[Q] No sim issue - fixed in JB? - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S III

Does anyone know if the "no sim" issue was fixed in JB? My daughter is still having trouble with this up at school. Someone on the VZ board posted this:
Well I didn't believe it at first but I think they have finally resolved this issue!
First of all I'll give you some background. This is pertaining to the Samsung Galaxy S3 issue known as the "No Sim Error" where intermittently your phone will fail to send text messages or make and receive phone calls. When this failure happens, the phone displays "No Sim" at the top and you lose connectivity with the network briefly. The problem is location based. ie only certain areas are affected. This issue only pertains to the Samsung GS3 and only these specific symptoms. If your phone or symptoms are different then this is not your issue. I had actually planned to post a detailed synopsis of all the information I've compiled but that would appear to be unnecessary now that a solution has actually been found.
The following is a paraphrased quote from a level 1 Verizon tech who by his own admission did not himself understand what he was reading to me.
"There are 2 crossbands (data formats if you will) called TCA and 1XRTT. These crossbands are used in communication with the towers and the manufacturer's default distance threshold for these settings was incorrectly set on the GS3. They reduced the distance threshold to half a mile and this should fix your issue".
This fix was not a software patch but according to the tech was a config change they made on my account that overrode the Samsung factory default setting. I don't pretend to know exactly what that means but I can tell you that today is the first day since I've owned this phone that I cannot get it to fail. I do not know if you will have to call in to get them apply this configuration change or if they will push it out to all GS3 owners. I hope this is the beginning of the end of these problems with the Galaxy S3.
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Anyone know if there's a config menu we can get to that will display this setting?

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[Q] Did Samsung ever fix the low level volume fluctuation?

