Turn off one finger zoom - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S III

Just installed Synergy JB and have noticed that there is one finger zoom in here where you basically slide up and down on the edge of the screen and it zooms in and out. I see people with the note II have this also so it seems it may be a Touchwiz JB feature but I haven't seen a way to turn it off. It's nice but would love to find a way to toggle it. I already checked display, accessibility, and motion controls with no luck and it zooms in any app that can zoom.

If I remember correctly E actually put the GNOTE 2 camera in that ROM so what you are seeing is that actually camera... As far as I know the only way to change that would be to flash a different camera.... HOWEVER.. I do have the NOTE 2 camera on mine also and can pinch to zoom or use the volume keys so there may be different versions of that also... But anyways flash a different camera and that should do the trick

dr12volt1338 said:
If I remember correctly E actually put the GNOTE 2 camera in that ROM so what you are seeing is that actually camera... As far as I know the only way to change that would be to flash a different camera.... HOWEVER.. I do have the NOTE 2 camera on mine also and can pinch to zoom or use the volume keys so there may be different versions of that also... But anyways flash a different camera and that should do the trick
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Well its not just the camera it's in the browser, wikipedia app, and others

I apologize.. I swear the post said in the camera app.... I know he pulled a few .APK's from the Note 2... All I can suggest is check the settings for the individual apps... You could also try and download a different browser and try that... That would help narrow it down if it is something "Overseeing" the ROM or something specific to certain .APK's....

anyone find a fix for this...it's happening in my browser now and it's killing me?

skillzo1 said:
anyone find a fix for this...it's happening in my browser now and it's killing me?
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Check your other thread.
Sent from my Unleashed GalaxyMODed ...... um ...... phone?

What Scroll Bars?
skillzo1 said:
anyone find a fix for this...it's happening in my browser now and it's killing me?
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With all due respect, you may want to look at your screen and take note of the fact there are no scroll bars.
I understand that we are creatures of habit, and as I have been using the GUI, with Scroll Bars since the first Mac (1984) I too tend to use the edge of the screen to scroll, but the truth is, it is a Phone, not a Mac, not a PC. It has no scroll bars. Scroll slightly to the left (or to the right-so to not disenfranchise left handed phone users) or 1/4 of the way across, or 1/3rd, or 1/2 or 3/4 quarters, etc. etc. etc.
Anywhere you'd like. It's a Phone, it's a touch screen. No mouse, no ability to tap in the scroll bar and have the screen advance. No way to position your mouse over the up or down arrow, and have the screen scroll smoothly without any other movement than you holding down the mouse button.
It's a Phone. Get it?
Anyway, what is really infuriating is that Samsung put this feature on the phone, didn't tell anyone, until people started complaining about it and reporting it as a bug, and then rather than either tell people about it, or add the ability through a Setting to disable it, in a new release of the software, the morons simply took it away.
So let me ask you, if your phone came configured with the setting disabled by default, but gave you the option to enable it, try it, see if you liked it, then said, nah, and turned it off, would that have been best for you and guys like me who depend on it all day every day to be able to use my Phone with one hand?
I think the answer is obvious.
Samsung, you are laughable, amateur software developers.
Thankfully we have XDA.
Now I just need one of you on here to figure out where in the heck it is hidden so you can make me a build that includes it with whatever else is in the latest releases.
You see, Android is almost entirely "Hard Coded" so it is not something the average user can just go "teeak" , like following the step by step instructions of someone to simply "Hack" the Windows Registry to make it the way we like it.
All the more reason Samsung is so pitiful.


