I have a friend who was rooted and running cm7 nightly. she was able to tether and do all her rooted stuff but recently took an update and now seems to have lost root. root checker cannot find root, tether also no root.
When she starts up and stuff she is still on cm7. is this a superuser issue? does su need to be reflashed?
kinda lost, she just wants to be rooted again
she is on 2.3.4 cm7 version 7.7.11
anyone have any ideas?
What do you mean when you say she "took an update"?
Ya I'm bewildered by this whole post. So many oxymorons.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
sorry for the confusing post, its as she told me lol. but i went over to help her fix it and installed the apx drivers, clockwork mod and rooted stock ota GB and shes all happy
chef2 said:
sorry for the confusing post, its as she told me lol. but i went over to help her fix it and installed the apx drivers, clockwork mod and rooted stock ota GB and shes all happy
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Lol strong work man. Strong work.
Go into SU and reset the apps. The app us probably stuck on deny.
( T-Mobile G2x - CM7 )
Ok so am familiar with android, and regularly flash and tweek my nookColor, but this phone is just WOW!
Ditching an iCrap4 for this phone was the best idea I had in a while, and within an hour after buying it I rooted it (had to do other shopping) . But there is so much more to choose from for an actual android device. The thing is I want to stay on stock 2.2.1 for a little while, until I do a lot more studying on roms.
Ok so here are my questions after tearing thru the searches with several different phrases:
1: Can I flash different kernels on stock rom? I keep getting many threads and read thru them hard but can't find the answer. Looking at Community Kernel 8.
2: Darn, reading thru other threads while creating this post fried my brain, forgot what 2 was.
Thanks y'all.
Yes You can! . I have flashed many different kernels on stock rogers infuse 2.3.3 with odin. I dont see why you wouldnt be able to on the AT&T version.
Sweet! Now to read up on odin, but will SGS or CWM work on the stock? That was the second question.
jonrobertd said:
Sweet! Now to read up on odin, but will SGS or CWM work on the stock? That was the second question.
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SGS kernel flasher works fine on stock ROOTED 2.2.1 ROM. I believe CWM is flashed/installed when you flash the community kernel in SGS kernel flasher or other method. I can't remember off-hand as it's been a while since I was on stock froyo for any length of time. LOL.
You will probably also want to read up on Heimdall as well. It's a good method of flashing pretty much anything to your phone and Odin can be finicky sometimes. Personally, I've never had a problem with Odin but knowing how to use both is a good idea. You know, just in case.
Even sweeter then, and I have CWM already, so that will get replaced? No problem.
This is gonna be hectic keeping all the stuff for the "andros" seperate. lol
I'm really itching to flash a rom, but this thing is set up like I like it, and it was a pain getting her there.
That is why I am waiting to flash, I'll get bored with the way it looks in a week or so, and start over.
Plus RESEARCH is crucial.
Thanks y'all
Ok flashing community v8 now and this voice is telling me it has 5 mins left, oh that is cool!
Now how do I tell if it took? What should cpu spy say? And I still have the green CWM. ( using rom manager, think its ok but can I switch it?)
3 button takes me to Red CWM Voodoo lagfix. It wont let me get to my actual mSD card though. Is that normal?
jonrobertd said:
Ok flashing community v8 now and this voice is telling me it has 5 mins left, oh that is cool!
Now how do I tell if it took? What should cpu spy say? And I still have the green CWM. ( using rom manager, think its ok but can I switch it?)
3 button takes me to Red CWM Voodoo lagfix.
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Yes, you would now be on red cwm. Your fine
Big dog Infuse I997 GB KJ4
Edited while you posted about mSD card, but see the Kernel took, my DA self wasn't paying attention.
Do I even need Rom manager? Its CWM is
jonrobertd said:
Ok flashing community v8 now and this voice is telling me it has 5 mins left, oh that is cool!
Now how do I tell if it took? What should cpu spy say? And I still have the green CWM. ( using rom manager, think its ok but can I switch it?)
3 button takes me to Red CWM Voodoo lagfix. It wont let me get to my actual mSD card though. Is that normal?
