc, but have no record of the actual content of the message itself. I have used diskdigger to recover deleted photos, is their a sim app for sms?
Now my question.. Where the hell in this phone is the deleted messages stored? I know they are over written over time. I have found companies that claim they can recover deleted messages/logs etc, for nearly $1000.
Any and all help would be GREATLY appericated. At the present moment, paying a additional $1000 for the exam is out of the question. I have been suspended from work living on savings. Next court date isnt until April.... If you know how to perform this, maybe if their in titanium backup, restore phone to earlier date etc...
I know their are some serious brains on here. If you can help me, I would be so greatful. I can and will compensate anyone that provides this information, if sucessful. Further, with evidence that you can do this, I would be willing to mail the phone to you for the service.
Thank you in advance.
[email protected]



Hello Guys,
I've been on here for a while, and I've recently started my own business call Peekamo. It's a SMS based forum system (not made to replace this forum at all, more like a VERY IMPORTANT POSTS ONLY FORUM), along with personal SMS to anyone at no cost (aka FREE). These are all "real" sms, not smtp so that means not you or the receiver gets charged.
This is my attempt at causing a ripple in the high priced SMS market that the providers currently take advantage of.
So please try it out and let me know what you think. It's still in beta, so please understand if something things are out of place. I would really appreciate any comments or suggestions you may have.
I've already created a forum for XDA users, you can create your own if you wish. Our service currently works in US and Canada, and we're working on getting the rest of the world ready by the end of the month.
Thanks and hope to hear from you all soon.
The site is peekamo.com
Very interesting! when I can will accesss those services from Venezuela?.
taguapire said:
Very interesting! when I can will accesss those services from Venezuela?.
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Very shorly, I am just finalizing some details with my international provider. I will keep everyone posted on any changes.
axiom said:
Hello Guys,
I've been on here for a while, and I've recently started my own business call Peekamo. It's a SMS based forum system (not made to replace this forum at all, more like a VERY IMPORTANT POSTS ONLY FORUM), along with personal SMS to anyone at no cost (aka FREE). These are all "real" sms, not smtp so that means not you or the receiver gets charged.
This is my attempt at causing a ripple in the high priced SMS market that the providers currently take advantage of.
So please try it out and let me know what you think. It's still in beta, so please understand if something things are out of place. I would really appreciate any comments or suggestions you may have.
I've already created a forum for XDA users, you can create your own if you wish. Our service currently works in US and Canada, and we're working on getting the rest of the world ready by the end of the month.
Thanks and hope to hear from you all soon.
The site is peekamo.com
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Axiom, great to see that we also have some real entrepreneurs among this community. I wish you the best of luck for your venture.
Lucas0511 said:
Axiom, great to see that we also have some real entrepreneurs among this community. I wish you the best of luck for your venture.
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Thank you. Our vision for this concept came by when my partner and I were at a club with another friend. After about 2 hours our friend gave his number to this girl that he met. At 6:00 we were at a breakfast place when all of a sudden the phone rings, and guess who it was. Yup, it was the girl. She called every few hours after that bothering him and sending him text messages.
That brought on the idea of anonymizing cell phone numbers by linking them to an ID with the ability to block out people from texting you. When you're finished with an ID and picked up all the girls/boys that you've ever wanted to, just change your ID and the connection is over right there and then.
Other then the anonymity feature, we found that we need to create a community presence so that everyone can use their new Peekamo IDs with others and share common intrests without giving up their phone number.
I don't even use my email as much as I use my peekamo id, and when I use email I sign it "dont' even think of replying, just peekamo me."
Hope to see more of you there.
axiom said:
Hello Guys,
I've been on here for a while, and I've recently started my own business call Peekamo. It's a SMS based forum system (not made to replace this forum at all, more like a VERY IMPORTANT POSTS ONLY FORUM), along with personal SMS to anyone at no cost (aka FREE). These are all "real" sms, not smtp so that means not you or the receiver gets charged.
This is my attempt at causing a ripple in the high priced SMS market that the providers currently take advantage of.
So please try it out and let me know what you think. It's still in beta, so please understand if something things are out of place. I would really appreciate any comments or suggestions you may have.
I've already created a forum for XDA users, you can create your own if you wish. Our service currently works in US and Canada, and we're working on getting the rest of the world ready by the end of the month.
Thanks and hope to hear from you all soon.
The site is peekamo.com
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Ok, So a couple of questions:
1. I signed up, it sent me 2 different "codes" through sms to use as verification, but neither is working. I will be glad to send more information if you wish, let me know your preferred method (PM, email, etc). I guess that wasn't really a question, but whatever.
2. When you say free, how is this done? I pay per text message on Cingular. Your website says "Save more money on your phone bill by using Peekamo.com and send and receive SMS at no cost." I am still going to pay per text message to Cingular, right? Have you figured out some way for them to not charge me per text message? As an example, I am sure I'll be paying $0.20 for the two previously mentioned text message "codes" when I get my Cingular bill. If you have figured out some method for me to use sms from my phone, at no cost, well, holy crap.
