I use my P1000 as main source of music in my car, so when i´m driving i need an easy way to change music.
I was using Poweramp but now i found this apk (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1681250), installed and it is perfect, so i´m sharing the information with other P1000 users.
indeed a nice app.
but Facebook inside xperia doesn't work....
I installed via recovery, but cannot find the Sony app. I can only find the media rescanner app. Any ideas?
PaulClift said:
I installed via recovery, but cannot find the Sony app. I can only find the media rescanner app. Any ideas?
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what rom are you in?
stock samsung or AOSP based?
(For aosp roms install non xperia stock fw addon.zip via cwm after installing the main zip,get it from update 6 mediafire folder)
Anyone can avaliable a lastest MIUI Music Player in this post? I Have .apk but it don't install in my Milestone CM7.
I attach the file to help a friend who will help me.
I've searched this whole forum and google. Not found the version I'm posting up. What is the most updated.
EDIT: I Tried to place it in system/app folder and adjust to ALL in permissions but the app don't open. FC
found on xda working on my HTC Desire unrooted
thanks man but it is a old version. In my attachment a place a newest version but it don't install by conventional methods .
i need help, the new app is fantastic.
Looking for MIUI music player as well
Looking for miui music player installable .apk aswell for the new Darky 10.1 ROM on GS 1900.
I nooby and don't know how to flash according to the instructions, any help would be appreciated
yeah. A new player has a folder organization, equalizer, and more. help us anybody
Thanks i was looking for this app.
Hello, I have a xperia play, and I've installed the ROM CM7.2.0 - FXP108.
I need playstation pocket and xperia play app, you know if there are APK?. I have searched and I could not find.
I don't think there is, but as long as it's not considered warez I could upload it.
sent from my Locked r800at
click on ''Thanks" button to start downloading playstaion pocket
Click on "Thanks" button AGAIN to start doenloading SE Widgets
Thanks friend!!!
Those apps don't work in non stock based Roms
Or are they different apps.
Sent from my R800i using Tapatalk
this may also help. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1512833
PSPocket works on CM7 and here yo have the .apk file!
A List wich apps work on CM7 (tested by me)
Timescape 2.3.2 you have to flash this zip ( you can find it in xperia arc section)
Xperia Hotshots
DataOn/Off Widget
Switch On/Off Widget
DigitalClock Widget
Hope i can help you
Here the original Xperia Play Wallpapers
If you want all working apk files, just give me a thankyou and pm me
I just like to have the music player on the xperia xperia x10 2.3.3 s stock is this possible?
Is there anybody who could do it?
thanks in advance
You need more files from Xperia S firmware (ported) to make it working on Stock 2.3.3 without any tweaks, not only music apps. Why you don't want to try Custom ROMs, which are better, faster etc. etc.?
Dear DikeJ! I used your zip file from other simiar thread and I succesfully port music player from Xperia S to X10. Of course I've made proper build.prop and add semcgenericuxp.res and that's it. So I also managed to port apps like phonebook, calendar, conversations. That's because I've tried almost all custom roms, but be honest, only stock one 100% works and it is the best.
Regards, Zagor
P.S. But also I think that yours is the best custom.
zagorteney said:
Dear DikeJ! I used your zip file from other simiar thread and I succesfully port music player from Xperia S to X10. Of course I've made proper build.prop and add semcgenericuxp.res and that's it. So I also managed to port apps like phonebook, calendar, conversations. That's because I've tried almost all custom roms, but be honest, only stock one 100% works and it is the best.
Regards, Zagor
P.S. But also I think that yours is the best custom.
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totally agree that stock roms work the best. custom roms are definitely faster but just never that stable
Maybe you didn't try the newest relases from know Devs . No problem, I'm happy you've made what you need, take care guys .
Hey guys i agree at the fact that custom roms are better than the stock one,in every kind of way.u just have to know which one to choose,meaning the most stable one.im using cyanogenmod 7.2 RC1 n its perfect.but if u find porting items from other phones to ur own better then enjoy.
Sent from my X10i using XDA
xperia ssssssssssssss music
@zagoe,since u ported xperia s music player,can u giv me a xrec file pls(only music player)
Dear addak!
At first you must tell me if you allready port 2.3.4 apps.
Regards, Zagor
Yes i port 2.3.4 Apps
Sent from my X10i using XDA
Music player Xperia S
So, addak & yohannzaoui!
We can do it this way. If you want to equalizer work properly, after flash 2.3.4 apps DO NOT WIPE CACHE. Reboot, copy semcmusic.apk from Xperia S (take it somewhere else) to /system/app, set permissions, flash .zip from bellow. Voila. Working Xperia S's music player. You can switch Xloud through equalizer and finally I don't give a f**k for metadatacleanup.
Regards, Zagor
P.S. Nothing of this is not my work. It belongs to Sony & devs (especially DikeJ) from forum, so please do not hit thanx button.
Zip no works thanks
Sent from my X10i using XDA
Music player Xperia S
Sorry, upload problems.
Here we go again.
Regards, Zagor
Thanks but no works with x10 2.3.3 and music player 2.3.4
Sent from my X10i using XDA
You need to read first.
Regards, Zagor
I told you guys you need more than only music files from Xperia S - more, more files from system dump/or ported to other ROMs. Why can't you just use some Custom ROM, where 95% things are "ported/working/etc." from S?
