International JBTW to Verizon? - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S III

What are the chances of the jelly bean TW leak being ported to the Verizon version?

I'm sure the dev's are looking into it, but it would be a lot easier for them to port any US leak to verizon. If its currently being ported then its being done behind the scenes.

I wouldn't get too excited about the JB leak from the international version. It has a completely different chipset from us, the Exynos.
That means all the libs and drivers and whatnot were updated for that chipset, not ours. It would be a colossal amount of work getting it functional on the US versions, so much so that its not worth doing when Samsung will do the work soon enough. All we need is one leak for any US variant and the devs will get cooking

Hey Div good to see u!

TokedUp said:
Hey Div good to see u!
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Hey! Good to see you over on this side. I must admit, all this IMEI nonsense has me missing how solid my dinc was.

Man, I looked at that leak... I got the kernel to boot... And nothing else, lol.
I talked to some other Devs too... And because the arcitecture changes... Its basically a a COMPLETELY differnt phone, making it hard to impossible.
IM sure someone can do it buy by then who knows, we may have it. Samsung seems a lot quicker than HTC. Can anyone confirm that?


Not international, only US?

Looks like the infuse (SGH-i997) may only be a US phone? Basic google searches didn't reveal anything obvious like I would expect, for example the i9000 (galaxy s).
I know a lot (not all of course...) of the great innovations in terms of lag fix, rom/kernel dev work came from people working on the international i9000. I wonder if this will limit the diversity in kernels, roms...
Mine is on the way anyway
schahr01 said:
Looks like the infuse (SGH-i997) may only be a US phone? Basic google searches didn't reveal anything obvious like I would expect, for example the i9000 (galaxy s).
I know a lot (not all of course...) of the great innovations in terms of lag fix, rom/kernel dev work came from people working on the international i9000. I wonder if this will limit the diversity in kernels, roms...
Mine is on the way anyway
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well im not saying you can interchange with a galaxy s. that is not true. but many methods when applied to the infuse sources will have little difference from the galaxy s in implimentaion. so in a way this may develope faster than the sgs2 or the sgsplus or the sgs2mini which all have much more major changes.
Dani897 said:
well im not saying you can interchange with a galaxy s. that is not true. but many methods when applied to the infuse sources will have little difference from the galaxy s in implimentaion. so in a way this may develope faster than the sgs2 or the sgsplus or the sgs2mini which all have much more major changes.
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I hope so too. Really sucks that they didn't release it w/ 2.3 out of the box. Samsung CAN do it, look at the nexus s. Hopefully only a minor setback and they'll release the update OTA... yeah right
schahr01 said:
I hope so too. Really sucks that they didn't release it w/ 2.3 out of the box. Samsung CAN do it, look at the nexus s. Hopefully only a minor setback and they'll release the update OTA... yeah right
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well they need the sgs 2 to look that much better. they fear we are too stupid to know what a dual core chip is. they need this to look good for the money and the sgs2 to look better. samsung did get the first 2.3 update out and the first 2.3 phone out that was not a google dev phone so cut them some slack. they are working hard on there flagship models. this will come later. google says they will work with manufacturers to get all capable handsets updated to 2.3 or 3.1, probably to keep android from getting too fractured. they will put pressure on them for updates and the manufacturers will get less ambitious with changes.
samsung also announced the north american sgs line will get 2.3 but did not indicate a timeline. unfortunately this is not being called a sgs so that statement is not a garentee but i think att has more concerns about updating the infuse than the captivate so if samsung says the captivate gets an update i think att will push for the infuse to get an update beforehand.

[Q] Why no CM7\MiUi roms?

