tap registering as part of a swipe - Samsung Galaxy A7 (2018) Questions & Answers

I've noticed my tab dropping inputs in somewhat consistent scenarios when playing games, and just recently found out why exactly that's been happening. It seems that if I tap immediately as soon as I release a swipe with another finger, it just extends the swipe. And the range is just outrageous?!? I mostly just want to figure out if there's something that could be done somehow? or if I should give up on this tab.
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meowmeownyanya said:
I've noticed my tab dropping inputs in somewhat consistent scenarios when playing games, and just recently found out why exactly that's been happening. It seems that if I tap immediately as soon as I release a swipe with another finger, it just extends the swipe. And the range is just outrageous?!? I mostly just want to figure out if there's something that could be done somehow? or if I should give up on this tab.
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I honestly would...
I believe kernel is in charge of touch so a different one might solve it? That's a big might tho and in my experience custom kernels usually are far worse than stock even if it solves the touch issue


Turn off one finger zoom

Just installed Synergy JB and have noticed that there is one finger zoom in here where you basically slide up and down on the edge of the screen and it zooms in and out. I see people with the note II have this also so it seems it may be a Touchwiz JB feature but I haven't seen a way to turn it off. It's nice but would love to find a way to toggle it. I already checked display, accessibility, and motion controls with no luck and it zooms in any app that can zoom.
If I remember correctly E actually put the GNOTE 2 camera in that ROM so what you are seeing is that actually camera... As far as I know the only way to change that would be to flash a different camera.... HOWEVER.. I do have the NOTE 2 camera on mine also and can pinch to zoom or use the volume keys so there may be different versions of that also... But anyways flash a different camera and that should do the trick
dr12volt1338 said:
If I remember correctly E actually put the GNOTE 2 camera in that ROM so what you are seeing is that actually camera... As far as I know the only way to change that would be to flash a different camera.... HOWEVER.. I do have the NOTE 2 camera on mine also and can pinch to zoom or use the volume keys so there may be different versions of that also... But anyways flash a different camera and that should do the trick
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Well its not just the camera it's in the browser, wikipedia app, and others
I apologize.. I swear the post said in the camera app.... I know he pulled a few .APK's from the Note 2... All I can suggest is check the settings for the individual apps... You could also try and download a different browser and try that... That would help narrow it down if it is something "Overseeing" the ROM or something specific to certain .APK's....
anyone find a fix for this...it's happening in my browser now and it's killing me?
skillzo1 said:
anyone find a fix for this...it's happening in my browser now and it's killing me?
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Check your other thread.
Sent from my Unleashed GalaxyMODed ...... um ...... phone?
What Scroll Bars?
skillzo1 said:
anyone find a fix for this...it's happening in my browser now and it's killing me?
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With all due respect, you may want to look at your screen and take note of the fact there are no scroll bars.
I understand that we are creatures of habit, and as I have been using the GUI, with Scroll Bars since the first Mac (1984) I too tend to use the edge of the screen to scroll, but the truth is, it is a Phone, not a Mac, not a PC. It has no scroll bars. Scroll slightly to the left (or to the right-so to not disenfranchise left handed phone users) or 1/4 of the way across, or 1/3rd, or 1/2 or 3/4 quarters, etc. etc. etc.
Anywhere you'd like. It's a Phone, it's a touch screen. No mouse, no ability to tap in the scroll bar and have the screen advance. No way to position your mouse over the up or down arrow, and have the screen scroll smoothly without any other movement than you holding down the mouse button.
It's a Phone. Get it?
Anyway, what is really infuriating is that Samsung put this feature on the phone, didn't tell anyone, until people started complaining about it and reporting it as a bug, and then rather than either tell people about it, or add the ability through a Setting to disable it, in a new release of the software, the morons simply took it away.
So let me ask you, if your phone came configured with the setting disabled by default, but gave you the option to enable it, try it, see if you liked it, then said, nah, and turned it off, would that have been best for you and guys like me who depend on it all day every day to be able to use my Phone with one hand?
I think the answer is obvious.
Samsung, you are laughable, amateur software developers.
Thankfully we have XDA.
Now I just need one of you on here to figure out where in the heck it is hidden so you can make me a build that includes it with whatever else is in the latest releases.
You see, Android is almost entirely "Hard Coded" so it is not something the average user can just go "teeak" , like following the step by step instructions of someone to simply "Hack" the Windows Registry to make it the way we like it.
All the more reason Samsung is so pitiful.

