[Q] battery life on ICS - Motorola Atrix 2

Did anybody do before (GB) and after (ICS) battery comparisons for Atrix2? I know I am late to the party but better late than never. Life's been bit busy over here....
I will be upgrading over the next few days whenever I have couple of hours of free time.

devsk said:
Did anybody do before (GB) and after (ICS) battery comparisons for Atrix2? I know I am late to the party but better late than never. Life's been bit busy over here....
I will be upgrading over the next few days whenever I have couple of hours of free time.
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It's been very similar for me.

There have been several threads regarding this already throughout the forum, please search next time. Battery life can depend on so many different variables, and one user's definition of "normal use" can be completely different from another's...
Sent from my rooted Mayan calendar


[Q] Battery Life w/ BM ICSv5 and Franco Kernel is GARBAGE!

Please read this before you go crazy on me saying I haven't searched for this because I have. I've updated from every ROM of ICS thats dropped after reading up on them and the fastest and best working everyday ROM for ICS is BrainMaster's ICSv5 with Franco's Kernel 11/25. I haven't tried 11/26 but I've read the colors are much better on 25 and I believe it because its the best my screen has ever looked. SHARP!
So here's my issue. I want this as an everyday user, and I'm sure it can be. I just need to know how to set up the battery so that it lasts longer. I just restarted my phone and cleared all the battery info. Before I unplugged it at 6:30pm EST I had 91%. After very, very minor use (looked up the number for Home Depot and downloaded Amazon Market) I got back home at 9:30 and my battery was at 39%. Thats 60% in 3 hours. Thats terrible. How can I adjust the batter life? Can I use NSTools to do so or do I need to change code? I don't want to change the kernel completely because the colors truly are AMAZING with this version.
Please let me know, and thank you in advance!
Best regards,
Well, which app or function specifically is causing the drain? Did you look at the battery usage? Were you in an area with poor signal reception?
Before you trash a rom and kernel with a poorly conceived thread, try troubleshooting the problem.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
For what it's worth, the only time I've gotten that kind of battery life is when a NFC process decided to start and run nonstop. No idea why it was running (particularly since I don't have Wallet configured), but since then I keep NFC disabled.
When that happened it was similar battery life - lost about 70% in 3 1/2 hours.
I never once trashed the ROM or the kernel? What are you talking about? Before reading into something for more than what it is you should take it for what it is. I don't know what the problem is, everyone else seems to be having a great amount of battery life. I'm asking on here, in this forum, because I figured someone (maybe a programmer who knows these things) can tell me how to "properly" config it. Idk what the deal is with it but I was looking for insight. I love the ROM and the kernel and I do believe I stated in the post that I wanted to keep it as a daily user. SO, either you can help me and teach me how to fix the problem or teach me to give you what info you need or do me a favor and don't waste my time. I'm looking for answers or suggestions. Not accusations and negativity.
"Poorly concieved thread!" Whats "poorly conceived" about it? The fact that I reached out on a FORUM and asked for HELP? Go comment on somebody else with that bullsh*t.
Reread your thread title; calling something "garbage" is not trashing it?
Reread and answer the questions asked in post #2. Nobody can do anything to help if you don't provide basic information or perform rudimentary problem-solving procedure.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
Did you calibrate battery? I'm on this setup and I'm getting a day.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
FLyTula said:
Please read this before you go crazy on me saying I haven't searched for this because I have. I've updated from every ROM of ICS thats dropped after reading up on them and the fastest and best working everyday ROM for ICS is BrainMaster's ICSv5 with Franco's Kernel 11/25. I haven't tried 11/26 but I've read the colors are much better on 25 and I believe it because its the best my screen has ever looked. SHARP!