The AT&T SG2 had CM7 and MiUi roms basically on launch day I've notice roms seem to be coming slow on the skyrocket.
Is this because of the different chipsets, Dev Interest, or something else compared to SG2?
(This isn't me complaining I'm just curious , I also noticed no CM7 roms for T-Mobile SG2)
Bump Up My Post count. Also, want answer.
This device is very new. Also There is no international version. Imsure the dev support will increase but gota have patience . Its a totally different device from the sgs2. Just hope more odevs becpme intrested in it. I think once ics is released the dev support will increase. Supposed to be the first at&t device to recieve it
silver03wrx said:
This device is very new. Also There is no international version. Imsure the dev support will increase but gota have patience . Its a totally different device from the sgs2. Just hope more odevs becpme intrested in it. I think once ics is released the dev support will increase. Supposed to be the first at&t device to recieve it
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unfortunately, this is the same problem the infuse ran into.... which is why i left...
The SGS2 had it on the international phone, so migrating it was easy. New chip will delay the ROM's on the skyrocket, so be patient
silver03wrx said:
This device is very new. Also There is no international version. Imsure the dev support will increase but gota have patience . Its a totally different device from the sgs2. Just hope more odevs becpme intrested in it. I think once ics is released the dev support will increase. Supposed to be the first at&t device to recieve it
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The galaxy s2 lte is the international version of the skyrocket, but the issue is it released at around the same time and is not near as popular as the original gs2.
Our phones are very similar to the tmo GS2, so once they get a cm7 port the skyrocket version shouldn't be far behind.
You should not stick with this phone if you are hoping for a ton of dev support. Frankly, we're lucky to have what we have right now (thanks guys!). This is a one off phone and as such, it's more difficult to port stuff over to it. I consider it highly unlikely that we'll see any Cyanogen or MiUi love on this phone unless portability some how gets easier with ICS.
I'm not huge on installing ROM's just to play with them. I come here more for problem solving on stock + root configs, so this isn't a big deal for me. But I can understand why it's a big turn off to some people.
The ROMS for the Infuse came fairly quickly after the phone was available. Subsequent cooked ROMs then started becoming more stable just about 3-4 months after. Of course, it all depends on the availability of dev support for the SR and hopefully they are coming onboard soon enough.
Then again, if you want *more* than a few ROMs to choose from, then the 'regular' sgs2 may be more up your alley.
I NEED MY STOCK ANDROID BACK... touch wiz is pretty but i went from g1 to n1 to skyrocket and i miss some things
A second line is coming up for upgrade (for the wife) and I have thought about getting/trying out the skyrocket as I have the original att SGS2 and love the rom and dev support. Already testing out the international versions alpha build of ice cream sandwich. But for the wife's phone I don't think I want to mess with it as much though. But it DOES boil down to dev support and roms I guess. Is it really this slow in here? I love my OG SGS2 and even though we will have lte in my area by years end I wont be giving up mine for anything. I got my OG SGS2 two days after launch and at first was excited by the lte version until it was confirmed to have the snapdragon and not the exerynos. So I was glad I stayed.
So my question is has any well known devs jumped into the skyrocket arena yet? The dev section looks kind of lonely right now. I have a month to decide whether to get her a OG SGS2 or the skyrocket so I am in no rush. I saw all the threads and have followed the skyrocket until it was moved out of our sub forum, so I have read all the debates and arguing about the differences between the OG and skyrocket. Haven't been in here for a few weeks now and it looks almost the exact same developer section wise. Other than being rooted have you guys seen any spectacular advancements as we have seen in the OG SGS2? I am NOT in here trolling but just wanted to get all your inputs as well. Are you still glad you went with the skyrocket? Are you glad you didn't just take it back and get a OG SGS2? I know with lte you guys get kick ass download speeds, and in my OG I get 8Mb download and haven't had any issues streaming anything, downloading anything, or visiting any web pages. So is it worth it in your eyes for me to get the skyrocket for the wife? PLEASE only real answers, I am not here for flaming wars or "my device is better because" replies, I am not trying to stir up the emotions I have seen between the two in the past. So again please just your honest and as possible unbiased opinions. Thanks