[Nook HD+] Touchscreen sensitivity experimentation (updated GUI app on 07/13)

Thanks to some testing by @alal690 based on my instructions in the post on how to play with touchscreen sensitivity we have some suggested reduced sensitivity values.
I spent entire day figuring how to do more things in android apps, and here's my next terrible UI attempt: NookTouchscreenSensitivityAdjuster-4.apk (backup link).
It's recommended that you run it with 07/11 cm10.1 release, but it will work with older releases too, just all settings (all but touch sensitivity on 07/06) would reset on screen off.
This minimalistic tool would allow you to change various touchscreen parameters in GUI, so not need to play with adb.
Right now this tool just lets you to play with values, the new values persist until the screen turns off (and the touchscreen resets restoring to default values).
The "save" button only saves the sensitivity and focus settings at this time, and the values persists across reboots (important to grant it root access the first time you run it!), everything else is not saved anywhere (since I am not sure there's any value in that and only included the other settings so you can experiment with them and perhaps get back to me with your awesome finds).
save button only works with 07/06 release, in previous releases save button does not persist anything.
the "reset" button resets values to the "old" values in the touchscreen, meaning pre-sensitivity change (so to 0x11, instead of the new 0x16).
Old post:
Anyway, here's a test zip that you can flash to try the new value. I encourage everybody to try it both if you do and do not feel like you have a touchscreen sensitivity issue.
If there are no downsides (so far I see none on my end), we might make this one to be a standard new default.
touchscreen-test.zip - this is for Nook HD+ (noop on the Nook HD). (Note, this is now included into 6/30 build for ovation)
Do not flash into stock, it'll break it.
I know the raw TS settings is a bit intimidating, so I plan to make an app for that, though that's a bit more effort than what I have time for ATM, so we'll make do with just this topical treatment.
will this work with carbonrom also? i like to switch between them.
What about those of us who felt it wasn't sensitive enough? Is there some sort of weird effect where its so over-sensitive that it feels less sensitive?
Apk07 said:
What about those of us who felt it wasn't sensitive enough? Is there some sort of weird effect where its so over-sensitive that it feels less sensitive?
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Try it and tell me what you find out.
Feel free to play with other register values as per that other post referenced if you can. No two devices are totally the same. So we'll need a significant amount of testing by all interested parties to come to some middle groumd
Either that, or an app where people would be able to setup volume, touchscreen and other settings for themselves, but we'd still need to have sensible defaults.
bckrupps said:
will this work with carbonrom also? i like to switch between them.
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It probably will work there too, but I did not test it on anything but my setup.
verygreen said:
It probably will work there too, but I did not test it on anything but my setup.
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i tried it on both. What a difference already. especially on stock browser. sometimes i wanted to smash the thing lol. you are one hell of a dev. scrolling takes a bit more work but clicking links is so much better now. sometimes i would click a link four or 5 times lol
verygreen said:
Thanks to some testing by @alal690 based on my instructions in the post on how to play with touchscreen sensitivity we have some suggested reduced sensitivity values.
Anyway, here's a test zip that you can flash to try the new value. I encourage everybody to try it both if you do and do not feel like you have a touchscreen sensitivity issue.
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Can I just flash this zip from CWM... or do I need to do any of the other steps mentioned in the post on playing with touchscreen?
dbrickg said:
Can I just flash this zip from CWM... or do I need to do any of the other steps mentioned in the post on playing with touchscreen?
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You just flash this one from cwm and you are good to go for just this particular setting change.
verygreen said:
You just flash this one from cwm and you are good to go for just this particular setting change.