So here's my issue. I want this as an everyday user, and I'm sure it can be. I just need to know how to set up the battery so that it lasts longer. I just restarted my phone and cleared all the battery info. Before I unplugged it at 6:30pm EST I had 91%. After very, very minor use (looked up the number for Home Depot and downloaded Amazon Market) I got back home at 9:30 and my battery was at 39%. Thats 60% in 3 hours. Thats terrible. How can I adjust the batter life? Can I use NSTools to do so or do I need to change code? I don't want to change the kernel completely because the colors truly are AMAZING with this version.
Please let me know, and thank you in advance!
Best regards,
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Well man what i did with mine was calibrated the battery which means charge the battery completely then boot into recovery wipe battery stats then unplug and reboot then use it for 5 mins then charge fully again then unplug and drain completely till it shuts off on its own then fully charge again and it should be calibrated.. sounds like alot.. i kno lol but trust me it works and then if ur battery life doesnt extend after that (which it should) then i would look at what it is thats using the most matter (menu>settings>battery and go from there.. also make sure u have all the apps that will allow u to move to sd moved there it keeps them from running in the background and also make sure ur screen brightness is set low.. i took my auto brightness off and just turned it down just bright enough to see.. i know the colors looks fly like a bag of skittles when u got the brightness up wit franco kernel but it kills battery lol. hopefully that works for u pimpin and sorry for the novel lol just wanted to give u a few options to try.
JG & Freshie, thank you. And Braneless, you must be Braneless, because if YOU could read you'd see that my title says BATTERY LIFE is garbage. Not the ROM or the Kernel. BATTERY LIFE!
You seriously are 0 for 2 with trying to make me look like an idiot. I guess thats why you have almost 600 post and only 50 some odd thanks. Because half the time you're just bashing people trying to make it seem like you know it all when you can't even read a title correctly.
As far as the battery, I followed your instructions JG and also I started from the beginning and deleted all installs and reset to factory. I then installed each ROM from v1 all the way up and now EVERYTHING works and I got almost 2 hours out of my phone today and used 9%! WHOOHOOO!
Thanks again to the read Googlers who want to HELP OUT instead of trying to make people look like idiots.
I had this problem too, but in my case it was the Google Wallet app. It drained the my battery in like 4 hours. After uninstalling it, all went back to normal.
Now if you said battery life on a rom kernel combo was FANTASTIC.
What would that imply? Thanks guys etc.
You go through all the trouble to make the thread but not spend a couple seconds to check what actually used up the battery.
Omfg this thread title just made lol all over the place haha
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
FLyTula said:
JG & Freshie, thank you. And Braneless, you must be Braneless, because if YOU could read you'd see that my title says BATTERY LIFE is garbage. Not the ROM or the Kernel. BATTERY LIFE!
You seriously are 0 for 2 with trying to make me look like an idiot. I guess thats why you have almost 600 post and only 50 some odd thanks. Because half the time you're just bashing people trying to make it seem like you know it all when you can't even read a title correctly.
As far as the battery, I followed your instructions JG and also I started from the beginning and deleted all installs and reset to factory. I then installed each ROM from v1 all the way up and now EVERYTHING works and I got almost 2 hours out of my phone today and used 9%! WHOOHOOO!
Thanks again to the read Googlers who want to HELP OUT instead of trying to make people look like idiots.
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Glad i can help
I'd recommend trying out Nexus MV 2.xx its the best daily driver so far. battery will make it through the day, i used it for a quite a while. Now trying out the alpha 13, but will go back to MV if this doesn't cut it. I tried BM too but didnt notice too much difference from Kwiboo and the earlier CM9 A 11.

