hi i have a mz604 wifi xoom and was successful in rooting with universal xoom root and cwm but was getting wifi error with the wingray eos nightly 72 and the cmmod 9, so i installed the default rom hw169 via this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1394563&highlight=wifi but was still getting wifi error.
after searching laboriously,
i found the wifi broadcom driver here http://rootzwiki.com/topic/451-how-to-root-the-wifi-only-xoom-301/and
then i pushed bcm4329.ko onto the eos wingray rom via
adb remount
adb push bcm4329.ko /system/lib/modules/bcm4329.ko
after doing this corrected (i received confirmation it was transferred)
my wifi still doesnt work.
any other ideas?
On a rooted Nook Color running 1.0.1 and attempting to install Froyo as per:
I am unable to push the file (system.img) to the sdcard
At first, I was unable to push any files to the sdcard, but remounting the rootfs enabled me to get the boot.img file there.
Every time I try it with the system.img file, the nook crashes after about 5 minutes and throws a protocol error in adb.
Can anyone suggest a fix for this.
Hi all,
Forgive the noobishness.
I rooted my device using the "One-Click" method found here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1011196. It appears to have flashed the 1.3.0 Tiamat kernel in the process.
I am trying to follow the instructions here to flash the latest 1.4.0 Tiamat kernel: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=978013
When I went to Mounts & Storage --> Mount USB Storage, I received a pop-up in Windows informing me that I had to format the drive before first use. I tried cancelling that to avoid it, but there was no way around it. I ended up formatting some 3MB drive (although I'm not sure where/what this is.)
I then proceed with the instructions "Drop kernel onto SD card". The problem is, the ZIP is larger than 3MB and won't fit onto the drive that shows up on my PC when I mount the storage as instructed.
Confused as to what I actually "formatted for first use", I actually put an SD Card in the Xoom's reader (even though I don't think it was working yet, which is part of why I want the new kernel), and repeated the 'mount' process. This didn't seem to help at all.
So - where did I go awry? Any advice on where to go from here and how to flash 1.4.0? Thanks in advance.
The easiest way to flash tiamat is to download kernal manager for the market and flash that way.
Jthom203 said:
The easiest way to flash tiamat is to download kernal manager for the market and flash that way.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Had no clue such a thing existed. I had to also install Busybox but it seems to have done the trick. Thanks once again for your help!
no worries
I may have spoken too soon. It seems that the method didn't work properly. Kernel Manager says I installed the kernel, but when I go to Settings --> About Tablet, it still shows version 1.3.0 Tiamat kernel.
It also seems to have broken my Wifi Radio, which now says "Error" since the reboot.
Any ideas?
run it one more time. Make sure you hit the more info button to verify the version
How do I run it again? I had verified before that it was the 1.4.0 Kernel in the Info.
When I go back, all it says is "Install" but the button is greyed out.
When I installed BusyBox through the market, I unloaded it to /system/xbin.
Would this explain why WiFi isn't working?
The wifi isn't working because something wasn't pushed right. I would try to flash to 1.3.2 then back up to 1.4.0 if that doesn't work we'll have to manually push the wifi drivers.
Edit :
If you open busybox are you running 1.18.4?
Hey again -
I did as you suggested, flashed down to 1.3.2 then back up to 1.4.0 via Kernel Manager. I should note that each time I flashed, to whichever version, I had to activate the device for the 3G radio to work.
After doing this, Wifi still isn't working. In About Tablet, Kernel Version is showing up as " [email protected] #3".
I am going to have to call it a night but any/all info you can post, I will read in the AM. Thanks again for answering these questions.
Ok this is what i would try next. Go here and down load the 1.3.1 kernel: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=11798679&postcount=2 copy and paste these commands:
1. Reboot into the bootloader by running:
adb reboot bootloader
2. Flash the boot image to your boot partition, then boot back into Android by running:
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot reboot
3. Push the bcm4329.ko, scsi_wait_scan.ko, and any other modules to your /system/lib/modules folder and reboot.
adb remount
adb push bcm4329.ko /system/lib/modules/bcm4329.ko
adb push tun.ko /system/lib/modules/tun.ko
adb push scsi_wait_scan.ko /system/lib/modules/scsi_wait_scan.ko
adb push cifs.ko /system/lib/modules/cifs.ko
adb push vold.fstab /system/etc/vold.fstab
adb reboot
NOTE: Special Instructions for 1.3.1
You have to manually make a new directory called "sdcard2" inside "sdcard" prior to flashing. Either use your file explorer of choice or...
adb shell
mkdir /data/media/sdcard2
CREDIT FOR Flashing Instructions Template goes to coolbho3000
This will enable your sdcard slot. Then you can download the zip 1.4.0 and put it onto you sdcard and flash through clock work recovery
I wonder what exactly you formatted? I don't think the actual SD card will pop up in windows explorer unless you run a script that enables it for USB.
