Run a game on Android Emu.. - General Questions and Answers

Right so I've recently baught "gangstar Rio" from gameloft, brilliant game etc but one problem.. Its SOOO LAGGY. Like sometimes I'll be running along or driving and it will send me WAYYYYYY off course, or precede to turn way after I've needed to thus making the game almost impossible.
I run my Xperia Play (r800i) at "On-Demand" and at 1.9GHz Maximum which could EASILY cope with this game but its as-if the touch-screen and the buttons dont like each other and from time to time ill get a "Application has crashed" force close message.
Now I'm taking my phone and my laptop with me on deployment to A'ghan; what I want to know is is there anyway to set my backed-up ROM from my phone as the rom on the android emulator so that I can get it and other xperia play optimised games to play smoothly (I also have the sixaxis mod) and use either a wired usb controller on my laptop or set so that my emulator allows me to set which keys are the controller of the xperia play?

You would somehow need to get your hands on a recovery app apk like CMW or xRecovery, then install the recovery apk on your emulator, then flash your backed up rom on your emulator with recovery.
This is just a theory. With a little luck and patience I think it's possible.
A way to install apk on emulator is through URLs. If you have access though FTP to some site, you upload to a directory the open that URL inside the emulator's browser. APK will prompt to install. Just remember allowing unkown sources from applications menu.


[Q] Developed app runs on tablet but not phones

So i wrote a quick small app, a media player, real basic. It scans the internal and external storage for mp3s and you can click on an artist, then click an album, then click a track and then it plays. I was able to run the app in two different emulators, and then i was able to install and run it on my Huawei s7 tablet. I then gave a copy to my two friends to load onto their phones, but they won't play on the phones. One has a motorola droid and the other has a nexus 1. They install my app using 'apk installer' (downloaded from the market), and it seems to install fine, but it has to force close when they try to run it. The option on the phones to install non market apps is enabled. I am at a lose as to why it won't run on the phones but it will run on my tablet and emulators. My app needs to permission to the wake lock, i don't know if that has anything to do with it. My tablet does have z4root on it, but i only do temporary root sometimes. I hoping that the phones don't need to be rooted to run my app.
Anyone have any ideas or things for me to investigate to figure this out? I would appreciate any clues.

[Q] Xperia Play PS1 FPSE help.

So this may be a little annoying to some members because there are probably threads out there somewhere however, I am new to this website (friend suggested it) and i am new to android and xperia play.
So i'm a little miffed at the lack of serious ps1 titles on it and i was hoping Sony would release more now that the tablets are out and using the same software but they aren't.
Is there anyone who could explain in clear steps as i am a technical noob and have no idea what i am doing with this phone, how to get ps1 emulators/roms to work well?
I've read about FPse and such but i have no idea how to work it or how to make sure it runs games properly. So i wouldn't wanna pay for it and then not know how to use it.
Any help would be really grateful.
FPSE is really simple.
1) Extract the BIOS from your PSX (it's illegal to download them...).
2) Extract the ISOs from the disks of the PSX games you own (it's illegal to download them...).
3) Install FPSE and put the BIOS file and the ISO you want to play inside your SDCard.
4) Run FPSE. It will ask you for the BIOS you've ripped. Go to the folder where you've extracted it using the program's file manager, and click on the BIOS file.
5) Now you can do the same procedure to select the ISO you want to play. You have different options to configure the emulator to your liking.
6) Get an idea of what you're doing to your phone. No one is going to spoon feed you everything.
Hey, thanks for the reply and I appreciate it.
I own the majority of ps1 games that I want to play so I can just
rip those using imageburn right?
I dont expect to get spoon fed anything but as im still relatively
new to my phone I also wouldnt want to install an app or mess
with settings without knowing the right way to go about it.
Again thank you for the steps, will use these when trying it out.
Is it true that multiple disc titles run into problems though when disc switching?
Not on fpse. There is a handy Eject button so you can pop in the new disc as you need it.