3. This ain't no question either. I just want to say regardless of the answers to my above questions, thanks for jumping in to the arena and providing something. We need more people willing to jump.
brentrs said:
Ok, So a couple of questions:
1. I signed up, it sent me 2 different "codes" through sms to use as verification, but neither is working. I will be glad to send more information if you wish, let me know your preferred method (PM, email, etc). I guess that wasn't really a question, but whatever.
2. When you say free, how is this done? I pay per text message on Cingular. Your website says "Save more money on your phone bill by using Peekamo.com and send and receive SMS at no cost." I am still going to pay per text message to Cingular, right? Have you figured out some way for them to not charge me per text message? As an example, I am sure I'll be paying $0.20 for the two previously mentioned text message "codes" when I get my Cingular bill. If you have figured out some method for me to use sms from my phone, at no cost, well, holy crap.
3. This ain't no question either. I just want to say regardless of the answers to my above questions, thanks for jumping in to the arena and providing something. We need more people willing to jump.
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1. Make sure enter your phone number, email address, and code. Becareful you are not entering zero for O and vice versa. I will check your code in a bit
2. You WILL NOT BE CHARGED for the messages you received, nor will you be charged for any messages sent through the Peekamo network. You are right on the money, just like you pay .20 per msg, Peekamo pays per messages. We subsidize it through ad text at the bottom of the message of up to 20 characters. I think that is fair, no? Peekamo is one of only full no charge sending or receiving text message service in North America, everyone else uses SMTP, so you send free but the receiver pays.
3. Trust me, I know all about the lack of services such as ours. I fully intend on making waves in the industry that's monopolized by the carriers. With enough users on our network, we could seriously cause carriers like Cingular to rethink their 50% price increases in text messaging.
out of curiosity... how do you make money on this? since you stated its your business... is it from the advertising alone?
Do be completely honest. Right now, we don't make money. And it's not all about money. You tube never made a cent, and till today they show negative loses. We are trying to create a service that will be noticed and that will help the mobile community.
We also don't let businesses come on and start their own groups. Businesses pay to create their own private groups just like any other forum or service.
Our goal is to be wide spread and known, not to just make money.
You should go on to the site and check out the about us section, in there you will find all the information you are looking for.

[Q] Phone Spoofing/Hack.. Heard of it?

Here is a thread a friend recently posted, if you're familiar with spoofing or latest hackes and viruses to cell phones, your input would be appreciated.
It's Called "SPOOFING". And It's Driving Me Mad..
by ANONYMOUS on Wednesday, May 4, 2011 at 8:14am.
About four weeks ago, a call came through my cell phone--from a number I didn't recognize.
So, I let it go to voicemail. Once I got into my offices, I checked my VM, from my business phone.
The message was a very convincing voice automation. It sounded like a young, perky woman.
"HI! It's me! My number changed. Call me at XXXXXXX."
At that point, my Bureau ears went up.
I called the number. A middle aged male picked up.
I introduced myself and told him the situation. He responded, "Oh, no! It's happening again!"
It seems this man, who lived in Washington state, had been the victim of such calls in the past.
Now--his number was being used on these messages. I told him to kindly provide me with more information--
that way I could launch a formal investigation.
He hung up on me.
I don't blame him. He had every right to be cautious...
However, a few hours later--my old man calles me...PISSED.
"What in the HELL are you doing?!?"
In about an hour his phone was clogged with over 300 text messages.
From me. But I never touched my phone.
Then picture messages--FROM MY PHONE. OF MY KIDS!
Started rolling into his inbox. Still--my cell phone sat untouched upon my desk.
I alerted my Trade Practice Consultant. I contacted a totally bewildered--
and aggravating AT&T rep...from India. Whose only remedy was to not let
other people use my phone to send these phantom messages.
Really? <click>
That's me hanging up on your ass.
Later, my old man's mom started getting calls from "me".
Then texts.
So, I wiped my phone. Set it back to factory.
And mind you--this is a simple phone. And I HATE contracts.
It's just a pre-paid I picked up on sale at Best Buy.
Days pass. Nothing happens. I relax.
Then...my sister calls in a huff.
"How come you NEVER called me back! I was SO worried!"
Seems she was getting texts--from "me" at 2AM.
The texts said--This is Bev. You've got the wrong number. Text me at XXXXXX
Thinking something might be wrong--she texted the number. And waited.
And waited. Then tried to call. Nothing.
The really scary part? Bev is a family nickname.
It's how I was listed in HER phone.
The text used Bev. NOT Beverly.
Somehow--this virus or whatever can access your:
pictures, address book, text and call history.
I visited AT&T's location in Tyler. The manager was VERY helpful.
They gave me a free phone, airtime and set up a fresh account--with NO personal
BUT. My info is still out there. My number is probably being used in messages
and texts. To what purpose? The FCC and FTC don't know.
Why do I warn you? Because, think how much info your smart phones can access.
Your email accounts. Your Facebook. Your banking information. Your LOCATION.
Recently Apple was called on its' iPhone tracking software--which they lamely denied saying,
"Apple has never done so and has no plans to ever do so."