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I don't think rom manager does us infuse owners any good so you can install it but I've read it doesn't work all that well with our phones. It worked flawlessly with my n1 but support for infuse is not there yet.
I've never been able to mount the SD card in red cwm if that's what you were referring to. The community kernel does not overclock so really you just take advantage of the ext4 fs and voodoo lagfix (robot voice lol).
Hope this helps.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using xda premium
So everything is going good, trying out different radios now as service in my area sucks!
I have run into a small problem though, I really want a different boot animation, but there is no in the system/media folder on the stock rom. Just a bunch of .qmg files. Can I just add the file and it work? I was gonna try it, but wanted to see if anyone else was a guinea pig. Dont wanna screw something up too bad.
jonrobertd said:
So everything is going good, trying out different radios now as service in my area sucks!
I have run into a small problem though, I really want a different boot animation, but there is no in the system/media folder on the stock rom. Just a bunch of .qmg files. Can I just add the file and it work? I was gonna try it, but wanted to see if anyone else was a guinea pig. Dont wanna screw something up too bad.
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if your on stock i believe they are located somewhere else, but the main question is why are you still on stock??? :O
want good battery life and performance? CM7 is the way to go. yeah you can get prolly the same off infused or other roms, but thats after numerous tweaks, tweak this change that, tighten that up, loosen that up, delete that, add this blah blah blah. in my experiences, CM7 is the best out of all of them.
just my 7 cents.
Is everything (bluetooth) working on CM7 (HDMI doesn't I know)? Weird issues of any kind?
That or Serendipity are what I am looking at.
Bluetooth is the only buggy thing. But I don't use it so it doesn't bother me. Other than that its amazing.
Sent from my SGH-I997 using xda premium
Sounds like my ROM then, I use it on my nook, so it will be familiar.
jonrobertd said:
Sounds like my ROM then, I use it on my nook, so it will be familiar.
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Yeah, battery life is around 15-16 hours for me with 20% left on it when i get home to charge it. this is after some music texting quick searchers and what not. could be better if you really really work the battery though but im fine right now.
jonrobertd said:
So everything is going good, trying out different radios now as service in my area sucks!
I have run into a small problem though, I really want a different boot animation, but there is no in the system/media folder on the stock rom. Just a bunch of .qmg files. Can I just add the file and it work? I was gonna try it, but wanted to see if anyone else was a guinea pig. Dont wanna screw something up too bad.
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If the isn't in system/media try data/local. I don't currently have an infuse, in waiting for mine , but other phones I've owned have had the zip in data/local... Good day
Tried data local, but I think the only way to get custom is to have a custom rom. No on phone at all using a searcher.
it has to kernel enabled too... Once you get on CM7, if you do, it will be in the media folder.
jonrobertd said:
So everything is going good, trying out different radios now as service in my area sucks!
I have run into a small problem though, I really want a different boot animation, but there is no in the system/media folder on the stock rom. Just a bunch of .qmg files. Can I just add the file and it work? I was gonna try it, but wanted to see if anyone else was a guinea pig. Dont wanna screw something up too bad.
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I'm on the latest KJ4 leak and there wasn't a in the media folder neither. All I did was drop what I wanted into that folder a BOOM goes the dynamite
Big dog Infuse I997 GB KJ4
Tried that too, no luck.
So Im lookin at S7, but coming from stock ROM, with infused 2.0 kernel, I know I need the infused GB kernel after flashing the ROM, but do I have to wipe system and DATA, and start customizing my stuff again? Or just format system, cache and dalvic, flash rom and kernel, fix permissions, and go? Then my phone should be the same with all stuff there, just updated to a better ROM.
So I've upgraded to CM9(cm9-droid3-20120216-2345) which went fine.. However I have no service, no market, and for some reason the USB/Portal doesn't work the same with CM9.. So I can't flash my phone, and when I try to use backup/recovery to Clockwork Recovery through safestrap I am getting "Couldn't open directory. No files found."