Did Samsung ever fix the low level volume fluctuation problem through the headphone connection on the 7.0+? Listening to lower level music files at lower volumes resulted in the volume jumping up and down slightly. The problem occurs regardless of whatever music player app is used. The files play fine on the Samsung Galaxy 5.0 player and other devices.
Update: It's not fixed.
This thread is the only reference I could find to this issue anywhere. Is it documented more fully somewhere else? Is Samsung aware of it and planning to fix it? Any references or other help would be greatly appreciated.
I've had my 7.0 Plus for about a week, and yesterday was the first time I tried listening to some classical music favorites featuring very soft choral passages. I couldn't. The volume surges every couple of seconds during soft passages. It sounds as if some demented engineer thought it would be a good idea to add an automatic volume equalizer to make sure the music never gets too soft. No. Very bad idea.
Until I found this thread, I thought I had a defective device or was losing my hearing. I'm glad that neither is the case. Again, please post links to further info about the issue. TIA.
Sun_Cat said:
Until I found this thread, I thought I had a defective device or was losing my hearing. I'm glad that neither is the case. Again, please post links to further info about the issue. TIA.
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I've had the same problem with 6210 from day one. Other than album art being screwed up, it's the only real annoying problem I've had with the box.
The problem may be in the default player. I use poweramp and don't experience that
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using XDA
It's not just the default player. I've experienced it in the Rhapsody app too. Also see the OP, which says regardless of app and also strongly imples that the issue has been discussed before.
Sun_Cat said:
It's not just the default player. I've experienced it in the Rhapsody app too. Also see the OP, which says regardless of app and also strongly imples that the issue has been discussed before.
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I hear it using TuneIn Radio. Hoping for a fix with ICS.
I've found two earlier references to the issue:
A review on Amazon from last November (reviewer says he's notified Samsung)
A post by this thread's OP, also from November (like me, he thought it sounded like Automatic Gain Control; unlike me, he remembered the right name for that feature )
Again, any more references, especially from Samsung, would be appreciated.
ETA: I found one on the Samsung support page (search for the string "How can I stop the volume" and click on the text to open the answer). It was answered, not by Samsung but by an anonymous user, who said "Sorry charlie, but you've got a headphone jack with a malfunctioning sensor. Sorry!"
I suppose that's a plausible explanation, but against it is the Amazon reviewer, who said he had the same problem with two different units. And then there's me and the OP here.
redsmear said:
The problem may be in the default player. I use poweramp and don't experience that
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I installed Poweramp. Nice app, but it doesn't help with this problem at all.
To hear the problem you have to be playing music with sustained passages that are very soft. With most pop, rock, and jazz it won't be noticeable. That's probably why the issue isn't more widely reported.
Try this video in your YouTube app. If your Tab Plus is behaving like mine, you'll hear several volume surges during the first 20 seconds or so. ETA: Crap! I can't post outside links. Here's the last part of the YouTube URL, after the slash: watch?v=6-i1ESIRKdA.
One more clue
And I found one more indirect clue in the Samsung Troubleshooting Guide under the heading GT-P6210 Volume Drops When Headphones Are Plugged In:
The volume on your Tablet will drop 75% when you plug in your headphones. This is a preventive measure for acoustic shock to your ears. The volume can be increased after the headphones are connected.
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Obviously this proves nothing about the issue we're discussing, but it is suggestive because it tells us that something in the firmware is deliberately designed to mess with the headphone volume.
Aha, so it's not just me who noticed this "feature" then
For anyone who is experiencing this issue and wants to let Samsung know about it in one place, I've started a public thread on their Facebook support wall. You'll have to imagine the first part of the usual Facebook URL since I can't post links. Here's the last part, after the slash: samsungsupport/posts/10150588609036213
Nothing from Samsung Support on Facebook since yesterday morning. One other person has posted there (thanks, Mark, if you're reading this). It would be nice if a few others would chime in.
I'll chime back in. I'm glad somebody else has finally noticed! The problem also exists with the Verizon SCH-i810 (Tab 7.7) but, perhaps, to a lesser degree.
I strongly suspect the (Yamaha?) driver and/or its configuration -- see the original post from November that shows the (configuration?) files. I suspect that file may hold the key to the problem. Problem is, I have no idea what the numbers actually mean and didn't find any documentation for those numbers (data sheets, etc.). I did attempt at the time to tweak a few numbers using my "best guess" by comparing the entries for rx-speaker vs. rx-headphone vs. rx-headset. but no discernible effect was heard.
No prizes for guessing who was raising such a fuss in November.
The "Sorry Charlie" answer is incorrect and I flagged it as such.
UPDATE: I found the 7.0+ /etc/audio files and I have the 7.7 /etc/audio files. There are some differences in the numbers and the 7.7 audio files (LVVEFS) have some comments (!!!) in them so maybe I can track down pertinent parameters.
Anyone else have an opinion or another idea? Is this a waste of time?
Thanks again to everyone who posted here. If you've been watching the Samsung wall on Facebook where I posted last week you've noticed that they haven't responded at all except to ask one simple question, which I answered immediately. Since then, crickets.
If you're experiencing this issue and you feel comfortable saying so in public, please add your comment to the post on Facebook. Maybe we can guilt them into responding.
Sun_Cat said:
Thanks again to everyone who posted here. If you've been watching the Samsung wall on Facebook where I posted last week you've noticed that they haven't responded at all except to ask one simple question, which I answered immediately. Since then, crickets.
If you're experiencing this issue and you feel comfortable saying so in public, please add your comment to the post on Facebook. Maybe we can guilt them into responding.
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They just answered about 1/2 an hour ago. They provide a link and ask us to go to the Samsung Service Facebook page and fill out a support form. Might as well. Keep the pressure up on someone over there.
Agreed. I just submitted their form with full details. We'll see whether they follow through.
A hint to anyone posting there: Samsung appears to be great at stalling by asking follow-up questions. Include as many pertinent details as possible in the initial post, such as model, wi-fi or data-enabled, serial number, firmware, streaming or stored music sources, which apps, etc., etc., and so forth.
Well, at least they're responding, but I'm not sure it's helping. This morning they replied to my original Facebook post:
We can suggest checking to see if the same problem occurs in a different set of headphones or speakers. If the problem persists we will suggest servicing your Tab.
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I've already checked with different headphones (not speakers; I've already told them several times that it's a headphones-only issue!), so I already know that the problem isn't due to one set of headphones.
This gives me zero confidence that they actually understand the issue. (Except that it's possible -- though in my view unlikely -- that it is a defective headphone jack.) I'm reluctant to send it in for service. The problem is subtle enough that someone lacking a trained musician's ear is likely to just say it's fixed and send it back. We already know that the fellow who mentioned this issue in his Amazon review got a second unit exhibiting the same defect.
Also, I have not heard from Samsung directly in response to submitting the official support form the other day, so I can't now tell whether or not this latest comment on the wall is coordinated with that other support request.
Does anyone have any advice? Has anyone here dealt successfully with Samsung support in the past, on any issue at all? How did you do it?
Sun_Cat said:
...This gives me zero confidence that they actually understand the issue. (Except that it's possible -- though in my view unlikely -- that it is a defective headphone jack.)
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I agree. I don't believe it's a headphone jack issue either. I'm going to wait until ICS comes out and then decide what to do if it's still an issue.
I've tried adjusting some numbers in the .txt files -- no change yet. Maybe I'm adjusting the wrong file. Who knows?
I'm surprised there aren't more complaints. It's easy to identify. Headphones, earphones -- doesn't matter. The problem exists with Samsung's earphones. They can't run away from that one. Doesn't the 7.0+ come with four audio files? I can't recall if the problem could be reproduced with those files, because the problem needs periods of relative silence to get into the "AGC" mode. I think the Samsung support is in typical "denial mode". Problem? What problem? Let's go through all the permutations of user error or workaround before considering that there is a problem. It's a matter of problem ownership -- and Samsung isn't owning it.
The questions I would ask are: "Have you tried reproducing the problem?" "Do you know how to reproduce the problem?" "Who has the capability to reproduce the problem, if you can't".
Yes! Just found the Samsung music files, going to try to reproduce with all Samsung supplied software and equipment.
UPDATE: Reproduced the problem on Galaxy Tab 7.7 with all Samsung supplied files/software/equipment:
1. Samsung supplied "Music Player", no EQ
2. Samsung supplied music file "Silky whisper.mp3"
3. Samsung supplied earphones, white with button and mic (I think it's pretty generic to Samsung)
1. Start Music Player.
2. Make certain volume is all the way down and the sound is muted (slash through speaker)
3. Press the volume up button once, twice (once to unmute and one step higher)
4. Play music file. Note how the piano cuts in and out throughout the song, especially during the opening of the instrumental.
I suspect that Samsung is going to hand this issue off to Yamaha. The constant in this matter is the Yamaha-sourced audio chip/driver/library/configuration/firmware.
Here are some files to compare from /etc/audio (I added the model to the name):
TonyBigs said:
It's a matter of problem ownership -- and Samsung isn't owning it.
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Agreed. That's why my first question to them on Facebook was "Are you aware of the problem?" No way will I send my GT7+ to them for service until they take that step.
I'll try your steps later today and see if I get the same result. Maybe we can gang up on them.
I have one additional datum since last week. I've tried to reproduce it on Bluetooth headphones, and the problem does not show up. It's only there with plugged-in headphones.
I suppose this could be interpreted as evidence slightly inclining toward the "defective headphone jack" theory. But I still don't think so. If anything, I think it could be related to the Self Aware Volume Ghost on the Galaxy Nexus, which Samsung apparently did acknowledge. Except the Nexus bug was much more obvious since the volume control indicator actually appeared on the screen and changed.