However, the company iPhones DO keep "a database of Wi-Fi hotspots and cell towers around your current locations... to help your iPhone rapidly and accurately calculate its location when requested."
Some of that location information is stored on each iPhone, and is backed up on iTunes, meaning that it would be possible for someone with access to a person's computer to retrieve information about their movements.
Your phone--with its' wireless access--means easy transmission of your personal
whereabouts and sensitive information.
And if these sophisticated scammers can crack multiple communications
platforms--they can make your phone a zombie.
Hungry for brains.
The tasty morsels and easy pickings of our interconnectedness.
How can you protect yourself?
So far, nobody has been able to tell me.
My phone didn't have internet access. Or email.
My problems started with a voicemail--that I didn't even call back from my cell phone.
They couldn't be running up my phone bill. It's pre-paid. Once the money is gone--the calls stop.
To have "cloned" my devise would have required tampering with my SIM card.
That didn't happen.
My old man's phone is pre-paid too, but on a different network.
My sister is in DC--again, different network.
Whatever this is--it moves with ease.
It has full access to your phone.
As I learn more--I will make updates.
If you know more--please share...
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Anyone heard of anything like this?
That is freaky! Is that true?
MacaronyMax said:
That is freaky! Is that true?
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This is a good friend of mine that now works for the Federal Gov't so I would find it extremely unlikely she'd just make it up.
Omg im scared. Wtf is sacred anymore?
Sent from my ADR6300

CIQ - And Things Just Keep Getting Worse...

Since TrevE first wrote about CIQ (Carrier IQ), I have been following all of the articles, statements & rebuttals from all of the parties involved. I originally, and still do, planned on writing a definitive article regarding the truth about what CIQ does, what it can do and also who is responsible for deciding what CIQ does and what parts of CIQ are hidden or inaccessible to users.
In my quest for the truth, I contacted many people including CIQ, several carriers of various size and several manufacturers. Some of my sources have made official comments, while some have commented "off the record", one going so far as to make me promise the information would be used as background only.
Earlier today, I received a communication from one of my OTR (off the record) sources, whom works for a large US carrier currently envolved in a major spat with the FCC. The FCC decision was partly made in the interest of keeping competition well & alive for American Consumers. However, from what I learned this morning, any future FCC decisions may also help to protect your privacy.
After talking about several hot-button issues, including CIQ, with my source we stumbled onto the topic of wifi tethering. It seems that AT&T has been sending out letters and changing, or threatening to forcefully change, data plans to disallow unlimited data plans and to charge you for your tethering trangressions.
I put two and two together and asked how AT&T is catching the alleged offenders. To my shock, or lack thereof, the answer has been starring us all in the face; CIQ. This claim by my source was not just an empty accusation. They provided me with specific information from CIQ showing how they can and do monitor what applications you have and use, including ALL side loaded applications and materials. CIQ's own sales and marketing information shows graphs and data about app usage, including apps that have nothing to do with the network or AT&T & they also monitor how users handle different advertisements. Whether you ignore ads or click on one and follow it to a website, AT&T knows.
Firstly, what bothers me the most about this is that I can create an application for private use, one that has no bearing on the AT&T network, and they still can access information about my application and it's use. Yet AT&T states that they use the CIQ embedded software for monitoring and improving the AT&T network and the user experience. Seems contradictory to me.
The second thing that frustrates me, the fact that Congress passed a bill making it hard for companies to advertise and data mine over telephone lines. It didn't matter though, as companies had already begun advertising and data mining through electronic means. So you have the right to opt out and not participate if ad and data mining companies call you at home, but if they take that information over tablets and smart phones without asking or even giving you the opportunity to opt out, these companies think they are okay to do so.
Finally, all of the companies that use CIQ have insisted that the information they receive is anonymous. However, if that is true, then how is it that they are finding wifi-tethering offenders through the use of CIQ & sending them emails and letters? I imagine that it would be hard to take anonymous data and magically divine who has been tethering and where they should send the emails and letters notifying you of the need to change to the more expensive data plan.
wtf MAN ..i need to install a custom ROM on my SGS2 asap ...thanks man
thank you for sharing, please keep working to keep us all inform so that we can learn to keep "them UN-informed"
No doubt Carrier IQ can catch you tethering, but I don't think this is their method for that. I received a tethering notice from my Windows Phone which is atleast said to not have CIQ. On the Samsung Focus, the message from AT&T is only received when utilizing wifi tethering, there are no issues if you're using USB tethering. If CIQ was actually installed on WP and was to blame, I would have received the message for both methods.
That is a great point. I always tethered using Windows Mobile & Windows Phone, but neither I nor anyone I know ever got a letter about it.
I am wondering if in your case it was Uber-High data usage? I got a message after using it three times on an HTC Android Device.
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using xda premium
Personally, I have no problem with just getting some data. It starts to alarm me when everything down to the keys I press are being collected.
I just sit and wonder if some man is sitting back in a computer chair laughing-
"Hey Jim! I told you that guy would forget to bring his girlfriend her keys! You owe me five smack-er-roonis!"