[ROM][INFORMATION] Craig CLP281 Android Netbook

Craig CLP281 Android Netbook
Via Wondermedia 8650 based chipset / 800 mhz / wifi / 3 standard usb / ethernet!
Original firmware available
Original firmware unlocked
Unique form factor
No obvious upgrade path
No sources posted
No officially supported flash player
Lower end hardware
unzip to sdcard
start device with sdcard plugged in
wait for everything to be wiped out
This is a modified version of the official firmware. The focus is on removal of bloatware and unneeded proprietary software.
Terminal Emulator
Total Commander with ftp and lan plugins
Zirco Browser
Yaxim Jabber Client
Jota Text Editor
See the README to deduce how to modify the ROM yourself. The changes are documented thoroughly so that many people can use this release as a kitchen of sorts.
R4 (Latest)
chroot Repository
Please choose one of the following 2 methods!
USB Control Script (1st method):
DEBIAN_CONTROL - see bottom of post for script
MicroSD Control Script (2nd method):
DEBIAN_CONTROL_SD - see bottom of post for script
You will need this image unless you plan to put your own together.
Debian Squeeze Image:
The image can be flashed to your usb drive or sd/microsd card with dd on your fullsize computer. Please be aware that I have not tested running from a fullsize SD card.
dd if=~/nameofimage.img of=/dev/nameofdevice
1.Run the control script to start the chroot. You can run console commands here. The screen command is useful here also.
2.Run ./vnc to start the vnc server which itself starts xorg and the window manager. The script is not totally failure proof.
3.Login with your vnc client. I use Android vnc viewer. Password is testing.
Window Managers
check /.vnc/ for the xstartup scripts. just rename the one for the window manager you want to xstartup and reboot your chroot.
chroot will not cleanly unmount
keep chroot running in the background - it should only take up memory not cpu
Stock ROM Repository
Images contain stock system, stock boot, and CWM recovery.
vm670 recovery image is for the new screen version so it should work for all vm670.
LG vm670:
Samsung i9023:
Craig clp281:
Asus tf101:
Samsung p6210:
Can you add in support for the official android market, i would love to have this on here.
Does Flash work?
I am not holding out much hope for flash on ARMv6. It seems like a long complicating debugging process for what is in the end slow and buggy results.
The browser is slow?
Right now, it seems that javascript performance on the stock browser is much worse than I expected. For now, try turning off javascript and images if you use the stock browser.
Stock ROM?
The link for the device on Craig's website is:
You can download the completely stock ROM from here.
I tried ADB with a male to male USB that I had laying around with no success with a GNU/Linux PC and a different Windows PC. All 3 USB ports were tested. But you can connect with adb connect ipofdevice over your LAN if you see what address your router is giving the device. Or of course you could set a static IP.
Minimize application?
You can return to the home screen at any time by pushing fn+home.
Sources for the binaries you have added?
Try the sources link on the first post. The zirco apk is unchanged and their website is here: . The Gapps are straight from my VM LG Optimus V.
Mount an ext2/3 formatted USB drive?
mount -t ext3 /dev/block/sda1 /mountpointofyourchoice
Enter key not working in some terminal applications?
Use Ctrl-m instead.
Just wanted to thank you for taking this project on. This device could be much more and for the price you just can't go wrong. Good luck and I'm off to root.
Is it possible to boot or load a stripped version of windows xp from a thumb drive? and did you try all the usb ports with that cable?
The root situation on the ROM and my current devices in general is a little complicated. For this device in general, it comes ADB rooted out of the box. I have added another su to the rom that will allow console root. Unfortunately, because it is an older version of su, it does not seem to work with Superuser.apk. I am waiting on a response in the Q/A forum on errors I am getting compiling the current version of su. I have been able to compile Superuser.apk successfully but it is not much use without the current version of su. I am of course preferring to include source and source-compiled binaries wherever possible in the ROM.
Market added.
See above for ADB info.
Regular Windows XP does not run natively on ARM CPUs. From Craig's website it appears that they have an identical model running Windows CE. You should look into any running a lightweight GNU/Linux chroot with QEMU or VMWare and then booting something like Windows 98. I would be amazed to see it, especially with the limited RAM we have available.
I am releasing a new ROM with integrated Google Apps and a open source browser named Zirco which seems to run very well. Compare the stock browser with stock settings to Zirco on to know what I mean. Be sure to read the README.
This ROM may end up becoming a different series entirely. One with the market and one without.
I have updated the first post with the links and README.
can u add live wallpaper support in a future rom?
If I get around to compiling AOSP that should come with live wallpaper.
I tried copying the live wallpaper apk and what I thought to be their dependencies from my Optimus V. Unfortunately, the switcher crashed and the logcat just said the wallpaper switcher would not start.
lot of apps run real slow and lag i tried some games like that bird game where you flick it to the target, i get like 1 frame every 2-3 seconds for the animation, soo slow, they claim 800 MHZ processor but damn this thing is soooo slow. even the fake chinese android phones the star A5000 runs and performs better than this.
2d games lag real bad so I dont see any 3d gaming at all on this machine. unless some elite hacker and coder can make a fully optimized rom for this thing.
Thanks for reporting your results. I have had mixed successes with games. The drag racing game works decent and another rice-can type racing game worked ok too. But many games instantly crash also. The live wallpaper would probably run slow anyway.