PS.I posted this here because I run CM7 on my OG SGS2. Not sure if I could give it up though touchwiz on our (both) att SGS's gets the job done. Plus with testing out alpha builds of ICS we are in for a WHOLE change of goodness as long as the ASOP build looks and feels. Unless samsung or att don't ruin it that is.
Sent From My KickAss ATT SGS2 SPORTING CM7
I would certainly love to see CM7 support for this device. i think it would be tremendous oversight for it to get swept under the table and miss out on CM7.1 + CM9.
I do not see it happening .. i believe it will show up sooner or later.
Patiently holding out on purchasing "ics device." just to "have an ics ROM."
people the phone came out a month ago! i was on the SGSII forum, and we didn't have CM support immediately, it took time patience and DONTATIONS! if no one is donating, please quit crying!! You can always return the device. It is not a good look for those of in the community (; #skyrocket) that are either attempting to be a part of the solution. Da_G is looking into a port now. Furthermore, Samsung was sent an email re the release of the source code.
We will see.
jcvancleve said:
I would certainly love to see CM7 support for this device. i think it would be tremendous oversight for it to get swept under the table and miss out on CM7.1 + CM9.
I do not see it happening .. i believe it will show up sooner or later.
Patiently holding out on purchasing "ics device." just to "have an ics ROM."
people the phone came out a month ago! i was on the SGSII forum, and we didn't have CM support immediately, it took time patience and DONTATIONS! if no one is donating, please quit crying!! You can always return the device. It is not a good look for those of in the community (; #skyrocket) that are either attempting to be a part of the solution. Da_G is looking into a port now. Furthermore, Samsung was sent an email re the release of the source code.
We will see.
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who do we have to donate to??????? i'm up for it.
highlanderx said:
who do we have to donate to??????? i'm up for it.
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but get on the board, in our section and put up a request (register your name, go through the trouble it is worth it. these guys don't mess around) and do what yo0u can!~ it will be much appreciated! i know i did my thing
click on this link if you are truly interested. register on the board, post a friendly intro / request, tell a friend
click here to register etc. _ tell _ a _ Friend _ who _ owns _ a _ SKyRoCkET
buy these folks a bit of coffee, tea, ale, or wine.
We have to DEMONSTRATE DEMAND. Nothing in life is given, or assumed. At least not in the business world folks!
Instead of a HUGE thread on how to run a TMO ROM on our devices, we could request support instead on the Cyanogenmod thread for OUR device? Just a thought... not a flame
Any Dev will tell you the facts.. if he knows this device, he knows there are more than enough similarities BTW sgh-i727 and tmo sgs II for cyanogenmod to run a simple port. You guys must've not read up much .. this would be cake for those fellas.
If you want it, tell them politely and we will see it!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
The Skyrocket will be worth it in the long run, I know we might not have much dev support at the moment but eventually when ICS comes to this phone officially it will grow. I'm running this phone stock at the moment and I LOVE it no lag at all, and mostly I'm loving my 55mbps download speeds down here in Texas (;
Soon hopefully soon i miss me some miui!!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
Guys this phone is just came out 3 weeks ago.. it already has some nice mods for it .. give it a chance.. Its like a new model car that comes out.. it takes some time for the vendors to R&D .. make a jig.. testing.. etc... to get the performance parts out.. .. I forsee great things with this phone in the very near future..
Have patience!