To me, it all comes down to who exactly is seeing my information. I was thinking today, when my contract was signed with AT&T in 2005 and have been doing so until now, I'm sure taking my information wasn't in the contract.
As you have done, first thing tomorrow I'm going to make a lot of phone calls and find out what is exactly is going to happen. With permission, unlike CarrierIQ, I'll record each conversation so you good folks here can hear the truth(or lies, you know salesman).
Please continue discussion here

[Q] (not) Unique Situation - Have 2 Galaxy S3 Verizon and Need Guidance

I started writing a thread the other day but stopped as it was full of drama and detail not important. This is what happened (when there is drama I will insert [D] with no detail so the context is maintained a bit.
I was minding my own business when one day last week my Samsung Galaxy G3 (I535) suddenly lost the ability to make/receive calls. I was on 4.1.2 and rooted, bootloader unlocked via ODIN. I thought I had loaded software that caused the problem. Couldn't resolve. Called Verizon [D] [D] to level 2, no problem, let me check a few things, OK, cool, do you have 2nd SIM? Yes! OK, it must be the phone, let's get you a replacement.. (Saturday, Phone arrives Tues).
New phone, powers up, no updates, authentication nightmare. Will not auth. Call Verizon...just wait a while?...OK.
Some hours later, authenticated. Very odd problems: charge isn't indicated on several chargers, then it is, then it isn't, charger independent? Keyboard exhibits over 1000 ms delay on press; unusable. Several other odd problems. Confused, I look online: Verizon Galaxy G3 4.4.2 update slow. First two hits happen to be Verizon's own "self-support" boards. All my symptoms and more. Lot's of Verizon's taking customers through the swamp looking for snipe. Reboot, Sim pull/insert, Factory Reset. Called Verizon back, hold times 4x previous call. Getting to Level 2 very difficult, CS rep actually states: "I know most of our phones and I haven't heard this set of problems". I refered him to Verizon's web site, grudingly sends me to Level 2. Extremely long hold time, and upon answer that group is not busy at all but relaxing talking together. Guy is grumpy, "Let me check something", back without hold in about 10 mins. "What ROM did you flash on the phone!?" first thing he said to me.
I've never flashed a ROM on any phone, for the record. I told him I knew what was and didn't do that. He insisted that he "couldn't read the software on the phone" [D] [D]!
I maintained polite, and focused on a solution, but he would not hear of that. I also offered to do a Factory Reset at least twice. "The Custom ROM will still be there after Factory Reset!" Perhaps, but then that would prove what I did and didn't do, maybe? Finally, I told him that I was very tired, and we weren't solving anything. Could I have an problem ticket number or incident number for reference. "We don't use those anymore". "You can have my employee ID and my phone number." Sorry if this is not PC, but it felt like a rapist giving his victim his contact information, should victim want to be in touch. I said, no, I'll just call back.
Immediately upon termination the new phone (replacement) displayed "Safe Mode" no apps, and the inabilty to unselect "screen mirroring" a new feature to me, but now turned on. I pull the SIM and factory reset, even though I had loaded many apps back (Inclulding Towelroot, which I had found and implemented). Although no idication of root before, the phone showed rooted and customer or modified, I don't remember the fields. Next day called back, long holds, CS OK, everyone had read Level 2 notes. Sent me up to Level 2. Long hold time, over 30 minutes. Cold response. I asked why the replacement of a non-functioning device had branched into, after receiving said device, two separate issues, to me it was one, getting my service back. Cold, "what do you want us to do?" Not knowing, I said, "I don't know, I just want the phone to work". Finally he went to talk to the boss, came back at 0 deg. Kelvin, through clenched teeth: You can take your phone to Best Buy, they will flash it back (I presumed to 4.1.2), after factory reboot and confirm no....[D] Thanks, I terminated.
At this point I had no working phone for several days, and I felt very upset about the entire situation, especially how I'd been treated by the last two guys. The first after the replacement was so out of line he should have been sanctioned, and an appology directed at me by manager, unless....
This is what they intended to happen. Because the OTA updates hadn't taken, perhaps, they disabled the G3 connection on the device (and it was unprovisioned on their server), knew this would lead to the likely steps above, and were so intent on getting me under their control with 4.4.2 (which I knew nothing about, in terms of root, etc), they had manipulated me to 4.4.2? I am a long time customer with unlimited data, a withdrawn discount, and paying over $200 for two lines with shared limited minutes and txt. No contract.
Whatever the case I still have my 4.1.2 G3 (no voice) and the 4.4.2 replacement. Obviously, I cannot consider staying at Verizon (likely what they want, apparently). Which do I keep? How do I prep the other for return to them? Know any good class action attorney? Obviously, Verizon is too big to care about me and, like so many huge corporations, no one dares attempt to regulate them.
Thanks for any advice. For infomormation on any technical steps to support the above paragraph, please simply refer me to the thread or post and I'll take it from there. I am not super technical, and had to re-do the original ODIN process about 3 times before it took, so any existing process instructions targeted at the Stupid User level would be appropriate and very much appreciated.