Auto rotate to the left AND right

as of now, auto rotate for the JF updates and the droidsans app only allow us to rotate to the left.
is it at all possible to make it so the phone can be rotated to the right as well for us left handers? the blackberry storm has this feature and i thought it was pretty cool but im not sure if the g1 can support it.
I'd like to see something like that, too. Mostly because the phone won't stand on the left side on its own, but it will on the right.
yup, i like this idea
I'd quite like a way to lock (a toggle) the rotation too if at all possible, possibly from the menu, or maybe by pressing the camera button.
Use? When using at an angle such as laying in bed and you really want landscape mode without having the keyboard open. Also when you lay the g1 flat on a desk it can switch to portrait by accident.
darkflare said:
yup, i like this idea
I'd quite like a way to lock (a toggle) the rotation too if at all possible, possibly from the menu, or maybe by pressing the camera button.
Use? When using at an angle such as laying in bed and you really want landscape mode without having the keyboard open. Also when you lay the g1 flat on a desk it can switch to portrait by accident.
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that is an excellent suggestion!
erasedgod said:
I'd like to see something like that, too. Mostly because the phone won't stand on the left side on its own, but it will on the right.
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lol thanks for pointing this out. what a pos
yeah this would be a nice adition, but what i would like more is a keyboard over ride that forces the screen to landscape mode when he keyboard is open.
i would LOVE to see this happining on the G1 it would awesome !
i would like JF to see this and say what he thinks, and if its possible to do it, please do it =D
IIRC this isn't possible. When they originally unlocked the auto rotate feature it was stated that the os only had coordinates for 0 and 90 degrees. They would have to make extensive edits to the source to add 180 and 270 degrees for orientation. I know, that's a bummer dude.
Well I just found an app that rotates both ways... It's a game called "Wordzor Lite"
I'm pretty sure this shows that it CAN work but i have no idea how hard it would be to incorporate it into the home screen and such...
left-handed people are evil!
golferguy17 said:
Well I just found an app that rotates both ways... It's a game called "Wordzor Lite"
I'm pretty sure this shows that it CAN work but i have no idea how hard it would be to incorporate it into the home screen and such...
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No one is saying that it's not technically possible, we're just saying that the current state of autorotate is easy because Android is already set up to rotate when you open the keyboard, whereas there is nothing already in place for rotating the other direction.
erasedgod said:
I'd like to see something like that, too. Mostly because the phone won't stand on the left side on its own, but it will on the right.
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hey, you have made my day! i never realized that..
Hey guys. Not that I would ever want to take anything away from the amazing work of people like JesusFreke, and as someone who has never posted before...
Just to say that I am working on a slightly more stable auto-rotate patch for the kernel with exactly that feature of auto-rotate left. My intention is to make this selectable in three ways.
Right only
Left only
milestone.it said:
Hey guys. Not that I would ever want to take anything away from the amazing work of people like JesusFreke, and as someone who has never posted before...
Just to say that I am working on a slightly more stable auto-rotate patch for the kernel with exactly that feature of auto-rotate left. My intention is to make this selectable in three ways.
Right only
Left only
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keep us updated
i know of several apps on the marketplace that already have this feature but would it be much different to get the whole OS to rotate?
...i'm guessing it would lol
Actually, its not so different. The bigest problem is stability. Trying to patch in a deliberate action for autorotate feature. Like people have said elsewhere it can be a little bit too sensitive. Should have first version available next week (unless I manage to brick it!)
Anything people want to chip in about autorotate whilst I'm patching it? I am not the worlds greatest programmer but I can usually get there.
I was just reading this thread and what came to mind was the Bubble app on the market. It does this but of course this is on a much smaller scale and not across the entire OS of the phone.
But the nice thing is that you can turn the phone end over end and the bubble rotates with it. Not sure if the Dev for that app is on here, or if you wanted to email him to see if he could provide a bit of insight to possibly assist.
right. i am still working hard on this. any suggestions as to what deliberate action you would like to force rotate? I have thought about an up/down flick then turn the direction you want.
the only problem with patching four-directional autorotate is that it creates interesting problems of when it is perfectly still, it still manages to rotate itself. ie, i left it still on the desk and it was happily rotating itself.
any suggestions from coders. also, is there a quicker way to compile than to recompile the whole stack? ie selective compiling?
milestone.it said:
right. i am still working hard on this. any suggestions as to what deliberate action you would like to force rotate? I have thought about an up/down flick then turn the direction you want.
the only problem with patching four-directional autorotate is that it creates interesting problems of when it is perfectly still, it still manages to rotate itself. ie, i left it still on the desk and it was happily rotating itself.
any suggestions from coders. also, is there a quicker way to compile than to recompile the whole stack? ie selective compiling?
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instead of having a force rotate, can you implement a Lock Rotate instead?
That way you can rotate to the desired position, and lock it.
darkflare said:
instead of having a force rotate, can you implement a Lock Rotate instead?
That way you can rotate to the desired position, and lock it.
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or i could just do that! that would actually be a lot easier to code
I thought it might ~_^
How is the patch applied? if you need a tester give me a pm as i'd be interested in testing and providing feedback

Is there a quick shortcut to go from camera to video?

I've looked around n can't seem to find a way to switch between the two in a flash. I know you can switch cameras by flipping from the top or bottom edge. Just wondering derived g if there's another option than going into menu
Kensai said:
I've looked around n can't seem to find a way to switch between the two in a flash. I know you can switch cameras by flipping from the top or bottom edge. Just wondering derived g if there's another option than going into menu
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Subscribing...one of the annoying things HTC did while, "improving" our experience. Having both camera and video buttons on the same screen is not confusing for me, but the most convenient option.

