New games for Tegra 3 and not Tegra 2 - Eee Pad Transformer Themes and Apps

Has anyone noticed that there a new games popping up in the Tegra Zone that state they are built specifically for Tegra 3 devices?
Are we going to get left behind on the newest games because we have the Tegra 2?
Anyone have thoughts on this?

Considering the market for !iPad and that Tegera 3 isn't going to power that big a precentage of remaining Android devices in general, at worst get the "Normal" version instead of T3HD or w/e bull they are calling it now.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk

~Rich~ said:
Has anyone noticed that there a new games popping up in the Tegra Zone that state they are built specifically for Tegra 3 devices?
Are we going to get left behind on the newest games because we have the Tegra 2?
Anyone have thoughts on this?
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It probably says so the TF Prime can utilize it. Im guessing most games should be playable on both, but when it detects quad core, it will increase all the settings. But, im not sure. I know a few games are going to do this, I think Shadowgun.

yea seems that way. but would def be stupid for devs to not make games backward compatible for at least tegra 2 devices.

It will. Look at shadowgun and riptide gp

melcali said:
yea seems that way. but would def be stupid for devs to not make games backward compatible for at least tegra 2 devices.
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It would be stupid for devs not to make games backward compatible with `high definition` systems, as so many people typically seem to name their app.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk

games will probably be exclusive for tegra 3 for a month or so then they will release another version unless the game cannot run on slower hardware.

Games should have settings like PC games do. 1 version with graphical sliders. Why isn't this happening in all games?
There simply aren't enough Tegra 3 (or Tegra 2) devices to develop specifically for. Backwards compatibility would be wise. No game should be Tegra 3 only yet aside from a few tech demos.
Plus it would be a way to sell Tegra 3 devices too. Give me a new game with Tegra 3 support and let me enable all the goodies Tegra 3 supports and see how the game runs. This is why I used to purchase video cards all the time growing up. Run a new game at full glory because it looked pretty but ran at 19fps... whoops, gotta go get a new $500 video card to play a $49 game better.
If they separate the versions then non-Tegra users and Tegra 2 users never know what they are missing.
I also want an upgradable GPU IN MY PHONE!!!!

I agree. They should be all backward compatible. I also like the idea of being able to scale back the graphics to run on older devices and to tempt us to upgrade.
I want an upgradable gpu for my transformer! lol Don't think any of that is ever going to happen.
I saw that in the demo of Glow Ball that is in the Tegra Zone it says it was meant for Tegra 3 and only Tegra 3 processors were capable of handling the intense graphics. It even goes as far to show you want it looks like without the Tegra 3 (on non Tegra processor I believe) graphics which pretty much makes the game not worth it.

Blowfish Studios are making a Tegra 2 then Tegra 3 version of Siegecraft THD. The Tegra 3 version will be a pushed update to the previous version, so I'm told.

Somehow I remember reading somewhere that file picker = bad according to some important Android guy at Google. Which is probably while you get nothing out of their stuff but you get OI File Manager out of CyangonMod. I wouldn't be surprised if someone felt the same way about game settings, especially considering that people probably change phones about as fast as AAA+ games have short shelf lives (ala COD sh!t).
Unless you want to make several sales per device, THD and the rest is all bull.
Buying FooGame and installing it on e.g. an Optimus One should give you a modest ARMv6 friendly APK, lower end build with graphics tuned for common devices of it's era. Installing it on a TFP should give you a Tegera 3 optimised version of the APK. Got a Galaxy Nexus? Different APK than the Transformers, plus another "Generic" APK that is OK on any phone powerful enough to run it. If memory serves we either have this ability in the market or are getting it soon(tm).
That takes care of your old handset, your super tablet, and your new handset. Even better is the licensing option, uninstall from the Optimus One and install on the Galaxy Nexus or whatever you want out of the markets settings. Just like buying a new PC you can transfer the game over, but just like a console: it also would mean no matter what they play off, your less techy relatives that don't know crud about tech don't even have to figure out game settings. Ain't that awesome?
But oh wait, if we have to do that much work anyway for maximum market penetration, why not release FooGame, FooGame HD, FooGame T2HD, and FooGame T3HD? That way we have the option for charging customers by the processor type and bloat our stats to look good to share holders? --> follow the money.
If I'm wrong about the last three paragraphs someone correct me, other wise I think it's all bull. Some companies are really nice about it if you buy one version but in the end, there's no reason for it, except to try and make more $$$ if wanted.
If I'm probably right and it is mostly bull, how about hitting the thanks button to let me know I'm not an idiot?
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk


Interest in testing Vendetta Online for Android?

