Join NeverAgainApple get your voice heard - General Topics

... Personal Opinion ... (I do not represent XDA's position on this ...this is Just my Personal Opinion the this issue)
For Those who may not Remember... a good Friend of mine Callip Hall (s15274n in XDA) Started a #NeverAgainSamsung Campaign. The point was to get Samsung's attention and let them know unless they kept their promises to keep the Android updates more current and keep their bootloader unlocked..... we vowed never to buy any Samsung product again.
The Protest took off like wildfire........ after passing 1,000,000 tweets, Facebook and other media notification methods..... Samsung changed their policy Because of the Huge pressure put on them by Us the buyer. And......This all started 1st here on XDA....
Callip...... is at it again....... This Time with a #NeverAgainApple..... The Protest is centered around the stupid frivolous lawsuits Apple has been bringing against basically everyone in an attempt to slow the progress of open source platforms and innovation. Android specifically has been a huge target, since it is now taking over the world cell phone market now at 52% of all phones are Android and growing fast.
Are you too Not happy with using litigation to block innovation? Think Apple is doing a lot more than just protecting IP? Or, you just don't like Apple business tactics...well then... read on.
So.....How does this work? Simple.
We spread the word - a unified word - everyone must use the hashtag #NeverAgainApple - on G+, on Twitter, on blogs, Facebook.... EVERYWHERE. It starts with YOU spreading the word.
THEN it is up to blogs and sites to help carry the load and start reporting of the uprising. THIS is what will help Apple notice WE are tired of their legal battles all over the world.
Please do your part and spread #NeverAgainApple - trust me, I have seen it work before, and it was amazing. I was in awe of how quickly and powerfully the Internet grouped before - and this is a much bigger issue.
You can follow me on Twitter @oka_xda or Callip @calliph and watch our protest grow.
This is only my opinion (oka1) and I do not represent the opinion of this website or any other of its members (other than s15274n-Callip's-)...

Epic. Love this. Thank you.
Help make these ripples grow by publicly sharing.
(click the play button at the bottom).


Google's True Purpose?
What pisses me off as mentioned is the fact that you have to install a software update WITH the skin intact and updated as well. I don't like how this delays the time the update takes to get pushed, I don't like how this oftentimes turns me off from using the damn skin, and I most definitely don't like the fact that I have to install it to get perks. It's a trap!! The whole update BS is what drove me (and many others) to root their Legends in the first place. This is absolute crap!
And yeah, I'm against a locked bootloader as with everybody here on XDA. It's not just the custom skins being reverted to plain stock or similar, it's the extra "feel-good" things you can do with it unlocked.
Thoughts on the rant?
Google's in it to make money? What a shock(!)
They're a company, not a charity.
Google is also about spreading it's monoply.
And they're better at it than At%t
Yeah Google is in it for money all company's are, money makes the world go around nowadays so that's what they do. As far as the ads part, that's how they make their money that's how they always have, but you don't see ads floating around when you use your phone just in apps that you download form the marketplace. However, the OS is open, like any other Linux base, allowing people to customize it and thus making Google sit back and see what devs can do with it and integrating what the devs are bringing to the table and seeing what people like (free user studys). Its genius on their part especially to push it to the masses that don't know what they're doing and have no idea what it even means when you say "root." I've always enjoyed Linux and its openness so I will continue to support Android.
Agree with rant.
Yeah, it's the nerds that want this, but the normals don't consider the why.
And the why is these devices are not phones.
They are tiny computers.
And it's pretty terrible that I can change the OS on my other, not-so-tiny computer whenever I want to, but I'm stuck with whatever the manufacturer of a given device forces upon me?
I'm not even sure I like the fact that my smartphone is limited to Android only.
I envision a day sometime in the future where smartphones are treated as tiny computers by everyone--including the manufacturers. Where you can buy barebones smartphones from the manufacturers without a preinstalled OS and pick your poison!
Of course Apple would never play ball with this--they don't even do so on their not-so-tiny computers--but wouldn't it be sweet to pick up the latest HTC superphone and then think to yourself...
... do I want Android, MeeGo, Windows Phone... or whatever other mobile OSes might exist at the time?
That's true openness now, but smartphones are in their infancy, and too many people still think of them as just very fancy phones.
Google's true purpose is to take over the world!