Make sure the sdcard2 folder is in the root xoom folder in windows explorer (or the sd folder in the Xoom explorer), flash down to 1.31, push the five files then flash CWM. If done correctly CWM can mount the actual sd card on its own and you can install 1.40 there.
I reverted to 1.3.1 and the Wifi radio is now fixed. Thanks!
I created the sdcard2 folder, and now have to go scrounge up a microSD.
So, where ought I place the Tiamat_Xoom-v1.4.0.zip? I'm assuming it goes on the sdcard2 folder when I mount the USB storage via CWM? Or do I need to push it to /data/media/sdcard2 via ADB?
EDIT: all figured out now. Thanks to all for your help!
Please note: the 1.4.0 kernel through Kernel Manager is bunk! At least as of last night! Flashing through CWM did the trick, but I had to flash 1.3.1 first...
volta said:
Please note: the 1.4.0 kernel through Kernel Manager is bunk! At least as of last night! Flashing through CWM did the trick, but I had to flash 1.3.1 first...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It might have to do with the fact that the sdcard was not yet functional on your xoom. I started flashing at 1.3.0 and flashed as BRD was releasing stable kernels. So by the time 1.4.0 was released i was all ready on 1.3.2 and Kernal manager worked great for me. But i am glad you were able to get everything working, and enjoy 1.4.0 BRD is doing some excellent work.
3 days ago I rooted my Nexus S running 2.3.3
Now I see that Google have launched 2.3.4, is there any steps I should take to keep root access whilst updating to 2.3.4? I have Clockwork recovery installed, stock rom and stock kernel.
Thanks in advance
After you flashed 2.3.4 update zip, DO NOT REBOOT, do the following:
1) Mount /system
2) Flash su-, the same file you used to root before
3) On your computer, adb shell mv /system/etc/install-recovery.sh{,.bak}
OR delete it,
adb shell rm /system/etc/install-recovery.sh
4) Reboot
You will have your CWM kept and also be rooted.
any idea on flashing different kernels with the 2.3.4?
I've heard there are wifi issues with the current kernels out there. Perhaps there are new kernels being posted here already, but I've not seen any so far.
Hi everybody,
<begin digression>
I'm a longtime reader of the forums, first time poster. I own a TF101 (SBK2+, rooted stock). Considering that Asus is taking forever to officially tell us if they are pushing a Jelly Bean Update (waiting since November), I decided to take the plunge into flashing custom JB ROMs. The approach I took included using the razorclaw utility (when I rooted my tablet this past spring, apparently the .su file was incorrectly placed in the wrong subfolder of system, so the clockworkmod recovery couldn't see the rooted status). After using that, I flashed the clockworkmod recovery (3.2.1 I do believe). Before each attempt I would clear the dalvik cache, the regular cache, and restore to factory defaults. The custom JB ROMs I tried were the EOS ROMs (82,90), CM10 (v6,20120107-Nightly). Since I was having problems, I would always started at square one again with the razorclaw utility (and left the team rouge FX CWM as it was). After more trying (and not getting excepted results), trying to reinstall the stock Rom with team rouge resulted in an error code 7, forcing me to install TWRP-2.2 to flash the stock Rom. I ended up in a stuck boot screen with no recover, forcing an APX connection to NV_flash. Right now I back on the stock Rom.
What I noticed was that in all the custom JB ROMs I tried, I couldn't connect to my router (currently using a hidden SSID with MAC filtering). Checking my routers log the MAC Address was altered (restoring to stock clears this problem).
Why is this MAC address problem consistent across all the ROMs I tried?
(note: I tired looking though the fourms for about 45 mins and couldn't find a posting about this, only one I could find were, 'how to change the MAC address/MAC spoofing')
Here's how to spoof (make sure the adapter is enabled) through ADB or terminal:
busybox ifconfig wlan0 ( to see the current mac address)
busybox ifconfig wlan0 hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:00
I'm not a dev so I can't answer your question about why the MAC is being forged, I'll leave that to the experts.
Edit: See this post.
trying terminal via superuser:
the terminal notes (after privileged EXEC mode level command: busybox ifconfig wlan0 hw ether XX:XX:XX:XX9:F4) that the MAC address is the D9:F4 while the the about tablet status notes it as XX:XX:XX:7C:60. Powercycling the wifi does not change the seen MAC address. As a side note, the 7C:60 MAC Address does remain constant
as a side note, it's kinda funny how the privileged EXEC mode level command uses ifconfig instead of ipconfig (took two cisco CCNA classes back in 2008 hence my usage of the Cisco IOS terms)
(flashed 10-20130107-Nightly-tf101 ROM, with [email protected] #1 Kernel Version)
You can try this I guess, worth a try. I read (but I can't find it now...) that you need to "disable" the card in command line, change the MAC, then enable it (but not through the android menu) for it to work on some devices. You could also submit a bug report to TeamEOS, they should fix it rather quickly.