Sorry this is so long, I honestly left out a few calls because it just dawned on me, after I called V back today to figure out next steps, the guy listened (read the notes), said I was very poorly handled, I deserved better, would go talk to manager, be right back, 20 minutes later, manager still busy, can he call me back? Sure, gave info. Not a single call or attempt. That was the "It's not us, it's you response" but made to sound the other way round. Apparently they want me to walk away with a useless device, and since it's old and I'm not under contract, but love the phone, I can't understand why they would destroy my property and tell me to f-off, other than they feel like it.
If this sounds like paranoia, you might be surprised what big companies will do to you if they can. And so far, I'm the only one harmed, since they probably expected me to stop days ago. In any event, I have to send back a phone to them and hopefully keep one that works somewhere else. Please help me with the steps I need to take.
If you like history, or want to see how the big guys got a stranglehold on the US after the Civil War, then were forced back into decency by Teddy Roosevelt, W. Wilson, and FDR check out the Roosevelt 7 part documentrary recently appearing on PBS. I'm up to Episode 4, and already knew much of the story, but the detailed focus on their private and public lives and how they matured and developed is moving, enlightening, and awe-inspiring.
Thank You in Advance,
I really should say I'm surprised but in reality I'm not. Your right when you say they don't care because I've experienced it for myself and with my gf over the phone and my mom for that matter. The sad part is they are getting way too big for even themselves and like most companies don't have very good customer service. I'm unlocked as well and have never had issues with voice calls on this phone, only my first phone with a weird rom. It's not there business to ask you if you've installed a custom rom or not. I wouldn't even of answered the question myself.
Personally i would dump verizon if they treated me like that. I was in the store yesterday with my gf and she is a looooong time VZW customer. I'm taking 14 plus years and she went to best buy to get a phone because VZW doesn't know how to take care of customers at all.
It's a sad trend but the bigger the company the worse the customer service is
From my Wicked S3 on SOKP
mrbonine said:
I started writing a thread the other day but stopped as it was full of drama and detail not important. This is what happened (when there is drama I will insert [D] with no detail so the context is maintained a bit.
I was minding my own business when one day last week my Samsung Galaxy G3 (I535) suddenly lost the ability to make/receive calls. I was on 4.1.2 and rooted, bootloader unlocked via ODIN. I thought I had loaded software that caused the problem. Couldn't resolve. Called Verizon [D] [D] to level 2, no problem, let me check a few things, OK, cool, do you have 2nd SIM? Yes! OK, it must be the phone, let's get you a replacement.. (Saturday, Phone arrives Tues).
New phone, powers up, no updates, authentication nightmare. Will not auth. Call Verizon...just wait a while?...OK.
Some hours later, authenticated. Very odd problems: charge isn't indicated on several chargers, then it is, then it isn't, charger independent? Keyboard exhibits over 1000 ms delay on press; unusable. Several other odd problems. Confused, I look online: Verizon Galaxy G3 4.4.2 update slow. First two hits happen to be Verizon's own "self-support" boards. All my symptoms and more. Lot's of Verizon's taking customers through the swamp looking for snipe. Reboot, Sim pull/insert, Factory Reset. Called Verizon back, hold times 4x previous call. Getting to Level 2 very difficult, CS rep actually states: "I know most of our phones and I haven't heard this set of problems". I refered him to Verizon's web site, grudingly sends me to Level 2. Extremely long hold time, and upon answer that group is not busy at all but relaxing talking together. Guy is grumpy, "Let me check something", back without hold in about 10 mins. "What ROM did you flash on the phone!?" first thing he said to me.
I've never flashed a ROM on any phone, for the record. I told him I knew what was and didn't do that. He insisted that he "couldn't read the software on the phone" [D] [D]!
I maintained polite, and focused on a solution, but he would not hear of that. I also offered to do a Factory Reset at least twice. "The Custom ROM will still be there after Factory Reset!" Perhaps, but then that would prove what I did and didn't do, maybe? Finally, I told him that I was very tired, and we weren't solving anything. Could I have an problem ticket number or incident number for reference. "We don't use those anymore". "You can have my employee ID and my phone number." Sorry if this is not PC, but it felt like a rapist giving his victim his contact information, should victim want to be in touch. I said, no, I'll just call back.
Immediately upon termination the new phone (replacement) displayed "Safe Mode" no apps, and the inabilty to unselect "screen mirroring" a new feature to me, but now turned on. I pull the SIM and factory reset, even though I had loaded many apps back (Inclulding Towelroot, which I had found and implemented). Although no idication of root before, the phone showed rooted and customer or modified, I don't remember the fields. Next day called back, long holds, CS OK, everyone had read Level 2 notes. Sent me up to Level 2. Long hold time, over 30 minutes. Cold response. I asked why the replacement of a non-functioning device had branched into, after receiving said device, two separate issues, to me it was one, getting my service back. Cold, "what do you want us to do?" Not knowing, I said, "I don't know, I just want the phone to work". Finally he went to talk to the boss, came back at 0 deg. Kelvin, through clenched teeth: You can take your phone to Best Buy, they will flash it back (I presumed to 4.1.2), after factory reboot and confirm no....[D] Thanks, I terminated.
