hello... my s3 blocked few times when i was entering in games like ninja fruit or temple run... on the screen appeared " ninja fruit stopped " .. can you tell me if i need to change the settings to perform faster? or what can i do?
profethu said:
hello... my s3 blocked few times when i was entering in games like ninja fruit or temple run... on the screen appeared " ninja fruit stopped " .. can you tell me if i need to change the settings to perform faster? or what can i do?
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First of all, unless you're thinking of a different app, I'm pretty sure it's Fruit Ninja, not Ninja Fruit.
Second, what is your device status?
Rooted? Unlocked? Stock?
If it's rooted/unlocked, I suggest wiping and installing a fresh ROM, preferably stock ROM since they tend to have fewer bugs.
If it's not, try uninstalling the app, then reinstalling. If that doesn't work, I'm not sure what else you can do other than rooting, wiping, and installing a different ROM.
Taehee. said:
First of all, unless you're thinking of a different app, I'm pretty sure it's Fruit Ninja, not Ninja Fruit.
Second, what is your device status?
Rooted? Unlocked? Stock?
If it's rooted/unlocked, I suggest wiping and installing a fresh ROM, preferably stock ROM since they tend to have fewer bugs.
If it's not, try uninstalling the app, then reinstalling. If that doesn't work, I'm not sure what else you can do other than rooting, wiping, and installing a different ROM.
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yes, it's fruit ninja... and the phone isn't rooted...it's unlocked ... i want to know if i can boost up the procesor... i`ll reinstall the game... and asphalt 7 frames too... and why i cant connect the phone through usb cable to the computer?? it's connecting like a camera, not like a phone... i have a 32gb microsd, could have something to do with this?? what can i do?
profethu said:
yes, it's fruit ninja... and the phone isn't rooted...it's unlocked ... i want to know if i can boost up the procesor... i`ll reinstall the game... and asphalt 7 frames too... and why i cant connect the phone through usb cable to the computer?? it's connecting like a camera, not like a phone... i have a 32gb microsd, could have something to do with this?? what can i do?
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you seem confused. i suggest an iphone for you.
profethu said:
yes, it's fruit ninja... and the phone isn't rooted...it's unlocked ... i want to know if i can boost up the procesor... i`ll reinstall the game... and asphalt 7 frames too... and why i cant connect the phone through usb cable to the computer?? it's connecting like a camera, not like a phone... i have a 32gb microsd, could have something to do with this?? what can i do?
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When your phone is connected to the computer, touch the entry in pull-down notification area describes how the phone is connected and it will allow you to select how the phone should look to the computer. One is MTP, the other is PTP. Connecting "as a camera" allows its storage to look like simply another hard drive to your computer, which makes drag/drop easy. Connecting as a media device allows programs such as Media Monkey to see the device and do iTunes-like synching of media files.
I'm not sure why Fruit Ninja is breaking for you on your phone, but suggest you write to the program's author and ask them to help diagnose any problems with their game code.
Your processor can be overclocked, most often people do this with custom ROMs it seems, but that is somewhat advanced functionality and requires testing to determine what is the best balance of speed, stability and battery life.
- ooofest
ooofest said:
When your phone is connected to the computer, touch the entry in pull-down notification area describes how the phone is connected and it will allow you to select how the phone should look to the computer. One is MTP, the other is PTP. Connecting "as a camera" allows its storage to look like simply another hard drive to your computer, which makes drag/drop easy. Connecting as a media device allows programs such as Media Monkey to see the device and do iTunes-like synching of media files.
I'm not sure why Fruit Ninja is breaking for you on your phone, but suggest you write to the program's author and ask them to help diagnose any problems with their game code.
Your processor can be overclocked, most often people do this with custom ROMs it seems, but that is somewhat advanced functionality and requires testing to determine what is the best balance of speed, stability and battery life.
- ooofest
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thx for answering... i check mtp or ptp but it's almost the same... when it's mtp shows me the photos and videos and ask me if i want to download to my pc.. when ptp it's checked nothing happens... my previous phone was a sgs 2 and same story... but the sgs2 was rooted and it worked fine till 1 month...
krbernier said:
you seem confused. i suggest an iphone for you.
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i hate iphone, i had 1 for 2-3 days and i sold it ... it's pretty dumb and it's a lot more expensive... i didn't ask about other phones, only about mine... and if some1 could help and want to help , they will...but ur answer is far away from that
profethu said:
when it's mtp shows me the photos and videos and ask me if i want to download to my pc..
