Need HELP in order to flash custom ROM!! - Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I realize that are more open discussion regarding this subject but as a precaution I still want a second opinion.
So that being said I want to upgrade to [DFT Freedom ROM] Mango 7720 CustomV2 ROM for HTC WP7 First Generation
Phone: HTC Trophy 1st gen
What I've done so far:
1. Chevron 7 Unlocked and interop unlocked
2. Updated to NoDO
3. Updated to Mango but restored to backup as unlocked was lost (now NoDo Unlocked)
Firmware: 2250.21.12200.164
Rom Version:
CV: 164 I belive is Vodafone SP
Bootloader info:
PC40100 SS-BC (4k)
SPL-4.6.2250.0(129185) MNG
MicroP (LED) 0x09
Touch AI (V10,20)
What are the steps I need to do in order to achieve my goal??
4.I am not shore if I need to downgrade SPL in order to load DFT HSLP/RPSL and for this that I need to flash a stock branded ROM (!?) or I can just flash the SPL from it?
5.After that I can flash [DFT Freedom ROM] Mango 7720 CustomV2 ROM for HTC WP7 First Generation ?
So anyone that knows what needs to be done and kind enough to offer help regarding steps 4 and 5 please help me!
Thank you in advance!

Nobody knows?


Need HELP in order to flash custom ROM

I realize that are more open discussion regarding this subject but as a precaution I still want a second opinion.
So that being said I want to upgrade to [DFT Freedom ROM] Mango 7720 CustomV2 ROM for HTC WP7 First Generation
Phone: HTC Trophy 1st gen
What I've done so far:
1. Chevron 7 Unlocked and interop unlocked
2. Updated to NoDO
3. Updated to Mango but restored to backup as unlocked was lost (now NoDo Unlocked)
Firmware: 2250.21.12200.164
Rom Version:
CV: 164 I belive is Vodafone SP
Bootloader info:
PC40100 SS-BC (4k)
SPL-4.6.2250.0(129185) MNG
MicroP (LED) 0x09
Touch AI (V10,20)
What are the steps I need to do in order to achieve my goal??
4.I am not shore if I need to downgrade SPL in order to load DFT HSLP/RPSL and for this that I need to flash a stock branded ROM (!?) or I can just flash the SPL from it?
5.After that I can flash [DFT Freedom ROM] Mango 7720 CustomV2 ROM for HTC WP7 First Generation ?
So anyone that knows what needs to be done and kind enough to offer help regarding steps 4 and 5 please help me!
Thank you in advance!
Sorry for posting this in the wrong section... don't know how this happened, so if any admin is watching, please close this as I posted another in the right section.
My apologize again.

[Q] Flashing HTC Surround with DFT rom or downgrade to nodo

Hello everybody,
I am a noob on flashing Windows Phones. Since I cannot wait for interop-unlock for my phone I could use some help on flashing my AT&T surround.
1) How do I use the DTF RSPL to flash their rom? If someone has a sort of complete tutorial on how to do that I'll really apppreciate.
2) They said not to use RSPL with Mango RUU or with SHubert 4.XX. I have Mango (7720) installed on my device with all the updates. Can I still use RSPL (version and number looks compatible)?
If not of them is working can I revert back to Nodo (and how) to interop unlock and then upgrade.
I have searched the whole forum but I am not able to get a complete view of the processes.

[Q] How to get DFT ROM on a locked HTC HD7 5.1xx firmware?

