[Q] How to control your dataplan from "Dirty Water"? - General Questions and Answers

First of all, I'm not a developer but only an end user with a need to minimize the huge amount of "dirty water" that Androids are leaking....
My example; I'm using my device abroad in many countries, I have a dataplan that allows me to pay domestic even if I'm abroad.
I have a very restricted dataplan(about 20MB), these MB is supposed to last 1 month. I'm only using 1 App, which collects GPS positionings and also sends event updates (i.e I have collected/delivered)... I send frequently positions to my server, these packages are very small, about 350 bytes at time, so you can imagine that 20MB will last quite a while...
But guess, it's not lasting long! Even if my app is turned off, the phone keeps transmitting data! and a lot of data too... It turns out that my application only uses less than 5% of these 20MB per month, even worse 20MB is not enought, the consumption is >30MB....
So, that was a very short back ground, now to my question: I would like to know how you can control the Android OS so you can minimize this "Dirty water" flow? The only information I would like to transmit is my own!!
I hope that someone of you great developers can assist me in this matter, if you need more information just let me know,


GPRS usage not appearing/being billed on O2

It seems that my GPRS usage is not appearing on my usage details on my O2 account.
Available this month Used Remaining
Inclusive Allowance - kbs
Browse and download 4 MB 4096 0 4096
Inclusive browse and download 1 MB 1024 0 1024
Does anyone have this?
I can't even find this information on my online O2 account - where do you find stuff like that out?
It will show up eventually, my usage is at least 2 months behind, if I look at my online account now, it shows my GPRS usage from March! I am about to enter my third year with O2 online and they have never sorted this problem out. So be carful with what you use or it might catch you out!
It should be somewhere under the unbilled usage section, a sub catergory to your online bill. Im only in my 2nd month with O2 now so I guess its just behind, abit frustrating, if I do go over my limit and get a stupid charge then they could be partly responsible for my overuse due to their malfunctioning reports? Thank god for the GPRS report application.
Continuing in my quest for 'thicky of the year award', how do I get hold of GPRS report - sounds useful?
Its in your unbilled usage - then click 'inclusive allowance' and use the drop down box to select your number... (silly - and if you get the favicon error just click back) - Damn Reddot CMS messing up!
Likewise (although if I check now i bet i've been charged) - I havent had any GPRS usage come up (include mobile web) for a while now!
Thanks - found it
Says I have a 100kb allowance with none used - as you say, well out of date
I'm trying spb GPRS monitor BTW - seems really very effective.
Here's a weird follow-up for you.
spb GPRS monitor works well when I connect myself. However, I also use Tomtom plus services (satnav) which automatically makes a BT connection with my Jamin to download weather and traffic data via GPRS. This worked today as usual but GPRS monitor shows no usage. I also looked at the pda screen whilst Tomtom was connecting and the little G sign at the top didn't change and there was no indication of any connection, even though data was clearly flowing!
Any ideas?
I've used shedloads of GPRS since I bought an Alpine last August and thus far I've never been charged a penny for it. It says I have an allowance of 100kbytes/month but it always shows zero used, even though in some cases I've gone over 10mbytes in one month!
They sure have a strange business plan!
You may have an old account with them. I've been with them for 6 years on the same number (but switched around contracts a bit), and never been billed a penny for it.
Either they got it wrong, or I get inclusive GPRS (which is more likely, realistically!)
If you yell at them over the phone about expensive GPRS rates, and threaten to leave (say 3 offered you a better deal), and they might cut your £/MB. Sounding frustrated yields the best results.
Apparently 3 have the cheapest data rates.
Thx - great info

Writing new program

Hi all.
Like others, sorry if this is in the incorrect spot.
Just wondering if some of the developers might be able to write programs for usage.
Here in Australia, moble carriers charge a connection fee, then a set cost per 30 seconds.
How hard would it be for someone to write a program whereby you can monitor your usage by the $ ( or pound) and have it reset each month.
The settings section could enable you to enter your carriers monetory values. eg connection fee $0.37 calls per 30 sec $0.40 text msg $0.25, etc (everyone will be different due to differing charges via their carrier)
Every month it would reset itself to start from zero again.
That way you could keep an eye on your usage - especially if you are on a cap plan
Personally, I'd like to see it written for Android, but need a starting point somewhere.
I've searched android for some usage applications and have found a few that track usage through time (eg 400 minutes free) but nothing based on the $$$ side.
Any thoughts? Or is there something already done like this? By the way, I'm with Telstra if someone has found something for them.

[Q] What is your average daily data usage?

