Hey guys, just today I dropped my tablet, my screen is cracked. LCD is fully functional. Just replacing the glass. Found a replacement screen. Got it partially taken apart but am stuck. Cant find a good online tutorial. Help me please
I had to replace the digitizer on my Touch pro and decided to try it myself. One problem- the lcd screen was fuzed with the digitizer and I couldnt get them apart. i ended up messing up the screen in the process. I am getting a new lcd, just waiting till it arrives. My question is- when I go to put them both in, how would get them together like that, or will i just have them pressed together then installed in the phone they will work? Idk. any help would be appreciated. I just got this phone and Im looking forward to using it once its fixed.
Dear XDA'ers,
Earlier this year my wife somehow broke her screen. Her screen still worked and the touch screen also worked, even the parts where the screen was cracked functioned without any problems.
After a while she got jealous of my HTC Sensation with its not-cracked-screen so she decided to do some digging and ordered "NEW TOUCH SCREEN DIGITIZER FOR HTC DESIRE HD A9191 G10 + tools" of ebay (itemnumber =190662521121).
I followed a video on youtube (video id = jG6RLR_tAEs ) to replace the screen but now I am stuck at the seperating the lcd from the digitizer part.
My wife wanted to try seperating it and ended up breaking the outer glass even more so now I think we need an LCD too.
In the video the guy also said he had trouble seperating the two and ended up ordering the chassis+lcd+touch screen digitizer. I want to do the same thing since all the prying messed up the chassis as well.
Does anyone know where I can get my hands on a complete set and also wheather or not my story makes sense. I haven't had much experience replacing screens on smartphones so if anyone has some tips, they're much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Why don't you ask the guy in the video?
Thanks for the tip, I did and he linked me to this:
ebay DOT com /itm/New-LCD-Display-Touch-Screen-Digitizer-Assembly-for-HTC-Desire-HD-G10-A9191-/221076191455?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item33792af8df
Hey guys!
I gave my girlfriend this smartphone as a present and she dropped it. Result: broken digitizer and glass (not LCD). So I followed this video on Youtube on disassembling the Xperia L but the problem I currently have, is not being handled in the video.
Does anyone have an idea how to get the glass plate out of the front part, so we can get the glass plate out of it and replace it?
hi all
i am wondering if anyone can redirect me to any place where i can order (online as i am in Egypt) the front glass of my P6800 as it's broken
the tab is working fine, both LCD and touch screen are working fine. the only broken thing is the upper protective glass
i have been searching on eBay but no luck ...any help would be appreciated as the tablet looks bad
Hello, I dropped my phone a while ago (a couple months) and it cracked the screen allot but the touch screen and lcd/digitizer were working with no issue.
Recently i dropped it again but this time on soft carpet and the LCD and touch screen are not working anymore, the LCD isn't cracked at all. The LED light at the top works and the back and menu buttons work fine.
Help?? plz
There's nothing anyone out here can do to help you for physical damage. You need to either have it repaired or purchase a new device.
Thank you
Thread closed