Web browsing
Remote administration
Network administration
Note taking
Light media playback
These are all the uses I can think of it for the moment. It gives me an idea to include a note taking application at some point.
the new browser force closes on me, and does this thing have flash support, I have a gut feeling this is an x86 formfactor which is why it runs so slow.
Please read the README and in general read the previous posts carefully.
This is definitely not an x86. It if were, it would actually be faster.
One of these pages is the page for the CPU:
Lol on the craig website product page they show windows on it instead of android.
This thing can supposedly handle 3d gaming so i cant undertsand why most games including 2d games run so slow.
---------- Post added at 09:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:57 PM ----------
Is it possible to put Windows CE 6 on this from the craig CLP280 model?
Merry Christmas!
After a productive night the R3 ROM is out.
The changelog and sofware list highlights:
removed zirco integration
init.rc changes to support zirco
holiday wallpaper
added OPTIONAL on localdisk with:
yaxim jabber client - open source
zirco browser - open source
jota text editor - open source
su - compiled from source
superuser - compiled from source
For security reasons, you should probably choose allow once instead of always for su.
As usual be sure to read the README.
Just got a Craig Netbook. I hate the Android stock install. I found this thread and it seems like the answer I'm looking for. If I understand you correctly, the description you give for the Rom"
This is a modified version of the official firmware. The focus is on removal of bloatware and unneeded proprietary software."
is the first hack? (clp281_firmware2.2_HACK9_R1)
Also, if I do this and screw it up, can I reinstall the original Android from the Craig website?
Yes that is the first release. I would recommend trying the third as it is the latest version as of this post.
Yes you can reinstall the original firmware.
Thanks Jason.
Hey Jason. I just installed it. Had to download a new adobe flash player to watch a youtube video.
When it comes to this operating system I am a total newbie. So, in order to do a "do it yourself" install (since I still can't install some pre installed apps like "Dialer" and other things) are there simple instructions to do a "do it yourself" or do you have to be a techy to do it? I know Windows OS well but Android is so foreign to me. Just had this thing for a few days and I am ready to throw the netbook against the wall and then stomp on it. Your root was my last hope.
Well first off, were you able to actually play flash in the browser? That would be a nice new development. Alternatively, you could try the included Youtube player.
I would be glad to help in any way I can. For a do it yourself ROM, you would just take the factory firmware RAR file and edit it yourself. You would start by unRARing the file with something like WinRAR on Windows. But I would recommend trying GNU/Linux instead if you are at all interested in development. You can use the README file and this thread as a reference along the way.
Why are you interested in installing the dialer anyway? I noticed some phone components are installed but there seems to be no way to access them.
You're a doll Jason. Thanks for your willingness to help.
I didn't know about the Youtube player. Thanks for the tip. On the original install I was able to play flash in "Browser" (at Youtube at least) but not with "Browser" in this install. Although, maybe "Browser" opened "My Browser" in the original install and that's the one that had flash support. (I'm still learning). So since I didn't get around to installing your included browser maybe that's why it wouldn't play. Anyhow, I couldn't install the flash update via the link Youtube provided. The little download arrow on the top left hand of the screen just never went away. I had the unit on for about 3 hours and the arrow remained with no confirmation that the download was complete. I searched the system and the SD card for the download but couldn't find it. This is not the first time I had this problem with downloads so maybe it's something with my particular device. This is actually my third. Last two were defects.
About the Dialer... it was a typo. I meant to say I want to UNINSTALL it from the unit, but Android won't let me. It just seems useless to have this app since I have a netbook and not a phone. Plus, I think it may be eating up my battery usage as it could be the app responsible for the cell standby thing I have in Battery Usage which is using up 80% of my battery. Like I said, I am a newbie to this OS so, I'm looking at things like Dialer, Telophony etc. I may be wrong about this though. It may be some other application seeking Cell Radio signal as reported in Battery Usage.
I just did a side by side comparison of the unzipped install I got from Craigs website (by the way, thanks for that link) and your version to see if I could learn and do my own hack. I did notice a few differences.
Ok first I saw the Optional folder with some apps and Browser fix as you mentioned in the Read me
Then there was the app folder where you removed some apps from the original install and added others. Is it as simple as that? To just delete the apps you don't want from this folder of the original install? Unfortunately I don't see Dialer in that folder. I'd like to get rid of that too. I guess you can't get rid of every app.
Another difference was that I saw "su" in "bin". and I noticed SuperUser.apk in your app folder. Does that app make you the administrator of the device giving you access to system files to delete them if you want to? (I looked it up on WIKI) Cause maybe I can include that in my hack.
Also I see another difference in this folder:
In your readme you said these are shared libraries but I don't have a clue what that means. Do I need these files?
Thanks again for taking the time with this. I would love to do my own hack. It would give me great satisfaction after the countless hours of stress trying to do stuff they won't let me do.
All the best,