[REQUEST] Port of i9300 Foxhound Rom

Ok so i'm posting this thread in hopes that somebody with more skill and knowledge than i myself have, will read this and give it a shot. I understand the hardware differences between the Verizon GS3 and the International version. I dont know if the port is possible or how complicated it would be. But this rom is well worth the effort. I used to own it on the Galaxy S II for ATT and loved it. But now i'm hoping to see it on the GS3 for verizon. here is a link to the rom (i'm also going to messgae the rom developer to see if i could possibly get them to port it over themselves. Hope to see something good come out of this )
And this went nowhere.. lol
Because i9300 TouchWiz roms aren't worth porting.
Maybe if was something useful like King Kang or Paranoid Android you'd find some necessity and interest.
Well I hope someone takes over this request. I looked at the Foxhound rom and it looks very interesting. I don't know why someone would say that i9300 Roma aren't worth porting, it's practically the same phone.
ECrispy said:
it's practically the same phone.
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The internals are different, so it is practically a different phone. Only reason they are both GS3s is the external appearance.
LLStarks said:
Because i9300 TouchWiz roms aren't worth porting.
Maybe if was something useful like King Kang or Paranoid Android you'd find some necessity and interest.
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I think the international version WOULD be worth porting. Biggest reason being it had all the features available to the phone that Samsung intended. Not a bunch of stupid Verizon meddling, locking away features like blocking mode, find my mobile, among others. If I can get help from some of the devs here I'd give it a go on a stock version for now. The biggest thing is getting all the hardware and lib files, ril, etc. From our phone into the international ROM. Swap the boot image stuff like that. I ported MikG 3.0 for the incredible.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
You guys really seem to underestimate how hard porting from the i9300 is.
It requires an intimate knowledge of smali.
Not many people have that skill or the patience to rebuild every single apk.
This is the primary reason why we don't have multi-window or other 4.1.2 features yet.
Different hardware matters. If it didn't you could flash FrancoKernel or i9300 stuff without softbricking.
LLStarks said:
You guys really seem to underestimate how hard porting from the i9300 is.
It requires an intimate knowledge of smali.
Not many people have that skill or the patience to rebuild every single apk.
This is the primary reason why we don't have multi-window or other 4.1.2 features yet.
Different hardware matters. If it didn't you could flash FrancoKernel or i9300 stuff without softbricking.
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Kernel is on an entirely different level. It is VERY hardware dependant. A quad core kernel will definitely not work on our dual core phones. Only hardware related libs and and hardware related system files would be the challenge. The SOFTWARE, ANDROID OS is not as dependant on hardware. Yes libs, etc. But the core OS I wouldn't think so.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
We have enough on our plate trying to get all of our roms fully functional.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium
countryfolk07 said:
Kernel is on an entirely different level. It is VERY hardware dependant. A quad core kernel will definitely not work on our dual core phones. Only hardware related libs and and hardware related system files would be the challenge. The SOFTWARE, ANDROID OS is not as dependant on hardware. Yes libs, etc. But the core OS I wouldn't think so.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
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You seem to know what you are talking about. Give it a shot yourself if you don't think it will be that hard.

Plausible ways for custom ROMS (Sept 2014)?