Battery Life

Have one of these, rooted, stock rom on Rogers (LTE).
The battery life seems inconsistent... Some days it seems fine but days like today with 11 hours off the charger, with the two highest battery culprits being android OS (46%) and android system (16%) the battery life is already at 26%.
Other days when its on my desk it uses nowhere near as much...
vect0r said:
Have one of these, rooted, stock rom on Rogers (LTE).
The battery life seems inconsistent... Some days it seems fine but days like today with 11 hours off the charger, with the two highest battery culprits being android OS (46%) and android system (16%) the battery life is already at 26%.
Other days when its on my desk it uses nowhere near as much...
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Titanium Backup.. "Freeze" tons of Bloatware.. get 18 hours of fun
Your gonna get reamed for posting in the dev section of the forums.
shansmi said:
Your gonna get reamed for posting in the dev section of the forums.
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Hope he brought some lube
Haha assume the position
vect0r said:
Have one of these, rooted, stock rom on Rogers (LTE).
The battery life seems inconsistent... Some days it seems fine but days like today with 11 hours off the charger, with the two highest battery culprits being android OS (46%) and android system (16%) the battery life is already at 26%.
Other days when its on my desk it uses nowhere near as much...
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Man I know I should say something but I'm just gonna sit back and watch this one unfold lol no astroglide
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using XDA App
But seriously though, post this in q&a as you will not get reamed in the ___.
Answer: try one of the roms in this forum since that is what this forum is for, roms and development and such. They should be your answer since your current rom is filled with BS that sucks battery away my friend
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using XDA App
@jayharper08 you are welcome here!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha
I used stock with root and juicedefender battery is fine on mine
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
appdroid said:
@jayharper08 you are welcome here!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha
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I'm here!
OP, please keep questions in the Q&A section. These guys were nice tonight, which I like to see. Keep it up
Seriously though, OP, development section is for development threads only. Hope you get your answer
Sent from the MIUI powered 3d
vect0r said:
Have one of these, rooted, stock rom on Rogers (LTE).
The battery life seems inconsistent... Some days it seems fine but days like today with 11 hours off the charger, with the two highest battery culprits being android OS (46%) and android system (16%) the battery life is already at 26%.
Other days when its on my desk it uses nowhere near as much...
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If you are rooted and not afraid of flashing ROMs than get BeastMOD ROM. The name says it all. I m heavy user and i go for a day with full charge.
jayharper08 said:
I'm here!
OP, please keep questions in the Q&A section. These guys were nice tonight, which I like to see. Keep it up
Seriously though, OP, development section is for development threads only. Hope you get your answer
Sent from the MIUI powered 3d
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I realized I posted it there once I left the house and I knew what I was going to come back to.
My bad.
appdroid said:
If you are rooted and not afraid of flashing ROMs than get BeastMOD ROM. The name says it all. I m heavy user and i go for a day with full charge.
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You talking about the TMo version? I did a search and I cant find a Skyrocket or Rogers version of a BeastMOD ROM.
BTW I get have been getting 34-37 hrs @ 20-15% on the BoneSTOCKeteer-v1.0 ROM with med to light use. Your mileage may vary, but stock ROM only lasted a day with the same use.
edit: the more you play with/use your phone the faster the battery is going to peter out no matter the ROM
I noticed that wifi has a big impact on battery life. I hit about 50% of battery life with it on in about 5 hours but with it off and moderate use I can get 2 days use.
Just a thought and I froze lots of the SNS syncing apps with TB. I dont use those since i use another program for FB.
I actually like the ATT Smart Wifi app. Shuts down wifi when not in use. I think the free version of Juice Defender doesn't do that.
I have now owned my 727R for 6 weeks, coming from an iphone 4. I am finding the battery life inconsistent from charge to charge and anywhere from barely adequate to downright poor. Maximum I have ever gotten was 26 hours with minimal use and minimum has been 10 hours with minimal use.
I have installed and use Juice defender, and have looked at a variety of apps such as cpu spy, cpu hound, traffic monitor. I have turned off notification as much as possible and all other tricks under the sun.
My phone does not seem to go to deep sleep often and a lot of times it shows as awake even though the screen was off for a while.
The straw that broke the camle was when I cmpared notes with my clleague who has a Galaxy S (I know, no 4g, no LTE, smaller csreen). But he is getting 90% battery life with wifi and bluetooth on after 7 hours 15 minutes (minimal use). In the same time period I am down to 60% with bluetooth off!
I am not planning on rooting the phone and using custom ROMS or Kernels right now.
What gives? What do I look at to improve battery life?
i notice with out a lot of changes i get horrible horrible battery life. but with a custom rom like quick wiz. i turn screen down. wifi off. under clock it and use a battery saver plus task killer i get two days moderet (use
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
I would suggest since Roger stock rom sucks the life out of the battery to root it and use faux123 kernel and Gideon's script to under clock it. Im using at&t stock rom rooted and faux123 kernel and I haven't had a bad battery day yet.. currently 12hrs moderate use 73% still.... not bad at all. Give it a try.. its not like it could any worse lol
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
dmunjal said:
I actually like the ATT Smart Wifi app. Shuts down wifi when not in use. I think the free version of Juice Defender doesn't do that.
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It looks like this isn't available for Skyrocket.
1) Does it work like it should, and does it save battery, or is the battery savings negated by other junk running with it in the background? Reviews seem very mixed.
2) If you got it on a SR, how? Would pulling the APK from another device work?
rezadue said:
I have now owned my 727R for 6 weeks, coming from an iphone 4. I am finding the battery life inconsistent from charge to charge and anywhere from barely adequate to downright poor. Maximum I have ever gotten was 26 hours with minimal use and minimum has been 10 hours with minimal use.
I have installed and use Juice defender, and have looked at a variety of apps such as cpu spy, cpu hound, traffic monitor. I have turned off notification as much as possible and all other tricks under the sun.
My phone does not seem to go to deep sleep often and a lot of times it shows as awake even though the screen was off for a while.
The straw that broke the camle was when I cmpared notes with my clleague who has a Galaxy S (I know, no 4g, no LTE, smaller csreen). But he is getting 90% battery life with wifi and bluetooth on after 7 hours 15 minutes (minimal use). In the same time period I am down to 60% with bluetooth off!
I am not planning on rooting the phone and using custom ROMS or Kernels right now.
What gives? What do I look at to improve battery life?
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I hated my skyrocket when I first got it because the battery sucked. Never could make it through a full day of average use. I did a search, found out how to root and install a custom rom and now I love it. I can go a full day and still have 20% left. All I can recommend is rooting and at least remove bloatware. I've never seen a single skyrocket user happy with their battery life on stock. Maybe sell or trade it for another iPhone.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium

The best ICS roms for Desire S in those days?

What have you tried and what do you think?
bobahajduk said:
What have you tried and what do you think?
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Not another one of these threads!!!
P.S. : The OP might wanna change the topic to THESE days instead of THOSE days. In those days, we didn't have ICS.
Cm9 is the best I think.
Hi. After trying MIUI v4 ICS for a while and facing several wifi/network/stability related issues, I recently installed CM9 Alpha ICS http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1429215
So far its been great, thankfully. Seems very stable. Most, if not all, features (h/w and s/w) work well. The only issue I've noticed is less stellar battery life in normal usage than my last rom (Reaper v2.2). But nothing that would make me give this Rom up as of now. It's awesome work by the devs most especially Nexx!
Will update if I run into any trouble
Guiding.God said:
Will update if I run into any trouble
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To update, the battery life is taking quite a hit sadly. I love ICS and this ROM but the battery drain is quite excessive. I have CPU governor set to conservative, brightness at 1/4 and only data syncs set to push were email and whatsapp. Wifi is on always. After full charge I left the phone to sleep while I went to bed, received 2 emails during the night. 6 hours later I turned the phone on and battery was at 89%. After 2 hours of messaging via SMS and whatsapp and some browsing on chrome the battery is at 50%. Maybe someone can tell me if I'm doing something wrong, as otherwise this ROM is awesome and I would love to keep it.
The only other issue had been a system freeze once but that was under some heavy flash load when browsing, not a big deal.
Maybe time to try Endymion or revert to reaper for now.

[Q] Battery Life on ICS compared to GB?

For all you people who are now on the ICS OTA how does the battery life compare to GB? I'm still on GB and hesitant about making the jump to ICS due to there no being a way to go from ICS OTA to GB. SO i'm asking everyone who is on ICS to tell me what the battery life is like now that you have ICS.
Specifics would be nice. For Ex: "My battery life was 20hrs on GB with heavy texting, some calls, wi-fi on, FB app, weather app, listening to music and browsing XDA. I get 17 hrs doing the same on ICS" or something to that effect, just to get a good idea of how much strain you are putting on your battery.
Well I haven't been into the numbers but I can say I find "no" difference in battery life on GB and now on ICS.
Sent from my MB865 using xda premium
eL_MeXiCaNo said:
For all you people who are now on the ICS OTA how does the battery life compare to GB? I'm still on GB and hesitant about making the jump to ICS due to there no being a way to go from ICS OTA to GB. SO i'm asking everyone who is on ICS to tell me what the battery life is like now that you have ICS.
Specifics would be nice. For Ex: "My battery life was 20hrs on GB with heavy texting, some calls, wi-fi on, FB app, weather app, listening to music and browsing XDA. I get 17 hrs doing the same on ICS" or something to that effect, just to get a good idea of how much strain you are putting on your battery.
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There is no "standard" battery life ranges for GB nor for ICS, as each personal usage varies, and there are so many variables to take into consideration. As you can probably deduce on your own intellectual abilities, no 'static' comparisons can be made because one user's definition of "normal usage" can be completely different from another's. ICS is more resource heavy than GB, but nothing to be concerned about. If you're planning on staying on GB, that'd be like continuing to use Windows XP, in that the latter is no longer being supported, since newer versions have been released. At some point, once everyone has updated,ICS will be the focus, and not so much on GB. Make sense?
Sent from my rooted Mayan Calendar

[Q] Most stable battery efficient ROM?

