Hi everyone, im bascially new to the SGS3 development, but very fond of it after upgrading from my DroidX this past weekend.
I've been doing as much reading as i can and know almost everyone about the phone now, i just have some questions.
Now that we are unlocked can i easily restore my backup roms of my stock system from Synergy? Can i also do this if im on CM10 flashing to Synergy or even stock?
Mystikalrush said:
Hi everyone, im bascially new to the SGS3 development, but very fond of it after upgrading from my DroidX this past weekend.
I've been doing as much reading as i can and know almost everyone about the phone now, i just have some questions.
Now that we are unlocked can i easily restore my backup roms of my stock system from Synergy? Can i also do this if im on CM10 flashing to Synergy or even stock?
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I always flash back to the rom i am restoring a nandroid of...its the best method to avoid bootloops.
droidstyle said:
I always flash back to the rom i am restoring a nandroid of...its the best method to avoid bootloops.
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I just wipe everything then load the restore. Haven't had any issues so far.
Zalithian said:
I just wipe everything then load the restore. Haven't had any issues so far.
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So you loaded a touchwiz nandroid over the top of cm10 without flashing back stock?
droidstyle said:
So you loaded a touchwiz nandroid over the top of cm10 without flashing back stock?
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Well, I wouldn't say over the top since I wiped everything, but if you're looking at it that way, yeah. I've gone from CM10 to stock, CM10 to Synergy, AOKP to Synergy etc. I just go in and wipe data/cache/dalvik, then restore.
ok since we getting more roms and have hellraiser over there opening the door. i have ALOT of nandroid back ups.
now having never had to actually use one of these i wanted to know somethings.
is a nandroid like a Rom, i just have to flash over another rom, or from stock and boom i have that Rom back with all my apps and info.
or do i need to load up the rom then nandroid on top of that for it work??
just have never had a use, but i would like to go back to some of my prior setups.
A nandroid is a system restore basically. If you fubar something and can get into recovery you can restore that nandroid to exactly where the phone was before. You don't need to flash anything just be able to get into recovery.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using xda premium
Thanks am, flashing one now just to see....
the2rrell said:
ok since we getting more roms and have hellraiser over there opening the door. i have ALOT of nandroid back ups.
now having never had to actually use one of these i wanted to know somethings.
is a nandroid like a Rom, i just have to flash over another rom, or from stock and boom i have that Rom back with all my apps and info.
or do i need to load up the rom then nandroid on top of that for it work??
just have never had a use, but i would like to go back to some of my prior setups.
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A nandroid will reflash system, data, cache - everything. The only thing a Nandroid won't flash is a kernel if you're doing a major change (e.g. Froyo to Gingerbread or either of those to CM7 - while it's also GB, it requires special kernels.)
Entropy512 said:
A nandroid will reflash system, data, cache - everything. The only thing a Nandroid won't flash is a kernel if you're doing a major change (e.g. Froyo to Gingerbread or either of those to CM7 - while it's also GB, it requires special kernels.)
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ok with that said, you should flash the Kernel before the nandroid to make sure there is a compatible kernel there for the nandroid to use??
basically match up froyo roms and kernels and visa versa for BG before i decide to flash a Nandroid?
the2rrell said:
ok with that said, you should flash the Kernel before the nandroid to make sure there is a compatible kernel there for the nandroid to use??
basically match up froyo roms and kernels and visa versa for BG before i decide to flash a Nandroid?
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Yup, that would be a good idea - since if you restore the nandroid on an incompatible kernel, you'll have the phone be very unhappy. (Will refuse to boot.)
Much thanks E.........appreciate the time bruh.
this can be closed.
I completely failed here E, i tried to restore a nandroid. i loaded the Infusion GB Kernel then proceeded to restore the nandroid and just get boot loops no matter how i do it.
any thoughts??
Hmm I think I need to look at this later in the week. Starting to sound like Nandroid might be broken in red CWM.
i got it, but i had to load the Kernel - Rom - then do the nandroid. but that kinda of defeats the purpose in my eyes....lol
but yea, if you find something that would be cool to know E.
Im using the TeamRogue's recovery (1.3.0) and I made a backup using this, before trying out a rom.
Now i wanted to go back to my backup, so i restored it, however it is stuck at the asus eee pad screen (boot screen).
I've seen more people with this problem and some say wiping the cache after the restore fixes it. Or when using the Super Wipe script, reboot after wipe and then restore.
Now after a lot of tries and wipes i finally got it booting fine.
However, me as stupid as I am, I tried another rom, so now I got the same problem, however only this time i can't get it to work.
Any help appreciated!