I know the files are there, I can see them when I go to 'Install zip from sdcard'.. At this point I just want to get back to SuperCharged_V_5 and I have been beating my head all morning over this.. I have no idea what else to try from here as RSD Lite does not pick up my phone anymore.. What do I do guys
sunbeamxd said:
So I've upgraded to CM9(cm9-droid3-20120216-2345) which went fine.. However I have no service, no market, and for some reason the USB/Portal doesn't work the same with CM9.. So I can't flash my phone, and when I try to use backup/recovery to Clockwork Recovery through safestrap I am getting "Couldn't open directory. No files found."
I know the files are there, I can see them when I go to 'Install zip from sdcard'.. At this point I just want to get back to SuperCharged_V_5 and I have been beating my head all morning over this.. I have no idea what else to try from here as RSD Lite does not pick up my phone anymore.. What do I do guys
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Did you read the post? CM9 is currently in a VERY early Beta for our phone. The phone market, and camera doesn't work....
are you in the AP fastboot mode?
What where did u get cm9 that works for our phone please give me the link
I guess I didn't read the fine print, but yea at this point I just want to get back to SuperCharged_V_5.. Any time I try to restore it doesn't find my SDCARD but I can see everything if I go to Install Zip from SDCARD
I'd really appreciate some help on this..
Disregard, I don't know how I managed to do it but I am back on 2.3.5 now..
These guys have a great blog about CM9 development, just not quite there yet...
ymcmbforever said:
What where did u get cm9 that works for our phone please give me the link
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It does not work for our phone yet. lfaber06 and I have been working on it and CM7 for SEVERAL months now. The issue with CM9 is finding a radio for our phone that works with ICS (which is what CM9 is based off of). Go take a look at the post in the development section on it.
For those that would like to take a look at flashing it, you MUST use safestrap, which is having issues right now, and is very low priority since we have CWM through bootstrap and the CWM on boot hack.
Here is where the CM9 post is located, but I advise that you read the WHOLE thread, and if you would like to help you can start looking for a working radio that is similar to ours that is already on ICS.
Okay, so how do you put safestrap on the atrix 2 because i tried to flash the barely alpha cm9 to my atrix 2 and i bricked my phone, but now i realise that i had to have safestrap. i really want to try this rom so can anyone point me out to how to get safestrap?
justinsims241 said:
Okay, so how do you put safestrap on the atrix 2 because i tried to flash the barely alpha cm9 to my atrix 2 and i bricked my phone, but now i realise that i had to have safestrap. i really want to try this rom so can anyone point me out to how to get safestrap?
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The port does not work period. It was only posted for our dev team to help get it working. It is not going be working anytime soon.
I am working on a new CM9 compile specifically for our phone. I already have most of CM7 working as well, will be getting that out soon. CM9 will be a couple months away.
Sent from my MB865 using xda premium
jimbridgman said:
The port does not work period. It was only posted for our dev team to help get it working. It is not going be working anytime soon.
I am working on a new CM9 compile specifically for our phone. I already have most of CM7 working as well, will be getting that out soon. CM9 will be a couple months away.
Sent from my MB865 using xda premium
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Thats some good news...
Sent from my MB865 using XDA
sunbeamxd said:
So I've upgraded to CM9(cm9-droid3-20120216-2345) which went fine.. However I have no service, no market, and for some reason the USB/Portal doesn't work the same with CM9.. So I can't flash my phone, and when I try to use backup/recovery to Clockwork Recovery through safestrap I am getting "Couldn't open directory. No files found."
I know the files are there, I can see them when I go to 'Install zip from sdcard'.. At this point I just want to get back to SuperCharged_V_5 and I have been beating my head all morning over this.. I have no idea what else to try from here as RSD Lite does not pick up my phone anymore.. What do I do guys
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If you can go fastboot mode, then you should use the restore 2.3.5 fastboot script look here:
this has save me a thousands of times
In the meantime if you absolutely must mess around with ICS on your phone, all the Droid 3 4.0.4 AOKP nightlies will flash via bootstrap, but again, radio doesn't work.
Sent from my MB865 using Tapatalk 2
Just like the title says, I messed my Infuse up.:crying:
After a ROM load gone horribly bad (going from Emancipation to RemICS) I was finally able to recover using "Return_To_Stock_UXKG3-One-Click.jar". Once I did this tried to install Root Explorer, Titanium BU, and Clockwork ROM Manager. They all Force Close.