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Thanks. That's what I thought. So I went ahead and did it while I was waiting for your response. So far it seems just fine. I guess I don't notice any great deal of difference. But I'm not sure what the symptoms were that you were trying to cure. I can't figure out how to read any of the context around the link to the post you mention in the OP
dbrickg said:
Thanks. That's what I thought. So I went ahead and did it while I was waiting for your response. So far it seems just fine. I guess I don't notice any great deal of difference. But I'm not sure what the symptoms were that you were trying to cure. I can't figure out how to read any of the context around the link to the post you mention in the OP
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Basically the problem is: there are multiple complaints about people having too sensitive/too insensitive touchscreens. I don't think I am seeing anything like that, but there is more than one report so perhaps different people have different tolerances and different hardware has it's quirks.
The goal here is to arrive at a different set of defaults that would improve the situation for people that feel there is a problem and at the same time don't make situation worse for everybody else who feels current settings are ok.
verygreen said:
Basically the problem is: there are multiple complaints about people having too sensitive/too insensitive touchscreens. I don't think I am seeing anything like that, but there is more than one report so perhaps different people have different tolerances and different hardware has it's quirks.
The goal here is to arrive at a different set of defaults that would improve the situation for people that feel there is a problem and at the same time don't make situation worse for everybody else who feels current settings are ok.
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mine personally was very insensitive. when i'm on slickdeals and i know you are also or bleacher report clicking on links such as hot deals and my subscriptions would take multiple tries. i didn't notice much system wide but mostly on the internet clicking smaller links. whatever he did with this zip made mine personally much much better.
verygreen said:
Basically the problem is: there are multiple complaints about people having too sensitive/too insensitive touchscreens. I don't think I am seeing anything like that, but there is more than one report so perhaps different people have different tolerances and different hardware has it's quirks.
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Aha... then I guess I *did* know about the problem. I noticed it most when reading books. After a few minutes, the page turning touches on the lower right margin would seem to stop. I finally just gave up even trying to use them, and substituted a swiping movement. Anyway, with this zip installed, the sensitivity doesn't seem to be any worse, and might well be better. It hasn't been very long, but I'll keep an eye open for differences.
PS: Just read some of the other people's posts, and see that they were complaining of difficulty in clicking links in web pages. I had certainly noticed that, but hadn't even thought of the possibility of fixing it, so had just ignored it. With this new zip, it does seem like web link sensitivity is much improved.
dbrickg said:
Aha... then I guess I *did* know about the problem. I noticed it most when reading books. After a few minutes, the page turning touches on the lower right margin would seem to stop. I finally just gave up even trying to use them, and substituted a swiping movement. Anyway, with this zip installed, the sensitivity doesn't seem to be any worse, and might well be better. It hasn't been very long, but I'll keep an eye open for differences.
PS: Just read some of the other people's posts, and see that they were complaining of difficulty in clicking links in web pages. I had certainly noticed that, but hadn't even thought of the possibility of fixing it, so had just ignored it. With this new zip, it does seem like web link sensitivity is much improved.
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mine is much improved. whatever adjustments were made I feel like mine could go even a little more in that direction. I'm at like 85% now lol
Thanks, alal690! I think he deserves to get some "Thanks", too, but he doesn't have any posts! And thanks to verygreen for providing the tools for alal690 to tweak with, of course!
