[Q] JAVA chat on honeycomb - General Questions and Answers

Is there any way to use java chat on android honeycomb? like Apple has parachat for iphone & IPADS! please tell me im confused i want to buy either android tablet or android tablet, it is possible i will buy android.

java chat on honeycomb??

ya, like operating systems need JRE. java run time enviroment to be installed to use java based chat rooms in browsers, similarly Apple has made parachat which provides interface to java chat, what android provides?

can someone update me on this request? please provide the solution any developer?


Job writing apps for iphone or windows mobile??

I'm looking for answers to this question because I'm at a cross-road with my career path. I'm attending college to get a computer science degree with the intent on writing software programs for mobile devices. I thought I would go with Windows Mobile platform, but now I'm wondering if I should go with the iphone. I know there are a lot of developers, etc on this forum that do this kind of work and would like anyone with any opinions, comments or hard earned experience to let me know what they would do if they were me.
with iphone or ipod touch you have to own a back to make offical apps
you have to pay app store some money to be able to summit apps for review
if they are suited for app store
the apps have to be written in objectC which is an alternativ to c++ as in
a ext to old ansi c to add object support so it's more pleasing then structs with function pointers
with wm you got 2 realistic paths
using .net compact framework this is the fast way to get something to show for
but is generaly much slower then
native win32 sdk apps where you have to write everything and have less gui IDE do make it
more user friendly for you
but native win32 which is in c++ is much faster
you could get a mac and use bootcamp to install windows then windows would run as native not emulated so it would not be slow
then you could do both asuming you had the time to get into both platforms
allso the sdk of objectC and cocoa for iphones i believe is free and got an IDE too
and with winmobile you have dl the sdk for wm and if you want an IDE you have to pay for visual studio as i dont believe that the free express version of visual studio works with mobile
but i could be wrong
but i believe that the compiler itself is free so if you got the sdk for wm you can compile using an console compiler which is free
I'm not a developer but I started computer science back when I was in school (C/O 07) and I would say that if your lookin for the money iphone apps and blackberry apps are the way to go. If you check out a thread in development and hacking it's about why there isn't a facebook app for windows mobile like there is for blackberry and iphone and a user made a good point iphone apps and blackberry apps are the bread an butter right now. But there is still some possiblities with Andriod recently coming out and also Windows releasing an App store when Windows Mobile 7 is released.
The good thing though is that with developing apps like for Apple you can pretty much do that as a side project and help you generate extra money and be like this guy http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/11/18/iphone.game.developer/index.html?iref=mpstoryview
So it's still a possiblity you could still branch out. I would say to develop for both. Look at the company Beejive. They developed a great messanger app for the blackberry and then for the iphone and now for windows mobile is still in the beta and probably soon one for andriod. But final words I would say don't limit yourself. If you really like and want to program and you think you have a good app that would be useful on all platforms then go for it.
Sorry to talk your head off.
Rudegar said:
with iphone or ipod touch you have to own a back to make offical apps
you have to pay app store some money to be able to summit apps for review
if they are suited for app store
the apps have to be written in objectC which is an alternativ to c++ as in
a ext to old ansi c to add object support so it's more pleasing then structs with function pointers
with wm you got 2 realistic paths
using .net compact framework this is the fast way to get something to show for
but is generaly much slower then
native win32 sdk apps where you have to write everything and have less gui IDE do make it
more user friendly for you
but native win32 which is in c++ is much faster
you could get a mac and use bootcamp to install windows then windows would run as native not emulated so it would not be slow
then you could do both asuming you had the time to get into both platforms
allso the sdk of objectC and cocoa for iphones i believe is free and got an IDE too
and with winmobile you have dl the sdk for wm and if you want an IDE you have to pay for visual studio as i dont believe that the free express version of visual studio works with mobile
but i could be wrong
but i believe that the compiler itself is free so if you got the sdk for wm you can compile using an console compiler which is free
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Good point

[Q] Running Andoird applications on iOS?

Is there a way to run Android applications on an iOS?
I'm asking because I keep hearing about how Android is java-based so I though it might be possible that someone ported a java-based platform that can execute it on the iPhone.
It would be handy to be able to develop applications for Android and then just have them execute on an iOS platform if the users so wished.

Developing for Android and iOS - 2 native apps or just 1 with cross-platform toolkit?

I want to develop an app for both Android and iOS and was considering using a cross-platform toolkit. Currently I'm tending towards Appcelerator Titanium as it uses native widgets.
However, since I only really want to target 2 platforms, is it worth doing that? Or should I get myself a cheap Mac Mini (or run OSX under a VM or something) and just develop it natively for both?
Opinions of people who have developed for both platforms would be very helpful.
Asfand Qazi
iphone / iOS now has "Alien" which can be used to run android dalvik code directly on the device, I suppose it depends what you are developing?
If your app uses ndk I don't think alien will help because the two devices are not the same inside, but pure Dalvik apps would run through alien and this would halve your dev time worrying about cross-platform issues.
I would have said flash or AIR but I have heard aple has spat the dummy again over AIR and flash apps on it's store so I'd skip that.
Also worth thinking about is something like web apps because both android and iOS support apps ased on webpages. remember it does not have to be the next microsoft office to make bucks.
Just some ideas to get the ball rolling
I'm primarily going for a native look and feel for each platform, so although those options are interesting, I don't think they would suit me. Interesting anyway though, maybe I'll use one of those for a future project.

[Q] Confused about Android/Java (please help!)

I'm trying to get started developing Android applications but I have hit a bit of a wall.
I've been learning Java, and finally downloaded the Android SDK yesterday. The official Android Developers site says that Android applications are built using Java, but when I started following the "getting started" tutorial I quickly realized that it is not really using Java, and i hardly recognize a thing.
After a bit of searching I found that Android apps do not use Java, they use.... 'Android.'
Now, I understand that the Android language is based on Java, but I still can't help but feel as though I've been wasting my time when I could have been learning Android directly.
My questions are:
1. What is the best non-YouTube resource for learning Android? (I don't have unlimited internet)
2. Why does the Android site claim that it's apps are built with Java?
3. Why didn't they just actually use Java? Why did they have to modify it into a different language? Is it to purposefully make things more complicated and annoy people, or is Java too limited for mobile apps?
I don't know if you remember the big Google/Oracle (developers of Java) lawsuit a while back, although it is unrelated to Java itself, that is probably one of the reasons AOSP decided against using the actual Java language in creating apps. Since it's based on Java, people who have some Java experience would probably have a head start than someone with no Java experience.
To answer your first question, your best bet would be to go to a bookstore like Barnes and Noble and buy an Android development book. They have plenty of books out there for developing for Android and does not require the internet.

[Q] App for running eclipse on Andorid

Hi all,
Just inquiring if there is any app I could install on my android tab
and be able to do some java programming, like running Luna Eclipse
which does so well on windows.
@faeiz747, despite its Linux roots, Android is far from capable of running Eclipse IDE as is. Not only is the hardware inadequate for supporting such a large application, but Android lacks a full Java SE JVM (Dalvik is a subset) and SWT (Eclipse UI framework) implementation for native Android UI controls does not exist. On Linux, SWT implementations exist only for GTK and Motif.
You may be interested in Project Orion, which is an effort at eclipse.org to create Eclipse-like experience in the browser. I understand that people have been able to use Orion from a mobile browser on devices such as the one on the iPad.