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After plugging in and using MTP mode, you might get a pop up on your PC asking what you'd like to do with the connect. I typically just ignore this. As someone else mentioned, your phone should show up on your PC as another drive. Browse to 'My Computer' and look for SCH-I535. You should be able to double-click on it and browse it like any other folder on your computer.
profethu said:
thx for answering... i check mtp or ptp but it's almost the same... when it's mtp shows me the photos and videos and ask me if i want to download to my pc.. when ptp it's checked nothing happens... my previous phone was a sgs 2 and same story... but the sgs2 was rooted and it worked fine till 1 month...
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It's almost the same, but not exactly. MTP allows programs to synch with your phone as a device, not quite as a generic hard drive. I use PTP, because that acts like a USB drive, so I can drag/drop files, make new directories, etc. as if it was any other drive on my PC. I do this manually, not via Windows or a specific program.
You may be describing Windows' standard behavior for copying media files that it detects from a newly connected device and/or drive - that behavior is configurable in Windows and is independent of the phone, in this case. Some programs can do that transfer work for you, such as Adobe Photoshop Elements - it polls for new drives or devices and you tell Elements where to copy the media files it finds when connecting your phone.
From what you described, I'm yet not hearing anything that is wrong or unexpected with the phone, itself.
EDIT: From your earlier question, overclocking on a stock ROM is being discussed here.
- ooofest
thx for answers
After spending my entire Saturday trying in vain to get my win 7 laptop to recognize my captivate I've decided I need to reach out for some help.
Right when I gore my phone, without too much hassle I did the superoneclick root via my pc with great success. Did the lagfix after that and all was well. Go me right?
I used my phone for a little bit and decided that it was time to but sonera music and pictures on it. This is where it all went wrong.
For background, I have done up to this Point: tried both driver sets that are floating around (and exe and the version most often linked to in help threads with a simple setup file), Ive tried kies, I've tried going into device manager to manually locate the divers. Nada.
At this point the drivers with the setup file will no longer install because the install of the exe screwed up at some point. Windows is only showing the device as us composite hub or as a unknown device. I can sometimes get it to say Samsung android usbb device but it shows that it is in error and it still wot see the phone. Someone else asked me if I had used the mount option when I comes up in my notifications bar which I haven't because it never gives me the option. I've tried disabling launcherpro, undoing the root, undoing the lagfix, formatting and wiping user data on the phone, still nada. I've tried all usb modes. Nada.
First things first, can someone explain to me exactly what I should do in device manager to get the drivers in order? I'm pretty sure this is the root of my problem. Any idea on how to get rid of the erroneous drivers that are causing the driver setup to fail?
Any help would be great :S
Need to try and manually remove three old drivers, then try and re install. Id suggest using the ones design gears posted on his one click back to stock post
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
I snipped this from one of my old posts in the Vibrant section...
For those of you having a problem with Windows 7 recognizing your Vibrant ... here is how I fixed it on my system.
*Note: You do not need to load any special USB drivers for your phone to be recognized in Mass Storage mode in Windows 7.
*Warning: You follow these instructions at your own risk ... no screaming at me if you try it and something gets screwed up!
1) Navigate your way into the Device Manager / Universal Serial Bus Controller
2) Uninstall the device(s) "USB Root Hub" (My system had 2 listed)
3) You will lose mouse and keyboard control (because you just removed the USB Hubs)
4) Reset your PC and allow Windows to boot normally.
5) Go back to the device manager and wait for all of the "!" marks to go away as windows re-installs the USB Hubs and reinitializes all of your devices.
6) Make sure your Vibrant is in mass storage mode and has USB debugging OFF
7) Plug in your Vibrant via the USB cable and be amazed as windows recognizes your device and assigns the drive letters. After you select the mount option on your phone you will have normal access via windows explorer.
Hope this helps some of you out there !!!
Sent from Samsung Vibrant
thanks for the good responses guys but both of those have failed. Odin cant even see my phone, same issue with superoneclick root. I even just tried on an enitrely different PC and got the same "device could not start" message.
tried deleting all the drivers for the USB devices. nada. still no connection
Subrock said:
After spending my entire Saturday trying in vain to get my win 7 laptop to recognize my captivate I've decided I need to reach out for some help.
Right when I gore my phone, without too much hassle I did the superoneclick root via my pc with great success. Did the lagfix after that and all was well. Go me right?
I used my phone for a little bit and decided that it was time to but sonera music and pictures on it. This is where it all went wrong.
For background, I have done up to this Point: tried both driver sets that are floating around (and exe and the version most often linked to in help threads with a simple setup file), Ive tried kies, I've tried going into device manager to manually locate the divers. Nada.