I have noticed more mistypes on the keyboard verygreen if you are still needing input but the positives outweigh that in my book. it really is much better on websites. please thank the other dev that worked on this also alal690.
Big improvement for me, thanks I suspect the issue with pressing ui elements was caused by jitter and phantom touches that may have been caused by oversensitivity even though it seems somewhat counterintuitive... Selecting text was the big issue for me and it's now vastly improved. As has my accuracy on they keyboard - normally I'd have had to retype half of a post this length
BTW, it woul be great if people with some sort of a protective film over the touchscreen will give this a try to make sure it's also ok for them (I know those screen protectors are really popular amongst some people).
I've spent the last week trying to fix this, but it looks like it could be a problem with a driver or the actual hardware itself. If you go to Dev tools, then Pointer Location, you can see the reported values for touch pressure and size. When holding down my finger anywhere on the top 2/3 of my screen, the xy and size values jitter like crazy. If I touch the bottom 1/3 of my screen, there is no jittering and the size value is constant.
I think people that are complaining about low sensitivity are mistaken. I think the touch screen response is actually too sensitive, thus causing the jitter and making it hard to click on hyperlinks.
Reducing the touch sensitivity scale and increasing the touch size in the IDC file has helped a lot, but the jitter is still a problem that I hope someone can figure out how to fix.
Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk 4 Beta
phammichael said:
I've spent the last week trying to fix this, but it looks like it could be a problem with a driver or the actual hardware itself. If you go to Dev tools, then Pointer Location, you can see the reported values for touch pressure and size. When holding down my finger anywhere on the top 2/3 of my screen, the xy and size values jitter like crazy. If I touch the bottom 1/3 of my screen, there is no jittering and the size value is constant.
I think people that are complaining about low sensitivity are mistaken. I think the touch screen response is actually too sensitive, thus causing the jitter and making it hard to click on hyperlinks.
Reducing the touch sensitivity scale and increasing the touch size in the IDC file has helped a lot, but the jitter is still a problem that I hope someone can figure out how to fix.
Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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I agree with phammichael that the real issue here would be jittering, but my symptom is different.
This is what I found so far.
- Pinch out to zoom in something (in gallery or web browser) and hold the 2 fingers on the screen.
- If my fingers are on the right side of the screen surface (portrait mode), the screen jitters. You can see the touch values changing fast and continuously by tiny values.
- If my fingers are on the left side of the screen surface, the screen won't jitter and stay calm.
Am I the only one experiencing this issue?
BTW, this is before I applied verygreen's touch screen patch. I will report back after applying it.
pins2u said:
I agree with phammichael that the real issue here would be jittering, but my symptom is different.
This is what I found so far.
- Pinch out to zoom in something (in gallery or web browser) and hold the 2 fingers on the screen.
- If my fingers are on the right side of the screen surface (portrait mode), the screen jitters. You can see the touch values changing fast and continuously by tiny values.
- If my fingers are on the left side of the screen surface, the screen won't jitter and stay calm.
Am I the only one experiencing this issue?
BTW, this is before I applied verygreen's touch screen patch. I will report back after applying it.
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The jittery right hand side of the screen in portrait mode is the problem - I have this on my HD+ (which was new) and my Dad has it on his (which was new) as does my friend (again a new unit)
There have also been lots of others reporting the same thing on here.
Put the HD+ into landscape mode and the issue disappears.
I've just applied verygreen's 'fix' zip and I have to say that touch response is loads better - clicking links etc works far more reliably (but right hand side of the screen in portrait mode jitters still exist)
Great work as usual verygreen

