GPRS usage not appearing/being billed on O2 - General Topics

It seems that my GPRS usage is not appearing on my usage details on my O2 account.
Available this month Used Remaining
Inclusive Allowance - kbs
Browse and download 4 MB 4096 0 4096
Inclusive browse and download 1 MB 1024 0 1024
Does anyone have this?

I can't even find this information on my online O2 account - where do you find stuff like that out?

It will show up eventually, my usage is at least 2 months behind, if I look at my online account now, it shows my GPRS usage from March! I am about to enter my third year with O2 online and they have never sorted this problem out. So be carful with what you use or it might catch you out!

It should be somewhere under the unbilled usage section, a sub catergory to your online bill. Im only in my 2nd month with O2 now so I guess its just behind, abit frustrating, if I do go over my limit and get a stupid charge then they could be partly responsible for my overuse due to their malfunctioning reports? Thank god for the GPRS report application.

Continuing in my quest for 'thicky of the year award', how do I get hold of GPRS report - sounds useful?

Its in your unbilled usage - then click 'inclusive allowance' and use the drop down box to select your number... (silly - and if you get the favicon error just click back) - Damn Reddot CMS messing up!
Likewise (although if I check now i bet i've been charged) - I havent had any GPRS usage come up (include mobile web) for a while now!

Thanks - found it
Says I have a 100kb allowance with none used - as you say, well out of date
I'm trying spb GPRS monitor BTW - seems really very effective.

Here's a weird follow-up for you.
spb GPRS monitor works well when I connect myself. However, I also use Tomtom plus services (satnav) which automatically makes a BT connection with my Jamin to download weather and traffic data via GPRS. This worked today as usual but GPRS monitor shows no usage. I also looked at the pda screen whilst Tomtom was connecting and the little G sign at the top didn't change and there was no indication of any connection, even though data was clearly flowing!
Any ideas?

I've used shedloads of GPRS since I bought an Alpine last August and thus far I've never been charged a penny for it. It says I have an allowance of 100kbytes/month but it always shows zero used, even though in some cases I've gone over 10mbytes in one month!

They sure have a strange business plan!

You may have an old account with them. I've been with them for 6 years on the same number (but switched around contracts a bit), and never been billed a penny for it.
Either they got it wrong, or I get inclusive GPRS (which is more likely, realistically!)
If you yell at them over the phone about expensive GPRS rates, and threaten to leave (say 3 offered you a better deal), and they might cut your £/MB. Sounding frustrated yields the best results.
Apparently 3 have the cheapest data rates.

Thx - great info


Is GPRS used up much power?

I keep my brand new XDA2 always connected GRPS to receive instant e-mail?
However, I found that my XDA2 using power very quickly.
In the past, when I used the XDA1, my GPRS plan is not that much so that I can keep it on-line all the time and the phone battery gone out reasonably.
Any thoughts?
Try a longer interval between checking the email. I originally had my XDA set to check every 15 minutes but I could see that it was sapping the battery strength. I dialed it back to once per hour (this is the longest interval you can choose) and I can go a few days at a time this way (depending on how much I use the XDA otherwise).
That means GPRS really consume too much power.
I will adjust setting to an hour.
Thanks a lot.
let me add small comment on this, it's not the 'alway on' that drain the battary, but any type of data traffic . it would be the same if you use CSD line. I'm not sure, but I noticed that phone calls do not consume that much ... maybe coz data traffic uses lot of buffering and errors handling.

Writing new program

Hi all.
Like others, sorry if this is in the incorrect spot.
Just wondering if some of the developers might be able to write programs for usage.
Here in Australia, moble carriers charge a connection fee, then a set cost per 30 seconds.
How hard would it be for someone to write a program whereby you can monitor your usage by the $ ( or pound) and have it reset each month.
The settings section could enable you to enter your carriers monetory values. eg connection fee $0.37 calls per 30 sec $0.40 text msg $0.25, etc (everyone will be different due to differing charges via their carrier)
Every month it would reset itself to start from zero again.
That way you could keep an eye on your usage - especially if you are on a cap plan
Personally, I'd like to see it written for Android, but need a starting point somewhere.
I've searched android for some usage applications and have found a few that track usage through time (eg 400 minutes free) but nothing based on the $$$ side.
Any thoughts? Or is there something already done like this? By the way, I'm with Telstra if someone has found something for them.