The main purpose of ANY company, is to MAKE MONEY, so the top-level execs can enjoy a huge cushy corner office, drive a company Mercedes S-class, own a Bentley for personal use, host extravagant parties on their yacht, visit France on weekends in the private jet, live in a house so big there are rooms they've never set foot in, and still have enough to pay for private security, butler, maid, and nanny for the rugrats. Accomplishing this goal for Google includes ads, and for manufacturers, includes customization for product differentiation and locked bootloaders to reduce losses from warranty/support claims.
In a way, it's the lax rules of "open" Android which has allowed manufacters to customize however they see fit.
Is it just me, or does anyone else find the fact that this woman is interested enough in technology to even bother ranting about Google, Android, and secured bootloaders, is a total turn on?
All companies give something away then, start changing the game, the problem with All phone companies is soon we will have devices that will allow us to load whatever we want, (we do that with dual boot now) this will become the standard, probably take 3-5 years before it is mainstream. But, like everyone else said Google just wants to make money. and have secure market position.....
..... duh.....
google is a company ..... where the strangeness?
GnatGoSplat said:
Is it just me, or does anyone else find the fact that this woman is interested enough in technology to even bother ranting about Google, Android, and secured bootloaders, is a total turn on?
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... hey, not everyone here is a guy, you know!
... and yet I still agree!
Moral of the story- Companies like money to further themselves.
Step666 said:
Google's in it to make money? What a shock(!)
They're a company, not a charity.
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Agree.Google is a company,not a charity.
LOL GOogle wasnt made so people can happily search away
It was made with the purpose of making money... who would spend thousands of dollars doing otherwise.
PS. "Google is a company, not a charity" <---Egg-sactly.
I completely disagree with the whole "stock skin is awesome!" thing. I personally dislike the stock Android theme, and it was one of the reasons I disliked CM7 to begin with, until I found Honeybread.
The stock Galaxy S theme is my favorite theme I've seen so far.
I agree with synaesthetic's vision. Would be amazing if we could dual boot operating systems on any smartphone too.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
sales are UP
Google also gives all your personal data (contacts included, and all their data) to it's subsidiaries. thus bypassing Google's own privacy policies, and this is perfectly legal.
they then make a big tree showing your surfing habits, your friends and families. what u eat and drink and what movies you watch, what news you are interested in your political affiliation !
the more info they have on you the more you are worth to them.
both for their own adds and the more you are worth when they sell your info through their subsidiaries!
like i said this is all perfectly legal. because it's subsidiaries do not have the same privacy policies as the parent company! in this case Google!
why do u think they want to get into the internet service providing business (ISP)? More INFO!
now they have u using their OS, their web-browser, their app store, their email, google maps (to see where u go and what u eat) even down to what streets u use and how long u spend at each place!
the amount of info they have on u is mind blowing
why do u think they are trying to pass a bill in congress on how (and how much) these companies collect info on you!
it will never pass. but it shows you even members of congress are concerned about the points i made above!
so I'm not just talking out of my behind OR a conspiracy nut. it cant even be a conspiracy if it wanted to because the info i right out in the open for anyone who cares enough to look for it,
the companies even Google are not trying to hide anything
food for thought next time u turn on your Google
Ric H. (a1yet)
synaesthetic said:
... hey, not everyone here is a guy, you know!
... and yet I still agree!
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...there are girls here...!
QUOTE of the day is
deeking2 said:
...there are girls here...!
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QUOTE of the day is
...there are girls here...!
Nothing illegal is happening here. They're an American business. If you don't like it, don't buy it.
synaesthetic said:
smartphones are in their infancy, and too many people still think of them as just very fancy phones.
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So very true.

Campaign Viewsonic for better support.

After reading the the 12 pages over in Viewsonic's Facebook Discussion section on the gTablet support, I came away with the idea that what we need is a single united voice to get Viewsonic attention.
While many has already blog, tweet and post in forums to show how unhappy they are with the way Viewsonic has treated the gTablet, a single united campaign will hopefully get the attention of online (and maybe offline) media. This would lead to positive PR for the gTablet hardware and negative PR for the company. Hopefully, it will show them the true popularity of the device and get them to reconsider abandoning it for something newer.
I've created a Facebook page to get us started.
I welcome any input, help, advise, suggestion etc..