Kind regards,
ps. sorry for the grammar mistakes
What ROM were you on when you made a backup and what ROM did you try out?
If you went to an ICS base ROM and went back to a HC base ROM, you must get a HC kernel back, you can achieved this by flashing the HC ROM after your backup is done restoring.
I was on ICS and i flashed a ICS rom.
I also know about the kernel thing, ive flashed to my 3.2 backup to with no problem.
It just hangs on boot, has to be with \boot partition
Saw a few reports of this in the Team Rouge thread.
Same way to fix, nandroid restore and once it's done. immediate flash the ROM the backup is based upon. (No wipe if you want to save your data).
I had this happened to me going once going to an older ICS backup.
So.. to make this clear, i made a backup of the stock ICS.
So, i have to restore my backup and then flash a stock ICS rom or will EOS or some kind work to?
pretty much it is because eos is asop and stock is stock and some things that are different between the two are not restored when you restore a nandroid
I've been playing around with a Nexus S 4G that I have lying around and never used, and I've ran into a few problems, but you've all been helpful. I rooted all my old EVO 4G's without any problem, but the other day I rooted my NS4G using a one click/simple root and downloaded ClockWorkMod etc. But now for some reason It seems like I've almost lost my root? Is that possible? I still have the little unlocked symbol when booting up.
I've searched this forum and Google and haven't found anything, which could possibly be because I don't know what to look for. I've never had this happen :/
Currently running the stock 2.3.7
Nobody? I just need a little help.
Did you flash a superuser.zip after you installed clockworkmod?
SeeNah said:
Did you flash a superuser.zip after you installed clockworkmod?
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I thought I had... But no lol
Thank you. Sorry for pretty much making a useless thread :/
Its the Q&A forum ask away! Lol
Did flashing it work for you though?
SeeNah said:
Its the Q&A forum ask away! Lol
Did flashing it work for you though?
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Yes, it did. Thank you!
Now I just need to re figure out how to backup my stock rom on rom manager. I need to do that if I'm going to flash a custom rom onto my NS4G correct? I've never actually gone that far with my phones lol.
Slap-Yourself :) said:
Yes, it did. Thank you!
Now I just need to re figure out how to backup my stock rom on rom manager. I need to do that if I'm going to flash a custom rom onto my NS4G correct? I've never actually gone that far with my phones lol.
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Okay lol hold on so just go make sure you
1. Unlocked the bootloader right?
2. Flashed a custom recovery (clockworkmod)?
3. Flashed superuser for root access?
4. Now you have a stock rooted ROM?
If you have/did all that then yeah you could backup your stock rooted ROM, you don't need to back it up but its helpful just incase you mess something you could always restore it to start all over
And you could backup any ROM you install incase you didn't know, just remember when you install different ROMS make sure to do a proper full wipe which includes data/factory reset/wiping DALVIK cache, and formatting system and boot in the "mount" option in CWM. And now I think your good lol
SeeNah said:
Okay lol hold on so just go make sure you
1. Unlocked the bootloader right?
2. Flashed a custom recovery (clockworkmod)?
3. Flashed superuser for root access?
4. Now you have a stock rooted ROM?
If you have/did all that then yeah you could backup your stock rooted ROM, you don't need to back it up but its helpful just incase you mess something you could always restore it to start all over
And you could backup any ROM you install incase you didn't know, just remember when you install different ROMS make sure to do a proper full wipe which includes data/factory reset/wiping DALVIK cache, and formatting system and boot in the "mount" option in CWM. And now I think your good lol
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Unlocked Bootloader? If I boot in fastboot it says Unlocked. Is this what you mean?
I have ClockWorkMod, but I haven't done anything with it.
I have superuser from the root
and I was working with a stock ROM the whole time....
I think I'm ok lol
So I'll back up my ROM, and flash a Nightly CM9? And back that up as well? Just perform a factory data reset before doing so, right?
Slap-Yourself :) said:
Unlocked Bootloader? If I boot in fastboot it says Unlocked. Is this what you mean?
I have ClockWorkMod, but I haven't done anything with it.
I have superuser from the root
and I was working with a stock ROM the whole time....
I think I'm ok lol
So I'll back up my ROM, and flash a Nightly CM9? And back that up as well? Just perform a factory data reset before doing so, right?
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Yeah if it says unlocked your good to go. The super user.zip you first flashed won't be needed once you flash different ROMS, it was only needed for stock because you didn't install a ROM you just unlocked the boot loader and super user just gave you root access that didn't come with stock.