At this point I had no working phone for several days, and I felt very upset about the entire situation, especially how I'd been treated by the last two guys. The first after the replacement was so out of line he should have been sanctioned, and an appology directed at me by manager, unless....
This is what they intended to happen. Because the OTA updates hadn't taken, perhaps, they disabled the G3 connection on the device (and it was unprovisioned on their server), knew this would lead to the likely steps above, and were so intent on getting me under their control with 4.4.2 (which I knew nothing about, in terms of root, etc), they had manipulated me to 4.4.2? I am a long time customer with unlimited data, a withdrawn discount, and paying over $200 for two lines with shared limited minutes and txt. No contract.
Whatever the case I still have my 4.1.2 G3 (no voice) and the 4.4.2 replacement. Obviously, I cannot consider staying at Verizon (likely what they want, apparently). Which do I keep? How do I prep the other for return to them? Know any good class action attorney? Obviously, Verizon is too big to care about me and, like so many huge corporations, no one dares attempt to regulate them.
Thanks for any advice. For infomormation on any technical steps to support the above paragraph, please simply refer me to the thread or post and I'll take it from there. I am not super technical, and had to re-do the original ODIN process about 3 times before it took, so any existing process instructions targeted at the Stupid User level would be appropriate and very much appreciated.
Sorry this is so long, I honestly left out a few calls because it just dawned on me, after I called V back today to figure out next steps, the guy listened (read the notes), said I was very poorly handled, I deserved better, would go talk to manager, be right back, 20 minutes later, manager still busy, can he call me back? Sure, gave info. Not a single call or attempt. That was the "It's not us, it's you response" but made to sound the other way round. Apparently they want me to walk away with a useless device, and since it's old and I'm not under contract, but love the phone, I can't understand why they would destroy my property and tell me to f-off, other than they feel like it.
If this sounds like paranoia, you might be surprised what big companies will do to you if they can. And so far, I'm the only one harmed, since they probably expected me to stop days ago. In any event, I have to send back a phone to them and hopefully keep one that works somewhere else. Please help me with the steps I need to take.
If you like history, or want to see how the big guys got a stranglehold on the US after the Civil War, then were forced back into decency by Teddy Roosevelt, W. Wilson, and FDR check out the Roosevelt 7 part documentrary recently appearing on PBS. I'm up to Episode 4, and already knew much of the story, but the detailed focus on their private and public lives and how they matured and developed is moving, enlightening, and awe-inspiring.
Thank You in Advance,
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I don't really have any info to help you, so I apologize for that.
But out of curiosity, do you have the MyVerizon app (or whatever the name is) installed?
At one point the app requested root permission, which is EXTREMELY sketchy in my opinion. I wonder if you grant it, or even deny it (if they can detect the denial) if they ASSUMED that you installed a custom ROM, because a lot of those that root also install custom ROMs.
Maybe just try at a different time of day to maybe get a call center in a different state or country?
That is extremely unprofessional on their part though...
Sent from my SCH-I535 using XDA Free mobile app
XdrummerXboy said:
I don't really have any info to help you, so I apologize for that.
But out of curiosity, do you have the MyVerizon app (or whatever the name is) installed?
At one point the app requested root permission, which is EXTREMELY sketchy in my opinion. I wonder if you grant it, or even deny it (if they can detect the denial) if they ASSUMED that you installed a custom ROM, because a lot of those that root also install custom ROMs.
Maybe just try at a different time of day to maybe get a call center in a different state or country?
That is extremely unprofessional on their part though...
Sent from my SCH-I535 using XDA Free mobile app
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Speaking of verizon and apps. My gf when she was on the phone was told by a rep that she had updated an app the previous day through Google play. Talk about sketchy! Yea I remember when the verizon app requested root permissions on my phone, that was it for verizon apps for me
From my Wicked S3 on SOKP
ShapesBlue said:
Speaking of verizon and apps. My gf when she was on the phone was told by a rep that she had updated an app the previous day through Google play. Talk about sketchy! Yea I remember when the verizon app requested root permissions on my phone, that was it for verizon apps for me
From my Wicked S3 on SOKP
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Wow, that takes things to a whole new level....
Sent from my SCH-I535 using XDA Free mobile app
XdrummerXboy said:
Wow, that takes things to a whole new level....