I am quite interested how the independent development of this device is gonna turn and if anyone is in the mood on forgetting their fear of spoiler, what are ideas on hand on how can a custom ROM can make use of the secondary screen or it doesn't look good according to Samsung's SDK?
(Did not have the chance on see the SDK myself and probably will not have the time until further notice) and quite frankly I might sit as an spectator rather than helping in development for this one.
99% this will be the next device for which i will develop both a rom and a kernel..
I have no plans so there will be no spoilers here the only plan i have is to mod the _______ out of the secondary screen...
Im waiting for the 1st system dump to see what we have to play with here..
and of course for the samsung official source...
I dont know why people look down on this device..
Its like the DISAPPOINTING Note 4 but with something new for once..
We will see..
Im glad to see some interest on this device..
great news
friedrich420 said:
99% this will be the next device for which i will develop both a rom and a kernel..
I have no plans so there will be no spoilers here the only plan i have is to mod the _______ out of the secondary screen...
Im waiting for the 1st system dump to see what we have to play with here..
and of course for the samsung official source...
I dont know why people look down on this device..
Its like the DISAPPOINTING Note 4 but with something new for once..
We will see..
Im glad to see some interest on this device..
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That is very encouraging. I agree with you. You can get a note 4, or a note 4 plus a cool new feature. Why not the edge?
I am not a developer at all, but I cannot live with stock roms for the sake of me! I am 99% sure to be getting a Note Edge, and I am so happy to see there is a dev already onboard with it!
My question is... this is obviously touchwiz... but do you see the "Edge" screen ever being implemented in custom AOSP roms fot the Note Edge in the future? Or would flashing AOSP make that Edge screen completely black...?
iZack187 said:
I am not a developer at all, but I cannot live with stock roms for the sake of me! I am 99% sure to be getting a Note Edge, and I am so happy to see there is a dev already onboard with it!
My question is... this is obviously touchwiz... but do you see the "Edge" screen ever being implemented in custom AOSP roms fot the Note Edge in the future? Or would flashing AOSP make that Edge screen completely black...?
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I dont see why that would be impossible. Def not easy but there are some great minds out there
But my experience says that first you will see a few TW kernels before an AOSP one.. And usually the 1st AOSP takes a while.. And it needs a few releases before it can be a daily driver..
And im sorry i may disappoint you my man but i build roms and kernels for TW.. I know.. we all have our flaws
friedrich420 said:
I dont see why that would be impossible. Def not easy but there are some great minds out there
But my experience says that first you will see a few TW kernels before an AOSP one.. And usually the 1st AOSP takes a while.. And it needs a few releases before it can be a daily driver..
And im sorry i may disappoint you my man but i build roms and kernels for TW.. I know.. we all have our flaws
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hahha, don't worry, you do your thing! I have a complicated relationship with Samsung... I love their galaxy line, yet hate TouchWiz lol. But just like any new galaxy device, TW roms are always up first, and AOSP a few months later. As long as every single samsung bloatware can be removed from TW and xposed framework is running, I'm satisfied lol
All I'll NEED is root for exposed, and very debloated. And I'll be happy.
Maybe a blue/black theme.
iZack187 said:
hahha, don't worry, you do your thing! I have a complicated relationship with Samsung... I love their galaxy line, yet hate TouchWiz lol. But just like any new galaxy device, TW roms are always up first, and AOSP a few months later. As long as every single samsung bloatware can be removed from TW and xposed framework is running, I'm satisfied lol
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Cloaker said:
All I'll NEED is root for exposed, and very debloated. And I'll be happy.
Maybe a blue/black theme.
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You will definitely have those
I LOVE this thread!! Your requests are the best because they are definitely doable
Ill make an aroma to give the option for what bloat you will want to install or not install. If aroma causes us any issues i can always make a "debloater" (its a simple script that you flash and remove the bloat you want)
Something that worries me though you guys.. Is is gonna be only in a few markets?? I read that initially it maybe only in Asian Markets
Well I'm not sure where you are, but I'm in the US.
It will be coming for sure to all 4 major carriers here.
Cloaker said:
Well I'm not sure where you are, but I'm in the US.
It will be coming for sure to all 4 major carriers here.
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Im in the "Land of Whatever" or "Banana Republic" if you prefer