I'm fixing a phone for someone. At first it was stock and crashed very often about once every 10 minutes of use, so I flashed cyanogenmod but the battery life is much worse. I just need a good stable battery efficient ROM and the other features like ICS don't matter much. Any suggestions?
Daedalus_ said:
I'm fixing a phone for someone. At first it was stock and crashed very often about once every 10 minutes of use, so I flashed cyanogenmod but the battery life is much worse. I just need a good stable battery efficient ROM and the other features like ICS don't matter much. Any suggestions?
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Try them, and find out for yourself. Everyone seems to get different results, different preferences and different usage of the device.
bhundven said:
Try them, and find out for yourself. Everyone seems to get different results, different preferences and different usage of the device.
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The problem with that is that I'm not using the device so I can't test out several roms during the day and find out what has good battery life.
Daedalus_ said:
The problem with that is that I'm not using the device so I can't test out several roms during the day and find out what has good battery life.
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Then just leave the phone off?!? That's the best battery saving rom EVAH!
Daedalus_ said:
The problem with that is that I'm not using the device so I can't test out several roms during the day and find out what has good battery life.
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I didn't ask what's the most stable, battery efficient ROM on SGSII forum when my friend gave me a day. Flash a ROM, give it to your friend and see what he thinks of it, then if he doesn't like it then flash another ROM.
It's all about preference, you might like SCOM ROM (GB) but your friend might prefer CyanogenMod9 (ICS) more. But if your really looking towards battery life go for Gingerbread ROM.
th3controller said:
I didn't ask what's the most stable, battery efficient ROM on SGSII forum when my friend gave me a day. Flash a ROM, give it to your friend and see what he thinks of it, then if he doesn't like it then flash another ROM.
It's all about preference, you might like SCOM ROM (GB) but your friend might prefer CyanogenMod9 (ICS) more. But if your really looking towards battery life go for Gingerbread ROM.
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You guys really can't just tell me what works for you or what you had experience with? I already tried to help once and it takes weeks before this person has free time to give me their phone to try and fix it again.
It's not like this phone has different hardware from all the rest of the galaxy s 4g's and they are dependent on the phone. They should all work the same so it shouldn't be such a big deal to ask for some measly suggestions.
Daedalus_ said:
You guys really can't just tell me what works for you or what you had experience with? I already tried to help once and it takes weeks before this person has free time to give me their phone to try and fix it again.
It's not like this phone has different hardware from all the rest of the galaxy s 4g's and they are dependent on the phone. They should all work the same so it shouldn't be such a big deal to ask for some measly suggestions.
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Not everyone is going to get the same results from the same rom. It all depends on your usage.
Sent from my SGH-T959V using xda app-developers app
gregcapps said:
Not everyone is going to get the same results from the same rom. It all depends on your usage.
Sent from my SGH-T959V using xda app-developers app
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Please state with reasons and what variables there are and what the tradeoffs are or you are talking out of your ass. Of course people's usages vary, but if you keep your usage constant while changing roms like you typically would or have a composite number than your can compare roms for battery life.
It's seriously not that hard to quantify which roms last longer on battery. This is ridiculous.
If it's that easy to you (may be?), do the testing and post the results. Document and publish your methodology so it can be peer reviewed. Please keep it up to date as ROMs are updated.
I look forward to your findings.
Sent from my SGH-T959V using xda app-developers app
I just told you that gingerbread roms have great battery life.
There is no definitive answer bro. I dont get the same battery life as jeffsf or FBis251 on AOKP. And neither one of them get the same battery life. It really does depend on each phone and the users habits of use.
Im going ahead and reporting this thread because the community here dislikes these threads. They never end well and you have POHR people being belligerent .
eollie said:
There is no definitive answer bro. I dont get the same battery life as jeffsf or FBis251 on AOKP. And neither one of them get the same battery life. It really does depend on each phone and the users habits of use.
Im going ahead and reporting this thread because the community here dislikes these threads. They never end well and you have POHR people being belligerent .
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As I've said before, usages vary but it's pretty reasonable to think that some people have used a few roms while keeping their usage constant. What makes it frustrating is that the people on this thread spew some faux wisdom that it's impossible to compare which it isn't.
I've had pretty good battery life so far with HebMIUI when it comes to ICS. Of course, GB ROMS such as Valhalla Final, Valhalla Black, and Octane are known for the excellent battery life.
Thread closed
All of this is far too subjective. Try them and make your own decision.