A small update.
Almost a week have pass since the launch of the Viewsonic gTablet Onwers Unite Facebook page and we have nearly 40 people responded. It's a great start but we need more people. Please Like the page if you have not already done so and share it with anyone you know who own a gTablet or looking to get one.
Our goal is NOT to discourage people from buying the gTablet as more units sold translate to a bigger user base. If nothing else, the popularity (=sale figure) would be the one thing Viewsonic cannot ignore.
Join us @
they wont give a rat crap about you. The only way they will listen is to get the general public attention.
Spike, that is the purpose of the Facebook page. It require minimal commitment from people. All they have to do is click the Like button. People who wish to be more involve and post and spread the words etc..
And we have 91 members now.
Anyway, last night it came to that while many have said that the only way for Viewsonic to listen is hit them where it hurt the most, through their sales. So I've started a companion page to Viewsonic gTablet Owners Unite called I Switched from Viewsonic. This page is to help register the people who are boycotting the Viewsonic brand. To get all those statements in the same place instead of spreading all over the Internet. Once again, the aim is show strength in numbers.
Before anyone ask, Yes, you can continue to use your current Viewsonic product(s) as long as you have made a purchase of a different brand because of a previous bad experience with Viewsonic.
Time for a little viral marketing.
We are about to hit the 100 members mark sometime this week. To celebrate, I think it would be a great opportunity to do a big (viral) marketing push.
If the Facebook study I have read is true, the average person on Facebook has about 10-20 people on their friends list. My suggestion is for everyone to take a minute to hit the Share button on the bottom left of the Facebook page to post it on their Wall. That would give us a minimum of 1000+ more pair of eye balls seeing the message. Some of them might be gTablet owners or know someone who does. But our real aim is to bring to their attention our cause and at the same time spread negative publicity for Viewsonic to another 1000 people who might in turn share it with more of their friends. With some luck, we might just reach that critical mass that will attract Viewsonic attention.
Make sure to include a message along the line of:
"I own a Viewsonic gTablet and I need your help. Viewsonic has abandon this device after only 3 months of support. Now they are killing it by refusing to provide the necessary driver so the community developers can continue to update it. Please share this with all your friends so we can warn as many people as possible about Viewsonic dodgy business practice."
just posted it on the FB support page. lets see if it stays up.
I understand where you are coming from, but asking a corporation to support a commercial failure is most likely falling on deaf ears. Just ask those people who bought Touchpads. Viewsonic doesn't make their money from people like us.
Sent from my T-mobile G2 using Tapatalk
Nospin said:
Viewsonic doesn't make their money from people like us.
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Yes they do.
Fact Most happy consumers have no voice, It's not that they do not have one its more like they have no use or want to be bothered with it.
Upset people have a voice and use it.
So if I was a consumer that was looking for a good product, and search the web for a viewsonic tablet review I will find peoples likes and dislikes.
So if the upset customers (US) make noise, it will hurt their bottom line. I would not want to buy a device that is dropped from support and has bad things said about it.
I as a web guy would have done this a little different.
Create a facebook page for people to like and post their thoughts.
Create a twitter account and link it to the facebook page
Start going to the review sites you find in google searches and post your review with a link to your facebook page.
Heck you could even post on review sites for other viewsonic products (LCD's etc...) stating that you have owned and after the tablet mess, you will never buy again and so on.
I know VS is probably reading this and thinking "Shut up already, we do not need more trouble", but VS it's your fault and only you can fix the problem.
One thing I have learned in the last few years in tech, is never mess with the tech geeks as their numbers can kill you.
BTW, I liked both pages. No more VS for me! and I will spread the word.
PS. PM me if you need anything.
copc, thank you for you support.
I consider myself a thinker, not a leader. It takes a while for my brain to to digest and come up with new ideas. So I really appreciate yours and others help with keeping this project alive. I'm going to ask Roebeet and Living Enzyme if they would like to be Admin on the page or recommend someone who would be a good candidate. We really need a few more people to keep the page alive.
Anyone want to take a stab at making a viral video?,2817,2391476,00.asp

Microsoft tracking us - a lawsuit at hand

Story says MS is tracking WP7 users through their WP7 phones. If you have nothing to hide, don't worry. Maybe it will save your life someday.
z33dev33l said:
The lawsuit is because the lady cut off the GPS settings and feels shes still being tracked by the camera app.