Sent from my SCH-I535 using XDA Free mobile app
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Your telling me. She's not rooted or unlocked though but that's still messed up. She got her shiny new S5 yesterday, looks nice
From my Wicked S3 on SOKP
ShapesBlue said:
Your telling me. She's not rooted or unlocked though but that's still messed up. She got her shiny new S5 yesterday, looks nice
From my Wicked S3 on SOKP
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Hmm.. I wonder how they knew that then
Nice! I wanted the S5 or Note4, but I'll be hanging onto the S3 for another year. I can't justify buying one when I have a baby on the way
Sent from my SCH-I535 using XDA Free mobile app
XdrummerXboy said:
Hmm.. I wonder how they knew that then
Nice! I wanted the S5 or Note4, but I'll be hanging onto the S3 for another year. I can't justify buying one when I have a baby on the way
Sent from my SCH-I535 using XDA Free mobile app
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I hear that. I have mine until June next year. Not quite sure what I'm doing just yet. The Super power saving mode is quite a nice feature. It basically disables all apps but the essential ones. The battery life then goes way over a day plus on the S5
From my Wicked S3 on SOKP
Et tu Verizon
Thanks for the info. I did have the MyVerizon app installed, I believe. I don't remember it requesting root, but I sometimes click through those things without paying too much attention (since I'm fairly careful about what goes on the phone); the reason I install software requiring root is to access it (circular, I know) so, they are doing what they must to run. I appreciate the suggestions about other call centers, etc. I do have the contact information from the single most helpful and polite (funny how that goes together) person I talked to through this debacle. I'll drop him a quick note, but really, since they never even bothered to call back, it's clear to me that they want me to leave. Paying over $200 per month to be treated like crap is not something I could ever do. They are big, very profitable, and don't care about anything but extracting cash from people under contract, or too complacent to leave (I'm in the 2nd category until now). Being in a codependent relationship with Verizon is not only self-defeating, but irrational. Until we have some politicians owned by the people instead of corporations we have no chance of reigning these folks in. Sure, they employ lot's of people, but an army of good people working against the best interest of everyone is not good, it's an uncontrollable menace: just look at the banks that gambled with people's homes, lost their bets, then collateralized them when the bottom fell out of their own septic tank of greed. The entire world economy hit an air pocket, but we're still letting the same greed intoxicated pilots fly. My only regret is believing their lies as long as I did. I deserve better, and it's won't be particularly hard to find it. Since the 4.4.3 G3 (nor the 4.1.2 for that matter) are particularly compatible with the GSM carriers, and Samsung is the lookout for the felonious Verizon, I'll probably get a Nexus 5. I think the G5 is better for several reasons, but that's too bad. All of the tech and marketing in the world will not make me "grateful" to manufacturers or carriers that somehow feel controlling how you use the equipment you buy from them is somehow acceptable. The money Verizon cares about is the corporate contracts, since they can manage that process much better, the revenue is less volatile, and they don't have to take calls from subscribers, wasting the money that could be spent on acquisitions, and expanding their market oligarchy. Public utilities create natural monopolies. There are not 2 sets of power lines, or water lines, or sewers running into your home. And the idea that competition from fiber will for improvements from Comcast is false, prices may move, but service will not get better. Only when barriers of entry are low can new competitors help drive down the price of entrenched utilities. We could all create our own mobile system on meshes of unlicensed 5.0 Gig or other spectrum, but it would be very costly to do that and linking this metropolitan radio webs would be tricky. But probably, someone is already working on that. Ask a HAM radio enthusiast about how they handle phone calls over shortwave. They have licenses, yes, but the technology to connect 2-way voice wireless signals to PSTN phone calls has been around for many years. Big corporations exact huge profits and drag down anyone that needs the services, the trick is to find creative ways around them, most importantly by thinking outside of the feature/function cage they've placed around us. Soon, you'll be able to buy just the cable channels you want, perhaps. I have hundreds and I generally watch less than 10.
The accusation flung at me by the enraged employee is little more that hot air. It reflects a corporate culture of mendacity and blame. My fault was to allow him to take control of the conversation, for a millisecond. Whatever I've done to the software on the phone (which, as you noted, was not a ROM change) it's still my phone and not theirs. They don't even provide the "insurance" to replace the failed device, a third party does. I didn't stop my phone from working to get a new phone. Had the replacement worked as well or better as the one it replaced I would have been happy. Now, I'm going over a week with no phone and they will never get paid for that week. The longer it takes to resolve, the less on my final bill, which will be coming up soon. When folks have experiences like this it's best to communicate the problem to the FCC (as if they cared) and their state PUC. Not that they will do anything about it, but it's important to remember they have a duty to regulate whether this group of appointees cares or not. The only thing that affects Verizon is withdrawing my monthly gratuity and when that happens because of abuse, manipulation, and possible fraud, the regulators need to be informed, if only so they can't say they didn't know.
Thanks for the reminder that they have no business asking questions about rooted phones or ROMS. That lingering guilt that one may have done something Daddy Verizon doesn't approve of is there, for sure, but since what I was accused of I didn't do, it was easier to just say, no, I didn't do that.....when I offered to factory reset TWICE during the call and he pretended not to hear me I realized it was all just a manipulative game played by a bully. No, no lunch money for you today, dude. I think they actually hire volatile people and use them as scarecrows. If Verizon didn't want their customers to be exposed to abuse, they'd fire these guys. The second guy was so cold, trying to do the right thing, but hating it. If you've ever been to a time-share presentation and not purchased one, you are familiar with this game. It's not only wrong, but it reflects how truly manipulative and immoral the employers are, they are paying the guy to be insulting, intimidating, and thuggish. So many large companies act this way, it's amazing we let them get away with it. The only way to stop it is to stop paying them and tell them why. I worked in a small hardware store in a small town 30+ years ago. Even when customers were trying some trick, like returning something they didn't buy from us, or a more elaborate ruse (I'll bring the old stuff back tomorrow......), I just explained how it worked and enforced the process; I never shouted, "You are so busted...." These were customers, some making honest errors, some trying to take advantage, but there were none I didn't want to come back again, because it would be bad for business and likely make an enemy. After I leave Verizon I will never give them another dime ever, and I think they honestly don't believe that.