Mystery 12 O'clock Data Consumption

I have been tracking my data consumption for my LG Quantum on Telus and I noticed that I was consuming quite a lot of data, despite the fact that I have not used it for anything more than answering an email or two. Looking deeper, I found that my Data consumption was between 100-500KB during most of the day, but for 15 minutes at around midnight (if not then, then at midday), my data consumption soars to over 9000KB (8.8MB) (it doesn't say for what).
It has been doing this since I activated the service.
Can anyone help me resolve this problem?
Information about my Phone
LG Quantum C900B
WP7 Mango 7.10.7712.60
$20 Telus prepaid plan
(LG) Panorama Shot
(LG) Play To
(LG) ScanSearch
(José H.Arriaga) Stopwatch
(Daniel Moth) Translator by Moth
(Microsoft) YouTube
2 Windows Live accounts with:
1 Facebook
Update: Possible Resolution!
I noticed that my phone was programmed to check for updates over the 3G connection. I just disabled it, but I will need to wait 24h before seeing if that was the issue. If you can confirm it, please do.
i have notice this also the exact same thing basically on my samsung focus so it sure makes you wonder??and to add to that i purpurposely made sure i havent used the net or download anything or anything else since new bill and im up to 8.8 or 8.9 usage!!!! hmmmm
Well, it seems it was the 'Update over 3G' that was hogging my Data:
I unchecked the option yesterday and spent today recieving emails, checking the People Hub and even surfing a couple of websites over the network without using half as much data as before.

Data Use Discrepancy

I have a two gig data plan and routinely use far less, only about 500 - 600 mb per billing period. I just got an email warning that I'm approaching my data use limit when I know my usage patterns haven't changed. Looking at the breakdown on, it shows large chunks of data at specific times such as 6:00AM, 6:00PM, 12:00PM and 3:00AM. (I'm never awake at 6 or 3 AM). ....compared to other, random data use times like 2:26, 5:48, etc. Additionally, viewing the numbers on my phones data use app, it reflects the typical data I'm accustomed to using. I'm going to call customer service today but I'm not really expecting a resolution. Has anyone else had this problem?
Are you connected to WiFi at night?
I auto connect to wifi when at home and all night. I spoke too soon about not expecting a resolution from AT&T. I spent some time on the phone with a tech guy and he finally found that the issue was an error in their system. It was beyond my level of tech understanding, but it was something about gprs which required a reset of my phone and I was told the correct data usage would then be reflected on their end.