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Wow... I'm glad I keep mine in a pouch when I'm not using it. I'd hate for them to see me scratching me arse.
So wait she 'feels' like she's being tracked by the camera app? Is there any proof of it?
is this really surprising?
does anyone really think Microsoft values its users' privacy any more than the other big players?
that people believe these giants (el goog, MSFT, Apple - ANY business today that wants to be effective in this evolving marketing landscape) give two ****s about their users' privacy or security is comical.
get used to being monitored one way or another... it doesn't matter what search engine you use, what operating system you use, which mobile phone you have: you are being cataloged, researched and categorized with every action you take over the air. there is no way around it. that's the world we live in today, and it will only become more integral as technology continues to develop and businesses continue to seek new ways to reach their target markets.
don't mistake this for a tin foil hat post, I'm just sick of people running around acting like Google and Apple are the only companies in the world that "research" their customers via probing. they all do it. why is this shocking to anyone? take off the rose tinted spectacles, folks...
pmcqueen said:
is this really surprising?
does anyone really think Microsoft values its users' privacy any more than the other big players?
that people believe these giants (el goog, MSFT, Apple - ANY business today that wants to be effective in this evolving marketing landscape) give two ****s about their users' privacy or security is comical.
get used to being monitored one way or another... it doesn't matter what search engine you use, what operating system you use, which mobile phone you have: you are being cataloged, researched and categorized with every action you take over the air. there is no way around it. that's the world we live in today, and it will only become more integral as technology continues to develop and businesses continue to seek new ways to reach their target markets.
don't mistake this for a tin foil hat post, I'm just sick of people running around acting like Google and Apple are the only companies in the world that "research" their customers via probing. they all do it. why is this shocking to anyone? take off the rose tinted spectacles, folks...
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They would if it was Apple. Apple haters fine comb the world to find stuff to hate on Apple for. Some of them even manufacture issues with Apple so they can spew their hate and discontent.
All companies are the same. If Google was were Apple is, they would be doing the same thing. This goes for all other companies as well. Even the US government is getting into the suing business. They're suing companies and institutions right and left. It's "sue" pandemonium these a carnival. I watched a "Sliders" show once, a very long time ago, where they slid into an alternate Earth were everybody was suing everybody else just for looking at someone crosseyed. Planet Earth seems to have slid right into the same episode as that Sliders one.
pmcqueen said:
I'm just sick of people running around acting like Google and Apple are the only companies in the world that "research" their customers via probing. they all do it.
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I know they do this kind of "research", and I know I'm watched everywhere everyday by cctv or whatever. But I just want to know how they do this, in what kind of conditions and by what tools. So I can make myself as best as possible.
z33dev33l said:
The lawsuit is because the lady cut off the GPS settings and feels shes still being tracked by the camera app.
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Which from the look of the articles it is tracking users.
Though I don't remember this properly but once Google automatically deleted a particular malware from all of it's affected android handsets without notifying them first.
In the end, this may have been for the betterment of the users. But if this is where Google sets the line, I'm against it. This is violation of privacy.
As for Microsoft, this was no different.
Did he really just say if Google was where Apple was at? Really? Last time i checked Google has passed Apple in well almost everything.
PharmCAT said:
*tin foil hat*
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Made my day +1 this is why i prefer my android
Lolol, read the comment. Atleast no one bought it. #yourtoeasytoloveMS.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium

ShootMe Dev Giving up on Android Community? What about you?

I wrote about it here: LINK
Does anyone know more about the background - from the twitter account it seems like just a general run-down and a disappointing community.
Other developers on here feel the same?
I'd love to get comments from some of the developers on here, if that is the case.
I'm not a developer but did read this already on a posting at Google+.
But you are right, moving into that direction would be very bad.
Some people think they can be rude because they stay anonymous.
Its something that happens more and more these days on the internet.
I realize it's impossible - there are 12 year olds who probably run rampant.
Seems like there is SOMETHING that can be done.
I'm as Pro-Android as they come. But at times it feels like starting a relationship with a beautiful boy/girl only to find they come with a sack load of emotional baggage.
Here's my take on it:
I am far from giving up (thick skinned) but there is a real troll culture growing and needs to be stomped out. Anonymity has it's uses but, as with everything else, has its drawbacks. What we need is troll hunters!