Cyprus my man...
Thats encouraging! If all 4 carriers will have it then i think it will come in Europe as well...
when it will be available in america?
friedrich420 said:
Something that worries me though you guys.. Is is gonna be only in a few markets?? I read that initially it maybe only in Asian Markets
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I know the Note 4 is coming everywhere, but you are right... the Note Edge is restricted to a limited market. Usually, that means the phone will be available in all countries but at full price. Anyways, we should all expect a "premium" price for this device, Samsung said so themselves, already trying to save up, lol. I'm in Canada, I doubt it will come here, but I'm pretty confident I'll be able to import it somehow. With all the current technology it has, it should have multiple LTE radios in it.
friedrich420 said:
I LOVE this thread!! Your requests are the best because they are definitely doable (
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hahaha, funny, you know what I LOVE? The fact you want to try to mod the _______ out of the secondary screen! :highfive:
My main concern is which Provider will I go with? I have both VZW and Sprint and the note 3 was dominated by Sprint Developers but yet some previous High end devices dominated by VZW devs..I obviously want to go with where it's hot.
I know for sure it will be available mid October on AT&T in the U.S. and will be available with the edge upgrade.
This Note 3 and I have rocked on together for the past year with Hyperdrive ROM. But this new device just screams "Buy me and impress everyone!"
I have money banked for the Note Edge, full retail. But I've seen price estimates as high as USD $1300! How on EARTH I can mentally justify paying half again for a phone's "coolness" isn't something I've completely reconciled yet... but if I do get the Edge, I will likely have it for at least two or three years. The Darling Bride will have a cow - I mean, she will give live birth to a bovine creature - if she finds out I just plunked down that much payola for a PHONE. This had better be really, really good, because it's going to be me and that phone in the doghouse until around Christmas!
It doesn't help that she watched the Unpacked event and wants her own Note 4. That's putting a hurt in the wallet!
Back on topic: will the developer community embrace this "limited availability" device, or concentrate on the Note 4? I want the Edge, but I REALLY want a rooted and ROMmed Edge.
It seems that the Edge has the same functionality as the Note 4... with the added functionality of the edge screen. So a ROM for the Note 4 should easily be ported over to the Edge with just a few extra lines of code. One would think.
So I really, really hope that you fine developers find a root exploit, a suitable bootstrap method, and start cranking out ROMs for the Edge. That would be the icing on the cake, baby!
I'm really interested in the Note 4 Edge but from what I've read about the device is that it's extremely annoying to hold and use with one hand. You keep activating the side screen when trying to hold the device tight enough for it not to fall. I can't see any way custom software would get around that issue.
On the other hand, I wish Samsung kept up with their pattern and made it a 5.9" device, even if just for the sake of having a bigger battery. A 20 mAh increase is practically no increase, especially when you're driving that many more pixels. I'm worried about battery life on this thing.
The real question since this device is certain to hit all four major US Carriers. Which carriers will have the bootloader locked down to damn near uselessness. I am willing to bet AT&T and Verizon will have them locked down to hell (For sure AT&T I mean the whole S line starting with the S4 are still locked down as in no custom kernels which is annoying to say the least).
malickie said:
The real question since this device is certain to hit all four major US Carriers. Which carriers will have the bootloader locked down to damn near uselessness. I am willing to bet AT&T and Verizon will have them locked down to hell (For sure AT&T I mean the whole S line starting with the S4 are still locked down as in no custom kernels which is annoying to say the least).
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OH I can assure you that Verizon's bootloader will be locked down and it'll be bloated to smithereens! Now that Hashcode has stopped all development for Safestrap, I'm really hoping and praying that another developer will take the torch, so to speak, and create a bootstrapper for the Note 4 & Note Edge. Once we have a root exploit and a bootstrap, let the ROMming begin!
The-Chief said:
OH I can assure you that Verizon's bootloader will be locked down and it'll be bloated to smithereens! Now that Hashcode has stopped all development for Safestrap, I'm really hoping and praying that another developer will take the torch, so to speak, and create a bootstrapper for the Note 4 & Note Edge. Once we have a root exploit and a bootstrap, let the ROMming begin!
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That's why I'm leaning towards the Sprint one. It seems like they don't do a lot of "lockdowns" on their devices..

