is there a chance that MIUI will be ported to MIUI
or a way if it can be done
can someone guide me to do that
you might want to look into this thread
I have built a small bit to start with but the boot.img would never recompile tbh its probably due to my laptop being crappy with Linux.. I used a base from the droid as it also has a tegra 2... The most problems will come with themes that will need to be modded for our resolution
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2
Can we try to port from HP touchpad
Sent from my Wingray using XDA Premium HD app
LPHS said:
Can we try to port from HP touchpad
Sent from my Wingray using XDA Premium HD app
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Still most likely have issues with the resolution as well.... And touch pad is run by a snap dragon n not a tegra 2 like the Xoom.... So weighing these up that's why a port from a similar cpu is better
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2
So you are taking Xoom cm9 as base and porting from droid
Sent from my Wingray using XDA Premium HD app
LPHS said:
So you are taking Xoom cm9 as base and porting from droid
Sent from my Wingray using XDA Premium HD app
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Yes and no.... To get boot image going I would prefer a team eos kernel zimage n use that... Their zimage zipped into the boot.img along with cm9 or eos libs or hardware files (because remember cm9 is mostly from aosp and eos builds from source as well so necessary hardware files in important places should still be fine) for other aspects in respective files should be enough to get it to boot well... Then with adb live logcat would fix problems and libs etc as we go along on boot when it is connected to the comp (that's basically the way of porting) .... I know how to do these and get the basic boot.img ready I just havnt been able to compile it on my machine using the perl scripts associated with rebuilding a boot.img.... I can decompile n get it ready it just fails every time I try to recompile otherwise I would have had this at least (from my knowledge anyway it should) booting a few weeks to a month ago... I'm at a loss at where I was going wrong and probably read every boot.img compiling forum/site there is
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2
Edit.... Then once it is booting we have to get the default theme to fit our screen I assume because they handle theme with an engine which would mean changing the theme itself... Then possibly nodding the launcher as well (thought I would use nova so for me maybe not lol)
I will try again with new builds of necesary miui/eos builds n see of i can get it to recompile as once we have it booting (a very pre pre alpha) we could get a little momentum
If anyone has an environment which they use to build boot img filed other than perl scripts like a drag n drop then command line im all ears
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I would love to participate in this discussion but I have no clues about developing or languages.. others than basic windows I am a noob..
Hope to see some development soon
Sent from my MZ601 using XDA Premium HD app
This would be awesome, I'm getting bored with my xoom lately so this would motivate me to charge it up and get it out of a bootloop
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
Sent from my Incredible 2 HD using Tapatalk
Rightt...same location as it always has been
Let the ICS roms begin! Yay
Sent from my LG-P999 using Tapatalk
Can't wait to get my hands on some ICS roms
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
ICS? I thought it was IBS.
I don't flame and usually stay out of wrong section arguments but come on. This isn't development related at all! Now let me get back to ripping apart this SDK image
An SDK isn't the same as the open source for the entire OS.
This only allows devs to update/create apps for ICS, not rebuild the entire OS for other devices.
cough so who gonnna develop this for us? now we on topic gimme ics or ima screammmmmm
Yes but from the SDK you can set up an ICS emulator and extract the files from the system image. People do quicky ports from this in the past just to show a device can run the new OS, but to build a fully functional OS you need the source to be posted.
If you already have the SDK installed just update the packages. No reason to install again.
Azuske said:
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Get to work devs... make it happen for us if possible
The devs don't have to get to work. Try saying words like please. Their time is valuable.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
No source = no ports, rumours say source will be published right after the nexus prime release, by dec.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App
moeahmad1995 said:
The devs don't have to get to work. Try saying words like please. Their time is valuable.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
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Those were my thoughts exactly.
Personally if I couldn't help in an objective I wouldn't demand it to be done for me.
I would imagine GB drivers are compatible for the ICS for backward compatibility (mesh phones and tablets). It wouldn't make sense to require new drivers when the goal is to mesh.
If that's the case, CM7 might just convert over relatively easy. I'm sure there are gonna be issues and they may be forced to wait until the Galaxy S upgrades.
G2x - Latest MIUI w Faux Kernel
Transformer - Latest Revolver w OC/UV Kernel - Wii Chat - Web Development
player911 said:
I would imagine GB drivers are compatible for the ICS for backward compatibility (mesh phones and tablets). It wouldn't make sense to require new drivers when the goal is to mesh.
If that's the case, CM7 might just convert over relatively easy. I'm sure there are gonna be issues and they may be forced to wait until the Galaxy S upgrades.
G2x - Latest MIUI w Faux Kernel
Transformer - Latest Revolver w OC/UV Kernel - Wii Chat - Web Development
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That'd be amazing, and I see how that would be a smart choice by Google.