SIM Card & Network Problems (Invalid/Undetected/Etc) Let's Get Answers?

\I have the issue where the phone:
Reports an "Invalid SIM Card", "Please Insert SIM" etc. regardless of what carrier or generation of SIM card is inserted. This flip-flops somewhat consistently, ,
Gives an "Error While Searching for Networks" / "Unable to connect to Network now, please try again Later" when trying to manually register using Settings/Mobile Networks/Select Network
Baseband: Mar 11 2012 |M6600 9720a || Carrier: T-Mobile
ROM: Stock V21y Rooted (Also experienced on Weapon G2X, CM10 Hackfest, AOKP m6 & m5b40, v21e)​Screenshots of various settings INC
There are about 5 threads with similar reported problems scattered across Q&A here, 2-3 on RootzWiki, and various others at T-Mo's Official and LG's Support forums, so this seems to not be an isolated issue.
Is there a known solution to this issue?
Can users experiencing this issue, or similar issue, perform any steps to isolate the problem further in order to better troubleshoot it?
I apologize if it's been covered elsewhere or even in this thread (I just read it in it's entirety, though).
I am wondering if re-flashing the baseband is a possible solution to issues I've been having with Network Registration and SIM Card errors.
All threads previously came to end in despair, lack of a resolution, or varied musings on the possibility the Original SIM must be inserted prior to baseband flashing. or a baseband flash using an unsupported SIM causes corruption. Others have made mention that Wifi Calling & Certain SIMs don't jive, and claim a mismatched configuration of these 2 elements prior to a BB Upgrade can cause SIM issues. I find this a dubious, but possible given that this phone's HW/SW Config can seem like a goddamn Rubik's Cube at times.
Can anyone confirm or deny such a speculative claim, or perhaps give more information about the relationship between BB, RIL, SIM module, and Modem Settings? Anything special about the properties of any or all that could apply to issues of this sort?
I will try to consolidate the threads I've mentioned and put together a holistic index of all SIM-Related G2X problems, including better detail of my issue in particular. I'll do my best to rule out obvious cases in which the SIM Card slot hardware itself is obviously just effed in an effort to make this discussion more productive. If anyone has some input on how best to make this go smooth, send me a PM and I'll do what I can to facilitate.
I really believe there is a userbase that needs this help, but has mostly gone unanswered and ended up junking or RMA'ng the unit. As official support slowly recedes for the device, this solution becomes unrealistic and the benefits of producing user-enabled solutions will increase over time.
I have a similar issue with my LG G2X. Did you find a solution?