At this point the drivers with the setup file will no longer install because the install of the exe screwed up at some point. Windows is only showing the device as us composite hub or as a unknown device. I can sometimes get it to say Samsung android usbb device but it shows that it is in error and it still wot see the phone. Someone else asked me if I had used the mount option when I comes up in my notifications bar which I haven't because it never gives me the option. I've tried disabling launcherpro, undoing the root, undoing the lagfix, formatting and wiping user data on the phone, still nada. I've tried all usb modes. Nada.
First things first, can someone explain to me exactly what I should do in device manager to get the drivers in order? I'm pretty sure this is the root of my problem. Any idea on how to get rid of the erroneous drivers that are causing the driver setup to fail?
Any help would be great :S
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kies or mass storage?
for kies debugging in settings>aplications must be disabled. i dont remember what works better ask on connection or to have connection type preset in settings>applications>usbsettings. im on froyo which works a million times better, kies on jf6 was like a 90% fail rate. it just didn't work for me.
for mass storage you need to mount the phone from a message in the notification bar, even if it asks the connection type and you tick mass storage it will not be mounted, you still need to mount from the notification bar.
you can also mount the sdcards from the notification bar in debugging mode which bypasses the connection type setting in settings>applications>usbsettings.
i tend to leave debugging on in case i need adb to fix my phone, i only turn it off to use kies which is useful to fix my contacts when i have multiples (it's alot easier to fix 200+ contacts on a computer screen using a mouse and keyboard), or install an update if i choose to run the phone stock.
tried in every combination of modes, cant get it connect any possible way. I also dont get the option to mount it from the notification bar so perhaps I have a hardware issue.
Are you using the stock usb cable? I've had problems with some but not all generic cables.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
may not be what you want to hear
I actually had a similar problem, though not the same. My phone charges and I can use mass storage without issue, but I could not get Odin One Click updaters to ever "see" my phone. I tried every USB port on my box, tried several different driver sets (including the ones DG recommends). Eventually, I tried on a different computer. Odin saw it fine, updated no problems, first time out of the gate.
I know, I know, not everyone has access to two computers, and furthermore there "should" be no reason it can't work on a particular one, but for me, short of formatting my PC and reinstalling OS, I tried everything else I could think of.
Good luck, either way!
post moved to new thread
I don't think there should be a logical reason as to why this would ever work, but Windows (and computers in general sometimes) has a tendency to surprise me like that... but what if you try removing the drivers by whatever automatic means you are provided with, and then check and remove them manually (if necessary), and finally run CCleaner or some other program with registry cleaning capabilities to give your PC that last little enema.
Then use DG's drivers and install them in whatever way he recommends (been a while since I installed the drivers). That's really all I can think of on the PC side... maybe putting a cheap little USB hub between your phone and your PC if you have one laying around as another mostly futile attempt.
Fair warning, it is possible for CCleaner to mess up your PC... any program that messes with the registry can potentially do so. I've never seen the program cause harm, but it is possible.
I've had the same problem with my Crappy from day one. I still somehow got SuperOneClick to Root my phone through multiple attempts. But if all you need to do is transfer files from your phone to PC, and vice versa. I would recommend Android Sync Manager. It can read most of the file systems in the phone, and transfers at a decent speed.
same here
One of my PCs recognizes Cappy with the same cable, OS, drivers. Other one doesn't.
So I ended up using "ADB Wireless" from Market. It works pretty good, slower than USB, but works.
Also - if you are willing to make your PC work - try fresh reinstall of Windows 7SP1 and disable driver update from Internet.
Since your just trying to put music and pictures on the phone, try Kies Air from the market. Install it on your phone then you can transfer files wirelessly with the browser from your computer.
USB Cable
gbrown2036 said:
Are you using the stock usb cable? I've had problems with some but not all generic cables.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
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Definitely check the USB cable. I had this exact issue before. I checked drivers, did a bunch of un-installing and manual installing of drivers. Finally I tried my stock USB cable and all worked perfectly!
Not sure if this is the right place for this, however;
My gf's laptop had a virus on it that I didn't know about, I plugged my Samsung Galaxy S in, and suddenly I have a ".scr" clone of pretty much every folder on my phone. I deleted a load of them, plugged it back into the computer and sure enough they came back.
Now there are literally hundreds of the .scr clones on my phone.
Is there a way to delete them all?
Also, if this is not a virus and a bug instead, do let me know ha =]
You should probably try to format it to get rid of anything that may be in there. I wouldn't keep any of the files as they could have been currupted.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Quick update;
This is the virus found on the computer: http://www.virus-encyclopedia.com/virus/Network-Worms/other/worms1626.html
Not sure what relevance it has to the SGS as I don't understand any of it.
Download and install Everything.
