[Q] What is your average daily data usage? - Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Just converted to winpho, and I love all the integration and fluidity as everyone says. But I feel like it takes up way too much data.
tl;dr. data usage hitting 10+mb daily, <3mb on android. wtf?
I find myself hitting 10mb+ daily, when i was below 3mb on android. WiFi continuously on (it wasn't on android either). I browsed wiki (one page) and used bing once, and found myself at 10mb halfway through the day. The only running app with data usage (that i know off) is 2 gmail account (probably 20 emails total, all text), with 30min interval and metrotalk (google voice client).
Looking at tmobile data spreadsheet, my phone seems to randomly access about 5+mb (up to like 13mb) daily in one section of time, and everything else below 1mb. I stream no music or video.
Not a new toy syndrome either, I used the phone for half a month already and found this trend.
Data Usage spreadsheet from t-mobile. http://bit.ly/JVQk0C
This is frankly, ridiculous. That would be like downloading a giant app a day. what could possibly my phone be doing?
phone: nokia 710
edit: i did the math, wp7 avg. at 15mb/day while android at 4mb/day wtf? (same usage for the most part)

Moved to Q&A for you mate, should get you a few more opinions
I actually found WP7 much easier on my data allowance than Android. Don't forget that your live tiles etc. will use data to refresh, and having your Google voice client open all the time may not be doing you any favours, either. It's entirely possible that the Voice client on Android hibernates one way, and the client you're using on WP7 does it another way

You could always turn off the xbox live synchronisation with your games and the zune account for the music. I believe they will take up some of your data. You should also check any of your applications that might use the internet a lot! By the way, why don't you use push notifications for your google accounts? Those might use your data too!

There are number of services that can use data in the background. A few suggestions of things to check:
Make sure the feedback info is either turned off or set to only send over WiFi.
Un-pin the Me tile, or accept that WP7 will need to ping Facebook to see what your contacts are saying about you (may also apply to the People tile).
Marketplace tile probably uses a little data, checking for updates, but it should be minimal.
Games hub definitely uses som data, if it's synching with the Xbox Live servers (not sure how much).
A small bit of Marketplace configuration data is downloaded nightly, but it should be only a few KB.
Tip: Leave the phone plugged in all night, even if it doesn't need it. WiFi turns off when the screen is locked, unless the phone is plugged in. No, that behavior is not (yet) configurable.

I note this too after NoDo update. At the begining, my phone uses a little of data every day (some Kb, never goes far than a Mb). I use data to sync my hotmail account, gmail account, rss channels, some webpages. After NoDo update, my phones starts to consume a lot of data (more than 10Mb every day with the same uses). Then mango goes out and i think maybe they fix this situation. Today my phone have 8107 and the data usage is over the clouds. I switch on data connection manually and my data usage is more "normal". I know my phone has a lot of new services over the cloud but i can't maintain its appetite of data.


A few questions about the Desire S.