SNES Side load Demo

Just got my nexus player today. I gave a snes emulator a try and it worked pretty well. I have the controller and did button mappings within the app. It was clunky, though this shows at least what is to come for the nexus player. Sorry for the shotty video.
Stuff I used to get it all setup, basic stuff, but I'll provide these links for those that need them:
USB Driver support:
Enable Developer mode:
Goto About, then click on the build number a bunch of times.
Then go back and you will have a developer options icon.
Click that and enable debug and allow unknown apps.
Once you have ADB working, this is the command to side load.
adb install filename.apk
You will also want to push a SNES rom over to the nexus player. Use this command:
adb push c:\path to snes rom\ /sdcard/Download/
To launch the app since it doesn't show up in the normal app list.
Side Load Launcher from Play Store or side load the APK:
maamdroid said:
Just got my nexus player today. I gave a snes emulator a try and it worked pretty well. I have the controller and did button mappings within the app. It was clunky, though this shows at least what is to come for the nexus player. Sorry for the shotty video.
Stuff I used to get it all setup, basic stuff, but I'll provide these links for those that need them:
USB Driver support:
Enable Developer mode:
Goto About, then click on the build number a bunch of times.
Then go back and you will have a developer options icon.
Click that and enable debug and allow unknown apps.
Once you have ADB working, this is the command to side load.
adb install filename.apk
You will also want to push a SNES rom over to the nexus player. Use this command:
adb push c:\path to snes rom\ /sdcard/Download/
To launch the app since it doesn't show up in the normal app list.
Side Load Launcher from Play Store or side load the APK:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Nice... But I think the easier way would be to download the the Snes9x EX+ Emulator from the Play Store
And use Chainfire's Sideload Launcher to launch
Then put some Roms on and USB card (using a OTG Cable) or just downoad ES File Explorer File Manager
And browse for the Roms from your network drive...

Virtual Machine Error with every android emulator out there

Hi guys,
Im new to this, ive watched tutorials on how to install emulators for apps and so far every single on ive tried gives me Virtual Machine error when i try open it for the first time.
I have tried Memu, Bluestacks, koplayer and Nox. All give me the same error, i desperately want to get an emulator setup on my computer because my phone is kinda slow for the modern games and i now work from home which would allow me to use my pc while i work too!
Any help would be much appreciated!
thanks in advance ;D
Did you enable virtualization in your BIOS?