Start the computer in safe mode.
Plug in your phone.
Run Everything OR right-click the phone's data drive and run everything.
Type in ".scr" in the search bar.
Delete every instance of this file.
Plug your phone out of the laptop.
Restart the laptop and scan it with a decent anti-virus (MSE).
For extra security, you can now backup most of your important files, in case it gets corrupted (though I doubt it). And then format the sd card.
Hey Sygeek, about to try this out now, thanks for the help!
Also, this is the only laptop in which I can use my phone with, what are the reasons of not plugging it back in ever? (Except the obvious possible reinfection).
Matikata said:
Also, this is the only laptop in which I can use my phone with, what are the reasons of not plugging it back in ever? (Except the obvious possible reinfection).
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Just do a scan and make sure your laptop's virus-free (with that particular price). You should be fine then.
I very much doubt, that the virus would harm your sgs.
But it could have possibly copied it self over as it recognized your android as mass storage.
Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in the past couple of days.
I think it was recognized as mass storage device Dark3n, you're right.
I couldn't figure out that search everything program, I did everything I was told but it didn't return any results, so what I did was as follows:
1. scan computer and delete all recorded instances of a virus.
2. restarted computer.
3. plugged phone in as mass storage device.
4. used my antivirus software to scan the phone (as mass storage device).
5. it then went on to delete all 382 instances of the virus.
6. unplugged phone, restarted it (i don't think i needed to, but I did anyway).
7. plugged phone back in and wallah, no more virus.
There was nothing missing, nothing wrong with android or anything, it was just an annoyance I guess.
Thanks for your help everyone.
With the latest (and unfortunate) update from HTC, I have come to the conclusion that MTP is not the best protocol to transfer files between 2 devices. Why? It's much slower plus less secure. Maybe I just wanted to charge my device when hooking it up to the PC. With normal USB file transfer, by default, the phone does not mount and show its files to the PC. With MTP it does; and there's no way to stop it. MTP is also less stable. I had freeze ups many times when transferring large files where my computer no longer recognized the device. I had to unplug and restart.
Is anyone else having issues? Or is it just me being on Windows 8? Anyone know of a way to disable MTP and use the traditional way of mounting to sync? Thanks.
Just got an option I'm going to try. I worked on other devices I'll try ours:
"Use system tuner app. Go to startup button. Check for mtp. Click on it and find the exclude button. Click on it. Restart your tab. Connect to your charger and see if it works. For me it does, but you probably have to repeat the step because mtp might appear in your startup again (i don`t know how to kill it once for all)."
Will report back. For all you's who don't mind MTP, disregard this thread
Em can you explain the 'less secure' bit? But ya it sucks lol.
Closed Source Project said:
With the latest (and unfortunate) update from HTC, I have come to the conclusion that MTP is not the best protocol to transfer files between 2 devices. Why? It's much slower plus less secure. Maybe I just wanted to charge my device when hooking it up to the PC. With normal USB file transfer, by default, the phone does not mount and show its files to the PC. With MTP it does; and there's no way to stop it. MTP is also less stable. I had freeze ups many times when transferring large files where my computer no longer recognized the device. I had to unplug and restart.
Is anyone else having issues? Or is it just me being on Windows 8? Anyone know of a way to disable MTP and use the traditional way of mounting to sync? Thanks.
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in windows 8 it sucks like hell, im with you, but in windows 7 is working fine and super fast, i pass large files from my pc to my phone, and when i say large, they are really large. i use my phone for movies, and i download movies from 5 to 6 GB, and it take a couple of seconds to get from my pc to my phone. you need updated drivers for it to make it work right.
blackwing182 said:
in windows 8 it sucks like hell, im with you, but in windows 7 is working fine and super fast, i pass large files from my pc to my phone, and when i say large, they are really large. i use my phone for movies, and i download movies from 5 to 6 GB, and it take a couple of seconds to get from my pc to my phone. you need updated drivers for it to make it work right.
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Em what that just bs for a start the filesystem don't even support more the 4gb and then you got the fact there is no way it would copy over so fast that it puts my SSD drive to shame.
I always reboot to TWRP and use mount as old USB Mass Storage.
TheEndHK said:
I always reboot to TWRP and use mount as old USB Mass Storage.
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Ya I do this too since the only thing that get put on there is roms which I'm about to flash.
blackwing182 said:
... but in windows 7 is working fine and super fast
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MTP cant get over 2MB/sec even when using a high-end PC with SSD HDDs and USB3(yes i know the S doesnt support usb3, thats not the point), while USBMS easily do 10-15MB/sec, and ADB 5-6MB/sec.