If that's the case though, why wouldn't be able to just take bits and pieces of ICS and make a fully working ROM? If the drivers are the same.
I mean from what I understand the drivers are the only real challenge (and other minor issues), from what I can see for my G-Tablet and Honeycomb..
I know the news has been going about that official source has been released for ICS an course like a lot of other people are wondering what it can be ported over to. Now me i personally have no clue how to translate all the technobabble dealing with creating roms from source but I'm sure there people here that do understand it all what would it take to get ICS on our phones? Like i said i have no clue in reality what goes into rom creating with phone drivers an framework tweaking (i know our phone is "special") but just curious.
Nobody here can get gingerbread on it let alone ics. Don't hold your breathe for either one. Lol
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
dw9906 said it best. Its not impossible Im sure, But, it would be close to it.
Definitely not impossible. Just need the right people to work on it.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
You can't go from froyo --> ICS , it'll be impossible you need to work with GB --> ICS if your doing a SDK port , if your doing a source then i don't know .
dw9906 said:
Definitely not impossible. Just need the right people to work on it.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
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Well making a ICS port for the sidekick i'd hope it be using the source since then with source you could create a kernal aswell a the rom
Revolution said:
You can't go from froyo --> ICS , it'll be impossible you need to work with GB --> ICS if your doing a SDK port , if your doing a source then i don't know .
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You have no idea what your talking about.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
ask anyone who has ported a SDK , your going to need to work with a AOSP base or perferably CM7 base w/ a CM7 kernel , you don't know what your talking about .
dw9906 said:
You have no idea what your talking about.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
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Revolution said:
ask anyone who has ported a SDK , your going to need to work with a AOSP base or perferably CM7 base w/ a CM7 kernel , you don't know what your talking about .
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He is talking about source code not a SDK port.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
It would take much time & work , let's get GB first .
dw9906 said:
He is talking about source code not a SDK port.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
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well isn't the issue with GB that we DON"T have the source code for GB so you can't hand make a kernal for our device? While with ICS with the source out we could hand make the kernal and the roms so they work on out system if i'm understanding how to create a android rom an kernal correctly its easier to work from source then from SDKs or porting a rom from another.
The issue with porting GB is that we don't have a source designed for our phone. there's all sorts of GB sources released, but none that have been designed for our phone. That ICS source is the same source that CM is based on, it's AOSP (all open source project), but it still requires a newer kernel.
sduvick said:
The issue with porting GB is that we don't have a source designed for our phone. there's all sorts of GB sources released, but none that have been designed for our phone. That ICS source is the same source that CM is based on, it's AOSP (all open source project), but it still requires a newer kernel.
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Its "Android Open Source Project" not "All Open Source Project", that's funny.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
Once we get a GB port , I'll try to work on a ICS SDK port , I'm talking about the first day we get Gingerbread .
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA App
Revolution said:
Once we get a GB port , I'll try to work on a ICS SDK port , I'm talking about the first day we get Gingerbread .
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA App
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If it's like your other SDK Ports than don't Get excited. They never boot.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
Revolution said:
Once we get a GB port , I'll try to work on a ICS SDK port , I'm talking about the first day we get Gingerbread .
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA App
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i must ask according to your signature you have a galxy nexus? how did you get it? or you just messing arounf which is likely
and sdk ports suck its either source or nothing
I doubt he has one. Just wants people to think he does.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
Saw this an made me go :O! An then leads me to the question a few of the folks that got a SK4g to replace their G1s are probably thinking now >.>
I don't have a Galaxy Nexus , it's one of my ROMS , i edited the build.prop to include that , i'm getting one this week though .
tylermaciaszek said:
i must ask according to your signature you have a galxy nexus? how did you get it? or you just messing arounf which is likely
and sdk ports suck its either source or nothing
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you are not getting one its way too expensive for a 14 year old
Hallo guys, I found link to miui patcher -> what you think?
"3. Only HDPI devices are supported!"
^^ that should make things a bit more interesting.
might be a good/fun(?) starting point for someone to build MIUI for our smaller screens.
It's proabably also Arm v7 only
Sent from my SGH-I997 using XDA App
Pardon my noobness here,
Over in the HTC Hero thread (now in legacy/low-activity) there was development on an mdpi port of MIUI for the Hero, but if I'm not mistaken they got the images resized, and... that's it. Maybe we could look into using that in conjunction with the patcher somehow?
There's a Sony MDPI/ ARMv6 phone with a working MIUI port. You'll have to look it up, I was having problems getting it to boot.
Sent from my HTC Intruder
I'm gonna look into it. I'm good at getting crap to boot, but after that I'm worthless xD
Its a no go right now...
Sent from my SGH-I997 using XDA App
I d love to see this rom.