(aka Strangemoo)
I have seen that there are some stupid comments on the market... But not so extreme as to take down your app...
Some users is just plain stupid... I'm from Denmark, so a lot of the comments are in danish... But that devs are many times foreign and really don't look or understand the comments... But a lot of them complain about pathetic things like no app 2 sd or that some function suddenly's gone instead of just writing the dev an email about the issue and giving the app the respect it deserves... 1/5 rating is a lot of the times not justified...
Just my 2-cents...
I'm sorry but this is a silly and immature move by the developer. Receiving negative feedback, dealing with trolls and idiotic users that don't understand technology are fundamental assumptions of the internet, just like not giving out your passwords or helping Nigerian princes get their money out of Africa.
I loved ShootMe and used it for our screenshots, but I don't have a lot of empathy for people that empower others to control how they feel.
Wrote about this a few weeks back:
I work in IT support and one of the things I have to support is phones. It blows my mind how many 10-12 year old kids have nicer phones than I do because their rich mommy and daddys think their precious little angels needs the latest and greatest smart phones. I went over to a client's office a couple of months ago and he had 3 brand new Droid 2s for his kids, ranging from 10-14.
Point of all this?
In this day and age, there are so many rude little kids with nice phones all over these forums, its amazing to me anyone sticks around. Im over 40 and was raised in a different time than these self entitled children I see around here that want everything now, for free and want you to do it for them.
I cant blame the guy for leaving. A lot of times I wish I could go live on an island somewhere where I didnt have to deal with people because most of them suck.
s15274n said:
I wrote about it here: LINK
Does anyone know more about the background - from the twitter account it seems like just a general run-down and a disappointing community.
Other developers on here feel the same?
I'd love to get comments from some of the developers on here, if that is the case.
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I'm not a developer, but I was a ShootMe user on my EVO 4G. When it received the upgrade to Gingerbread, the app stopped working. The developer never replied to my email and from reading comments on Market didn't reply to anyone.
He did finally released a new version of ShootMe, but you had to have a computer to use it. Also everytime your reboot your phone, you had to sync everytime with your computer.
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D using Tapatalk
Welcome to the "masses".
Want a better experience? Go smaller. Dev for Windows Phone, or Web OS, or RIM.
Once something becomes part of the main stream, you'll see the d-bags start rolling in. Even something like xda can be tarnished once it "gets too big". There is hardly a day that goes by where I don't read a thread here that doesn't make me shake my head. This used to be a highly technical forum, back when every devices was htc and running windows mobile.
The only thing that can really be done, is to work with a smaller, more appreciative community. I doubt you would get very many jerk off comments from a Windows Phone user, they are happy to get whatever they can.
All very good points. I wish I had put a little into my thoughts before typing that up - dev's need to be tougher AND respond to people.
s15274n said:
All very good points. I wish I had put a little into my thoughts before typing that up - dev's need to be tougher AND respond to people.
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As a android developer IMHO the android community is as bad as they come. Xda for example used to be a place of collaboration. Currently its a place where maybe .1% do dev, .9% appreciate the development and try to help, 99% ether complain or say nothing at all. Whether the development is for free or profite(which I won't evev get into here) how is a developer supposed to work off of that? Users would rather right a comment blasting a developer who has literally spent days of his life on some product without even attempting to resolve the issue themselves.
I'm not saying some complaints are not warranted, just saying flip the coin around and its not so hard to understand the developers standpoint.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
There is no denying that there is frustration on both sides. This frustration seems to stem from expectation, communication and control.
The developer expects their customers to be civil.
The users expects the developers to devote anything between some to all of their resources/free time building/making their products better.
Both are unreasonable expectations if you think about it.
Civility can only be maintained in a mediated environment - the Android Market seems only concerned about brand and copyright issues. Google seems to think that it's ok to put its developer behind chicken-wire with lights in their eyes whilst their customers are free to hurl beer bottles at them. Dealing with anony-trolls is time consuming and offputting.
Developers range from teenagers with spare time on their hands up to multi-million dollar development studios. I, myself, am a father of three, I work a full week (we've got to eat!) and I code when time permits. Even though I respond to every request put to my apps, if you think that I'm going to compromise the balance of other areas of my life to put in a bug fix - think again. Sure, some of the more effluent businesses can throw more resources into a project, but just bare in mind that most of us are just people and not doormats. Respect and encouragement is all it takes to make the market a happy place. Flaming just ruins things for all (on both sides).