MTP is worse than useless. Good thing I coded Quick ADB :silly:
MTP & the suck
I can agree on the initial frustration I had, trying to understand why my other android device allowed the copying of any file ext. onto the SD card. I bought a new phone with the same ICS os(phone did not come with a file manager), when I learned of MTP then what I learned now was that mass storage no longer exists . It is a more secure way the computer reads the device, so to avoid the blockade you'll need another device anything that has m-sd card capability so you can dump any one or more files onto it first off. Then goto googleplay and dl a good file manager program to use while accessing file in the phone. It should be simple from then in on to install any backed up .apk files or view any media(phone did not come with a versatile media player)files.
Closed Source Project said:
With the latest (and unfortunate) update from HTC, I have come to the conclusion that MTP is not the best protocol to transfer files between 2 devices. Why? It's much slower plus less secure. Maybe I just wanted to charge my device when hooking it up to the PC. With normal USB file transfer, by default, the phone does not mount and show its files to the PC. With MTP it does; and there's no way to stop it. MTP is also less stable. I had freeze ups many times when transferring large files where my computer no longer recognized the device. I had to unplug and restart.
Is anyone else having issues? Or is it just me being on Windows 8? Anyone know of a way to disable MTP and use the traditional way of mounting to sync? Thanks.
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did not work for me, mtp still loaded!
i hate mtp, every time i copy a image file or video from my phone, it is corrupted, windows 7 or xp.
sometimes my wallpapers get corrupted just using es file explorer or just what seems randomly.
this is on my verizon note 2, running stock JB 4.1.2
anyone find a real solution yet?
if i have to root to get this solved, so be it, but i am about to do so any way since i miss having more control over my device.
turns out after testing, my sd card is a faked 64gb class 10, transfer rate suggests class 4 and 4gb of data was verified, good news is i can still get my money back and my friend who sold it to me may not have known it was a faked card.
MTP is completely retarded. UMS is a tried-and-tested protocol, this is the biggest sh*t sandwich Google has handed Android users so far.
MTP crashes every single time I try to use it. Try opening a folder that contains a large number of files. Explorer will freeze. Furthermore, MTP requres a device-specific driver, whereas UMS uses a standard driver. Oh this sucks so much!
Guys, I don't understand you really... In every ROM I've flashed lately being it AOSP or Sense based, there's an option to switch from MTP to the "old" UMS mode. In AOSP based ROMs it is usually located in Settings - Storage and you should open the menu there and you have USB Computer Connection where you can choose whatever you like. It is an option like any other options, you can use it or not
And yes I agree with you...it sucks
Rapier said:
Guys, I don't understand you really... In every ROM I've flashed lately being it AOSP or Sense based, there's an option to switch from MTP to the "old" UMS mode. In AOSP based ROMs it is usually located in Settings - Storage and you should open the menu there and you have USB Computer Connection where you can choose whatever you like. It is an option like any other options, you can use it or not
And yes I agree with you...it sucks
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I am on a rooted S4 MINI using the original stock ROM. Other than this small niggle, after removing all the crapware I am pretty happy with what I have, although if there is a compatible ROM that would bring UMS to the table I'd be happy to try it. I just find it very annoying that earlier Samsung phones used to have the UMS option but recently they decided to get rid of it. That's as stupid as it can possibly get: a tried and tested, working feature that was already in place... WTF not just leave it there??
Scooxdroid said:
I am on a rooted S4 MINI using the original stock ROM. Other than this small niggle, after removing all the crapware I am pretty happy with what I have, although if there is a compatible ROM that would bring UMS to the table I'd be happy to try it. I just find it very annoying that earlier Samsung phones used to have the UMS option but recently they decided to get rid of it. That's as stupid as it can possibly get: a tried and tested, working feature that was already in place... WTF not just leave it there??
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I know CM11 has the option included and I'm sure you have either an official or a CM11 port available for S4 mini
Rapier said:
I know CM11 has the option included and I'm sure you have either an official or a CM11 port available for S4 mini
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I'll definitely look at it, thanks!
Scooxdroid said:
I'll definitely look at it, thanks!
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I recently went through the process of de-bloating this phone; following the helpful guides here on the AT&T G3 General forum.
However, I am finding that I cannot connect via USB to my notebook. I am going to try this on my PC @ home this pm and see if this just is not a driver issue on this end.
I restored the LG PC Suite & Suite Service to system (as well as the settings) and tried the PC suite connection app on my notebook. No dice there either...I do not even see the phone asking me how I want to connect to the laptop before I began all this de-bloat.
Is there an APK, etc. I am missing on the phone that I need to bring back to make the PC suite work again, much less connect with my notebook?