I'm the lead developer of a space MMO called Vendetta Online. We announced a port to Tegra/Android back in June (see, and we're looking at doing an "open beta" test-release of the port in the near future (as a directly-distributed APK). Our game port has been entirely developed and tested on Tegra tablets and devkits over the past year. The Viewsonic G is one of the few released Tegra tablets, so I'm posting as a general heads-up and to gauge interest. The game trailer is on our front page, and while the Tegra detail level is dialed down a bit from the PC (on which the trailer was shot), it's actually pretty close.. and impressive on a little tablet (in my opinion, however biased ).
At the same time, I have to express some caution. We've had Malata prototype devices for a long time (on which the G is supposedly based), and there may still be some OpenGL ES driver issues present in the Viewsonic OS image (hopefully improved in the Dec 24th update? Unsure). One historical problem caused the game framerate to be drastically reduced.. let's hope this has been resolved.
I'm also not sure how many touch points the G supports. Our Z-Pad only does two, which is.. not really enough (we use two to fly and then an additional one to shoot occasionally, although you can opt for accelerometer flight). The Toshiba Folio 100 does four multi-touches, which works far better. The latency of the touch-response is also a factor, and entirely device-dependent. I've only used a G briefly, and don't really remember what the response was like. FYI.
Lastly, you should all be aware that we're a pay-to-play MMORPG, and I'm not going to be issuing free accounts to testers (that would make things a lot more logistically complex than I'm prepared to deal with right now). We do have a free trial, and if you make friends with an existing subscriber they can also give you a "friend key" that lasts a few weeks. I'm expecting most people to just tinker using the free trial.
Honestly, this "open beta" is more for non-Tegra devices than for released Tegra products.. we're widely tested on Tegra (both released and un-released devices), and we have a pretty good idea of what issues are out there in some of the OS images. But we have no clue about Galaxy Tabs, Snapdragon tablets or other things in the wild. That all being said, I thought it would be cool to include people from here, and potentially give you something that really shows the capabilities of the Tegra. Early Tegra adopters are pretty starved for content, from where I sit (we have many devices, and little to run on them). Plus, getting more people playing with the tablet version and providing usability feedback is helpful, and XDA-developers is definitely a more technically savvy crowd.
If you'd like to be involved, I'd recommend following our Twitter, Facebook or RSS feeds on, or just checking our Android forum regularly. There's no formal process to this testing, no extensive secrecy or signups (beyond making a normal account, and the usual game EULA); we're a single-universe game, so for us this is just "another port" to our existing, live MMO. All accounts can be used across all platforms (currently Mac/Windows/Linux32/Linux64). Our kind of testing is to make the APK available and then listen to what people have to say.
Humm.. we're looking at adding voice-chat support on Android as well, sometime soon. It looks like the G has no mic, but maybe it would work with a bluetooth headset.. no clue really.
I'll try to check back and answer questions if I can, but I'm going to be spending most of my time on getting the Android build ready for a test-release. I'll at least post to this thread when we make the build public.
Happy Holidays everyone.
g tab does have a mic, voice record app works great...see your learning the g tab already!
Sent from my VEGAn-TAB-v1.0.0b3 using Tapatalk
Count me in! Where can I get the APK ?
Sent from my GTablet-TnT-Lite using Tapatalk
I noticed market web says android 3.0 only.
Can you pls confirm? Gtab currently does not have a 3.0 port.
~BAM~ said:
I noticed market web says android 3.0 only.
Can you pls confirm? Gtab currently does not have a 3.0 port.
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It does say 3.0 but also mentions phones, so the text is a bit confusing as written.
If it will run on our current Froyo Gtabs, count me in for testing it out.
I would definitley be interested, and i can test on a tegra 2 and a snapdragon powered device
Sounds good I'll test. Where do we get the apk?
I'll help test, too, if you like.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Vendetta testing
I would test it for sure!
Ive been checking tegra zone on my g tab daily for a release. Unfortunatly i cant download vendetta online from my g tab. I woukd gladly pay a dollar to check it out but cant.
Im really looking forward to checking it out.
Looks like we won't be playing Vendetta until a update comes our way.
From their website...
Vendetta Online for Android released!
Vendetta Online has been released in the Android Market! The game may be installed on any NVIDIA Tegra-based tablet with a 7-inch screen (or larger), running Android Honeycomb (3.0). This includes the recently-released Motorola Xoom.
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More at
I am pretty sure anyone running android 2.3 on their g tab can download and play this game. I tried out a 2.3 rom last night and all the tegra games showed up in the market when they would not on 2.2. I am back on 2.2 now and they wont show up.
I could flash to 2.3 and grab it off the market but the 2.3 rom I have is experimental and if I reboot it stops working. If I could get the instal files off and onto my sd card maybe I could run it when I flash back to 2.2
Someone in the comments on tegra zone said that Vendetta Online runs great on the G-Tab.
No one answered the developers ? About how many touch points we have...I know we have two, but we need more than two. Does anyone know how many touch points we have?
Sent from my VEGAn-TAB-v1.0.0B5.1 using Tapatalk
i am definately interested in testing it out. Gtab ready to go!
More Devs need to start supporting Bluetooth input devices like wii mote. Tablets don't have buttons and I don't care how strong you are, holding your tab out for gsensor control kills your arms after 20 min. Devs need to jump behind this player adopted input method and offer support within the games. Just a thought.
Online space mmo huh? I will buy in. Hope its like a 3D version of Escape Velocity by Ambrosia software.
Sent from my Chromatic Magic using XDA Premium App
I have Samuari 2 running, backbreaker football running, and monster madness running on 4.2.5 TNT lite with no probs. I am worried if i go to 5.0, or GB, i might have trouble playing them! I would give it a shot on this game too, but i need access to a apk!
Advent Vega
Hi I have an Andvent Vega tegra 2 2.2 tablet.
Don't know if you have anyone testing on this hardware, but I'll volunteer if you need one
I actually spoke with Incarnate at CTIA Wireless this week and he mentioned the G Tab and support for it. The issue they ran into with allowing it in the market is that it required a certain piece of code that certain OS's don't recognize and thus can't see (I think there were other issues, but I can't recall). He said they're planning to get it working on GB soon, but that unless the G Tab has more than 2 touch points its useless. The game looked pretty good considering its a tablet He was also kinda disappointed on the lack of interest on here Speak up or you won't get Vendetta!
Multitouch problem already has a solution. Key mapping game controls so people can use USB or Bluetooth input devices.
I have been waiting since first post to get some play time with this title but how excited can someone get without screen shots and an apk. Even just a link to a movie of it in action would be nice. OP needs to update original post with screens and game issues so far so the community can give more feedback.
Sent from my Chromatic Magic using XDA Premium App
I'm interested in trying it if we can get a working version.