looking for an app to show me the WiFi use of another phone

Hi, I hope this is the right place to ask this.
so I pay our homes Internet plan and we have a monthly limit of 100GB and my sister (somehow) managed to use 60GB in the past 20 days and finish our internet!!! I showed her on her phone which apps are eating the internet and disabled the background usage of them and "Installed Internet speed meter" so she can keep an easy eye on her usage, and 10 days later(on the monthly renewal of our plan) when I checked ISM on her phone it was only showing the Internet use of that day! she obviously reset the app the day before (I'm using this app myself and it always shows 30days of use unless you rest the app!)
I can't use her phones normal Data usage in the setting cuz It only shows a full month and doesn't let you choose a smaller time frame. and our plan doesn't start on the first day of the month.
so Is there an app I can install on her phone to send me her WiFi use to my phone or email, I don't want any other info, just the amount of WiFi use, I saw some other apps and they're all focused on stuff like social apps and emails and messages, but I just want the amount of WiFi, I don't even care which apps she uses, Can someone help me out here?
thank you . . .
PS: I actually thought of something even better and a lot none invasive, I'm using a D-ling router, is there a way for me to check her phone's usage over in the router menu? I know each device has an address I just don't know where to look for it!
f3ryx said:
Hi, I hope this is the right place to ask this.
so I pay our homes Internet plan and we have a monthly limit of 100GB and my sister (somehow) managed to use 60GB in the past 20 days and finish our internet!!! I showed her on her phone which apps are eating the internet and disabled the background usage of them and "Installed Internet speed meter" so she can keep an easy eye on her usage, and 10 days later(on the monthly renewal of our plan) when I checked ISM on her phone it was only showing the Internet use of that day! she obviously reset the app the day before (I'm using this app myself and it always shows 30days of use unless you rest the app!)
I can't use her phones normal Data usage in the setting cuz It only shows a full month and doesn't let you choose a smaller time frame. and our plan doesn't start on the first day of the month.
so Is there an app I can install on her phone to send me her WiFi use to my phone or email, I don't want any other info, just the amount of WiFi use, I saw some other apps and they're all focused on stuff like social apps and emails and messages, but I just want the amount of WiFi, I don't even care which apps she uses, Can someone help me out here?
thank you . . .
PS: I actually thought of something even better and a lot none invasive, I'm using a D-ling router, is there a way for me to check her phone's usage over in the router menu? I know each device has an address I just don't know where to look for it!
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Who is your ISP? Have you logged into the router??
Usually from a web browser whilst you're connected to the said network..
From there you can monitor connected devices, depending on the routers features you may even be able to restrict or even cut off devices when they meet a certain threshold..
If you router doesn't allow that then you could obtain another router as an ad-hoc connection which does feature these settings and then make the changes from there..
Your sister could also look at her usage and alter accordingly, IE: turning off updates, modding her routine usage like streaming instead of downloading once then re-listening?
Who pays the bill? If she is the sole person going over it then bill her! If she's too young to pay then let the dishes pile up and create a system so she can work it off by doing housework, she'd learn valuable lessons that way...
Hope this helps..
---------- Post added at 02:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:00 PM ----------
On another hand you could just get WiFiKill installed on your phone and cut her off when you like.
Drive her mad
dladz said:
Who is your ISP? Have you logged into the router??
Usually from a web browser whilst you're connected to the said network..
From there you can monitor connected devices, depending on the routers features you may even be able to restrict or even cut off devices when they meet a certain threshold..
If you router doesn't allow that then you could obtain another router as an ad-hoc connection which does feature these settings and then make the changes from there..
Your sister could also look at her usage and alter accordingly, IE: turning off updates, modding her routine usage like streaming instead of downloading once then re-listening?
Who pays the bill? If she is the sole person going over it then bill her! If she's too young to pay then let the dishes pile up and create a system so she can work it off by doing housework, she'd learn valuable lessons that way...
Hope this helps..
---------- Post added at 02:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:00 PM ----------
On another hand you could just get WiFiKill installed on your phone and cut her off when you like.
Drive her mad
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thanks for the reply
I'm paying the bill and paying it isn't the problem, I know my internet usage is high so I got this connection with that in mind and thought the rest of the house can't go through more than 30-40GB per month so we're set, and I was right for them except for my sister! Apparently, she thinks the internet fairy pays for our monthly plan!
It's Instagram and another app like it, they both used 20GB each in 20 days! I saw it in her data usage in settings.
our router does not have any kind of feature to help with this situation! I searched for hours! I can see the connected devices but I can't do anything about it! I don't wanna buy another router cuz I don't live here, I'm just here for a month or two, my home's setup has a lot of options when it comes to traffic control but I never had to look into it!
I've been buying extra traffic each month for a while now (when ever I'm here) and I thought changing our plan would take care of that! I don't really wanna be mean and just cut her off! I suppose I just have to keep reminding her.
f3ryx said:
thanks for the reply
I'm paying the bill and paying it isn't the problem, I know my internet usage is high so I got this connection with that in mind and thought the rest of the house can't go through more than 30-40GB per month so we're set, and I was right for them except for my sister! Apparently, she thinks the internet fairy pays for our monthly plan!
It's Instagram and another app like it, they both used 20GB each in 20 days! I saw it in her data usage in settings.
our router does not have any kind of feature to help with this situation! I searched for hours! I can see the connected devices but I can't do anything about it! I don't wanna buy another router cuz I don't live here, I'm just here for a month or two, my home's setup has a lot of options when it comes to traffic control but I never had to look into it!
I've been buying extra traffic each month for a while now (when ever I'm here) and I thought changing our plan would take care of that! I don't really wanna be mean and just cut her off! I suppose I just have to keep reminding her.
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What about a software solution? Not sure how stable it would be but may be something you can take with you when you're not there? Haven't used one myself but must exist..