Dev on S6 !!!

i just pre order my S6 this week end
i quit my HTC one M7 and the M9 dont interest me in term of design and fonctionality
so it my first Samsung , i always have HTC phone
so i want to know if the dev comunity is active on Samsung device (custom roms , etc.... ) ????
thx in advance for reply :good:
Off course my friend just wait till its officially released and ull see the development for this beast
demmo81 said:
Off course my friend just wait till its officially released and ull see the development for this beast
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I have a M7 currently, and I will most likely get a SGS6. Modding HTC (unlocking/rooting/custom roms & kernels) is fairly easy. How does Sammy compare to HTC? I read it's a bit more difficult for you guys. True?
I've read Sammy's with Qualcomm chips are easier to mod than the Exynos variants. True?
I've also read Samsung takes awhile to release latest kernel sources. True?
Hopefully someone can answer these questions. First Samsung TW device. My previous smartphones are in my sig.
I wouldn't really count on the development on S6 being active. You can at the very least take a look at the Galaxy S5 G900H which is the exynos variant of the S5 which barely recieve any support from developers.
Well there are ROM chefs at least but developers are close to nil.
Riyal said:
I wouldn't really count on the development on S6 being active. You can at the very least take a look at the Galaxy S5 G900H which is the exynos variant of the S5 which barely recieve any support from developers.
Well there are ROM chefs at least but developers are close to nil.
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Difference is that the S6 will ONLY be Exynos, so everyone will have the Exynos version (more users/devs), of course. With the S5, most ppl had the Qualcomm variant correct? So more users/devs for the Qualcomm version.
In the last few years, generally speaking Samsung devices with Exynos SoCs have only had fully-functional custom ROMs based on TouchWiz, but ROMs based on AOSP or CyanogenMod have had unsolvable problems with the camera, sound driver's, etc. The bottom line is, if you buy a Samsung, make sure you are perfectly content with TouchWiz or broken ROMs.
Well I heard that samsung is also planning on releasing snapdragon based s6 sometime in the future? I'm not sure as I lost my interest in s6 after they confirmed that there's no sdcard in s6. Also if development is really a big deal for you when purchasing the S6 then I say better wait first before jumping. We don't know yet if there are indeed devs willing to take on the galaxy s6 for development. For now so far I haven't heard anyone willing to unlike on HTC and other devices devs are already swarming the forums even if the device is not yet released. So if I were you... Wait a couple of weeks and observe the development progress here in the forums. If it recieves enough to get your interest then purchase one and if you're lucky enough a price drop might happen before you get your device.
J-Hop2o6 said:
Difference is that the S6 will ONLY be Exynos, so everyone will have the Exynos version (more users/devs), of course. With the S5, most ppl had the Qualcomm variant correct? So more users/devs for the Qualcomm version.
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Yes this is what I'm talking about... There are only ROM chefs(those who specialize in modifying the stock ROM) rather than developers(those who develop custom ROMs from source code) The problem here is that Samsung won't release the "full" source code of their exynos chipsets hence any drivers that's communicating in the SoC can't be recompiled against other ROMs.
As far as I know only 1 custom kernel has been released on the G900H S5 and that barely even got any progress at all even if it's just a plain TW kernel.
CafeKampuchia said:
In the last few years, generally speaking Samsung devices with Exynos SoCs have only had fully-functional custom ROMs based on TouchWiz, but ROMs based on AOSP or CyanogenMod have had unsolvable problems with the camera, sound driver's, etc. The bottom line is, if you buy a Samsung, make sure you are perfectly content with TouchWiz or broken ROMs.
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Look at s3 for closest example
Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
Ave666 said:
Look at s3 for closest example
Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
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Is the s3 a exynos only device also?
Riyal said:
Is the s3 a exynos only device also?
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Yes, exynos 4412
CafeKampuchia said:
In the last few years, generally speaking Samsung devices with Exynos SoCs have only had fully-functional custom ROMs based on TouchWiz, but ROMs based on AOSP or CyanogenMod have had unsolvable problems with the camera, sound driver's, etc. The bottom line is, if you buy a Samsung, make sure you are perfectly content with TouchWiz or broken ROMs.