Edges are being cut/shorten on Instagram

Hello guys,
I am fairly new with Huawei phones and phones with a notch.
Especially when using Instagram (browisng stories), the sides of the app are being cut, like the image is just smaller than on a normal/different phone. So if there is a text just on the edge, it would be cut and you would not be able to read it.
I was wondering if there is anyway to fix it.
I heared there is something like "fullscreen mode" for apps, but when I go to Settings and click it, Instagram is not on the list. Could I disable it (cause maybe it is enabled), just for this specific app?
No root etc.
Kind regards!
Larlen said:
Hello guys,
I am fairly new with Huawei phones and phones with a notch.
Especially when using Instagram (browisng stories), the sides of the app are being cut, like the image is just smaller than on a normal/different phone. So if there is a text just on the edge, it would be cut and you would not be able to read it.
I was wondering if there is anyway to fix it.
I heared there is something like "fullscreen mode" for apps, but when I go to Settings and click it, Instagram is not on the list. Could I disable it (cause maybe it is enabled), just for this specific app?
No root etc.
Kind regards!
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Im experiencing the exact same issue. What you can do is hiding the noth in system settings. Then you`ll get Insta (including stories) in fullscreen. BUT: Then the buttons for Text, Pen, image dont react to your touches. Its a complete mess. Can you confirm the problems with touch in hide notch mode?
I will check my IG app in a sec, but I think fullscreen mode is only available for apps that don't support the display.
I think apps like IG that natively 'support' these displays just don't display in the fullscreen mode settings.
_richyg_ said:
Im experiencing the exact same issue. What you can do is hiding the noth in system settings. Then you`ll get Insta (including stories) in fullscreen. BUT: Then the buttons for Text, Pen, image dont react to your touches. Its a complete mess. Can you confirm the problems with touch in hide notch mode?
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The problem still occurs with hide notch mode ON, it is a bit better, but still edges on the sides are being cropped.
@Ephixi4 yeah I reinstalled the app, but fullscreen is not an option for IG. So it seems like it is either problem with a ROM or IG problem with not displaying their content properly for different res/notches.
Larlen said:
The problem still occurs with hide notch mode ON, it is a bit better, but still edges on the sides are being cropped.
@Ephixi4 yeah I reinstalled the app, but fullscreen is not an option for IG. So it seems like it is either problem with a ROM or IG problem with not displaying their content properly for different res/notches.
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Yes, I checked that, too. It doesnt show the entire screen. Did you check if the buttons work properly, when hiding notch is enabled?
_richyg_ said:
Yes, I checked that, too. It doesnt show the entire screen. Did you check if the buttons work properly, when hiding notch is enabled?
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I use the finger print scanner instead of navigation bar, that seems to work just fine.
I really wonder if it's OS issue for cropping app like that or IG.
Hoping for workaround soon.
@Larlen so I have notch visible but I have my soft keys hidden and I use the fingerprint scanner as navigation button.
Had no issues with IG app, maybe because of that?
But it seems more that the app is not very well designed to fit these screens and notch. When you want to edit a picture the brightness toggle is cropped because of the notch.
Sent from my EML-L29 using XDA Labs
It doesn't seem to be an issue with the notch, rather an issue with the screen ratio, with the notch not hidden it's 18.7/9, and with it hidden its 18/9, and it looks like alot of the apps are not optimized for 2/1 screen ratios yet
Larlen said:
I use the finger print scanner instead of navigation bar, that seems to work just fine.
I really wonder if it's OS issue for cropping app like that or IG.
Hoping for workaround soon.
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Well, I wasnt talking about the system navigation. I use the fingerprint sensor, too. I was talking about the Instagram Buttons in Story Mode, when hiding the notch. The Buttons for editing a story pic, before you actually post it.
These Buttons (for inserting a text, or a gif etc) dont really work...
Can yoo confirm? or dont you guys just dont use instagram storys?
_richyg_ said:
Well, I wasnt talking about the system navigation. I use the fingerprint sensor, too. I was talking about the Instagram Buttons in Story Mode, when hiding the notch. The Buttons for editing a story pic, before you actually post it.
These Buttons (for inserting a text, or a gif etc) dont really work...
Can yoo confirm? or dont you guys just dont use instagram storys?
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I can confirm this. The story buttons are not responsive. I can get them to work sometimes after tapping on them continuously but it's super annoying. However, I found out that swiping up opens the sticker menu so that's a workaround at least.
gtsim9 said:
I can confirm this. The story buttons are not responsive. I can get them to work sometimes after tapping on them continuously but it's super annoying. However, I found out that swiping up opens the sticker menu so that's a workaround at least.
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Well, yes, but when I swipe up and see the emojis, they dont react neither...
Have the same issue. The buttons are not responsive because they are in the notch area. I've found they do work when you tap below the buttons as if they were below the notch area. The phone thinks the are still in the same spot as usually but it shows them in the top corner.
My insta stories also cuts of edges from pictures I made vertically. It's because of the screen ratio. I can't get them right even if I cut it the right ratio with an other app.
Why instagram still did not updated the app. The problem annoys too much. Anyone knows a workaround?
I use the fingerprint sensor to navigate and not the classic Android bottom bar.
I just tried right now on a story: if I use instead the classic bottom bar, I can see the whole story. If I hide the bottom bar, then the story takes the full screen and it crops the edges, right and left...
As someone said, it has to do with developers and not the phone I guess.
I hope IG will fix it soon
hey guys i am using the nova3i and have the same problem. What sux more that my friend told me that even my stories are being cropped once seen by them on their devices .