Couple of questions about troubleshooting a problem/RMA

Hey ladies and gents, I have a strange issue with my N5. I am losing data connection despite having a 4-bar LTE signal. Most of the time, I will catch it at work while streaming music from Spotify/Pandora. Once in awhile i'd catch it while browsing Facebook as well. It will show a 4-bar LTE connection, but the apps will report "no data connection available." I've tried surfing Chrome when this problem arises and it says "You are Offline." I found a temporary fix - turning Airplane mode on/off or restarting the phone.
Has anyone ever heard of this, and does anyone have any suggestions. I was running SlimKat before, but now i'm on stock 4.4.4 with ElementalX kernel, with the issue crossing multiple ROMs/wipes.
I also just got off of chat with Google support. The lady is emailing me some troubleshooting steps, and wants me to contact T-Mobile as well. If the problem is still there, she wants me to RMA. What are the steps needed in order to do so. Some quick searches brought up factory images but I haven't found anything recent, and want to make sure I have all my bases covered.
Thanks guys!
Google doesn't care whether the bootloader is unlocked or whether the phone is rooted. If it's a hardware issue, you are covered!
If you want to return to stock before sending it in for peace of mind then follow this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/google-nexus-5/general/tutorial-how-to-flash-factory-image-t2513701
Sorry for the late reply, been pretty busy the last couple of days. Glad to hear that Google doesn't care about the unlocked bootloader! I'll probably just return completely to stock and return it like that IF I have to.
However, I think I may have fixed the problem. I altered my APN settings and changed IPv6 to IPv4 and it seems to have fixed my problem, at least for now (the problem is random so i'll have to use it for awhile to make sure it really is fixed). Anyone else ever heard of this problem, or this fix, especially on T-Mobile?

[Q] Nexus 5 Wi-Fi issue: hardware or software ?

Hi, guys
I know it is a recurring subject, but every thread I've found says to reset or do some trick with the OS to get it solved...
My Nexus 5's Wi-Fi hardware seems to be off (or non-existent). I took some screenshots, which I include here.
1. The "Settings" screenshot shows the "gray-shaded" Wi-FI button;
2. The "Status" screenshot shows that there is no Wi-Fi MAC address available;
3. The "INFO" screenshot was taken from dialing << *#*#4636#*#* >> (wifi status testing) and shows that Wi-Fi is not recognized
The thing here is that this is my second Nexus 5. The first one had the same error and Google replaced me with this one. First time, it took less than 1 month to the error to show up. This time, it took more than 1 month.
If you guys could at least identify this as a hardware or software issue, I would appreciate very much.
It happened to me too, please help.
In this post http://forum.xda-developers.com/google-nexus-5/help/wifi-stuck-t2721643
anunymos said:
It happened to me too, please help.
In this post http://forum.xda-developers.com/google-nexus-5/help/wifi-stuck-t2721643
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There is good info in that thread.
1) Delete /data/misc/wifi and /data/misc/dhcp and reboot.
2) Try a different ROM/kernel, is a kernel issue a lot of times.
Hardware problem
I've just spoke to Google's support team and they told me it is a hardware problem. It seems I am terrible unlucky to get this problem twice with different devices (same model). Well, I'm giving it a shot and asking for my third replacement. Supposedly, it is the fair way to go. I strongly advice if you got the same problem to ask Google for a replacement.
Thanks to all that tried to help.
Google does not claim that this is a hardware problem, but they immediately offered to replace the product.
I do not believe this is a hardware problem because the product worked great, and only after a few updates 4.4.1, 4.4.2, 4.4.3 and 4.4.4 is screwed.

Desperate search for solution of echo problem

we have several Samsung S7s here and all of them have the echo problem with current custom ROMs. Especially during calls between the S7 phones, an echo can be heard after more than about 15 seconds. However, this is almost negligible during calls with the landline. The sound is also slightly distorted, so that it sounds like speaking Parseltongue from Harry Potter.
We have tried LineageOS 16-18.1 and the PixelExperience without success so far. With Lineage 14 and the Stockrom everything was ok. Applying relevant settings (from audio_effects.xml, mixer_paths_0.xml and build.prop) from these two ROMs unfortunately did not bring any improvement. Also other tips did not lead to any relevant improvement so far.
In different places you read that it is a copyright problem with noise reduction on several Samsung phones (e.g. https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/lineageos-16-0-for-s7-build-30.3842465/page-99#post-81525627). But what are the relevant files to solve the problem?
It is noticeable that the problem occurs more often with mobile calls and only some time passes before the echo starts. Sometimes you also read that it depends on the provider - we use Vodafone Germany here and are affected. Also, the connection switches back from 4G to Edge during the calls - but I don't know if this is normal?!
What else could we do? I am very grateful for any tips! Maybe others write their experiences with the Echo problem in this thread, because it goes under too easily in the individual ROM threads?!
Thanks in advance, PaulchenPlump
Cool, builtin delay line... not.
I've heard this happen with specific Verizon cell towers. Verizon and AT&T are well know in the USA not to play well together.
I always blamed NSA
It gets very annoying and tedious whatever the cause.