I do have developer settings / usb debugging enabled as well as (re-) installed the LG driver package. Thank you for reading / assisting in advance.
3's&7's said:
I recently went through the process of de-bloating this phone; following the helpful guides here on the AT&T G3 General forum.
However, I am finding that I cannot connect via USB to my notebook. I am going to try this on my PC @ home this pm and see if this just is not a driver issue on this end.
I restored the LG PC Suite & Suite Service to system (as well as the settings) and tried the PC suite connection app on my notebook. No dice there either...I do not even see the phone asking me how I want to connect to the laptop before I began all this de-bloat.
Is there an APK, etc. I am missing on the phone that I need to bring back to make the PC suite work again, much less connect with my notebook?
I do have developer settings / usb debugging enabled as well as (re-) installed the LG driver package. Thank you for reading / assisting in advance.
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perhaps a list of the things you did would help us decipher what might be wrong. Everyone's idea of 'debloating' is different so I'm sure you've done something different then I have.
screwyluie said:
perhaps a list of the things you did would help us decipher what might be wrong. Everyone's idea of 'debloating' is different so I'm sure you've done something different then I have.
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Thanks for the reply. I removed pretty much everything on the lists provided in the AT&T G3 forums and now Windows 8 refers to my device under "Printers & Devices" as a "USB Charge Only Interface". I am on my home PC now where I can verify a few days ago I could connect to the device.
To be more specific, I cannot switch the G3 into MTP mode. Does anyone know if there is a specific apk (libs, etc) to re-enable this feature?
3's&7's said:
Thanks for the reply. I removed pretty much everything on the lists provided in the AT&T G3 forums and now Windows 8 refers to my device under "Printers & Devices" as a "USB Charge Only Interface". I am on my home PC now where I can verify a few days ago I could connect to the device.
To be more specific, I cannot switch the G3 into MTP mode. Does anyone know if there is a specific apk (libs, etc) to re-enable this feature?
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This is the reason I usually just freeze apps in titanium backup instead of uninstalling bloat altogether. I've had this kind of issue with other devices in the past so I always err on the side of caution. Like the other member said if you can list what all you removed so we can narrow down which app is causing your issue.
I removed all of this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2822501
[GUIDE] How to remove bloatware on AT&T LG G3 - ROOT REQUIRED
...and carrier IQ as well. I restored the lg sync files (2) already and no change. Curious what apk allows the phone to be recognized as more than a charging device.
3's&7's said:
I removed all of this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2822501
[GUIDE] How to remove bloatware on AT&T LG G3 - ROOT REQUIRED
...and carrier IQ as well. I restored the lg sync files (2) already and no change. Curious what apk allows the phone to be recognized as more than a charging device.
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Okay here's a list of apps I've frozen but haven't deleted.
Text link + agent + engine
Play Games
Play movies
Play music
Play newsstand
Play Books
Msg backup and sync
Lookout Security
LG Setup Wizard
Google +
Drive Mode
Caller Name ID
Browser Bar
Att.net home
Att remote support
Ready 2 go
Att navigator
Att mobile locate
Att family map
Att address book
I've removed carrier IQ as well. Is there anything more than what's in the list of my frozen apps that you've removed?
Thank you for taking the time. Yes everything from the link I provided above. That is the exact list.
I'm working from the other direction...of what is the file(s) that allow a G3 to go into MTP mode.
Stupid question, but have you checked the cable to ensure its a sync cable?
Sent from my LG-D850 using XDA Free mobile app
Its a great question, ty for replying. I sure have, using the stock LG supplied USB 2.0 cable
3's&7's said:
Its a great question, ty for replying. I sure have, using the stock LG supplied USB 2.0 cable
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This is going to be kind of obvious but have you gone into devices on your pc and removed the LG drivers? If you remove them and then plug it in it should auto detect and reinstall the drivers. If it doesn't then at least we know its not a driver issue and it is in fact something on your device. I know it'd be a huge coincidence to both the notebook and desktop to have the same problem but the drivers could have somehow been corrupted.
---------- Post added at 10:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:43 AM ----------
Have you done what silentisdeath did in his second response?
3's&7's said:
Thanks for the reply. I removed pretty much everything on the lists provided in the AT&T G3 forums and now Windows 8 refers to my device under "Printers & Devices" as a "USB Charge Only Interface". I am on my home PC now where I can verify a few days ago I could connect to the device.
To be more specific, I cannot switch the G3 into MTP mode. Does anyone know if there is a specific apk (libs, etc) to re-enable this feature?