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I mostly use roms which the devices was made for. Like the M7, I stuck with Sense roms. If I get the SGS6, I will stick with TW. The reason I stick with what the phone was made for is because of less bugs, and the camera is always better on the original sw, etc. So modded stock roms is what I usually go for. Hopefully some good stuff for the SGS6 in the near-future, especially since it will be a popular device.
Riyal said:
Well I heard that samsung is also planning on releasing snapdragon based s6 sometime in the future? I'm not sure as I lost my interest in s6 after they confirmed that there's no sdcard in s6. Also if development is really a big deal for you when purchasing the S6 then I say better wait first before jumping. We don't know yet if there are indeed devs willing to take on the galaxy s6 for development. For now so far I haven't heard anyone willing to unlike on HTC and other devices devs are already swarming the forums even if the device is not yet released. So if I were you... Wait a couple of weeks and observe the development progress here in the forums. If it recieves enough to get your interest then purchase one and if you're lucky enough a price drop might happen before you get your device.
Yes this is what I'm talking about... There are only ROM chefs(those who specialize in modifying the stock ROM) rather than developers(those who develop custom ROMs from source code) The problem here is that Samsung won't release the "full" source code of their exynos chipsets hence any drivers that's communicating in the SoC can't be recompiled against other ROMs.
As far as I know only 1 custom kernel has been released on the G900H S5 and that barely even got any progress at all even if it's just a plain TW kernel.
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Yea, i'm patiently waiting for some big news on the 3rd party support. Modded stock rom is what I was going for, not AOSP roms. I always like using what the device was made for. In this case, TW. Same with my M7, Sense. So is it still difficult for the Chefs to work on the stock rom because of Exynos (and other reasons?). Or is it sort of painless? And that does suck about the S5 (Exynos varient?) kernel situation =(
elia222 said:
Yes, exynos 4412
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Also with Legendary S2
Ave666 said:
Also with Legendary S2
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Also note 2
Sent from my SM-N910C using XDA mobile app
J-Hop2o6 said:
I mostly use roms which the devices was made for. Like the M7, I stuck with Sense roms. If I get the SGS6, I will stick with TW. The reason I stick with what the phone was made for is because of less bugs, and the camera is always better on the original sw, etc. So modded stock roms is what I usually go for. Hopefully some good stuff for the SGS6 in the near-future, especially since it will be a popular device.
Yea, i'm patiently waiting for some big news on the 3rd party support. Modded stock rom is what I was going for, not AOSP roms. I always like using what the device was made for. In this case, TW. Same with my M7, Sense. So is it still difficult for the Chefs to work on the stock rom because of Exynos (and other reasons?). Or is it sort of painless? And that does suck about the S5 (Exynos varient?) kernel situation =(
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If it's just modded stock ROM you're after then you shouldn't have any problems then...
I have to admit I'm a little jealous going over to the m9 forum and seeing it full of roms already
I highly doubt the bootloader will be unlockable on the S6, greatly limiting options. No one has figured out how to unlock the S5 yet.
Unless they release a developer edition on the S6, I would prepare to have root, and possibly SafeStrap, at best.
cambunch said:
I highly doubt the bootloader will be unlockable on the S6, greatly limiting options. No one has figured out how to unlock the S5 yet.
Unless they release a developer edition on the S6, I would prepare to have root, and possibly SafeStrap, at best.
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Tmobile version and international have unlockable bootloaders. This phone is the reason why I switched to tmobile from at&t.
NJGSII said:
Tmobile version and international have unlockable bootloaders. This phone is the reason why I switched to tmobile from at&t.
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Oh, I wasn't aware of that. I'm on Verizon's user-unfriendly network.
NJGSII said:
Tmobile version and international have unlockable bootloaders. This phone is the reason why I switched to tmobile from at&t.
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Sprint on the S5 is unlocked as well. The locked bootloader is usually the carrier being difficult, Verizon/AT&T.
My bet is 3-4 months for a patchwork AOSP.
cambunch said:
Oh, I wasn't aware of that. I'm on Verizon's user-unfriendly network.
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Yeah you have those versions you'll mostly sol when it comes to development.