[Q] Tegra Zone not compatible?

I thought this phone had tegra inside. Why can't I download any tegra games (pinball) or use the Tegra Zone?
It's a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor, not the Nvidia Tegra 2
Why in the world did I think this was a Tegra? Dang. Buyer's remorse.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA App
if the sensation was tooted, we could play some (most of ?) Tegra games on our devices, unsing Tegra fix, Chainfire 3D drivers, etc
So far, and as I had no choice, I just found a "special" version of Pinball HD for Tegra2, that is compatible with non-Tegra devices.
So yes, I installes a warez, blame me, fire me, but I didn't have choice, I would have bought this game if my Sensation had been rooted and then I could get this game legally.
Hmm i can install the tegra zone... and the game "Dungeon Defenders" works good...
i dont know why the tegrazone are @ the market 4 me )
games like samurai II vengance are only locked but playable with patches from XDA (i think)
you can install Tegra Zone, sure, but it won't let you install the games.
And to apply the patch you're talking about, you need root
i900frenchaddict said:
if the sensation was tooted, we could play some (most of ?) Tegra games on our devices, unsing Tegra fix, Chainfire 3D drivers, etc
So far, and as I had no choice, I just found a "special" version of Pinball HD for Tegra2, that is compatible with non-Tegra devices.
So yes, I installes a warez, blame me, fire me, but I didn't have choice, I would have bought this game if my Sensation had been rooted and then I could get this game legally.
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If the Sensation was tooted? LOL
MrR0ng said:
I thought this phone had tegra inside. Why can't I download any tegra games (pinball) or use the Tegra Zone?
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Tegra 2 is arguably the worst dual core chip when compared to the snapdragon and Samsung dual cores, but yes, it has the best exclusive games.
I wouldn't be upset with having a Sensation. It's far better than the Optimus 2x and Atrix. More reliable too.
My Sensation is on its way. I'm surprised to hear that the Tegra games won't work w/ non Tegra phones. I don't remember reading that when I bought them. Had most of them on my G2X, but I didn't play them all that much though. I always seem to go back to Angry Birds.
Maybe I'll just sell those Apps.
Can't wait to get my new toy!!
ickster said:
My Sensation is on its way. I'm surprised to hear that the Tegra games won't work w/ non Tegra phones. I don't remember reading that when I bought them. Had most of them on my G2X, but I didn't play them all that much though. I always seem to go back to Angry Birds.
Maybe I'll just sell those Apps.
Can't wait to get my new toy!!
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Good to see you made the leap ickster - I couldn't get rid of that G2x fast enough myself - after four bad ones I was OVER IT.
Hey guy...Yeah, but I'm holding onto the G2X for awhile to see how it plays out. I still hold out hope for it. I picked up (held) a Sensy at the tmobile store today, felt pretty nice.....I think I'm gonna like it! Can't wait.....already purchased the hdmi adapter and spare batteries and a charger. I'm ready to go.
i knew going in that it would not work.. luckily i have a xoom to cure that need
jivemaster said:
Tegra 2 is arguably the worst dual core chip when compared to the snapdragon and Samsung dual cores
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Please explain why ? I would like to know
yes ... why do you think that ??
There was a post somewhere on the myouch forums about a hacked version that would let you install the games... Never tried it but people said it worked. If someone finds it it would be gr8
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA App
jivemaster said:
Tegra 2 is arguably the worst dual core chip when compared to the snapdragon and Samsung dual cores, but yes, it has the best exclusive games.
I wouldn't be upset with having a Sensation. It's far better than the Optimus 2x and Atrix. More reliable too.
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LOL... please elaborate, tell me you've at least done a little bit of research before forming an opinion like this?
maybe the sensation will be able to use The newly announced "Playstation Suite" that allows us to play touchscreen optimized playstation roms for like $20 or game or something crazy like that I'm sure
Some games like Dungeon Defenders will work because there is actually two versions of the game. The market checks which hardware you have and downloads the right one. I ran it on my MT4G and Tegra 2 tablet and it downloaded a HQ version on my Tegra 2 Tab but SQ on anything other. I know some games are strictly for T2 and will install on other phones (side loading of course) but will not run