About your note, ifconfig (interface config) is the BSD developed utility for managing network interfaces. Variations and other branches are available for other *nix OSes. In Linux it replaced the legacy "ip" command to manually configure interfaces. ipconfig (internet protocol config) on the other hand, is the Microsoft equivalent.
Edit again: See this
I'm going to try and systematicly go though each ROM and post screenshots with text annotations
Baseband information:
ASUS Eeepad Transformer TF101
Serial number starting with: C10KA (SBK2+)
Factory MAC address ending with: D9:F4
Home network security: Hidden SSID with MAC address filtering
Recovery program used: Team Win Recovery Project version
Process used to flash ROM images:
Wipe>Interntal Storage
Wipe>Dalvik Cache
Wipe>Factory Reset
Install>Using External SD>(ROM zip files)
For Nightly of Cyanogen Mod 10 from 2013-01-07 (md5: 32083ecd6e159b06168716f898ec405b)
possible reason to changing MAC problem?
This is not intended as a double post, but looking though the files, I think I may have found a possible problem;
I'm able to run 'Android Revolution HD-EeePad 3.6' with no problem. Comparing its wpa_supplicant entries
(wpa_supplicant and wpa_supplicant2) I noticed that the CM ROM's have wpa_supplicant and wpa_cli instead
is it possible that the EOS and CM ROM's are missing data provided in the wpa_supplicant files (or is the file missing by the way JellyBean handles wireless connections)?
attached are the files
Trying some JB roms including jelly_tf_101, I'm still getting a different MAC address (04:46:65:bc:7c:60). Looking in the nvram, I could ot find this MAC address, instead a #macaddr=00:90:4c:c5:00:34 and a macaddr=XX:XX:XX:XX:d9:f4. I tried copying the nvram.txt file, modifing the the #macaddr line of code to the d9:f4, booting into recovery, replacing the nvram.txt and rebooting into system. No bloody change.
I'm getting bloody irrated at the fact that what is supposed to be simple isn't doing jack. I've tried terminal to modify this stupid file. What the heck is going on that is forcing these ROM's to completely disregurad the orginal MAC address?
I'd suggest asking their authors in the respective threads to get an answer for each rom. Some files are only used by binary firmware and these roms don't use that. Stuck in the same scenario with the left speaker fix.
Hi. I just installed Cyanogenmod 10.2 on my tf300t along with cifs-manager and when trying to mount some shared folder, I get an "unknown device" error message.
I tried several solutions to this issue.
As lsmod only returns two modules, I first tried to find and copy some cifs.ko and other cifs related modules into /system/lib/modules - got a read only error and I'm not even sure if the modules I found will work with my current kernel (3.1.10-g47ec43e)
I also tried to install an android 4.3 kernel from the following thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2107224
Flashed it via twrp, wiped dalvik cache, no effect: still cannot mount in cifs-manager (haven't tried mounting directly from command line atm) and oddly, uname -a yields the same kernel version: 3.1.10-g47ec43e (is there anything special I must do when flashing a kernel?)
So here are my questions:
1. Why aren't the cifs modules included in Cyanogenmod as they were before? (if I recall correctly, 10.1 had no such problem).
1.1: Will they get included?
2. Where can I find the proper cifs modules for tf300t, kernel 3.1.10?
2.1: How can I bypass this "read-only" error I'm getting and copy the modules to the right place?
3. Where can I find a kernel build that would perhaps already include the cifs modules?
3.1: What are the precise steps to perform when trying to flash a kernel via TWRP, is marking the .zip file containing the kernel for installation, installing and wiping cache sufficent?
An answer to any of the above questions will be greatly appreciated!
This thread popped up fron a seemingly unrelated google search but I think I can give you a couple hints in case you still haven't figured it out:
1.Cyanogenmod decided to disable module support in the kernel for some reason.
1.1 probably not
2. you need to build a kernel with CONFIG_MODULES=y and CONFIG_CIFS=m, or directly CONFIG_CIFS=y so that you won' need to load a module
2.1 remount system with write support: either with "adb remount" or "mount -o rw,remount /system" from terminal
3. build it yourself or ask someone who makes his own cm build to do it for you
3.1 replace the boot.img from any kernel cwm zip you can find with 7zip; wiping caches is not necessary.