Yeah backup your stock ROM JUST in case you encounter a boot loop so you can just restore and start over, you don't need to back up CM9 that's completely your choice if you want . Its convenient though if you like CM9 but still like to flash other ROMS that way you can just go back if you miss CM9 without doing the whole setup process.
And a full wipe is
Data/factory reset
Then wipe dalvik under "advanced"
Then wipe system and boot under the "mount" option in CWM
stellar said:
Yeah if it says unlocked your good to go. The super user.zip you first flashed won't be needed once you flash different ROMS, it was only needed for stock because you didn't install a ROM you just unlocked the boot loader and super user just gave you root access that didn't come with stock.
Yeah backup your stock ROM JUST in case you encounter a boot loop so you can just restore and start over, you don't need to back up CM9 that's completely your choice if you want . Its convenient though if you like CM9 but still like to flash other ROMS that way you can just go back if you miss CM9 without doing the whole setup process.
And a full wipe is
Data/factory reset
Then wipe dalvik under "advanced"
Then wipe system and boot under the "mount" option in CWM
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I'm not sure if I'm supposed to post links to videos or not. But I'm in love with some of the features this guy has on his NS4G
He said it was a nightly etc.
The hidden status bar and bottom menu hidden is amazing. I also like the inverted G-Mail and Facebook. Is this all separate from the Nightly ROM?
I've been using custom firmware since I got my phone over a year ago, but I'm now having big issues.
I tried to install a 4.2.2 ROM and couldn't boot, even after trying bunch of times, clearing cache, all that jazz..
So.. usually I would just put on another ROM or just restore from a backup, but I'm stuck in a weird situation.
I have a bunch of ROM backups (Clockwork Mod Recovery) going back to April last year, the 1st one is standard AT&T, then various custom ROMS (last one I used was Cynogen 10).
But I can only restore the first AT&T ROM, nothing else will restore. I also cannot even install any ROM the only way I can get a working phone is to go back to the horrible original AT&T ROM..
Clockwork mod recovery also crashes when I try to wipe cache, so think that maybe a clue....
Help!! I don't want to be stuck on AT&T ROM forever.... I miss Android 4.1 features
eckythump said:
Help!! I don't want to be stuck on AT&T ROM forever.... I miss Android 4.1 features
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What version of CWM are you on?
You can always restore to your AT&T backup, transfer all of your other backups to your external SD or computer, ODIN to stock, do a complete wipe of the phone, flash the most recent CWM from Sk8 and try again. I'd say that's your best case scenario.
mrfeuss said:
What version of CWM are you on?
I'm on which I believe is latest. I can't even get the original ROM to restore now either. Ughhhh hope I'm not bricked.
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Try Odin back to stock before u do brick it that should fix any problems
Earlier, I was on the Elix-R ROM. I was going to upgrade to the newest version of it and made a nandroid backup but forgot to make a TiBu of all my apps. Would it be safe and possible for me to restore all of my app data from the nandroid backup by doing an advanced restore of my data?
you were upgrading the rom that you were using.. why would you wipe data?? if you are upgrading a rom, you never have to wipe anything. all you do is flash the updated rom(and gapps) on top of what youre running without wiping anything.
simms22 said:
you were upgrading the rom that you were using.. why would you wipe data?? if you are upgrading a rom, you never have to wipe anything. all you do is flash the updated rom(and gapps) on top of what youre running without wiping anything.
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I always prefer doing clean flashes of all of the ROMs I run.
absoluterebirth said:
I always prefer doing clean flashes of all of the ROMs I run.
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cool, your choice it is
i dont remember the last time i actually wiped my n5, if i ever did. lol
simms22 said:
cool, your choice it is
i dont remember the last time i actually wiped my n5, if i ever did. lol
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also, another question: should making a TiBu and then erasing the system to flash a new ROM affect the backup of apps or no?
You could practice restoring your nandroid backup, then 'dirty' flashing the ROM upgrade straight over the top.
Once you get used to it, dirty flashing isn't so bad. Saves a ton of time. Plus you have the nandroid just in case .
In answer to your query though, you can extract apps and app data using the appropriately named Nandroid Manager. I used it before on a now sold Nexus 7 when it decided to not boot up but could get to recovery and make a backup.
absoluterebirth said:
Earlier, I was on the Elix-R ROM. I was going to upgrade to the newest version of it and made a nandroid backup but forgot to make a TiBu of all my apps. Would it be safe and possible for me to restore all of my app data from the nandroid backup by doing an advanced restore of my data?
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Yes. Its the same as having never wiped in the first place
absoluterebirth said:
also, another question: should making a TiBu and then erasing the system to flash a new ROM affect the backup of apps or no?
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Eh? I don't understand the problem
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