[23/05/12]Tegra 3 Vs A5 vs A5x

I've been looking at alot of material that suggests the Tegra 3 is weak compared to both the A5 as well as A5X,
this shows some benchmarks between the prime and the ipad 2
edit 23/05/12:
after much debate I finally got the One X and decided benchmarks are not at all accurate with the difference being in software, OS, hardware, etc. being hard to actually benchmark universal and accurately.
after playing shadowgun, riptide and running plenty of apps, watching the beautiful smooth graphics and tegra 3 technology; who's to say which phone is better or worse, all that matters is that the htc one x performs excellent! and I look forward to more tegra 3 optimized apps and games.
already a thread with lot of information in it here:
mox123 said:
I've been looking at alot of material that suggests the Tegra 3 is weak compared to both the A5 as well as A5X,
this shows some benchmarks between the prime and the ipad 2
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this was discussed till death on this thread
Discussing the performance of the Tegra 3 SoC
and on this thread
HTC One X and One S - HTC's New Hero Devices! Mega Information Thread
i dont see a need for a new thread....
this shows that the tegra 3 is seriously weak compared to the ipad 3,
This just out from Gizmodo
Transformer Prime VS New iPad
gwuhua1984 said:
This just out from Gizmodo
Transformer Prime VS New iPad
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At least we know that the A5x is not "4x better than" the Tegra chip.
Look more like 20% than 4x. How can they lie like that?
thats weird, because this video shows it is just over 3 x as powerful ???
this is a benchmark of fps between transformer prime vs ipad3 in the gpu arena? am i missing something here? not sure if the tuaw are using the old linpack test which is stated on gizmodo as not being accurate so they didnt carry that one out???
" (Note: We planned to use the age-old Linpack standard test to evaluate CPU performance, but the Linpack apps for iOS and Android are very different, and their results could not be accurately compared.) " gizmodo -
im not sure like i said above if tuaw are using the old linpack standard test which could be giving false readings and showing the benchmark for ipad to be just over 3x as powerful as the tegra 3 which might be false benchmark figures,
Ipad 3 -> all
Magnesus said:
Look more like 20% than 4x. How can they lie like that?
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Paid by apple I would assume.
stupid test IMO
i can agree that the a5x gpu is faster than the T3 but the numbers shown at the gl benchmark is totally biased !!
you need to remember that ANY app that is on the app store goes throgh an apple tech guy and is being optimized to the device before its published.
this is not the case with android market where anyone can put whatever they want , and most of the games/apps are not optimized for a single device (btw that is why apple devices are so good the software is optimized with that device)
i am an android dude myself but i do appreciate apple devices , but from a technological POV if the transformer prime were to be optimized with its os, gpu drivers, and games/apps it will be better than the """new ipad"""
d_brimer said:
i can agree that the a5x gpu is faster than the T3 but the numbers shown at the gl benchmark is totally biased !!
you need to remember that ANY app that is on the app store goes throgh an apple tech guy and is being optimized to the device before its published.
this is not the case with android market where anyone can put whatever they want , and most of the games/apps are not optimized for a single device (btw that is why apple devices are so good the software is optimized with that device)
i am an android dude myself but i do appreciate apple devices , but from a technological POV if the transformer prime were to be optimized with its os, gpu drivers, and games/apps it will be better than the """new ipad"""
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Apple goes through the apps and checks that they work like they should. Apple doesn't tweak or optimize the apps.
The fact is that iOS is better optimized for the hardware it runs on, and since Apple makes both, it's not shocking that their products runs better.
The latest tests shows that the A5X wins at graphical processing while the Tegra 3 wins in calcualtions and memory handling .. and lately they discovered the processing of the A5X and the retina display makes the new iPad get hotter than the iPad 2 by 10 degrees
Sent from my HTC Vision using xda premium
LordManhattan said:
The fact is that iOS is better optimized for the hardware it runs on, and since Apple makes both, it's not shocking that their products runs better.
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I thought Samsung made the hardware, well at least the processor?
ZDNet compared iPad3 and Transformer Prime
ZDNet is quite inconclusive, comparing two games, namely Shadowgun and riptide, in a Tegra3 and an A5X device. While the iPad3 has a little crispier colors and text display (thanks to its Retina display), the Prime displays some special graphics effects not to be seen on the iPad3 (yet). So in the end it depends on the other hardware components and the software optimization I guess..
Tegra needs to out do apple
sickorwuut said:
Tegra needs to out do apple
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Everyone needs something, doesn't mean they'll get it. Though I am on a G2x and believe the Tegra 2 out does the 4s, that iPad is powerful, if only we could slap android on that hoe.
And to people saying that iOS is better optimized for the hardware, you don't think companies just slap Android on these phones right? Some phones seem like it though which is what gives android a bad name for some. But then some custom ROMs come around and can fix a whole wave of problems for phones (especially my G2x).
Sadly though, I don't think NVidia will ever release Tegra 2 drivers for ICS G2x.
Sent from Narnia
LordManhattan said:
Apple goes through the apps and checks that they work like they should. Apple doesn't tweak or optimize the apps.
The fact is that iOS is better optimized for the hardware it runs on, and since Apple makes both, it's not shocking that their products runs better.
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They won't release apps that have accurate benchmarks though and will show that their products aren't so revolutionary. I mean seriously, I like apple, but hate their "Somebody did it first but since we did it months later it's revolutionary," mindset.
Sent from Narnia
lol wow....
Apple like to lie for customer