Yesss thank you it's work
Sent from my X10i using XDA
is it normal that the buttons in the menu setting is changed
Sent from my X10i using XDA
Which buttons? I don't get it.
Menu button
Dear yohannzaoui!
Put this .png in framework-res.apk /res/drawable-hdpi and will be ok.
Regards, Zagor
yess super thank you
is is possible to port stock system phone and contacts apps from samsung models?
they have the swipe to call/message feature.
i know the "exDialer" app on playstore does the job too.
but im thinking if we can port it then we won't need an "extra app running" in the background all the time.
so what do you guys think?
Yes, but will not working properly.
Sent from my Xperia Miro using xda premium
why not?
c4cyro said:
is is possible to port stock system phone and contacts apps from samsung models?
they have the swipe to call/message feature.
i know the "exDialer" app on playstore does the job too.
but im thinking if we can port it then we won't need an "extra app running" in the background all the time.
so what do you guys think?
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Its possible. As long as you have root access on both the Sony and the Samsung you can transfer the apk (found in /system/app/) via bluetooth.
c4cyro said:
why not?
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The app is designed for Samsung's customized version of android and samsung hardware so porting across to a SONY will bring some issues. I haven't tried it myself but ported apps never work as intended fully.
deadwarrior63 said:
Its possible. As long as you have root access on both the Sony and the Samsung you can transfer the apk (found in /system/app/) via bluetooth.
The app is designed for Samsung's customized version of android and samsung hardware so porting across to a SONY will bring some issues. I haven't tried it myself but ported apps never work as intended fully.
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okay. thanks for the reply.
but do you know how to port such apps? i mean what's the method? i searched but could not find any guides.
c4cyro said:
okay. thanks for the reply.
but do you know how to port such apps? i mean what's the method? i searched but could not find any guides.
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First of all you need root access on both phones. You also need to install a root file explorer onto both devices. I would also recommend backing up the Sony using flashtool to fix any issues that may arise.
On the Samsung, go to the root directory (/), next go to (system/) then go to (app/). Somewhere in that folder will be the contacts app in APK format. You will need to make a copy of that file and either Bluetooth it to the sony or transfer it via USB/WiFi Direct. Make a copy of the Contacts.apk file in the /system/app folder on the SONY and name it Contacts.Backup.apk. Now you are ready to install, you need to copy the APK you just transferred from the Samsung to that folder. If needed, rename the apk to Contacts.apk and reboot your phone.
If all goes well, you should have the Samsung Contacts app on your SONY. However, I do not own a Samsung nor have I tried transferring apps like these between phones. Do this at your own risk, I am NOT responsible for a bricked device.
There may also be some dependencies in that folder which are needed for operation. I would suggest transferring any app with the word contact(s) in the title.
If this helped then please leave a "thumbs"
i know i need to transfer and install the relevant apks for the apps i want..but im saying do i need to modify the apk in someway so that they can be "installed" on other manufacturer's device? because once i tried to install htc stock apk on my sony, and it just said "application not installed"
HTC apps cannot be install in other device.
U need Sense framework and maybe there are other libs( maybe only in HTC firmware) needed to make the apps run on ur device.
U know, HTC suckss
Sent from my Xperia Miro using xda premium
okay. so in order to run other manufacturer's apps, even if you are able to port it, you need the particular framework and libs. thanks that answered me.
Hello guys,
I got this music app from htc m10, themes add apps section & its working well on op3 open beta 9...
Here are some screenshots too.
Original thread: http://goo.gl/BsUXUz
& We can easily see the lyrics on the visualizer tab.
If its not working use any vpn app and select location US.
Then it works.
After couple of hours you can remove the vpn app.
Thank you
Working also on CM13 sultan :good:
working also on stock 3.2.7
Can't open the file !
It works OOS4. Thanks.
shree1548 said:
Can't open the file !
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Have you enabled unknown sources in settings>>security?
Which ROM are you using?
Is other apk installing properly?
Try again, It works.
Lyrics Screenshots:
taopg7 said:
Hello guys,
I got this music app from htc m10, themes add apps section & its working well on op3 open beta 9...
Here are some screenshots too.
& We can easily see the lyrics on the visualizer tab.
If its not working use any vpn app and select location US.
Then it works.
After couple of hours you can remove the vpn app.
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I recently installed this music player in experience rom v7 and works fine but in every 2 mins or 3 mins while songs are playing there is a very minor glitch in sounds can you look into it and update me if there is any fix i really like this music player and you have done a very good job porting it to oneplus 3. Thanks in advance
aasresh.817 said:
i recently installed this music player in experience rom v7 and works fine but in every 2 mins or 3 mins while songs are playing there is a very minor glitch in sounds can you look into it and update me if there is any fix i really like this music player and you have done a very good job porting it to oneplus 3. Thanks in advance
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i just shared this app in this section.
I am not the original developer...
Please read the first post carefully.
There is link to original thread too.
But I will give u another idea,
Download the Music 9.3.3.A.0.3 apk from following link
And rename it: music.apk
Now push it to system>>app
Process: Make a folder called 'music' inside 'system>>app' and paste the music.apk there. And don't forget to set the correct permissions(rwrr).
It is a very good music player, from sony. And its working properly here( stock OOS 4.0.1)
Good luck.