I have just got a Desire S on a 24 month contract with Orange (UK), unbranded phone from Carphone Warehouse.
My old handset was an LG GT540, and when using the web browser on that phone as i typed in the address bar it would show search suggestions as i typed..
My Desire S doesnt seem to do this. Is this something that HTC removed, or can it be enabled in anyway? Does anyone else have this issue? Having never had a HTC phone before im not sure if this could be be something that HTC removed with their costomisation of android/sense etc...
Also. The price plan I am on includes 250MB or data per month..
My old LG phone was on pay as you go on o2, with 500MB of data and i never really used over 100MB in a month (was connected to wifi whenever i was at home).
So i just wanted to know if 250MB should be enough for this phone also. I will do most app downloads etc via wifi, and really will only use 3g/mobile data whenever I am out of the house.
I wont have many apps/widgets set to auto update adn sync, at most it would be the HTC weather widget, my google account obviously (contacts, calendar and mail) and possibly just facebook/twitter set to maybe update once an hour (Ive disabled syncing on the news and stock accounts). I do most web browsing eithe ron my home computer, or via wifi on my phone. So at most will do only an occasional bit of web briwsing via the data connection at most. Should 250MB a month be plenty for this kind of scenario, or does HTC/Sense phones tend to use a lot more data than a stock plain android build?
ONe last thing. I want to set up a HTCsense account (the one that lets you locate th ephone, and remotely lock/wipe the device etc..) This apparenyl syncs some things on the phone, does anyone know what exactly this DOES sync? and how heavy data usage this service is?
Apart from that I must say i absolutely LOVE this handset, especialyl when coming frmo the LG GT540 which is a low end android device and only runs android 2.1
Thanx for the help in advance.
well if you use wifi at home all the time, i doubt you'd run out of 250 mb.
i'm on giffgaff, where i get unlimted internet, but i can only use 100mb a day.
i sometimes do heavy web browsing on 3g and i cannot manage to use my 100mb...
only of course if you watch youtube over 3g/download apps all the time!
(sorry cant help with the other questions!)
m_2010 said:
I have just got a Desire S on a 24 month contract with Orange (UK), unbranded phone from Carphone Warehouse.
My old handset was an LG GT540, and when using the web browser on that phone as i typed in the address bar it would show search suggestions as i typed..
My Desire S doesnt seem to do this. Is this something that HTC removed, or can it be enabled in anyway? Does anyone else have this issue? Having never had a HTC phone before im not sure if this could be be something that HTC removed with their costomisation of android/sense etc...
Also. The price plan I am on includes 250MB or data per month..
My old LG phone was on pay as you go on o2, with 500MB of data and i never really used over 100MB in a month (was connected to wifi whenever i was at home).
So i just wanted to know if 250MB should be enough for this phone also. I will do most app downloads etc via wifi, and really will only use 3g/mobile data whenever I am out of the house.
I wont have many apps/widgets set to auto update adn sync, at most it would be the HTC weather widget, my google account obviously (contacts, calendar and mail) and possibly just facebook/twitter set to maybe update once an hour (Ive disabled syncing on the news and stock accounts). I do most web browsing eithe ron my home computer, or via wifi on my phone. So at most will do only an occasional bit of web briwsing via the data connection at most. Should 250MB a month be plenty for this kind of scenario, or does HTC/Sense phones tend to use a lot more data than a stock plain android build?
ONe last thing. I want to set up a HTCsense account (the one that lets you locate th ephone, and remotely lock/wipe the device etc..) This apparenyl syncs some things on the phone, does anyone know what exactly this DOES sync? and how heavy data usage this service is?
Apart from that I must say i absolutely LOVE this handset, especialyl when coming frmo the LG GT540 which is a low end android device and only runs android 2.1
Thanx for the help in advance.
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250Mb seems a little tight, I have 500Mb and tend to use 300-400 per month...although I suspect that my first months usage figures will be much higher than following months, as I've been downloading applications, reseting, syncing more than would be considered normal. Although I also stream radio which is quite greedy.
If you're strict with wifi usage over 3g you can probably control it and come in under 250Mb.
The best way to control your usage would be to install this http://www.appbrain.com/app/3g-watchdog/net.rgruet.android.g3watchdog which will monitor your usage and give projected usage figures.
I believe that Sense backs up your text messages along with other things as after I did a factory reset they re-appeared when I put my sense account details back into the phone.
20 gb amonth atleast or leave it be id say.
Sent from my HTC Desire S using XDA Premium App

Moving from Windows Mobile to Android (HTC Sensation)....Data connection

Having decided against moving to Win Mobile 7 I got a Sensation a couple of weeks ago (from a HD2) and hence my first Android device.
All is going well apart from the data connection. On Win Mob 6.5 I had 5 business emails which the phone checked every 15-30 minutes. The phone would connect, check the emails and then disconnect. If I wanted to browse then when I opened the browser, it connected and disconnected when I closed it.
On the Sensation I seem only to have the option of data connection on or off. I have set the email to sync every 30 minutes but I have to have the data connection on all the time to let it do this. The battery drain is crippling.
I download Juice Defender Ultimate after reading another thread but after setting it up it only allows data for so many minutes in the hour and when I say that the browser should overide Juice it just says I have no connection.
I love Android but losing 75% of your battery in 6 hours because of business emails is not quite good enough.
So is there a way of getting the data connection to go on and off as required (both on demand and for scheduled automatic email syncs)?
And if not what Juice defender settings do I need to get it to do what I want?
Any help much appreciated.
I'm looking for an answer to this to, for the exact same reason. A "Data Connection Timeout" setting or something similar.
Switch to pushmail, saves you quite some data transfers and is more effective in the end. I have two hotmail addresses plus oen gmail on pushmail and I don't notice any more battery drain with data connection permanently on.
Settings>Mobile Networks>untick "Enable always-on mobile data.
This usually helps the battery drain a lot, especially if you don't have things that are always using data, like pandora and the like. If you have things set to specific intervals, then it should work like your WinMo devices and connect then disconnect as needed.
Admittedly the droid likes to be more automated than WinMo, and you have much less control than 6.5. (Never used Phone7, so I can't comment on that.) But, once you learn the tricks to using it (just like the tricks to 6.5) its just as powerful as WinMo was for the business geared user, as far as I can tell. The battery is something that takes some finessing as well, so keep working with it and keep learning. There are some pretty good guides available that can tell you steps to take, even a few here on XDA for the searching.
Good luck with your new droid device, it will become second nature in time. It took me a month to quit tapping the icons in the task bar. LOL.
Thanks for the replies
I think the fact that the HD2 and the Sensation both use Sense helps and therefore it has been fairly easy to get to grips with Android.
I have already unchecked the 'always on' option but I never seem to get any emails unless I open the email program up...even when its running in the background. Win Mobile 6.5 used to check without the email being open.
I have had another play with JD and seem to have sort of got what I want but sometimes the data connection won't wake up after the unlock screen without a data toggle on and off.
Is there any better email apps from the market?
I have already unchecked the 'always on' option but I never seem to get any emails unless I open the email program up...even when its running in the background. Win Mobile 6.5 used to check without the email being open.
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Strange because when I do that I get a lot better battery life and my push Gmail arrives in 2-3 minutes instead of isntantly. also Google Talk won't stay connected with this setting. Other than that it seems to work really well for me doing exactly what you want.