[Q] Transformer or Transformer Prime?

Hey guys,
So here's my dilemma. I was thinking of getting a netbook for professional purposes (word, mindmapping software and possibily vintage gaming) but I've com to the conclusion that most netbooks pretty much suck hardware-wise (can't even do HD video <.<).
So I took a look at both the Transformers, and with their keyboard dock they seemed like a perfect choice, for their size and usability.
However, the vintage gaming I'm looking for (that I'm willing to throw away at this point) was only available for Windows (mostly). So being that I'm possibly opting for an Android "tablet-book" I'm still wondering this:
Are the rumors that Windows 8 will be ARM-compatible and possbily will work on the Transformer Prime? If so I might get one. If not I'll possibly go for the original transformer. But that leaves me with another question:
Except for the quad-core is the difference from the Tegra2 to the Tegra3 really steep in terms of performance?
Thanks in advance,
Dont hold your breath for windows 8. The rumor says its only going to be sold pre-installed on devices, and not available for download to other devices. And since it isnt open source, porting it to other devices would be quite tricky, and also piss microsoft off.
The Prime is faster, no doubt. But is it enough to justify the price differences? I dont think so.
The tegra2 can not handle 1080p movies. The prime struggles with them as well but can play most of them.
But in whole, it sounds like a tablet wont satisfy your needs, unless you got access to a windows PC you can use through remote desktop all the time.
A tablet can not replace a laptop/pc yet. They arent ment for that. Once win8 tablets start to mature, that might change. But that might take years.
Goatshocker said:
Dont hold your breath for windows 8. The rumor says its only going to be sold pre-installed on devices, and not available for download to other devices. And since it isnt open source, porting it to other devices would be quite tricky, and also piss microsoft off.
The Prime is faster, no doubt. But is it enough to justify the price differences? I dont think so.
The tegra2 can not handle 1080p movies. The prime struggles with them as well but can play most of them.
But in whole, it sounds like a tablet wont satisfy your needs, unless you got access to a windows PC you can use through remote desktop all the time.
A tablet can not replace a laptop/pc yet. They arent ment for that. Once win8 tablets start to mature, that might change. But that might take years.
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Before anything thanks for the reply, every input is useful
The point is, I don't need it to substitute my desktop PC (I have a gaming rig, it would be impossible xD), I do need it to be able to work on documents on the go, read stuff, and browse the web like it was a netbook, but without sacrificing the abitity to watch video like I would have on a netbook.
In terms of gaming I only really need it to run all Android games flawlessly
KezraPlanes said:
In terms of gaming I only really need it to run all Android games flawlessly
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That wont happen, for several reasons;
Gameloft, which has a big amount of good games, hardly supports the Transformers, forcing us to find the games by other means.
A lot of games is only coded for crappy phones with their low-res screens, making them unplayable on a tablet with a larger resolution.
If you want an android device that can play the majority of the games available, you're better of getting a high-end phone ... its a sad world we're living in...
That said, there is a lot of games available, but some takes a lot of time to find.
One example is Order & Chaos... It took me 2 weeks before I actually found a version that works on the TF101, and once gameloft decides to update the game - who knows how long it will take before it will work again.
We have a thread here that lists the gameloft games currently known to work on our TF101's. The list itself isnt updated in quite a while, but the last few pages lists some more games.
I think the Prime forum got a similar thread.
Goatshocker said:
That wont happen, for several reasons;
Gameloft, which has a big amount of good games, hardly supports the Transformers, forcing us to find the games by other means.
A lot of games is only coded for crappy phones with their low-res screens, making them unplayable on a tablet with a larger resolution.
If you want an android device that can play the majority of the games available, you're better of getting a high-end phone ... its a sad world we're living in...
That said, there is a lot of games available, but some takes a lot of time to find.
One example is Order & Chaos... It took me 2 weeks before I actually found a version that works on the TF101, and once gameloft decides to update the game - who knows how long it will take before it will work again.
We have a thread here that lists the gameloft games currently known to work on our TF101's. The list itself isnt updated in quite a while, but the last few pages lists some more games.
I think the Prime forum got a similar thread.
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Thanks for the advice again
But honestly I don't play Gameloft stuff because I hate their shanenigans of making crappy coded games that don't even work the same on two phones with the same hardware.
I'm talking more about many of the indie games that have been popping up on the Market from Osmos HD, to Avadon and Canabalt among many others.
Its a hard choice but if you want gps and great wifi the original tf is the choice.
Documents on the go no problems for me.
If you root and use custom roms and overclock the performance difference at the moment does not justify the price.
Gaming thats a hard one some might say games dont work or hd games are usually released for the prime etc etc. But for me i play ps1 n64 gameboy etc with a ps3 controller on my tf101 i also play sims freeplay and a load of other games that i got direct from the market. You may not get all games but i think the best part of say 4-5 hundred games would be enough for anyone.
The ability to hook it up to the tv and play ps1 games with opengl (makes the old graphics look way better) alone makes it worth loving my android tablet.
Also when i had to decide between netbook and android tablet the winner for me was the tf101 because i can get 18hrs battery life most netbooks i have seen are lucky to last 6.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium HD app
I can watch videos fine on my transformer (I'm not really an avid video watcher who can ONLY watch things in super super HD, seriously, 720 is really good on a screen this small). My tablet is very useful because I mostly browse, read pdfs, and take notes. Sadly, I find that I'm using the keyboard less and less, since the only time I really use it is when I have to type up reports, and latex works better with a bigger screen so I don't even use the keyboard much then..

