Is there anyway possible to DISABLE microsoft tell me - Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

This is the most annoying POS program I have ever seen , whether I have a stock rom or custom rom this annoying program pops up whenever it wants usually while Im doing something , but it also just starts for no reason while sitting on a table ! Yes I turned it off in setting , that doesnt turn it off , that doesnt do sh1t , I mean at least have an on off button for this annoyance , anyone know of a place in the registry to cut this off (gooddaytodie, heathcliff,Jax ???)!!

It's easy enough to remove it from a custom ROM, but if you're getting the app triggering randomly like that, it's probably not a software problem. That sounds like a hardware issue, with either the capacitive buttons being too sensitive (a problem some phones will exhibit, especially while plugged into a charger and then laid on their backs) or with something in the case being messed up. I've had TellMe trigger a few times when I was gripping the phone really hard playing Z0mb1es, but not since then and never while just lying there.

I was hoping Id get your attention and yes I figured it was a hardware issue with the capacitive buttons , but is there any way to disable tell me and yet retain the actions of the capacitive buttons? its really annoying , it may be a hardware issue however after researching this its quite prevalent on the new nokia phones as well I am using a samsung 1st gen focus and I do have a custom rom , if you can point to the right location in the registry to remove this pest I would be appreciative , I will report back to you to let you know how it works out?
Thanks again GDTD , always pleasure hearing from you!

I know of no way to just "disable" it, though that's probably just because I haven't looked. It's part of WebSearch.exe, which if removed or renamed would prevent TellMe from launching (it would also break the other functions of that app, though, such as the barcode scanner and Bing Music).
The Focus is indeed the device I've most commonly heard complaints of having over-sensitive buttons / touchscreen that occasionally push* themselves. I've never tried, but I've heard there's a tool - in the Diagnostics app, I think - that lets you adjust the buttons. Maybe that would help?
* I was going to say "touch", but that... didn't look right.

Thats exactly what I was thinking that there might be some controls in diagnosis that adjust the sensitivity , but, alas I dont know what they would be , if you have the time could you look for me?

I don't have any Samsung phone, and the Diagnostics app is completely different between OEMs. You're better off just doing some searches of the forums, especially the Focus sub-forum.

yep I have been, I used to know all the good codes , but I guess I will have to start searching again, thanks anyway! I think I might be heading back to Android ,after this fone has run its course , just so much you can do with the platform ,unlike windows and crapple ! I am really ticked off how Microsoft keeps sabotaging itself , win 8 phone kills win 7 phone as win 7 phone killed mobile , every two years ,ya have to start all over again ,you will never catch apple and wont even catch a dream of android!


Screen Brightness hack?