Android 10 [Q] Features Report/Feedback

So I know there are other android 10 threads out there but I felt like y'all should get a list of whats new in front of your eyes instead of looking around:
**Improved night camera quality - Yes I have felt and improvement it is slight however, but it did get somewhat better.
**Google's new navigation gestures (I felt like I should write this because last updates, Sony phones did not get the nav gestures) however the new gestures seem just a tiny bit laggy -rarely though- and when in landscape mode, the slide down bar drops not in a symmetric way but rather drops right sided which makes things look out of place
**New CinemaPro app features - the app now has the levels of both phone microphones like on the v50 and also has aspect ratio check lines (if you want to shoot a video on cinema pro it only shoots 21/9 but you can have check lines to see whats being viewed in any other aspect ratio you choose and you also have a meter inside the camera to show you if youre in the frame or not)
**Dark mode - works on most apps, but I can't seem to activate it on my phone app, any suggestions?
**UI click sounds changed - yup! I love the new ones they sound more like Android rather than Sony and I do love Android!
**FINGERPRINT!!!! - Yes!! finally fingerprint scanner is way more responsive now!! before it was sooo strict about the cleanness and the angle, I registered 3 fingers and it only could recognize one of them because of the angle it provides, but now every finger on any angle with less cleanness is verry responsive! (could still be worked on, but im so happy with it at this moment)
**Sadly no more face unlock, even though I never used it but it worked surprisingly fast when I had the option available, but now it doesnt exist, good thing they improved the fingerprint scanner XD
**Slightly improved battery life - I only noticed it when I tested it, but if youre not a detailed tester you wont be able to recognize throughout the day, maybe if youre a slight user, yes you will notice the phone lasting 2/3 hours longer (overall usage and not screen on time) because I can tell they worked greatly on improving the idle drain.
**Speaker loudness - I think the phone got louder? I am not sure but defiantly notice something that didnt exist, not necessarily higher quality but I do notice something increasing in volume I cant tell if its volume or distortion lol but when I go to max volume there is something that makes you think, a little lower than max sounded like max on previous android but I cant tell if max here is actually louder or just more noisy especially with dolby atmos
**Some people reported signal drops? or bad signal? I havent noticed a difference here so thats good news
**Performance - the phone was fast enough to almost be the king of speed and smoothness so yah even if its better on android 10 I cant even feel the difference but it is VERY smooth even on a new android which means its pretty sick!
**Recent apps button (in old school 3 button nav bar) doesnt seem to do anything if you have custom launcher, but works on default sony launcher.
**one handed mode, which I use alot when im in bed, cant seem to be activated in the new navigation gestures, because you have to double tap home button but u dont have it in new gestures, so heres what i did:
Enabled side sense, i know it doesn't work properly, but now you have an option of controlling how to access it, You can actually enable the inside the screen tap rather than from the side (if you have a case on, this will really help you) , adjust sensitivity, position, transparency of the slide activators, and change the gestures of how it works, now i changed the double tap side sense from opening the side sense menu, to activate one handed mode, and now side sense works smoothly with gestures and i can activate one handed mode in new android nav gestures, youre welcome
Thx u for this thread
UI seems a lot smoother. I'm liking the android 10 gestures which adds to the "smoothness".
Can't really say about photo quality, haven't been using the camera much. I can definitely notice a better battery life compared to before.
Basically no issues just yet! Aside from me getting used to the new gestures (+ side sense)
Im using the google dialer app in play store. It has a way better ui, better icons and dark mode compatible. Set it as default and it's all good. I don't understand why sony have decided to use the "stock" google messenger app but not dialer... the dialer seems customized in some way idk
There is a bug that I noticed: when going back home using the gesture, if the app icon is on the dock, the icons a bit laggy and will flash for once. don't really know how to describe it
Someone can make a full review of android 10 and post it on youtube ?
Sugarcube8th said:
Im using the google dialer app in play store. It has a way better ui, better icons and dark mode compatible. Set it as default and it's all good. I don't understand why sony have decided to use the "stock" google messenger app but not dialer... the dialer seems customized in some way idk