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USB Charge Only Interface
this rings a bell, the first time I connected my phone to the computer it did this, I had to change the setting to MTP mode. There should be a notification on the phone that says something about changing the usb mode.
Also I don't think you get this option if the drivers aren't installed properly so that's another thing you could try
screwyluie said:
USB Charge Only Interface
this rings a bell, the first time I connected my phone to the computer it did this, I had to change the setting to MTP mode. There should be a notification on the phone that says something about changing the usb mode.
Also I don't think you get this option if the drivers aren't installed properly so that's another thing you could try
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Good job screwyluie, you rang a bell for me...its the launcher. I switched from Google Now back to stock launcher and voila...USB debugging options were available again.
/Fixed...thanks everyone for taking the time to help me! :good:
screwyluie said:
USB Charge Only Interface
this rings a bell, the first time I connected my phone to the computer it did this, I had to change the setting to MTP mode. There should be a notification on the phone that says something about changing the usb mode.
Also I don't think you get this option if the drivers aren't installed properly so that's another thing you could try
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BreakingVZW said:
This is the reason I usually just freeze apps in titanium backup instead of uninstalling bloat altogether. I've had this kind of issue with other devices in the past so I always err on the side of caution. Like the other member said if you can list what all you removed so we can narrow down which app is causing your issue.
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Agreed...I will probably flash back to stock, root without tripping qfuse this time, and do a lot of freezing instead of direct removal.
3's&7's said:
Good job screwyluie, you rang a bell for me...its the launcher. I switched from Google Now back to stock launcher and voila...USB debugging options were available again.
/Fixed...thanks everyone for taking the time to help me! :good:
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good to know and glad you got it sorted
3's&7's said:
Good job screwyluie, you rang a bell for me...its the launcher. I switched from Google Now back to stock launcher and voila...USB debugging options were available again.
/Fixed...thanks everyone for taking the time to help me! :good:
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Weird... I never would have thought google now launcher would have effected mtp recognition at all. Nice. Good lookin out to xda members once again
BreakingVZW said:
Weird... I never would have thought google now launcher would have effected mtp recognition at all. Nice. Good lookin out to xda members once again
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For sure. Its affecting more than that too.
I tried messing with real 4k (not 2k) wallpapers in GN launcher and it really messed with the background. Half screen black and flashing the image every 10 secs...even 1080 wallpapers starting failing.
Switched back to stock launcher and sort of fixed. Reboot finally allowed me to use GN with any 2k or less wallpaper again lol.
3's&7's said:
I recently went through the process of de-bloating this phone; following the helpful guides here on the AT&T G3 General forum.
However, I am finding that I cannot connect via USB to my notebook. I am going to try this on my PC @ home this pm and see if this just is not a driver issue on this end.
I restored the LG PC Suite & Suite Service to system (as well as the settings) and tried the PC suite connection app on my notebook. No dice there either...I do not even see the phone asking me how I want to connect to the laptop before I began all this de-bloat.
Is there an APK, etc. I am missing on the phone that I need to bring back to make the PC suite work again, much less connect with my notebook?
I do have developer settings / usb debugging enabled as well as (re-) installed the LG driver package. Thank you for reading / assisting in advance.
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I have removed every single app in my list on the thread you mentioned and there is no problems with phone connecting to pc. Most likely a driver issue - try installing LG PC suite
neverends said:
I have removed every single app in my list on the thread you mentioned and there is no problems with phone connecting to pc. Most likely a driver issue - try installing LG PC suite
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If you scroll up, I wrote that it was purely an issue of which launcher I was using.
Hi guys
Due to unforeseen consequences during a holiday, a beer bottle got dropped on my phone and it cracked the screen. Now I want to take a backup of my photos before I send for repairs and I will appreciate any help I can get! Here are the details:
Phone: Sony Xperia Z3 Compact
Firmware: Stock Sony Kitkat, non rooted
Screen: Cracked, funny colours cannot see anything on the screen and touch does not work
USB Debugging Mode: Off
Wifi: On
Resources Available: OTG cable, AndroidLost is installed (its for finding your lost phone with a multitude of other useful features as well - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.androidlost), MHL cable ordered online and on the way...
So firstly, I plugged in the phone to my laptop and could not open the Internal Storage as I had a pattern lock set up. But thankfully, using Androidlost I could unlock the phone remotely (it resets and disables the lock). Once it opened I could see that my internal storage was full (around 11 gigs) and I could browse all my files. I didn't have the time to transfer my files at the time so I thought I will do it later and switched everything off. This happened once more when I accessed it from another laptop but again got interrupted and decided to back it up later.