hi guys,
just got my Dopod 838 pro(TyTN)...and I love it. however I notice the screen brightness is not as bright as my o2 atom. even with the brightness turned all the way up in the settings. however I noticed that when I press the camera button the screen brightness increases for a second (to the same as my atom). but the when I close the camera the screen dims back again. seeing this lets me know that the screen does have the capabilities to be turned brighter then is allowed through the settings. does anyone know a reg hack or a trick so that I can turn the screen brightness up? does everyone else notice that the screen brightness goes up when the camera button is pressed? or is this a hardware issue? thanks for the help guys!
I've not tried it on Hermes, but VJLumos II takes advantage of the extra brightness that occurs when the camera is enabled, to make a super brite screen. This works on the Magician, and can be enabled on the Universal but not disabled until soft reset (I've not been motivated to finish writing the Universal's version.)
If the Hermes exhibits this same characteristic, VJLumos II might work on it. Give it a go and let me know.
Hi Vijay555 yeah i was actually on your site and ive heard alot about VJLumos II. But I thought it was only compatible with the Magician. Do you think there is any risk of it Hard resteting my 838pro(Hermes)? Anything else i should know before installing it? Does it work 100% correct on the magician? Please let me know!
Works 100% on the Magician, and the active part works on the Universal.
Basically it mimicks the camera and causes it to be activated, causing the extra brightness.
I can't guarantee 100%, but say 99% that it can't hardreset your device (without having the device in front of me I can't say...)
It'll either work or not work, it shouldn't interact with anything else.
I'd be interested to get a Hermes rom dump at some point to see what it's like. It's a great piece of hardware, I'm wondering how to get one now I've jumped ship to the Mio!
yeah the hermes is great. Ok well i guess i will be the guinea pig and test it out on my device...haha i hope nothing happens. Ill install it in a few hours and let you know what happens. If i need to remove it will it just uninstall?
By the way is the a reg hack that can do this also?
There's no registry setting I know of that will do this, but there might well be; however, as I said, VJLumos does this by interacting with the hardware in an unexpected way, so it's unlikely to be replicated in the registry.
I think you can run VJLumos in stand alond mode, without installing (which will cause it to be enabled every time you switch on). Just run it in stand alone mode to test it out.
Hi all,
I'll also try with Wizard,should I or not?
Any effect on battery life. I mean is it more than max of hardware brightness
vijay555 said:
There's no registry setting I know of that will do this, but there might well be; however, as I said, VJLumos does this by interacting with the hardware in an unexpected way, so it's unlikely to be replicated in the registry.
I think you can run VJLumos in stand alond mode, without installing (which will cause it to be enabled every time you switch on). Just run it in stand alone mode to test it out.
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Hi Vijay, what do you mean run it in stand alone mode?
fordcan: I'm sure that it doesn't work on the Wizard, if it did then I would have written VJCandela for it as well. Not right now, and not until I get a wizard in my hands (all you new Hermes guys, if you find yourself with a spare Wizard, I can give it a good home!)
phame: if you just double click on the VJLumosII icon, it'll enable superbrite once. If you click on the -install icon it will try to enable it every run.
Like I said, it's not written fully for WM5 yet, because I never used my Universal as my main phone, and frankly the screen was bright enough. The magician benefited from it, but hopefully any HTC phone that exhibits the curious camera loading/screen brighter thing might benefit from it.
However, for now, as I said, it's not fully debugged for WM5. But test it, and if it works, I'll try to make some time to fix it. The problem is that it will only work the first time, not every time you run it. Hopefully easily fixable.. But it won't do any damage.
I presume it will drain the battery faster, since screen is brighter, but if you use it in bursts or recharge daily, it shouldn't be an issue. I never used my Magician without it, and it was fine after 1 year.
vijay555 said:
fordcan: I'm sure that it doesn't work on the Wizard, if it did then I would have written VJCandela for it as well. Not right now, and not until I get a wizard in my hands (all you new Hermes guys, if you find yourself with a spare Wizard, I can give it a good home!)
Like I said, it's not written fully for WM5 yet, because I never used my Universal as my main phone, and frankly the screen was bright enough. The magician benefited from it, but hopefully any HTC phone that exhibits the curious camera loading/screen brighter thing might benefit from it.
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thanx for the reply,
I a bit confused; you are telling "doesn't work on Wizard" and at the same time "any HTC phone that exhibits the curious camera loading/screen brighter thing might benefit from it " Wizard got this..
curiosity kill the cat :wink: Better try and see issue :idea:
Sorry, it might benefit from the technique, not necessarily this version.
Like VJCandela, I have to have a Wizard in my hands to experiment with the camera driver. It'll be easy to write once I've got the device in my hands, but I can't test it.
It shouldn't do any harm, since it'll probably just not be able to find the correct camera driver on the Wizard. But give it a go and tell me if it does anything.
I never knew that the Wizard has this screen brightening effect
Absolutely not working.. tells; "Can't load Superbrite Libraries!"
Anyway "Trying times are no time to quit trying"
Ok i downloaded the cab file, copied it to my memory card and executed the file. And it worked perfectly instantly the screen brightness went up. And it didnt seem to be causing any type of slow down or problems.
When i click the camera button i just get an error message which sais "the camera app is already in use". But luckliy no soft reset.
However i couldnt find how to turn it off. It doesnt show up in the list of "running programs"
so far the way i launched it was by just clicking in the icon. Can you please tell me how to do the "-install" thing you were talking about?
and how do i shut it off if i want to use th camera? At the moment i can only do a soft reset for it to turn off.
You should have a bunch of shorcuts installed in yor startmenu.
Launching VJLumosII with parameters -off will disable it, clicking -install will install it so it's run every time it's switched on.
However, I've not tested the -install option on WM5 so let me know if it works appopriately. I'll get around to reweriting it eventually.
i tried clicking the short cut to shut it off. But i get an error message saying something about the application being corrupt. So to diable it i still have to soft reset. Im scared to install the app in fears that the remove shortcut may not work
Also ive noticed the battery drains about 30% faster with the app running.
any ideas?
As I've said, it only half works on anything other then the Magician. I'll fix it sometime as a priority - I just got a Hermes, and have to say that the screen is a bit "meh", not as bright as a Mio 701 or Magician. Washed out colours and poorer viewing angle. Superbrite is necessary, not optional
I've just switched from a Prophet to Magician. Couldn't stand the slowness of WM5, especially with some big database software I use. The only thing I miss is the Prophet's screen brightness (OK, battery life was great too) so I was really pleased to find vjlumosII. The only downside I've run into is that it adds about 3 seconds to the power up time when I press the power button on my Jam. I've not seen this mentioned elsewhere. Is this a normal effect of the software?
Do you see the slowness on the Magician or the Prophet?
On my Magician I never noticed it.
I just wrote a new kinda app yesterday for low level hacking, and will see if I can apply this to VJLumos. Hopefully some new ish updates coming soon - however, I am using my time well I hope. I'm writing a new website, hence the slow progress on programming.
For the Hermes, see here:
I've only used vjlumosII on the Magician. The Prophet is the first PDA/phone with a screen that was as bright as I'd want, so I never tried vjlumosII on it.
The delay on my JAM (the 128MB RAM version) is not subtle. It takes a full 3 sec for the phone to come on after you press the power button. The same thing happens if you push any other button to turn on the phone. There doesn't seem to be any delay in the phone coming on if it is awakened by recieving an incoming call. When I turn off vjlumosII the power up delay disappears.
Also the screen brightness initially doesn't come on at maximum. It takes another 2 seconds to boost up.
vijay555 said:
Do you see the slowness on the Magician or the Prophet?
On my Magician I never noticed it.
I just wrote a new kinda app yesterday for low level hacking, and will see if I can apply this to VJLumos. Hopefully some new ish updates coming soon - however, I am using my time well I hope. I'm writing a new website, hence the slow progress on programming.
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FlashLight - anybody knows sth?