There is a bug that I noticed: when going back home using the gesture, if the app icon is on the dock, the icons a bit laggy and will flash for once. don't really know how to describe it
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Yah you just reminded me to add that bug, also if you on landscape mode the slide down bar is off place slides from the right rather than the middle of the screen
Pandemic said:
Someone can make a full review of android 10 and post it on youtube ?
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I will try to do so soon, when I have free time from work
Agree with you.
- about the signal, i notice less signals bar (1-2 signal bars most of the time), but no connection drop (yet)
- wifi Mac address new option, set by default at "random Mac address"
Here's a preview of the swipe up animation bug?
Does anyone else have a weird audio bug where when you pause music or a video the sound spikes up for a second before it pauses. I've only tested it on the native music app and YouTube. I don't use any music streaming service such as Spotify or Pandora. I think I've concluded that this is a software bug since I when I flashed back to the previous firmware and didn't have the same problem. Maybe my device is just strange. Any opinion?
Arsyian said:
Does anyone else have a weird audio bug where when you pause music or a video the sound spikes up for a second before it pauses. I've only tested it on the native music app and YouTube. I don't use any music streaming service such as Spotify or Pandora. I think I've concluded that this is a software bug since I when I flashed back to the previous firmware and didn't have the same problem. Maybe my device is just strange. Any opinion?
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Yes,I have the same issue, but as I remember this issue also existing on Pie.
t238z said:
Yes,I have the same issue, but as I remember this issue also existing on Pie.
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That's strange cause I never had the problem till updating to Android 10.
I think i have a bug i have notification from album that i cant remove it. Even though i have restar my phone
It always check the update
blegs said:
I think i have a bug i have notification from album that i cant remove it. Even though i have restar my phone
It always check the update
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this happens with me with BG player.. I simply turned off its notifications
Sugarcube8th said:
There is a bug that I noticed: when going back home using the gesture, if the app icon is on the dock, the icons a bit laggy and will flash for once. don't really know how to describe it
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Precisely, IDK if that happens with pixel or one plus devices, but I know that it happens with Xperia 1. When you go back to the app, let's just say it's inside a folder, app shows in the dock then the folder pops back. Then if you open an app let's just say dialer then you switch to camera with recent menu and you go back to home screen it shows dialer app on where the camera icon then you get the camera icon back in the dock. Am I right?
[Bug report] Recent key not working in Android 10.
Screenshot as below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUlHZ0weCfs&feature=youtu.be
When you press Recent button, there is just nothing.
Remember people more updates will vome of android 10, this is the 1st release so except some tiny bugs. Sony/google will fix that
just added some more updates about bugs and updates in main post check it out
kevinkoo said:
[Bug report] Recent key not working in Android 10.
Screenshot as below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUlHZ0weCfs&feature=youtu.be
When you press Recent button, there is just nothing.
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whats that launcher?
Just got mine an hour ago. Hoping that I don't experience those bugs.

tap registering as part of a swipe

I've noticed my tab dropping inputs in somewhat consistent scenarios when playing games, and just recently found out why exactly that's been happening. It seems that if I tap immediately as soon as I release a swipe with another finger, it just extends the swipe. And the range is just outrageous?!? I mostly just want to figure out if there's something that could be done somehow? or if I should give up on this tab.
Your browser is not able to display this video.
meowmeownyanya said:
I've noticed my tab dropping inputs in somewhat consistent scenarios when playing games, and just recently found out why exactly that's been happening. It seems that if I tap immediately as soon as I release a swipe with another finger, it just extends the swipe. And the range is just outrageous?!? I mostly just want to figure out if there's something that could be done somehow? or if I should give up on this tab.
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I honestly would...
I believe kernel is in charge of touch so a different one might solve it? That's a big might tho and in my experience custom kernels usually are far worse than stock even if it solves the touch issue