I am trying to find a way to install red CWM so that I can load another ROM given the current condition of this Infuse, it is not possible. Without wanting to risk messing this device further I was wondering if someone could recommend my next steps to achieve this.
Please let me know if anyone can help.
Thanks in advance
I am thinking you have FC was your not rooted?
look in my links for Infuse links...the ISET page...
D-Trixxx said:
Just like the title says, I messed my Infuse up.:crying:
After a ROM load gone horribly bad (going from Emancipation to RemICS) I was finally able to recover using "Return_To_Stock_UXKG3-One-Click.jar". Once I did this tried to install Root Explorer, Titanium BU, and Clockwork ROM Manager. They all Force Close.
I am trying to find a way to install red CWM so that I can load another ROM given the current condition of this Infuse, it is not possible. Without wanting to risk messing this device further I was wondering if someone could recommend my next steps to achieve this.
Please let me know if anyone can help.
Thanks in advance
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Sounds like when you returned to stock, you lost root, which also meant you lost cwm recovery. Using Odin or Heimdall, you can load a custom kernal which can give you root again and should allow you to use your root apps again. You can then load cwm recovery giving you the option to load a custom from. Btw. I loaded RemICS on my infuse and it locked up on the boot up screen the first time. I had to reboot to recovery, clear the cache and dalvik cache again and reload the rom one more time before it booted up correctly.
Sent from my SGH-I997 using xda app-developers app
Thanks bigjoe but it is rooted. I double checked after I read your post to be sure. Still getting the FC's.
I'll keep trying here.
bigjoe2675 said:
I am thinking you have FC was your not rooted?
look in my links for Infuse links...the ISET page...
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You could use this to flash a custom kernel:
Thanks everyone for your suggestions. It was a bit of a process of using Odin and Heimdall but I managed to recover the device finally. Got Legends 3 running now and will run with that before I try another ICS build, maybe sooner than later depending when my ADD kicks in and I get bored of my phone.
Ok I have been all over the place tonight trying to get my phone to flash back to stock.
I had a custom Rom Flashed on my phone and attempted to flash back to stock. I was unable to and it locked up.
I can now finally get it into download mode and have tried the following
GTG ultimate Unbrick
Heimdall stock_sgh_I997_UCLB3_Repartition-One-Click
Heimdall SGH-i997-UCKJ4-One-Click
I have tried switching ports... I havent tried switching puters... Any other suggestion would be helpful!
Switched Computers... Got Heimdall one click to push through but now stuck at recovery screen...
Update Ok i got Odin to finally push through on my big pc... I got my phone to start up with Froyo used it for all day pretty much. I wasnt able to update or install anything from the market... which was wierd....
Now im working with Kies mini to do a update But i think thats stuck.. (sick of this crap)
As of 1:44 Rebricked... Im getting this screen The Phone .. Triagle warning thing .. computer
Cant get into Download mode again. Going to try to Re heimdall it with qksters pack
As of 1:50 tried Qksters GB stock Heimdall pack.
As of 1:55 sucessfully reflashed to Stock UCLB3 using qksters pack mentioned.
Now i cant connect to the market it says that there is a server error?
[Fixed and Solved]
Im now running stock Gingerbread on my Samsung Infuse 4g...
(question) is it even worth it to flash a rom... Because ive been having so many problem... or should i just leave it stock.
Keep trying with another package this time.
See if this one works for you:
Sent from my sweet & buttery Infuse
Blaken said:
Ok I have been all over the place tonight trying to get my phone to flash back to stock.
I had a custom Rom Flashed on my phone and attempted to flash back to stock. I was unable to and it locked up.
I can now finally get it into download mode and have tried the following
GTG ultimate Unbrick
Heimdall stock_sgh_I997_UCLB3_Repartition-One-Click
Heimdall SGH-i997-UCKJ4-One-Click
I have tried switching ports... I havent tried switching puters... Any other suggestion would be helpful!
Edit/update: Switched Computers... Got Heimdall one click to push through but now stuck at recovery screen...