In Hermes I loved one feature: possibility of turning on the LEDs (called boldly a flash) with one of Vijay's apps. Of course I could not resist to test in on our (beloved) Rapahael but... Yes, you guessed right: marche pas/does not work/nie działa (choose the one you prefer). Anybody tried to work on this "problem of a person moving often in the dark areas with keys that must be inserted in always-too-small hole in the door"?
Of course you could just go in to camera settings to turn it on or off, it is only 3 or 4 screen taps away...
I mailed the author of the software, and he says that he will try to adapt to software as soon as he has some time, which would be in a few weeks. He says that there are people that already have modified his software to make it compatible with other devices. Anyone that can do this for the TP? I REALLY need that software too.
count me in on that one
i have been looking for it for 2 years now and it still dont look like there is gonna be an app for turning the flashlight on and off
as far as i know it is controlled by the cameradriver
Two years? It's been long available for wizard (vario) and hermes (vario 2). However, in case of my wizard I needed a rom update which included the correct htccamera1.dll (one that exports camera_flashlight method).
On a seperate note. I've been trying to get the flashlight to work on the touch pro, but no luck so far. Seems there is indeed (read it in diamond forums) at least one new parameter to the camera_init method. After debugging the dll it seems there may even be a lot more new parameters to the camera_init.
Anywayz, if I get anything to work I'll let it be known.
Waiting impatiently to test the results amd/or help in the process.
You could always try this:
That doesn't work on the Raphael. It doesn't turn on the camera LED.
If you mean to use the screen blanker of that software, I sure hope you looked further, as there are other developers that made free versions, which are even more advanced (i.e. turning up backlight to full capacity at startup). Search the diamond forums for flashlight to find it.
Yay! I've just got it to work.
I'll build a small app for it to make it usable and post it on the forum.
NetRipper said:
Two years? It's been long available for wizard (vario) and hermes (vario 2). However, in case of my wizard I needed a rom update which included the correct htccamera1.dll (one that exports camera_flashlight method).
On a seperate note. I've been trying to get the flashlight to work on the touch pro, but no luck so far. Seems there is indeed (read it in diamond forums) at least one new parameter to the camera_init method. After debugging the dll it seems there may even be a lot more new parameters to the camera_init.
Anywayz, if I get anything to work I'll let it be known.
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cheers mate ur the best
havent seen it for the vario only app i know off is vjay candela and that didnt work neither does all other applications for the flashlight..
and now i have a new phone and the flashlight application you just made ..
i cant be happier right now .. you made my miserable day a very illuminating one
now that i've downloaded the code how do i implement the flash light?
jakubd said:
In Hermes I loved one feature: possibility of turning on the LEDs (called boldly a flash) with one of Vijay's apps. Of course I could not resist to test in on our (beloved) Rapahael but... Yes, you guessed right: marche pas/does not work/nie działa (choose the one you prefer). Anybody tried to work on this "problem of a person moving often in the dark areas with keys that must be inserted in always-too-small hole in the door"?
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you should try hTorch 3.2 as well,
which has a very elegant interface:
As I said in another thread; lately I have been using TourchButton in combination with G-Trigger, I'm really pleased with how well it works.
The G-Trigger program runs in the background all the time, so now I just shake my phone a bit and I get light, shake it again and the TorchButton program runs again (thus turning it off).
And in the event the light should somehow accedentaly turn itself on, it will turn off after 60 sec as per the TorchButton code.