Tegra 4 Leak

interesting details
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Seeing as how nearly 70% of the apps aren't even working properly on a Tegra 3, I can't see much point of the Tegra 4 yet beyond simple progress.
ShadowLea said:
Seeing as how nearly 70% of the apps aren't even working properly on a Tegra 3, I can't see much point of the Tegra 4 yet beyond simple progress.
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What apps arent available on tegra 3 yet? I've found that on my Prime everything is available on it vs my tf700. Even games were quickly available on Prime ie. Dark Knight, Wild Blood. Including EA games like Need for Speed Most wanted, Mass Effect 3. So I wo I wouldnt discount Tegra 4 just yet...
I'm actually looking forward to the gpu on the tegra4. It's really the only thing their missing.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 2
I think he wants to say that they are not optimized for tegra 3.
Also I can only see hardware bashing.
I just would like to be able to install games period to my $400 tablet!
Mainly the gameloft games, that I bought.
And tons I want to try out, just not on my tiny 4.5" screen phone.
Trigster said:
I just would like to be able to install games period to my $400 tablet!
Mainly the gameloft games, that I bought.
And tons I want to try out, just not on my tiny 4.5" screen phone.
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I totally agree but the issue I think are the devs. They tend to be lazy and only want to add support certain devices. A great example would be Prime and Nexus 7 which are Tegra 3 devices and have a lot of apps and games available for it. Gameloft and EA included. Tf700 does not. But if you side load the games, a lot of them will actually work. Less with EA games though. So for most its probably just adding tf700 as compatible in the play store.
Based on that I dont think it matters too much if you have Tegra 3, 4, 5 or 6 but more device model specific whether app will be available for it or not.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 2
Whoa looks like the GPU will be running past the retina resolution with T4.
1440p video processor?...flat screen LCD TV's have just started showing up in this resolution.
Looks like the big deal with Tegra 4 is the smaller micron die that the processor is built on.
12 nm smaller less heat less power used.
Here we go with the next best thing