Increased Data Usage

I recently came back from a two-month trip and started using my ATT sim card again. My Infuse is basically the same as when I left - Infused 2.23, no major changes.
All of a sudden my data usage has gone from an average of a couple of megabytes (at the most) a day to over ten. I only have a 200mb plan, so this is a problem.
I installed traffic monitor; unfortunately most of the data used falls under the heading of "System Traffic," which cannot be researched further. New build of Maps? Some rogue system program? I can't figure out how to find out what it is, and a google search wasn't particularly helpful.
Something is different, and I don't know what it is.
Anyone facing a similar situation or have any clues?
Start uninstalling apps and watch your usage to see which is the culprit.
Sent from my not-an-iPod
Thanks. That's a good idea, but it's all system apps, not apps I've installed. None of them are causing any trouble. I'm not even sure which are all the system apps...
Some apps I noted:
1. Quick Office Pro uses like about 20k on phone start up; not sure if it does it every time. There could be a few more apps that do this.
2. Google voice syncs itself
3. Push emails send info to server saying the link can be used
4. Maps new build could be a possible culprit (I keep mine frozen all the time now, and defreeze it only when needed)
I noticed this even on my wife's iPhone sometimes when she gets 65% usage sms (she has a 200 MB plan), and she's always on WiFi at home, and sometimes the data usage on AT&T site shows up to 20-30 MB per session. No way to track it. I tried taking it up with them, but that won't help since AT&T too does not track which app or what data it is.

WP7 is always data connected

Hello my friend,
I have recently migrate to WP7.5(Tango) and i have some little questions.
My data is always connected, but, i don't have activate the pushmail.
So, why my data are always on ?
Does Windows Phone has an autodisconnect feature ?
If no, is there a way in order to install an application in order to autodisconnect data after X seconds of innactivity.
Thanks a lot for your help,
What phone you are using?
Does your cellular provider charge by the minute, or something like that? All the rates for data that I've seen are either by the month or by the megabyte. I don't think I've heard of auto-disconnect as a desired feature since the days of literal modems (the kind that sent sudio tones over the telephone connection instead of using a communication protocol actually intended for data).
The only way I know of to turn off the data connection is manually, in the Settings hub. Be aware that a lot of the features of WP7 use data connectivity in the background, not just email sync. For example, syncing your Facebook (and Twitter and LinkedIn) account, syncing your contacts and calendar from the server, checking the Marketplace for updates to installed apps, and so on. These use very little data, but they connect fairly often.
In theory, I'm sure there's a way to programmatically turn the data connection on or off. It might even be possible to tell when it's not in use, and hasn't been for some time. This is not going to be easy, though, and as far as I know nobody else has figured it out.
Thanks for the answers,
So, i will coding an apps in order to turn OFF the DATA connection during a period.
( the night for me)

[Q] How much data per month does GPS use?

I want to change my cell plan to one with either 100mb or 250mb.
I want to use:
- GPS (about twice a week)
- Leave my Live tiles on to have them update with data like email sync and weather+news
- Email check (about once a week)
How much data does a 10 minute session of GPS use?
Do you think I can fit into my data budget? I can't go above 250mb because my monthly budget stops there.
Thanks for your help
OS: WP7.5
Hardware: Samsung Focus
GPS doesn't use any data. It uses the 31 GPS satellites to determine the phone's position only, which is not a "data" connection at all.
What uses the data is the app that is using the GPS. Bing Maps, for example, downloads Map data on the fly, so using it will use your data. Nokia Drive, however, has the option to download maps on WiFi at home, then use it offline while you're out and about... meaning, it will not use any data even while it's using GPS. Does that make sense?
Yeah, it does. Thanks for the clear info. Let's say I won't have a Nokia phone, how much data will maps use per hour?
Also, how much data do live tile use? Is this quantifiable or is it just trivial?
Live tiles are pretty trivial data usage, a few KB a day normally. Apps with a lot of notifications, like an IM app (or of course email) use data much faster, although it should still only be a meg or two per day under normal situations.
As for the built-in Maps app, I haven't measured it but I suspect that 20 minutes of use a week won't break the budget. I haven't checked, though. Disable stuff like the birds-eye view - the high-quality images use a lot more bandwidth than the basic street map images - and if possible try to load the map immediately surrounding your route while on WiFi, and you should be fine (the data will cache until you close the app). Long trips, where the app is constantly needing to load more map data, will also use a lot more data than short ones that stay in one area.