Is it me or is the touchscreen of the S6 very sensitive?

Does anyone noticing that the touchscreen on the S6 is very sensitive. The screen registers my touches even when my finger is not physically touching the glass. I like highly sensitive touchscreen but it can be annoying especially when I am scrolling webpages.
kojaraty said:
Does anyone noticing that the touchscreen on the S6 is very sensitive. The screen registers my touches even when my finger is not physically touching the glass. I like highly sensitive touchscreen but it can be annoying especially when I am scrolling webpages.
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I might be wrong, but I think since the S4 or Note 3, the phone has had the ability to detect when a finger was hovering over a particular spot. Though that is probably incorect because I only vaguely remember reading something about that 2 years ago when Samsung started introducing crazy features like scrolling based off of tilt and such.
Chocolina said:
I might be wrong, but I think since the S4 or Note 3, the phone has had the ability to detect when a finger was hovering over a particular spot. Though that is probably incorect because I only vaguely remember reading something about that 2 years ago when Samsung started introducing crazy features like scrolling based off of tilt and such.
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Yeah I remember this feature on previous Samsung phones, but there is nothing in the settings that indicates that there is such feature on the S6.
Screens don't even work with the note stylist.
I agree, it is SUPER sensitive. For me, this is a plus, because I tend to be too fast for most touch screens, and the extra sensitivity keeps the S6 on par with my quick hands. I actually love everything about this phone, and I am very picky.
ingenious247 said:
I agree, it is SUPER sensitive. For me, this is a plus, because I tend to be too fast for most touch screens, and the extra sensitivity keeps the S6 on par with my quick hands. I actually love everything about this phone, and I am very picky.
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But, does your device have accedental touches when swiping quickly a webpage or an app?
kojaraty said:
Yeah I remember this feature on previous Samsung phones, but there is nothing in the settings that indicates that there is such feature on the S6.
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I don't have mine till later today, but, on the S5, there are two settings that may be affecting the issue you are having. Can you still search the settings on the S6? Look for "Air View" (main culprit) and "Touch Sensitivity".
kojaraty said:
But, does your device have accedental touches when swiping quickly a webpage or an app?
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No, my device doesn't have accidental touches, but my fingers do. lol
The device can't make me accidentally do it, it's not a fault of the phone
natefish said:
I don't have mine till later today, but, on the S5, there are two settings that may be affecting the issue you are having. Can you still search the settings on the S6? Look for "Air View" (main culprit) and "Touch Sensitivity".
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Both of those seen to have been removed as user options.
Sent from my SM-G900T using AllianceR(●)m
I would like to see the touch response time of this device's screen measured. It's seems very responsive .
Yes it does and it's really annoying. To replicate the issue, scroll down a web slowly and then lift a very little like 0.5-1mm of your finger while you scroll it up. So scroll down and then lift a bit and scroll up without touching the screen. When you do this fast enough, the page will scroll up following your finger movement without touching the screen at all. Weird.
The Air View feature was removed on the S6, it was present on the S5 and Note variants. Same thing with the Screen Sensitivity toggle from the S5, Samsung just opted to make the screen more sensitive by default.
i have an S5 and S6 so I was able to compare.
I used the S5 for about a week and the touch screen was great
once I got the S6 I noticed i keep accidently hitting back/window button . upon tinkering and testing I realized the screen is super sensitive. If you take both the S5 and S6 (one in each hand) and lay them face down on your lap together, the S6 will hit buttons (and thus vibrate), the S5 wont
For touch screen problem try this:
-in dialer type *#2663#
-TSP firmware update (general)
You should see "PASS"
That have solve my touch screen problem...
i have the same problem when playing Clash of Clans because sometimes when i launch a spell the screen is so sensitive and it launches alone
kojaraty said:
Does anyone noticing that the touchscreen on the S6 is very sensitive. The screen registers my touches even when my finger is not physically touching the glass. I like highly sensitive touchscreen but it can be annoying especially when I am scrolling webpages.
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Have that as well on my 1st S6 Vodafone EU 32gb.
Returned it for other reasons and will receive new one next week....
My touch screen was not sensitive at all, very unresponsive
I can verify that this indeed works:
For touch screen problem try this:
-in dialer type *#2663#
-TSP firmware update (general)
You should see "PASS"
I tried a reset, a full system restore, I tried safe mode, I tired uninstalling all apps, I tried screen tests and can verify for me, that this above solution was the only thing that fixed my problem.
Screen is working wonderfully now
Fix doesn't work for me?
-JFK- said:
For touch screen problem try this:
-in dialer type *#2663#
-TSP firmware update (general)
You should see "PASS"
That have solve my touch screen problem...
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I tried this and got an error message that this feature is not available on my service. I'm on US Cellular, I don't know if that matters or not. I saw this fix posted on another site and it seemed to work for a few people who were having the same issues that I'm experiencing. I'm not very technically savvy...do you actually dial/call this number sequence? How do I choose or command "TSP firmware update"? Thanks.
Some games are impossible to play because the screen is so sensitive it counts a touch as a swipe and some apps read as two touches. This happens consistently, not just here and there.
Jerameecarson said:
Some games are impossible to play because the screen is so sensitive it counts a touch as a swipe and some apps read as two touches. This happens consistently, not just here and there.
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Not sure if it's just the way I'm holding the phone, but I frequently find myself turning on a timer, only to realise that I've paused/cancelled it like 2 secs after. Great when you put something in the oven and forget lol.