Communication between devs and end users is and most likely always will be a bit of a sticking point. The fact that everyone has their own opinions, likes, dislikes kind of makes it obvious that there will never be an app with 100% 5 stars. Even the most popular apps on the market have ratings across the board. Though, admittedly, some of the low grades may be down to trolling - but some of them will be genuine. Communication takes time. From a user, it may take a couple of minutes out of their day. For the dev, they may have hundreds a day to deal with. This takes them away from the development that the mail is probably asking for!
A user doesn't, and should never have control over the developer. They should, however, be able to request, beg, plead *nicely*. If they get frustrated then they should remember the phrase 'you get what you pay for'. The developer doesn't get any money when you bought your phone - so don't think they have any obligation to give you something for nothing. If it's a paid app, then the developer is saying 'yes, I'll support it.' That's fair sport.
The developer should have some control over their customers in the sense that a shopkeeper can choose who they let in their shops. Unfortunately they have none. They can't even moderate the comments on the market. I've had a 'GAY - Pointless, uninstall' (his words, not mine) on a free app downloaded 12,000 times and has a 4* rating. I can't do anything about it. It always appears when people go to the page. This individual has hurt my app and me without provocation. I didn't ask anything from them. Fortunately, the following message pointed out that the 'Pointless' user was an idiot (thanks XZombie), hopefully it will negate some of the damage. We're completely at the mercy of the masses, and being a relatively new dev, it's a scary place to be!
It's a shame that the most influential party in all of this is hiding behind a wall of silence.
If you're interested - I'm keeping a track of my experience of Android development. The link is in my earlier post.
Paul, I do agree with you to a point. But I'm not sure if I like about developers editing comments. But I do see what you mean about people leaving dumb comments for an app that does work.
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D using Tapatalk
I don't suggest developers could edit comments - that would make the process equally pointless, as devs can put all of the 'nice' things they want in the description anyway. Sorry if I implied otherwise.
Devs should be able to either remove, request for removal or even block the rogue elements. At present, we have to just live with the insults with no way to disprove their claims. Even a 'troll flag' would be an improvement - to show other users that the dev disagrees with the comment.
All accountability is on the devs whereas trolls can run freely.
Do any other devs out there agree with me on this? Others may have had a much more dealings with such than I have.
IMO if google was smart they would allow for a limited ammount(% of total) of "submissions" of there comments to a third party(google). If they are found outlandish they can be removed.
My 2 cents lol. I can say as a dev of a few apps on the market I have gotten rediculous comments n 1 stars b4. I mean if they are justified that's a different thing entirely. But my 1 stars are disproportionally higher then the trend of the others. Which proves one thing...
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
This is an honestly great thread. Good initiative to |OP|
Taking down an app just because of a few nasty comments is just
childish and quite frankly pathetic.
Seems that developer has chucked his toys out the pram, if he does
decide to release it again who is going to trust such a developer?
I know I wouldn't use the app again, seeing as he's stuck 2 fingers up
to loyal users and the whole android community all because of a small
minority of people.
The whole thing stinks of the guy thinking he is above any kind of bad
feedback, obviously a developer that doesn't listen to the users of his
app and a developer that turns his back at the drop of a hat.
I'm sure he will be missed... Not
Ps. there are better screenshot apps out there
I agree with your comment. Though I am not a dev. I have experience working in the retail end of software. This is a I want it now society, folks forget that they got this software/app for free and as soon as they have a little issue they fly off the deep end cussing out the maker/distribitor of the product. Anyhow like you said you get what you pay for.LIke in my IT course in school my book said "check the dummy behind the keyboard" anyhow thanks for the great apps i use the time flies app.
If a dev dropped his customers because of a couple of snide comments then, yeah, I'd agree with you.
But was that the case for ShootMe?
Before we start flinging hooks around here, wouldn't it be more productive to actually find out what happened first.
I may be proven wrong here, but the guy must've been given some serious grief to take such a newsworthy action.
In fact, that's not been mentioned - it could be media storming. Drum up enough publicity and come back blazing. Only time will tell on that one.