Just converted to winpho, and I love all the integration and fluidity as everyone says. But I feel like it takes up way too much data.
tl;dr. data usage hitting 10+mb daily, <3mb on android. wtf?
I find myself hitting 10mb+ daily, when i was below 3mb on android. WiFi continuously on (it wasn't on android either). I browsed wiki (one page) and used bing once, and found myself at 10mb halfway through the day. The only running app with data usage (that i know off) is 2 gmail account (probably 20 emails total, all text), with 30min interval and metrotalk (google voice client).
Looking at tmobile data spreadsheet, my phone seems to randomly access about 5+mb (up to like 13mb) daily in one section of time, and everything else below 1mb. I stream no music or video.
Not a new toy syndrome either, I used the phone for half a month already and found this trend.
Data Usage spreadsheet from t-mobile. http://bit.ly/JVQk0C
This is frankly, ridiculous. That would be like downloading a giant app a day. what could possibly my phone be doing?
phone: nokia 710
edit: i did the math, wp7 avg. at 15mb/day while android at 4mb/day wtf? (same usage for the most part)
Moved to Q&A for you mate, should get you a few more opinions
I actually found WP7 much easier on my data allowance than Android. Don't forget that your live tiles etc. will use data to refresh, and having your Google voice client open all the time may not be doing you any favours, either. It's entirely possible that the Voice client on Android hibernates one way, and the client you're using on WP7 does it another way
You could always turn off the xbox live synchronisation with your games and the zune account for the music. I believe they will take up some of your data. You should also check any of your applications that might use the internet a lot! By the way, why don't you use push notifications for your google accounts? Those might use your data too!
There are number of services that can use data in the background. A few suggestions of things to check:
Make sure the feedback info is either turned off or set to only send over WiFi.
Un-pin the Me tile, or accept that WP7 will need to ping Facebook to see what your contacts are saying about you (may also apply to the People tile).
Marketplace tile probably uses a little data, checking for updates, but it should be minimal.
Games hub definitely uses som data, if it's synching with the Xbox Live servers (not sure how much).
A small bit of Marketplace configuration data is downloaded nightly, but it should be only a few KB.
Tip: Leave the phone plugged in all night, even if it doesn't need it. WiFi turns off when the screen is locked, unless the phone is plugged in. No, that behavior is not (yet) configurable.
I note this too after NoDo update. At the begining, my phone uses a little of data every day (some Kb, never goes far than a Mb). I use data to sync my hotmail account, gmail account, rss channels, some webpages. After NoDo update, my phones starts to consume a lot of data (more than 10Mb every day with the same uses). Then mango goes out and i think maybe they fix this situation. Today my phone have 8107 and the data usage is over the clouds. I switch on data connection manually and my data usage is more "normal". I know my phone has a lot of new services over the cloud but i can't maintain its appetite of data.

Increased Data Usage

I recently came back from a two-month trip and started using my ATT sim card again. My Infuse is basically the same as when I left - Infused 2.23, no major changes.
All of a sudden my data usage has gone from an average of a couple of megabytes (at the most) a day to over ten. I only have a 200mb plan, so this is a problem.
I installed traffic monitor; unfortunately most of the data used falls under the heading of "System Traffic," which cannot be researched further. New build of Maps? Some rogue system program? I can't figure out how to find out what it is, and a google search wasn't particularly helpful.
Something is different, and I don't know what it is.
Anyone facing a similar situation or have any clues?
Start uninstalling apps and watch your usage to see which is the culprit.
Sent from my not-an-iPod
Thanks. That's a good idea, but it's all system apps, not apps I've installed. None of them are causing any trouble. I'm not even sure which are all the system apps...
Some apps I noted:
1. Quick Office Pro uses like about 20k on phone start up; not sure if it does it every time. There could be a few more apps that do this.
2. Google voice syncs itself
3. Push emails send info to server saying the link can be used
4. Maps new build could be a possible culprit (I keep mine frozen all the time now, and defreeze it only when needed)
I noticed this even on my wife's iPhone sometimes when she gets 65% usage sms (she has a 200 MB plan), and she's always on WiFi at home, and sometimes the data usage on AT&T site shows up to 20-30 MB per session. No way to track it. I tried taking it up with them, but that won't help since AT&T too does not track which app or what data it is.

Data Use Discrepancy

I have a two gig data plan and routinely use far less, only about 500 - 600 mb per billing period. I just got an email warning that I'm approaching my data use limit when I know my usage patterns haven't changed. Looking at the breakdown on myatt.att.com, it shows large chunks of data at specific times such as 6:00AM, 6:00PM, 12:00PM and 3:00AM. (I'm never awake at 6 or 3 AM). ....compared to other, random data use times like 2:26, 5:48, etc. Additionally, viewing the numbers on my phones data use app, it reflects the typical data I'm accustomed to using. I'm going to call customer service today but I'm not really expecting a resolution. Has anyone else had this problem?
Are you connected to WiFi at night?
I auto connect to wifi when at home and all night. I spoke too soon about not expecting a resolution from AT&T. I spent some time on the phone with a tech guy and he finally found that the issue was an error in their system. It was beyond my level of tech understanding, but it was something about gprs which required a reset of my phone and I was told the correct data usage would then be reflected on their end.