Sent from my Doubleshot using xda premium
Same here u should ask tbalden to port it
Sent from my Sensation 4G using XDA
Wouldn't we all. We have a nice AOSP/AOKP/CM9 Kernel. So porting if from the Sensation wouldn't be so hard. I'm currently looking into porting it. But It would be my 1st attemp at porting.
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using Tapatalk
Nice....well you can go here for basic porting instructions--> Then go here for miui v4 specific porting --> also don't forget to use tbaldens cm9 port as a base
Btw: I would port this --> as it would save you time from having to resize
xmc wildchild22 said:
Nice....well you can go here for basic porting instructions--> Then go here for miui v4 specific porting --> also don't forget to use tbaldens cm9 port as a base
Btw: I would port this --> as it would save you time from having to resize
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Thanks I'm going to start reading up on this. Was justg talking to the GF about this. Then everything I need is just here.
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using Tapatalk
Hey MIUI.US fans! It's Official I'm working on a MIUI v4 Port. I'll be updating stuff on my G+.
I'm aiming for April 26th as a Birthday Release.
Ok so far I have the latest MIUI v4 like 50% done. Has every issue the Open sensation CM9 port has. As I used that as the base for now. I just really want MIUI v4. My own CM9 port will be in works after I get MIUI v4. Then I'll be actively be deving on MIUI and CM9. So Wifi is eh, Bluetooth is a no. Then finally Video Camera is a no. As long as the CM9 Kernel has those issue, so will it. I have this whole month off from the world. So I can spend a lot of time making this Stable, Fast, and EPIC.
Good luck
Feel free to ask us questions
Why when I try to use the "set perm" CMD it won't work. I have the Rom booting, just no MIUI SU. Just regular. Then you can't backup apps, or set themes. It tells me something about the environment not being found. Is there a folder the System folder need to be in for the "set perm" to work?
Fail. Long story short, I Cut and Paste. Not copied and paste. Had to format my SD and lost it XO All I need help with no is signing it, my Update Zip signer wont sign it right any more.
to get su...DL the latest Su and simply apply it to your rom...use the kitchen to sign
Lol, it will forever remain a mystery how I got the Rom to boot. But I should have it uploaded today mabey? Thinking of calling ACC MIUI v4.
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using Tapatalk
AgentCherryColla said:
Lol, it will forever remain a mystery how I got the Rom to boot. But I should have it uploaded today mabey? Thinking of calling ACC MIUI v4.
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using Tapatalk
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Ya man release an alpha
Sent from my Sensation 4G using XDA
wiswis said:
Ya man release an alpha
Sent from my Sensation 4G using XDA
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I keep on getting very random results. I'm still working on it. Today I might get an alpha out. I'm trying this out on two Doubleshots, and it only boots on one. They're both S-off. Same Radio, and everything. :T I've learned a lot today.
nice to hear some one is working on miui v4 thanks alot
I had a booting version, but it wouldn't go past lockscreen. Now I can't get it too boot :T Using those newer Dev toold take a lot of getting used to. When I'd slim down Roms it was so much easier.
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using Tapatalk
go on IRC #htc_mt4gs
I'm having an in law help me learn some Linux and Java now. He's going to help me get a stable CM9, and MAYBE! Make a better CM9/AOKP/AOSP kernel. One that could potentially get camcorder working. But I wouldn't have that done till like Aug.
tell your inlaw i love him or her (no homo if him) and good luck. BTW Ive ported 2.5 roms and I havent touched linux/ubuntu (involving rom development) but your going to need it if you want to write a kernel
AgentCherryColla said:
I'm having an in law help me learn some Linux and Java now. He's going to help me get a stable CM9, and MAYBE! Make a better CM9/AOKP/AOSP kernel. One that could potentially get camcorder working. But I wouldn't have that done till like Aug.
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You have a week or else
Take your time friend, any effort is great progress
Can someone port Kitkat to O3D devices
because i saw nexus S has it already :crying:
U can give it a try?
Sent from my 3D phone.
You guys can use the p760 files and modify it according to your old cm builds. E.g. change the kernel defconfig and some ROM features (like partition size and stuff). I think it can be done with quite ease. Just go ahead and check mateo1111's repos. But I guess you guys are about as screwed as we are... OMAP simply lacks support for KitKat and without a working and updated 3.4 kernel, as the Galaxy Nexus devs try to build, you ll never have a really stable and acceptable stable ROM...
But hey, why not try it anyway? All you need is Ubuntu, a bit of time, the skill to read and a whoooooole lot of patience
Sent from my LG-P760 using xda app-developers app
ill give it a try maybe a bunch of reading again would help but thank you anyway
Sent from my LG-SU760 using xda app-developers app
Rom: AOKP ported to Su760