At the end of the day, it's his property. And if he makes a lot of people unhappy that's his prerogative. The reason he's giving though are indeed a real issue the community needs to address.
The plot thickens.
(Glad you like Times Flies! You're most welcome)
I've noticed that the flavor of a community will vary a lot by device. The Captivate community seems to be generally good and helpful for the most part, but I've heard horror stories of ungratefulness and rudeness about communities around other devices. It may be the same sort of thing with different varieties of apps. If people feel like an app performs a function they deserve outright, they may be less inclined to courtesy and more inclined to selfish expectation.

Help Spread the Word and Support TrevE (Situation solved)

As some of you may know TrevE has helped to discover CIQ problems that were prevalent throughout a plethora of devices. Due to his efforts to educate us in what was going on in our devices CIQ has now issued a C&D to him. I urge you all to read this article and please help spread the word:
dastin1015 said:
As some of you may know TrevE has helped to discover CIQ problems that were prevalent throughout a plethora of devices. Due to his efforts to educate us in what was going on in our devices CIQ has now issued a C&D to him. I urge you all to read this article and please help spread the word:
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Man I totally agree with you. I already tipped a bunch of tech news sites and I posted on a few blogs. You mind if I steal your sig while this is happening?
monkeychef said:
Man I totally agree with you. I already tipped a bunch of tech news sites and I posted on a few blogs. You mind if I steal your sig while this is happening?
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Go ahead
If he is taking up donations for legal fees count me in.
I hadn't heard about this. Thanks for bringing it to light for me. It's absolutely terrible.
I'm one of yours
Mountain View, CA – November 23, 2011 – As, of today, we are withdrawing
our cease and desist letter to Mr. Trevor Eckhart. We have reached out to Mr.
Eckhart and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) to apologize. Our action
was misguided and we are deeply sorry for any concern or trouble that our letter
may have caused Mr. Eckhart. We sincerely appreciate and respect EFF’s work
on his behalf, and share their commitment to protecting free speech in a rapidly
changing technological world.
We would like to take this opportunity to reiterate the functionality of Carrier IQ’s
software, what it does not do and what it does:
- Does not record your keystrokes.
- Does not provide tracking tools.
- Does not inspect or report on the content of your communications, such as
the content of emails and SMSs.
- Does not provide real-time data reporting to any customer.
- Finally, we do not sell Carrier IQ data to third parties.
Our software is designed to help mobile network providers diagnose critical
issues that lead to problems such as dropped calls and battery drain.
Here’s what our software does:
- Our software makes your phone work better by identifying dropped calls
and poor service.
- Our software identifies problems that impede a phone’s battery life.
- Our software makes customer service quicker, more accurate, and more
- Our software helps quickly identify trending problems to help mobile
networks prevent them from becoming more widespread.
We look forward to a healthy and robust discussion with EFF that we believe will
be helpful to us, to our customers, and to consumers that use mobile devices.
We welcome feedback on our products and understand that Mr. Eckhart and
other developers like him play an important role by raising questions about the
complicated and technical aspects of the mobile ecosystem.
My open letter to Carrier IQ.
Dear Carrier Iq Team,
I'm deeply annoyed and a kind of anger is surging as well.
I think you lost all credibility by the way you behaved with Mr. Eckhart, XDA dev., who did point to us users the hidden tool that you implemented in some smartphones.
Withouth the knwoledge of their customers!

Trying to sue him than retracting because of a growing pressure from the community shows also how you are acting and thinking.
Not consumer friendly and by your behaviour you do a lot of damage to that industry. Who will now believe you if you says that you don't track sensible datas or so. Me not! You just lost a lot of credibility.
I saw the post from Mr. Eckhart and the very intelligent way how he pointed that out. I'm not sure that regulations allow you to do it that way and will have to dig a bit into it.
I saw the C&D letter you sent to him and must say that your General Consel who wrote it lacks some kind of diplomacy and judgment.
Maybe you're allowed in your country to do such things, which i doubt. In Europe you could get sued for that. Keep it in mind and tell your wise General Counsel to be ready.
Do you remember how much problems Street View had in our beautifull Europe…keep that in mind also.
I'm not a dev., i'm not an it security guy, just a plain customer, an angry customer.
As situation solved this nos longer needs to be stickied.