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In recovery, factory reset. wipe. Go back to download mode and flash heimdall again.
Top thread updated
Blaken said:
Top thread updated
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Stock is nice.
Have you read my, "do i need root?"
qkster said:
Stock is nice.
Have you read my, "do i need root?"
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Just found it and read it.
Funny and true all at the same time... So i guess i need to root!
So what do you suggest for Roms... I used to have Zeus but Dman moved on to the Gnote so no more Zeus Support... So what would be another good rom that is moderately stable
Im really looking for a good Rom with some good tweaks that stable!
Blaken said:
Just found it and read it.
Funny and true all at the same time... So i guess i need to root!
So what do you suggest for Roms... I used to have Zeus but Dman moved on to the Gnote so no more Zeus Support... So what would be another good rom that is moderately stable
Im really looking for a good Rom with some good tweaks that stable!
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In all honesty, they're are pretty good. Stability is stock. Tweaks invite instability.
Zeus, Aeon, Eman, Mac, Ethereal's a matter of finding one that suits your taste.
As you have figured out the heimdall to go back, go forth and explore.
Try the Moo E's. I hear they are pretty good too.
qkster said:
In all honesty, they're are pretty good. Stability is stock. Tweaks invite instability.
Zeus, Aeon, Eman, Mac, Ethereal's a matter of finding one that suits your taste.
As you have figured out the heimdall to go back, go forth and explore.
Try the Moo E's. I hear they are pretty good too.
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Thank you for dealing with my noobie ness. I have solved my Bricking issue... But i have found out i cant root GB 2.3.6 Should i got Froyo and flash up from there? OR is there a way to root 2.3.6?
Blaken said:
Thank you for dealing with my noobie ness. I have solved my Bricking issue... But i have found out i cant root GB 2.3.6 Should i got Froyo and flash up from there? OR is there a way to root 2.3.6?
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Follow my signature links. You should read them.
read esp the heimdall thread...uclb3 or uckj4. Read especially the ops. Then you will understand the answer to your question.
Read my how to thread also. all my sig links.
qkster said:
Follow my signature links. You should read them.
read esp the heimdall thread...uclb3 or uckj4. Read especially the ops. Then you will understand the answer to your question.
Read my how to thread also. all my sig links.
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Wow.... (Super extra facepalm)
Ok then Thanks for all your help and putting up with my crappity crap crap
if i could infinitely Thank you i would! you have been so helpful and have made me figure it out by myself which helped me learn ALOT!
Done with everything. Going to [Solved] this thread
Blaken said:
(question) is it even worth it to flash a rom... Because ive been having so many problem... or should i just leave it stock.
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I feel your pain...
When I first got my phone, I quickly went about putting a custom rom on it.
I think I used DarkyRom for Froyo back then...
Had lots of issues with things being kind of slow.
Later put Aeon on, liked it for a bit, then had massive problems with the phone locking up and restarting...
For a while, I decided screw it, and went back to my Blackberry Torch. =X
Decided to wipe everything and put a stock Gingerbread on.
Again, huge issues. Got to the point that I could barely even make calls on it,
I hated it. Nobody else ever seemed to have these problems.
July rolled around, and lots of stir circling around ICS development for our Infuse.
Still new, lots of bugs, but I was interested.
When things finally stabilized, I decided to take a dive once again.
Flashed Paranoid Android ICS.
Oh my holy God... The difference was unlike anything I had ever had with my Android.
No lag. No freezing. No reboots or forced battery pulls!
For the first time ever, my Infuse was a true joy to use!
I've been on it for over a month now, and haven't had a single issue. I love it.
So, if you are feeling adventurous, try an ICS rom. It just may be the change you've been looking for.
Paranoid Android was recently (yesterday) upgraded to Jellybean too, though I've not tried it yet.
At very least, give the ICS 4.0.4 build a try.
Worst case, you could just flush it back to an earlier stock.
Good luck!
Blaken said:
...if i could infinitely Thank you i would! you have been so helpful and have made me figure it out by myself which helped me learn ALOT!
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Awesome :thumbup:
Sent from a de-FUNKt Infuse