Touch screen sensitivity

Hello. I have an Nvidia Shield tablet k1 on lollipop 5.1.1. Everything is great about this tablet except the touch screen. It is really sensitive. Also, when I am scrolling, it "jumps" and goes faster than I actually scrolled. It scrolls faster than it should. I found this thread on xda. It helped a little with the being too sensitive issue, but scrolling is still really weird. This is my second device since the first one's micro sd card was defective. They both are like this. Is there anything I can do, or do I just have to deal with it?
I was opening a thread with this exact same issue. I'm not on stock though (using the latest CM12 nightly), so I don't seem to have the 'Sensor Calibration' option.
Also the touchscreen seems to register a touch even when the finger is not touching the screen.
On the other hand, if I scroll a very small distance (like 0.5 centimetres) the list I'm scrolling doesn't move at all. This doesn't happen on other devices such as my Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 and is very annoying in some cases (some games, or moving the cursor for keyboard input).
I'll try to record a video of this behaviour.
What can we do to fix this?
Update: found a video (not mine) showing the issue I'm talking about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08uPtusOJHQ
anyone else with this issue?
I also have this issue on/off sporadically on stock rom.
I'll be scrolling and itll jump back the opposite direction
Its like it looses track of the touch then catches it again.
It's irritating as my S5, Nexus 2012 have no problems scrolling smoothly.
I don't recall the original shield i tested in store to have this issue either.
Currently having amazon ship me a replacement to see if its just limited to the one I received. (QA issues)
Calibrating screen might fix the issues: go to About in settings and tap on model number until the calibration screen comes up. then hit calibrate. don't touch the screen then when it asks to reboot, reboot.
variance said:
Calibrating screen might fix the issues: go to About in settings and tap on model number until the calibration screen comes up. then hit calibrate. don't touch the screen then when it asks to reboot, reboot.
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Did it fix the issue I posted the video about? I'm on Cyanogenmod now so I don't have the option to calibrate the screen, but I would consider going back to stock if it fixed this issue...
Calibration doesnt help at all , same issue at brand new k1. Nvidia says thats normal functionality lol
Yeah, very normal for a gaming tablet which would require precision...
Not trying to take up for this thing but I haven't had the first touch screen issue with it . so maybe not all is affected?? I've tried to replicate the issue but just can't everywhere I touch and slide is smooth
You mean it doesn't "jump" like the OP said? I don't seem to have that issue either.
I'm more concerned about the touchscreen's precision, as shown in the video.

touch scroll delayed responsiveness?

I'm testing my new honor view 10, I'm loving it except for the delay in the scroll. the finger need to slide 4mm before the scroll follows the movement.
this happens on all apps and uis.
Upon checking the display pointer option in the dev menu, touch is registered, it's just the screen not scrolling straight away.
are you experiencing the same? how do you improve scroll responsiveness?
I'm on bkl-l09
varignet said:
I'm testing my new honor view 10, I'm loving it except for the delay in the scroll. the finger need to slide 4mm before the scroll follows the movement.
this happens on all apps and uis.
Upon checking the display pointer option in the dev menu, touch is registered, it's just the screen not scrolling straight away.
are you experiencing the same? how do you improve scroll responsiveness?
I'm on bkl-l09
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Enable glove setting.. In display, Makes it crisp and fast
thanks, I'll check it out.
meanwhile I found this thread, it might be an emui widespread issue
Updated to latest firmware c140 in the uk, factory reset, no improvement.
glove mode not much improvement.
it's not a big deal, the delay is perhaps 2-3mm with glove mode and 4-5mm without.
and it's definitely software as draw pointer under dev options shows a responsive touch.
I might keep it, it's no biggie and love everything else, what are your experiences regarding it?
multitouch tester shows a noticeable lag.
this is not noticeable in my 3.5yo motox 2ndgen.
the lag is on par with the one experienced on the p20 pro.
considering updates or lack thereof I'm thinking of returning it.
again it's a software issue I believe.
some think related to oreo 8.0 and 8.1
varignet said:
I'm testing my new honor view 10, I'm loving it except for the delay in the scroll. the finger need to slide 4mm before the scroll follows the movement.
this happens on all apps and uis.
Upon checking the display pointer option in the dev menu, touch is registered, it's just the screen not scrolling straight away.
are you experiencing the same? how do you improve scroll responsiveness?
I'm on bkl-l09
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Enable developer option and set all animation scale to 0.5 x
thx, I might be wrong, but I believe to have tried changing animation scale before.
Anyway it's going back, lovely phone, I just never fully felt in love with it. thx anyway
I'm experiencing this too. I got a Mate SE that doesn't have any lag when scrolling. Yet here is this device with a way better chipset and there is stuttering when scrolling
I suggest you to try a custom rom (lineage or whatever), i'm not experiencing this issue.
Had the same with my honor 10 and I suspect it is the knuckle gestures. Since I switched those off everything runs smoothly!