XdrummerXboy said:
I don't really have any info to help you, so I apologize for that.
But out of curiosity, do you have the MyVerizon app (or whatever the name is) installed?
At one point the app requested root permission, which is EXTREMELY sketchy in my opinion. I wonder if you grant it, or even deny it (if they can detect the denial) if they ASSUMED that you installed a custom ROM, because a lot of those that root also install custom ROMs.
Maybe just try at a different time of day to maybe get a call center in a different state or country?
That is extremely unprofessional on their part though...
Sent from my SCH-I535 using XDA Free mobile app
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I need help from an Android expert for my identity theft case

I have a Galaxy Note 10+ on Android 12. I recently woke up to find an extra checking account added to my name at Navy Federal Credit Union. Money was transferred into then back out of that account, amongst other things that they did. Long story short, NFCU denied my fraud claim. Their security team told me the reason for the denial was that a "device of historical record was used" to open the account and process the transactions. Which is impossible, as my husband of twenty years was in the ICU when this was happening and I was with him, and phones are prohibited in an ICU. Also, the month before, I had started getting notifications on my phone that Amazon was charging my Capital One cards for purchases I did not make. I contacted Amazon, they had me change my password, got refunded, and the intrusions stopped. Interestingly, there were two names and addresses added to my Amazon account, I am guessing those were the names and addresses from the fraudulent purchases. Anyway, i am working now on an appeal to NFCU to get my money back after they debited my checking account for their loss after I called to report the fraudulent account. Is there any way possible that someone would be able to use a different device that appears via the network to be my device? I was told that they could tell because of "unique identifying codes" so i am assuming either the IMEI or MAC address.
I did have three things happen, any of which could have potentially granted access. One, I tried to root my phone using an app purporting to be Kingoroot, but the root was unsuccessful. Two, I did one time download and try to install an app via APK Downloader app store. It didn't work and I uninstalled it and have not tried again, nor wlll I ever try again. Both of those things happened in the summer of 2022. The last was actually from my Windows laptop - an Asus ZenBook - also in the late summer of 2022. I have been getting fake emails from Navy Federal for a long time, and usually you can tell right away it is fake because there will be something that doesn't look quite right or something misspelled, etc. I received an email one day however that looked perfect and legitimate, saying I had a message from NFCU, and I was actually at the time expecting a message in reply from NFCU so I didn't think and clicked on the link and attempted to log in. Right after I hit submit, I noticed the URL was resolving to nfcu.org (or maybe nfcu.com) and not to navyfederal.org like it should be, so I immediately closed the tab before it did whatever it was going to do.
NFCU argues that because of 2FA and the transactions being from a device of historical record that it was me that did the transactions, even though I am wholly innocent and had no idea this was happening until after the fact. They at first said that I must have been the victim of my email being hacked, so I changed that password, but not before I suddenly started getting literally hundreds of spam emails to that account, all from vendors thanking me for signing up to their marketing email distribution list. I am assuming the device NFCU is talking about was my Note 10+, but they will not tell me "without a subpoena" which device was used. I had also traded in a smartphone to Samsung in the past year, had sold a smartphone to a guy overseas via eBay, and had sent in the laptop I had for an insurance claim, which they kept and issued me a check instead, with which I oourchased the ZenBook I now have refurbished off eBay. So there are other possibilities, but even with those, it would have required somehow being able to resurrect my identity on those devices as they were wiped before sale/sending them off. My current laptop got a clean install of Windows immediately when I got it so I doubt that is the source. I also do nt install pirated software on it or use torrents, etc. If anyone has any information on what could be possible in this case, I would greatly appreciate anything you can tell me. My husband passed away in the middle of all this, so having funeral expenses on top of loss of income has been very, very difficult financially, and losing one's spouse of twenty years is devastating mentally, so I really truly need to recover these funds and put this issue to rest. To do that I must figure out how someone could do transactions on a device that appears to be my device but it isn't mine. How is this possible?
Thank you for your time and assistance, I am very grateful for any information you may have that could help me with my appeal.
I'm very sorry to hear this happened to you. I have some experience with this. Most likely, you will need to hire an attorney who specializes in this to get your money back. If you haven't talked to NFCU corporate in VA. I would also recommend doing so. Keep logs of everything you do. Record pertinent conversations.
Best of luck you to you!
defcondoc said:
I'm very sorry to hear this happened to you. I have some experience with this. Most likely, you will need to hire an attorney who specializes in this to get your money back. If you haven't talked to NFCU corporate in VA. I would also recommend doing so. Keep logs of everything you do. Record pertinent conversations.
Best of luck you to you!
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Thank you very much for the reply! I planned to assemble my appeal and fire it off via the regular channels plus as you suggested send a copy of everything to NFCU corporate.
Have a great week!