Now strangely, the third time I tried this (and on multiple laptops now), the Internal Storage is only showing 7.5gb of 11gb used, and when I open it most folders are missing and most files are missing from the folders which are present. It may be some weird issue of MTP or MSC mode or something, not sure.
I've ordered an MHL cable so I can plug in to my TV and see if the files are present if I browse through the phone. Its really weird though, wonder how the files disappeared if they have.
I also tried to access my phone through an Ubuntu machine but was not successful in mounting it.
And I also tried to put in an SD card and browse that through a laptop, and I could do that but the internal storage remained the same.
One path I was following - using Android Lost I can open any app on my phone remotely. I can install any app using Google Play store on a browser. I can figure out the LAN IP address through my router/netscan. Is there any app you think I can install to remotely make my phone an FTP server or something so I can browse my files that way? The only problem is I cannot click 'Start' or anything which most such apps require so once the app is launched everything else must be remote-doable.
Thanks for taking out the time to read this!
ishaang said:
Hi guys
Due to unforeseen consequences during a holiday, a beer bottle got dropped on my phone and it cracked the screen. Now I want to take a backup of my photos before I send for repairs and I will appreciate any help I can get! Here are the details:
Phone: Sony Xperia Z3 Compact
Firmware: Stock Sony Kitkat, non rooted
Screen: Cracked, funny colours cannot see anything on the screen and touch does not work
USB Debugging Mode: Off
Wifi: On
Resources Available: OTG cable, AndroidLost is installed (its for finding your lost phone with a multitude of other useful features as well - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.androidlost), MHL cable ordered online and on the way...
So firstly, I plugged in the phone to my laptop and could not open the Internal Storage as I had a pattern lock set up. But thankfully, using Androidlost I could unlock the phone remotely (it resets and disables the lock). Once it opened I could see that my internal storage was full (around 11 gigs) and I could browse all my files. I didn't have the time to transfer my files at the time so I thought I will do it later and switched everything off. This happened once more when I accessed it from another laptop but again got interrupted and decided to back it up later.
Now strangely, the third time I tried this (and on multiple laptops now), the Internal Storage is only showing 7.5gb of 11gb used, and when I open it most folders are missing and most files are missing from the folders which are present. It may be some weird issue of MTP or MSC mode or something, not sure.
I've ordered an MHL cable so I can plug in to my TV and see if the files are present if I browse through the phone. Its really weird though, wonder how the files disappeared if they have.
I also tried to access my phone through an Ubuntu machine but was not successful in mounting it.
And I also tried to put in an SD card and browse that through a laptop, and I could do that but the internal storage remained the same.
One path I was following - using Android Lost I can open any app on my phone remotely. I can install any app using Google Play store on a browser. I can figure out the LAN IP address through my router/netscan. Is there any app you think I can install to remotely make my phone an FTP server or something so I can browse my files that way? The only problem is I cannot click 'Start' or anything which most such apps require so once the app is launched everything else must be remote-doable.
Thanks for taking out the time to read this!
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Very lengthy question.
So you want to make your phone an FTP server. I have a great solution for that
Install the legendary ES File Explorer from the Play Store
Select Remote Manager from the option, it will turn on WIFI hotspot and also give a FTP address. Just connect your PC with wifi and enter the addresss in any web browser you want
That's all
Hit thanks if helped
Sushant Rohan said:
Very lengthy question.
So you want to make your phone an FTP server. I have a great solution for that
Install the legendary ES File Explorer from the Play Store
Select Remote Manager from the option, it will turn on WIFI hotspot and also give a FTP address. Just connect your PC with wifi and enter the addresss in any web browser you want
That's all
Hit thanks if helped
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Hi Sushant,
thanks for reading the whole thing and for your suggestion.
I can install ES File Explorer. I can start the app remotely using Android Lost. Problem is, I cannot use my screen so I cannot go to the options and select remote manager.
ishaang said:
Hi Sushant,
thanks for reading the whole thing and for your suggestion.
I can install ES File Explorer. I can start the app remotely using Android Lost. Problem is, I cannot use my screen so I cannot go to the options and select remote manager.
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i really really want to help OP but i cant think of the name of the app. its something like vlc, vhc, vcl, the point is. you can control the screen remotly over the same wifi network. i think if you could install the app remotly and install it on your computer, you would be able to unclock it remotly because you can see the screen on your computer.
if i remember the name i will post it for you. good luck OP!
Thank you Phurkus! I think you may be referring to VNC.
I found an app called 'VNC Server' that you can connect to using Real VNC on your computer. But after launching this app, it needs me to tap 'On' before it starts so again, no-go.
I'll search around for an app that uses VNC that doesn't require any set up on the android side besides just being installed and launched. Thanks again!