[REQ] Have all software support screen rotation

This is mainly directed towards programs developed right here, by fellow members (I don't see this problem in professional programs).
Of the countless programs from here that I've ran on my phone, just about all of them would screw up/not have any particular handling for when my screen rotates. Generally, the bottom half of the program disappears to some imaginary area off screen, where my keyboard would be. There won't even be any way to scroll down to see what got cut off. Also, as the program is left-justified, the right side of the screen is blank and unused. It looks wholly unprofessional and sometimes a perfectly suitable solution is just to make the program not rotate! I can't imagine such a thing being very hard to implement, yet I very rarely see any program make any effort to deal with this issue.
Honestly I don't understand why I even have to request something like this. I consider it common sense, but I guess not.. >_>
I feel like I'm going to get flamed for this but I hope for the better.

Touch Capacitive Panel (bottom pad)

Hello to all, am going to ask if anybody of you have a problem in TPs Touch Capacitive Pad? I used this app
Nav Debug Tool by HTC
To check out this multi touch stuff in my TP (though I know before that it has a multi touch feature, I just want to check if it's working properly) but it seems that the pad has a problem. The problem was sometimes, it can register my touch and most of the time, not.. sometimes it can register the multi touch, and most of the time, not .. even the nav wheel has a problem which doesn't register the rotation most of the time. Is this a common problem in TPs or even Diamond??
I even use the signed os WM6.1 but still has a problem.. so I wonder if any of you guys having the same..
It's been happening to me for about a year already as well. Seems like it's just defective. It resets thought after sleeping the phone and waking it. I'm not sure if it was because I used to use Sensor scroll or it's a little scratched up.
I hear the d-pad was a good conceptual idea but that is about it... I personally don't use the d-pad at all because of this, much less any of the buttons (to include the power button). On the other hand, from what I can tell about the d-pad "sensor" from using the NDT(Nav debug tool), it does seem pick up points but it seems to not like repetitive touches. It almost seems like the sensor overloads the processor to the point that it fails in terms of keeping up with the actual location that is being touched; if that makes any sense?
R^7Z said:
I hear the d-pad was a good conceptual idea but that is about it... I personally don't use the d-pad at all because of this, much less any of the buttons (to include the power button). On the other hand, from what I can tell about the d-pad "sensor" from using the NDT(Nav debug tool), it does seem pick up points but it seems to not like repetitive touches. It almost seems like the sensor overloads the processor to the point that it fails in terms of keeping up with the actual location that is being touched; if that makes any sense?
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that made sense but why would HTC permit a buggy front pad???
You know, it seems many phone brands/cooperations come under fire due to lack of something or another; maybe proof of concept? Perhaps the debug tool is to blame? Or even the sensor degradation over time? One can only speculate so far before it becomes a volatile thought... Again, I point out the idea being good, conceptually. So, I don't know where that exactly puts us as being end users? Then again, I've never really had a decent experience with phones, much less with newer phones; my thoughts and expectations may be slightly on the negative/lesser side of things because of this.
I have the same issue. I used to use GScroll to flip pages in e-books, but finally it got so buggy I had to dump it (other GScroll features were almost impossible to use). I've used NavPad DBug. What I do find is that running the compact heaps command of SK Tools will temporarily fix things, at least most of the time. When I have NavPad DBug running, if it's logging compact heaps will clear out the traces. Somehow or other, it cleans things out when the nav pad gets confused or overloaded with inputs. But even compact heaps doesn't work all the time.
It would be sweet if the capacitative area really worked, but unfortunately it appears to get worn out about the time that you figure out all the things you can do with it. Lol.
Edit: I wonder if the device has problems distinguishing a single touch of your finger vs. several touches. That could really screw up the function of the device.