Hi these our are HTC HD7 SPecs
OS: 7.10.8107
Used to be dev unlocked + interop lock by ansar's guide now
My phone locked itself out of the blue and the only advice i was given was to :
1)Get DFT rom on it
2)Find and flash a stock official rom dating back to nodo (WHich i can't find)
Im not very good with tech and hacks so can someone who is kind enough to instruct me on how to flash a DFT rom on my phone please
I don't know what SPL or if my phone has spl etc.
I don't even understand the requirements :
1. Before doing any operations be sure you have battery level more than 50%!
Sometimes in SPL mode WP7F devices DO NOT charge. You may got a cold brick if it power down during SPL or RADIO update!
2. Stock RUU ROMs have two NBH inside, SPL_Signed and RUU_Signed.
So it's not possible directly flash stock ROM, you need extract files and remove SPL_Signed.nbh at least.
3. Rememeber if you have HSPL and you flashing stock RUU_Signed.nbh you lost HSPL!
4. Supported OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7.
The link to DFT rom:
answer in the tutorial i wrote, which is stickied in HD7 General.
direct link can be found in my signature.

[Q] Messed up bootloader on my trophy!

So I have been spying here on xda a few months now since I got my trophy off ebay. There are custom roms here that I wanted to try so I followed guides to RSPL and HSPL. So I HSPL'd my trophy and installed ansars unbranded trophy rom with 1.09 this worked and got my bootloader replaced by 1.09 instead of HSPL.
Then I had problems with the marketplace giving me errors so I had to revert back to my original rom which was DE so I flashed it straight to the phone without HSPL. Now the rom installed fine, only my bootloader now says:
ÇÊÀ-|Eï SS-BC (4K)
MicroP(LED) 0x09
TOUCH A19v10,20)
What I believe is that ÇÊÀ-|Eï should say PC40100.
Now I cannot install the stock rom or any other rom, or even hspl as it gives out vender/model id error. I have tried goldcard with the trophy but it gets stuck at "checking".
Can anyone help me?
Willing to donate to the person who can help me.
The only fix I know of for that state is to install a stock bootloader update. You might be able to find one in the CAB list thread on the dev&hacking sub-forum, or you may just need to wait. I've only seen it reported once before, but an official bootloader update fixed it (of course, you'll need to downgrade the bootloader again).

Interop unlock: HTC 7 Trophy/Spark

after I sent my Trophy to a HTC repairment center, they gave it back to me with the newest OS. Therefore my interop unlock is come. Now I would like to have it interop unlocked, again.
My system information:
OS-Version: 7.10.8107.79
Firmwarerevision: 2250.21.51201.162
Hardwarerevision: 0003
Bootloader: 5.12.2250.1(134400)
As I know, its not possible to unlock it anymore, therefore I tought of installing a custom rom. For this I would need to install HSPL first, dont I? And for HSPL I need to downgrade my OS because of the version. I read somethign about the goldcard method, but did not understand evertyhing. Which OS version do I need to chose for the "device-specific .nbh image"?
It would be really kind if you could answer my questions - looking forward to help
Are you a Spark or Spark_W user (Verizon CDMA model). Anyway about it, check in the Trophy area on this site. THere is a lot of info for both models.
As my case, I have a Verizon Trophy. I was on the same level as you.
I needed to HSPL, down grade the OS version, then I could flash a rom. Your on the right path.
Goldcard method is if your partly bricked, it does not sound like your at that point.
When chosing your rom, just make sure you use the correct rom for your phone, a SPARK (GSM) rom should not be used on a SPark_W (CDMA) and back.
Good luck...
I have a normal Spark (Vodafone). If I want to downgrade the OS I need to use the goldcard method or? And which image do I have to choose? Because there are a lot of them available. Does it make a difference, which branding I have?
Thanks for the answer
/EDIT: I have this list, but no clue, which version I need to choose...
From a 5XXXX bootloader, I believe you'll need to use GoldCard or SLSPL to downgrade to a HSPL-compatible version. GoldCard is the method that I know will work.
And which version should I use? Because I am kinda confused becuase of the mass of available versions...
Would this version work on my vodafone branded phone? "RUU_Spark_S_Vodafone_DE_5.12.162.01_5.69.09_RELEASE.exe"
Or which version would you recommend?
Would this work?
Please tell me whether this will work...Or which version I should use instead of this.