Turn off one finger zoom

Just installed Synergy JB and have noticed that there is one finger zoom in here where you basically slide up and down on the edge of the screen and it zooms in and out. I see people with the note II have this also so it seems it may be a Touchwiz JB feature but I haven't seen a way to turn it off. It's nice but would love to find a way to toggle it. I already checked display, accessibility, and motion controls with no luck and it zooms in any app that can zoom.
If I remember correctly E actually put the GNOTE 2 camera in that ROM so what you are seeing is that actually camera... As far as I know the only way to change that would be to flash a different camera.... HOWEVER.. I do have the NOTE 2 camera on mine also and can pinch to zoom or use the volume keys so there may be different versions of that also... But anyways flash a different camera and that should do the trick
dr12volt1338 said:
If I remember correctly E actually put the GNOTE 2 camera in that ROM so what you are seeing is that actually camera... As far as I know the only way to change that would be to flash a different camera.... HOWEVER.. I do have the NOTE 2 camera on mine also and can pinch to zoom or use the volume keys so there may be different versions of that also... But anyways flash a different camera and that should do the trick
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Well its not just the camera it's in the browser, wikipedia app, and others
I apologize.. I swear the post said in the camera app.... I know he pulled a few .APK's from the Note 2... All I can suggest is check the settings for the individual apps... You could also try and download a different browser and try that... That would help narrow it down if it is something "Overseeing" the ROM or something specific to certain .APK's....
anyone find a fix for's happening in my browser now and it's killing me?
skillzo1 said:
anyone find a fix for's happening in my browser now and it's killing me?
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Check your other thread.
Sent from my Unleashed GalaxyMODed ...... um ...... phone?
What Scroll Bars?
skillzo1 said:
anyone find a fix for's happening in my browser now and it's killing me?
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With all due respect, you may want to look at your screen and take note of the fact there are no scroll bars.
I understand that we are creatures of habit, and as I have been using the GUI, with Scroll Bars since the first Mac (1984) I too tend to use the edge of the screen to scroll, but the truth is, it is a Phone, not a Mac, not a PC. It has no scroll bars. Scroll slightly to the left (or to the right-so to not disenfranchise left handed phone users) or 1/4 of the way across, or 1/3rd, or 1/2 or 3/4 quarters, etc. etc. etc.
Anywhere you'd like. It's a Phone, it's a touch screen. No mouse, no ability to tap in the scroll bar and have the screen advance. No way to position your mouse over the up or down arrow, and have the screen scroll smoothly without any other movement than you holding down the mouse button.
It's a Phone. Get it?
Anyway, what is really infuriating is that Samsung put this feature on the phone, didn't tell anyone, until people started complaining about it and reporting it as a bug, and then rather than either tell people about it, or add the ability through a Setting to disable it, in a new release of the software, the morons simply took it away.
So let me ask you, if your phone came configured with the setting disabled by default, but gave you the option to enable it, try it, see if you liked it, then said, nah, and turned it off, would that have been best for you and guys like me who depend on it all day every day to be able to use my Phone with one hand?
I think the answer is obvious.
Samsung, you are laughable, amateur software developers.
Thankfully we have XDA.
Now I just need one of you on here to figure out where in the heck it is hidden so you can make me a build that includes it with whatever else is in the latest releases.
You see, Android is almost entirely "Hard Coded" so it is not something the average user can just go "teeak" , like following the step by step instructions of someone to simply "Hack" the Windows Registry to make it the way we like it.
All the more reason Samsung is so pitiful.

